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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Raciocínio científico por meio dos jogos educacionais colaborativos. / Scientific reasoning through educational collaborative games.

Medeiros, Romero Araújo de 31 July 2009 (has links)
Games on net are in prominence due to the high level of interaction between pairs, situation that promotes a high number of youth spending hours in front of the computer. What guides this paper is to use this motivation for scientific learning, also focusing the education socio-constructivist view (VYGOTSKY, 1996). This paper's goal is to develop a computational model for the Scientific Reasoning teaching through the use of collaborative games, using the Coloured Petri Net formalism. This project relevance is in the belief that the shaped educational game functions as a way of learning, through principles of Scientific Reasoning, with a playful focus. It was proposed a frame that defines since the conception of collaborative game, including the interface to be applied, to the game execution. Then it was made the game interaction process using the formalism based on Coloured Petri Net. In order to evaluate this study, it was developed a game archetype on net that was used with high-school students, what made possible evidence, through questionnaires, this model viability, which uses collaborative learning through Scientific Reasoning / Jogos em rede estão em destaque graças ao alto nível de interação entre pares, situação promotora do alto índice de jovens que passam horas em frente ao computador. O que norteia este trabalho é usar esta motivação para aprendizagem de forma científica, contemplando também a visão sócio-construcionista (VYGOTSKY, 1996) de educação. Esta estudo tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um modelo computacional para o ensino do Raciocínio Científico por meio da utilização de jogos colaborativos, utilizando o formalismo Rede de Petri Colorida. A relevância do projeto reside na crença de que o jogo educacional modelado funcione como um meio de aprendizagem, pelos princípios do Raciocínio Científico, com uma abordagem lúdica. Foi proposta uma arquitetura que define desde a concepção do jogo colaborativo, passando pela interface a ser aplicada, chegando à execução do jogo. Foi então modelado o processo de interação do jogo utilizando o formalismo baseado em Rede de Petri Colorida. Para analisar esse estudo, desenvolveu-se um protótipo de jogo em rede que foi aplicado a uma turma de alunos do segundo ano do ensino médio, quando se constatou, através de questionários, a viabilidade deste modelo, que utiliza aprendizagem colaborativa usando Raciocínio Científico

A escola entre o executivo, o judiciário e a sociedade

Rodrigues, Aparecido Wilson [UNESP] 17 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:33:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2003-10-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:04:31Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 rodrigues_aw_dr_mar.pdf: 856045 bytes, checksum: 4861dad84a5b5fffeb361aa21759b9f4 (MD5) / Esta tese é uma tentativa de contribuir com a organização das escolas públicas no enfrentamento de uma demanda crescentemente mais necessitada e uma oferta progressivamente minguada pelas imposições dos organismos internacionais. A pretensão desse trabalho é denunciar e dimensionar o problema sem, no entanto, infelizmente, oferecer nesse momento, algum conforto aos aflitos dessa turbulência desumana. A empreitada é analisar o nível de comprometimento da proposição e da ação dos três poderes republicanos, da sociedade política brasileira, na universalização da educação como direito público e subjetivo, nesse contexto globalizado e, anunciar que um outro mundo é possível através da adoção de concepções plurais de justiça que permitam, que as desigualdades sociais e econômicas sejam dispostas de tal forma que beneficiem mais aos menos aquinhoados. Por fim acreditar com mais convicção na orientação da sociologia interacionista para a qual, a sociedade é como uma cena, o indivíduo é como um ator social em comunicação significativa com outros atores e suas significações próprias e, a vida social é a composição dialética dessas ações na construção da personalidade individual e da ordem social. A teoria do currículo, a teoria do conhecimento, a governança democrática, a reflexão crítica e pesquisadora, proporcionam o arcabouço científico para a construção de uma escola sintonizada com a indigência da sociedade civil. / This thesis is a temptive of contributing with the reorganization of the public schools in the fight by a more and more urgent necessity and a rare progressive offer by the power of the international institutions. The intention of this work is denounce the existing problem and show how serious it is without giving them in this moment any kind of comfort. The purpose is to analyse the level of dedication of the proposition and of the action of the three Republic powers, of the Brazilian Politics Society making the educational system global as a public and a subjective right in this globalized context, and showing that another world is possible through the adoption of plural conceptions of justice that permit that the economic and social differences among people are reorganized in a good way in order to help more and more the poors. Believing with more convinction in the orientation of the interactionist sociology that says the society is like a scene, the human being is like an actor in an important communication with other actors and their own meanings and, their social life is the dialetic composition of those actions.In the building of the individual personality and of the social order. The theory of the curriculum, the theory of the knowledge, the democractic behaviour, the crictical reflection and the investigating action give us a scientific fortress to the building of a school that are plugged to the civil society.

Produção textual na escola: contribuições da abordagem sociointeracionista para o 6° e 9° anos do ensino fundamental II.

SOUZA, Janaína dos Santos 19 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Denize Lourenço (biblicfp@cfp.ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-02-19T19:25:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 JANAÍNA DOS SANTOS SOUZA - DISSERTAÇÃO PROFLETRAS 2015.pdf: 2091184 bytes, checksum: bb3fe577cc6b2e77578b49b0ddda469e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-19T19:25:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JANAÍNA DOS SANTOS SOUZA - DISSERTAÇÃO PROFLETRAS 2015.pdf: 2091184 bytes, checksum: bb3fe577cc6b2e77578b49b0ddda469e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-07 / O objetivo desta dissertação é promover a reflexão sobre a produção de textos escritos em sala de aula. Ela traz, em seu bojo, a abordagem Sociointeracionista que pode auxiliar tanto docentes quanto discentes a entender melhor o processo de escrita, indo ao encontro de um ensino que tenha como meta a busca de (re)significações da língua. Dessa forma, este trabalho torna pública a proposta de intervenção que diz respeito à produção de um caderno pedagógico para os 6º e 9º anos do Fundamental II. A estrutura do caderno é composta por atividades modulares, ou seja, com sequências didáticas que propõem estratégias para desenvolvimento da produção de textos escritos. E, sobretudo, baseia-se na concepção de que a escrita deve ser desenvolvida dentro de um processo, alertando para a necessidade de um trabalho consistente e relevante para os alunos. Contudo, através das pesquisas, notamos que ainda é alarmante o quanto tem sido comum a prática de sugerir que os alunos escrevam sobre um assunto que, na maioria das vezes, eles não têm informação, afinidade e não percebem nenhuma aproximação com suas vidas. Por isso, há a discussão de se estabelecer o texto como unidade básica do ensino da língua e, também, a preparação do aluno para a escrita. É neste sentido que além de reunir várias vozes que tratam sobre o processo de produção, ainda, apresentamos os resultados das análises realizadas através da observação de quatro salas de aula, questionários aplicados e uma entrevista. Estes passos foram qualificados como as bases metodológicas responsáveis pela construção da proposta de intervenção em que o objetivo foi analisar qualitativamente as acepções dos docentes quanto ao processo de escrita tanto quanto a prática pedagógica. Desse modo, tornou-se notório que o trabalho com a produção textual, em sala de aula, não tem a mesma relevância que exercem as atividades gramaticais. Porém, é mister que a escola desenvolva o trabalho com a produção de modo significativo, pois ela oportuniza o desenvolvimento da capacidade textual dos sujeitos. E, também, trata-se de uma atividade de reflexão coletiva e individual. Logo, a escola deve criar condições efetivas para que o estudante aprenda a escrever com competência os seus textos. / The goal of this dissertation is to promote reflection on the production of texts in the classroom. She brings in his belly, the sociointeracionista approach that can help both teachers as students better understand the writing process, going to a teaching that has as its goal the search for (re) meanings of the language. Thus, this work makes public the proposal of intervention with respect to the production of an educational book for 6° and 9° years of Fundamental II. The structure of the book is composed of modular, i.e. activities with didactic sequences, which propose strategies to develop the production of written texts. And, above all, is based on the conception that writing must be developed within a process, warning of the need for a consistent work and relevant to students. However, through research, we note that it is still alarming as it has been common practice to suggest that students write about a subject that, for the most part, they have no information, affinity and not realize any rapprochement with their lives. That is why the discussion of establishing the text as basic unit of language teaching and the preparation of the student for writing. It is in this sense that besides bringing together multiple voices that treat about the production process, yet, we present the results of the analyses carried out through observation of four classrooms, applied questionnaires and an interview. These steps have been qualified as the methodological bases responsible for the construction of the proposed intervention in which the objective was to analyze qualitatively the meanings of the professors about the writing process as much as the pedagogical practice. Thus, it became apparent that the work with the textual production, in class, does not have the same relevance which carry grammatical activities. However, it is necessary that the school develops work with production significantly because it favors the development of textual ability of the subjects. And also, it is a collective and individual reflection activity. Therefore, the school should create effective conditions for the student to learn to write competently your texts.

Concepção de linguagem, de texto e de gêneros discursivos na formação inicial do professor de Língua Portuguesa: um estudo de cursos de licenciatura em Letras. / Language, text, and speech genres conceptions in the initial formation of Portuguese Language teachers: a study of Arts Language courses.

Souza, Tatiana Fasolo Bilhar de 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Rosangela Silva (rosangela.silva3@unioeste.br) on 2018-05-22T13:23:59Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tatiana Fasolo Bilhar de Souza.pdf: 4216511 bytes, checksum: 3e9b0a3be18d484a607b637689d4d132 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-22T13:23:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tatiana Fasolo Bilhar de Souza.pdf: 4216511 bytes, checksum: 3e9b0a3be18d484a607b637689d4d132 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Portuguese language (PL) teaching in our country, since the publication of the National Curriculum Parameters (PCN) (BRAZIL, 1998), has been guided by the interactionist conception of language, which presupposes the work, in the classroom, from real situations of language use. In light of this document, the State of Paraná published the Curricular Guidelines for Basic Education (DCE) in 2008, which in its section on teaching PL (DCELP) is guided by the linguistic ideas of the Bakhtin Circle. This paper shares an interactionist and dialogical conception of language, with a focus on discourse as social practice, comprehends the text in its condition of utterance and guides the use of speech genres in the classroom as tools for teaching PL. However, in order to be able to implement this proposal in pedagogical practice, it is necessary that PL teachers receive, starting at the undergraduate level, a formation consistent with these purposes. In order to deal with this subject, it is necessary that we turn our researcher's gaze towards the initial formation of Language Arts teachers. Therefore, this paper analyses two Language Arts undergraduate courses from the State University of Western Paraná (Unioeste), one in the campus Foz do Iguaçu and the other in the campus Marechal Cândido Rondon, to answer the following question: Is there a dialogue between the syllabuses and the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) of the courses aimed at the training of LP teachers according to the DCELP? To answer it, our general objective is an attempt to relate the theoretical and methodological orientations of the DCELP to the PPP and to the syllabuses of two Language Arts courses at Unioeste, observing the conception of language, text and speech genres that guide the initial formation of PL teachers, within the socio-historical context of Language Arts undergraduate courses in Brazil. In order to fulfill this investigative purpose, we performed a qualitative and interpretive research enrolled in Applied Linguistics field, which has a documental analysis of the PPP and eight syllabuses of the courses analyzed – three from the course of Marechal Cândido Rondon and five from the course of Foz do Iguaçu. The theoretical framework is based on authors of the Bakhtin Circle – such as Bakhtin and Volochinov (2014 [1929]), Volochinov (2013 [1930]) and Bakhtin (2011 [1979]) – as well as others who explain their theories – Rodrigues (2001, 2005), Faraco (2009), Rodrigues and Cerutti-Rizzatti (2011) and Miotello (2014). We also rely on authors such as d'Ávila (2007) and Nóvoa (1992, 2009) to think about initial formation and its relation to teaching and authors such as Almeida Filho (2008) and Cavalcanti (2013) to discuss teacher formation. The results indicate that both courses have a relationship with the DCELP, but that it happens differently. The course in Foz do Iguaçu is guided by the same conceptions of language, text and genres of the state pedagogical document, so that some of its disciplines not only discuss the PL teaching proposal of the DCELP, but also propose a study of the speech genres subsidized by their conceptions. Even though the course in Marechal Cândido Rondon is based on an interactionist conception of language, it adopts an organizing axis for the disciplines of PL contrary to the Bakhtinian premises for the study of language. Therefore, it establishes dialogue with the DCELP in some disciplines, but this relation is more in the sense of discussing the proposal of the document and the theories and conceptions that subsidize it than to guide its disciplines by these conceptions. / O ensino de Língua Portuguesa (LP), em nosso país, desde a publicação dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais – PCN – (BRASIL, 1998), vem sendo orientado por uma concepção interacionista de linguagem, a qual pressupõe o trabalho, em sala de aula, a partir de situações reais de uso da língua. Na esteira desse documento, o Estado do Paraná, em 2008, publicou as Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica (DCE), que em sua seção sobre o ensino de LP (DCELP) é norteada pelas ideias linguísticas do Círculo de Bakhtin. Esse documento centrase numa concepção interacionista e dialógica de linguagem, com foco no discurso como prática social, compreende o texto na sua condição de enunciado e orienta para o uso dos gêneros discursivos em sala de aula como ferramentas para o ensino da LP. No entanto, para terem condições de efetivar essa proposta em sua prática pedagógica, é necessário que os professores de LP recebam, desde a graduação, uma formação coerente com tais propósitos. Tratar desse assunto requer, então, que voltemos nosso olhar de pesquisadora para a formação inicial dos professores de Letras. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa analisa dois cursos de licenciatura em Letras da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná (Unioeste), o do campus Foz do Iguaçu e o do campus Marechal Cândido Rondon, buscando responder a seguinte questão: Existe um diálogo entre os Projetos Político-Pedagógicos (PPP) dos cursos, os planos de ensino de suas disciplinas voltadas à formação do professor de LP com o que preconizam as DCELP? No intuito de respondê-la, propusemos como objetivo geral: relacionar as orientações teórico-metodológicas das DCELP com os PPP e com os planos de ensino de disciplinas de dois cursos de Letras da Unioeste, observando a concepção de linguagem, de texto e de gêneros discursivos que orienta a formação inicial do professor de LP, dentro do contexto sócio-histórico dos cursos de licenciatura em Letras no Brasil. Na perspectiva de dar conta desse propósito investigativo, realizamos uma pesquisa qualitativa e interpretativista, inscrita na área da Linguística Aplicada, focada na análise documental do PPP e de oito planos de ensino dos cursos analisados – três do curso de Marechal Cândido Rondon e cinco do curso de Foz do Iguaçu. A base teórica sustenta-se em autores do próprio Círculo de Bakhtin – tais como Bakhtin e Volochinov (2014[1929]), Volochinov (2013[1930]) e Bakhtin (2011[1979]) –, além de outros que explicam suas teorias – como Rodrigues (2001, 2005), Faraco (2009), Rodrigues e Cerutti-Rizzatti (2011) e Miotello (2014). Recorremos, ainda, para tratar do processo de formação inicial e sua relação com o ensino, a autores como d’Ávila (2007) e Nóvoa (1992, 2009) e, para tratar da formação do professor de Letras, a autores como Almeida Filho (2008) e Cavalcanti (2013). Os resultados indicam que ambos os cursos estabelecem relação com as DCELP, mas isso se dá de modos distintos. O curso de Letras do campus Foz do Iguaçu pauta-se pelas mesmas concepções de linguagem, de texto e de gêneros do documento pedagógico estadual, de modo que algumas de suas disciplinas não só discutem a proposta de ensino das DCELP, como também propõem um estudo dos gêneros subsidiado por suas concepções. Já o curso de Marechal Cândido Rondon, embora se paute por uma concepção interacionista de linguagem, adota um eixo organizador para as disciplinas de LP contrário aos pressupostos bakhtinianos para o estudo da língua. Assim, estabelece diálogo com as DCELP em algumas disciplinas, mas essa relação se dá mais no sentido de discutir a proposta do documento, as teorias e as concepções que a subsidiam do que de nortear suas disciplinas por essas concepções.

In search of the latent structure of an e-learning practitioner construct

Johannes, Hermien 19 June 2007 (has links)
In this study systems thinking approaches were applied to uncover the structure of the e-learning practitioner construct. Assumptions abducted from the systemic view of the e-learning practitioner construct hold that the e-learning practitioner system involves the e-learning practitioner and the e-learning practice as two subsystems that interact in the e-learning work environment. The characteristics of the subsystems are patterned to reflect their respective structures, which collaboratively construe the structure of the e-learning practitioner system. Different lenses were used to take ’snapshots’ and to illuminate the separate parts (the environment, the e-learning practitioner and the e-learning practice) of the system and to tell the e-learning practitioner’s story. Work behavioural styles expressed in terms of DISC language were used to describe a particular aspect of work personality structure. A personality-orientated job analysis, namely the Human Job Analysis, was used to identify and describe job characteristics and job structure. Person characteristics from the individual and characteristics from the job are the inputs into the e-learning practitioner system, and through a process of reciprocal interaction lead to certain outputs, for example person-job (P-J) fit, moderated by environmental influences, and constantly monitored by feedback systems. Environmental changes act as drivers in the system and practical interventions, such as the implementation of support programmes, job redesign and career development, may be applied as leverage points to change the output, for example to create a number of P-J fit scenarios. The characteristics of each subsystem and their relationships form the building blocks of the system structured in an e-learning P-J fit triad. Triad congruence is dependent on the characteristics of each leg of the triad, as well as influences and drivers from the environment. The different parts work together towards a specific goal according to a specific plan driven by organising principles to fulfil a common purpose, which gives meaning to the system. Different scenarios may alter the congruence of these three legs, which may then emerge in different configurations from their latent position. To gain a better understanding of this construct, a case study was applied focusing on the characteristics and work behavioural styles of e-learning practitioners in the e-learning work environment at the Tshwane University of Technology. A bricolage of data collection methods and instruments was applied to collect evidence for answering the research questions. Rich and varied sources of data, for example interviews, participant observation, documents and archival records, were tapped during the data collection phase. Data analysis included quantitative and qualitative analysis, and reasoning though both inductive and abductive logic. Synthesis of these research findings resulted in a classifying scheme as a form for expressing the latent structure of the five possible e-learning scenarios to answer the main research question: “What is the latent structure of the e-learning practitioner construct?” The study focused on the creation of knowledge about the ‘goodness of fit’ between the e-learning practitioner and the e-learning job in the e-learning environment by using the combined languages of systems thinking and the DISC profiling system. The uniqueness of this study pertains to the following: -- the interplay between the characteristics of e-learning practitioners, the e-learning practice and the e-learning environment; -- P-J fit scenarios in the e-learning environment, and -- a classification scheme for the e-learning practitioner construct displaying five categories, namely job structure, job theme, person attributes, roles and applications against the dimensions of an environmental structuredness continuum. Findings from this research may support initiatives to establish benchmarks for the e-learning practitioner job description. Practical applications may be useful to practitioners using electronic learning management systems and to planners of staff development and e-learning training programmes. / Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

Un cadre d’analyse interactionniste pour éclairer le rapport entre la formation et l’insertion professionnelle des candidats à l’enseignement au Québec

Bihan, Alain Christophe 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire est une recherche théorique qui tire son origine du constat selon lequel il est difficile d’analyser la réalisation du projet professionnel des candidats à l’enseignement. Tel est le cas en raison des particularités contextuelles et des pluralités théoriques relatives aux notions de formation et d’insertion. À partir de ce constat, ce mémoire propose un cadre d’analyse permettant de comprendre comment les jeunes enseignants du Québec appréhendent le « rapport entre » leur formation et leur insertion face aux différentes contraintes (i.e. rigidité du système institutionnel de la formation, marché de l’insertion fluctuant et saturé, etc.) et aux ressources disponibles (i.e. programme d’études, cours, etc.) pour réaliser leur projet professionnel. Il repose sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle, pour réaliser leur projet professionnel, les candidats à l’enseignement mobilisent des stratégies afin de négocier les contraintes et ressources de leurs contextes respectifs. Dans cette optique, la démarche de cette recherche théorique s’inscrit dans une perspective interactionniste, telle qu’elle est véhiculée par la tradition de Chicago (Chapoulie, 2001). Quelques postulats sont mobilisés pour baliser les différentes étapes d’élaboration du cadre d’analyse. Le premier postulat considère que le « point de vue » de l’acteur est prépondérant pour comprendre ses conduites (Morrissette, Guignon & Demaziére, 2011). Cela amène à articuler les ancrages théoriques nécessaires à l’élaboration du cadre d’analyse en croisant une sociologie interactionniste avec une sociologie de l’action. Plus particulièrement, les concepts de « définition de la situation » de Thomas (1923) et de la « représentation de soi » de Goffman (1969) sont mis à profit. Les notions de coopération, d’incertitude et de rationalité, tirées du modèle de l’acteur stratégique de Crozier et Friedberg (1981), viennent compléter les assises de la modélisation d’une trame de négociation (Strauss & Baszanger, 1992). Le deuxième postulat considère que les contextes, sont prépondérants pour expliquer les conduites humaines (Abbott, 1999). Ces contextes, dits «éloignés» et «rapprochés» de l’acteur, constituent le « contexte d’action » (Strauss & Baszanger, 1992). Ce faisant, ils influent sur les stratégies mobilisées par l’acteur candidat à l’enseignement. Le troisième postulat considère que le monde social est animé par des processus (re)créés au travers des interactions entre acteurs (Morrissette & Guignon, 2014). Il amène à envisager la formation et l’insertion comme des processus sujets à des redéfinitions continues. Cela conduit à repenser la réalisation du projet professionnel des candidats à l’enseignement sous l’angle du « rapport entre ». Ces trois postulats structurent le cadre d’analyse qui se présente comme une « trame de négociation ». Il est développé pour éventuellement éclairer les stratégies de négociation mobilisées en contexte par les candidats québécois à l’enseignement pour réaliser leur projet professionnel. / This thesis is a theoretical research that originated from the observation that it is difficult to analyze the completion of the professional project of Quebec teacher candidates. This is the case because of the contextual features and theoretical plurality of concepts relating to training and workplace insertion. From this observation, this purpose thesis is to develop an analytical framework to understand how Quebec teacher candidates comprehend the “relationship between” their training and professional insertion with regards to various constraints (i.e. a rigid institutional training system, a fluctuating and saturated professional market, etc.) and the available resources (i.e. curriculum, courses, etc..) to achieve their professional project. It is based on the assumption that, to achieve their professional project, teacher candidates mobilize strategies to negotiate constraints and resources in their respective contexts. Accordingly, the approach of the theoretical research is part of an interactionist perspective as conveyed by the tradition of Chicago (Chapoulie, 2001); Some postulates are mobilized to mark out the various stages of development of the theoretical framework. The first postulate considers that the point of view of the actor is paramount to understanding its conduits (Morrissette, Guignon & Demazière, 2011). It leads to articulate the theoretical anchorings necessary for the development of the analytical framework by combining an interactionist sociology with a sociology of action. More specifically, the concepts of “definition of the situation” from Thomas (1923) and “representation of oneself” from Goffman (1969) are utilized. The concepts of cooperation, uncertainty and rationality drawn from the strategic actor model of Crozier and Friedberg (1981), come to supplement the foundations of the modeling of a frame of negotiation (Strauss & Baszanger, 1992). The second postulate considers that the contexts are paramount to explain human conduits (Abbott, 1999). These contexts, which are identified as distant contexts and closer contexts to the actor (Strauss & Baszanger, 1992), provide the action context. In doing so, they influence the strategies used by the actor teacher candidate. The third postulate considers that the social world is driven by processes recreated through the interaction between actors (Morrissette & Guignon, 2014). It takes into consideration that training and integration are subject to the continuous redefinition process. Accordingly, it is about rethinking the achievement of the professional project of teacher candidates in terms of the “relationship between”. These three postulates structure the presentation of an analytical framework that is called a “frame of negotiation”. It is developed to possibly inform the strategies of negotiation mobilized by Quebec teacher candidates in the action context to achieve their professional projects.

O gênero crônica e suas peculiaridades tipológicas: texto e discurso nas modalidades oral e escrita

Ferreira, Raquel Linares 24 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Raquel Linares Ferreira.pdf: 334496 bytes, checksum: c7a4e201bf5eee222c2a29bf4ff7b1b1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This work has as its object of analysis the typological peculiarities present in chronicle a written discursive genre. We will treat genre as a multidimensional phenomenon. We are aiming to a social and interactional investigation with the language. We will analyze the textual occurrences that characterize the chronicle genre of discourse; the detailing and deepening of its occurrence peculiarities, depending upon its circulation and social consumption. This work has as its theme the observation of the chronicle genre and their typological peculiarities. We have made the analysis of the corpus with the application of theoretical fundamentation in order to prove the typological differences of reflective, lyrical and humoristic chronicle, analyzing the thematics, verbal style and the peculiarities of the compositional form, suitable to differentiate and characterize them .The basis for description of the discourse genre is founded on scholars such as Luiz Antônio Marcuschi (2003) Textual Production, Genre Analysis and Understanding, Bakhtin (1992, 1997, 2003), & Dolz. Schneuwly (2004, p. 116), Meurer (2000, 2005). The approaches of the perspectives of the genre of discourse are grounded in the article of author Rodrigo Costa. To approach the concept of discursive genres, particularly the chronicle genre and its characteristics, we had look for support in Coutinho (1976,1978,1997), Coaracy (1961), Arrigucci (1987), Sa (1985), Beltran (1992), Candide ( 1980), Fargoni (1993), Konzen (2002), Moses (1987), rabbit (2002), Cony (2002), Mello (2002) and Fávero (2005) among others. The result of the analysis presents, in fact, the occurrence of the typologies mentioned in the chronicles, both in relation to the textual occurrences and the thematic strategies, verbal style and compositional structure and linguistic resources of orality (dialogues) built into the literature / Este trabalho tem como alvo de análise as peculiaridades tipológicas presentes na crônica - gênero discursivo escrito. Trataremos o gênero como um fenômeno multidimensional. Objetivamos investigação sócio-interacionista sobre a linguagem. Analisaremos as ocorrências textuais que caracterizam o gênero do discurso crônica; o detalhamento e aprofundamento de suas peculiaridades de ocorrência, dependendo de sua circulação e de seu consumo social. Este trabalho tem como tema o gênero crônica e suas peculiaridades tipológicas. Efetuamos a análise do corpus com a aplicação da fundamentação teórica, a fim de comprovarmos as diferenças tipológicas da crônica reflexiva, lírica e humorística, analisando as temáticas, o estilo verbal e as peculiaridades da forma composicional, próprios para diferenciá-las e caracterizá-las. A base para descrição do gênero do discurso fundamenta-se em estudiosos como, Luiz Antônio Marcuschi (2003) Produção Textual, Análise de gêneros e compreensão, Bakhtin (1992, 1997, 2003), Dolz &. Schneuwly (2004, p. 116), Meurer (2000, 2005). As abordagens das perspectivas do gênero do discurso estão pautadas no artigo do autor Rodrigo Costa. Para abordarmos o conceito de gêneros discursivos, especialmente do gênero crônica e suas características, buscamos apoio em Coutinho (1976,1978,1997), Coaracy (1961), Arrigucci (1987), Sá (1985), Beltrão(1992), Cândido (1980), Fargoni (1993), Konzen (2002), Moisés (1987), Coelho(2002), Cony(2002), Melo(2002) e Fávero (2005) entre outros.O resultado das análises apresenta, de fato, a ocorrência das tipologias referidas nas crônicas tanto em relação às ocorrências textuais quanto das estratégias temáticas, estilo verbal e estrutura composicionall e nos recursos linguísticos da oralidade (diálogos) construídos na literatura

Ensino a Distância: Uma análise do design de um curso de Cálculo com um olhar no conteúdo de limites e continuidade de uma variável real

Forster, Sandra Regina Leme 03 May 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sandra Regina Leme Forster.pdf: 14992538 bytes, checksum: 2360f28c33cee2356493723f45f981f6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-05-03 / The aim of this study is to present the material developed to the contents of Limit a Continuity of Functions of a Real Variable (Limite e Continuidade de Funções de uma Variável Real); demonstrate the analysis of the production of the applicable methodologies for the subject Differential and Integral Calculus II (Cálculo Diferencial e Integral II), one of the units required by the undergraduate academic degree in Bachelor of Mathematics, a program developed in a distance learning basis held by a university in São Paulo; as well as present suggestions to improve the course mentioned above. The theoretical base built in this paper was founded in two theories: the Semiotic Representation Registers Theory, by Raymond Duval, used in researches related to knowledge acquisition and organizing learning situations, and the Interactionist Theory, which is rooted in the studies of Piaget and Vygotsky, authors that forego the distance learning programs. This theory has been interpreted and rewritten by authors that work with distance learning programs and state that interaction promotes learning in any educational environment. This study also exposes what the researcher understands by distance learning and the media used in this kind of learning program. This paper consists of a methodology research based in design where quantitative and qualitative analyses were used, especially, the triangular analysis of data collected through observations of several natures. The results obtained through this research show that: the material and the methodologies applied to the course were well accepted, however, the students prefer the printed material. The students that frequently interacted during the course had better learning results. The development of activities with different types of semiotic representation registers provoke questioning, aid the learning of mathematics concepts and allow to observe if the concept was acquired by the student. The material developed to Continuity teaching was not sufficient to promote learning and must be reorganized / Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar o material elaborado para os conteúdos de Limite e Continuidade de Funções de uma Variável Real; demonstrar a análise da produção e das metodologias aplicadas na disciplina de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral II do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Matemática na modalidade à distância de uma universidade em São Paulo; como também apresentar sugestões para o aperfeiçoamento do curso em questão. A fundamentação teórica presente neste estudo foi construída a partir de duas teorias: a Teoria dos Registros de Representações Semióticas, de Raymond Duval, utilizada em pesquisas referentes à aquisição de conhecimento e à organização de situações de aprendizagem, e a Teoria Interacionista, que possui raízes nos estudos de Piaget e Vygotsky, autores que antecedem a Educação a Distância. Essa teoria foi interpretada e reescrita por autores que vivenciam a modalidade de ensino a distância e afirmam que a interação promove a aprendizagem em qualquer ambiente educacional. Além dessas teorias, este trabalho expõe o que se entende por Educação a Distância e as mídias utilizadas nessa modalidade de ensino. Este estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa de metodologia de design em que se faz o uso das análises quantitativas, qualitativas e, principalmente, da triangulação dos dados coletados em observações de diversas naturezas. Os resultados obtidos por meio desta pesquisa apontam que: o material e as metodologias aplicadas ao curso foram bem aceitos, porém há preferência por materiais da mídia impressa. Os alunos que interagiram com freqüência durante o curso obtiveram melhores resultados na aprendizagem. As atividades com diferentes tipos de registros de representações semióticas provocam questionamentos, favorecem a aprendizagem dos conceitos matemáticos e permitem observar se o conceito foi adquirido pelo aluno. O material elaborado para o ensino de Continuidade não foi suficiente para promover a aprendizagem e deve ser reorganizado

Examining the Six-Party Talks process on North Korea : dynamic interactions among the principal states

Hur, Mi-yeon January 2015 (has links)
This doctoral thesis aims to provide a comprehensive and historical analysis of foreign policy behaviour of the principal states involved in nuclear talks on North Korea known as the Six-Party Talks (SPT). Despite the failure in achieving a primary objective of denuclearizing North Korea, the SPT were believed to provide interesting and informative cases to investigate dynamic interactions among states engaged in security talks with different motives and interests. For a holistic approach to foreign policy analysis, the thesis adopts a newly introduced theoretical framework called Interactionist Role Theory (IRT) which integrates the levels of analysis from individuals to international system by incorporating the concept of ‘roles’. Based on IRT, the thesis examines what drove the concerned states’ foreign policy shifts; what kinds of discrepancies the states experienced between or among competing roles (role conflicts); how successful their deliberate policy implementations were (role-makings); and what structural effects their foreign policy decisions had on the overall Six-Party Talks process. The thesis findings support the IRT premise that it is critical to understand a state’s perceived ideal roles to accurately identify the state’s motives for actions regarding particular foreign policy issues. The prevalence of inter-role conflicts at the time of states’ role-makings evinces that the SPT as social constraints did exert competing role expectations that challenged the member states’ role conceptions. Above all, the sequential analysis of the SPT process clearly shows the mutual influence between the member states (agents) and the SPT (social structure), which implies successful multilateral negotiations require reciprocal relations among participating states where all parties’ desired roles (role conceptions) are mutually verified and affirmed. The thesis is deemed to give insightful messages to conventional foreign policy readings that predominantly view the nuclear drama in the Northeast Asia region from a binary focus of US-DPRK mutual deterrence.

Casos de fraudes corporativas financeiras: antecedentes, recursos substantivos e simbólicos relacionados

Costa, Ana Paula Paulino da 04 May 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane Shirayama (cristiane.shirayama@fgv.br) on 2011-08-20T17:31:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_ANA PAULA PAULINO DA COSTA.pdf: 2908590 bytes, checksum: 4be67febb23dac3bdfca65e15ca840f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel (gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-08-22T12:10:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_ANA PAULA PAULINO DA COSTA.pdf: 2908590 bytes, checksum: 4be67febb23dac3bdfca65e15ca840f1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Gisele Isaura Hannickel (gisele.hannickel@fgv.br) on 2011-08-22T12:15:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_ANA PAULA PAULINO DA COSTA.pdf: 2908590 bytes, checksum: 4be67febb23dac3bdfca65e15ca840f1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2011-08-22T13:44:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE_ANA PAULA PAULINO DA COSTA.pdf: 2908590 bytes, checksum: 4be67febb23dac3bdfca65e15ca840f1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-05-04 / As pesquisas, no campo de estudos organizacionais, têm mostrado limitada capacidade para a compreensão e análise do complexo tema 'fraudes corporativas', pois negligenciam o fenômeno como um processo (sequência de atos), tratando-o como um evento (ASHFORTH et al., 2008), menosprezando que cada tipo de fraude requer um conjunto de recursos, esquemas cognitivos e contextos (BAUCUS, 1994; MACLEAN, 2008; MISANGYI; WEAVER; ELMS, 2008). Eles não permitem responder à pergunta ‘Como a fraude ocorre nas corporações?’. Para tal é necessário identificar e analisar os fatores que permitem a fraude surgir e se sustentar. O presente trabalho, com intuito de identificar os elementos característicos do fenômeno da fraude e como se criou um contexto favorável para ela, estudou dois casos emblemáticos ocorridos no Brasil (Boi Gordo e Banco Santos). A análise, feita com uma abordagem de pesquisa baseada na grounded theory, com análise de documentos e de discursos, consubstanciou-se em um arcabouço teórico substantivo para o contexto de fraudes corporativas financeiras contra terceiros. O trabalho analisou o movimento do fenômeno, suas origens, seu desenvolvimento e consolidação e sua crise, identificando as variáveis antecedentes (de predisposição e oportunidade), bem como os recursos substantivos e simbólicos usados no desenvolvimento da fraude; evidenciando a forma como os recursos se relacionaram para criar a lógica institucional fraudulenta e; integrando os fatores antecedentes à operacionalização da fraude, de forma apreender os elementos constitutivos do processo. O esforço teórico e empírico aqui desenvolvido, resultou numa proposta inicial de modelo interpretativo, com a identificação de novos elementos teóricos. Evidenciou 'o negócio baseado na confiança' como categoria central e mostrou de que modo esse elemento interage com outras categorias e propriedades. Entre os novos elementos estão os aspectos da vítima, a dialética centralização do comando e descentralização do negócio em várias empresas (com uso de 'laranjas') e o uso de aspectos culturais como oportunidade para a fraude. Evidenciou ainda de que maneira os recursos substantivos usados por empresas idôneas ganharam novos significados, por meio de esquemas cognitivos e, permitiu a identificação de três momentos no processo: 'origem', 'pseudo sintonia' e 'espiral'. A dimensão multifacetada da fraude corporativa foi evidenciada, inclusive fazendo a ligação com a dimensão social (DEBORD, 1997; BOORSTIN, 1992; GOFFMAN, 1959; BAUDRILLARD, 1991; BOURDIEU, 2007). A tese constitui uma contribuição para a compreensão ampliada do fenômeno, numa perspectiva integrativa, interacionista e processual, que pode ser replicada em futuras pesquisas para construir um arcabouço robusto e generalizável em outros contextos substantivos ou ainda para a teoria formal de fraudes corporativas. / Current management literature about corporate fraud usually is too fragmented considering the phenomena as an event. This fragmentation on organization study field has been cited as a limitation for comprehension and analysis of the complex theme (ASHFORTH et al., 2008), as neglecting that each type of fraud requires different set of resources, cognitive frames and contexts (BAUCUS, 1994; MACLEAN, 2008; MISANGYI; WEAVER; ELMS, 2008). This study aims to contribute to literature considering corporate fraud as a process, in an integrative (among levels of analysis) and interacionism (substantive and symbolic aspects) model. Adopting a research approach based on grounded theory, this study analyzed two emblematic cases of financial corporate fraud in Brazil in different segment: Boi Gordo (agrobusiness) and Banco Santos (banking). This resulted on a substantive knowledge on intentional financial corporate fraud context. Through document and discourses analysis this work studied the movement of the phenomenon, its origin, development, consolidation and crisis, what allowed identifying the characteristics (antecedents, substantive and symbolic aspects) of this type of fraud; how these elements are integrated (including the link between antecedents and modus operandi) and how the context was prepared for it (how resources gained new meanings). These procedures allowed apprehending the constitutive elements of this fraud process. These elements were also linked to social dimension aspects (DEBORD, 1997; BOORSTIN, 1992; GOFFMAN, 1959; BAUDRILLARD, 1991; BOURDIEU, 2007). It resulted on new theoretical elements applied to substantive context of intentional financial corporate fraud as the central one: ‘trust-based business’. This category integrates other aspects as the use of culture social values to access target public. It was also possible to identify how behavior changes along the process of fraud, identifying three moments: ‘origin’, ‘pseudo-coherence’, when business growth; and ‘spiral’, when business advance to bankruptcy. These results can be applied in future researches on other substantive contexts of fraud to construct more general theory and even to reformulate formal fraud corporate current theories.

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