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Study of Lignocellulosic Biomass Pyrolysis : State of the Art and ModellingRengel, Ana January 2007 (has links)
Fast pyrolysis is a technology that is emerging as an alternative to transform organic and fossil materials into a new form of energy, mainly the so-called bio-oil. Until nowadays, examples of raw materials that have been experimented are wood and forest residues, bagasses as well as straw and agro-residues. After pyrolysis conversion, the final products are solids (char), liquids (tar) and gases. Through several experimental studies, authors have been found that there are parameters which influence final products quality. They are feedstock composition, type of reactor, final temperature, heating rate, sweeping gas flow rate, vapors residence time and particle sizes. In feedstock composition, the quantities of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, ash and water have received special attention. Usually, feedstock is pre-heated to reduce water content and grinded to particle sizes smaller than 1.8 mm; before it enters into the reactor. Among different reactor configurations, the most common is the fluidized bed reactor at industrial and laboratory scale. Generally, the reactor is designed and constructed for laboratory experiments. It has been reported that final temperature and heating rate greatly affect final products. Authors coincide that higher temperature increases overall conversion and liquid yields present a maximum. However, for higher heating rates there is a controversy in liquid yields. During pyrolysis, an inert gas is used to sweep the gases and to diminish vapors residence time. It is believed that at longer vapors residence time, secondary reactions between the gases and the char may occur. The most common sweeping gas is nitrogen followed by helium and argon. In order to study experimentally these parameters, a test bench will be built at the “Center for Energy and Processes” at the Ecole des Mines de Paris. Wood samples will be used as a feedstock and will pyrolized under nitrogen in a horizontal quartz reactor. The sample will be heated by radiation, emitted at a constant flux by a radiant. During the experiments, temperature, heating rate, sweeping gas, and particle sizes will be varied in order to observe their effect in final yields. Based on the kinetics equations proposed by Radmanesh et al., a computational model was created with the experimental conditions. The sample was modeled as a set of five layers, considering each one as a porous media. For each layer, a heat transfer coefficient was calculated as the sum of conduction and radiation coefficients. The results illustrate the evolution of temperature, heating rates, total gases, condensable and noncondensable gases at different radiations and particle sizes. They show agreement with the results obtained by Radmanesh et al. as well with other experimental studies. In addition, evolution of ellulose, hemicellulose and lignin were observed through the time and according to the layer temperature, demonstrating concordance with literature and previous studies. / www.ima.kth.se
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Att använda omvärldsanalys för att identifiera efterfrågan och behov av miljöteknik : en metodstudieJalvemo, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete omfattande 20 poäng på Industriell Ekologi på KTH, Stockholm. Examensarbetet utförs som en del i projektet Omvärldsanalys för att identifiera och sprida kunskap om efterfrågan av miljöanpassade varor, tjänster och system på IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet AB. Projektets syfte är att genom omvärldsanalys studera behov och efterfrågan av miljöteknik i Polen, Ukraina och nordvästra Ryssland för att sedan sprida denna information till företag i Stockholmsregionen. Projektet är finansierat av NUTEK och är en del av Stockholm Sustainable Region och Regionalt TillväxtProgram. Examensarbetets övergripande frågeställning är: Hur kan man med hjälp av omvärldsanalytiska verktyg identifiera och kartlägga behov och efterfrågan av miljöanpassade varor, tjänster och system i en viss region? Examensarbetet omfattar två huvudsakliga delar: Den första delen består av en litteraturstudie där olika omvärldsanalytiska modeller och metoder beskrivs och diskuteras. Den andra delen utgörs av en intervjustudie där olika aktörer, såsom utbildare och företagare inom omvärldsanalys utfrågas om sina erfarenheter av att arbeta med omvärldsanalys. De olika modellerna och metoderna inom omvärldsanalys har valts utifrån att de behandlar vissa frågeställningar. De två huvudsakliga frågeställningarna är: 1) Hur går analysen till? och 2) Vilka omvärldsfaktorer koncentrerar sig analysen på? Modellerna och metoderna har delats in i tre kategorier: Den första kategorin; Teoretiska omvärldsmodeller innebär ett sätt att se på och strukturera sin omvärld. Exempel på teoretiska omvärldsmodeller är SWOT, PEST, Stakeholder Theory samt Porters Five Forces. Den andra kategorin; Praktiska omvärldsanalysmetoder innehåller konkreta metoder, ofta i form av en punktlista, som beskriver exempel på hur en omvärldsanalys går till. Exempel på praktiska omvärldsanalysmetoder är Intervjuer, CAT, Sjustegsmodellen i Business Intelligence och World Mapping Method. Den tredje kategorin benämns Scenario- och trendmodeller. Scenariomodeller innebär att man bygger troliga framtidsscenarier för att ett företag ska få beredskap att sig att anpassa sig efter olika möjliga situationer. Exempel på scenariomodeller är Scenarioplanering och Porters industriscenarier. Trendmodeller är egentligen kvalificerade gissningar om vilka kommande trender som kommer att vara viktiga för företaget. Exempel på trendmodeller är TAIDA och Trendbevakning. De olika modellerna och metoderna har sedan sammanställts i tabellform och diskuterats med avseende på fördelar och nackdelar samt vilka kategorier inom omvärldsanalysen som de behandlar. Examensarbetets intervjustudie består av intervjuer med nio olika aktörer inom omvärldsanalys. Dessa aktörer finns till exempel inom högskolan, miljöteknikbranschen, handelskammare samt företag som utför och utbildar i omvärldsanalys. Dessa fick svara på ett antal frågor om hur de arbetar eller har arbetat med omvärldsanalys under öppen intervjuform. Frågor som diskuteras är bland annat vilka av de existerande omvärldsanalytiska verktygen de använder, huruvida de har några egna metoder samt övriga frågor som rör miljöteknikexport. Intervjusvaren visade att de som använder traditionella omvärldsanalytiska modeller och metoder främst är de som har en bakgrund inom marknadsföring. Flera av de intervjuade hade dessutom arbetat fram egna metoder som de använde sig av medan vissa inte använde sig av någon specifik metod alls. De huvudsakliga slutsatserna från litteratur- och intervjustudierna är att val av omvärldsanalytisk modell och metod noga måste anpassas efter vilken typ av analys som ska utföras och vilka resultat man förväntar sig. Viktiga faktorer är bland annat vem som ska utföra analysen, hur stora resurser som ska satsas, vilken sorts beslut analysen ska stå till grund för samt vilken typ av information som ska sökas. De traditionella omvärldsanalytiska modellerna och metoderna har vissa gemensamma nackdelar; De kan vara inskränkta i sitt synsätt på omvärlden, de är ofta väldigt styrda vad gäller informationssökningen och de kräver ofta stora resurser. En mer ad hoc-baserade metod riskerar å andra sidan att missa potentiellt viktiga områden och omvärldsinformationen kan bli mycket subjektiv. En bra omvärldsanalys bör bestå av en kombination av traditionella ansatser och metoder men även basera sig på omvärldsanalytikerns egna erfarenheter och kunskaper. Detta förutsätter att den som utför analysen har goda erfarenheter av omvärldsanalys och/eller det aktuella kunskapsområdet, som i detta fall är miljöteknik. Både teser, metoder och tillvägagångssätt bör redovisas noga. Att utföra en omvärldsanalys vars syfte är att möjliggöra miljöteknikexport har vissa specifika karaktärsdrag vad gäller kopplingen mellan efterfrågan och behov: Efterfrågan kan styras av andra faktorer än behovet, t.ex. krav från EU, finansiärer eller olika trender. / This essay presents the results of an MSc thesis comprising of 20 points (30 ECTS credits) at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. The thesis is carried out as a part of a project at IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. The aim of the project is to use Business Intelligence, in the form of Market Intelligence, to identify and spread knowledge about need demand for environmentally adapted products, services and systems in Poland, Ukraine and north-western Russia. This information will later be passed on to companies in the Stockholm area who work with environmentally adapted products. The project is financed by NUTEK and is also a part of the projects Stockholm Sustainable Region and Regionalt TillväxtProgram (Stockholm Regional Growth Programme). The main problem for the thesis is: How can need and demand for environmentally adapted products in a certain region be identified by using Business Intelligence tools? The thesis includes two main parts: The first is a literature study which describes and discusses a variety of Business Intelligence models and methods. The second part consists of a interview study where different operators, such as educators and entrepreneurs, within the field of Business Intelligence, are asked about their experiences from working with BI in analysing need and demand. The Business Intelligence models and methods presented as a part of the result from the literature study have been chosen on the basis of certain questions. The central questions posed are: 1) How is the analysis carried out? and 2) What factors in the surrounding area are treated within the analysis? The different BI techniques have been divided into three categories: The first category; Theoretical BI models, represents a way to look upon and structure one’s surrounding environment. Examples of theoretical models are SWOT, PEST, Stakeholder Theory and Porter’s Five Forces. The second category; Practical BI methods, signifies concrete methods, often in the form of a number of steps to be followed, that describes an example of how to analyse need and demand for a certain product. Examples of practical methods are Interviews, CAT, The Seven Step Model in BI and World Mapping Method. The third category is called Scenario- and Trend Models. Scenario Modelling is a way to build possible future scenarios to help a corporation to be ready for and adapt to different potential situations. Examples of Scenario Models are Scenario Planning and Porter’s Industry Scenarios. Trend Models can be explained as qualified estimations about which upcoming trends will be important to the corporation in the future. Examples of Trend Models are TAIDA and Trend Surveillance. The various BI models and methods have been compiled into three charts and further discussed regarding advantages and disadvantages and to what extent they consider certain BI categories and factors in the surrounding area. The interview study within the thesis consists of interviews with nine operators within the field of Business Intelligence. These operators can be found within the academic sphere, chambers of commerce, the environmental area and various businesses which provide education and consulting within the field of BI. The operators were asked questions about how they implement Business Intelligence models and methods to identify need and demand. Questions that were discussed were, among others, which of the existing BI models and methods they prefer to use and whether they have developed a method of their own, together with a broader discussion about exporting of environmentally adapted goods. The answers from the interviews showed that those who use traditional BI models and methods are foremost the same persons that have a background in marketing. Several among the interviewees had developed their own methods to use while some did not use any specific method at all. The core conclusion from the literature and interview studies is that the choice of BI model and/or method to identify need and demand must be thoroughly adapted to what type of analysis that is to be carried out and what the expected results are. Key factors are, among others, who is to perform the analysis, what resources are needed, what type of decision the analysis will underlie and what type of information will be searched. The traditional models and methods share a few common disadvantages: They tend to be restricted in how they look upon the surrounding world, they are often very fixed regarding the information search and they require large resources. To use a method that is of a freer variety and based on the current purpose, ad hoc, comes with other risks: It tends to overlook potentially important areas and the information gathered is more likely to be biased. A suitable analysis to identify need and demand should consist of a combination of traditional approaches and methods, but also be based on the analyst’s own experiences and knowledge. This assumes that the analyst has a wide understanding for and experience within the field of Business Intelligence and/or the topical area, which in this case is environmentally adapted products. Theses, methods and procedures should be carefully presented. A BI analysis with an aim to enable export of environmentally adapted products has certain characteristics, regarding the link between need and demand: The demand can be determined by other factors than the actual need, such as regulations from the EU, financiers or trends. / www.ima.kth.se
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Implementation of an Integrated Environmental Management System in a Latvian Construction CompanyBalode, Agnese January 2007 (has links)
Agnese Balode, “Implementation of an Integrated Environmental Management System in a Latvian Construction Company” MSc Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, 2007, pp. 70, April 2007. This thesis essayed to find an approach to environmental aspect and indicator identification in order to establish a valid base for implementation of an integrated environmental management system in a Latvian construction company. The construction industry has been selected as the area of interest because its “product” is affecting humans, the environment and other industries in the most direct and significant way. A management system is required for achieving a balance between development driving forces. By examining existing environmental management systems - their weaknesses and strengths - opportunities for improvement were determined and used during development of the approach. The thesis includes a review of legislation, international standards, and research. The result of the thesis is a 2-Level Matrix, which serves as an environmental aspect identification and relevant indicator selection tool. Within the theoretical framework, the established approach was tested at construction sites and discussed amongst construction experts. The matrix allows performance of environmental aspect ranking and provides support for the decision-making process, while establishing an Integrated Environmental Management System. / www.ima.kth.se
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Energy and Environmental Management in Egypt : Bioenergy CDM projects for Sustainable DevelopmentEl-Dorghamy, Ahmed January 2007 (has links)
In the rapidly developing economy of Egypt with the increasing population density and depleting natural resources, the management of energy and environment has become of utmost importance to the sustainability of our development. A clear example is the severe air pollution, which is causing the most environmental damage, being mostly attributed to the energy sector, and largely attributed to uncontrolled burning of solid waste and agriculture residue. It mainly affects Greater Cairo, which hosts 20% of the nation’s population. This comes at a time where Egypt is rapidly approaching energy dependency. Utilizing this “waste” as a resource, or fuel, for bioenergy systems would entail many environmental and developmental benefits. This research has aimed to investigate the status and prospects of developing this bioenergy industry, and to discuss the approach to assess its sustainable development impacts as Clean Development Mechanism Projects (CDM) encompassing the environmental, social, and economic aspects in the context of the related legal and institutional framework existing today, and stakeholders’ activities. The findings of the research are later elaborated in the context of a case study of biogasification demonstrational plants established in Egypt delivering town gas from rice straw, while discussing the positive and negative sustainable development impacts. The research findings showed promising prospects for a growing bioenergy industry in Egypt and thereby emphasized the importance of identifying such synergies in environmental planning and management such as in addressing air pollution and promoting rural development, and it also emphasized the importance of practicing a holistic approach for assessing projects, policies and programs related to energy and environment. Findings also revealed a lack of proactive hosting of CDM projects in practice to direct activities toward national development priorities and finding synergies given that the CDM has come to be the driving force for bioenergy projects in Egypt. From the international perspective, a stricter and regular monitoring of SDA practices in the host country is recommended. / www.ima.kth.se
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Municipal Solid Waste Management in Bulgaria from a Systems PerspectiveKolev, Aleksandar January 2007 (has links)
The European Union membership of Bulgaria since January 2007 imposes higher requirements to the national waste management system and demands changes in the current waste management practices. In this context it is of great interest to study the contemporary and possible future development of the Bulgarian municipal solid waste management system. A systems analysis was carried out to provide better understanding of the Bulgarian municipal solid waste management and to analyze the possibilities for its future development in a sustainable way. Five different scenarios were constructed and compared using the ORWARE model which is a tool for environmental systems analysis that predicts ecological and economic impacts in a life-cycle perspective. The first describes the present municipal waste management system using landfilling as the only municipal solid waste treatment option. The other four describe possible future developments including business as usual and different combinations of municipal solid waste treatment options including landfilling, composting and incineration. Material recycling was included in all future scenarios. The results from the ORWARE simulations show that landfilling has the overall highest environmental impacts as compared to the other treatment methods. The introduction of composting and incineration proved to has a positive impact on the environment and provides different benefits in terms of recovered nutrients, heat and electricity production. Material recovery and recycling allows the recovery of different materials but is highly energy intensive. European and Bulgarian policies, legislation and different publications were studied to understand the factors that shape the current and future development of municipal solid waste management. Further, the application of tools incorporating life-cycle thinking, like ORWARE, was put in a broader perspective, i.e. their use in the policy and decision making process. The results from the research show that environmental policies in the European Union are changing and the focus has changed from managing specific pollutants or activities to managing resources in long term life-cycle perspective. The present concept of waste is outdated in a sustainable society and waste should be considered as a resource. In the future waste management will become a synonym to resource extraction. The present national environmental policy making does not consider global environmental consequences due to the fact that it is focused on achieving local environmental targets. The incorporation of global life-cycle perspective in the policy making process will allow the consideration of the environmental and social effects irrelevant of where they arise. Tools, like ORWARE, that incorporate life-cycle thinking are and will be used in environmental policy making. This is proved by many cases of their successful application in aiding local and national authorities to make their decisions. Even though problems may exist in terms of the required skills and knowledge, examples show that good cooperation between policy makers, scientists and other experts will be the key for their extensive and successful application. / www.ima.kth.se
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SHE Management vid Perstorp Regeno, Sektor EnergiStrömberg, Mårten January 2006 (has links)
Föreliggande rapport är en kortfattad sammanfattning av det examensarbete jagutförde för Perstorp AB under perioden november 1995 – maj 1996.Examensarbetet gick ut på att utarbeta, dokumentera och bygga upp ettledningssystem för säkerhet, hälsa och miljö (S.H.E.) för sektor Energi inom PerstorpRegeno (Ångcentral, avloppsreningsverk, vattenreningsverk och anläggning förkatalytisk förbränning). Ledningssystemet utarbetades i överensstämmelse med dedirektiv som tagits fram för ledningssystem för säkerhet, hälsa och miljö inomPerstorpkoncernen och även med den då färska ISO 14001-standarden förmiljöledningssystem.Under arbetets gång byggdes en utförlig dokumentation över ledningssystemet, somöverlämnades till mina handledare och min uppdragsgivare i september 1996.Perstorp AB fick då även mitt arbete i elektronisk form. Den dokumentation som togsfram tjänar som en konfidentiell bilaga, som är Perstorp AB:s egendom. I sambandmed att dokumentationen överlämnades till Perstorp AB 1996, fullgjordes åtagandetgentemot företaget.Mitt examensarbete har jag även muntligt presenterats som en ”case study” för hurett miljöledningssystem byggs upp från grunden i samband med att jag gick kursen”3C1380 Miljömanagement” våren 1999. / www.ima.kth.se
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Life Cycle Assessment : Life cycle assessment of a high speed centrifugal separatorWiik, Marianne, Sahlin, Mikaela January 2007 (has links)
The main objective is to perform a life cycle assessment (LCA) on a hot milk high-speed centrifugal separator (HMRPX 918-HGV-74C, product number 881275 01 01. The purpose of a life cycle assessment (LCA) is to provide a picture of a product’s total environmental impact during its lifecycle. The study is carried out according to ISO 14 040, i.e. all methods, data and assumptions are accounted for in order to make an external review possible. An LCA could provide the basis for an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). The LCA clearly shows that the main environmental impact of the separator is caused by CIP and electricity used during operation. The major part of the impact from the CIP chemicals is due to the energy needed for their manufacture. Fossil fuels account for most of the impact for both operation and manufacture of chemicals. Therefore customers should be encouraged to use environmentally friendly electricity and chemicals, such as renewable energy sources and sodium hydroxide made with membrane technology. It is also important to use as little as possible of cleaning agents and make sure that waste is treated properly. / www.ima.kth.se
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Environmental Monitoring at Swedish Research Stations in AntarcticaWatier, Caroline January 2008 (has links)
Establishing and implementing a long-term environmental monitoring programme in PolarRegions is both a complex and multidisciplinary field which requires participation andinvolvement of a great number of specialists on diverse and varied topics.The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, responsible to promote and coordinate polarresearch, has always had the ambition to protect the Antarctic’s environment and theassociated and dependent ecosystems. In accordance with the Protocol on environmentalprotection in Antarctica, the secretariat has implemented an environmental monitoringprogramme since the beginning of the 1990’s. However, the output is not fullycomprehensive: on the one hand, it has provided necessary information on the understandingof the area and permitted to take mitigation measures, on the other hand, sporadic measuresand inappropriate data management system has left gaps in the environmental knowledge ofthe area.That is why, within the International Polar Year framework, the secretariat has decided toimplement a complete long-term environmental monitoring programme to not only evaluateimpacts from anthropogenic activities around the Swedish polar stations Wasa and Svea butalso to estimate their trend.The success of such programme depends on several key elements: feasible and clearly definedobjectives, a standardized sampling programme and an efficient data management system.Moreover, this programme should be strongly linked with the decision-making process andinternational cooperation would make this programme even more valuable.As science advancement continues, the need to protect the Antarctic’s environment becomemore and more obvious, indeed, we know that this continent maybe keeps in its ice answers totomorrow’s environmental questions. / Att genomföra ett miljöövervakningsprogram i polarområdena är en komplex disciplin sombehöver medverkan och engagemeng av ett stort antal specialister inom många ämnen.Polarforskningssekretariatet är en myndighet som har till uppgift att främja och samordnasvensk polarforskning. Sekretariatet har alltid haft en hög ambitionsnivå för att beskydda ochbevara miljön i Antarktis och i dess sammanhängande ekosystem. I överensstämmelse medMadridprotokollet beträffande miljöskyddet i Antarktis, har sekretariatet infört ettmiljöövervakningsprogram i början av 1990-talet. Emellertid är programmet som det ärutformat idag inte helt opitmalt: å ena sidan har programmet försett miljöansvariga mednödvändig bakgrundsinformation för att förbättra förståelsen av området och gett möjlighetatt vidta skyddande åtgärder för miljön de svenska polar stationerna Wasa och Svea. Å andrasidan har de tillfälliga provtagningarna i kombination med ett svagt system för att bearbetatidigare data orsakat luckor i kunskaperna kring miljön i lokalområdet. Det är darför sekretariatet har bestämt sig för att ta fram och införa ett mer omfattandemiljöövervakningsprogram som kan användas till att både utvärdera effekterna från demänskliga aktiviteterna runt omkring de svenska forskningsstationerna, och förutsägatendenser kring miljötillståndet.Förutsättningarna för att det nya miljöprogrammet ska få önskat utfall är att det harväldefinierade målsättningar, standardiserade provtagningsmetoder och ett effektivtdatabehandlingssystem. Dessutom behöver programmet införlivas ibeslutsfattandesprocessen. Dessutom, internationellt samarbete med stationer i områdetkommer att göra programmet mer värdefullt.Allteftersom forskningen gör framsteg och projekten i Antarktis blir fler och samtidgt meravancerade, så blir behovet för att beskydda Antarktismiljö mer och mer påtagligt. Vi vet att iAntarktis is kan det finnas svar på flera av framtidens miljöfrågor. / Établir un monitoring environnemental à long terme dans un environnement polaire est unediscipline à la fois complexe et transversale qui demande la participation et l’implication d’ungrand nombre de spécialistes dans des domaines divers et variés.Le Secrétariat de Recherche Polaire Suédois, responsable de la promotion et de lacoordination de la recherche dans les régions polaires a toujours eu la volonté de protégerl’environnement en Antarctique ainsi que les écosystèmes associés et dépendants. En accordavec le Protocole de Madrid relatif à la protection de l’environnement en Antarctique, lesecrétariat a mis en oeuvre un monitoring environnemental autour de ses stations de rechercheWasa et Svea dès le début des années 1990. Cependant, le bilan de ce programme est plutôtcontrasté ; d’un coté, il a fourni les informations nécessaires à la compréhension du milieu eta permis de prendre les mesures indispensables à sa préservation. D’un autre coté, leséchantillonnages et mesures sporadiques et un système de management des donnéesinapproprié laissent subsister des inconnus dans la perception environnementale de la région.C’est pourquoi, profitant de l’année polaire internationale, le secrétariat à décider d’établir unmonitoring environnemental sur le long terme permettant non seulement d’évaluerconcrètement les impacts d’origine anthropogénique autour des stations de recherche suédoisemais aussi d’en prévoir la tendance.La réussite d’un tel programme repose sur quelques éléments clés : des objectifs réalisables etclairement définis, des méthodes d’échantillonnages standardisées et un système demanagement des données efficace. De plus, pour être efficace, le monitoring environnementaldoit être en étroite relation avec le système de prise de décision dans l’organisme. Enfin, cemonitoring environnemental ne pourra qu’être valorisé par une collaboration internationale.Au fur et à mesure des progrès de la science, il apparait de plus en plus évident de protégerl’Antarctique qui garde probablement dans ses glaces les réponses aux questionsenvironnementales d’aujourd’hui et de demain. / www.ima.kth.se
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Environmental Review of Petroleum Industry Effluent AnalysisFaustine, Claire January 2008 (has links)
The present report deals with environmental issues in refineries and petrochemical processes.More precisely gaseous, liquid and solid effluents from processes are analysed qualitativelyand quantitatively when possible. Techniques to treat these effluents are reviewed or proposedwhen lacking and methods to do not produce these effluents are envisaged.In the part A of the report general effluents that are released from all types of processes arestudied. These effluents include fugitive emissions, flue gases from process heaters,blowdown systems emissions and wastewaters. Fugitive emissions, one of the greatestsources of VOCs can be qualified and quantified by the average emission factor approach andreduced thanks to the implementation of an LDAR program. Flue gases from process heaters,which are a major source of NOx, SOx and particulate matters can be characterized withemission factors and several techniques exist to treat or prevent these emissions. Concerningblowdown systems emissions, which are difficult to quantify, methods to minimize theseemissions are given. Finally, wastewaters treatment in petroleum industry is shortly describedbefore best management practices and pollution prevention methods are enounced.In the part B of the report four families of processes are studied: naphtha hydrotreatment,naphtha isomerization, catalytic reforming and hydrogenation in olefin plants. Each of theseprocesses is firstly described, the process flow diagram is explained and continuous andintermittent effluents are characterized. In addition to general effluents dealt with in part A, ithas been found that processes can produce other effluents such as dioxins in isomerization orcatalytic reforming units or green oils during catalyst regeneration operations. / Division Industrial Ecologywww.kth.se/itm/indecowww.ima.kth.se
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Energetic and financial balance on an organic waste fermentation plant situated in Heljestorp, SwedenCharlot, Marie-Laure January 2008 (has links)
In a context of constant increasing energy demand and growing waste discharges, an important needto find relevant solutions is obvious. These solutions consist of treating the wastes in the mostfinancially and energetically efficient way. In this thesis work, dealing with the figures concerning thewaste anaerobic digestion plant situated in Heljestorp (Sweden), the anaerobic fermentation fortreating organic wastes is discussed. In this plant organic wastes are sorted and treated in order tofinally produce biogas and different kinds of fertilizers.In this work two different methods to estimate the energy contained in the organic wastes can bedistinguished:• The first method consisted of calculating the waste Low Heating Value. This method finallyenabled also to compare two different ways for treating these organic wastes: combustion andfermentation.• Later, the estimation of the methane potential in the raw waste entering in the digesters hasbeen done and enabled to calculate the waste anaerobic digestion plant efficiency and thedigester efficiency itself. The efficiency has been found in a range between 18.8 % and 31.3 %while the digester efficiency itself was calculated to be in a range between 21.4 % and 44.5 %.This work presents also the different steps to draw up the energetic and financial balances of thisplant: boundaries determination, inventory of energy inlets and outlets, digester efficiency calculation,plant efficiency, inventory of incomes and costs, profits or losses calculation. Establishing thesebalances is necessary to conclude about the relevance of the solution considered for treating theorganic wastes.This project took place few months after the company Ragn-Sells has bought the plant which wasbefore belonging to municipal councils. Therefore, this thesis work aim is also to gather information forthe company Ragn-Sells about this organic waste fermentation plant, its efficiency, its energy inlet andoutlet, its running cost or its incomes. / Division Industrial Ecologywww.kth.se/itm/indecowww.ima.kth.se
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