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Personal-professional Interconnections: Contextualizing Teachers' Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the ClassroomShori, Nivedita Mani 20 November 2013 (has links)
Teachers' use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the classroom has largely been studied to date with a focus on what is lacking. An important aspect that seems to have been understudied is how teachers' own histories and experiences of ICT connects to their teaching practices - in essence, focussing on what is 'present' and not what is 'missing'. This study examines five teachers working in the same school, but working very differently with ICT in their classrooms. The narratives of their lived experiences highlight the acquisition of their beliefs, attitudes and their in situ behaviours about the role of ICT in the classroom. A critical look at the factors responsible for shaping such behaviours suggests the value of understanding individuals' experiences when planning for technology-utilization, rather than prescribing a "teacher-proof" (Connelly & Clandinin, 1988) approach to technology uptake.
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Pedagogų IKT kompetencija ir jos raiška profesinėje veikloje / Teachers' ICT competence and it's identification in teacher professional activitiesČesonytė, Jurgita 30 May 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo problema: Lietuvoje nepakankamai ištirta kokių žinių ir gebėjimų pedagogai turi turėti siekiant taikyti IKT ugdymo procese: parengiant savarankiškai besimokantį ugdytinį, gebantį tirti atvirus švietimo išteklius, vertinti jų patikimumą, taikyti IKT formalaus ugdymo procese. IKT kompetencija pedagogo profesinėje veikloje nėra apibrėžta, o pedagogo profesijos kompetencijos apraše pateiktas IKT kompetencijų apibrėžimas neatitinka šiuolaikinių IKT kompetencijų tarptautinių aprašų bei pedagogo veiklai keliamų reikalavimų švietimo reformos kontekste.
Tyrimo objektas – pedagogų IKT kompetencija.
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pedagogų IKT kompetencijos sandarą ir jos raišką profesinėje veikloje.
Tyrimo uždaviniai:
1. Aptarti pedagogo profesines kompetencijas Mokytojo profesijos kompetencijos aprašo kontekste.
2. Apibrėžti pedagogo IKT kompetenciją.
3. Apžvelgti Lietuvoje atliktus IKT kompetencijos raiškos tyrimus pedagogo profesinėje veikloje.
4. Ištirti pedagogų IKT kompetencijos raišką profesinėje veikloje.
Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, duomenų analizei naudota aprašomoji statistinė analizė (naudojant SPSS Statistics 19 programą). Duomenų rinkimui naudota internetinė apklausa ir struktūruotas interviu.
Pagrindinės išvados:
1. Kompetencijos sąvokos vienaskaitos ir daugiskaitos formos panaudojimas „Mokytojo profesijos kompetencijos apraše“ (2007) yra painus ir nelogiškas – mokytojų profesinę kompetenciją sudaro aštuonios kompetencijos.
2. Pedagogo IKT... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research issue: In Lithuania has not been sufficiently explored yet, which specific knowledge and skills the teacher should have in order to use ICT tools in the educational process under certain conditions: developing self-learners among children who are able to explore open educational resources, to value their validation, to apply and to use ICT in formal educational process. ICT application competencies are not described and ICT competence definition in teacher's professional competence schedule does not meet the definition of modern ICT competencies in the international schedule and the requirements of teachers' activities in context of education reform.
Research subject – teachers' ICT competence.
Research aim – to determine the contents of teacher ICT competence and it's identification in teacher professional activities.
Research goals:
1. To discuss teacher ICT competencies in the context of teacher professional competence schedule in Lithuania.
2. To define teacher ICT competence.
3. To review ICT competence identification researches in teachers’ professional activities in Lithuania.
4. To explore teachers' ICT competence identification.
Research methods – analysis of scientific literature, data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical analysis (using SPSS Statistics 19 program). Data collected using an online survey and structured interviews.
The main conclusions:
1. The use of the singular and plural forms of ‘Competence’ term in “Teachers... [to full text]
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Digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen för elevers ökade motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse. / Digital ans social media in teaching för increased motivation, participation and achievment for students.Olsson, Signhild January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine both 1) how aware teachers in a specific area are about ICT tools in teaching ; and 2) how likely teachers are to use ICT tools to reverse the trend of unmotivated students and low achievement scores . I will look for answers through the following questions: How extensive is the knowledge of the teachers on digital and social media in education? How have teachers in the past year used various social media in their teaching? In what grade does ICT-supported teaching lead to higher motivation, participation and achievement? Is there a difference between the sexes, different stages (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) and number of years in the profession in knowledge of and openness to the use of ICT in education? The method used is a questionnaire in which a number of respondents have answered a number of questions about ICT tools in teaching. Validity of the study can be said to be high when the survey has measured what it intended to measure, however, I need to be careful in draw full account of the result as the response rate is low with only 39%. In summary, the results show that there is low awareness among respondents about the methods and the digital and social tools I lift in the survey. Mainly the respondents use some of the methods and the digital and social tools in preparation for the lesson. There is significant difference between the grades and the perception of the method as well as digital and social media's importance to student motivation, participation and achievment. It is in grade 1-3 that there are essentially knowledge , propensity to use and as in fact using digital and social tools most The conclusion is that there will be no successful venture in schools if there is a loss of an overall perspective of the venture from the school itself, central schoolmanagement and the political level, and it is important that there will be an investment in equipment, infrastructure and last but not least skills to use ICT in teaching . These conclusions are supported by the research findings. Keywords: One-to- one , ICT, ICT, digital media, social media , motivation , 1-1 / Syftet med studien var att undersöka dels 1) hur pass medvetna lärare i ett specifikt område är om IKT-verktyg i undervisningen; samt 2) hur benägna lärare är att använda IKT-verktyg för att vända trenden med omotiverade elever och låg måluppfyllelse. Detta ska jag söka svar på genom följande frågeställningar: Hur stor är kunskapen hos lärarna om digitala och sociala medier i undervisningen? Hur har lärarna under det senaste året använt sig av olika sociala medier i sin undervisning? I vilken grad anser lärarna att digitala och sociala medier har betydelse för elevens motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse? Är det skillnad mellan könen, olika stadier (1-3, 4-6, 7-9) samt antal år i yrket i kunskap om och öppenhet inför att använda IKT i undervisningen? Metoden som har använts är ett frågeformulär där ett antal respondenter har fått svara på ett antal frågor ang IKT-verktyg i undervsinignen. Undersökningens validitet kan sägas vara hög då enkäten har mätt det den har avsett att mäta, däremot behöver jag vara aktsam i att dra för stora växlar på resultatet då svarsfrekvensen är låg med enbart 39 %. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att det finns låg kunskap hos respondenterna om metoderna samt de digitala och sociala verktygen som lyfts i undersökningen. Huvudsakligen använder respondenterna en del av metoderna samt de digitala och sociala verktygen i förberedelser inför lektion samt i lektionen som stöd för undervisningen samt för anpassningar av undervisningen. Det är signifikant skillnad mellan årskurserna och uppfattning om metodernas samt digitala och sociala mediers betydelse för elevens motivation, delaktighet och måluppfyllelse. Det är i åk 1-3 som det i huvudsak finns kunskap om, benägenhet att använda och som använder digitala och sociala verktygen mest. Slutsatsen är att det blir ingen lyckad satsning i skolan om det inte finns ett helhetsperspektiv på satsningen från den enskilda skolan, förvaltning och politik, på utrustning, infrastruktur och sist men inte minst kompetensutveckling. Där får slutsatserna från undersökningen stöd av forskningsgenomgången i ganska hög grad. Nyckelord: En-till-en, IKT, ICT, digitala medier, sociala medier, motivation, 1-1
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Effects of Professional Development on Teachers' Integration of ICT in Teaching in Hong KongLeung, Kin Ping January 2004 (has links)
This study produced a theoretically grounded model of professional development suited for supporting teachers in Hong Kong to embed Information and Communication Technologies into the Primary School Curriculum. The model was developed and tested over two years through an intervention based on participatory action research involving school staff and the researcher as a critical friend. The model was tested through the analysis of extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis of teacher behaviours and curricular documents. Teachers' beliefs and practices were found to change significantly during the first year of the project and were further refined during the second year. Leadership, collegial support, physical infrastructure, teacher self-efficacy, and technical knowledge were identified as the most important factors underpinning the successful implementation of the program. The model addresses these factors and has considerable potential to impact on educational practice involving ICT in the Hong Kong context.
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Στρατηγική οργάνωσης και διοίκησης των νέων τεχνολογιών στις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσειςΠαπασταθόπουλος, Αβραάμ 11 January 2010 (has links)
Η παρούσα διδακτορική διατριβή πραγματεύεται το θέμα της επιχειρησιακής στρατηγικής των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορικής και Επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ) στις Μικρομεσαίες Επιχειρήσεις (ΜΜΕ), καθώς επίσης και τον τρόπο με τον οποίο οι ΤΠΕ επηρεάζουν στην πραγματικότητα την ανάπτυξη και την ανταγωνιστικότητα των ΜΜΕ. Ο λόγος που στρέψαμε το ερευνητικό ενδιαφέρον μας στις ΜΜΕ έγκειται στη κοινή παραδοχή ότι συμβάλλουν αποφασιστικά στην οικονομική ανάπτυξη, την παραγωγή, την ανταγωνιστικότητα, την απασχόληση καθώς επίσης στην αποκέντρωση και την κοινωνική συνοχή. Επίσης, λειτουργούν ως φυτώρια νέων επιχειρήσεων, καινοτόμων ειδών και εφαρμογών, ευέλικτων επιχειρηματικών σχημάτων, εξυπηρέτησης τοπικών αναγκών καθώς και χωροταξικής κατανομής θέσεων απασχόλησης και εισοδήματος. Από την άλλη, η αναγκαιότητα ύπαρξης μιας σύγχρονης τεχνολογικής υποδομής στο επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον θεωρείται πλέον μία αυτονόητη αξία, καθώς συμβάλλει στην αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας και της ανταγωνιστικότητας μιας επιχείρησης, ενώ, ταυτοχρόνως της παρέχει την απαιτούμενη ευελιξία για να προσαρμόζεται στις ταχέως μεταβαλλόμενες συνθήκες της αγοράς.
Για την βιβλιογραφική ανασκόπηση του θέματος βασιστήκαμε σε μεγάλο αριθμό επιστημονικών μελετών καθώς και στη μελέτη σχετικών ερευνών με το αντικείμενο της έρευνάς μας. Η συλλογή των πρωτογενών στοιχείων πραγματοποιήθηκε με τη μέθοδο των προσωπικών συνεντεύξεων και με τη χρήση δομημένου ερωτηματολόγιου στο χώρο εργασίας των ερωτώμενων. Από τις εκατό ΜΜΕ που προσεγγίσαμε, αποκρίθηκαν θετικά για συμμετοχή στην έρευνας μας οι πενήντα τέσσερις (54). Η επιλογή του δείγματος έγινε με τυχαία στρωματοποιημένη δειγματοληψία στους Νομούς Αττικής, Θεσσαλονίκης, Αχαΐας και Ηρακλείου.
Η εμπειρική ανάλυση ανέδειξε σημαντικά στατιστικά στοιχεία για την χρήση των ΤΠΕ στις διάφορες κατηγορίες των ΜΜΕ και στους τέσσερις κλάδους οικονομικής δραστηριότητας που έλαβαν μέρος στην έρευνα μας. Επίσης, σημαντικές στατιστικές υποθέσεις ελέγχτηκαν για την εξακρίβωση της σχέσης-εξάρτησης μεταξύ των ΤΠΕ και των διαφορετικών κατηγοριών και των κλάδων των ΜΜΕ. Εν συνεχεία, η ταξινόμηση των ΤΠΕ καθώς και η δημιουργία των νέων οργανωτικών δομών (ΤΠΕ-Οργανωτικές δομές – οργανωτικές δομές που προέκυψαν ανάλογα με το είδος των ΤΠΕ που έχουν υιοθετηθεί από τις ΜΜΕ) μας έδωσαν την ευκαιρία για περαιτέρω στατιστικούς ελέγχους καθώς και την δυνατότητα δημιουργίας τριών υποδειγμάτων, εκ των οποίων, το πρώτο εξετάζει την πιθανότητα ανάπτυξη των ΜΜΕ μέσω των ΤΠΕ, το δεύτερο υπόδειγμα εξετάζει την επίδραση των ΤΠΕ-οργανωτικών δομών και των κλάδων οικονομικής δραστηριότητας στις επενδύσεις σε ΤΠΕ από τις ΜΜΕ και το τρίτο υπόδειγμα εξετάζει την επίδραση από την ύπαρξη συγκεκριμένης στρατηγικής υιοθέτησης και χρήσης των ΤΠΕ και των νέων ΤΠΕ-οργανωτικών δομών στις επενδύσεις σε ΤΠΕ από τις ΜΜΕ. / The present doctoral thesis deals with the subject of Strategic Management of Technologies of Information technology and Communications (ICT) in Small to medium-sized Enterprises (SME), as well as the way in which the ICT influence actually the growth and the competitiveness of SME. The reason, we turned our inquiring interest in the SME lies in the common admission that small and medium sized enterprises decisively contribute to economic development, production, competitiveness, employment, as well as decentralization and social coherence. They also function as the seedbed of new enterprises, innovative products and applications, flexible business forms, servicing of local needs and a zoning plan for the distribution of employment and income. On the other hand, the existence necessity of a modern technological infrastructure is considered as an obvious value in the enterprising environment, as contributes to the increase of productivity and the competitiveness of enterprise. At the same time, new technological inventions give the necessary flexibility to SME for adapting themselves rapidly to the altering conditions of markets.
PhD combines a significant literature review of relevant journal publications with primary data collected from the various SMEs. A joint methodology of fully-structured questionnaire and in-depth interviews was selected as the primary research instrument in order to gain as broad a view as possible of the issues surrounding application of ICT. A total of 100 companies was selected and letters were sent out requesting an interview, while follow-up telephone calls by the researchers negotiated access to each business. Fifty-four SMEs were positive responded. A stratified random sample of SMEs was drawn among a spectrum of SMEs in the Prefectures of Attica, Thessaloniki, Achaia and Heraclion.
The empirical analysis brought out important statistical elements in the use of ICT for the various categories of SME in the four sectors of economic activity. Also, important statistical hypotheses were tested for the verification of the relationship-dependence between the ICTs and SMEs. The classification of ICT and the creation of new organizational forms (ICT-organizational forms, which have been come from the type of ICT that have been adopted by the SME) offered us the opportunity for further statistical tests as well as the capability for the creation of three models. The first model examines the probability of small firm’s development through the effective-efficient use of ICT (The potential for development of the SMEs was evaluated through a model of binomial logistic regression). The second model examines the influence of ICT-Organizational Forms and Industry Sectors on ICT-Investments, and, the third model tests the influence of ICT-Organizational Forms & ICT-Strategy (SMEs, which have set up a specific strategy for the adoption and use of ICTs) on ICT-Investments in SME sector. (The influence of ICT-Organizational Forms was evaluated through a model of a two-way Analysis of Variance-ANOVA).
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Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) : facteurs de développement humain : cas de la Région Méknès-Tafilalet au Maroc / The information technology and communication : factors of human development : the case of Region Meknes-Tafilalet in MoroccoBen el Maati, Abdelkader 11 October 2013 (has links)
La présente étude essaie de répondre au questionnement : les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), contribueraient-elles à la création d’emplois au Maroc et lesquels emplois généreraient-ils des revenus assez suffisants pour permettre aux acteurs TIC les uns, de se prendre en charge pour leurs besoins essentiels (nourriture, habillement, logement décent, soins) et pour d’autres de mener une vie meilleure (se marier, avoir son propre logement, une sécurité sociale , un moyen de transport, l’accès aux loisirs, pouvoir économiser). En prenant en considération d’une part, le niveau de vie de la grande majorité et d’autre part la culture sociale et religieuse des marocains, la notion de développement humain se réduit principalement à l’amélioration matérielle des conditions de vie. Pour vérifier l’hypothèse, une enquête a été effectuée dans la région de Méknès-Tafilalet au Maroc. Cette étude, basée sur les données de 239 sondés par questionnaire exerçant dans 113 entreprises (téléboutiques, cybercafés, centres d’appel, opérateurs, l’administration publique) et sur les interviews et les témoignages de 24 utilisateurs) a révélé que, sur le plan économique, les activités TIC luttent contre le chômage en procurant de l’emploi même à ceux qui n’ont aucune formation dans le domaine et permettent l’accès aux différents indices de la hiérarchie de développement humain et ce proportionnellement aux niveaux de qualification. Sur le plan social, les services rendus par les TIC (téléphonie et internet de proximité, transmission des événements sportifs et politiques, réseaux sociaux, guichets automatiques, services de la e-administration, et de la e-gouvernance…) ont apporté une grande satisfaction aux utilisateurs. Cependant, l’étude a révélé que les TIC ont aussi des impacts négatifs sur la société (perte d’emplois, réduction de revenus, délinquance, cybercriminalité, …) et sur l’environnement. / This study tries to answer the question: the information technology and communication (ICT) to help they create jobs in Morocco and which jobs they generate income sufficient enough to allow the ICT actors some, take responsibility for their basic needs (food, clothing, housing, health care) and for others to live a better life (getting married, having its own housing, social security, means of transport, access to leisure, to save). Taking into account the one hand, the standard of living of the majority and secondly the social and religious culture of Morocco, the concept of human development is reduced mainly to improve material conditions of life. To test the hypothesis, a survey was carried out in the Départment of Meknes-Tafilalet in Morocco. This study, based on data from 239 respondents throught questionnaire practicing in 113 companies (phone shops, cafes, call centers, operators, public administration) and on interviews and testimonies from 24 users) showed that the economic, ICT activities struggle against unemployment by providing employment even those who have no training in the field and provide access to various indices of the hierarchy of human development and in proportion to the level of qualification. On the social services provided by ICT (Internet, telephony, and nearby transmission of sports events and political, social networks, ATM services, e-government and e-governance ...) have made a great user satisfaction. However, the study revealed that ICT also have negative impacts on society (cybercrime, job loss, reduction in income..) and on the environment.
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The influence of personality traits and ICT use on the boundary management of home-based teleworkersEvans, Hannah January 2018 (has links)
This mixed methods study contains two studies that are linked together sequentially to explore the work/nonwork boundary management of home-based teleworkers through the overarching research question: Do personality traits and ICT use influence how teleworkers manage their work-nonwork boundary? Mobile ICT s such as smartphones are becoming increasingly more important for work and they can have a boundary blurring effect on the work-nonwork boundary as they may be used at anytime and anywhere. However, the issue of how personality traits influence ICT use and work-nonwork boundary management has been neglected, particularly in a teleworking context. As people manage their work-nonwork boundaries differently and some people work better at home than others, it is not known to what extent personality traits play a role in boundary management and ICT use. Study One explores the relationships between the big five personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion and neuroticism, the facet level traits of dutifulness, gregariousness, and impulsiveness and work/nonwork boundary interruptions. It also explores the relationships between these traits and frequency of technology use for work purposes and the relationship of ICT s (smartphones, tablets and laptops) to work/nonwork boundary interruptions. Data was collected via an online survey, with recruitment from social media sites and Local Authorities totalling 391 usable responses. Conscientiousness was found to be negatively related to work-nonwork and nonwork-work interruptions, dutifulness negatively related to nonwork-work interruptions, neuroticism positively related to work-nonwork interruptions and impulsiveness positively related to nonwork-work interruptions. Personality traits were found to have small correlations to boundary interruptions which was a new finding, although it was expected that the correlations might have been larger than they were found to be. Extraversion was positively related to frequency of laptop use and extraversion and gregariousness were positively related to frequency of smartphone use, neuroticism was negatively related to frequency of smartphone use which were new findings in a work context. Frequency of ICT use was positively related to work-nonwork interruptions, with smartphones showing the highest correlation, followed by tablet and then laptop displaying a stepped effect. This finding of a stepped effect was new and suggests that the portability of smartphones makes them much easier to connect to work out of hours, than laptops and tablets. The second study included interviews from 20 participants who had completed the survey, four from each of five boundary management groups (Strong Segmentors, Strong Integrators, Moderate Managers, Work Boundary Protectors and Family Boundary Protectors). The groups were derived from scores from the survey data, in order to investigate in more depth, other factors that influenced boundary management interruptions that were not picked up in Study One and specifically the idiosyncrasies of ICT use between groups. The qualitative data was analysed via Template Analysis and the final themes in the template were Boundary Management, Crafting Work, Individual Differences, Telework and Interruptions. The theme of Boundary Management was dealt with in this study. Some key findings were that Study Two built upon Study One by finding that proactivity was a key theme and that this trait may be particularly active while individuals are teleworking due to the context. ICT s were used in a way that reflected the wide ranging boundary management preferences of the individuals using them.
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Typrumsklassificering inom CoClass- En prisanalys / Exampleroomclassifikation within CoClass- A priceanalysisSvensson, Erik, Widell, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Purpose: The construction industry loses a total of SEK 60 billion annually in the absence of communication. Svensk Byggtjänst has recently released CoClass, which is a new classification system for the construction industry. CoClass is considered to be the solution for the lack of communication and will eventually phase out the existing BSAB96 classification system. CoClass is a modern classification system and is adapted for digital information management. CoClass focuses on buildings' full life cycles, instead of production only as BSAB96 does. This gives rise to many benefits for the end user of the information. The digitization also gives rise to other uses. In order to deepen the knowledge of this system the goal was to compare the advantages of CoClass with BSAB96. In what areas can the system be used and what does it take to fully implement it in the field of work. Method: This final thesis work has contained several methods, also known as method-triangulation, to achieve the goals set up in the beginning of the work. Selected methods for carrying out this work are to work with a case study, where document analysis of published information about CoClass, literature studies about theories regarding the subject, calculations of the cost in real projects and supplementary interviews with the leading actors within the process of developing CoClass are included. Findings: The construction industry is an industry known for its conservative actions, which will also be reflected in the implementation of CoClass. Customers can however claim CoClass as a default in projects which will speed this up. CoClass brings many advantages and will be used in the future with ease. The benefits that the system brings to users varies between actors, but on the other hand, it is possible for everyone in the construction process to utilize benefits in their own niche. Implications: CoClass is a system that is not fully developed at the moment (2018) and therefore has few minor shortcomings. The fact that not more companies have implemented the system in their organizations is mainly due to a more final version, especially when their project "AMA function" has been completed and evaluated. Limitations: This final thesis work only corresponds to the versions of CoClass released in February 2018. The limitations set at the beginning of the work around the analyzed typing rooms discussed more specifically what inside the room would be calculated. The work has focused most around the leading actors within CoClass, which should have the most knowledge about the area. They have mostly been the subject to get information about their implementation-strategies and what they think is needed for it to happen. Keywords: CoClass, BSAB96, Implementation, Classification, BIM, ICT. / Syfte: Byggbranschen förlorar årligen sammanlagt 60 miljarder kronor per år i bristande kommunikation. Svensk Byggtjänst har nyligen släppt CoClass som är ett nytt klassifikationssystem för byggbranschen. CoClass anses vara lösningen på problemet med bristande kommunikation och ska så småningom fasa ut det befintliga klassifikationssystemet BSAB96. CoClass är ett modernt klassifikationssystem och är anpassat för digital informationshantering. CoClass riktar in sig på byggnaders fulla livscykler, istället för enbart produktion som BSAB96 gör. Detta ger upphov till många fördelar för slutanvändaren av informationen. Digitaliseringen ger även upphov till andra användningsområden. För att fördjupa kunskaperna kring detta system har målet varit att jämföra fördelarna med CoClass jämfört med BSAB96. Vilka exempel på användningsområden som CoClass kan tillämpas på och vad som krävs för att en fullständig implementering ska ske. Metod: Detta examensarbete innehåller flertalet olika metoder för datainsamling, så kallad metodtriangulering, för att uppnå de mål som sattes upp i början av arbetet. Valda metoder för att genomföra detta arbete har varit att använda en fallstudie, där dokumentanalys av publicerad information kring CoClass, litteraturstudier kring teorier som anknyter till ämnet, beräkningar av kostnader på ett verkligt projekt samt kompletterande intervjuer med de ledande aktörerna kring framtagningen av CoClass ingår. Resultat: Byggbranschen är en bransch känd för sitt konservativa agerande, vilket även kommer återspeglas vid implementeringen av CoClass. Däremot kan beställare kravställa CoClass som standard i projekt, vilket kommer skynda på detta. CoClass bär med sig många fördelar och kommer i framtiden att kunna användas med enkelhet. Fördelarna som systemet bär med sig till användarna riktar sig olika till olika aktörer, däremot finns det möjlighet för samtliga inom byggprocessen att nyttja fördelar på ett eget nischat vis. Konsekvenser: CoClass är ett system som inte är fullt utvecklat för tillfället (2018) och har därför några mindre brister. Att inte fler företag har implementerat systemet i sina organisationer än beror främst på att de väntar på en mer slutgiltig version, främst när deras projekt ”AMA-funktion” har blivit avklarat och utvärderats. Begränsningar: Detta arbete svarar enbart för versionerna av CoClass utgivna under februari 2018. Avgränsningarna som sattes upp i början av arbetet kring de analyserade typrummen behandlade mer specifikt vad i rummet som skulle beräknas. Arbetet har även nischat sig kring de ledande aktörerna för CoClass när det gäller frågeställning 3 om implementering. Nyckelord: CoClass, BSAB96, Implementering, Klassificering, BIM, ICT.
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Design and control of a multicell interleaved converter for a hybrid photovoltaic-wind generation system / Conception et commande d'un convertisseur multicellulaire entrelacé pour un système de génération hybride éolienne / photovoltaïqueDa Silva, Joao Lucas 14 July 2017 (has links)
La solution pour l'énergie génératrice issue de sources non polluantes configure un problème mondial, indéterminé, complexe et progressif. Et certainement, passe par la diversification de la matrice énergétique. La diversification signifie non seulement que des sources différentes sont converties en énergie utile, comme l'électricité, mais aussi décentraliser la production d'énergie afin de s'adapter à une plus grande adéquation de la demande, qui est décentralisée aussi. La Génération Distribuée propose ce type de développement, mais pour accroître sa pénétration, plusieurs obstacles techniques doivent être surpassés. L'un d'entre eux est lié aux systèmes de conversion, qui doivent être plus flexibles, modulaires, efficaces et compatibles avec les différentes sources d'énergie, car ils sont très spécifiques pour une certaine zone. La présente étude pousse ses efforts vers cette direction, c'est-à-dire comportant un système avec plusieurs entrées pour combiner différentes sources d'énergie renouvelables en un seul et efficace convertisseur de puissance pour la connexion au réseau. Elle porte sur la conception et le contrôle d'un système de production hybride de 11,7 kW utilisant des panneaux solaires photovoltaïques et une éolienne. Un convertisseur multicellulaire divisé en deux parties réalise la conversion: Convertisseur Côté Génération (GSC) et Convertisseur Côté Réseau (MSC). Les deux convertisseurs élévateurs (boost) responsables de la conversion photovoltaïque et du redresseur et de boost du générateur éolien, ainsi que les inductances d'entrée et les condensateurs, effectuent le GSC. La GSC permet la conversion en une tension de liaison CC fixe, mais garantit également la commande indépendante pour chaque entrée permettant le suivi du point de puissance maximum des panneaux et de l'éolienne. De l'autre côté, le MSC monophasé a quatre cellules effectue la connexion au réseau à travers un filtre LCL. Ce filtre utilise un Intercell Transformers (ICT) ou inducteurs couplés magnétiquement dans la première inductance pour réduire l'ondulation individuelle actuelle générée par la commutation. Le MSC contrôle la tension de la liaison CC et, ce faisant, il permet le flux de puissance des éléments de génération vers le réseau. / The solution for the generating energy derived from non-polluting sources configures a worldwide problem, which is undetermined, complex, and gradual; and certainly, passes through the diversification of the energetic matrix. Diversification means not only having different sources converted into useful energy, like the electricity, but also decentralizing the energy generation in order to fit with higher adequacy the demand, which is decentralized too. Distributed Generation proposes this sort of development but in order to increase its penetration several technical barriers must be overpassed. One of them is related to the conversion systems, which must be more flexible, modular, efficient and compatible with the different energy sources, since they are very specific for a certain area. The present study drives its efforts towards this direction, i.e. having a system with several inputs for combining different renewable energy sources into a single and efficient power converter for the grid connection. It focuses on the design and control of an 11.7 kW hybrid renewable generation system, which contains two parallel circuits of photovoltaic panels and a wind turbine. A multicell converter divided in two stages accomplishes the convertion: Generation Side Converter (GSC) and Mains Side Converter (MSC). Two boost converters responsible for the photovoltaic generation and a rectifier and a third boost, for the wind constitue the GSC. It allows the conversion to the fixed output DC voltage, controlling individually and performing the maximum power point tracking in each input. On the other side, the single-phase 4- cell MSC accomplishes the connection to the grid through an LCL filter. This filter uses an Intercell Transformer (ICT) in the first inductor for reducing the individual ripple generated by the swicthing. The MSC controls the DC-link voltage and, by doing that, it allows the power flow from the generation elements to the network.
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ICT Design and Users’ Affect, Cognition and CreativityBardici, Minavere January 2010 (has links)
This study set out to investigate how ICT design relates to users’ affect, cognition and creativity in task performance. More specifically, the intent is to highlight how ICT design can elicit positive effective states and enhance cognitive abilities, including creative thinking in task activity within distance learning. In addition to this is to emphasize the synergies between ICT design, affect, cognition, and creativity from as well theoretical as empirical perspectives. To achieve the objective of this study, a qualitative empirical method was used. A survey questionnaire was chosen as a collection data technique. As far as analysis is concerned, phenomenology analytic strategy was espoused to explore how the participants perceive the phenomenon under inquiry. As for theory, central themes were selected for review given the synergy between them and their implication for the topic. They include: ICT; design; ICT design aspects: aesthetics, functionality, and usability; affect and cognition; and creativity; as well as the synergies between these concepts. Key findings highlight the role of affective quality of ICT design aesthetics in eliciting positive affective states among users when they acquire and use new ICT products or services regardless of their motivational needs. Most users consider aesthetics, usability, and functionality as design aspects but they tend to differ in ranking them depending on how they emotionally perceive them. Simplicity in ICT design is perceived as pleasurable aesthetic value. Further, natural colors are favored most by ICT users and positively affect their emotions so do the other aesthetical features associated with computers, software graphics, and web design. Using ICT inspire users creativity in task performance through what design affective qualities induce as positive affect in them in addition to software usability and functionality depending on the user. There are some synergies between design aesthetics, affect, cognition, and creativity. Moreover, ICT design can, depending on additional factors, ease and help users’ to carry out complex task and if software applications are skillfully used, they can help stimulate users’ creativity in task performance because of the built-in capabilities that are intended to enhance cognitive and emotional abilities of users. In addition, users differ on the elements they focus on when interacting with ICT depending on their inclination. Human attentional capacity and intensity can play a role in creativity. Crystallization of creativity can be triggered when various ICT design elements are perceived in a useful way. / +46704393342
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