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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital Environmental Humanities

Langer, Lars, Burghardt, Manuel, Borgards, Roland, Köhring, Esther, Wirth, Christian 26 June 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Peeking Inside the DH Toolbox - Detection and Classification of Software Tools in DH Publications

Ruth, Nicolas, Niekler, Andreas, Burghardt, Manuel 26 June 2024 (has links)
Digital tools have played an important role in Digital Humanities (DH) since its beginnings. Accordingly, a lot of research has been dedicated to the documentation of tools as well as to the analysis of their impact from an epistemological perspective. In this paper we propose a binary and a multi-class classification approach to detect and classify tools. The approach builds on state-of-the-art neural language models. We test our model on two different corpora and report the results for different parameter configurations in two consecutive experiments. In the end, we demonstrate how the models can be used for actual tool detection and tool classification tasks in a large corpus of DH journals.

Sustainability reporting of German healthcare companies: a comparison

Sassen, Remmer, Stoffel, Miriam, Braun, Vera 20 June 2024 (has links)
This study assesses the status quo of sustainability reporting by German healthcare companies. First, content analysis was conducted based on eight sustainability reports. Second, we developed case studies for three of those firms by investigating the further reporting environment. The results indicate that the specific business sector of a company does not influence its sustainability reporting level. Moreover, the case studies show a differentiated picture in regards to the sustainability activities of those companies. Most companies recognise sustainability as a subordinate part of their company values and often integrate substantial sustainability schemes. Only one company emphasises that sustainability has always been at the core of the company’s philosophy. To ensure a more transparent and sustainable development, this outcome indicates that new laws should not only require the creation of a sustainability report, but also regulate the formalities of it to derive a common standard.

Formholzprofile als Ausgangsmaterialien für Design-Prozesse: Auswertung von Marktstudien und Durchführung von Experteninterviews

Müller, Josephine 17 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Innovationen führen zu volkswirtschaftlichem Wachstum. In dieser Diplomarbeit geht es um einen neuen, innovativen Holzwerkstoff: Faserverstärkte Holzrohrprofile. Diese wurden von Professor Peer Haller an der technischen Universität entwickelt. Die Arbeit untersucht das Marktpotential des neuen Baustoffes in 5 Branchen: Bauingenieurwesen und Architektur, Leichtbau, Windkraft, Masten und Rohrleitungen. Die Forschung findet anhand einer Literatursynthese und Experteninterviews statt. Die Marktanalyse wird mit dem 5 Kräfte Modell von Porter und den 5 Rahmenbedingungen von Baum, Coenenberg und Günther durchgeführt. Dabei handelt es sich bei den 5 Kräften um Lieferanten, Abnehmer, Substitute, Konkurrenz und Wettbewerber. Die untersuchten Rahmenbedingungen sind ökonomische, ökologische, gesellschaftliche, technologische und rechtliche. Sie ermitteln die Chancen und Risiken des neuen Produktes auf den verschiedenen Märkten. Zudem werden die aktuellen Marktsituationen dargestellt. Durch die Hinweise der Experten und die Ergebnisse der Literatur werden Vorschläge für die weitere Forschung in ökonomischer und technologischer Richtung abgeleitet. Empfehlungen für das weitere Vorgehen bei der Markteinführung in die 5 Brachen sind die Ergebnisse der Arbeit. / Innovations lead to economic growth. This diploma thesis deals with a new, innovative wood product: Fibre-reinforced Tiber Profiles. These where invented by Professor Peer Haller at the Technical University Dresden. The paper investigates the market potential of this new product in 5 industries: building and architecture, lightweight construction, wind power, towers and pipes. This is achieved trough literature synthesis and expert interviews. The market analysis is determined with the 5 Forces Model of Porter and the 5 framework conditions by Baum, Coenenberg and Günther. Thereby the forces suppliers, buyers, substitutes, new entrants and competition the markets with influence on the product are identified. As well as the economic, ecological, social, technological and legal frameworks which make out the opportunities and threats for the product on the different markets. Additionally the current situations of the different markets are presented. Further economic and technical research needs appear through the suggestions of the experts and the findings in the literature. Recommendations for further approach and handling of the product in the markets are the outcomes of this writing.

The Spitzenkandidaten in the European Parliament Election Campaign Coverage 2014 in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom

Schulze, Heidi 21 June 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Elections to the European Parliament are characterised by a steady decline in voter turnout. To tackle this problem, in 2014, several groups of the European Parliament nominated pan-European Spitzenkandidaten who were expected to personalise the elections and mobilise European voters. Based on this development, this study analyses the media cov-erage of the 2014 EP elections with special focus on the role of the Spitzenkandidaten. A quantitative content analysis of European election campaign coverage in the opinion leading newspapers of three influential EU member states, Ger-many, France, and the United Kingdom was carried out. The results show large candidate- and country-specific differ-ences regarding the visibility and thematic coverage of the EP elections in general as well as the presentation of the Spitzenkandidaten. The Spitzenkandidaten were not very visible in either the German, French, or British newspaper cov-erage. With respect to the presence and media personalisation of the Spitzenkandidaten, the newspaper coverage of the EP election does not demonstrate any mobilising effect and thus does not reflect the high expectations the European Parliament attributed to the nomination of the Spitzenkandidaten.

Inhaltsanalyse als Methode zum Vergleich von POL-Lernzielen, Papercases und Ausbildungszielen im Problem-orientierten Lernen am Beispiel des Reformstudienganges Medizin der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Huenges, Bert 24 November 2003 (has links)
Zur Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Prozessevaluation für das Problem- orientierte Lernen (POL) wird im Reformstudiengang Medizin der Berliner Charité eine vergleichende Inhaltsanalyse von studentisch generierten POL-Lernzielen (LZ), intendierten Ausbildungszielen (AZ) und Papercases (PC) durchgeführt. Hierzu werden medizinische Informationen aus Papercases, Ausbildungs- und Lernzielen aus drei Themenblöcken in Schlüsselwörter zusammengefasst und in "grundlagenwissenschaftliche", "psychosoziale" und "klinische" Inhalte geclustert. Themen aus Lernzielen werden als "identisch", "thematisch assoziiert" und "nicht übereinstimmend" mit zugehörigen Fällen und Ausbildungszielen charakterisiert. Unterschiede zwischen Themenblöcken, Zeitpunkt im Semesterablauf, Anzahl und Inhalt der Ausbildungsziele, Länge und Komplexität der Papercases und die Übereinstimmung der Lernziele zwischen Kleingruppen werden analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen eine hohe Übereinstimmung klinischer und psychosozialer Lernzielinhalte mit zugehörigen Papercases und grundlagenwissenschaftlicher Inhalte mit Ausbildungszielen. Der Inhalt von Lernzielen und deren Relevanz für das Erreichen von Ausbildungszielen (Typ B Match) zeigt sich abhängig vom jeweiligen Papercase, während die Abdeckung von Ausbildungszielen (Typ A Match) mit dem Umfang vorgegebener Ausbildungsziele korreliert. Hohe Unterschiede zwischen Kleingruppen sind Indikatoren für einen non- direktiven, studentisch zentrierten Lernprozess. Zusammenfassend scheinen neben der Relevanz von POL-Lernzielen für Ausbildungsziele und die Übereinstimmung von POL-Lernzielen zwischen Kleingruppen, die als Qualitätsparameter für den POL-Prozess in der Literatur beschrieben sind, die Relevanz der POL-Lernziele für den zugehörigen Papercase und die Abdeckung wesentlicher Kerninhalte des Curriculum seine wichtige Rolle als Qualitätsparameter für ein reformiertes Curriculum zu spielen. Die kategorisierte Inhaltsanalyse könnte als Methodik zur Qualitätssicherung im POL dienen, hierzu müssen unterschiedliche methodologische Schwierigkeiten hierbei bewältigt werden. / To develop a tool for process evaluation in Problem-based learning (PBL) a content analysis of student generated learning issues in PBL (PBLI), faculty objectives (Objectives) and Papercases (Cases) is performed in a reformed curriculum at the Charité Berlin. Therefore, Information from Cases, objectives and PBLI derived from three thematic blocks are condensed into keywords and clustered into "basic sciences", "psychosocial" and "clinical issues". The topics of PBLI are characterised as identical , associated and not matching to corresponding Cases and Objectives. The differences between blocks, amount and content of Objectives, length, complexity and content of Cases as well as the overlap between different small groups and position in the block are analysed. Results indicate a high general overlap of mainly psychosocial and clinical PBLI with Cases and a high general overlap of mainly basic science topics with Objectives. The content of PBLI and their relevance for the achievement of faculty objectives (Type B match) seems to be dependent from the Cases as well as the PBL groups, whereas the coverage of learning issues by PBLI (Type A Match) correlates with the amount of faculty objectives. High differences between different small groups are indicators for a non-directive, student centred learning process. In conclusion apart from the relevance of student-generated learning issues for faculty objectives and the overlap of learning between groups, which have been discussed in literature before, other quality parameters for PBL as the relevance of students learning for the respective Papercase and the coverage of contents of the core curriculum seem to play an important role for the quality of a reformed medical curriculum. Content analysis could deal as one method for quality control of the learning process in PBL, but different methodological pitfalls are to be faced.

Accounting and innovation: evidence from external disclosure and internal management control systems

Bellora, Lucia 13 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation is composed of three research papers that deal with the topic of “accounting and innovation” and provide evidence for the area of innovation from two accounting perspectives, i.e., the external disclosure perspective and the internal management control system perspective. The disclosure perspective is addressed in the first paper. Using content analysis, it examines the innovation capital disclosure characteristics, i.e., disclosure quantity and quality, in intellectual capital statements of 51 European for-profit firms. Additionally, the relationship between innovation capital disclosure characteristics and industry, firm size, region of domicile, and disclosure guidelines adopted are analyzed. The second and third paper address the management control system perspective. The second paper contributes to the research on management control systems in product development by exploring the performance effects and the interplay of the levers of control, i.e., interactive, diagnostic, beliefs, and boundary control systems, based on data from a survey of 468 senior managers from the manufacturing industry. Therefore, I compare by structural equation modeling a base model of unrelated levers of control (additive model) with (a) a model of mutual association of levers of control (interdependence model), (b) a model of joint use of levers of control (interaction model), and (c) a combined model of mutual association and joint use of levers of control (combined interdependence/interaction model). The best fitting and most parsimonious model is analyzed in terms of the performance effects of the levers of control. Based on the sample of the second paper, the third paper contributes to the recent literature on the relationship between management control systems and innovation by considering how the four levers of control are used as “packages” in product development. I employ cluster analysis to determine how the levers of control are combined, depending on the type of strategy formation (i.e., intended or emergent) and the degree of innovativeness of the firm. Furthermore, I explore which of these combinations are equifinal in terms of product development and organizational performance.

Ja. Nein. Schweiz : Schweizer Abstimmungsplakate im 20. Jahrhundert /

Demarmels, Sascha. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Univ. Zürich, 2007. / Diss. phil. I Zürich, 2007. Im Buchh.: Konstanz : UVK-Verlagsgemeinschaft. Register. Literatur: S. 279-294. Index.

Interdisziplinäre Kooperation bei der Erstellung virtueller geschichtswissenschaftlicher 3D-Rekonstruktionen

Münster, Sander 06 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Virtuelle 3D-Modelle finden in den historischen Disziplinen in zweierlei Art Verwendung. Zum einen dienen diese zur Erfassung und Digitalisierung existierender historischer Objekte. Daneben dient die Erstellung von virtuellen 3D-Rekonstruktionen der Nachbildung nicht mehr existierender Objekte und Strukturen. Während technische Abläufe beider Ansätze ebenso wie methodische und wissenschaftstheoretische Aspekte in der Fachliteratur häufig und umfassend thematisiert werden, ist eine Frage nach sozialen Aspekten und sozialer Interaktion im Kontext derartiger Vorhaben bisher unbeleuchtet geblieben. Ziel der Arbeit stellt dar, eine Bandbreite und Relevanz von Aspekten der Kooperation als „Zusammenarbeit mit gemeinsamem Ziel, gegenseitiger Abstimmung, planvollem Vorgehen sowie Vorteilen für alle Akteure“ (Hagenhoff, 2004) im Kontext derartiger geschichtswissenschaftlicher 3D-Modellierungsvorhaben mittels sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden zu beleuchten. Dabei zielt eine Darlegung auf unterschiedliche Skalierungen von Kooperation ab – angefangen bei einer Wissenschaftslandschaft über Kooperationsstrukturen bis hin zu einer Betrachtung von spezifischen Kooperationsphänomenen und -strategien innerhalb von Arbeits- und Erstellungsprozessen.

The Spitzenkandidaten in the European Parliament Election Campaign Coverage 2014 in Germany, France, and the United Kingdom

Schulze, Heidi 21 June 2016 (has links)
Elections to the European Parliament are characterised by a steady decline in voter turnout. To tackle this problem, in 2014, several groups of the European Parliament nominated pan-European Spitzenkandidaten who were expected to personalise the elections and mobilise European voters. Based on this development, this study analyses the media cov-erage of the 2014 EP elections with special focus on the role of the Spitzenkandidaten. A quantitative content analysis of European election campaign coverage in the opinion leading newspapers of three influential EU member states, Ger-many, France, and the United Kingdom was carried out. The results show large candidate- and country-specific differ-ences regarding the visibility and thematic coverage of the EP elections in general as well as the presentation of the Spitzenkandidaten. The Spitzenkandidaten were not very visible in either the German, French, or British newspaper cov-erage. With respect to the presence and media personalisation of the Spitzenkandidaten, the newspaper coverage of the EP election does not demonstrate any mobilising effect and thus does not reflect the high expectations the European Parliament attributed to the nomination of the Spitzenkandidaten.

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