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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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'n Leerder met fetale alkohol sindroom in hoofstroomonderwys : die rol van die opvoedkundige sielkundige

Visagie, Gert 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsig)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research in this qualitative study focuses on the role of the Educational Psychologist in facilitating inclusion of a learner with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). The international movement towards inclusive education, with emphasis on the inclusion of all learners irrespective of their special needs in mainstream schools, gained momentum in the South African context with the announcement of Education White Paper 6, Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training system. More learners with FAS are accommodated in mainstream schools and research has indicated that most cases of FAS in the world prevailed in the Western Cape. FAS is one of the leading causes of mental retardation and the challenges which the inclusion of learners with FAS pose to those who have to facilitate inclusive education, has urged this study. The study seeks to explore the role of the Educational Psychologist in the process of facilitating inclusion of a learner with FAS. An eco-systemic approach underpins the study. A single learner with FAS within the context of the family and education system was chosen by means of purposive sampling as the focus of a qualitative, case study. The eco-systemic approach makes it possible to explore special needs in terms of intrinsic factors (within the learner) and extrinsic factors (within the system) in order to address the needs of the system. Semistructured interviews were held with respondents from different levels of the eco-system in which the learner functions. A review of personal records and field notes were used to gather information related to the education and learning process. The data were analysed using aspects of content analyses. Four themes emerged: support to the learner, support to the school, support to the parents and support to the school community. The findings indicated that the inclusion of learners with FAS predicts a change and an expansion in the role of the educational psychologist. Early identification, early intervention and a multi-functional team approach seem to improve the long-term prognoses of learners with FAS. The facilitation of inclusive education for learners with FAS poses a challenge to the educational psychologist to render individual support, but also to provide support in a holistic systemic manner, focusing on those who work and live with the individual learners. The learning, behaviour and developmental barriers which learners with FAS may experience were highlighted with the hope to guide those who work with these learners. Several positive and negative factors were indicated and recommendations were made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie fokus op die rol van die Opvoedkundige Sielkundige in die fasilitering van inklusiewe onderwys aan 'n leerder met Fetale Alkohol Sindroom (FAS). Die internasionale beweging na inklusiewe onderwys, wat die insluiting van alle leerders, ongeag hulle spesiale behoeftes, by hoofstroomskole onderskryf, het ook in Suid-Afrika neerslag gevind met die uitreiking van die Onderwys Witskrif 6, Special Needs Education: Building an Inclusive Education and Training System. Meer leerders met FAS word by hoofstroomskole ingesluit en navorsing het getoon dat die voorkomssyfer van FAS in die Wes-Kaap die hoogste ter wêreld is. Die feit dat FAS tans een van die vernaamste oorsake van verstandelike gestremdheid is, en die uitdagings wat die insluiting van leerders met FAS aan diegene wat inklusiewe onderwys moet fasiliteer bied, het hierdie navorsingsondersoek genoop. Die doel van hierdie studie is om 'n in diepte ondersoek te doen na die rol van die Opvoedkundige Sielkundige in die fasilitering van inklusiewe onderwys aan 'n leerder met FAS. 'n Ekosistemiese benadering het die teoretiese raamwerk van die studie gevorm. 'n Enkele leerder met FAS is binne die konteks van sy familie en die onderwyssisteem, met behulp van doelgerigte steekproefneming, gekies om die fokus van die kwalitatiewe gevallestudie te vorm. Die ekosistemiese benadering maak dit moontlik om spesiale behoeftes ten opsigte van faktore wat primêr by die leerder (intrinsiek) voorkom, sowel as faktore wat in die sisteem (ekstrinsiek) voorkom, te ondersoek en te verseker dat die behoeftes van die sisteem aangespreek word. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met respondente uit die verskillende vlakke van die ekosisteem waarbinne die leerder funksioneer. 'n Oorsig van persoonlike rekords en verslae asook veldnotas is gebruik om inligting oor die leerder, die onderrig en die leerposes te bekom. Inhouds-analise is gebruik om die data te analiseer. Vier temas het uit die data na vore gekom, naamlik: ondersteuning aan die leerder, ondersteuning aan die skool, ondersteuning aan die ouers en ondersteuning aan die skoolgemeenskap. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die insluiting van 'n leerder met FAS 'n roluitbreiding en 'n veranderende rol vir die Opvoedkundige Sielkunde in die vooruitsig stel. Vroeë identifikasie, vroeë intervensie en 'n multi-funksionele spanbenadering kan die langtermyn prognose van leerders met FAS verbeter. Die rol wat die Opvoedkundige Sielkundige op die verskillende vlakke van die ekosisteem kan speel, ten einde inklusiewe onderwys aan 'n leerder met FAS te fasiliteer, lê opgesluit in die mate waarin geïndividualiseerde, maar tog ook holisties omvattende ondersteuning aan diegene wat met hierdie leerders werk, gelewer kan word. Uit die bevindinge het suksesvolle en minder suksesvolle aspekte duidelik geword. Dit het daartoe bygedra dat die leer-, gedrag- en ontwikkelingshindernisse, sowel as die sterkpunte van die leerder met FAS, duidelik geword het en wenke vir toekomstige gebruik verbesonder kon word. Op grond van die bevindinge en aan die hand van literatuur is aanbevelings gemaak.

The experiences of teachers in including learners with intellectual disabilities

Ellman, Basil 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa,' including learners with disabilities has been a concern in education since 1994. With children with disabilities, including intellectual disabilities, being increasingly included in mainstream schools, consideration needs to be given to the experiences of teachers in inclusive classrooms. Since an understanding of teachers' experiences can lead to the development of support strategies, this study sets out to explore teachers' experiences. The research design of this research is qualitative in nature and the unit of analysis is an inclusive school in the Western Cape. Data are collected through semistructured interviews, field notes and a review of school records. Interviews are held with three teachers, the school principal, the governing body chairperson (parent) and four learners. The data are analyzed using aspects of the constant comparative analysis. Three main themes, namely school factors, the learner with an intellectual disability and the role of the teachers emerge. Findings indicate that the learner with an intellectual disability can be effectively included if the school community (teachers, parents and learners) is informed and thoroughly prepared. There must also be a willingness on the part of all the role players to make a success of the inclusive process. An analysis of the experiences of teachers in this study indicates that the demands put on teachers and learners alike are challenging and that teachers need support regarding in-service training on specific strategies for successfully including learners with intellectual disabilities. An effective and collaborative support system can also provide teachers with the necessary support to approach inclusive education in a positive manner. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die insluiting van leerders met leergestremdhede is sedert 1994 'n brandpunt in die onderwys in Suid-Afrika. Aangesien kinders met gestremdhede, waaronder ook intellektuele gestremdhede, al hoe meer in hoofstroomskole ingesluit word, moet aandag geskenk word aan die ervarings van onderwysers in sulke inklusiewe klaskamers. Hierdie studie poog om die relevante ervarings van onderwysers te ontgin, aangesien 'n analise van sulke onderwyserservarings kan lei tot die ontwikkeling van ondersteuningstrategieë. Die navorsingsontwerp van hierdie studie is kwalitatief van aard, en die analiseeenheid is 'n inklusiewe skool in die Weskaap. Data is versamel deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude, veldnotas en 'n oorsig van skoolrekords. Onderhoude is gevoer met drie onderwysers, die skoolhoof, die voorsitter van die beheerliggaam ('n ouer), asook vier leerders. Die data is geanaliseer deur aspekte van die 'constant comparative analysis' te gebruik. Drie temas, nl. skoolfaktore, die leerder met intellektuele gestremdhede, en die rol van die onderwysers, kom duidelik na vore. Die bevindinge bewys dat 'n leerder met intellektuele gestremdhede effektief ingesluit kan word in 'n hoofstroomskool, indien die skoolgemeenskap (onderwysers, ouers en leerders) ingelig en deeglik voorberei word. AI die rolspelers moet ook 'n gewilligheid openbaar om die inklusiewe proses suksesvol te maak. Die analise van die ervarings van onderwysers wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, maak dit duidelik dat die eise wat aan beide onderwysers en leerders gestel word, formidabel is; en dat onderwysers ondersteuning nodig het wat betref indiens-opleiding m.b.t. spesifieke strategieë vir die suksesvolle insluiting van leerders met intellektuele gestremdhede. 'n Effektiewe en onderling-ondersteunende sisteem kan ook die onderwyser van die nodige

Die role van die leerondersteuner binne inklusiewe onderwys

Van Graan, Mariette 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (MEd))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMIMG: Die transformasie vanaf ʼn tradisionele onderwysstelsel na ʼn inklusiewe stelsel het ʼn perspektiefverandering tot gevolg gehad. Die verandering in perspektief het ʼn verskuiwing weg van ʼn klem op individuele diagnose en voorskriftelike terapeutiese intervensies deur professionele persone, na ʼn groter klem op die ontwikkeling van samewerkende en konsulterende verhoudings tussen onderwysers, professionele persone en ouers meegebring. Hierdie verandering in denke het ʼn invloed gehad op die rolle van onderwysers, skoolhoofde en ondersteuningspersoneel. In hierdie studie word daar spesifiek gefokus op die rol- en praktykomskakelings van die eertydse remediërende onderwysers na leerondersteunende onderwysers (leerondersteuners). Navorsingstudies het getoon dat die rol van die leerondersteuner tans baie meer omvattend is as vroeër, met die gevolg dat die volgende navorsingsvrae ontstaan het: Wat is die rol van leerondersteuners binne inklusiewe onderwys en watter ervarings het hulle gehad tydens hul rol- en praktykomskakelings? Die doel van hierdie generiese interpretatiewe navorsingstudie was om vier leerondersteuners wat voorheen as remediërende onderwysers gewerk het se ervarings van hul rol- en praktykomskakelings te analiseer, te beskryf en te verduidelik. Die studie is gedoen vanuit die interpretatiewe paradigma wat die kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gerig het. Data is deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde en fokusgroeponderhoude asook dokumente van die Wes-Kaap Onderwysdepartement gegenereer. Die onderhoudsdata is getranskribeer en verwerk. Bevindinge het getoon dat al die leerondersteuners unieke ervarings gehad het. Daar was egter ʼn ooreenkoms in die ervaring van ʼn klemverskuiwing wat plaasgevind het vanaf remediërende onderwys na leerondersteuning. ʼn Belangrike aspek wat uit die data voortgespruit het, was dat leerondersteuners se daaglikse take en verantwoordelikhede by hul spesifieke skole grootliks van mekaar verskil het, vanweë die verskillende skoolkontekste. Daar is verder bevind dat daar ʼn leemte is in die ondersteuning wat leerondersteuners aan onderwysers bied. Voorstelle is gemaak om ondersteuningsnetwerke te vorm binne die verskillende sisteme van die leerder se konteks, sodat skole omgeskakel kan word na inklusiewe gemeenskappe. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The transformation from a traditional education system to an inclusive education system implies a change in perspectives. Perspectives in education support that have traditionally focused on the so-called medical deficit approach have since changed to a model that focuses on inclusive education. An inclusive education system moves away from an approach that focused on diagnosis and treatment, to a system where the removal of stumbling blocks within society and the participation of all people, especially those with differences, in the everyday life of society, are recognised. The change in perspective requires the transformation in the roles of education support professionals. This study focuses specifically on these role conversions that the former remedial teachers have to make in becoming learning support teachers. Research has shown that the role of learning support teachers is more comprehensive within an inclusive system. This led to the following research questions: How do learning support teachers experience their role conversion? Because studies proved it to be problematic to define the role of the learning support teacher, due the influence of the context on their work, a second question arose: What is the role of the learning support teacher within an inclusive education system? The purpose of this generic qualitative study was to analyse, describe and explain the experiences of four remedial teachers during their role conversion to learning support teachers. The study was conducted within an interpretive paradigm which guided the qualitative research design. Data was generated by means of semi-structured and focus group interviews and included relevant documents from the Western Cape Education Department regarding the role of learning support teachers and inclusion. The interview data were transcribed and analysed. The findings show that all the learning support teachers had unique experiences during the role conversion. An important aspect that resulted from the data was that the day-to-day operations and responsibilities of learning support teachers differed from one another, due to the difference in the school contexts. vi An additional outcome of the analysis identified a lack of support for teachers. Recommendations are made to create support networks within the different systems of the learner‟s context to ensure that schools are converted to inclusive communities

Die rol van die onderwysleier in onderwystransformasie met spesifieke verwysing na toelatingsbeleid : 'n gevallestudie van 'n gestremde leerder

Ferreira, Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Educational provision to all the peoples of South Africa comes with political baggage. Educational provision in South Africa is entangled in the political system and restricted by financial constraints. This research report shows the fragmented history of educational provision to five groups of learners, namely the previous four racial groupings, but also the fifth grouping, those learners with special and/or specific educational needs. The research report recounts the adaptation and progress of a disabled pupil in a mainstream school. The specific needs of the learner are researched, but the part that the educators play, who often have very little or even no knowledge of learners with special needs, are also researched and the findings reported. The role that the support teams play in the progress of these learners progress are researched and formulated. The part the school manager plays and the acceptance of the responsibility by the school to provide schooling of maximum quality for the disabled learner are weighed up against the acceptance of the disabled learner by fellow learners of the school. The case study is about one disabled learner in a mainstream school, and no conclusions or recommendations are made. The story is told so that educators who are confronted with a disabled learner will not feel threatened by the presence of such learner. They should also not be concerned about the influence that a disabled learner could have on learners in an ordinary class. The educators of the learner in this study however found that they had to keep the disabled learners' specific needs in mind when they did their planning. This was never done to the detriment of any of the other learners. These educators rather found that all learners benefited by the inclusion of the disabled learner at this particular school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voorsienmg van onderwys aan alle mense van Suid-Afrika kom met politieke bagasie. Onderwysvoorsiening in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis is verstrengel met die politieke bestel en word deur finansiële beperkings aan bande gelê. Hierdie werkstuk fokus op die gefragmenteerde geskiedenis van onderwysvoorsiening aan vyf groepe leerders, naamlik die voormalige vier rassegroepe, maar ook 'n vyfde groep, daardie leerders met spesifieke en/of spesiale onderwysbehoeftes. Die verslag boekstaaf 'n leerder met gestremdheid se aanpassmg en vordering in 'n hoofstroomskool. Ondersoek word ingestel na dié leerder se spesifieke onderwysbehoeftes, en die rol wat die opvoeders speel. Dit is ongelukkig so dat opvoeders min of selfs geen kennis het van leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes nie en hierdie probleem sal dus ook ondersoek en bespreek word. Verder word die rol wat ondersteuningsgroepe ten opsigte van die vordering van leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes speel, ook ondersoek en bespreek. Die rol van die skoolbestuurder en die bereidwilligheid van die skool se bestuur om skoolbywoning 'n maksimale ervaring vir die leerder met gestremdheid te maak word teen medeleerders se ervaring en aanvaarding van hierdie leerder opgeweeg. Hierdie gevallestudie handeloor een leerder met gestremdheid in 'n hoofstroomskool en geen bevindinge of aanbevelings word gemaak nie. Die verhaal word vertel sodat ander opvoeders wat met leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes gekonfronteer word, nie onseker hoef te wees oor die invloed wat 'n leerder met gestremdheid op onderrig in 'n klas sal hê nie. Die opvoeders van hierdie leerder het welondervind dat die leerder met gestremdheid se onderwysbehoeftes in hulle daaglikse beplanning in ag geneem moet word, maar dit was nooit ten koste van enige ander leerder nie. Hierdie opvoeders se ervaring was eerder dat alle leerders voordeel getrek het uit hierdie leerder se insluiting in hierdie betrokke skool.

Whole-school reading as intervention in a Gauteng primary school : a practitioner's intervention

05 February 2014 (has links)
D.Ed. (Educational Psychology) / The general preference for English as language of teaching and learning (LoLT) poses a formidable learning barrier to many English Second Language (ESL) learners in South African schools. Addressing this barrier is the responsibility of the whole-school with the support of the Department of Education. In particular, school based support teams (SBST) are tasked with the support of learners who experience reading barriers in an inclusive mainstream school. This thesis concerns the implementation of a whole-school intervention at a primary school in a disadvantaged community in Gauteng, South Africa, where ESL learners experience severe barriers to reading acquisition. The aim was to provide support to the whole-school to address reading barriers in an inclusive environment. Objectives were to identify the elements of whole-school reading; to develop and implement an integrated whole-school reading intervention; to train educators to address learners' reading barriers; and to provide guidelines to the Inclusion and Special Schools Unit (provincial level), District Based Support Team (DBST) and the school, to address reading barriers in future. A literature study reviewed themes regarding inclusion, support structures and whole-school development. Literature dealing with essential elements of wholeschool reading, approaches and strategies provided a theoretical framework for the implementation of whole-school reading. A qualitative study within an interpretive paradigm using practitioner action research was conducted. The research site was a primary school in a disadvantaged area in Gauteng, which had referred ESL learners to the local Inclusion and Special Schools Unit for support. Action research was selected because of its fundamental principle of participant empowerment through participation, collaboration, acquisition of knowledge and social change. Data was gathered from staff and learners and analysed during the phases of the action research process. Data collection included learner and educator questionnaires, discussions, observations, field notes, pre- and post baseline scholastic assessment, focus group interviews and the researcher's reflections. Findings indicated that SBST's need support in order to address reading barriers. ESL learners do not receive sufficient exposure to English to develop reading skills. Intermediate phase educators have not been trained to teach learners to read and improve their reading skills. Whole-school reading intervention was thus valuable in providing training and support structures for the school to address reading difficulties.

Teachers' teaching strategies in a sample of South African inclusive classrooms

Lake, Nicola January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in Psychology by coursework and research report in the faculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2010 / The study explored how teachers in mainstream schools in South Africa attempt to ensure all learners are included in the classroom as active participants. Inclusive education has been the educational policy in South Africa since 2001 and teachers are invaluable in implementing it, thus this research explored what teachers do in the classroom to ensure all learners are included as active participants. In particular the study explored whether teachers use learner-centred and differentiated instruction, strategies recommended for the inclusive classroom. Barriers and differences among learners that teachers consider in ensuring inclusion of learners in the curriculum and classroom as well as factors that hamper their ability in ensuring inclusion of learners were also explored. The sample of the study consisted of 14 teachers from four primary schools in the Johannesburg East region. Three focus groups and one individual interview were conducted. Questions looked at teaching strategies teachers use in their inclusive classrooms, factors among learners they consider in creating inclusive lessons and factors that hamper their implementation of inclusive education. It was found that teachers view learner-centred and differentiated instruction as useful within the inclusive classroom and they indicated that they do use these strategies. However, teachers indicated that they have received insufficient pre and in-service training for such strategies and for inclusive education in general and that there is thus a need to improve pre and in-service training for inclusive education. Moreover, commonly occurring factors such as large classes, limited resources, heavy workload, insufficient support services and time constraints were argued to make such strategies difficult to use. In discussing differences among learners considered in creating inclusive lessons teachers focused on cognitive and academic differences, while differences in culture, learning styles, interests, personality and socio-economic background were discussed infrequently. Barriers that teachers discussed as important to accommodate for in the inclusive classroom included hearing, visual and emotional barriers and poor concentration. Language was also identified as an important barrier to accommodate for. The family were identified as an important resource in achieving the goals of inclusive education, however it was indicated that there is a lack of family involvement. Limitations of the study are also discussed as well as directions for future research. / GR2017

Supporting deaf learners in inclusive education settings in South Africa

Skrebneva, Iliana Viktorovna 06 1900 (has links)
The inclusive paradigm requires that deaf learners are educated in regular schools. In the process of implementing inclusive policies educators often feel that they lack the necessary knowledge and experience to provide effective support for deaf learners. As a result these learners are seldom effectively catered for in regular settings and frequently tend to experience frustration and failure. This research attempted to investigate the nature and manifestations of deafness in primary school learners in order to determine effective strategies to identify and address the diverse needs of deaf learners in the regular schools. A qualitative study was conducted and data was gathered by observations and interviews with three experienced educators. The results of the empirical findings were confirmed with the literature study in order to compile practical guidelines to assist educators to support deaf learners in inclusive education settings in South Africa effectively. / Educational Studies / (M. Ed. (Inclusive Education))

The educators' perceptions and experiences of inclusive education in selected Pietermaritzburg schools.

Mayaba, Phindile Lungile. January 2008 (has links)
After the first democratic elections in 1994 the South African government was faced with the enormous challenge of blending a sophisticated First World education system for the minority with an underdeveloped Third World education system for the majority. The government committed itself to the principles of an inclusive education approach in order to provide equal quality education for all learners. The focus of the inclusive education will be to provide education for all learners (not only for the disabled) who for one or more reasons were discriminated against under the previous education policy. The aim of this study was to investigate the educators’ perceptions and experiences of inclusive education in schools where it is being implemented in Pietermaritzburg. The study also looked at the nature of concerns and attitudes held by these educators. Both a literature and empirical study were executed. The quantitative and qualitative approaches were used and data were collected by semi-structures questionnaires administered to thirty educators from schools where inclusive education is being implemented. Quantitative data was analysed using the descriptive statistics. A thematic analysis technique was used to analyse qualitative data. The results were presented against the central themes that emerged and include: inclusive education is challenging by its very nature; negative attitude towards inclusive education and learners with barriers to learning; negative perception towards adapting the curriculum to learners with barriers to learning; availability / lack of resources and support needed in inclusive classrooms; areas of needs in working with learners with barriers to learning; and many learners’ needs are not being met, while educators’ workload and stress have increased. A general sense of negativity was found with regard to the educators’ perceptions and attitudes towards inclusive education. They indicated that they were not well prepared for inclusive education. Recommendations were made to facilitate improving the preparedness or readiness of the educators, for inclusive education in inclusive schools in the Pietermaritzburg area. / Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008.

Inclusive education policy and practice : investigating the educational rights and needs of learners and students with visual impairments in South Africa

Sukhraj-Ely, Praveena. January 2008 (has links)
Focus This thesis investigates inclusive education policy and practice in South Africa. In this context, particular focus is given to the rights and needs of visually impaired learners and students. Background Due to the dual segregated education system, as at 2001, approximately 280 000 disabled children did not have access to education at school. The special schools system fostered inequality and discrimination of disabled learners from an early age. This stood in tension with the South African Constitution and was not in line with international trends. This ‘normative tension’ and lack of alignment with evolving international practice led to a shift towards an inclusive education system as a policy preference. Policy In 1996 the Constitution and the South African Schools Act prescribed that everyone had the right to basic education and should not be discriminated against on any grounds. Mainstream schools catered for able-bodied learners, and existing legislation did not automatically equip schools and teachers with resources and training to accommodate disabled learners. To enable directives to obtain these objectives, Education White Paper 6 was passed in 2001. This policy documented Government’s intent to implement an inclusive education system by 2021. Investigation The educational needs of visually impaired learners were identified and discussed. An analysis of White Paper 6, highlighting its strengths and limitations in light of the identified specialised educational needs, was conducted. Research was undertaken in mainstream schools, special schools and universities to assess the progress of the implementation process. Challenges impeding the process including untrained educators, insufficient funding, and no established provisioning norms were identified. Inclusive education has its foundations within social rights theory. Education, like other basic social rights is a justiciable right which the State must uphold. However, like all normative wish lists of rights, limited resources, competing claimants and policy trade-offs are inevitable, more especially in a developing country. As a result budgets, utilisation of funds and accountability of the Department of Education were also investigated. Conclusion Following an analysis of the contents of the policy and findings on the progress of the implementation process, policy recommendations- informed by the researchwere proposed. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.

Creating inclusive schools : critical considerations for school management teams.

Yeni, Nombulelo Priscilla Esther. January 2012 (has links)
A qualitative case study of critical consideration for the SMT in developing inclusive schools is reported in this study. The study was conducted in one rural district in the south coast area in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of the study was to determine the SMT’s understanding of inclusive education and to establish what they consider as important in ensuring that their schools are inclusive. Lastly, it sought to identify the challenges that they faced in making their school inclusive. This was a single case study. The study targeted 5 SMT members who were involved in a focus group interview. Data analysis in the study influenced by systems theory. The two concepts defined are inclusive education and school management teams. Both the theoretical framework and the theory were used as lenses to understand the critical considerations for the SMTs in developing inclusive schools. The findings gathered from the study indicate that the SMT had very limited and often distorted understanding of the policy of inclusive education. It was also clear that they are not sure of what they consider critical for them as the SMT in the process of developing inclusive schools. At the same time they were able to indicate many challenges that they are faced with in their school. The findings suggest that this might be lack or inappropriate training on inclusive education as well as misunderstandings on inclusive strategies. The study concludes that the introduction of policy processes that requires implementation should ensure that all stakeholders involved are brought on board. It is important to get buy in from other educators to embrace diversity and understand the purpose. The process of paradigm shift is difficult to individuals especially when there are so many changes in the system, people tend to resist change. / Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

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