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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úzkokolejná trať Jindřichův Hradec - Nová Bystřice v krajině Jindřichohradecka / Narrow-Gauge Railway Line Jindřichův Hradec - Nová Bystřice in the Landscape of Jindřichohradecko

Ryšavá, Vladislava January 2017 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is construction of the narrow gauge in district Jindřichův Hradec, specifically line J.Hradec-N.Bystřice, and its impact on near landscape. In the first part I specify by using literary sources the period during which the railways were built, the importance of these buildings and the history of narrow-gauge tracks. Next point is the analysis of concrete railroad J.Hradec-N.Bystřice, its history and influence of the surrounding originally agrarian landscape. These theoretical information along with detailed field survey and photohraphs are then used in the practical part in which the track is divided and mapped by individual sections.

The feasibility of industrial diplomacy in Tanzania: an assessment of industrial enabling environment

Mtakwa, Charles Peter January 2017 (has links)
This thesis discusses industrialization in Tanzania by looking at the extent to which Tanzanian domestic environment conforms to the industrial aspirations of the country as reflected by its industry as well as foreign policy. This study also explores the drivers for and challenges of industrialization in the world, Africa and, particularly, in Tanzania. The study revealed that there are challenges to industrialization that affects Africa, these include; lack of competitiveness, weak logistics and trade facilitation systems, slow regional integration and absence of accreditation frameworks. The study also investigates the internal drivers for industrialization in the context of the situation in Tanzania to identify its readiness to attract foreign investment in the industrial sector. With the application of descriptive analysis in conjunction with the method of regression analysis on the data from 1961 (the year that the country gained independence) to 2015, the findings show that low agricultural output and mechanization, unreliable power supply as well as fettered economy have constrained the industrial growth and development of Tanzania. The study discusses the problems and opportunities, and drawn from the theoretical background and conceptual framework with more focus on the results. The following recommendations were made for a more effective move towards the pursuit of industrialization: the country should focus on agricultural innovations and mechanization, it should make vocational training more accessible and affordable to its communities and, last but not least, electricity sources should be diversified for a more promising power supply.

Hodnocení vybraného agroekosystému v CHKO Žďárské Vrchy - projekt ekologického zemědělství na farmě Oldříš

Veselá, Romana January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Ekonomické důsledky odsunu sudetských Němců z Uničova / Economic consequences of German exodus from Unicov

Horáček, Michal January 2008 (has links)
This thesis' main goal is to analyze the impact of forced exodus of German people from Uničov and its surroundings. The author does not want do describe the problem of Benes' Decrees, but the example of Moravian small town should illustrate theirs results. It briefly shows history of Czech and German colonization from medieval ages to the foundation of Czechoslovakia, then, as the basis for comparison, describes the economy, local politic trends and ethnic interaction between the World Wars and during German occupation. The main chapter focuses on Unicov in 5 years after World War II, the political situation, questions of the exodus and re-colonization of the region by Czech people from nearby, more distant areas of Czechoslovakia and even from 1 region of the USSR. It describes changes in agriculture, industry and entrepreneurship. All these sectors were somehow touched by the political change after year 1948. The study is based on older works of local historians, author's own research in archives, documents found in legacy and memories of the living elders.

Determinanty industrializace v subsaharské Africe a možnosti jejich rozvoje / Determinants of Industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa and Possibilities for their Development

Sejkora, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Sub-Saharan economies need structural changes that would enhance their productivity, increase economic growth and development. In this regard, industrialization plays a key role. Using regression analysis, the aim of this dissertation thesis is to identify main factors (determinants) of industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa. The results indicate that infrastructure and economy size (measured by population size) represent main determinants of industrialization in the region. The thesis also deals with possibilities for development of those determinants. Case study of infrastructure development in Mauritius emphasizes privatization, cooperation with external subjects etc. Negative consequences of small economy size can be overcome by preferential trade agreements (under certain circumstances), as shown by analysis of the three smallest economies in the region.

Automatizace obráběcích operací / Automatisation of machining operations

Lemaitre Benard, Paul Jean Pierre Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Úvod Vzhledemke zvyšování počtu objednávek leteckých součástek se společnost ArianeGroup rozhodla zintenzívnit svoji činnost, aby uspokojila tuto poptávku. Objem jejích součástí vyrobených za jeden rok se výrazně zvětšil, a tedy výrobní servis musí být funkčně optimalizován. Cílem uvedené optimalizace je snížit počet stop machines. Existuje nepřeberné množství řešení, která se potýkají s problémem, jak snížit počet stop machines, nicméně je velmi obtížné implementovat tato řešení přímo na stroji. Situaci určitě nelze řešit zastavením výroby a následnou implementací nějakých technických řešení. Avšak je naopak možné implementovat technická řešení už v samotném průběhu kvalifikační fáze. Kvalifikační fáze probíhá tehdy, když je součást poprvé na stroji. Tři části byly kvalifikovány a nějaká technická řešení byla aplikována právě v průběhu těchto kvalifikací. Bezpečnost procesu Prvním aspektem, na který bych se rád zaměřil, je bezpečnost samotného procesu. Nesmí dojít k vysouvání součásti z upínacích čelistí. Právě proto je požadován výpočet upínacího tlaku disku D. Druhým aspektem práce je nedeformování součásti. Díky vysokému upínacímu tlaku je přítomna geometrická deformace. Z tohoto důvodu bylo důležité provést výpočty upínacích tlaků pro disky D a B. Cílem je zjištění, zda je možné snížit upínací tlak a zároveň respektovat podmínku, že se součást nebude vysouvat z čelistí. Za třetí je důležité zaručit bezpečnost procesu. Někdy se stává, že obslužní pracovníci zapomenou odstranit příruby. Z tohoto důvodu sem byl umístěn automtický detektor, který upozorní na to, že externí příruby nebyly odstraněny. Automatická sekce pomáhá vyvarování se kolizím. Jak je možno vidět na obr. 1, sonda detekuje vnitřní příruby. Objeví se zpráva, dveře se otevřou a obslužný pracovník je upozorněn. Odolnost procesu . Robustní process je process s nízkým počtem rozbíjení nástrojových destiček. Existuje technické řešení. Skládá se z iplementace a monitorování opotřebení nástroje. To vše je možné díky sondě a aBLUM laseru. Během vyhodnocení disku D, soustružnické nástroje jsou kontrolovány pomocí sondy a nástroje frézovací pomocí BLUM laseru. Výkonnost procesu Inovativním přístupem ke zlepšení řezných podmínek je integrace vysokého tlaku. Ten byl použit pro některé ze součástí. Dalším řešením je integrování tool sisters do procesu. Během kvalifikace disku D, byly přidány tools sisters. Navíc, byla provedena studie pro zvládnutí nástroje a jeho zablokování poté, co byl použit. Nové technologie destiček byly využity pro zlepšení řezných podmínek a snížení času. Automatizace operací ve strojírenské výrobě Zásadním důvodem pro stop machines je prostorová kontrola pomocí obslužných pracovníků. Technicky je totiž možné nahradit tyto činnosti automatickými kontrolami, přičemž zmíněné automatické kontroly se provádí pomocí automatických sond. Proces může být zkreslený, pokud je měření nepřesné. Byly provedeny pokusy pro kalibraci řešení. Aktualní provedení kalibrací nebylo dostačují

Letoviska Karlštejn a Srbsko. Příspěvek ke studiu proměn příměstské krajiny v době industriální / Summer resorts Karlštejn and Srbsko. Contribution to study of transformation suburban landscape during the period of industrialization

Čechová, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about recreational activities of citizens of Prague in the period from the second half of 19th century through the second half of 20th century. It focuses on the era of industrialization, in which the suburban landscape underwent many changes, mainly thanks to new development of the city. This thesis is divided into theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part is dedicated to the terms of industrialization and industrial revolution. It moreover deals with stratification of the society, focusing on the middle class, and describes recreational activities in different resorts. From the recreational activities, tramping and settlement establishing are specifically described. The empirical part is dedicated to two recreational resorts, Karlštejn and Srbsko, which are one train station apart from each other. In each case there is a description of the location of the resort. The description of the original inhabitants, recreational objects, current inhabitants and their important buildings and the cottage areas is following. One chapter is about a particular tramping settlement in Srbsko called "Valley of Dread". The paper analyzes what builders were chosen by the holiday-makers and also the social characteristics of the holiday-makers. An important chapter is about...

Průmyslový sektor v Číně - současný stav, problémy a perspektivy / The Industrial Sector in China - Current State, Issues and Perspectives

Abrahám, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the industrial sector of the chinese economy that is important for its performance not only for the domestic but also for the international market. The first chapter is dedicated to liberalization processess and beginnings of industrialization after 1978. The following chapter, which starts with the accession of China to the WTO and ends with the year 2010, concentrates on five-year plans, statistics and recent trends that describe this period of time. The task of the last chapter is to present various expectations concerning the future development of industry in terms of contemporary and newly started changes to the chinese economy.

Porovnanie českého a slovenského trhu práce v rokoch 1993 – 2016 / Comparison of the Czech and Slovak labor market between 1993 and 2016

Stankovič, František January 2017 (has links)
The labor market has overtaken huge changes in the Czech republic and Slovakia in the last quarter of a century. This diploma theses explains that the structure of the labor market is a dynamic concept that reacts not only to local economic factors, but also to changes in the European and world context. Czech and Slovak labor market has currently different regional disparities. In Slovakia, the problem of regional disparities and the significant polarization of the east and west of the country is much more urgent and significantly affects not only overall unemployment in the Slovak Republic but also the political and economic situation. This diploma thesis analyzes the origins of regional disparities and major changes in the labor market that have taken place in both countries since 1993 until present, and defines that the main cause is mono-industrialization in the second half of the 20th century.

Hospodářský vývoj Argentiny za vlády J.D. Peróna 1946 - 1955 / Economic development in Argentina during the government od J.D.Perón 1946 - 1955

Holas, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the period of nearly ten years of the first governance period of Juan Domingo Perón. In this era were established bases of peronist movement, whose legacy is presented in Argentine politics till these days. This period represents a fundamental turning point in Argentine history, both from the politic and socio-economic points of view. The thesis is divided into four major chapters. The first one outlines the status of Argentine society and the economy in the context of the international situation before Perón became Argentine president. Another three chapters deal directly with the period of Perón's government. The first one deals with three fundaments of peronist economic policy of initial period, which included economic nationalism and etatism, industrialization and especially massive redistribution policy. The second chapter analyses the socio-economic aspects of peronist constitutional reform of 1949, economic development at the end of Perón's first presidency and development in the agricultural sector during his first presidency. Final chapter examines changes in economic policy during the second Perón's presidency and causes of his deposition.

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