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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study on the Electronic Properties of In0.22Ga0.78As/GaAs Single Quantum Wells

Lian, Jau-Rung 29 June 2004 (has links)
We haved studied the magneto-transport properties of two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in Si £_-doped In0.22Ga0.78As/AlGaAs single quantum wells ( QWs ) by using Shubnikov-de Haas ( SdH ) measurements . From the SdH measurement , we can clearly observe the SdH oscillations and obtain the SdH frequencies. It indicates the 2DEG in these QWs was confirmed . We also obtain the deep level binding energies¡G 104.4 meV and 9.6 meV for sample 1 and 50.2meV for sample2 by T-dependent Van der Pauw Hall effect measure- ment at magnetic field 0.3T. The difference of these two samples was the In0.1Ga0.9As layer of sample 2 was inserted between In0.22Ga0.78As well and the GaAs spacers . So in this paper , we tried to propose a model to interpret the deep-level traps in the QWs and studied the effect of In0.1Ga0.9As inserted-layer on the In0.22Ga0.78As/GaAs Single Quantum Wells.

Da extinção do acordo de acionistas por causa superveniente

Bueno, Isabelle Ferrarini January 2017 (has links)
O acordo de acionistas é instrumento que serve à adequação da disciplina societária aos interesses pessoais e patrimoniais dos acionistas. Tais acordos têm natureza jurídica contratual e parassocial, em razão de estarem intrinsecamente ligados aos pactos sociais. Em razão de serem contratos e, portanto, estarem submetidos à teoria geral dos contratos, e, ao mesmo tempo, estarem tão fortemente coligados à seara social, surgem dificuldades na resolução de questões limítrofes entre o direito civil e o direito societário. Esses problemas aparecem especialmente quando se trata da extinção por causa superveniente do acordo, existindo dúvidas na doutrina e na jurisprudência quanto à possibilidade de aplicação aos pactos parassociais das hipóteses de extinção aplicáveis aos contratos em geral. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na solução dessa questão, no presente estudo, são examinadas as causas supervenientes de extinção dos contratos, mais especificamente, as hipóteses de expiração de termo ou de implemento de condição resolutiva, de resilição, de resolução, por inadimplemento ou por onerosidade excessiva, de impossibilidade superveniente inimputável, de morte das partes, e, ainda, os cenários em que existe insolvência ou dissolução das partes ou da própria sociedade, os quais têm, após um exame genérico quanto a seus aspectos conceituais, verificada a sua aplicabilidade ao acordo de acionistas e os efeitos que produzem em sua esfera. São respeitados, contudo, os temperamentos necessários em decorrência de sua natureza parassocietária. / The shareholders’ agreement is an instrument that serves the adequacy of the corporate discipline to the shareholders’ personal and equity interests. Such agreements have the legal nature of contracts that are inserted in the companies’ corporate structure, being intrinsically connected to the bylaws and to the companies’ articles of associations. Because they are contracts, and therefore are subject to the general theory of contracts, and at the same time are so strongly linked to the corporate sphere, difficulties arise in solving border issues between Civil Law and Corporate Law. These problems appear especially when it comes to the termination of the agreements because of supervening causes, leaving scholars and courts in doubt as to the possibility of applying to the shareholders’ agreements the extinction hypotheses applicable to contracts in general. With the aim of assisting in the solution of this issue, the present study examines the supervening causes of termination of shareholders’ agreements, more specifically, the hypothesis of expiration of the term or implementation of a condition, terminations with and without cause, unenforceable supervening impossibility, death of the parties, and also the scenarios in which there is insolvency or dissolution of the parties in the agreement or of the company itself, which, after a general examination of their conceptual aspects, were submitted to a verification concerning their applicability to the shareholders' agreement and concerning the effects to be produced on such agreements, respecting, however, their nature as contracts inserted in the corporate structure.

Sjuksköterskors kunskap om perifert inlagd central venkateter (PICC-line)

Östman, Catharina January 2013 (has links)
A peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) is a catheter that is inserted through a peripheral vein in the arm and then on to a central vein in the chest. It is used to give injections and infusions and to take blood samples of patients who need treatment for longer periods.The aim of this study was to investigate nurses' perceived knowledge of the care and use of PICC line in wards where PICC line does not occur daily. The aim was also to investigate if the nurses expressed a need and wished for more knowledge to be able to use PICC line, and if PICC line is not used investigate the cause of that.The study was of a descriptive design with quantitative approach. An online survey was answered by 40 nurses from five wards at a university hospital in central Sweden.A large number of the nurses who responded to the survey reported that they lacked knowledge of the care and use of PICC line. Despite this, three-quarters of the nurses usually use PICC line at the infusion / injection / blood tests on patients with PICC line, if they are cared for in their ward. Most of the nurses wanted more knowledge on PICC line and the majority of them wanted to get this knowledge through education in the ward. Nearly one-third of the nurses had not received any training on PICC line.The conclusion is that nurses who often care for patients with PICC line largely lack knowledge about the use and care of PICC line. Despite this, most nurses use PICC line if they are caring for a patient who has one. To avoid complications in patients with PICC line nurses need to get more training on the use and care of these. Most nurses want more training and knowledge of PICC line. / En perifert inlagd central venkateter (PICC-line) är en kateter som läggs in via en perifer ven i armen och sedan vidare till en central ven i bröstkorgen. Den används för att ge injektioner och infusioner och för att ta blodprover på patienter som behöver en längre tids behandling.Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka sjuksköterskors uppfattade kunskap om skötsel och användning av PICC-line på vårdavdelningar där PICC-line inte förekommer dagligen. Syftet var också att undersöka om sjuksköterskorna tyckte sig behöva och önskade mer kunskap för att kunna använda PICC-line och i de fall den inte används undersöka orsaken till det.Studien var av deskriptiv design med kvantitativ ansats. En webbenkät besvarades av 40 sjuksköterskor från fem vårdavdelningar vid ett universitetssjukhus i Mellansverige.En stor del av de sjuksköterskor som besvarat enkäten uppgav att de saknade kunskap om skötsel och användning av PICC-line. Trots detta använder tre fjärdedelar av sjuksköterskorna oftast PICC-line vid infusion/injektion/blodprovstagning om patienter med PICC-line vårdas på deras avdelning. De flesta sjuksköterskorna ville ha mer kunskap om PICC-line och majoriteten av dem ville få den kunskapen genom utbildning på avdelningen. Nästan en tredjedel av sjuksköterskorna hade inte fått någon utbildning om PICC-line.Slutsatsen är att sjuksköterskor som sällan vårdar patienter med PICC-line i hög grad saknar kunskap om användning och skötsel av PICC-line. Trots detta använder de flesta PICC-line om de vårdar en patient som har en sådan. För att undvika komplikationer hos patienter med PICC-line behöver sjuksköterskorna få mer utbildning om användning och skötsel av dessa. De flesta sjuksköterskorna önskar få mer utbildning och kunskap om PICC-line.

Studies on the Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum Alloy Sheets by Using High Speed Steel Tool Inserted Aluminum Alloy

Su, Fang-Hua 19 August 2011 (has links)
In this study, a novel inserted type of friction welding tool was proposed, where the circular rod was embedded in its central axis using the material same as the workpiece, so that it could effectively promote the friction heat quickly and enhance the welding quality. The welding tool was made of the high-speed steel, the workpiece with its embedded material 6061-T6 aluminum alloy. A vertical milling machine equipped with dynamometer, which could measure the power during the friction stir welding, was employed as the experimental apparatus. During the welding process, the K-type thermocouple was used simultaneously in measuring the welding temperature at the interface of joint. The operating conditions of welding were as followings: the welding speed of 800 rpm, the tool inclination of 1¢X and the clamping force 2kN, the tool with 12mm in diameter and 0.21mm in depth under the downward force about 2 kN. The experiment was conducted into two stages. The first stage was a spot welding to investigate the effect of the ratio of the diameter of embedded material (d) to the diameter of welding tool (D) on the temperature of the interface of joint, the thickness of plastic flow, and the failure load of weld. Experimental results revealed that the interface temperature, the plastic flow thickness, and the failure load of weld are directly proportional to d/D. In comparison with the welding tool without insert (d/D = 0), the maximum interface temperature increased about 1.12 times at d/D = 0.83, the plastic flow thickness increased about 1.52 times, and the failure load of weld increased about 1.45 times. In the second stage, the feeding process was included to investigate the influence of the diameter and the thickness of embedded material on the interface temperature, the plastic flow thickness, and the failure load of weld. Experimental results revealed that the plastic flow thickness was less than 2 mm when the thickness of embedded material was less than 3 mm. However, when the thickness of embedded material was larger than 5 mm, the plastic flow thickness could achieve to 3 mm. Hence, the thickness of embedded material should be larger than 5mm. Moreover, the effect of the diameter of embedded material on the interface temperature and the plastic flow thickness using the feeding process was almost the same as the spot welding. However, in comparison with the welding tool without insert, the failure load of weld increased about two times.

Studies on Friction Stir Spot Welding of Carbon Steel Using Inserted-Type Tungsten Carbide Tools

Chen, Wen-Han 09 February 2012 (has links)
This study aims to design a novel inserted welding tool to friction stir spot weld SS400 low carbon steel sheets of 4mm thickness. In order to enhance the efficiency of frictional heat generation and to enhance the quality of the welding spot, the welding tool based on a cylindrical tungsten carbide and is inserted by a SS400 low carbon cylinder. The welding apparatus composed of a vertical milling machine and a welding platform that can keep the load between tool and workpiece constant. The plunge load is 8kN and there's no inclination angle on the tools. Welding temperature and the tool plunge depth are measured by thermelcouples and a displacement meter. ¡@¡@At the tool rotational speed of spindle of 900rpm and welding for 60 seconds, the temperature rising rate of the tools with 5 mm and 10 mm inserted material are 5.28 times and 6.31 times greater than the one without insert. While they are 1.36 and 1.42 times greater than at 1200rpm.At the tool rotational speed of spindle of 900rpm and welding for 300 seconds, themaximun welding temperature the tools with 5 mm and 10 mm inserted material can reach are 59¢J and 412¢J higher than the one without insert. While they can reach 35.6¢J and 197.6¢J greater than at 1200rpm. According to the tensile test, the shear failure loads of clad steel plates increase 11.3kN and 15.5kN by using tools with 5 mm and 10 mm inserted material at 900rpm for 60 seconds, and increase 7.6kN and 18.3kN by using tools with 5 mm and 10 mm inserted material at 1200rpm.

Da extinção do acordo de acionistas por causa superveniente

Bueno, Isabelle Ferrarini January 2017 (has links)
O acordo de acionistas é instrumento que serve à adequação da disciplina societária aos interesses pessoais e patrimoniais dos acionistas. Tais acordos têm natureza jurídica contratual e parassocial, em razão de estarem intrinsecamente ligados aos pactos sociais. Em razão de serem contratos e, portanto, estarem submetidos à teoria geral dos contratos, e, ao mesmo tempo, estarem tão fortemente coligados à seara social, surgem dificuldades na resolução de questões limítrofes entre o direito civil e o direito societário. Esses problemas aparecem especialmente quando se trata da extinção por causa superveniente do acordo, existindo dúvidas na doutrina e na jurisprudência quanto à possibilidade de aplicação aos pactos parassociais das hipóteses de extinção aplicáveis aos contratos em geral. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na solução dessa questão, no presente estudo, são examinadas as causas supervenientes de extinção dos contratos, mais especificamente, as hipóteses de expiração de termo ou de implemento de condição resolutiva, de resilição, de resolução, por inadimplemento ou por onerosidade excessiva, de impossibilidade superveniente inimputável, de morte das partes, e, ainda, os cenários em que existe insolvência ou dissolução das partes ou da própria sociedade, os quais têm, após um exame genérico quanto a seus aspectos conceituais, verificada a sua aplicabilidade ao acordo de acionistas e os efeitos que produzem em sua esfera. São respeitados, contudo, os temperamentos necessários em decorrência de sua natureza parassocietária. / The shareholders’ agreement is an instrument that serves the adequacy of the corporate discipline to the shareholders’ personal and equity interests. Such agreements have the legal nature of contracts that are inserted in the companies’ corporate structure, being intrinsically connected to the bylaws and to the companies’ articles of associations. Because they are contracts, and therefore are subject to the general theory of contracts, and at the same time are so strongly linked to the corporate sphere, difficulties arise in solving border issues between Civil Law and Corporate Law. These problems appear especially when it comes to the termination of the agreements because of supervening causes, leaving scholars and courts in doubt as to the possibility of applying to the shareholders’ agreements the extinction hypotheses applicable to contracts in general. With the aim of assisting in the solution of this issue, the present study examines the supervening causes of termination of shareholders’ agreements, more specifically, the hypothesis of expiration of the term or implementation of a condition, terminations with and without cause, unenforceable supervening impossibility, death of the parties, and also the scenarios in which there is insolvency or dissolution of the parties in the agreement or of the company itself, which, after a general examination of their conceptual aspects, were submitted to a verification concerning their applicability to the shareholders' agreement and concerning the effects to be produced on such agreements, respecting, however, their nature as contracts inserted in the corporate structure.

Da extinção do acordo de acionistas por causa superveniente

Bueno, Isabelle Ferrarini January 2017 (has links)
O acordo de acionistas é instrumento que serve à adequação da disciplina societária aos interesses pessoais e patrimoniais dos acionistas. Tais acordos têm natureza jurídica contratual e parassocial, em razão de estarem intrinsecamente ligados aos pactos sociais. Em razão de serem contratos e, portanto, estarem submetidos à teoria geral dos contratos, e, ao mesmo tempo, estarem tão fortemente coligados à seara social, surgem dificuldades na resolução de questões limítrofes entre o direito civil e o direito societário. Esses problemas aparecem especialmente quando se trata da extinção por causa superveniente do acordo, existindo dúvidas na doutrina e na jurisprudência quanto à possibilidade de aplicação aos pactos parassociais das hipóteses de extinção aplicáveis aos contratos em geral. Com o objetivo de auxiliar na solução dessa questão, no presente estudo, são examinadas as causas supervenientes de extinção dos contratos, mais especificamente, as hipóteses de expiração de termo ou de implemento de condição resolutiva, de resilição, de resolução, por inadimplemento ou por onerosidade excessiva, de impossibilidade superveniente inimputável, de morte das partes, e, ainda, os cenários em que existe insolvência ou dissolução das partes ou da própria sociedade, os quais têm, após um exame genérico quanto a seus aspectos conceituais, verificada a sua aplicabilidade ao acordo de acionistas e os efeitos que produzem em sua esfera. São respeitados, contudo, os temperamentos necessários em decorrência de sua natureza parassocietária. / The shareholders’ agreement is an instrument that serves the adequacy of the corporate discipline to the shareholders’ personal and equity interests. Such agreements have the legal nature of contracts that are inserted in the companies’ corporate structure, being intrinsically connected to the bylaws and to the companies’ articles of associations. Because they are contracts, and therefore are subject to the general theory of contracts, and at the same time are so strongly linked to the corporate sphere, difficulties arise in solving border issues between Civil Law and Corporate Law. These problems appear especially when it comes to the termination of the agreements because of supervening causes, leaving scholars and courts in doubt as to the possibility of applying to the shareholders’ agreements the extinction hypotheses applicable to contracts in general. With the aim of assisting in the solution of this issue, the present study examines the supervening causes of termination of shareholders’ agreements, more specifically, the hypothesis of expiration of the term or implementation of a condition, terminations with and without cause, unenforceable supervening impossibility, death of the parties, and also the scenarios in which there is insolvency or dissolution of the parties in the agreement or of the company itself, which, after a general examination of their conceptual aspects, were submitted to a verification concerning their applicability to the shareholders' agreement and concerning the effects to be produced on such agreements, respecting, however, their nature as contracts inserted in the corporate structure.

Lean Methodology Applied to Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) Placements

Shoemaker, Jeffrey M. 03 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Automatic Discovery and Exposition of Parallelism in Serial Applications for Compiler-Inserted Runtime Adaptation

Greenland, David A. 25 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Compiler-Inserted Runtime Adaptation (CIRA) is a compilation and runtime adaptation strategy which has great potential for increasing performance in multicore systems. In this strategy, the compiler inserts directives into the application which will adapt the application at runtime. Its ability to overcome the obstacles of architectural and environmental diversity coupled with its flexibility to work with many programming languages and styles of applications make it a very powerful tool. However, it is not complete. In fact, there are many pieces still needed to accomplish these lofty goals. This work describes the automatic discovery of parallelism inherent in an application and the generation of an intermediate representation to expose that parallelism. This work shows on six benchmark applications that a significant amount of parallelism which was not initially apparent can be automatically discovered. This work also shows that the parallelism can then be exposed in a representation which is also automatically generated. This is accomplished by a series of analysis and transformation passes with only minimal programmer-inserted directives. This series of passes forms a necessary part of the CIRA toolchain called the concurrency compiler. This concurrency compiler proves that a representation with exposed parallelism and locality can be generated by a compiler. It also lays the groundwork for future, more powerful concurrency compilers. This work also describes the extension of the intermediate representation to support hierarchy, a prerequisite characteristic to the creation of the concurrency compiler. This extension makes it capable of representing many more applications in a much more effective way. This extension to support hierarchy allows much more of the parallelism discovered by the concurrency compiler to be stored in the representation.

Procedimento de inserção, manutenção e remoção do cateter central de inserção periférica em neonatos / Insertion, maintenance and removal procedures of peripherally inserted central catheters in neonates

Camargo, Patricia Ponce de 30 May 2007 (has links)
O cateter central de inserção periférica (PICC) é um dispositivo cada vez mais utilizado nas Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (UTIN). O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar os neonatos (RN) submetidos ao procedimento de inserção do cateter PICC e descrever suas práticas de inserção, manutenção e remoção em RN. Estudo observacional com delineamento longitudinal realizado no Berçário Anexo à Maternidade do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Os dados foram obtidos pela observação dos procedimentos e informações registradas nos prontuários dos neonatos submetidos ao procedimento. No estudo, incluíram-se todos os procedimentos de inserção, manutenção e remoção de cateter PICC ocorridos entre de março e setembro de 2006, em recém-nascidos internados na unidade neonatal citada. Antes do início da coleta dos dados, o projeto de pesquisa foi apreciado e aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Instituição, campo do estudo. No período estudado, ocorreram 37 procedimentos de inserção do cateter PICC. A média da idade gestacional e o peso dos RN eram de 32,2 semanas e 1.289,2 gramas, respectivamente. A maioria, 22 (59,4%) RN, era do sexo masculino, 18 (48,7%) RN tinham menos de três dias de vida no dia do procedimento e 35 (94,6%) RN foram submetidos à inserção do cateter para infundir nutrição parenteral total. A maioria, 21 (56,8%) RN, apresentou diagnóstico de síndrome do desconforto respiratório. A administração de fármaco sedativo previamente ao procedimento ocorreu em 4 (10,8%), nenhum RN recebeu analgesia. O tipo de cateter mais utilizado foi o de poliuretano, 35 (94,6%). A média da freqüência de punções venosas foi 3,4 e em 8 (21,6%) RN foram obtidos sucesso na introdução do cateter na primeira punção venosa. As veias mais puncionadas foram as localizadas em membros superiores, a basílica foi puncionada em 29,9% dos RN e a cefálica, em 22,8% dos RN. Fragilidade vascular, transfixação venosa e obstrução do cateter foram os principais motivos de insucesso na inserção do PICC. Alteração da viscosidade sangüínea foi uma intercorrência identificada pelas enfermeiras na inserção do PICC. A prevalência de sucesso do procedimento foi de 64,9% (24 RN). Obteve-se posicionamento central da ponta do cateter em 20 (83,3%) RN e periférico em 4 (16,7%) RN. A média da extensão do cateter introduzido em MSD foi de 11,4 cm, em MSE, 13,5cm e em região cervical, 7,1 cm. Solução de clorexidina a 0,5% foi o anti-séptico mais utilizado nos curativos e a NPT foi a solução mais infundida pelo cateter. O tempo médio de permanência do cateter foi 8,9 dias, 11 (27,5%) foram removidos em decorrência de infecção do cateter, 7 (17,5%) pelo término da terapia intravenosa e 7 (17,5%) por obstrução. Dos 24 cateteres removidos, 14 (58,3%) foram enviados para cultura, dos quais, 10 (71,4%) tiveram resultado negativo. Das quatro pontas com resultado positivo, em duas (14,3%) foram identificados Estafilococos coagulase negativa / The peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) are increasingly employed in the neonatal intensive care units. The aims of the study were to characterize the neonates who underwent PICC catheter insertion and to describe insert, upkeep and removal PICC catheter practices in neonates. Prospective cohort study carried out at Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of University of São Paulo School Medical Hospital. Data were obtained by nurse procedures performance observation and from the medical chart records of the neonates who underwent PICC catheter insertion. Data were collected from March to September, 2006 and all the neonates underwent PICC catheter insertion during this period were included in the study. The study protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Board of the Hospital where the study was carried out. Written informed consents were obtained from parents or legal guardian of all infant newborns underwent PICC catheter insertion and from certified registered nurses responsible for catheter insertion, maintenance of the line and for removal it. It was obtained data from 32 infants newborn underwent procedure of PICC catheter insertion. The gestacional age and infant weight mean were, 32.2 weeks and 1289.2 g, respectively; 22 (59.4%) neonates were male, the PICC catheter was inserted in 18 (48.7%) neonates in the first three days of life and 35 (94.6%) babies were underwent PICC insertion to provide total parenteral nutrition; 21 (56.8%) neonates had diagnosis of respiratory distress syndrome, any of them received analgesics and 4 (10,8%) newborns received sedation. The polyurethane catheter was more used, 35 (94,6%) than the silicone catheter, 2 (5,4%). The mean of venous puncture frequency was of 3.4 and the rate success obtained in the first attempt was 21,6% (8 newborn). The most accessed veins for insertion PICC lines were basilic, 29,9% and cephalic, 22,8%. Vascular fragility, venous transfixation and obstruction were the majorities causes of failure to insert the PICC line. The frequency of success on PICC line insertion was 64,9% (24 neonates). The position of tip catheter in 83,3% (20 neonates) was central (superior vena cava), others 16,7% (4 neonates) tips was peripherally. The length of catheter line mean to thread in right arm veins was 11,4 cm, in the left arm,13,5cm and in the jugular vein was 7,1 cm. It was used chlorhexidine 0.5% antiseptic solution in the majority of catheter insertion site dressing. Total parenteral nutrion was the soluction infused by the catheter line. The mean time of remaining the catheter was 8.9 days, 11(27,5%) catheters were withdrawn due to suspect of catheter infection, 7(17,5%) catheters withdrawn after end the intravenous therapy and 7 (17,5%) due to obstruction. From 24 catheters withdrawn, 14 (58,3%) tip catheters were underwent to microbyological analysis and the results were negative for 10 (71,4%) analysis, from others four tips catheter which results were positive, in two (14,3%) identified coagulase-negative staphylococci

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