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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lighting Evaluation and Design for the Stockholm Metro System Based on Current Models for Non-visual Responses

Liu, Tong January 2020 (has links)
Light has a wide and profound non-visual impact on the human body. It is related to the suppression or synthesis of a hormone called melatonin which regulates the human circadian clock. In Nordic countries like Sweden, lack of natural light in winter may lead to negative health effects such as circadian disorders or depression. At the same time, the underground metro system in Stockholm carries more than one million passengers on a weekday. The lighting in the train carriage may have distinct circadian effects on the passengers. The paper takes the metro system in Stockholm as an example, calculates the non-visual effects of the artificial lighting in the train according to Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML), Circadian Stimulus (CS) and Melanopic Equivalent Daylight Illuminance (M-EDI) Models, compares with current guidance and suggestions, considers the daylighting conditions of Stockholm, and proposes a new design solution with adjustable LEDs to achieve a better healthful circadian lighting result.

Denní osvětlení prostor světlovody / Daylighting of spaces with light guides

Machová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the illuminance space through light guide. It describes it's basic principles, technical features and ways of differentiation between the technologies. The thesis also includes latest methods for evaluation of illumination of space supported by various computer simulations.

Ljusnivåns påverkan på rums- och ljusupplevelsen : Vid användning av virtuella takfönster som komplement i fönsterlösa rum / The influence of light level on room and light perception : When using virtual sky lights as a complement in windowless rooms

Malin, Börjesson, Emma, Linde January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur virtuella takfönster upplevs av människor i en väntrumsmiljö och diskuterar huruvida det är en lämplig lösning som komplement till saknaden av fönster. Tidigare forskning har bekräftat att det finns behov av att undersöka en alternativ belysningslösning i syfte att komplettera saknaden av fönster. Det uppsatta målet för den aktuella studien har därför varit att visa hur en belysningslösning i form av virtuella takfönster med hög eller låg ljusnivå, tillsammans med antingen hög eller låg ljusnivå på allmänljus upplevs.    Med detta som grund har en experimentell studie genomförts med deltagare som har fått uppleva sex olika ljusscener i en väntrumsmiljö. Det som skiljde ljusscenerna åt var att de varierade mellan hög och låg ljusnivå på allmänljuset och på LED-panelerna som även var släckta i två ljusscener.    Resultatet har visat att det finns ett samband mellan ljusnivån på de virtuella takfönsterna och rums- och ljusupplevelsen. Tända LED-paneler var något som deltagarna föredrog över släckta i ett väntrum, i kombination med allmänljus på en hög eller låg ljusnivå. Det var särskilt den tredje ljusscenen, när både allmänljuset och LED-panelerna hade en hög ljusnivå som utmärkte sig mest och gav ett positivt resultat. Det indikerar på att deltagarna föredrog denna ljusscen mest. Anledningen till varför kan bero på att kontrasten av ljuset upplevdes mest behaglig, jämfört med de fem övriga ljusscenerna.     Vidare forskning inom området rekommenderas av författarna för att bidra till en djupare kunskap om hur virtuella takfönster ska appliceras för att skapa brukaranpassade ljusmiljöer i rum som saknar fönster. Upplevelsen av fler ljusnivåer gällande virtuella takfönster bör därför undersökas, samt att studier i fler typer av inomhusmiljöer borde undersökas, förslagsvis i studiemiljöer. Det kan bidra till en bredare kännedom kring applikationsmöjligheterna av virtuella takfönster, som komplement i fönsterlösa rum. / This study aims to examine how virtual sky lights are perceived by people and discuss whether it is a suitable solution as a complement to the lack of windows. Previous studies have confirmed that there is a need to examine an alternative lighting solution in order to supplement the lack of windows. The stated goal for the current study was therefore to evince how a lighting solution of virtual sky lights with a high or low light level, together with ambient lighting of either high or low light level is perceived.        With this as a foundation, an experimental study has been conducted with participants who have experienced six different light scenes in a waiting room environment. The light scenes were distinguished between high and low light levels of the ambient lighting and of the LED-panels, which were also turned off in two light scenes.      The result has shown that there is a connection between the light level of the virtual sky lights and the perception of the room and the lighting. The participants preferred the LED-panels when they were turned on rather than turned off in the waiting room, in combination with an ambient lighting at a high or low light level. It was especially the third light scene, when both the ambient lighting and the LED-panels had a high light level that excelled the most and showed positive results. It indicates that the participants preferred this light scene the most.  It might be because the contrast of light was perceived most pleasantly, compared to the other five light scenes.    Further studies within the field is recommended by the authors to contribute to a deeper knowledge about how virtual sky lights can be applied, to create user adapted lighting environments in rooms that lack windows. The perception of more light levels should therefore be investigated, also more types of environments should be investigated, study environments is one suggestion. It could contribute to a wider knowledge about possible application areas of virtual sky lights as a complement in windowless rooms.

Utvärdering av byte till energieffektiv belysning i tryckeri / An evaluation of energy efficient lighting replacement in a printing house

Björklund, Lina January 2019 (has links)
Resultatet av en energikartläggning på tryckeriet VK - Media visade det sig att en stor del av energin gick till den gamla belysningen. Den gamla belysningen med högtrycksnatriumarmaturer och högtrycksnatriumljuskällor byttes då ut mot en ny energieffektiv belysning med två olika LED-armaturer i packsalen på tryckeriet. Det ska nu utföras en utvärdering av belysningsbytet. Utvärderingen av belysningsbytet kommer att baseras på sänkningen i energianvändning, skillnader i belysningsstyrkor och förändring av arbetsmiljön.   Det främsta syftet med belysningsbytet är att sänka energianvändningen och att förbättra arbetsmiljön. Simuleringar på belysningen med högtrycksnatriumljuskällor och LED-armaturer har gjorts i DIALux evo. I DIALux gjordes beräkningar på belysningsstyrkor och energianvändning. Momentana effektmätningar med en multimeter har genomförts på belysningen före och efter bytet. För att sedan beräkna den årliga energianvändningen utifrån de uppmätta effekterna. Belysningsstyrkorna mättes med en luxmeter på plats i packsalen för att sedan beräkna medelbelysningsstyrkan och jämnheten för belysningen för att se om de står sig mot riktvärdena och jämföra dem med värdena från DIALux. Livscykelkostnaden beräknades för belysningen med högtrycksnatriumljuskällor och för belysningen med LED-armaturer. För den nya belysningen beräknades även paybacktiden.   Resultatet av beräkningar på energianvändningen visar att den årliga energianvändningen kommer att sänkas med 70 procent i och med bytet till LED-armaturer. Vid ett belysningsbyte är målet att den årliga energianvändningen ska sänkas med 50 procent. Medelbelysningsstyrkan för den nya LED-belysningen på cirka 680 lx möter kravet för medelbelysningsstyrkan på 300 lx som gäller för packsalen enligt standarden SS-EN 12464-1:2011. Livscykelkostnaden för den gamla belysningen och den nya LED-belysningen beräknades till ungefär 990 000 kronor respektive 330 000 kronor. Den diskonterade paybacktiden för LED-belysningen beräknades till 1,7 år. Gällande arbetsmiljön så har LED-belysningen monterats på en för låg armaturhöjd och kommer att höjas upp för att uppnå en behagligare arbetsmiljö.   Att investera i en ny energieffektiv belysning innebär en stor sänkning av den årliga energianvändningen samtidigt som investeringen har en relativt kort återbetalningstid. Det finns många fördelar med att byta ut den gamla belysningen som en förbättrad arbetsmiljö och sänkta kostnader. Förhoppningsvis kommer fler industrier att byta ut sin gamla belysning till energieffektiv belysning då de står för en stor del av den totala elanvändningen som går till belysning i Sverige. / The result of an energy survey at the printing company VK – Media showed that the energy use of the old lighting was a large part of the total energy use. The old lighting with high-pressure sodium luminaires and high-pressure sodium light sources was then replaced with a new energy-efficient lighting with two different LED luminaires in the packaging room at the printing company. An evaluation of the replacement of the luminaires should now be carried out. The evaluation of the lighting change is based on the reduction of energy use, differences of illuminance and changes in the working environment.   The primary aim of the lighting replacement is to reduce the energy use and to improve the working environment. Simulations on the lighting with high-pressure sodium light sources and LED luminaires have been made in DIALux evo. In DIALux, calculations were made on illuminance and energy use. Momentary power measurements with a multimeter have been carried out on the lighting before and after the replacement. The measured power was then used to calculate the annual energy use for the luminaires. The illuminance were measured with a luxmeter in the packing room and the measured values was then used to calculate the average illuminance and the uniformity of the lighting, to see if they stand against the guideline values and compare them with the values from DIALux. The life cycle cost was calculated for the lighting with high pressure sodium light sources and for the lighting with LED luminaires. The payback time was also calculated for the new lighting with LED luminaires.   The result of the calculations on the energy use showed that the annual energy use will be reduced by 70 per cent with the LED luminaires and the aim with a lighting replacement is to reduce the annual energy use by 50 percent. The average illuminance of the new LED lighting is about 680 lx meets the requirement for the average illuminance of 300 lx that applies to the packing room according to the standard SS-EN 12464-1: 2011. The life cycle cost of the old lighting and the new LED lighting was estimated at approximately 990,000 SEK and 330,000 SEK, respectively. The discounted payback time for the LED lighting was estimated at 1.7 years. Regarding the working environment, the LED lighting has been mounted at a luminaire height that is too low and will be raised to achieve a more comfortable working environment.   Investing in a new energy-efficient lighting means a large reduction in annual energy use, while the investment has a relatively short repayment period. There are many advantages to replacing the old lighting such as an improved work environment and reduced costs for the company. Hopefully, more industries will replace their old lighting for energy-efficient lighting as they account for a large part of the total electricity use when it comes to lighting in Sweden.

La perception des environnements lumineux de chambres d'hôtels : Effets de l’éclairage, de l’usage et des caractéristiques individuelles sur le jugement d’appréciation en situation réelle / Perception of luminous environments of hotel rooms : effect of lighting, use and individual characteristics on the judgment in real situations

Fernandez, Pauline 09 November 2012 (has links)
Compte tenu des évolutions technologiques et réglementaires actuelles, l’apparition de la technologie LED décuple lespossibilités de conception d’environnements lumineux adaptés aux attentes et besoins des usagers. Bien qu’ingénieurs etarchitectes accordent une importance croissante à la qualité de l’éclairage, peu d’éléments fondamentaux de l’environnementlumineux ont été scientifiquement identifiés au regard des attentes des clients dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie.Dans ce contexte, notre projet de recherche vise à mieux comprendre la perception des environnements lumineux de chambresd’hôtel du point de vue de l’usager, le client de l’hôtel lui-même. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que l’évaluation d’un environnementlumineux dépend à la fois des caractéristiques physiques de l’éclairage, de la situation dans laquelle il est perçu ainsi que descaractéristiques individuelles des usagers qui le perçoivent.Une méthodologie en trois phases a été construite pour tester cette hypothèse et accéder au jugement d’appréciation desusagers d’une chambre d’hôtel en situation réelle. La première phase de ce programme de recherche a permis de mettre enévidence l’importance que le client accorde à la lumière en fonction des situations d’usage qui ponctuent son séjour à l’hôtel,telles que la situation de détente ou de travail. La deuxième phase du programme a conduit à la sélection des paramètres del’éclairage pertinents dans la conception d’environnements lumineux de chambres d’hôtel, fondée sur les préférences de laclientèle. La troisième et dernière phase a permis de mesurer l’influence de la situation d’usage sur l’évaluation desenvironnements lumineux variables en termes de niveaux de lumière (30% et 100% du flux) et de températures de couleur(2700 K, 4200 K).Les résultats de cette étude ont montré que les environnements lumineux préférés des usagers sont caractérisés par une teintechaude et une faible quantité de lumière lors d’une situation de détente, contrairement à une situation de travail où une teintechaude et une forte quantité de lumière des environnements lumineux sont préférées. Des différences dans les caractéristiquesindividuelles, telles que le genre et l’âge, modulent les jugements d’appréciation.De plus, notre projet de recherche porte un enjeu méthodologique, celui de la construction d’un dispositif expérimentalpermettant la formulation et le recueil du jugement d’appréciation des usagers, relatif à l’environnement lumineux d’unechambre d’hôtel dans un contexte écologique. / Given the current changes in technologies and regulations, the emergence of LED technology multiplies the possibilities ofdesigning indoor and outdoor luminous environments adaptable to user’s needs and expectations. Although engineers andarchitects care about lighting quality, few fundamental elements of luminous environments have been evidenced as importantregarding customers’ expectations in the hospitality.In this context, our thesis aimed at better understanding the perception of light environments in hotel rooms from a users’perspective, the hotel customer itself. We assumed that the judgment of appreciation of a luminous environment depended onits lighting parameters, but also the situation during which the luminous environment was perceived and the individualcharacteristics of the users who perceived it.A three-step methodology was designed to test this hypothesis and to retrieve the judgment of appreciation of the users undera real situation in a hotel room. The first phase of this research program highlighted the importance attached by customers tolight depending on the activities undertaken during his/her stay, such as a situation of leisure or a situation of work. The secondenabled the selection of the relevant lighting parameters to design a luminous environment in a hotel room based oncustomers’ preferences. The third phase was set out to measure the influence of the situation on the assessment ofappreciation of luminous environments varying in terms of illuminance (30% of luminous flux vs 100%) and color temperature(2700K, 4200K).Overall, the users preferred the luminous environment characterized by warm white and dim light while relaxing, whereas theypreferred a warm white and bright light when working. Differences in individual characteristics like age and gender influencedthe assessment of appreciation.Moreover, the methodological issue of our project was to develop an experimental device allowing the formulation and thecollection of the users’ assessments of appreciation regarding luminous environments in a hotel room under an ecologicalcontext.


萩原, 秋男, 穂積, 和夫 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:62560146 研究代表者:萩原 秋男 研究期間:1987-1988年度

Zpětný výpočet křivek svítivosti svítidel určených pro osvětlování komunikací / Reverse calculation of the luminous intensity curves of street lighting luminaires

Knápková, Dagmar January 2019 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with the reverse calculation of luminous curves for roads according to ČSN EN 13201. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and the practical part. The theoretical part describes the basic requirements and procedures for calculating the luminous curves. The practical part describes the program, created in the Matlab environment, which is designed for the practical calculation of the ideal luminous curve, for each situation given by the user. Further particular example of the calculation is given.

Blízká fotometrie / Near-field photometry

Kutý, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the theoretical and practical introduction to the verification procedures used today for obtaining luminosity curves of lamps. The introduction acquaints readers with the photometric variables. Consequently, it is theoretically described procedure for constructing luminance curves by zonal flow and further familiarization with the near-field photometry. For the practical part was chosen several lights. These lamps were measured by luxmeter first from a very close photometric distance from lights, and then from large distance. The next step was to obtain pictures of luminaries in planes C 0 to 345 ° (with a step of 15 °) of the angle gamma from 0 to 180 ° (in steps of 5 °). The measured data were processed by zonal flow and through programs LumiDISP and Matlab. The partial result of this thesis is to verify whether it is possible to use the luminance analyzer for obtaining luminosity curves, it means, if the luminosity curve obtained through luminance analyzer will comply with the curves obtained through a luxmeter. Further work should ascertain the feasibility of acquired photographs lamps from a very close photometric distance could create luminosity curve for any location and distance from the observer to measured lamps.

Nejistoty měření ve fotometrii / Measurement uncertainties in photometry

Motyčka, Martin January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on problematic of measurent unceartainties in photometry. Theoretical part describes photometric measururing instruments, their uncearnities and limitations. In the second part of this thesis there is a mathematical description of calculating uncearnities in laboratory conditions. In practical part there are calculations of uncearnities for photometric instruments at light laboraty VUT Brno.

Měření kvality osvětlení na operačních sálech / Measurement of operating room lights quality

Rovná, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on measuring the quality of lighting in operating rooms. Operating lights are very demanding in terms of quality requirements for each parameter, so it is important to specify exactly these parameters and check them regurarly. To measure the quality of the light source, was used a special kit from Maquet. Measurement procedure was not as accurate as it was for operating lighting need, therefore, this work includes a proposal to improve the measurement of quality lighting in operating theaters. In cooperation with University Hospital Brno Bohunice University Hospital Motol and the company Maquet measured nine operating lights, each light were compared in terms of parameters such as maximum light intensity, light distribution in the surgical field. In each category were selected several lighting, which reached the best results. The various parameters were compared with values declared by the manufacturer.

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