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Structuration de surfaces au moyen d'un traitement laser femtoseconde : applications à la fonctionnalisation de surface du polypropylène en vue de sa métallisationBelaud, Vanessa 16 January 2014 (has links)
Ce présent travail de thèse porte sur l’étude du potentiel d’un traitement de surface par laser femtoseconde comme étape de substitution aux traitements réalisés actuellement lors de la métallisation de polymère. Pour cela, l’étude des modifications chimiques et morphologiques induites par traitement laser femtoseconde ainsi que leurs influences respectives sur les propriétés d’adhérences et de mouillabilités de la surface polypropylène sont présentées. Une revue bibliographique met en évidence la faisabilité d’une modification contrôlée de la surface du polypropylène après traitement laser femtoseconde. De plus, ces modifications engendrent une évolution démontrée des propriétés de mouillage qui peuvent répondre à certaines demandes industrielles. Après traitement laser femtoseconde, la surface traitée répond de différentes manières à la sollicitation en fonction de ses propriétés intrinsèques. Les expériences d’impacts localisés et de surfaces nous ont conduits à observer trois stades de modifications topographiques pour les conditions étudiées : un phénomène d’incubation, d’accumulation et d’ablation. Ce dernier a fait l’objet d’une étude plus approfondie. De manière générale, on observe deux régimes d’ablation linéaires pour l’ensemble des densités de puissance étudiées lorsque l’on étudie la profondeur d’ablation en fonction du nombre d’impulsion et le volume d’ablation en fonction de la densité de puissance cumulée. Enfin, nous montrons que les liaisons présentes en surface après traitement sont dépendantes de deux facteurs ; la densité de puissance cumulée utilisée et l’environnement de travail. Sachant que les modifications topographiques obtenues sont de types multi-échelles, les résultats ont été analysés sur la base des modèles de Wenzel (1936) et de Cassie-Baxter (1944) relatifs à la théorie du mouillage de surfaces rugueuses. Les résultats expérimentaux et leurs corrélations avec les paramètres de rugosités 3D calculés à différentes échelles ont été traités par une analyse statistique. On observe alors un comportement mixte avec un contact intime de la goutte sur les sommets des aspérités (modèle de Wenzel) et un contact hétérogène (airpolypropylène) à une échelle mésoscopique (état « fakir » décrit par le modèle de Cassie-Baxter). Toutefois, la situation où la goute repose sur le sommet des structures (CB) n’est pas toujours stable. Nous avons étudié la transition de l’état CB à l’état W par des expériences d’évaporation. On observe que cette transition est fortement dépendante de la chimie de surface dont la contribution est prépondérante sur les propriétés d’adhérence métal/PP. En contrôlant cette propriété, il est alors possible de répondre à une problématique industrielle de galvanoplastie (adhérence augmenté par le traitement laser) ou d’électroformage (adhérence faible permettant une réplication de bonne qualité des motifs). / This work presents the potential of a femtosecond laser surface treatment as an alternative step of pretreatments during the metallization of polymer. To do this, the study of chemical and morphological modification induced by femtosecond laser treatment and their respective influences on the properties of adhesion and wettability of polypropylene surface are presented. A literature review highlights the feasibility of a controlled surface modification after femtosecond laser treatment of polypropylene (PP). In addition, it is known that these modifications changes the wetting properties and can be used to meet industrial applications development. After femtosecond laser treatment, the treated surface responds to the solicitation with different morphological comportment according to its intrinsic properties. Experiences of localized impacts and surfaces us to observe three stages of topographic changes to the conditions studied: an incubation phenomenon of accumulation and ablation. The ablation phenomenon is further study. Generally, two linear ablation regime is observed for all power densities examined when considering the depth of ablation as a function of the pulse number and the ablation volume according to the accumulated power density. Finally, we show that the bonds present on the surface after treatment are dependent on two factors: the accumulated power density used and the working environment. Knowing that topographic obtained is multi-scales, the results were analyzed on the basis of models Wenzel (W)(1936) and Cassie–Baxter (CB) (1944) which explain the theory of wetting of rough surfaces. The experimental results and their correlations with 3D roughness parameters calculated at different scales were treated by statistical analysis. We observe a mixed model behavior with intimate contact of the drop on the tops of the asperities (Wenzel model) and a heterogeneous contact (air - PP) in a mesoscopic scale (state " fakir " described by the Cassie -Baxter model). However, this situation where the drop sits on the top of asperities (CB) is not always the most stable. We have studied the transition between the CB state and the W state by evaporation experiments. It is observed that this transition is strongly dependent on the surface chemistry whose contribution is much greater than the adhesion properties metal / PP. If controlling this property, it is possible to obtain two industrial applications: electroplating (increased adhesion by laser treatment) or electroforming (low adherence to replicate the topography).
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Intracellular Signaling Contributions to Behaviors Relevant to Nicotine AddictionThompson, Lauren 21 July 2011 (has links)
Nicotine is the primary addictive substance in tobacco, and most smokers who quit will relapse within a year. Evidence shows that cigarette craving increases over time, termed “incubation.” The purpose of these studies was to see if protracted abstinence from chronic nicotine increases rat self-administration, an animal model with good face validity for human tobacco use, and if nicotine self-administration during daily exposure/after 8+ days of abstinence is regulated by extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell or anterior cingulate cortex (PFC). ERK kinase inhibitor U0126 was infused in the NAc shell or PFC of Long Evans rats immediately prior to daily self-administration sessions and following 8+ days of abstinence. U0126 in the PFC decreased responding for nicotine during daily sessions. Following 8+ days of abstinence, animals showed a robust increase in responding for nicotine, blocked by U0126 in the NAc shell, but not the PFC. Western blots revealed that nicotine treatment decreased levels of a substrate of ERK, ribosomal s6 kinase (RSK), in the NAc shell and increased it in the PFC, which occurred independent of abstinence period. In contrast, levels of RSK were increased in the NAc shell following a nicotine challenge during the abstinence period. In summary, our data show that the ERK signaling pathway plays a vital role in nicotine addiction during daily nicotine exposure and following periods of abstinence.
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Exploring the interplay of the entrepreneurial process and the incubation processHalm, Lisa, Mörke, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Entrepreneurship and start-ups are important factors for economic growth and development. As the surrounding innovation ecosystem is becoming increasingly complex, it gets more difficult for entrepreneurs to find the right path. Incubators are important when it comes to facilitating and supporting new ventures. In this research, we conducted 19 semi-structured interviews of which five were held with public incubators, four with private incubators, nine with incubatees and one with Vinnova (a government authority that plays a huge part within the existence of public incubators) in order to gain an understanding of the interplay of the incubation process and the entrepreneurial process. As for analyzing the collected data we used a thematic analysis with an inductive approach. Throughout the coding process, we extracted the following three main topics: role of an incubator, incubation process and interplay. However, a distinction between public and private incubators was approved as applicable that determines the incubators’ purpose, objectives and operations. Our findings suggest that incubators play an important role in supporting and guiding the start-ups by transferring knowledge and asking the right questions as a fundament for the further entrepreneurial process. Continuous communication and expectation management are shown as crucial throughout the interplay of the two processes. Lastly, the disconnection from the incubatees should be done carefully, e.g. through a non-proactive aftercare.
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Tecnologia da informação, inovação e empreendedorismo: Fatores críticos de sucesso no uso de ferramentas de gestão em empresas incubadas de base tecnológica / Information technology, Innovation and entrepreneurship: success critical agents using management tools on based-technology incubators firms.Paletta, Francisco Carlos 21 August 2008 (has links)
Diante da crescente importância que as empresas de base tecnológica assumem na geração de riqueza e promoção do desenvolvimento econômico sustentável, destaca-se o papel das incubadoras de empresas na promoção da inovação. Imersas em ambientes tradicionalmente geradores de conhecimento, como institutos de pesquisa e universidades, propiciam não só recursos materiais como também os recursos humanos necessários à transformação de idéias em produtos em escala empresarial. No entanto, faz-se necessário adotar um conjunto de ações para dinamizar as oportunidades de sucesso de novos empreendimentos. O modelo de incentivo à inovação e ao desenvolvimento de negócios posto em prática pelas incubadoras de empresas de base tecnológica permite ao empreendedor a obtenção de competências determinísticas de êxito que resultem em aumento do ciclo de vida da empresa. As incubadoras fornecem a estrutura necessária para o desenvolvimento da idéia até a consolidação do negócio. Utilizando como parâmetro de aferição a Pesquisa Global com empresas de sucesso, realizamos estudo com os empreendedores residentes no Centro Incubador de Empresas Tecnológicas. Este estudo visa identificar o potencial uso de ferramentas de gestão que permitam influenciar os fatores críticos de sucesso do empreendedorismo de base tecnológica. A Pesquisa Global, referência deste estudo, é realizada há mais de catorze anos e conta com um banco de dados de 8.504 empresas que sobreviveram ao teste do tempo. Em 2007, a pesquisa foca em 25 ferramentas e a amostra foi de 1221 gestores em todo o mundo, dos quais 101 no Brasil, na busca de identificar quais ferramentas de gestão eles utilizam e quais resultados elas têm gerado. Para fazer parte da Pesquisa Global, as ferramentas precisam ser consideradas importantes pelos gestores, ter aplicação específica e resultados mensuráveis. Neste trabalho, baseado na hierarquia entre inovação e valor, ao monitorar quais ferramentas os gestores das empresas incubadas de base tecnológica utilizam, em quais circunstâncias e com que intensidade e compará-las com as utilizadas pelas empresas da pesquisa global, busca-se identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso para o crescimento sustentável. / Since technology companies have become a significant source of income generation and sustainable economic development, business incubation centers have been standing out due to the support they offer to start-up innovation companies. As they are embedded in research institutes and universities, not only do these business incubation units take care of the material aspects needed to establish innovation companies, but they also provide the necessary human resources to turn ideas into products on a business scale. However, further action is required to augment the chances of success for those fledgling businesses. The business incentive model provided by technology-based incubation units with regard to fostering innovation and business development offer start-up business owners the necessary tools to succeed in their venture, thus guaranteeing that their companies enjoy a longer life cycle. Business incubation centers can provide the necessary structure from the development of an idea up to the consolidation of a business. For this study, we have considered successful new companies that are part of the Technology Business Incubation Center. Our goal was to identify potential management tools that could be critical in fostering the growth of such technology-based businesses. The Global Research used as reference for this study has been conducted for over 14 years, and counts on a database with over 8,504 companies that have survived the test of time. The research focused on 25 management tools in 2007. The sample consisted of 1,221 managers from all over the world 101 of them located in Brazil and the aim was to identify the management tools employed, and the results obtained from such tools. In order to be included in the global research, management tools have to be considered important by their users; moreover, their use has to be specific, and their results have to be measurable. In this study, based on hierarchy and value, we have monitored which management tools were employed by technology-based companies part of incubation units, under what circumstances and how frequently, in order to compare such tools with the ones used by companies included in the global research, thus identifying critical elements of success for their sustainable growth.
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Influência da idade da matriz e do peso do ovo incubado nas respostas de pintos de corte alimentados com rações pré-iniciais farelada, triturada ou micro-peletizada / Effect of breeder age and incubated egg weight on the responses of broiler chicks fed with mash, crumbled or micro-pelleted pre-starter dietsTraldi, Ana Beatriz 12 March 2010 (has links)
Quatro experimentos foram conduzidos com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da forma física da ração pré-inicial no desempenho e na alometria de órgãos do sistema digestório de frangos de corte, provenientes de ovos de pesos semelhantes ou distintos, produzidos por matrizes Ross de idades diferentes. Foram utilizados 2.340 ovos para os experimentos 1 e 2 e 2.160 ovos para os experimentos 3 e 4. A composição percentual dos ovos foi avaliada. Os experimentos 1 e 2, assim como os experimentos 3 e 4, ocorreram simultaneamente. O experimento 1 contou com 1.380 pintos de um dia, machos e fêmeas sexados, provenientes de ovos com peso médio de 57,8 g ou 68,8 g, de matrizes com, respectivamente, 29 e 55 semanas. O experimento 3 contou com 1.380 aves provenientes de matrizes com 29 e 55 semanas de idade, sendo o peso médio dos ovos padronizado em aproximadamente 62 g. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e cinco repetições, em esquema fatorial 2x3 (idade da matriz x forma física da ração pré-inicial). Na fase pré-inicial, a forma física da ração foi diferenciada em farelada, triturada e micro-peletizada, com fornecimento fixado em 200 g/ave. Do término da fase pré-inicial até os 42 dias de idade, foi fornecida uma ração comum farelada, para todos os tratamentos. Os parâmetros de desempenho avaliados nos experimentos 1 e 3 foram: ganho de peso, consumo de ração, conversão alimentar e viabilidade criatória. O tempo utilizado para o consumo total da ração pré-inicial foi monitorado. Para a avaliação da alometria de órgãos (intestinos delgado e grosso, fígado, pâncreas, proventrículo, moela e saco vitelino), foram utilizados em cada experimento (2 e 4), 240 pintos de um dia, machos e fêmeas sexados, nos mesmos tratamentos adotados nos experimentos 1 (pesos distintos) e 3 (pesos semelhantes). Foram sacrificadas seis aves provenientes de cada idade de matriz ao alojamento e quatro aves por tratamento nos dias três, cinco, sete, 14 e 21, sendo cada ave considerada uma unidade experimental. A gema de ovos provenientes de matrizes adultas foi maior mesmo quando estes apresentavam pesos semelhantes aos de matrizes jovens. Em ambos os experimentos de desempenho, melhores resultados foram obtidos pelos frangos provenientes de matrizes de 55 semanas de idade, bem como, por aqueles que consumiram rações pré-iniciais processadas. As aves levaram menos tempo para consumir 200 g de rações processadas do que farelada. Ao alojamento, moela, proventrículo, fígado e intestino delgado foram mais pesados para as aves oriundas de matrizes adultas, quando estas apresentavam pesos iniciais superiores aos das aves de matrizes jovens. O desenvolvimento do pâncreas, intestino delgado, fígado e proventrículo na primeira semana de vida foi superior ao crescimento corpóreo das aves, independente da idade da matriz. Conclui-se que o peso do ovo influencia o peso do pinto à eclosão, porém, é a idade da matriz que atua sobre o desempenho de frangos de corte. Além disso, o consumo de dietas processadas na fase pré-inicial favorece o desempenho dos frangos até os 42 dias de idade. / Four trials were conducted to evaluate the physical form of pre-starter diets on performance and allometric growth of gastrointestinal organs of chickens from eggs having the same or different weights, hatched from Ross breeders of different ages. In trails1 and 2, 2,340 eggs were incubated and in trails 3 and 4, 2,160. The eggs percentage composition was evaluated. Trials 1 and 2, as well as trials 3 and 4, were carried out simultaneously. After hatching, 1,380 day-old chicks, males and females, from young breeders (29 weeks) or adult breeders (55 weeks) were used in performance experiments: in experiment 1 the eggs weighted 57,8 g or 68,8 g, respectively, and in experiment 3, egg weight was standardized at 62 g. The performance trials were conducted in a completely randomized design with 6 treatments and 5 replicates, and the treatments consisted of a 2 3 factorial arrangement of breeder age (young and adult) and physical form of the pre-starter feed (mash, crumbled or micro-pellets). This feed was provided at a fixed amount of 200 g per chick and, after that, the birds in all treatments were fed a common starter, grower and finisher diet in mash form, to 42 days of age. Live weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion and viability were evaluated on a pen basis. The time required for total consumption of the pre-starter feeds was monitored. To evaluate the allometric growth of gastrointestinal organs (small and large intestines, liver, pancreas, proventriculus, gizzard and yolk sac), in experiments 2 and 4, 240 one-day-chicks, males and females, were distributed to six pens with the same treatments as experiments 1 and 3, respectively. Six chicks from each breeder age on the first day and four chicks at ages three, five, seven, 14 and 21 days were sacrificed. The experimental unit was each chick. The yolk from adult breeder eggs was heavier, even when the eggs had similar weight of those from young breeders. In both performance trials, better results were obtained for chickens from adult breeders, as well as, for chickens fed processed pre-starter diets. The chickens consumed 200 g of processed diets faster than the mash diet. On the first day, gizzard, proventriculus, liver and small intestine were heavier in chicks from adult breeders than in chicks from young breeders, when the former presented heavier initial weight. Pancreas, small intestine, liver and proventriculus development was superior to body growth, independent of breeder age. It is concluded that egg weight influences the chick weight at hatching, however, breeder age affects the overall performance of the chickens. Furthermore, processed feeds benefit the chicks in the pre-starter phase and this benefit is maintained in the broilers to market weight.
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Modelos volumétricos e fator de forma na estimativa do volume de árvores em cerrado sensu strictoMedeiros, Paulo César Alves de Oliveira 30 January 2018 (has links)
O trabalho objetivou fazer a caracterização da estrutura horizontal por meio do índice de valor de importância (IVI) e como objetivos específicos de determinar o volume de madeira de dez espécies com maior domínio em um fragmento de Cerrado sensu stricto no município de Gurupi-TO, através da utilização de equação volumétricas e do fator de forma. Os dados foram provenientes de cubagem relativa de árvores em pé e seus volumes obtidos pela equação de Hohenadl (10 seções). Foram coletados diâmetros de 323 árvores-amostras em 5 classes diamétricas, com intervalos de 2cm. Foram selecionados 10 modelos volumétricos, sendo estes denominados: Ogaya, Stoate, Rezende et al. (2006), Scolforo e Silva (1993), Meyer, Spurr (Logaritmo), Kopezky-Gehrhardt, Hohenadl-Krenn, Brennac e Schumacher-Hall, para o ajuste dos dados. Para a avaliação adotou-se critérios estatísticos: R² aj, Syx, além da análise gráfica da distribuição dos resíduos. Para as 10 espécies obteve-se uma produtividade média em termos de área basal de 7,05 m² ha-1 e volumes estimados pela equação e pelo fator de forma, valores de 25,25 m3 ha-1 e 26,87 m3 ha-1, respectivamente. O fator de forma médio foi de 0,67 para as 10 espécies avaliadas. Conclui-se que fator de forma pode ser utilizado para as estimativas de volume em áreas onde predominam uma dominância de espécies ou grupos de espécies com características semelhantes ao deste estudo, especialmente em áreas de Cerrado sensu stricto em alternativa as equações volumétricas e que o modelo de Meyer apresentou o melhor desempenho para estimativa do volume em 10 espécies em uma área de Cerrado sensu stricto. / The work aimed to make the horizontal structure characterization through the importance value index (IVI) and specific objectives to determine the volume of ten wood species with larger field in a Cerrado sensu stricto fragment in the municipality Gurupi-TO, through the use of volumetric and equation of the form factor. The data was from standing trees relative space and their volumes obtained by the Hohenadl equation (10 sections). 323 diameters were collected trees-samples in 5 diamétricas classes, with intervals of 2 cm. 10 volumetric models were selected, these being called: Ogaya, Stoate, Raj et al. (2006), Scolforo and Silva (1993), Meyer, Spurr (Logarithm) Kopezky-Gehrhardt, Hohenadl-Krenn, Brennac and Schumacher-Hall, for the adjustment of the data. For evaluating statistical criteria adopted: R ² aj, Syx, in addition to the graphical analysis of the distribution of waste. For the 10 species obtained an average productivity in terms of basal area of 7.05 m ² ha-1 and volumes estimated by equation and by form factor, 25.25 values m3 ha-1 and 26.87 m3 ha-1, respectively. The average form factor was 0.67 for the 10 species evaluated. It is concluded that form factor can be used for the volume estimates in areas where a dominance of species or groups of species with similar characteristics to this study, especially in areas of Cerrado sensu stricto as an alternative the volumetric and equations that model of Meyer presented the best performance for volume estimation in 10 species in an area of Cerrado sensu stricto.
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Sobrevida de pacientes com HIV e AIDS nas eras pré e pós terapia antirretroviral de alta potência / Survival of patients with HIV and AIDS in the eras pre and post antiretroviral therapy high powerTancredi, Mariza Vono 08 March 2010 (has links)
Introdução: A Aids é uma pandemia que representa um grave problema de saúde pública e o efeito das terapias antirretrovirais tem sido objeto de estudos. Objetivos: Estimar a mediana do tempo livre de Aids (MTLA) e o tempo mediano de sobrevida (TMS) entre pacientes HIV positivos sem e com Aids, respectivamente, e investigar os preditores de Aids e óbito, em duas coortes selecionadas entre 1988 a 2003. Método: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo de pacientes adultos de um Centro de Referência de Aids em São Paulo. As variáveis estudadas foram: características sociodemográficas, categorias de transmissão, ano do diagnóstico, níveis de linfócitos T CD4+ e esquemas terapêuticos. Utilizou-se o estimador produto limite de Kaplan-Meier, o modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox e as estimativas das razões de hazard (HR), com respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95 por cento (IC=95 por cento). Resultados: A incidência média de Aids foi de 11,6 e de 7,1/1000 pessoas-ano, para os períodos de 1988 a 1996 e de 1997 a 2003. A MTLA sem uso de tratamento antirretroviral (TARV) foi de 53,7 meses, com TARV sem HAART foi de 90,0 meses e com HAART mais de 50 por cento dos pacientes permaneceram livres de Aids até 108 meses. Mostraram-se associados à evolução para Aids independente das demais exposições: receber TARV sem HAART (HR= 2,1, IC 95 por cento 1,6 2,8); não ser tratado (HR= 3,0; IC 95 por cento 2,5 3,6); pertencer ao grupo etário de 30 a 49 anos (HR= 1,2 ; IC 95 por cento 1,1 1,3); possuir 50 anos ou mais (HR= 2,9; IC 95 por cento 2,3 5,2); pertencer à raça/etnia negra e parda (HR= 1,4; IC 95 por cento 1,1 1,7); pertencer à categoria de exposição HSH (HR= 1,4; IC 95 por cento 1,1 1,6); e UDI (HR= 1,7; IC 95 por cento 1,3 2,2); ter até oito anos de estudo (HR=1,3; IC 95 por cento 1,1 1,5); não ter nenhuma escolaridade (HR=2,0; IC 95 por cento 1,4 5,6); ter CD4+ entre 350 e 500 cel/mm³ (HR=1,6; IC 95 por cento 1,3 1,9). As taxas médias de mortalidade foram de 17,6/1000 pessoas-ano, 23,2 e 7,8, respectivamente, entre 1988 e 1993, de 1994 a 1996 e de 1997 a 2003. O TMS foi de 13,4 meses entre 1988 e 1993, 22,3 meses entre 1994 e 1996 e, de 1997 a 2003 mais de 50 por cento dos pacientes sobreviveram até 108 meses. Mostraram-se associados ao óbito por Aids independente das demais exposições: diagnóstico de Aids entre 1994 e 1996 (HR= 2,0; IC 95 por cento 1,8 2,2); diagnóstico de Aids entre 1988 e 1993 (HR= 3,2; IC 95 por cento 2,8 3,5); pertencer ao grupo etário de 30 a 49 anos (HR= 1,4 ; IC 95 por cento 1,2 1,5); possuir 50 anos ou mais (HR= 2,0; IC 95 por cento 1,7 2,3); pertencer à categoria de exposição HSH (HR= 1,1; IC 95 por cento 1,1 1,2); e UDI (HR= 1,5; IC 95 por cento 1,3 1,6); ter até 8 anos de estudo (HR= 1,4; IC 95 por cento 1,3 1,5); não ter estudado(HR= 2,1; IC 95 por cento 1,6 2,8); ter CD4+ entre 350 a 500 cel/mm³ (HR=1,2; IC 95 por cento 1,1 1,2); e abaixo de 350 cel/mm³(HR=1,3; IC 95 por cento 1,2 1,3). Conclusões: Nas Coortes São Paulo de HIV e Aids, a mediana do tempo livre de Aids e a sobrevida com Aids foram ampliados com a introdução de diferentes esquemas terapêuticos antirretrovirais e observou-se queda nas taxas de incidência e de mortalidade / Background: AIDS is a pandemic which represents a serious public health problem and the effect of antiretroviral therapy has been the object of studies. Objective: To estimate median AIDS-free-time and median survival time, among HIV positive patients without AIDS and with AIDS, respectively, and to investigate predictor factors of AIDS and death in two cohorts of patients selected between 1988 and 2003 and followed until the end of 2005. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, encompassing adult patients of the Centro de Referência e Treinamento DST/AIDSSP. Variables studied were: socio-demographic characteristics, transmission categories, calendar periods, year of diagnosis, levels of CD4+ and treatment regimens. The Kaplan-Meier product limit estimator, the Cox proportional risk model and hazard ratios (HR) estimates, with 95 per cent (CI=95 per cent) confidence intervals, were used. Results: AIDS incidence rates were 11.6 and 7.1 person-years in the 1988-1996 and 1997-2003 periods, respectively. The median time of progression from HIV infection to AIDS without treatment was 53.7 months; with ART without HAART, 90.0 months; and with HAART, over 50 per cent of patients followed did not progress to AIDS until 108 months. Independent prognostic factors for AIDS-freetime were: treatment with ART without HAART (HR=2.1; CI 95 per cent 1.6-2.8), no treatment regimen (HR=3.0; CI 95 per cent 2.5-3.6); age at HIV infection diagnosis between 30 and 49 years (HR=1.2; CI 95 per cent 1.1-1.3), age over 50 years (HR=2.9; CI 95 per cent 2.3-5.2); black race/color (HR=1.4; CI 95 per cent 1.1-1.7); MSM (HR=1.4; CI 95 per cent 1.1-1.6) and IDU (HR=1.7; CI 95 per cent 1.3-2.2) exposure categories; up to 8 years of schooling (HR=1.3; CI 95 per cent 1.1-1.5) and no schooling (HR=2.0; CI 95 per cent 1.4-5.6); and CD4+ count between 350-500 cells/mm³ (HR=1.6; CI 95 per cent 1.3-1.9). AIDS mortality rates were 17.6, 23.2, and 7.8 person-years in the 1988-1993, 1994-1996 and 1997-2003 periods, respectively. Median progression time from AIDS to death was 13.4 months in the 1988-1993 period; 22.3 months, between 1994 and 1996, and in the 1997-2003 period, over 50 per cent of patients followed survived. Independent predictor factors for death were: AIDS diagnosis period 1994-1996 (HR=2.0; CI 95 per cent 1.8-2.2) and 1988-1993 (HR=3.2; CI 95 per cent 2.8-3.5); AIDS diagnosis age between 30-49 years (HR=1.4; CI 95 per cent 1.2-1.5), age over 50 (HR=2.0; CI 95 per cent 1.7- 2.3); MSM (HR=1.1; CI 95 per cent 1.1-1.2) and IDU (HR=1.5; CI 95 per cent 1.3-1.6) exposure categories; up to 8 years of schooling (HR=1.4; CI 95 per cent 1.3-1.5) and no schooling (HR=2.1; CI 95 per cent 1.6-2.8); and CD4+ count between 350-500 cells/mm³ (HR=1.2; CI 95 per cent 1.1-1.2) and less than 350cels/mm³ (HR=1.3; CI 95 per cent 1.2-1.3). Conclusions: Results found in the HIV / AIDS Sao Paulo Cohort point toward a heterogeneous increase in AIDS-free-time and AIDS survival with different antiretroviral treatment regimens. Decrease in the incidence and mortality rates were observed
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Incubar ou acelerar? análise sobre o valor entregue para as startups pelas incubadoras e aceleradoras de negócios. / Incubate or accelerate? analysis of the value delivered to startups by business incubators and business accelerators.Maruyama, Felipe Massami 11 December 2017 (has links)
Tanto as incubadoras como as aceleradoras são organizações especializadas no suporte de empreendimentos em fases iniciais, em especial, aqueles intensivos em inovação conhecidos como startups. Apesar da grande disseminação dessas organizações, há poucas informações na literatura que evidenciem as suas diferenças e as contribuições na jornada do empreendedorismo inovador. Assim, o objetivo principal deste estudo é comparar a diferença entre as propostas de valor das aceleradoras e das incubadoras a partir da percepção das startups que tenham sido tanto incubadas como aceleradas. Entre os objetivos específicos temos: discutir possíveis relações entre as aceleradoras e as incubadoras de negócios; apresentar a evolução das incubadoras e os fatores que induziram o surgimento das aceleradoras, descrevendo os diferentes arquétipos e as implicações que essas organizações têm no ecossistema de empreendedorismo; apresentar o cenário nacional do fenômeno de aceleração e de incubação. O levantamento de dados contará com duas etapas: análise documental de fontes de dados secundárias e estudos de caso com uso de técnica de entrevista e questionário semiestruturado. A análise documental foi feita a partir de banco de dados de artigos científicos, dados oficiais de governos, fundações, revistas e páginas web especializadas e editais de chamamento das próprias organizações. A análise documental fornecerá o retrato de como as incubadoras e as aceleradoras se promovem no ecossistema como organizações importantes no apoio às startups. Em seguida, através de abordagem exploratória descritiva e qualitativa, foram realizadas entrevistas com roteiros semiestruturados com fundadores de startups que foram incubadas e aceleradas, para compreender o valor que cada um desses processos forneceu ao desenvolvimento dessas empresas. Concluiu-se que existe uma dissonância entre o valor percebido pelas startups e o que as incubadoras e as aceleradoras promovem. Também foi possível identificar que a busca por recursos pelas startups tende a não seguir um processo linear, capturando as melhores oportunidades que estejam disponíveis no momento. Por fim, esta pesquisa é um passo exploratório para trazer novas evidências do fenômeno das startups e dos diferentes instrumentos que as constroem. Sugerem-se encaminhamentos que possam preencher lacunas na literatura a respeito dos fenômenos citados, indicando a necessidade de estudos futuros que adensem o conhecimento desse fenômeno. / Both incubators and acelerators are specialized organizations to support early-stage ventures, especially innovation-intensive ones known as startups. Despite the great spread of these organizations, there is a few information in the literature that show their differences and contributions in the journey of innovative entrepreneurship. The main objective of this study is comparing the difference between value porposition of accelerators and incubators from the perception of startups that have been both incubated and accelerated. The specific objectives are: to discuss possible relationships between accelerators and incubators; to present the evolution of the incubators and the factors that led to the emergence of the accelerators, describing the different accelerators archetypes and the implications in entrepreneurship ecosystem; to present the national scenario of acceleration and incubation. The data collection stage had two stages: documentary analysis of secondary data sources; and the case study using interview technique through semi-structured questionnaire. The documentary analysis was made from a database of scientific articles, official data from governments, foundations, journals and specialized web pages and incubators and accelerators calls for proposals. Documentary analysis provided a picture of how incubators and accelerators are promoted to the ecosystem and startups. Then, through a descriptive and qualitative exploratory approach, interviews were conducted with semistructured scripts with founders of startups that were incubated and accelerated to understand the value that each of these processes provided to the development of these companies. It was concluded that there is a dissonance between what the incubators and the accelerators promote and the value perceived by the startups, they are not being able to identify enough characteristics that distinguish them. The reason for it is the diversity of the needs and demands of the startups, different models of accelerators and incubators are formulated that, in many cases, overlap in the benefits offered. It was also possible to identify that the search for resources by startups, whether radical or disruptive startups, does not follow a linear process, capturing the best opportunities available in the ecosystem through a minimally tactical and selective approach. In order to contribute to the understanding of the growing formation of organizations supporting startups, such as incubators and accelerators, and considering the findings of this research, a tool was suggested to define the types of these organizations, loosely termed \"startup guiders\". This tool analyzes three basic dimensions: business model, value proposition and stage of intervention in the development of early-stages ventures. Finally, this research is an exploratory step in bringing new evidence of the phenomenon of startups and of the different instruments that construct them. It is suggested that there be gaps in the literature regarding the mentioned phenomena, indicating the need for future studies that increase the knowledge of this phenomenon.
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Comparação entre meios de cultura e condições de incubação para o primo isolamento de Mycobacterium bovis de bovinos brasileiros / Comparison between media and incubation conditions for primary isolation of Mycobacterium bovis from Brazilian cattleIkuta, Cássia Yumi 21 June 2011 (has links)
Considerando que os meios de cultura e as condições de incubação são os principais fatores para o sucesso do primo isolamento, além do método de descontaminação, quatro meios de cultura e três condições de incubação foram investigados. Noventa e sete amostras de lesões granulomatosas foram submetidas ao método de descontaminação com cloreto de 1-hexadecilpiridinio (HPC) a 1,5%, e semeadas em dois meios a base de ovo, Stonebrink e Löwenstein-Jensen com piruvato de sódio, e em dois meios a base de ágar, B83 e Middlebrook 7H11. Cada meio foi incubado a 37ºC por 90 dias em três condições de incubação, atmosfera com 10% de CO2, atmosfera normal e atmosfera com suposta tensão de CO2 obtida pela queima do algodão hidrófobo e fechamento do tubo com rolha de cortiça. O tipo de condição de incubação utilizado teve influência nos meios a base de ovo apenas no inicio da incubação (30 dias), mas nenhuma nos meios a base de ágar. A incubação em atmosfera com 10% de CO2 diminuiu o tempo de aparecimento da primeira colônia e aumentou o número de UFC. O meio B83 foi mais rápido no aparecimento das colônias e teve o maior sucesso de isolamento aos 30 dias, mas não houve diferença com os meios Stonebrink e Löwenstein-Jensen com piruvato, no sucesso de isolamento e número de UFC aos 60 e 90 dias. De acordo com os dados, em sete oportunidades houve isolamento de M. bovis apenas no meio de Stonebrink e em quatro apenas no B83, assim, sugere-se a utilização desses dois meios de cultura em paralelo, incubados em atmosfera com acréscimo de CO2 / Considering that the culture media and the incubation conditions are the main factors for the success of primary isolation, besides the decontamination procedure, four culture media and three incubation conditions were investigated. Ninety-seven samples of granulommatous lesions were submitted to the decontamination procedure by 1-hexadecylpyridinium chloride at 1,5% w/v, and inoculated on two egg-based media, Stonebrink and Löwenstein-Jensen with sodium pyruvate, and two agar-based media, B83 and Middlebrook 7H11. Each medium was incubated at 37ºC for 90 days in three incubation conditions, in air containing 10% CO2, in air, and in air with a supposed higher CO2 tension created by burning the hydrophobic cotton used to close the tubes and subsequently closing with a cork. The type of incubation condition used had influence on the egg-based media only at the beginning of incubation (30 days), but none on the agar-based media. The incubation in air containing 10% CO2 decreased the time to first appearance of colonies and increased the number of colonies. B83 medium showed a faster growth and detected more isolates at 30 days of incubation. However, there was no difference between B83, Stonebrink and Löwenstein-Jensen with pyruvate at 60 and 90 days of incubation. According to the data, seven M. bovis isolates grew only on Stonebrink and four only on B83, therefore, the use of both media, in parallel, incubated in air containing CO2 is suggested.
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Sistema intensivo de incubação e manejo de cria de Acará Disco, Symphysodon spp.MORAIS, Francisco Borges 07 July 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-07-07 / The stages of incubation during the phases of egg and larva are taken as the of most difficult phases in the production of several aquatic organisms. The production of the disco fish, Symphysodon spp, by natural method, with eggs and larvae together with their parents, present zootechnical difficulties that influence the productivity negatively. The intensive raising, in the parent isolated system, under broad control process including water quality, feeding and sanitary prophylaxis was assessed in accordance with the larval survival up to the fifteenth day after larvae were born. Seven pairs laid eggs forty one times during the period of 1.182 days, adding up a total of 12.906 eggs, 10.379 of them were born (80,42%). 8.543 of the born larvae (82,31%) survived until the fifteenth day of life. The average fecundity per spawning was 314,8 eggs with Variation coefficient (CV) = 48%, the average number of births per spawning was 253,1 larvae with CV=58% and the average number of living larvae fifteen days after birth was 208,4 with CV=65%. The average interval between spawnings in the same reproduction station was 12,14 days with CV=76% and medium deviation (DM) = 6,6 days. The average interval between spawnings in the sequence reproduction station was 193 days with CV=31% and DM = 45 days. The results concerning the reproductive biology can be applied in the planning and operational. The efficiency, in accordance larval survival, of incubation system was considerate satisfactory. The economical and larval growth rate analysis of the system utilized, with traditional method comparison, should rout one large evaluation of the efficacy of incubation system. / Etapas de incubação durante as fases de ovo e larva são tidas como gargalo à produção de diversos organismos aquáticos. A produção de acará disco, Symphysodon spp, pelo método natural, com ovos e larvas junto ao casal reprodutor, apresenta dificuldades zootécnicas que influenciam negativamente a produtividade. O cultivo intensivo, em sistema isolado dos reprodutores, sob processos de controle abrangente de qualidade de água, alimentação e profilaxia sanitária, foi avaliado em termos de sobrevivência larval até quinze dias pós-eclosão. Sete casais produziram quarenta e uma desovas em um período de 1182 dias, totalizando 12906 ovos, dos quais 10379 eclodiram (80,42%). Das larvas eclodidas, 8543 (82,31%) foram a termo até os quinze dias de vida. A fecundidade média por desova foi 314,8 ovos com coeficiente de variação (CV) de 48%; a eclosão média por desova de 253,1 larvas com CV de 58%, e a média de larvas vivas 15 dias póseclosão foi de 208,4 com CV de 65%. O intervalo médio entre desovas da mesma estação reprodutiva foi de 12,14 dias com CV de 76% e desvio médio (DM) de 6,66 dias, apresentando de 1 a 6 desovas em cada estação reprodutiva. O intervalo médio entre desovas de estações reprodutivas seqüentes foi de 193 dias, com CV de 31% e DM de 45 dias. Os resultados relativos à biologia reprodutiva têm aplicação prática no planejamento e operação de pisciculturas de Symphysodon spp. A eficiência, em termos de sobrevivência larval, do sistema de incubação foi considerada satisfatória. A análise econômica e da taxa de crescimento larval do sistema de larvicultura, em relação ao método natural de cria, balizariam uma avaliação ampla da eficiência do sistema de incubação.
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