Spelling suggestions: "subject:"individua."" "subject:"individuación.""
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Využití jazyka umění v náboženské výchově / How to use a language of art in religious pedagogigKUNZOVÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the signification of art for holistic development of an individual. It also deals with symbol as one of the most important means of expression in art, with symbol in the Bible, in image art and its role in the process of individualization. It includes the characteristic of adolescent age with regard to ability of understanding the symbols. It deals with the theory of the didactic of symbols, the explanation of the meaning of 'second naivety' and the concept of a teaching unit as a practical sample for working with symbols interpreting picture.
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Krize středního věku / Midlife crisisPilná, Jana January 2015 (has links)
: Midlife Crisis is a very popular concept describing middle adulthood. Faced with imminent death, people stop on the way to achieve their goals, to review their achievements and to assess what you already have and what you still want to achieve to fulfill their dreams. The theoretical part deals mainly with the definition of middle adulthood, midlife crisis, life satisfaction and personal well-being and also presents an overview of basic theories and research on these topics. Empirical part is focused on finding how this concept is understood and whether their own lives and the lives of their loved ones this stage recognize as life stage specific symptoms within the definition of midlife crisis and how this developmental stage experience. The work also deals with the psychological differences in experiencing developmental stages middle-aged men and women and ways of coping. Key words: middle age, crisis, adulthood, life span development, individuation, life review
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Gilbert Simondon a jeho vliv na současné myšlení o médiích / Gilbert Simondon and his influence on current media thinkingMaha, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Keywords Gilbert Simondon, Bernard Stiegler, Mark B. N. Hansen, philosophy, media, technology, humanism, individuation, information Abstract This text has two parallel objectives. First, to introduce the original work of french philosopher Gilbert Simondon. Second, to show its potential of his philosophy in relation to our thinking about the current media-techno- logically conditioned environment in which we live and through which we understand the world. I have two motivations for the first objective. First, the work of Gilbert Simondon is still completely unknown in Czech Repub- lic, therefore I find it necessary to offer to the reader the introduction of his work. Second, without such introduction it would be very difficult to ope- rate with his crucial concepts in the work of his contemporary interpreters whose contributions I will discuss in the second part of the text. The se- cond objective is motivated with my interest in delimitation of speculative and materialistic line of thinking based on the work of Gilbert Simondon. Such thought with its description of the world is in clear opposition with anthropocentrism. Nevertheless, it cannot be considered as a part of object oriented ontology neither. I'm not going to show the importance of Gilbert Simondon for media theory in this text. Rather, I will...
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Jinakost a identita / Otherness and IdentityŽáčková, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
The thesis Otherness and Identity deals with the discourse of Gilles Deleuze (Différence et répétition, 1968) and Deleuze in cooperation with Félix Guattari (Capitalisme et schizophrénie: L'Anti-Oedipe, 1972, Mille plateaux, 1980, Qu'est-ce que la philosophie?, 1991). On the basis of their discourse the process of individuation is constructed, and is at first situated into deleuzean space-time. The process of individuation is based on the principle of inner difference that is understood as a generative principle which "makes the difference". In this sense, the concept of individuation represents a concept of otherness unlike the concept of identity. The first and the second part of the thesis present basic principles of thinking of Deleuze and Guattari. In the third part of the thesis the principle of identity is localized in the work of Deleuze and Guattari. This concept is understood as a consequence of illegitimate uses of the synthesis of unconsciousness. On this ground their critique of psychoanalytic reproduction of repressive Oedipal structures is presented. And the Oedipal structure in it's reproductive function is also presented as a construct of sexual identity. The fourth part of the thesis is devoted to confrontation of opinion motivations, views and strategies of Deleuze and Guattari...
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Horolezectví jako cesta k získání odvahy ve víře? / Rock Climbing As a Way of Getting Courage in Faith?KALAS, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to answer the question whether rock climbing, as a sport leisure time activity, can offer values substantial for life. The fundamental chapter, which is focused on rock climbing values, consists of two parts. The first theoretical part presents a few examples of values that are important for rock climbing. The practical part is based on a survey carried out among rock climbers. Both parts come to the conclusion that rock climbing is inspiring for rock-climbers as well as non-climbers. However, it is the courage to take responsibility for life that is essential for it to be fully-fledged, and only for such a person is rock climbing an inspiring activity.
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Využití GPOP (Golden Personality Type Profiler) v mezinárodním výzkumu / Usage of GPOP in the international researchDella Briotta, Bohumila January 2012 (has links)
The theme of the thesis is the use of a questionnaire GPOP (Golden Profiler of Personality) in international research, specifically in the Czech Republic and Switzerland. The theoretical part is devoted to the three basic thematic areas, which are interconnected through the influence of C. G. Jung: cross-cultural comparison of the Czech Republic and Switzerland, Jung's typology, from which GPOP questionnaire derives from and mid-life issues described by Jung as individuation process. The emphasis is placed mainly on various forms of cross- cultural research and cultural standards in both countries on the basis of thereof the results are interpreted. The empirical part includes a detailed description of the questionnaire method and a sample of studied people. It is followed by a quantitative study in which there are statistically compared results of the four basic dimensions GPOP test pro-bands in the Czech Republic and Switzerland. An overview of personality types in individual countries and comparison of personality differences on cross-cultural background comes after. Finally, it assesses the work with GPOP method and its application.
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Člověk v šíleném dění světa (Pojetí člověka u raného Deleuze) / A man in becoming-mad of the world (The conception of a man by early Deleuze)Prášek, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The philosophy of early Deleuze is the main subject of this dissertation. Concretely, it will be treated with regard to distinctive and singular individuation of a man: this essay tries to present his relationship to the ultimate horizon of Being in Deleuze's work. The first chapter constitutes a starting point which can be determined in criticism of the image of thought, closely related with Deleuze's transcendental empiricism. The second chapter is devoted to its culmination, to the metaphysical description of the virtual field of Ideas, of transcendental conditions of our experience. The next chapter shows how Ideas condition, that Ideas actualise themselves insofar as something develops itself within its intensive field of individuation. The fourth chapter takes us back to our starting point: it concerns a phenomenon, this time sufficiently explained, and we are again obliged to confront us with the image of thought which covers this explanation. This is the reason why our interpretation has to continue. The description of distinctive and singular individuation of a man wants to explain the way by which the image of thought, based on common sense, is established. Even though our experience is constructed on this image, there are still some "small islands" of difference, places where the virtual...
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Význam integrace stínových projekcí v učení C. G. Junga pro teologickou etiku mezilidského vztahu / The integration of shadow projections in the teaching of C.G. Jung and its possible benefits for theological ethics of interpersonal relationshipsOtáhal, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
In the first part, this thesis is examining the psychology of C. G. Jung, especially those parts, which are somehow connected to interpersonal relationships. That means foremostly the psychological projections and mechanisms, which are causing those projections. By those mechanisms, I mean the dynamics of consciousness - unconsciousness, the shadow and the cognitive functions. Besides those concepts and mechanisms, the thesis aims to explore the way which Jung ascribes to deal with those shadow projections - in favor of improving the interpersonal relationships. This deed lays mainly in the so-called individuation, with main focus on the shadow integration. The aim of the second part of this thesis is to reflect upon the C. G. Jung's psychology from the theological ethics point of view. The thesis is defining the criteria of goodness of the interpersonal relationship from the theological ethics standpoint. Then further uses those criteria to clarify the conditions under which could be maintained the dialogue and cooperation between theology and psychology and thus, under which conditions is theologically acceptable to utilize C. G. Jung's findings.
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Poslední obrazy / Last PaintingsŠiklová, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The dissertation thesis Last Paintings deals with the issue of the last works of the authors at the end of the work. This question represents a complexly unexplored topic in the field of Czech art history. Last paintings are often so different from the previous work. So they may in specific cases give rise to a discussion: Have we include them or better give them to brackets in the artist's work as an excess and not too much deal with? Rather the second alternative is happening. In a wide range of possible focus, the work focuses on last works of modern and contemporary art history. Because such a group or category of art within the Czech art history has not yet been considered, it focus on Czech authorship. The selected iconic world's last works are presented for comparison at the end in a quick overview. Given the topic of the departure of a man from this world, tis work outlines the cultural anthropological bases, their symbolism, it reflects the iconography of last paintings. It offers options for categories, which appear to be diversified, permeating, and beeing rather as auxiliary matter. The main weight of the work is based on selected case studies of individual authors. On the basis of case studies with the implied support of analytical psychology, the last paintings appear as a guide to...
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Skrytá podstata skutečnosti - Humovské pojetí / Secret nature of reality - Humean approachFršlínek, Jan January 2019 (has links)
This thesis enquires into the question of the hidden nature of things and reality in the context of David Hume's philosophy. In the context of a Humean approach to reality, it discusses whether the things which we perceive and which are considered to be perceptions can have some sort of non-empirical correlation that lies beneath them and whether it can be called the hidden nature of these things. The first half of the thesis is focused on the philosophy of David Hume. In the second half of the thesis two original considerations about the hidden nature and its characteristics are presented. The thesis starts with three selected theories of substance as presented in A Treatise of Human Nature. The theory of John Locke and the theory of the peripatetics are presented from Hume's critical perspective. Consequently is presented an interpretation called the New Hume. In the context of this interpretation, Hume presumes that there are hidden entities lying beneath empirical reality. Then, there are two considerations focused on the hidden nature of things and its characteristics which are presented. These characteristics are consequently being described in an indirect manner. And finally an original suggestion of how to understand the hidden nature is presented. It has the character of mere...
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