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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Environmental impact assessment of Faisalabad : Pindi Bhattian motorway (M-3)

Ur Rehman, Zia January 2007 (has links)
Roads often bring significant economic and social benefits, but they can also have substantial negative impacts on communities and natural environment. As we become more aware of these impacts, there is a growing demand for the techniques and skills needed to incorporate environmental considerations into road planning and management. The objective of this thesis is to provide a description of practical methods which are useful in designing and executing effective environmental assessments (EAs) to those who are involved in various aspects of Highway/Motorway projects, from planning to construction to maintenance. The techniques discussed can be applied to in-depth environmental assessment studies, or to action/management plans for dealing with environmental aspects of Highway/Motorway projects. The Faisalabad Pindi Bhattian Motorway Project (M-3) with 52.5 Km length,100 meters R.O.W. and Rs. 532.66 million cost falls under the category of projects for which a detailed Environmental Impact Assessment report is required by the Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency vide Section 12 of Pakistan Environmental Protection Act 1997.No EIA of M-3 was conducted during planning and designing phases. Failing to identify potential impacts of the project and neglecting to account for these impacts caused the road agency (NHA) to adopt some solutions that compromise the environment to some extent. Even now, when the M-3 is in operation phase, Implementation Agencies(NHA and NH & MP) have no official Environmental Monitoring and Management Plan to be followed. In the light of above discussion, an EIA of the project at operation stage to identify the potential impacts of the project on environment should be conducted to develop the Environmental management Plan for operation stage of this project as well as for the construction phase of future projects. It is found that the nature and scope of the construction works and the environmental setting of the project were such that many of the adverse impacts often5associated with road construction projects caused insignificant environmental impacts. No adverse impacts were seen in respect of sensitive habitat, wildlife, cultural heritage and endangered species etc. Even the use of borrow material from the vicinity of the project was not likely to cause such changes which may be irreversible or non- mitigable. Air and noise pollutions are the main issues of operation phase of the project but both are not foreseen to cross the limits of Environmental Quality Standards even in year2030. (Except Sox and SPM which will cross the standard limits in 2015 and 2020respectively).Social consultation was carried out during project study with officials and local communities. The aim was to solicit views on the proposed project and incorporate their concerns, demands and needs into the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and Social Framework Agreement (SFA). Based on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA),a Social Framework Agreement (SFA) has been proposed. However for future projects this instrument shall be prepared and made public when the project is approved and is ready for implementation. / www.ima.kth.se

The Development of Risk Communication in Emergency River Pollution Accidents in China

Song, Liang January 2007 (has links)
Risk communication was inferred in public emergence accident during the outbreak of SARS inthe year of 2004 in China. It provides information, avoids panic, and makes decisions during the crisis. After that risk communication was also considered a useful tool in dealing with public health-bird flu in China. This study of risk communication is focus on the emergency river pollution accidents in China,taking Songhua River pollution accidents as a case study. The purpose of this study is examiningthe performance of each aspects of risk communication in emergency river pollution accidents. It includes information flow, government responsibility, and legislation. After Songhua Riverpollution accident, a series of emergency river pollution accidents break out in China. Review these accidents, some factor blocked risk communication including information transparency, corporation behaviors, implement of law and so on. / www.ima.kth.se

Mechano-Sorptive Creep : Structural Originon the Single Fiber Level

Dong, Fang January 2009 (has links)
The consuming of paper and fibrous products is nowadays tremendous in our dailylife. The raw material used in the paper industry is mainly wood fibers. A betterunderstanding of properties of these fibers will help to improve the performance ofthe paper industry. Fiber deforms with time when subjected to a load, which has to be compensated for in packaging materials by the use of thicker papers thus morematerial. This deformation increases in the variable climate. This well-known complex phenomenon is called mechano-sorptive creep and leads to large losses in the paper industry every year. In order to understand the influence on the creep phenomenon of different fibermorphology, and how and to what extent the fibril angle affects the mechano-sorptive creep, the creep behavior of four series of fibers from spruce were measured by DMA(Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer) at a constant humidity climate followed by animmediately cyclic humidity. The fibers used were mature latewood fibers, matureearlywood fibers, juvenile latewood fibers and juvenile earlywood fibers. The CLSM(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy) was used to determine the microfibril angle ofthe fibers. The results of the tests show a higher creep rate at cyclic humidity than thatat constant humidity. The comparisons among fibers show that latewood fibers havehigher mechano-sorptive creep ratio (creep rate at cyclic humidity/ creep rate atconstant humidity) than earlywood fibers and that juvenile wood fibers have highercreep ratio than mature wood fibers. One of the main conclusions drawn in this study was that the higher the fibril angle, the lower was the mechano-sorptive creep ratio. / www.ima.kth.se

A conceptual model about nutrients flow in Haapsalu bay

Soriano Falco, Dolores January 1998 (has links)
Haapsalu Bay is a very shallow area consisting of semiclosed regions partly separated by peninsulas in the coastal zone of West Estonia. The main inflow of fresh water, 33.875.436 m3/year, from some small rivers (Ungru, Taebla, Vönnu, Asukula) falls into the eastern part of Haapsalu Bay, with the Nitrogen load 72.331 Kg/year and Phosphorus load 2.327,88 Kg/year. The central part of the Bay receives municipal and industrial sewage waters from the town of Haapsalu with a discharge of nutrients 28.591,6 Kg N/year and 4.34,17 Kg P/year . In addition, atmospheric deposition constitutes an important part of the nutrients load with 40.936 Kg N/year and 183 Kg P/year. As a consequence, intensive production of organic matter and accumulation of nutrients lead to a constant eutrophication process. In order to understand biochemical processes occurring in the marine ecosystem where the turnover of both phosphorus and nitrogen is included a conceptual model has been built up. Haapsalu Model, implemented in Stella Software, illustrates the phosphorus and nitrogen cycles and the concentration of nutrients in their different stages in Haapsalu Bay. Moreover, how various reduction strategies will affect the environment in the bay and in the Baltic proper may be simulated. The model tests nowadays the bay acts a giant waste stabilization pond resulting in the fact that the amount of nutrients carried by flowing water out to Baltic Sea should be small. / www.ima.kth.se

Solid waste management of Jakarta : Indonesia an environmental systems perspective

Trisyanti, Dini January 2004 (has links)
Solid waste management has been one of the critical issues in Jakarta, Indonesia.With enormous amounts of generated waste per day and limited supportinginfrastructure, the city has faced serious threat of environmental deterioration andhealth hazard. It relies on one sanitary landfill only, whose capacity is currently beingexceeded, leading to excessive amounts of solid wastes left untreated in the city. An assessment with a system perspective was carried out, aiming to examine thecomplexity with regard to substance flows, environmental impacts, and energyturnover associated to solid waste management. Different scenarios were constructedand compared using the ORWARE model as the simulation tool. The modelcomprises a number of processes starting from the generation point, all the waythrough means of collection and transportation, treatments e.g. incineration andbiological processes, before final disposal in the sanitary landfill. In this thesis work,an open dumping submodel for the untreated waste was developed to illustrate thegreat impact of this practice. Furthermore, the model comprises materials recycling ofcertain products, which in Jakarta normally are collected in an informal system,involving thousands of scavengers, collectors, and waste suppliers. Externally relatedsystems, e.g. power generation and fertilizer production were also included in theanalysis, to implement a life cycle analysis concept in the delivery of certainfunctional units. The study focused on four different solid waste management scenarios. The first onewas the current situation, while the other three investigated the future state wherebyincreased amounts of generated solid waste were handled either (i) in a similarmanagement system as today, (ii) by a mixture of landfilling, incineration andbiological treatment, and (iii) phasing out all landfilling for biological treatment andincineration. The simulations showed that landfilling is the least preferable choice from anenvironmental point of view. Phasing it out by introducing incineration and biologicaltreatment would be beneficial in reducing the environmental impacts and recoveringnutrients as well as energy. Untreated waste also plays an important role for the totalimpact, and even dominates eutrophication impacts for all scenarios. Improvementscan be achieved by an effective source separation, and an increased collectionefficiency. A further analysis particularly on the economic aspects of the treatment systemsstudied, coupled with the attempt to minimize the data gap in the submodels isrecommended, aiming to acquire an improved analysis for better decision making.Another study, related to valuation of environmental and resource losses caused byuntreated waste would also be important, seeking to analyze the avoided impacts thatcould be obtained by improving future solid waste management. / www.ima.kth.se

Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of the Current and Proposed Municipal Solid Waste Management System in the Districts of Bethlehem and Al Khalil, Palestine, Using Cost/Benefit-Analysis Methodology.

Eneroth, Tomas January 2004 (has links)
Improper waste management can have large impacts on the environment and thepopulation. Spreading of deceases, degradation of groundwater and air pollution maycause major problems and give rise to a number of different secondary problems suchas economic losses and loss of aesthetic values. In Palestine these problems have beenacknowledged in the Palestinian Environmental Strategy, and the work for developingwaste management systems have been initialized. When deciding upon new policies regarding waste management (or any other policyfor that matter), the most reasonable way of doing this should be to compare differentalternatives on a scientific basis using transparent methods. If the alternatives areevaluated using “gut feeling” or if different methods are employed for differentalternatives, how can the comparison be considered fair? Therefore a number ofanalysis tools have been developed. Cost/Benefit Analysis (CBA) is one of them. CBA can be summarized as a method where the impacts of a system are somehowquantified, and those quantities are monetarized, i.e. a price is put on them per unit.This method has a number of difficulties and questionable aspects to it, but at least itis based on transparent information. The aim of this work is to quantify and, wherepossible, monetarize the impacts of the current waste management system and the oneproposed in the Palestinian Environmental Strategy. Four environmental indicatorshave been identified and quantified; Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Loss ofRecreational and Aesthetic Values and Landscape degradation. Only one of theseindicators have been monetarized though - Air Pollution. The results somewhat showsthe difference between a centralized and a decentralized system; a large difference inair pollution due to increased transports for the centralized scenario and a largedifference in local impacts such as loss of recreational and aesthetic values for thedecentralized scenario. When put in a context of impacts in other areas, such aseconomical, health and social impacts, the results may very well contribute to thedecision making process. / www.ima.kth.se

Miljöskyddsåtgärder i ytbehandlingsindustrin : En teknisk och ekonomisk utvärdering av processinterna åtgärder för att reducera

Källered, Johan January 2004 (has links)
Examensarbetet har genomförts vid Industriellt miljöskydd, institutionen för Kemiteknik, vidKTH i samarbete med Assa Industri AB. Målet med projektet var att studera processinternaåtgärder vilka Assa Industri AB skulle kunna tillämpa på sin dekorativa ytbehandlingsline för attreducera sköljvattenförbrukningen samt utsläppen av koppar, nickel och zink. Den i examensarbetet genomförda litteraturstudien ger en bild av ytbehandlingsindustrin av idagsamt vilka olika enhetsoperationer som döljer sig under samlingsbegreppet ytbehandling.Vidare visar litteraturstudien att både jonbyte, indunstning, omvänd osmos och elektrolytiskvattenrening skulle kunna tillämpas för att minska vattenförbrukningen och utsläppen av metalleri ytbehandlingsindustrin. Dock avråds från tillämpning av de två senare i Assa Industris specifikafall på grund av den uppmätta metallhalten i sköljvattnet. Halten är för låg för en ekonomisktförsvarbar tillämpning av elektrolys och för hög för en ekonomiskt försvarbar tillämpning avomvänd osmos. Däremot skulle omvänd osmos kunna vara en lämplig metod för att höjakvalitén på ingående vatten. Litteraturstudien visade också att ett flertal enklare åtgärder kantillämpas för att minska vattenförbrukningen och utsläppen av metaller. Bland dessa kan särskiltnämnas dropplåtar, kontinuerlig flödesmätning och flödesstyrning av sköljvatten, utökning avantalet doppsköljsteg och sprutsköljning. Genomförda halt- och flödesmätningar i den dekorativa linen hos Assa Industri AB utgörgrunden till vidare beräkningar och åtgärdsförslag. Utifrån mätningarna kunde slutsatsen dras attendast ett fåtal av sköljstegen gav upphov till nästan hela den årliga utsläppta mängden metall.Detta konstaterande gjorde att utredningen av möjliga åtgärder för minskning avvattenförbrukning och minskning av metallutsläpp kunde koncentreras till de sköljsteg där störsteffekt kunde uppnås. Dessutom visade mätningarna att det inte var sköljbaden med det störstaflödet som hade den största årliga mängden av utsläppt metall. Mätningarna visade också attutsläppen av zink var små i den dekorativa linen. Detta gör att inga åtgärder utreds för sköljstegmed endast zink i sköljvattnet. Beräkningar grundade på litteraturstudien och mätningarna visade att ett flertal metoder kantillämpas för att reducera vattenförbrukningen och utsläppen av metaller. I beräkningarna vägdesbåde tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter in för att kunna visa vilka lösningar som uppfyller kravenom reducerad vattenförbrukning och reducerade metallutsläpp men som ändå skulle varaekonomiskt rimliga. Med litteraturstudien, mätningarna och beräkningarna till grund rekommenderas Assa IndustriAB att investera i indunstare för tre olika sköljsteg för att minska utsläppen av koppar och nickelsamt minska sköljvattenförbrukningen. Vidare rekommenderas att en pump monteras isparsköljen efter cyankopparprocessbadet för att kunna återföra metaller och kemikalier frånsparsköljen till processbadet. Dessutom föreslås att försök med dropplåtar genomförs. Utöverdessa åtgärder rekommenderas en investering i åtgärder för styrning av sköljvattenflödet. I förstasteget rekommenderas att flödesmätare installeras för alla ingående sköljvattenströmmar och påsikt föreslås även att ett system för flödesstyrning med ledningsförmågemätare eller tidsstyrninginförskaffas. / This masters thesis project has been carried out in cooperation with Assa Industri AB at the department of Industrial Ecology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.The aim of the project was to study internal process methods which Assa Industri AB couldimplement in their decorative plating line to reduce rinse water consumption and discharge ofcopper, nickel and zinc. As a part of the masters thesis project a literature study has taken place. The study illustrates that the plating industry of to day is very complex and it also explains the differences and equalitiesbetween different plating operations. It is also shown in the literature study that both ionexchanging, evaporation, reverse osmosis and electrolytic water treatment is possible methods forreducing rinse water consumption and discharge of metals in the plating industry. Reverseosmosis and electrolytic water treatment are however not recommended to implement at AssaIndusti AB due to the concentration of metals in the rinse water. The metal concentration is tohigh to maintain economic operation with reverse osmosis and the metal concentration is to lowto maintain economic operation with electrolytic water treatment.However reverse osmosis occurred to be a feasible method for increasing the quality of the incoming rinse water. The literature study also showed that a number of quite simple methodscan be used to reduce rinse water consumption and discharge of metals. Interesting methods arefor example continuously measurement of rinse water flow, multi-stage rinsing, spray rinsing,drain boards and flow control system for rinse water. Measurements of metal concentration and rinse water flow which has taken place in thedecorative line at Assa Industri AB will work as a base for further calculations and proposedmeasures. On the basis of the measurements the conclusion was drawn that only a few of therinse water stages gave rise to almost all discharges of metals. This conclusion made it possible tofocus on the rinse water stages there different measures would give maximum effect. Themeasurements also showed that rinse water stages with the largest flow did not necessary gaverise to the largest amount of discharged metals. Finally the measurements showed that thedischarge of zinc from the decorative line was small. This results in that no measures will becarried out to decrease the discharge of zinc. The results of the calculations show that it would be possible to implement different methods toreduce rinse water consumption and discharge of metals at Assa Industri AB. During the calculations has not only technical issues been taken in account but also economic issues. Whit information from the literature study, the measurements and the calculations as a base is Assa Industri AB recommended to invest in evaporators for three different rinse water stages toreduce the rinse water consumption and the discharge of copper and nickel. Further on it isrecommended that Assa Industri AB installs a pump to pump back rinse water with coppercontent from a recovery rinse tank to the previous cyanic copper plating bath. Assa Industri ABis also recommended to carry out experiments with drain boards. Finally Assa Industry is recommended to invest in a system for controlling of the rinse water flow. / www.ima.kth.se

Energieffektivisering av SJ:s eldrivna tåg

Forsberg, Anna January 2004 (has links)
Järnvägsindustrin har under många år varit ett verksamhetsområde där utvecklingen mer ellermindre stått still. I dag har progressen dock åter börjat röra på sig. Tågoperatörer runt om ivärlden satsar på snabbare fordon i syfte att vinna marknadsandelar från såväl flyg- somvägtransporter. I kampen om kunden vill man dock fortfarande inom järnvägsbranschenbibehålla den miljövänliga position, i förhållande till andra färdmedel, som tågtransport i allatider haft. Tillsammans med utvecklingen av nyare snabbare fordon finns det därför, i dagsläget, ett stort intresse för energieffektivisering/resursbesparing. SJ AB har under många år bedrivit projekt för att minska tågens förbrukning av elektricitet.Då företaget, under gången tid, varit föremål för åtskilliga omorganisationer hareffektiviseringsarbetet inte alltid kunnat bedrivas så resultatrikt som ambitionen eftersträvat.Avsikten med detta examensarbete är att sammanställa genomförda samt påtänkta aktiviteter inom området för SJs energieffektivisering. Vad har gjorts, vad kan man göra?Arbetet ska resultera i en matris med uppgifter om såväl investeringskostnad och besparingspotential, som åtgärdens amorteringstid. Projektet begränsar sig till att behandlaSJs kostnader och besparingsmöjligheter när det gäller energiförbrukningen förknippad medel-genererad tågdrift, samt stationär fordonsuppvärmning. Undersökningen har bedrivits, delsgenom djupdykningar i SJs gamla projektpärmar men även genom informations- ochfaktainsamlingar på internet, intervjuer samt litteraturstudier. Många intressanta aktiviteter/åtgärder har på detta sätt uppdagats, bland annat det faktum att det finns stora besparingspotentialer inom området för regionaltrafik. Regionaltrafik kännetecknas av relativt täta stopp. Denna faktor, tillsammans med de stigande framdrivningshastigheter som utvecklingen för med sig, resulterar i stora sparmöjligheterinom området för, bland annat, Eco-drivning (energisnål körning). Undersökningar, somgjorts på KTH, har visat att körning mellan två stationer på kortast möjliga tid, är ekvivalentmed hög energiförbrukning. Analyser visar även att ett bränslesnålare körsätt kan bedrivas tillvinsten av stora mängder energi med endast minimala förluster i tid. För åstadkommandet avhög kvalité inom området Eco-drivning finns det verktyg som kan tillämpas i syfte att underlätta utövandet. I förhållande till de besparingar som kan uppnås har det visat sig attinvesteringen i redskap för energisnål körning är förhållandevis liten.Eco-driving visar på stor behållning inom såväl regionaltrafik som fjärrverksamhet. SJ AB har under början av 2000-talet gjort stora satsningar inom området för regionaltrafik.Dessa satsningar syftar främst till införskaffandet av nya, moderna fordon med avseende att öka attraktiviteten samt sänka energiförbrukningen etc. De vagnar som representeras av dettanyförvärv är bland annat Regina- samt Öresundstågen, vilka har bidragit till enenergibesparing ekvivalent med 30 %, jämfört med äldre motsvarigheter. Orsaken till denna besparing ligger bland annat i energieffektiviseringsåtgärder representerade av bättreaerodynamisk utformning, minskad tågvikt per plats, ökat utrymmesutnyttjande samttillgången till återmatande bromssystem. Sistnämnda åtgärd är, inom regionaltrafiken, enbesparingsmetod med ansenliga outnyttjade potentialer där möjligheterna för utökade vinster visat sig vara stora. Ytterligare åtgärder som uppvisat betydande besparingar/år är användandet av automatisk apparatur vid omkopplandet från driftläge till bangårdsläge, dvs. när tågen parkeras ochstationär tågvärme ansluts. Inom detta område finns det en utrustning under benämningen ”Programmable Logistic Control” (PLC) där tekniska utredningar demonstrerat såväl högdriftsäkerhet som ett väl fungerande beteende i personvagnsmiljö. Investering i PLC utrustning beräknas även medföra kort återbetalningstid. SJ AB planerar att under år 2004 implementera en nystart av det energieffektiviseringsarbete som så många gånger runnit ut i sanden. En sammanställning av kunskap och fakta, interntsåväl som externt, är första steget i ett sådant genomförande. Detta ligger till grund förutförandet av det examensarbete som presenteras här. / www.ima.kth.se

Sustainable Criteria for Environmental Technology

Kjellberg, Kristin January 2004 (has links)
The demand for sustainable criteria for environmental technology has over the past few years increaseddue to competition amongst companies in the business due to legal demands. Using criteria for environmentaltechnology is a way for companies to show buyers that their product is a long term investment. Byimplementing sustainable criteria for environmental technology, companies can be sure they are buying andusing the best available technology adjusted to their economy. Sustainable criteria for environmental technologymay in the future be used as eco-labelling, showing that companies are sustainable and proactive.The aim of this master thesis is to develop a basis of what should be included in criteria for environmentaltechnology. This basis is developed by using existing strategies and criteria and to perform further developmentof these. The development of strategies for sustainable environmental technology was made from strategies takenfrom the Agenda 21 document which were transformed and elucidated. Agenda 21 was chosen because itis sprung from the Brundtland report which holds the definition of sustainable development used in thisreport. Existing criteria for sustainability found during this work was placed under strategies from Agenda 21. Inorder to adjust the criterion to environmental technology this project also looked at what had been done inthis area, both by companies, international organisations and municipalities. The sustainability criteria thusfound were also placed under Agenda 21 strategies. After this stage there was an examination and a discussionof what criteria was missing to gain a sustainable perspective. This thesis shows that it is possible to use Agenda 21 for the development of strategies. The strategies haveto be complemented in order to gain a holistic perspective. It is also possible to take criteria from companiesand eco-labelling and place them under different strategies. Those criteria are not adjusted to environmentaltechnology and additional adjustments are needed. Implementation of sustainable criteria for environmentaltechnology is another issue to be discussed further. / www.ima.kth.se

Miljösystemanalys för alternativa lättfyllnadsmaterial i vägar

Pettersson, Anna January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med examensarbetet var att med en miljösystemanalytisk metod jämföra och bedömamiljöbelastningen från vägkonstruktioner som består av olika lättfyllnadsmaterial. Materialensom analyseras är Leca, ®HASOPOR och gummiklipp. Leca är bränd expanderad lera ochgummiklipp är uttjänta bildäck som klippts sönder. ®HASOPOR, kallas också för skummatglas, består av glasavfall som malts till ett fint pulver och sedan upphettats tillsammans medett jäsmedel som får materialet att expandera. I studien bedöms två olika frågeställningar. Den första syftar till att få svar på vilket materialsom är bäst att använda ur miljösynpunkt, utan att ta hänsyn till alternativ användning av glasochgummiavfall. Här bedöms framställning av materialen, transporter, anläggning av vägenoch utlakning av ämnen. Den andra frågeställningen har ett bredare perspektiv som tar upphur samhället bör hantera restmaterial som uppstår, vilket i det här fallet är bildäck ochglasavfall. Här inkluderas även restprodukternas alternativa behandling, om de inte skulleanvändas som lättfyllnadsmaterial. Metoden som används i rapporten är Livscykelanalys och materialen bedöms genomkarakterisering och värdering. Karakteriseringsbedömningen har gjorts utifrån påverkan påväxthuseffekt, försurning, eutrofiering, fotokemiskt ozon, humantoxicitet och ekologisktoxicitet. I analysen används två värderingsmetoder. Den ena, EPS baseras på betalningsviljaoch den andra, Erlandssons miljöbedömningsmetod, baseras på de svenskamiljökvalitetsmålen. Resultatet visar att de aktiviteter som påverkar resultatet mest är produktionen av materialenoch emissioner från dessa när de ligger i vägkonstruktionen. Data för utlakning frånmaterialen anses dock vara osäkra. Enligt analysen och de antaganden som råder skulle ®HASOPOR vara det material som är attföredra ur miljösynpunkt följt av gummiklipp och sist Leca. Detta material får också bästresultat när ett bredare perspektiv vägs med i analysen. Det bör dock påpekas att restmaterial endast i viss omfattning kan ersätta konventionellalättfyllnadsmaterial, främst beroende på de mängder som finns att tillgå. Slutsatsen är att det ur miljösynpunkt är lämpligt att använda ®HASOPOR och gummiklipp iapplikationer som tekniskt passar dessa material. / The aim of this master thesis was to compare and estimate the environmental load fromdifferent lightweight materials in road constructions, with an environmental system analyticmethod. The analysed materials are Leca, ®HASOPOR and shredded tires. Leca is heatedexpanded clay and shredded tires are recycled car tires cut into small pieces. ®HASOPOR,also called foamed glass, is recycled glass which have been grinded to powder and thenheated together with a blowing agent which makes the material expand. Two questions are analysed in the assessment. The first one aims at getting the answer forwhich material, from an environmental point of view, is the best to use without consideringalternative utilisation of waste from glass and car tires. Here the production of the materials,transportations, road constructions and leach outs estimates. The second one has a widerperspective which includes how waste material should be taken care of in the society. In thiscase the waste materials are used glass and car tiers. Alternative utilisation of rest products arealso included. The method used in the report is Life cycle assessment and the materials are estimatedthrough characterisation and valuation. The characterisation has been done for globalwarming potential, acidification, eutrophication, photo oxidation formation, humantoxicological impacts and eco toxicological impact. In the analyse there is two valuationmethods used. The first one, EPS, is based on payment willingness and the second one,Erlandssons environmental assessment method, is based on the Swedish environmentalquality goal. The results show that, production of the materials and emissions from the materials when theyare used in the constructions are the activities which have the highest affect on the results.Data for leach outs from the materials is considered to be uncertain. According to the analyse and the assumptions which have been made, ®HASOPOR is thematerial which is preferable in an environmental point of view, followed by shredded tiresand last Leca. ®HASOPOR also get the best result when a wider perspective is considered inthe analyse. It should been noted that alternative light weighted materials can replace conventionalmaterials to a minor degree, mostly because of the quantities obtainable. A conclusion from the study is that there is a great environmental potential for using restproducts as light weight materials in applications that suits these products. / www.ima.kth.se

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