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Investigation of Softening Instability Phenomena Under Simulated Infinite Slope Conditions in Centrifuge Tilting Table TestsWolinsky, Eric 01 May 2014 (has links)
Element test results reported in the literature under both triaxial and plane strain conditions indicate that loose saturated granular specimens can experience softening instability at stress ratios lower than what might otherwise be expected given the critical state friction angle of the soil. The region of potential softening instability in stress-space is often explained using the framework of the instability line. This phenomenon is particularly relevant to shallow slopes of 1 to 2 m depth. However, the practical realities of sample preparation for triaxial testing make performing tests below 20 to 30 kPa of confining stress exceptionally difficult.
In this thesis, the development of a centrifuge tilt-table test device is described which aims to test the behaviour of loose granular slopes under stress paths of increasing slope inclination or increasing pore water pressure. A system of instrumentation including pore pressure transducers, inclinometers, displacement transducers, and high-resolution cameras was designed to monitor the behaviour of the slope model. The development of a system to provide a controlled groundwater level within the slope model proved to be particularly challenging. The results of two competing design concepts are presented for the water boundary condition and discussed.
The centrifuge tilt-table is used to compare the physical response of a slope to the behaviour predicted by the infinite slope and softening instability models using scale model centrifuge testing. If softening instability is a rigorous concept, it should be the primary observed failure mechanism as it will occur at a stress state below the failure line. Tests were performed on loose Ottawa F110 sand at 1g, 20g and 40g and 60g. Deviatoric strain-softening was observed in loose dry sand. The softening instability event resulted in a rapid increase in shear strain at constant shear stress while the soil was at a stress state below the failure envelope. Any soil that can experience softening instability (i.e. granular, loose, saturated, and behaves undrained) will undergo two failures: one caused by deviatoric strain-softening (softening instability) and a second caused by shear failure at a larger slope angle. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2014-04-29 22:01:36.786
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[pt] Neste trabalho são avaliadas as condições de estabilidade
do subsolo marinho ao longo da rota de um duto rígido de
aço revestido com concreto, de 10 de diâmetro, localizado
na Bacia de Campos, RJ. Os dados geológicos e geotécnicos
foram adquiridos a partir de um amplo levantamento
geofísico e geotécnico realizado na diretriz do duto.
Devido as adversidades à estabilidade do fundo marinho,
várias análises vêm sendo realizadas de forma qualitativa
e quantitativa. Atualmente, por questões ambientais e de
segurança de obras de engenharia, busca-se uma avaliação
mais quantitativa dos riscos geológicos associados à
condição de estabilidade do fundo marinho, pois os
escorregamentos de taludes representam o principal risco
para estas estruturas. As análises de estabilidade foram
feitas a partir da teoria do talude infinito, em
metodologia aplicada por Nowacki et al. (2003) nos campos
profundos de Mad Dog e Atlantis, no Golfo do México, e
comparadas com os resultados encontrados a partir da
formulação clássica do talude infinito. Uma integração de
dados geotécnicos e geofísicos foi necessária, para que
todos os parâmetros utilizados na metodologia pudessem ser
obtidos. Os resultados indicaram dois pontos críticos ao
longo da rota, ambos associados aos flancos do cânion
Itapemirim, que apresentam gradientes altos. Foram
realizados breves estudos com o objetivo de se avaliar a
possibilidade de ocorrência de mecanismos disparadores
(terremotos e ondas de tempestade) nesses pontos críticos
mas os resultados descartaram esta possibilidade. Concluiu-
se ainda que os dados geotécnicos utilizados neste
trabalho não foram suficientes e de certo modo não
apropriados para a análise de estabilidade de taludes. Uma
nova campanha de ensaios geotécnicos de laboratório foi
proposta para futuros estudos. / [en] This research analyses stability conditions of marine
sediments superficial layers of along a 10 in. diameter
pipeline`s route, located at Campos Basin, RJ. The
geological and geotechnical data were obtained during a
wide geophysical and geotechnical survey along the
pipeline`s route. Due to adversities to botton stability
found in the marine environment, several qualitative and
quantitative stability analysis have been made. Nowadays,
because of environmental and safety issues, the researches
are more focused on quantitative analysis of geohazards
associated with the stability condition of the sea bottom,
since slope slides represent the main risk for those
structures. The stability analyses were based on the
infinite slope theory. The methodology applied was the
same used by Nowacki et al. (2003) at the deep fields of
Mad Dog and Atlantis, in the Gulf of Mexico. The results
were compared with the results from the classical
formulation of the infinite slope. An integration of
geotechnical and geophysical data was necessary, in order
to obtain all the parameters used in the methodology. The
results indicated two critical points along the route,
both associated with the flanks of the Itapemirim Canyon,
which have steep slopes. Brief studies were made to
evaluate the importance of triggering mechanisms
(earthquakes and storm waves) at these critical points but
the results discard this possibility. It was also
concluded that the geotechnical data used in this research
were insufficient and in a certain way not appropriate for
the slope stability analysis. A new geotechnical lab tests
campaign was proposed for future studies.
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