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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modificação de filmes finos de CdSe por irradiação com feixe de elétrons / Modification of CdSe and PbSe thin films by electron beam irradiation

Fabrim, Zacarias Eduardo January 2018 (has links)
Membranas auto-sustentáveis compostas por filmes finos com múltiplas camadas SiO2/ ( 30 nm)/CdSe( 3,0nm)/SiO2 (18 nm) e SiO2( 30 nm)/PbSe( 3,0nm)/SiO2( 18 nm) foram produzidas por magnetron sputtering e submetidas à irradiação com feixe de elétrons em microscópios de transmissão eletrônica convencionais na faixa de energia de 80 a 300 keV em densidades de corrente de 0,3 a 8,0 A cm-2. Variações de contraste observadas em micrografias adquiridas com diferentes doses de elétrons sinalizam uma considerável redistribuição atômica nos filmes semicondutores, tal redistribuição é restrita às regiões iluminadas e possui maior dependência em relação à dose do que à densidade de corrente do feixe. Medidas de difração com área selecionada (Select Area Diffraction - SAD), observações em condição de alta resolução (High Resolution Transmission Microscopy - HRTEM) e medidas de dispersão em energia de Raio-X característico (Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy - EDS) indicam que ambos semicondutores mantém a estrutura cristalina e a quantidade de átomos de Cd, Se e Pb durante irradiação. As membranas SiO2/CdSe/SiO2 apresentam uma retração contínua e homogênea das interfaces CdSe/SiO2 ao longo da superfície irradiada, a nucleação e crescimento de regiões com apenas SiO2 dá origem a uma rede percolada de CdSe que é desmembradas em nanofios nodulares e nanopartículas isoladas. Os filmes de PbSe não apresentam um processo homogêneo e contínuo durante irradiação. Inicialmente, as interfaces PbSe/SiO2 apresentam perda das arestas de alto ângulo Neste caso, as modificações microestruturais são mais intensas após uma dose limite e em regiões específicas, próximas a buracos de SiO2 previamente existentes na amostra como depositada. Medidas SAD, micrografias em condição de campo escuro e análises de imagem HRTEM mostram que a irradiação no PbSe causa separação de fases, identificada por distribuições de nanopartículas de Pb interfaceadas com uma rede planar percolada de PbSe. A conservação de matéria nos sistemas permitiu determinar os fluxos atômicos durante irradiação, o que foi realizado pelo tratamento numérico das micrografias adquiridas em diferentes doses. A investigação do aquecimento da amostra e do comportamento dos sistemas quando irradiados em diferentes energias e densidades de corrente sugerem que os deslocamentos atômicos podem ser correlacionados com as probabilidades de interação entre elétrons e átomos alvo. Isto permitiu a comparação entre fluxos atômicos experimentais, obtidos pelo tratamento numérico das micrografias TEM, com fluxos atômicos deduzidos em função das seções de choque para deslocamentos atômicos diretos, induzidos por colisões elásticas entre elétrons e átomos alvo, e deslocamentos indiretos, causados por radiólise. Os fluxos teóricos consideram variações nas taxas de deslocamento dos átomos de Cd, Se e Pb ao longo da interface semicondutor/SiO2, tais variações são entendidas como consequência de mudanças na energia de coesão das interfaces, que foram calculadas em função da curvatura e energia de superfície através do modelo de gota líquida (Líquid Drop Model - LDM) Comparações entre os fluxos atômicos inferidos das micrografias com os fluxos teóricos, obtidos das seções de choque para espalhamento elástico e inelástico de elétrons, permitiram estimar as energias de deslocamento dos átomos na interfaces e elaborar possíveis mecanismos para as mudanças microestruturais durante a irradiação. Os valores calculados de energia de deslocamento são inferiores às energias necessárias para deslocar átomos na superfície ou no interior da rede cristalina, mas podem ser aproximados às energias de migração atômica em interfaces. Os resultados mostram que os mecanismos de deslocamento atômico nos filmes finos de CdSe e PbSe não são os mesmos. As mudanças microestruturais observadas nos filmes finos de CdSe não podem ser explicadas apenas em termos de colisões balísticas dos elétrons, mas poderiam ocorrer por deslocamentos radiolíticos, principalmente se houverem estados de interface e meia banda que permitam excitações com energias transferidas menores que a largura de banda do CdSe. Já os resultados das irradiações no PbSe podem ser explicados como decorrentes de deslocamentos diretos, causados pela colisão balística dos elétrons nos átomos de Pb e Se pouco coesos nos planos PbSe{111}. Contudo, este estudo não permite excluir um possível processo de múltiplas ionizações como causa dos fluxos atômicos durante irradiação de ambas membranas. / Self-standing membranes compounded for multilayers SiO2/( 30 nm)/CdSe ( 3.0nm) /SiO2 (18 nm) and SiO2( 30 nm)/PbSe( 3.0nm)/SiO2( 18 nm) were irradiated in conventional Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) at energy range of 80 - 300 keV, current densities 0.3 - 8.0 A cm-2. The image contrasts of the micrographs acquired at different electron doses show an intense atomic redistribution in the semiconductor films. The effects of irradiation are restricted on the irradiated regions and show a dose dependence instead electric current dependence. Select Area Diffraction (SAD), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) measurements and High Resolution Electron Transmission Microscopy (HRTEM) micrographs show that the both semiconductors mantained the crystal structure and quantity of Cd, Se and Pb atoms after irradiation. The SiO2/CdSe/SiO2 membranes have a homogeneously and continuous retraction of the CdSe/SiO2 interfaces along the irradiated regions. The SiO2 holes grow to produce a percolated planar network of CdSe. In larger doses this network is disrupted, producing nodular nanowires and isolated nanoparticles. Otherwise, the PbSe thin films did not show a homogeneous and continuous process. In the first minutes of irradiation, the SiO2 holes lost the edges of high angles, the retraction of the interfaces PbSe/SiO2 occurs only at a specific electron dose, after which there are growth and nucleation of new holes around the previous ones SAD measurements, dark field micrographs and HRTEM images attest phase separation during electron beam irradiation of the PbSe, the results show isolated Pb nanoparticles connected to a planar percolated network of PbSe. The matter conservation at the systems allowed the calculation of an atomic flux during the irradiation, what was made by the numerical treatment of the micrographs acquired at different electron doses. The investigation of the sample heating and the behavior of the systems when irradiated at different energies and current densities suggest that the atomic displacements can be correlated with the probabilities of electron-atom interactions. This allowed the comparison between the inferred atomic fluxes with atomic fluxes deduced by the cross sections for the ballistic displacement induced by elastic collision of the electrons and the atomic fluxes deduced by the inelastic cross sections, which show the probability of the indirect displacements induced by radiolysis. These fluxes consider changes in the displacement rates of the Cd, Se, and Pb atoms along the semiconductor/SiO2 due to changes in the cohesion energy at the interfaces, what was calculated in function of the curvature and surface energy using the Líquid Drop Model - LDM The comparison between the atomic fluxes inferred by the TEM micrographs with the theoretical fluxes obtained by the elastic and inelastic scaterring cross sections allowed extimations of the displacement energies of the Cd, Se e Pb atoms at the interfaces, what was used to argue some possibles mechanisms for the microstructural changes during the irradiation. The calculated displacement energies are lower than the bulk or surface displacement energies, but can be approximated with the migration energies for the atomic diffusion at the interfaces. The results suggest that the mechanisms of atomic displacement can not be the same for the thin films of CdSe and PbSe. The microstructural changes observed in the CdSe thin films can not be explained only in terms of ballistic displacements, but can be explained by indirect displacements induced by the radiolysis, especially if there are intermediate and middle band states that allow excitations with energies below the CdSe band-gap. In other way, the results of the PbSe can be explained by direct displacements caused by the ballistic collision of the electrons at the Pb and Se atoms placed in the unstable PbSe{111} planes. However, this study can not rule out the possibility of a multiple ionization process as the cause of the atomic fluxes in both membranes.

Effect of Process Parameters on Contour Properties in Inconel 718 Structures Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting

Vaidyalingam Arumugam, Karthik January 2019 (has links)
Additive Manufacturing (AM), commonly known as 3D printing is a production method that utilises repeated addition of layers in order to produce a final shape. AM utilises less raw material and does not have drawbacks such as tool wear and material wastage as seen in conventional machining. However, they do have drawbacks such as poor surface and internal defects.  A common practice in AM is the fabrication of contour and bulk region using separate parameters.  The aim of this project was to study the effects of various process parameters on the contour properties. The process parameters considered were scanning speed, beam current and focus offset. The Nickel alloy Inconel 718 was utilised in Electron Beam Melting (EBM) to fabricate the test specimen. The samples used in this project were in an as-built condition which was priorly subjected to tensile testing for a different project. The tests performed in this project are hardness testing and microstructural investigation about grains, precipitates and the various defects.  The test results helped to understand the effect of various process parameters on the hardness and microstructure of the samples. The samples with lower scanning speed had higher hardness and lesser lack of fusion than samples with higher speed. In the case of varying beam current, the samples with higher beam current had higher hardness values and fewer lack of fusions. Similarly, the effects of varying two or more process parameters were also studied and their findings recorded. The microstructure consisted of a large number of shrinkage porosities in the bulk and contour regions. The presence of Niobium rich precipitates at grain boundaries and the grain structure for various process parameters were identified and recorded.

Utilización de CBCT en retratamiento endodóntico selectivo no quirúrgico / Use of CBCT in non-surgical selective endodontic retreatment

Junes Prado, Luisa 14 December 2018 (has links)
El retratamiento de canales radiculares es una alternativa ante el fracaso endodóntico. Este procedimiento tiene como objetivo reducir los síntomas que pueden presentarse o agravarse posterior al tratamiento de endodoncia. El procedimiento del retratamiento de canales sigue la premisa que aparentemente la calidad del material de obturación en todo el sistema de canales es deficiente, por consiguiente, todo el material debe ser retirado. Actualmente, con mejores técnicas de análisis imagenológico es posible identificar el origen de la lesión apical, por lo tanto, es posible seleccionar los canales pulpares con tratamiento deficiente y poder ser tratados de forma individual. De esta manera, el retratamiento selectivo de canales podría evitar el desgaste innecesario de canales en buen estado. / Root canal Retreatment is an alternative in the face off endodontic failure. This procedure aims to reduce the symptoms that may occur or worsen after the endodontic treatment. The root canal retreatment procedure follows the premise that apparently the quality of the filling material in the entire canal system is deficient, therefore, all the material must be removed. Currently, with better techniques of image analysis it is possible to identify the origin of the apical lesion, therefore, it is possible to select the pulp canals with poor treatment and be able to treat them individually. In this way, the selective root canal retreatment could avoid the unnecessary wear of root canals in good condition. / Trabajo académico

Effektivisering av parkeringshusbyggnationer: En fallstudie av spännbalkssystem

Storm, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Spännbalksystem är ett stomsystem helt i betong, där en platsgjuten platta samverkar med prefabricerade förspända balkar. Systemet används bland annat vid olika parkeringshusbyggnationer som gynnas av stora spännvidder och få pelare. Metoden genererar ett mer hållbart stomsystem på grund av mindre materialåtgång och längre livslängd. Slutprognoser från parkeringshusbyggnationer visar att det är svårt att uppnå de kalkylerade enhetstiderna för valvbyggnation där spännbalksystem har använts. Prognoserna visar att byggtiderna har blivit längre och att kostnaderna har ökat på grund av rörligakostnader så som till exempel mark- och maskinhyra. Formhyran vid valvbyggnation upptar en stor del av kostnaden för entreprenören. Det ligger i både entreprenörens och beställarens intresse att minska osäkerheten och avvikelserna från kalkylen i projektet. Därför har en fallstudie genomförts. Två olika studieobjekt har undersökts som benämns Ö1 och V1; Östergötland 1 och Västmanland 1. Fallstudieföretaget är verksamt inom både hus- och anläggningsprojekt i norden. Fallstudieföretaget har en lång erfarenhet från parkeringshusbyggnationer med spännbalkssystem. En processkartläggning har genomförts av de två studieobjekten som båda har haft en projektsumma på strax över 100 miljoner kronor och har genererat över 400 parkeringsplatser. En separat gjutetapp för valv har studerats för Ö1 och V1 där arbetsmomenten vid valvbyggnation har specialstuderats. Vid arbetsmomenten har begränsning, slöseri och beslutsfattande kartlagts och analyserats med litteratur avseende Lean Construction och flakhalsteori. En logistiker på fallstudieföretaget intervjuades för att validera metoden och resultaten i detta arbete. Förbättringsförslag framtogs med avseende på kostnadsbesparingar och produktivitetsökningar. Förslagen avser främst personalförsörjning och produktionsplanering.  En ny tankemodell har framtagits. Den visar hur produktionsstrategin och beslutsfattande från tidigare processer påverkar varandra och kan generera flaskhalsar och slöserier i produktionen. Om oönskade slöserier och flaskhalsar uppstår måste nya beslut fattas vilket innebär att produktionsstrategin måste förändras. Flaskhals, slöseri och beslutsfattande är ömsesidigt beroende av varandra och är svåra att isolera var och för sig. Begränsningen i studien är att det endast har gjorts observationer hos ett fallstudieföretag. Processkartläggningen är därmed inte representativ för alla valvbyggnationer med spännbalkssystem i nya parkeringshus. Det kan finnas andra aktörer på marknaden som använder sig av andra processer som inte är kartlagda i detta examensarbete.      Min hypotes med att implementera Lean Construction inom byggnation av parkeringshus med spännbalksystem har visat sig användbar för att minimera kostnader och öka effektiviteten.

Vertical Carrier Transport Properties and Device Application of InAs/InAs1-xSbx Type-II Superlattice and a Water-Soluble Lift-Off Technology

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: The first part of this dissertation reports the study of the vertical carrier transport and device application in InAs/InAs1-xSbx strain-balanced type-II superlattice. It is known that the low hole mobility in the InAs/InAs1-xSbx superlattice is considered as the main reason for the low internal quantum efficiency of its mid-wave and long-wave infrared photodetectors, compared with that of its HgCdTe counterparts. Optical measurements using time-resolved photoluminescence and steady-state photoluminescence spectroscopy are implemented to extract the diffusion coefficients and mobilities of holes in the superlattices at various temperatures from 12 K to 210 K. The sample structure consists of a mid-wave infrared superlattice absorber region grown atop a long-wave infrared superlattice probe region. An ambipolar diffusion model is adopted to extract the hole mobility. The results show that the hole mobility first increases from 0.2 cm2/Vs at 12 K and then levels off at ~50 cm2/Vs as the temperature exceeds ~60 K. An InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattice nBn long-wavelength barrier infrared photodetector has also been demonstrated with a measured dark current density of 9.5×10-4 A/cm2 and a maximum resistance-area product of 563 Ω-cm2 at 77 K under a bias of -0.5 V. The Arrhenius plot of the dark current density reveals a possible high-operating-temperature of 110 K.The second part of the dissertation reports a lift-off technology using a water-soluble sacrificial MgTe layer grown on InSb. This technique enables the seamless integration of materials with lattice constants near 6.5 Å, such as InSb, CdTe, PbTe, HgTe and Sn. Coherently strained MgTe with a lattice constant close to 6.5 Å acts as a sacrificial layer which reacts with water and releases the film above it. Freestanding CdTe/MgxCd1-xTe double-heterostructures resulting from the lift-off process show increased photoluminescence intensity due to enhanced extraction efficiency and photon-recycling effect. The lifted-off thin films show smooth and flat surfaces with 6.7 Å root-mean-square roughness revealed by atomic-force microscopy profiles. The increased photoluminescence intensity also confirms that the CdTe/MgxCd1-xTe double-heterostructures maintain the high optical quality after epitaxial lift-off. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 2020

Prebunching for an Inverse Compton Scattering Source via an Emittance Exchange

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) provide several orders of magnitude brighter x-rays than 3rd generation sources. However, the electron beamlines and undulator magnets required are on the scale of kilometers, costing billions of dollars with only a half dozen or so currently operating worldwide. One way to overcome these limitations is to prebunch the electron beam on the scale of the x-ray wavelength. In this paper one such scheme is discussed, which uses a nanopatterned grating called a dynamical beam stop. This uses diffraction from crystal planes of the etched portion of a grating to impart a transverse modulation which becomes a temporal modulation via an emittance exchange (EEX). To expand upon this topic, dynamical electron diffraction intensities for a 200 nm thick Si(001) unpatterned membrane are simulated via the multislice method and compared to experiment for various crystallographic orientations at MeV energies. From this as well as an analysis of the experimental inelastic plasmon diffuse scattering, it is determined that the optimal transverse modulation would be formed from a bright field image of the beam stop, with the nanopattern being etched all the way through the membrane. A model quantifying the quality of the modulation - the bunching factor - as a function of contrast and duty factor is formulated and the optimal modulation is determined analytically. A prototype beam stop is then imaged in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) at 200 KeV, with the measured bunching factor of 0.5 agreeing with the model and approaching a saturated XFEL. Using the angular spectrum method, it is determined that the spatial coherence of the MeV energy electron beam is insufficient for significant self-imaging to occur for gratings with pitches of hundreds of nanometers. Finally, the first-order EEX input requirements for the electron beam are examined in the transverse dimension as are newly proposed longitudinal requirements to compensate for lingering correlations between the initial and final longitudinal phase spaces. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Physics 2020

Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 micro-rings / Sr2RuO4微小リングにおける超伝導性

Yasui, Yuuki 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第21555号 / 理博第4462号 / 新制||理||1640(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 前野 悦輝, 教授 石田 憲二, 教授 寺嶋 孝仁 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Controlling unconventional superconductivity in artificially engineered heavy-fermion superlattices / 重い電子系人工超格子における非従来型超伝導の制御

Naritsuka, Masahiro 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22238号 / 理博第4552号 / 新制||理||1654(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 松田 祐司, 教授 石田 憲二, 教授 寺嶋 孝仁 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Variation in accumulated dose of volumetric-modulated arc therapy for pancreatic cancer due to different beam starting phases / 膵臓癌に対する強度変調回転放射線治療における異なる照射開始位相に起因した累積線量の変動

Sasaki, Makoto 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間健康科学) / 甲第22390号 / 人健博第76号 / 新制||人健||5(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科人間健康科学系専攻 / (主査)教授 椎名 毅, 教授 精山 明敏, 教授 富樫 かおり / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human Health Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

Experimental and numerical investigation of panel zone behavior and yielding mode classification for steel beam-column joints / 鋼構造柱梁接合部におけるパネルの挙動と降伏モードの分類に関する実験的・解析的研究

Wang, Yandong 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22431号 / 工博第4692号 / 新制||工||1732(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科建築学専攻 / (主査)教授 大崎 純, 教授 西山 峰広, 准教授 聲高 裕治 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

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