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Embedding premium video in social streamsSolano, Nicoló January 2016 (has links)
Digital videos are a sequence of bits encoded in a universal recognized format. Bits are easy to copy, duplicate and reproduce. However, certain videos have a very high financial value and therefore the respective owners want to protect them according to the Copyright law, in order to acquire the exclusive rights to publish and to reproduce them. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is the technology used nowadays to protect video distribution and to maintain at the same time a complete control over the usage of the owned resources. Another actual phenomenon is the increasing number of social users, in all the different age ranges. Since social networks are moving towards becoming publishing platforms and many allow third party applications and integration, the project aims to achieve a safe and secure integration of DRM protected videos into social media. In fact, as now this kind of videos are accessible only from proprietary applications, after the payment of a subscription. The major challenges that prevent an easy integration of these technologies are represented by the poor APIs offered by social networks and a market fragmentation created by the existence of several DRM systems and Adaptive Bitrate protocols. After an extensive analysis of video streaming technologies and social networks, we chose Facebook as social network of reference and we described both the backend architecture and the frontend requirements of a web application aiming to stream DRM protected videos in Facebook. However, the solution has to face the following impediments: the impossibility to embed DRM technologies in social mobile platforms and to show protected video content directly from the social News Feed. To this extent, we proposed two alternative solutions by looking at the problem from the social network point of view. Finally, in order to evaluate the quality and the utility of the proposed web application, we conducted a user experience test. The results pointed out a diffuse interest and appreciation. However, the two drawbacks mentioned above are perceived as a negative factor. The proposed application results instead portable on all the desktop browsers and on the 90 percent of social mobile platforms.
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Properties of III-V semiconductor materials grown by HVPEStergiakis, Stamoulis January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the characterization of lll-V semiconductor materials by using Scanning Electron Microscopy equipped with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), High Resolution X-ray Diffraction (HRXRD), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and Photoluminescence (PL). In XRD characterization, the rocking curve measurement was conducted to evaluate the composition of III-V semiconductor alloys and the Reciprocal Lattice Mapping (RLM) revealed the detailed structural properties of heteroepitaxial III-V semiconductors. The lll-V heterostructure comprising gallium indium phosphide (GaInP) deposited on gallium arsenide (GaAs) substrates was studied by Hydride Vapor Phase Epitaxy (HVPE) using different growth parameters. The growth of gallium indium phosphide/silicon heterostructure was also investigated. Qualitative and semi-quantitative analyses have been conducted to evaluate the obtained results. The morphology, the composition as well as the distribution of the atomic elements (Ga,In,P) in the lll-V heterostructures were investigated as function of different HVPE growth parameters. The observation of silicon intermixing in the III-V semiconductor close to the III-V/Si interface and the depletion of gallium composition in the GaInP growth along the specific crystallographic orientation were also studied. The outcomes of this project pave the way for the GaInP composition optimization in HVPE. The primary objective of the project to establish a productive characterization approach for analyzing the properties of lll-V heterostructures is achieved.
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Name Resolution Information Distribution in NetInfWu, Yongchao, Zhang, Jiawei January 2015 (has links)
Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a different architecture from today's Internet, which is host-centric. In ICN, content is requested by the names of content objects instead of network or host addresses. This feature allows for a number of advantages, such as in-network caching and request aggregation. Network of Information (NetInf) is an ICN architecture. It is an overlay on TCP/IP, which translates content object names to locators or IP addresses. NetInf is designed to facilitate initial deployment and migration from today's networks to ICN. In an ICN network, content can be cached at numerous locations giving a client the possibility to retrieve content from a number of available sources. In order to retrieve a content object, a client does a lookup in a Name Resolution Service (NRS) to resolve the content name into a set of locators where the content is stored. By distributing the location information of content objects from the NRS to NetInf nodes in the network the lookup time and overhead caused by the lookup messages can be reduced. Hence resulting in better end-user experience and more efficient network utilization. In this thesis, two methods to distribute location information of content objects in a NetInf network have been proposed and evaluated against a reference model where the location information is hosted centrally in an NRS. The effectiveness of the proposed methods has been evaluated by running simulations on a NetInf simulator (built on OMNeT++) that was built during the course of this project. Evaluation results show that the proposed methods reduce the lookup/name resolution latency of content objects. The results also compare the overhead caused by each one of the proposed methods in terms of network utilization. We also show the results that the network topology has an impact on the effectiveness of the proposed methods and therefore is a factor that needs due consideration in deciding which method is suitable when.
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An Evaluation of the Predictable System-on-a-Chip Automated System Design FlowKarlsson, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
In spite of hard real-time embedded systems often being seemingly simple, modern embedded system designs often incorporate features such as multiple processors and complex inter-processor communication. In situations where safety is critical, such as in for instance many automotive applications, great demand is put on developers to prove correctness. The ForSyDe research project aims to remedy this problem by providing a design philosophy based on the theory of models of computation which aims to formally ensure predictability and correctness by design. A system designed with the ForSyDe design methodology consists of a well defined system model which can be refined by design transformations until it is mappable onto an application specific predictable hardware template. This thesis evaluates one such hardware template called the predictable System-on-a-Programmable-Chip. This hardware template was developed during the work on a masters thesis by Marcus Mikulcak [7] in 2013. The evaluation was done by creating many simple dual processor systems using the automated design flow provided by PSOPC. Using these systems, the time to communicate data between the processors was measured and compared against the claims made in [7]. The results presented in this thesis suggests that the current implementation of the PSOPC platform is not yet mature enough for production use. Data collected from many different configurations show that many of the generated systems exhibit unacceptable anomalies. Some systems would not start at all, and some systems could not communicate the data properly. Although this thesis does not propose solutions to the problems found herein, it serves to show that further work on the PSOPC platform is necessary before it can be incorporated into the larger context of the ForSyDe platform. However, it is the author’s genuine hope that the reader will gain appreciation for PSOPC as an idea, and that this work can instil interest into further working on perfecting it, so that it can serve as a part of ForSyDe in the future. / Även om hårda realtidssystem ofta verkar enkla så finner man i moderna inbyggda system numera ofta avancerade koncept såsom multipla processorer med komplicerad processor-till-processor-kommunikation. I situationer där säkerhet är ett kritiskt krav, som t.ex. i många applikationer inom bilindustrin, så föreligger enorma krav på de som utvecklar dessa system att kunna bevisa att systemen fungerar i enlighet med specifikationerna. Forskningsprojektet ForSyDe försöker lösa dessa problem genom att tillhandahålla en designfilosofi baserad på teorin om så kallade models of computation som via formella bevis kan garantera förutsägbarhet och korrekthet. Ett system designat med ForSyDes designmetodologi består av en väldefinierad modell av systemet som transformeras, tills dess den kan mappas mot en applikationsspecifik förutsägbar hårdvarumall. Detta examensarbete ämnar att utvärdera en sådan hårdvarumall som kallas predictable System-on-a-Programmable-Chip, eller PSOPC. Denna hårdvarumall utvecklades under arbetet med en masteruppsats av Markus Mikulcak [7] under året 2013. Utvärderingen bestod av skapandet av ett enkla tvåprocessorsystem med hjälp av PSOPCs automatiska designflöde. På dessa mättes sedan tiden för att kommunicera data mellan processorerna. Dessa kommunikationstider jämfördes sedan med de påståenden som görs i [7]. Resultaten som presenteras i detta examensarbete föreslår att nuvarande implementation av PSOPC-plattformen inte ännu uppnått tillräcklig mognad för att kunna användas i verkliga tillämpningar. De data som insamlats från många olika systemkonfigurationer visar att många av de genererade systemen uppvisar oacceptabla avvikelser. Några system startade inte ens och några klarade inte av att kommunicera data på ett korrekt sätt. Även om detta arbete inte föreslår några lösningar på de problem som presenteras häri så visar det på behovet av mer arbete med PSOPC-plattformen innan den kan bli en del av hela ForSyDe. Men, det är författarens genuina förhoppning att läsaren förstår de positiva aspekterna av PSOPC som idé, och att detta arbetet kan ingjuta intresse för att arbeta vidare med plattformen, så att den i framtiden kan bli en integral del i ForSyDe.
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The field of distributed computing is growing and quickly becoming a natural part of large as well as smaller enterprises’ IT processes. Driving the progress is the cost effectiveness of distributed systems compared to centralized options, the physical limitations of single machines and reliability concerns. There are frameworks within the field which aims to create a standardized platform to facilitate the development and implementation of distributed services and applications. Apache Hadoop is one of those projects. Hadoop is a framework for distributed processing and data storage. It contains support for many different modules for different purposes such as distributed database management, security, data streaming and processing. In addition to offering storage much cheaper than traditional centralized relation databases, Hadoop supports powerful methods of handling very large amounts of data as it streams through and is stored on the system. These methods are widely used for all kinds of big data processing in large IT companies with a need for low-latency, high-throughput processing of the data. More and more companies are looking towards implementing Hadoop in their IT processes, one of them is Unomaly, a company which offers agnostic, proactive anomaly detection. The anomaly detection system analyses system logs to detect discrepancies. The anomaly detection system is reliant on large amounts of data to build an accurate image of the target system. Integration with Hadoop would result in the possibility to consume incredibly large amounts of data as it is streamed to the Hadoop storage or other parts of the system. In this degree project an integration layer application has been developed to allow Hadoop integration with Unomalys system. Research has been conducted throughout the project in order to determine the best way of implementing the integration. The first part of the result of the project is a PoC application for real time data pipelining between Hadoop clusters and the Unomaly system. The second part is a recommendation of how the integration should be designed, based on the studies conducted in the thesis work. / Distribuerade system blir allt vanligare inom både stora och små företags IT-system. Anledningarna till denna utveckling är kostnadseffektivitet, feltolerans och tekniska fysiska begränsningar på centraliserade system. Det finns ramverk inom området som ämnar att skapa en standardiserad plattform för att underlätta för utveckling och implementation av distribuerade tjänster och applikationer. Apache Hadoop är ett av dessa projekt. Hadoop är ett ramverk för distribuerade beräkningar och distribuerad datalagring. Hadoop har stöd för många olika moduler med olika syften, t.ex. för hantering av distribuerade databaser, datasäkerhet, dataströmmning och beräkningar. Utöver att erbjuda mycket billigare lagring än centraliserade alternativ så erbjuder Hadoop kraftulla sätt att hantera väldigt stora mängder data när den strömmas genom, och lagras på, systemet. Dessa metoder används för en stor mängd olika syften på IT-företag som har ett behov av snabb och kraftfull datahantering. Fler och fler företag implementerar Hadoop i sina IT-processer. Ett av dessa företag är Unomaly. Unomaly är företag som erbjuder generisk, förebyggande avvikelsedetektering. Deras system fungerar genom att aggregera stora volymer systemloggar från godtyckliga ITsystem. Avvikelsehanteringssystemet är beroende av stora mängder loggar för att kunna bygga upp en korrekt bild av värdsystemet. Integration med Hadoop skulle låta Unomaly konsumera väldigt stora mängder loggdata när den strömmar genom värdsystemets Hadooparkitektur. I dettta kandidatexamensarbete har ett integrationslager mellan Hadoop och Unomalys avvikelsehanteringssystem utvecklats. Studier har också gjorts för att identifiera den bästa lösningen för integraion mellan avvikelsehanteringssystem och Hadoop Arbetet har resulterat i en applikationsprototyp som erbjuder realtids datatransportering mellan Hadoop och Unomalys system. Arbetet har även resulterat i en studie som diskuterar det bästa tillvägagångsättet för hur en integration av detta slag ska implementeras.
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Study and Measurement of Scatter Effect on Wireless Channel using Realtime LTE Co-Operative RelaysAshraf, Umer Zeeshan January 2015 (has links)
Relays are an important application of the fixed wireless access channel (FWA), with fast growing needs for higher throughput cooperative schemes are standardized to enhance throughput and cooperative relays are a realization of the standard. We study the effects of moving scatters on the FWA channel with simulation and real-time LTE measurements with testbed and characterize the FWA MIMO channel based on its performance and small scale movements in the environment, compare the LOS and NLOS effects of channel in relation to scatter movements and antenna height. The measurement and simulation results show that there is signicant effect of scatters on the characteristics of wireless channel. The doppler spectrum bandwidth increases in relation to the both speed and number of moving scatters. On performance metric MIMO capacity is studied and shown that capacity increases with antenna height in NLOS condition and presence of scatters improve the channel capacity in LOS condition.
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A Self-organized Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for a Home-event Managed System : Design of a cost efficient 6LoWPAN-USB Gateway with RFID securityFloriano Sanchez, Sergio January 2015 (has links)
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have existed for many years in industry applications for different purposes but their use has not been fully extended to the global consumers. Sensor networks have lately resulted to be greatly helpful to people in everyday life, specially in home automation applications for monitoring events, security, and control of devices and different elements in the house by using actuators. One of the main barriers to overcome in order to increase their popularity and achieve an worldwide deployment are costs and integration within other networks. This Thesis investigates the most appropriate choices to avoid those impediments from a hardware and software design perspective, trying to find a cost-efficient solution for the implementation of a simple and scalable wireless sensor network. The present work studies the elements that form part of a constrained network and focuses on the design by analysing several network protocol alternatives, radio transmission mechanisms, different hardware devices and software implementations. Once an optimal solution is found, the construction of a gateway board that starts and coordinates a sensor network will be the main target of this document including the development of an application that manages the sensors. The network is designed to be compliant with the TCP/IP stack by means of 6LoWPAN, an adaptation layer protocol used for comprising IPv6 headers over IEEE 802.15.4 radio links in constrained networks. In addition, a small implementation of CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) is developed that allows interoperability with the sensor nodes on the application layer, similarly as HTTP does in IP networks. The controller device (gateway) acts as a client for the remote sensor devices (nodes) that behave as servers in the CoAP application. The gateway exchange data and is managed from outside the WSN through a USB interface that can be connected to a computer. Security mechanisms are also considered by providing packet encryption and a method for identification of nodes. The authorization of new nodes entering the network is performed by an RFID reader connected to the gateway. An RFID tag is attached to the sensor nodes with authentication information stored in it. The gateway reads that information through the RFID modules and handle it internally to give access to that node. As a result of this, it is proven from the conclusions of the study the implementation of the gateway that inexpensive, self-managed, scalable WSNs provided with a robust security mechanism can be achieved and easily deployed . The work presented in this document is part of a larger project that also includes the design of sensor boards and the acquisition and analysis of sensor data. These works are mentioned and referenced in the related parts in this text. / Trådlösa sensornätverk har funnits i många år inom industrin för olika ändamål, men dess användning har inte helt och hållet nått ut till de globala konsumenterna. Sensornätverk har på senare tid visat sig vara mycket hjälpfulla för människor i deras vardagsliv, och särskilt automatiseringsapplikationer för säkerhet, övervakning och kontroll av apparater och olika delar i huset, genom användning av manöverdon. Ett av de huvudsakliga hindren att ta sig förbi för att kunna öka dess popularitet och skapa en världsomfattande spridning är kostnader, integration inom andra nätverk och en enkel hantering. I den här avhandlingen undersöks vilka som är de lämpligaste alternativen för att undvika hinder ur ett hårdvaru- och mjukvarudesigns-perspektiv, genom att försöka hitta kostnadseffektiva lösningar för implementering av ett trådlöst sensornätverk. Arbetet undersöker de beståndsdelar vilka ett begränsat nätverk består av, samt fokuserar på designen genom att analysera flera olika nätverksprotokollsalternativ, radiosändningsmekanismer, olika hårdvaror och implementering av mjukvara. När väl den optimala lösningen hittats, kommer huvudmålet för detta dokument att vara en gateways konstruktion, vilken sätter igång och koordinerar ett sensornätverk, samt utvecklingen av en applikation som sköter sensorerna. Nätverket är designat för att vara medgörligt med TCP/IP-stacken med hjälp via 6LoWPAN, ett anpassat lagerprotokoll vilket används för att komprimera IPv6-headern i begränsade nätverk över IEEE 802.15.4 radionätverk. Dessutom har en liten implementering av CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol) utvecklats vilket tillåter interoperabilitet med sensornoderna i applikationslagret, liknande HTTP i IP-nätverk. Gatewayen fungerar som en klient för sensornoderna, vilka beter sig som servrar i CoAP-applikationen. Gatewayen utbyter data och styrs utifrån det trådlösa sensornätverket genom ett USB-interface som kan kopplas till datorn. Säkerhetskonstruktioner tas också i akt genom att tillhandahålla kryptering och en metod för att identifiera noder. Behörighet för nya noder i nätverket utförs av en RFID-läsare som är kopplad till gatewayen. En RFID-bricka bifogas sensornoderna med lagrad verifieringsinformation. Porten läser den informationen genom RFID-moduler och hanterar den internt för att ge behörighet till noden. I och med detta är det bevisat, med den implementerade gatewayen och slutsatser från studien, att mycket effektiva, billiga och hanterbara trådlösa sensornätverk med kraftiga säkerhetskonstruktioner kan uppnås och enkelt distribueras. Arbetet som presenteras i det här dokumentet är en del av ett större projekt som också inkluderar uppbyggnaden av sensornoderna samt anskaffning och analys av sensordata. Dessa arbeten nämns och refereras till i de berörda delarna av texten.
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Convergence Performance of Information Theoretic Similarity Measures for Robust Matching / Konvergens Prestandan för Informationsteoretiska Likhetsmått för Robust MatchningKabata, Apphiah Justice January 2016 (has links)
Image matching is an area of significant use in the medical field, as there is a need to match images captured with different modalities, to overcome the limitation that can occur when dealing with individual modalities. However, performing matching of multimodal images may not be a trivial task. Multimodality entails changes in brightness and contrast that might be an obstacle when performing a match using similarity measures. This study investigated the convergence performance of information-theoretic similarity measures. The similarity measures analysed in this study are mutual information (MI), the cross-cumulative residual entropy (CCRE), and the sum of conditional variances (SCV). To analyse the convergence performance of these measures, an experiment was conducted on one data set introducing the concept of multimodality, and two single images displaying a significant variation in texture. This was to investigate the impact of multimodality and variations in texture on the convergence performance of similarity measures. The experiment investigated the ability for similarity measures to find convergence on MRI and CT medical images after a displacement has occurred. The results of the experiment showed that the convergence performance of similarity measures varies depending on the texture on images. MI is best suitable in the context of high-textured images while CCRE is more applicable in low-textured images. The measure SCV is the most stable similarity measure as it is little affected by the variation in texture. The experiment also reveals that the convergence performance of the similarity measures identified in the case of unimodality, can be preserved in the context of multimodality. This study gives better awareness of the convergence performance of similarity measures. This could improve the use of similarity measures in the medical field which could yield better diagnosis of patients’ conditions. / Matching av bilder har en stor betydelse inom det medicinska området. Detta eftersom det finns ett behov av att matcha bilder som tagits med olika modaliteter för att övervinna begränsningarna som kan uppkomma när man arbetar med en modalitet. Dock är det inte alltid trivialt att utföra matchning av multimodala bilder. Multimodalitet medför förändringar i ljusstyrka och kontrast som kan vara ett hinder vid utförande av matchning med likhetsmått. Denna rapport undersökte konvergens prestanda av informationsteoretiska likhetsmått. Likhetsmåtten som behandlades i denna studie var mutual information (MI), crosscumulative residual entropy (CCRE), och the sum of conditional variances (SCV). För att analysera konvergens perstandat av likhesmåtten, utfördes ett experiment på en dataset som introducerar multimodalitet, och två enskilda bilder som har en betydande variation i struktur. Detta för att undersöka om konvergens av likhetsmåttena påverkas av multimodalitet och variation i struktur. Experimentet fokuserades till att undersöka möjligheten för de olika likhetsmåtten att hitta konvergens på MRI och CT medicinsiska bilder, efter att en manipulering av deras positioner har skett. Resultaten av denna studie visade att konvergens prestanda av likhetsmåtten varierade beroende på mängd struktur i datat. MI visade sig vara bäst lämpad i samband med tydlig struktur medan CCRE var mer lämplig när strukturen var mindre. SCV visade sig vara det mest stabila likhetsmåttet eftersom det inte påverkades märkbart av struktur variation. Studien visade också att konvergens beteendet av likhetsmåtten som identifierades i samband med unimodalitet, kunde bevaras i multimodalitet. Denna studie ger ökad medvetenhet om konvergens prestanda hos likhetsmåtten. Detta kan leda till en förbättrad användning av likhetsmåtten inom det medicinska området vilket kan ge möjligheter till att ställa bättre diagnoser av patienter.
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Skrivbordsvirtualisering : VDI vs DaaS / Desktop virtualization : VDI vs DaaSJavani, Daniel, Söderström, Patrik January 2015 (has links)
IT är i dagsläget en av de mest snabbväxande branscherna som också medför enorma utvecklingsmöjligheter världen över. En av drivkrafterna bakom denna utveckling är det ständiga behovet av effektivisering för en ökad produktivitet. Ett område som idag kan bidra till att IT-företag kan nå sin fulla potential av sina investeringar är skrivbordsvirtualisering. Teknologin fokuserar på att frikoppla datorns hårdvara från operativsystemet, applikationerna och användardata för att klienten ska ha möjligheter att komma åt sina användardata genom vilken enhet som helst, var som helst. CoreChange, som är ett konsultbolag och arbetar med att leverera IT- och managementjänster gav oss i uppdrag att undersöka området skrivbordsvirtualisering. De ville implementera teknologin men vilken typ hade de inte bestämt sig för. Alternativen var att distribuera skrivbordsvirtualisering från ett eget centralt datacenter (VDI) eller från molnet (DaaS). Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilket av alternativen VDI eller DaaS som skulle vara lämpligast att implementera för CoreChange. Studien visade att tekniken för både DaaS och VDI är densamma, där teknologierna bygger på samma plattformar, lagringsteknik, använder liknande komponenter osv. Det fanns många gemensamma fördelar som bl.a. flexibilitet, mobilitet, underlättad management, minskade administrativa kostnader etc. Det som skiljde DaaS från VDI var en större skalbarhet och lägre hårdvaruinvestering, medan VDI erbjuder en högre säkerhet och individuell anpassning. För att svara på syftet om vilket av alternativen VDI eller DaaS som skulle vara lämpligast att implementera för CoreChange kom vi fram till att det egentligen inte spelar någon roll vilken typ av organisation det är, utan det är en situationsfråga där behoven styr användningen. För CoreChanges del kom vi fram till att DaaS skulle vara det bättre alternativet eftersom molntjänsten möter måste-kraven låg investeringsrisk och enkelt underhåll av system som företaget ställde samt uppnår bör-kraven enkel användning, bra uppkoppling och att företaget ska kunna använda de nuvarande applikationerna samtidigt som de har möjlighet att ta in nya. / IT is one of the fastest growing industries on the market and it provides huge development opportunities worldwide. The urge of this development is the constant need for streamlining for greater productivity. One area that today can help IT companies’ reach their fullest potential of the investments are through desktop virtualization. The technology focuses on decouple computer hardware from the operating system, applications and user data which give the clients the opportunity to access all their user data through any device, anywhere. CoreChange which is a consulting company that works with delivering IT- and Management solutions and gave us the task to investigate the field of desktop virtualization. They wanted to implement the technology but which type they should use was still undetermined. The options were to deploy desktop virtualization from its own central data center (VDI) or cloud (DaaS). The purpose of this study was to investigate which alternative VDI or DaaS that was most appropriate to implement for CoreChange. The study showed that both technologies, DaaS and VDI, are the same where the technologies are based on the same platforms, storage, use similar components, and so on. There were many common benefits including flexibility, mobility, facilitated management, reduced administrative costs etc. What distinguished DaaS from VDI was a greater scalability and lower hardware investment, while VDI offers higher security and individual adaptation. To answer the purpose of which alternative VDI or DaaS was most appropriate to implement for CoreChange, we have concluded that it doesn’t really matter what type of organization it is, rather a question of situation and its needs that decide the usage. We believed, in the current situation, that DaaS would be the better option for CoreChange because the cloud service meets the high-prioritized requirements low investment risk and easy maintenance set by the company. Furthermore, the cloud service also meets the necessary requirements easy usage, good connection and that the company should be able to use their current application as well as the possibility to bring in new ones.
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Peer to Peer Search ProtocolBabbar, Abhimanyu January 2015 (has links)
Decentralized full-text search is still an unsolved problem in peer-to-peer research. As part of this thesis, we introduce Sweep, a fully decentralized full-text search engine built on Apache Lucene, that takes significant steps towards providing reliable, low-latency, and accurate search results. Our main contributions include a novel gossip-based protocol for fast and efficient replication of the search index and a protocol for the automated sharding of the search index. Therefore, each peer maintains a replica of a bounded-size subset of the whole search index also known as shard. Our approach is based on a low overhead gossip-based leader selection algorithm within each shard, whose cost is independent of the number of peers. For each shard, peers add new index entries to the leader group, and peers securely pull updates within their shard using a Gradient topology that ensures efficient dissemination of updates in log(N) hops within the shard. The full-text search involves a fanout search to each shard, with latency variance reduction techniques to help achieve low response times. We show in simulation the viability of our approach and its robustness to failures and flash crowds.
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