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"Ibland måste man skapa en annan värld för att få bättre syn på vår egen" : Fantasy i skolans värdegrundsarbeteEnkvist, Evelina, Persson, Elina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med arbetet var att utröna värdegrundsdiskurser i fantasylitteraturerna Korpringarna, Engelsforstrilogin och Krönikor från Röda klostret. Genom att granska de valda romanernas didaktiska potential ämnade studien även att styrka användningen av fantasylitteratur i undervisning på gymnasiet. De teorier som valdes för arbetet är intersektionalitet och didaktisk potential. Didaktisk potential och närläsning valdes som metoder för textanalys för att dels utröna romanernas explicita och implicita ideologier, dels för att kunna analysera materialet utan att behöva ta hänsyn till texternas yttre faktorer. Resultatet visade att de tre främst förekommande värdegrundsdiskurserna i det analyserade materialet är demokrati, allas människors lika värde och mänskliga rättigheter. Utifrån romanernas explicita och implicita ideologier analyserades även böckernas didaktiska potential. Studien visade att fantasy som litteraturdidaktiskt material har stor potential och lämpar sig väl som utgångspunkt för värdegrundsarbete i gymnasieskolan
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Controle aproximado para sistemas não-lineares de equações diferenciais ordinárias /Denadai, Daiani. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Adalberto Spezamiglio / Banca: Maria Aparecida Bená / Banca: Andréa Cristina P. Arita / Resumo: Neste trabalho provamos a existência de controle aproximado para certos sistemas não-lineares de equaçõ es diferenciais ordinárias de entrada e saída únicas e múltiplas. Utilizamos como técnica funções ou aplicações implícitas globais. / Abstract: In this work we prove the existence of approximate control for certain nonlinear sys-tems of ordinary differential equations of single-input single-output and multi-input multi-output. We use global implicit functions or mappings. / Mestre
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Stéréotypes sexués explicites et implicites en contexte sportif : réalité, évolution, et lien avec les comportements d’engagement sportif / Explicit and implicit gender stereotypes in sport context : reality, evolution, and link with sport involvement behavioursPlaza, Melissa 16 June 2016 (has links)
La perspective psycho-sociale suggère que les stéréotypes sexués pourraient en partie expliquer l’investissement différencié des hommes et des femmes en sport. Ce travail doctoral vise à examiner le rôle joué par les stéréotypes sexués dans les comportements d’engagement/abandon sportif selon (1) la voie indirecte, via l’internalisation de ces croyances durant le processus de socialisation (Fredricks & Eccles, 2004) et (2) la voie directe, via leur activation automatique. Un programme de recherche articulé autour de 8 études et impliquant près de 1300 participants a été conduit. Les études 1 à 3 ont d’une part confirmé que des croyances étaient spécifiquement attachées aux activités sportives et d’autre part, qu’elles étaient susceptibles d’être activées automatiquement lors de la présentation brève d’activités féminines et d’affecter la catégorisation de prénoms subséquente. Les études 4 à 6 ont mis en évidence le rôle significatif joué par les stéréotypes sexués dans l’investissement sportif des individus puisque l’adhésion à des croyances défavorables à son groupe sexué prédisait négativement l’engagement sportif des adolescents, via les perceptions de soi (compétence, valeur). Si aucun lien n’a été observé entre l’association implicite sport-genre et l’engagement sportif, une identité implicite soi + masculin semble être négativement associée à l’abandon sportif. Finalement, les études 5, 7 et 8 ont montré que certains stéréotypes explicites étaient malléables d’un point de vue développemental (stéréotype général) ou suite à une manipulation expérimentale (stéréotype relatif à la compétence), mais n’ont révélé aucun pattern développemental, ni de sensibilité à la manipulation expérimentale concernant l’association implicite sport-genre. / The psycho-social perspective suggests that gender stereotypes could partly explain the differentiated involvement of men and women in sport. This doctoral research aims to examine the role played by gender stereotypes in sport involvement/dropout behaviours according to (1) the indirect pathway, via the internalization of these beliefs during the socialization process (Fredricks & Eccles, 2004) and (2) the direct pathway, via their automatic activation. A research program structured around 8 studies and implicating almost 1300 participants has been conducted. The studies 1 to 3 have confirmed on the one hand that specific beliefs are attached to sport activities and on the other hand, that they are likely to be automatically activated by the brief presentation of feminine activities and to affect the subsequent categorization of names. The studies 4 to 6 have highlighted the significant role played by gender stereotypes in individuals ‘sport involvement, since the endorsement of beliefs in disfavour of one’s own sex-group predicted negatively adolescents’ sport involvement, via the self-perceptions (competence, value). If, none link has been observed between sport-gender implicit association and sport involvement, a self + masculine implicit identity seems to be negatively associated with sport dropout. Finally, the studies 5, 7 and 8 showed that certain explicit stereotypes are malleable under a developmental perspective (general stereotype) and after an experimental manipulation (stereotype related to competence), but did not reveal any developmental pattern, nor sensibility to the experimental manipulation concerning the sport-gender implicit association.
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Etude des facteurs motivationnels influençant l’activité physique et la sédentarité de personnes atteintes de maladies chroniques en contexte de réhabilitation et post-réhabilitation / Motivational factors involved in the regulation of physical activity and sedentary behaviors among people with chronic diseases in rehabilitation and postrehabilitation contextsChevance, Guillaume 10 November 2017 (has links)
Parmi les personnes atteintes de maladies chroniques qui participent à des programmes de réhabilitation, deux tiers ne modifient pas leurs comportements à l’issue des interventions. Dans le domaine de l’activité physique et de la sédentarité, identifier les facteurs impliqués dans la régulation de ces comportements est donc crucial. En psychologie de la santé, les modèles contemporains indiquent que nos comportements sont le fruit de processus motivationnels à la fois explicites et implicites. Les processus explicites sont définis comme conscients et intentionnels ; à l’inverse, les processus implicites sont caractérisés par leur non-intentionnalité et leur caractère plutôt inconscient. A mi-chemin entre les domaines de la réhabilitation et la psychologie de la santé, les objectifs de cette thèse étaient (i) d’examiner le rôle de processus explicites et implicites dans la prédiction des comportements de l’activité physique et de la sédentarité, et (ii) d’étudier la malléabilité de ces variables motivationnelles en contexte de réhabilitation. Les résultats indiquent que les attitudes implicites sont associées avec les niveaux d’activité physique des participants, pendant les programmes et en post-réhabilitation. Les processus explicites (e.g., intentions) étudiés dans cette thèse n’étaient eux pas associés aux comportements. Sur le plan de la malléabilité des processus motivationnels, nos résultats mettent en évidence une amélioration significative mais minime de certaines variables au cours d’un programme de réhabilitation. Ces processus se sont toutefois montrés insensibles à une manipulation expérimentale délivrée en plus des programmes de réhabilitation. / Only two thirds of people living with chronic diseases and admitted for rehabilitation programs are sufficiently active in postrehabilitation. In the physical activity and sedentary behavior context, identifying the determinants of these behaviors is thus crucial. In the health psychology field, contemporary models indicate that people’s behaviors are regulated by two distinct motivational processes, defined as explicit and implicit. Explicit processes are intentional and conscious ; by contrast, implicit processes are defined as unintentional and less accessible to consciousness. The objectives of this thesis were (i) to examine the role of explicit and implicit processes in the prediction of physical activity and sedentary behaviors, and (ii) to study the malleability of these processes in rehabilitation context. Our results indicated that implicit attitudes, are significantly associated with participants’ physical activity levels, during and after rehabilitation programs. On the contrary, the explicit processes studied in this thesis were not significantly associated with physical activity or sedentary behaviors. Concerning the malleability of these processes, results highlighted significant but small favorable change of certains motivational variables during rehabilitation. Nonetheless, these motivational processes were not modified by an experimental intervention conducted during a rehabilitation program.
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The Development of Robust Intuitive Decision Making In Simulated Real-World EnvironmentsJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Intuitive decision making refers to decision making based on situational pattern recognition, which happens without deliberation. It is a fast and effortless process that occurs without complete awareness. Moreover, it is believed that implicit learning is one means by which a foundation for intuitive decision making is developed. Accordingly, the present study investigated several factors that affect implicit learning and the development of intuitive decision making in a simulated real-world environment: (1) simple versus complex situational patterns; (2) the diversity of the patterns to which an individual is exposed; (3) the underlying mechanisms. The results showed that simple patterns led to higher levels of implicit learning and intuitive decision-making accuracy than complex patterns; increased diversity enhanced implicit learning and intuitive decision-making accuracy; and an embodied mechanism, labeling, contributes to the development of intuitive decision making in a simulated real-world environment. The results suggest that simulated real-world environments can provide the basis for training intuitive decision making, that diversity is influential in the process of training intuitive decision making, and that labeling contributes to the development of intuitive decision making. These results are interpreted in the context of applied situations such as military applications involving remotely piloted aircraft. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Psychology 2011
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Implicit Channel Allocation in GSM/EDGE radio networksLeiviskä, Emily January 2012 (has links)
Efficient channel allocation in GSM communication is difficult and believed to be a performance bottleneck. This thesis is dedicated to studying the performance of GSM/EDGE networks in modern usage scenarios (surfing the web, chatting and streaming services) under the assumption that explicit channel allocation is not needed. Users are able to be (re-)allocated at any time without explicit signaling and the typically associated delay. The radio hardware of these users is identical to that of typically used devices and the theoretical peak performance is not affected. This allows the network to use the radio channels in a more efficiently way and the delays from signaling are reduced or eliminated. The thesis studies this problem by statistically modeling such usage scenarios and the resulting channel utilization patterns. The study finds that the latency can be reduced by 40-70% for typical radio hardware, and that network throughput can be improved by up to 20%. However, further studies are needed on the subject.
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Learning without feedback: detection, quantification and implications of implicit learningLuehr, Stephen J.C. 04 September 2018 (has links)
Mounting evidence has suggested that structures such as the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and other areas within the medial-frontal cortex are part of a reinforcement learning system responsible for the optimization of behaviour (Holroyd & Coles, 2002). However, we also learn without reinforcement and it has been less clear what neural structures are recruited in these instances. The P300 component of the human event-related brain potential (ERP) has been intensely researched in regards to context updating and the processing of novel stimuli (Spencer, Dien, & Donchin, 2001). Here, I sought to elaborate on the role of the P300 ERP component in implicit learning of stimulus frequencies – learning driven by the stimulus itself and not reward feedback. I propose over the course of three experiments that I have provided evidence indicating that the P300 and its neural sources play a role in feedback-free learning mechanisms. Specifically, in a feedback-free paradigm participants are shown to learn stimulus frequencies. While this occurs, P300 amplitude scales in line with participant behaviour and stimulus frequency. A common trend is revealed in how quickly this amplitude scaling occurs, suggesting further mechanisms are at play. Trial-by-trial analysis ultimately shows that behavioural prediction error formula and neural correlate prediction errors utilize a nearly identical function. These trends hold even in a passive auditory task in which the participant is fully distracted. / Graduate
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Dopad zdanění podle ekonomických funkcí v Evropské unii / The impact of taxation on economic functions in the European UnionŠVIHELOVÁ, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
The study is concerned with effective tax rates, namely implicit tax rates in the European Union over the period 2000-2012. The theoretical part includes tax incidence, description of individual implicit tax rates and their structure, and Eurostat metodology for measuring the impact of taxation on economic functions. The practical part in mainly dedicated to the development of implicit tax rates in the European Union and then to the evaluation of development trends in the implicit rates on consumption, labour and capital. The analysis is processed in the computer program STATISTICA. The classify is made by cluster analysis that should find the similar implicit tax rates in 2000, 2008 and 2012. Subsequently, the trends ort he development of individual implicit tax rates in EU countries are evaluated.
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[pt] Nas aplicações em computação gráfica e processamento de
imagens, curvas e superfícies implícitas têm sido
reconhecidas como a representação mais útil de objetos 2D
ou 3D, principalmente porque elas permitem a descrição de
formas complexas por uma fórmula. A maioria dos métodos
implícitos usam curvas algébricas para aproximar
globalmente a fronteira do objeto em uma imagem binária.
Quando a forma do objeto é complexa, é comum elevar o grau
da curva a fim de obter mais precisão na aproximação. Uma
solução alternativa é decompor hierarquicamente o domínio
em partes compactas e obter aproximações locais para o
objeto em cada parte, e então juntar os pedaços com o
objetivo de obter uma descrição global do objeto. O
principal objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um novo
método de aproximação de curvas implícitas a partir de
pontos esparsos que melhora o estado da arte / [en] In the field of computer vision and image analysis,
implicit curves and
surfaces have been recognized as the most useful
representation for 2D or
3D objects, mainly because they allow description of
shapes by a formula.
Most of implicit methods uses algebraic curves to fit
globally the frontier of
the foreground in a binary image. When the foreground
shape is complex,
it is common to elevate the curve degree in order to
obtain more precision
on the approximation. An alternative solution is to
decompose the domain
hierarchicaly in compact parts and obtain local
approximation for the object
in each part, and then patch all together in order to
obtain a global
description of the object. The main objective of this work
is to present
a new method for implicit curve fitting from sparse point
that improves the
state of the art
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Contribution au développement de la simulation des grandes échelles implicite pour compressible et écoulements turbulents réactifs / Contribution to the development of implicit large eddy simulation methods for compressible and reacting turbulent flowsKaraca, Mehmet 05 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de comparer les approches de simulation numérique des grandes échelles explicite (LES) et implicite (ILES) pour un jet turbulent non-réactif ou réactif d’hydrogène à grande vitesse dans un co-courant d’air, typique d’un super-statoréacteur. La résolution des calculs va de 32 × 32 × 128 à 256 × 256 × 1024, à l’aide d’un schéma WENO d’ordre 5. Les LES explicites emploient les modèles sous-maille de Smagorinsky et de Fonction de Structure Sélective, associés au transport moléculaire. Les LES implicites sont réalisées avec et sans modèle de transport moléculaire, en résolvant les équations de Navier- Stokes ou d’Euler. Dans le cas non-réactif, le modèle de Smagorinsky est trop dissipatif. Le modèle de Fonction de Structure Sélective améliore les résultats, sans faire mieux que l’approche ILES quelle que soit la résolution. Dans le cas réactif, une coupure physique visqueuse est indispensable pour fixer une épaisseur à la flamme, et assurer la convergence en maillage de l’approche ILES. On montre aussi que les résultats LES/ILES sont moins sensibles aux conditions d’injection que ceux de l’approche RANS. Le premier chapitre est une introduction générale au contexte de l’étude. Au second chapitre, on rappelle les équations générales pour un écoulement réactif et on détaille les modèles thermodynamique et de transport retenus. Au troisième chapitre, les équations de la LES et les modèles sous-maille sont présentés. On examine également quelques propriétés du schéma numérique. Le chapitre 4 est consacré à la méthode numérique et au code de calcul. Enfin, on présente les cas-tests et on discute les résultats au chapitre 5. / This work is intended to compare Large Eddy Simulation and Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (LES and ILES) for a turbulent, non-reacting or reacting high speed H2 jet in co-flowing air, typical of scramjet engines. Numerical simulations are performed at resolutions ranging from 32 × 32 × 128 to 256 × 256 × 1024, using a 5th order WENO scheme. Physical LES are carried out with the Smagorinsky and the Selective Structure Function models associated to molecular diffusion. Implicit LES are performed with and without molecular diffusion, by solving either the Navier-Stokes or the Euler equations. In the nonreacting case, the Smagorinsky model is too dissipative. The Selective Structure Function leads to better results, but does not show any superiority compared to ILES, whatever the grid resolution. In the reacting case, a molecular viscous cut-off in the simulation is mandatory to set a physical width for the reaction zone in the ILES approach, hence to achieve grid-convergence. It is also found that LES/ILES are less sensitive to the inlet conditions than the RANS approach. The first chapter is an introduction to the context of this study. In the second chapter, the governing equations for multispecies reacting flows are presented, with emphasis on the thermodynamic and transport models. In the third chapter, physical LES equations and explicit sub-grid modeling strategies are detailed. Some properties of the numerical scheme are also investigated. In chapter four, the numerical scheme and some aspects of the solver are explained. Finally, non-reacting and reacting numerical experiments are presented and the results are discussed.
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