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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anorexia nervosa e transmissão psíquica transgeracional: histórias de vida de pacientes, mães e avós / Anorexia nervosa and transgenerational psychic transmission: Life histories of patients, mothers and grandmothers

Élide Dezoti Valdanha 23 August 2013 (has links)
Valdanha, E. D. (2013). Anorexia nervosa e transmissão psíquica transgeracional: Histórias de vida de pacientes, mães e avós. Dissertação de Mestrado, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Os transtornos alimentares (TAs) configuram graves perturbações no comportamento alimentar, que são tema de destaque na literatura científica nacional e internacional. Um dos tipos de TA que mais tem despertado o interesse de leigos e da comunidade científica é a anorexia nervosa (AN), caracterizada por uma recusa da pessoa acometida em manter o peso mínimo adequado para a saúde, além de temor intenso de ganhar peso e distorção significativa da imagem corporal. Estudos mostram que as relações familiares podem atuar como agentes mediadores no surgimento e manutenção da AN, especialmente a configuração vincular mãefilha. Considerando-se que esse vínculo é essencial para o desenvolvimento emocional e que a transmissão psíquica é um operador da dinâmica dos relacionamentos familiares, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a transmissão psíquica em três gerações de famílias que tinham um de seus membros acometidos pela AN, buscando identificar os conteúdos transmitidos transgeracionalmente e suas possíveis relações com o desenvolvimento da AN. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa. Participaram da pesquisa seis famílias, compostas por pacientes diagnosticados com AN, suas respectivas mães e avós maternas. Os pacientes eram vinculados ao Grupo de Assistência em Transtornos Alimentares - GRATA do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMRP-USP). Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados roteiros de entrevista semiestruturada. As entrevistas foram audiogravadas, mediante consentimento dos participantes, e transcritas na íntegra. O material foi submetido à análise de conteúdo temática, o que permitiu extrair as unidades de significado, que emergiram após leitura exaustiva dos relatos. Os dados foram interpretados com apoio do referencial teórico psicanalítico, mais especificamente da transmissão psíquica transgeracional. Foram construídas categorias temáticas relacionadas aos temas: \"fatos marcantes da infância\", \"fatos marcantes de adolescência\", \"relacionamento com os pais\", \"desenvolvimento afetivo-sexual e as relações amorosas\", \"religiosidade\", \"relação mãe-filha(o)\", \"as vivências do corpo e a alimentação\", \"os cuidados maternos percebidos e transmitidos\", \"transmissão da feminilidade\" e \"anorexia nervosa\". Foram identificados padrões distorcidos nos modos como as mães exercem os cuidados maternos, marcados por conflitos e ambivalência afetiva. Os resultados sugerem que vinculações familiares distorcidas são transmitidas como herança psíquica, caracterizando transmissão transgeracional. Essa ausência de elaboração de conteúdos psíquicos, que são transmitidos sucessivamente de geração a geração sem sofrerem transformações, pode ser um importante mediador na gênese e manutenção do transtorno do comportamento alimentar, na medida em que fortalece a perpetuação de vínculos problemáticos, que criam obstruções no processo de amadurecimento emocional da filha. Espera-se que os resultados possam auxiliar os profissionais de saúde a se sensibilizarem para as questões familiares que incidem sobre a AN, contribuindo para o aperfeiçoamento de estratégias (interventivas e preventivas) de cuidado emocional que incluam a família como unidade de tratamento. / Valdanha, E.D. (2013). Anorexia nervosa and transgenerational psychic transmission: Life histories of patients, mothers and grandmothers (Master\'s degree), Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo. Eating disorders (ED) constitute serious disturbances in eating behavior, which are prominent issue in national and international scientific literature. An ED that has mostly attracted the interest of either non-academic or academic community is anorexia nervosa (AN), characterized by a refusal to maintain the minimum weight adequate for health, intense fear of gaining weight and significant distortion of body image. Studies show that familial relations can act as mediating agents in the emergence and maintenance of AN, especially the motherchild relation. Considering this bond as essential to emotional development, and that psychic transmission is an operator of the dynamics within familial relations, the goal of this study was to investigate the psychic transmission in three generations of families which had one member affected by AN, aiming to identify the contents transmitted transgenerationally and their possible relations to the development of AN. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Participants were six families, consisted of patients diagnosed with AN along with their mothers and grandmothers. Patients were assisted by the Group of Assistance on Eating Disorders (GRATA), from the Clinics Hospital of Ribeirão Preto´s School of Medicine, University of São Paulo (HC-FMRP -USP).The instrument used for data collection were semi-structured interview scripts. Interviews were audio recorded, with participants´ consent, and transcribed in full. The material was subjected to thematic content analysis, which enabled to extract the categories of analysis, which emerged after a thorough reading of the transcribed interviews. The data were interpreted with the support of psychoanalysis theoretical framework, more specifically by psychic transgenerational transmission. Thematic categories were raised related to the following topics: \"milestones of childhood\", \"milestones of adolescence\", \"parental relationship\", \"affective-sexual development and love relationships\", \"religiosity\", \"mother-child relationship\", \"experiences of the body and nutrition\", \"perceived and transmitted maternal care\", \" transmission of femininity\" and \"anorexia nervosa\". Distorted patterns were identified in the ways mothers exert maternal care, marked by conflicts and affective ambivalence. Results suggest that distorted family bonds are transmitted as psychic inheritance, featuring transgenerational transmission. This lack of elaboration of psychic contents, which are successively transmitted from generation to generation without transformations, may be an important mediator in the genesis and maintenance of eating disorder, since it strengthens the perpetuation of problematical bonds which create obstructions in child´s process of emotional maturation. It is expected that the results may support health professionals to raise awareness for familial issues that exert influence on AN, contributing to the improvement of assistance strategies (interventional and preventive) for emotional care which includes the family as the unit of treatment.

The influence of individualistic versus collective cultural patterns on attachment patterns in adult females

Tan, Dih Hong 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of the present study was to examine the impact of "individualistic" vs. "collective" cultural patterns on the distribution of attachment patterns. Participants were English-speaking Anglo-American (n=70), Hispanic (n=70), and Asian (n=60) females.

Familiale Generationenbeziehungen und der Übergang in die Elternschaft: Eine qualitativ kulturvergleichende Studie

Ulbrich, Katharina 29 August 2011 (has links)
Das Forschungsinteresse der Arbeit zielt auf die Funktion und Bedeutung familialer Beziehungen in einem Mehrgenerationennetzwerk aus Sicht verschiedener Akteure und in verschiedenen kulturellen Kontexten. Die Rekonstruktion familialer Generationenbeziehungen zwischen erwachsenen Kindern und ihren Eltern erfolgt im Rahmen eines spezifischen Lebenslaufereignisses: dem doppelten generationalen Übergang in die (Groß-)Elternschaft. Dieses familiale Übergangsereignis bringt ein Aufrücken der einzelnen Familienmitglieder im Generationengefüge und eine Pluralisierung individueller Generationenzugehörigkeiten mit sich und führt so zu verstärkten (inter-)subjektiven Aushandlungsprozessen und einer Neubestimmung von familialen Rollen. Gleichzeitig ist die Arbeit als ein Kulturvergleich zwischen ostdeutschen und süditalienischen Familien angelegt. Damit wird die Absicht verfolgt, die Funktion und Bedeutung intergenerationaler Familienbeziehungen in unterschiedlichen geschlechterkulturellen Kontexten zu untersuchen. Es handelt sich um eine qualitative Untersuchung, in deren Rahmen insgesamt 19 leitfadengestützte teilnarrative Interviews mit Müttern und Vätern eines Kindes bis max. 3 Jahre und den dazugehörigen Großmüttern durchgeführt wurden. Jeweils drei der untersuchten Familienkonstellationen stammen aus Dresden und Neapel. Aus dem empirischen Material wurde ein vierstufiges Phasenmodell des Übergangsprozesses entwickelt, welches diesen als einen Prozess der geschlechterspezifischen Elternrollendifferenzierung auf der Paarebene konzipiert. Zentral sind dabei die beiden komplementären Konzepte der natürlichen Mütterlichkeit und der fragilen Väterlichkeit. In Analogie dazu wurden für die Beziehungen der neuen Eltern zu den jeweiligen Herkunftsfamilien die komplementären Konzepte der natürlichen Matrilateralität und der fragilen Patrilateralität entwickelt, welche das Muster einer latenten intergenerationalen Asymmetrie zum Ausdruck bringen. Der Übergang in die Elternschaft wird somit als ein familiales Übergangsereignis beschrieben, welches maßgeblich zur Reproduktion einer weiblichen bzw. matrilinearen Dominanz im familialen Bereich beiträgt. Dieses Muster findet sich sowohl bei den deutschen als auch bei den italienischen Familien und kann somit in gewissem Sinne als kulturübergreifend angesehen werden. Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Untersuchungsgruppen zeigen sich hingegen mit Blick auf grundlegende Wertorientierungen, die der alltäglichen Lebenspraxis und den familialen Beziehungen zugrunde liegen. So sind die Familienbeziehungen deutscher Interviewpartner(innen) stärker durch Vorstellungen von Unabhängigkeit und Autonomiestreben (independence) charakterisiert. Italienische Interviewpartner(innen) hingegen brachten stärker am Prinzip der wechselseitigen Abhängigkeit und Verbundenheit (interdependence) orientierte Vorstellungen und Einstellungen zum Familienleben zum Ausdruck.:1 Einleitung 1 2 Generationenbeziehungen in Familien – ein Überblick über den Stand der Forschung 11 2.1 Begriffserklärungen 12 2.1.1 Familie – ein kontrovers diskutiertes Konzept 12 2.1.2 Generation, Generationenbeziehung, Generationenverhältnis 15 2.2 Intergenerationenbeziehungen als soziologischer Forschungsgegenstand 18 2.3 Generationen- und Lebenslaufforschung: die Bedeutung familialer Übergangsprozesse für intergenerationale Beziehungen 28 2.3.1 Der Übergang in die Elternschaft aus einer Mehrgenerationenperspektive 30 2.3.2 Der Übergang in die Elternschaft aus einer Geschlechterperspektive 37 2.4 Kulturvergleichende Familienforschung 42 2.5 Zusammenfassung 49 3 Die Untersuchungsregionen 52 3.1 Ostdeutschland 52 3.2 Süditalien 58 3.3 Zusammenfassung 65 4 Theoretisch-konzeptioneller Rahmen 68 4.1 Das konstruktivistisch-interpretative Paradigma in der Familienforschung 69 4.2 Der Symbolische Interaktionismus in der Familienforschung 70 4.3 Zusammenfassung 76 5 Anlage der Untersuchung und Methodik 77 5.1 Untersuchungsdesign 77 5.2 Der qualitativ angelegte Kulturvergleich 79 5.3 Forschen im fremdsprachigen Kontext 81 5.4 Strukturierung vs. Offenheit im Forschungsprozess 82 5.5 Darstellung des Forschungsprozesses 83 5.5.1 Samplingverfahren 84 5.5.2 Struktur des Samples 85 5.5.3 Interviewtechnik 90 5.5.4 Vorstellung der untersuchten Fälle 96 5.5.5 Datenauswertung 104 6 Der Übergang in die Elternschaft – ein Phasenmodell 107 6.1 Familienplanung und Elternschafts-Timing 108 6.1.1 Kinderwünsche 109 6.1.2 Familienplanungs-Agency und Paarkommunikation 112 6.1.3 Elternschaftsnormen – eine komparative Perspektive 116 6.2 Schwangerschaft 129 6.3 Geburt und erste Zeit mit dem Neugeborenen 137 6.4 Etablierung einer Alltagsroutine und Work-Life-Balance 141 6.4.1 Organisationsprinzipien häuslicher Aufgaben- und Rollenverteilung 142 6.4.2 Vereinbarkeit 164 6.5 Zusammenfassung 172 7 Generationenbeziehungen 173 7.1 Die Beziehungen zwischen erwachsenen Kindern (G2) und ihren Eltern (G1) 175 7.1.1 Auszug aus dem Elternhaus und räumliche Abgrenzung 176 7.1.2 Der Übergang in die (Groß-)Elternschaft 185 7.1.3 Intergenerationale Asymmetrie 194 7.2 Die Beziehung zwischen der Großeltern (G1) und Enkeln (G3) 218 7.2.1 Großelternrollenmodelle und die (kulturspezifische) Bedeutung familialer Beziehungen 220 7.2.2 Selbstkonzepte der Großeltern und Großelterntypen 236 7.2.3 Intergenerationale Interaktionsformen 241 7.3 Zusammenfassung 263 8 Diskussion der Ergebnisse und Ausblick 266 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 266 Diskussion der Ergebnisse mit Blick auf den Stand der Forschung 272 Ausblick 279 Literatur 282

Im Miteinander von Generationen : eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung einer intergenerationellen Begegnung aus missiologischer Perspektive / Togetherness of generations : an empiric-theological research of intergenerational encounters from the perspective of missiology

Geppert-Enriquez, Johanna Wally Ernestine 11 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in English and German / Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit befasst sich mit den Erfahrungen, die Senioren im Alter von 60plus in einem evangelischen Kindergarten im niedersächsischen Apen in der Zusammenarbeit mit Kindern machen, wenn sie ihre Ressourcen an Wissen und Zeit ehrenamtlich einbringen. Das Engagement der Senioren in der Generationenarbeit erfolgt in Form von Workshops und weiteren verschiedenen Projekten und versteht sich als gemeinwesendiakonisches Projekt in Kooperation zwischen Kirche und Kindergarten. Die Studie untersucht die subjektiven Erfahrungen der ehrenamtlich tätigen Senioren mit Kindern, die aus den intergenerationellen Begegnungen hervorgehen und deutet diese auf ihre missionstheologische Relevanz. Unter Rückgriff auf praktisch-theologische Erkenntnisse aus der Lebenswelt der Senioren gehen wichtige Ergebnisse in die in der kontextuellen Theologie und Missiologie verorteten Arbeit ein. Diese münden wiederum in praktische Empfehlungen zur generationenübergreifenden Arbeit für Kirche und Kommune. / The current study aims at investigating the experiences of elderly at the age of 60plus, when contributing with their knowledge and time during their work with children. As a research setting, an evangelic kindergarden has been selected in Apen, the northern part of Lower Saxony, Germany. The engagement of seniors in this so-called generation work is understood as a diaconal practical project which is defined as social welfare work. It is implemented in form of different projects and performed in cooperation with the church and the kindergarden. The research explores firstly, the subjective experiences of the volunteering seniors during their intergenerational encounters. Secondly, the inter generational encounters are furthermore analyzed regarding its missiological-theological relevance. Practical theological insights, gained by analyzing the seniors’ lifeworld, result as relevant for the research in the domain of contextual theology and missiology. Finally, the results lead to practical recommendations for intergenerational work for both the church and community. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Erben des Schweigens : Studie zu Aspekten transgenerationaler Weitergabe von Traumata in der Familiengeschichte von deutschen Vertriebenen nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg / Heirs of silence : a study of intergenerational trauma through family histories of displaced Germans after the Second World War

Stein, Heiko Carsten 12 1900 (has links)
Text in German, summaries in German and English / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 190-197) / In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird untersucht, ob und inwieweit transgenerationale Übertragungsprozesse als Folge von psychischen Traumata, welche Vertriebene in und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg erlebten, heute noch bei Nachfahren in der Kriegsenkelgeneration eine Rolle spielen. Dabei wird unter anderem untersucht, wie sich das Ereignis der Vertreibung mit Blick auf psychische Traumata konkret auswirkte und zu welchen, auch heute noch spürbaren, Symptomen es geführt hat. Auf Grund der Symptome wurden in einer empirischen Untersuchung fünf sogenannte Kriegsenkel interviewt, um zu erfahren, wie Betroffene die Auswirkungen dieser Symptome im Alltag beschreiben und welche Rolle dabei geistliche Erfahrungen spielen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Interviews führen zum Abgleich der Thesen und sollen schlussendlich helfen, praktische Konsequenzen für die Seelsorgearbeit zu ziehen und eine Hilfestellung in der Problemdiagnose zu geben. / This thesis explores if and how transgenerational transfer processes which are a consequence of mental traumata of displaced people in and after World War II still play a role in the lives of their descendants in the generation of the “grandchildren of war”. For one thing it looks at how the event of forced displacement specifically has had an impact on mental traumata and which symptoms have resulted, that are still perceptible today. Based on the symptoms five of the so called “grandchildren of war” have been interviewed in an empirical survey, in order to find out how those affected describe the effects of these symptoms on their everyday lives and which is the role of spiritual experiences. The findings of these interviews are compared to the theses and finally, should help to draw practical conclusions for councelling and offer help to diagnose problems. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

A phenomenological study of ageing amongst the older persons in Zambia

Namakando-Phiri, Anne 02 1900 (has links)
A study entitled `Phenomenological study of ageing amongst the older persons in Zambia' was undertaken with the purpose of gaining an understanding of the ageing phenomenon within the Zambian context and provide frameworks that could be used by policy-makers and health professionals to formulate guidelines or interventions relevant to the lived experiences of older persons and the meaning attached to ageing or being old, and consequently maintain or improve the quality of life of older persons of Zambia. The objectives of the study were to describe (1) the lived experiences of the older persons of Zambia, and (2) the meaning they attached to ageing or being old within the Zambian context. A transcendental phenomenological design within the qualitative naturalistic approach was used to guide the research process and to assist the researcher to reach the purpose and objectives of the study. Focus group and in-depth individual interviews were conducted to generate data from twenty-seven (27) informants. Fifteen (15) informants participated in the focus group interviews and twelve (12) in in-depth individual interviews. In total, 24 in-depth individual interviews were conducted in term of two interviews per informants, and two focus group interviews. Data collection covered a period of three months. Coliazzi (1978) and Giorgi (1985) techniques for qualitative data analysis were used and verbatim excerpts form the transcribed interviews were used to support the themes that emerged from data and to provide a richer picture of the situation. Three frameworks derived from the findings of this study: (1) framework of the lived experiences of older persons of Zambia, (2) framework of the meaning of ageing or being old and (3) framework for understanding ageing within the Zambian context. The researcher believed that these frameworks would make a meaningful contribution toward the understanding and the development of policies and interventions that would assist in enhancing or maintaining the quality of life of older people of Zambia. The main findings of the results of this study indicated three most significant dimensions of the lived experiences of the older persons (health, socio-economic and psychosocial) that need to be taken into account when planning for any programs or interventions aimed at maintaining or improving the quality of life of older persons of Zambia. These interventions and programs should also address the negative feelings or meanings attached to the above experiences. The main findings of the results of this study also showed that the meaning of being old or ageing in Zambia does not depend on the health, socio-economic and psychosocial living experiences of the older person but it depends largely on the inner values of the older persons, such as spiritual, emotional and cultural beliefs. This means that maintaining or improving the quality of life of older persons in Zambia would require comprehensive programs or interventions that should take into account the health, socio-economic, psychosocial, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs of the older people. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Intergenerational sexual relationship and risk of HIV: a situational analysis of young refugee girls in the city of Tshwane, South Africa

Francis, Tshibangu-Kalala 12 January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to explore and describe factors that contribute to young refugee girls (aged 15-19 years) to be engaged in intergenerational sexual relationships in the city of Tshwane. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. Ten refugee girls were purposively selected using snowballing technique. Powerlessness, increased libido, curiosity, perception of inferior status of the women, attitudes towards assertive women, culture, anonymity, high cost of living, unemployment, poor educational status and residential conditions emerged as the main contributing factors to involvement of young refugee girls in intergenerational sexual relationships. These categories were grouped under three themes namely age, gender inequality and low socio-economic factors. In order to reduce the involvement of young refugee girls in intergenerational sex which increases their risk of HIV infections, the study recommends the initiation and/or improvement of programmes for addressing the three identified themes / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS))

Práce s pamětníky ve výuce historie na primární škole. / Interview with witnesses in the teaching of history in primary school.

Tomanová, Kamila January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is the support and the development of the relationship among different generations and learning among pupils of younger age and elderly people. Teaching national history in a traditional way brings two main problems. Firstly, children learn history through abstract terms, which they are not acquainted with. It is followed by another problem, when the presentation for pupils is not in detail and they cannot imagine most of the historical situations. Memories of contemporary witnesses can help us to solve these problems, because thanks to these memories pupils can better understand historical situations. Therefore, it is necessary to find and use such a way of teaching history in the current education, which would be interesting for pupils. Such a way would encourage an interest of pupils about history and further education. Thanks to this, they can gain different points of view about the background of their family, the place of birth and also about the Czech history. Inner motivation is what we want to achieve. By using activities which stimulate pupils we can develop critical thinking while teaching history. The first part of my thesis deals with theoretical knowledge of the authors who concern with the themes of the concept of memory with all its aspects, historical thinking...

Intergenerational sexual relationship and risk of HIV : a situational analysis of young refugee girls in the city of Tshwane, South Africa

Francis, Tshibangu-Kalala 12 January 2015 (has links)
The main purpose of this study was to explore and describe factors that contribute to young refugee girls (aged 15-19 years) to be engaged in intergenerational sexual relationships in the city of Tshwane. A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. Ten refugee girls were purposively selected using snowballing technique. Powerlessness, increased libido, curiosity, perception of inferior status of the women, attitudes towards assertive women, culture, anonymity, high cost of living, unemployment, poor educational status and residential conditions emerged as the main contributing factors to involvement of young refugee girls in intergenerational sexual relationships. These categories were grouped under three themes namely age, gender inequality and low socio-economic factors. In order to reduce the involvement of young refugee girls in intergenerational sex which increases their risk of HIV infections, the study recommends the initiation and/or improvement of programmes for addressing the three identified themes / Sociology / M. A. (Sociology (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS))

O efeito intergeracional no peso ao nascer e suas relações com as condições maternas, em crianças nascidas a termo no Hospital Universitário da USP / The intergenerational effect on birth weight and its relations to maternal conditions in term infants born in the \"Hospital Universitário\" from the University of São Paulo

Costa e Silva, Leide Irislayne Macena da 22 September 2014 (has links)
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Vários estudos têm mostrado o peso ao nascer de ambos os pais como preditor do peso de nascimento do descendente, com correlação mais fortemente transmitida através da linhagem materna, sugerindo que exposições desfavoráveis à mãe desde a sua própria vida intrauterina até os períodos de pré-concepção e gestacional, além dos genes herdados, influenciam o tamanho ao nascimento da prole. A preocupação atual se relaciona ao ciclo intergeracional do baixo peso ao nascer ou do peso ao nascer elevado entre gerações, com todos os agravos imediatos e a longo prazo que estão implicados em nascer pequeno para a idade gestacional e/ou baixo peso ou grande para a idade gestacional e/ou macrossômico. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a correlação entre o peso ao nascer da criança com o peso ao nascer da mãe, com as condições maternas, em crianças nascidas a termo no Hospital Universitário da USP (HU-USP). MÉTODOS: Foram identificados 773 binômios mães-crianças, 773 crianças nascidas de 558 mães, com a informação documentada do peso ao nascer tanto do bebê quanto da mãe. As informações referentes aos antecedentes maternos, pré-natal e parto, e as medidas antropométricas de nascimento da criança e da mãe foram obtidas através do registro em prontuários, sendo 83,8% das mães nascidas no HU-USP. Foram constituídos grupos de estudo de peso ao nascer da criança [< 2.500 gramas (g) e >= 3.500 gramas (g)], e também foi realizado o estudo do comprimento ao nascer da criança <= 47,5cm (quartil inferior). Foram utilizados Chi-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher, Spearman\'s Rho, e Odds-Ratio para investigar as relações entre o peso e comprimento ao nascer das crianças com variáveis maternas e das próprias crianças. RESULTADOS: As meninas (nascidas entre 1999-2014) foram mais pesadas ao nascer do que as suas mães (nascidas entre 1972-1998), com uma média no aumento do peso ao nascer de 79g entre as duas gerações. O peso ao nascer da criança < 2.500g não apresentou correlação alguma com o peso ao nascer materno < 2.500g (Fisher 0,264*; Spearman´s Rho 0,048; OR 2,1 e OR lower 0,7), e com a estatura materna na gestação no quartil inferior (< 157cm) (Chi2 sig 0,323; com Spearman´s Rho 0,036; OR 1,5 e OR lower 0,7). O baixo peso ao nascer da criança (< 2.500g) foi levemente correlacionado com o uso de drogas pela mãe durante a gestação (Fisher 0,083*; Spearman´s Rho 0,080;OR 4,9 e OR lower 1,0). O peso ao nascer da criança < 2.500g mostrou correlação acentuada com a idade gestacional menor que 38 semanas e 3 dias (Chi2 sig 0,002; Spearman´s Rho 0,113; OR 3,2 e OR lower 1,5). O peso ao nascer da criança >= 3.500g apresentou forte correlação com o peso ao nascer materno >= 3.500g (Chi2 sig 0; Spearman´s Rho +0,142; OR 0,5** e OR upper 0,7); sendo que quanto maior o IMC pré-gestacional da mãe maior a correlação com o peso de nascimento da criança >= 3.500g [(IMC materno pré gestacional >= 25,0 kg/m2 com Chi2 sig 0,013; Spearman´s Rho 0,09; OR 1,54 e OR upper 2,17) e (IMC materno pré gestacional >= 30,0 kg/m2 com Chi2 sig 0; Spearman´s Rho 0,137; OR 2,58 e OR upper 4,26)]. O peso ao nascer da criança >= 3.500g também foi correlacionado com o parto cesareano (Chi2 sig 0; Spearman´s Rho +0,132; OR 0,5** e OR upper 0,8). O comprimento ao nascer da criança no quartil inferior (<= 47,5cm) mostrou-se significante em mães que nasceram com peso < 3.500g (Chi2 sig 0; Spearman´s Rho -0,154; OR 3,2** e OR lower 1,8). O comprimento ao nascer da criança <= 47,5cm apresentou forte correlação com o uso de drogas pela mãe durante a gestação (Chi2 sig 0,004; Spearman´s Rho 0,105; OR 4,3 e OR lower 1,5). O comprimento ao nascer da criança <= 47,5cm apresentou tênue correlação com a estatura materna no quartil inferior (< 157cm) e com o tabagismo na gestação, evidenciados pelo Chi2 sig 0,012; Spearman´s Rho 0,091; OR 1,6 e OR lower 1,1 e Chi2 sig 0,012; Spearman´s Rho 0,091; OR 1,7 e OR lower 1,1, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: O peso de nascimento da mãe >= 3.500g e o sobrepeso ou obesidade pré-gestacional materna foram correlacionados com o peso ao nascer da criança >= 3.500g e maior comprimento ao nascer do recém-nascido, acoplado à tendência do aumento do peso ao nascer entre gerações de mães e filhas. Também, os descendentes com menores comprimentos ao nascimento são os filhos das mulheres com as mais baixas estaturas. A co-existência do ciclo intergeracional da obesidade e da \"falência do crescimento\" se mostrou presente na população estudada / BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Many studies have shown that both parents\' birth weight acts as a predictor for the descendant birth weight, with the correlation more strongly transmitted through maternal line. This suggests that adverse expositions to the mother, from her own intrauterine life until the pre-conception and pregnancy periods, in addition to the inherited genes, influences the size of the offspring at birth. The current preoccupation relates to the intergenerational cycle of low birth weight or increased birth weight between the generations, with all the immediate and long term aggravations that are implied in small birth size for the gestational age and/or low birth weight or large birth size for the gestational age and/or macrosomic. The present research aims to study the correlation between the child\'s birth weight with the mother\'s birth weight, and maternal conditions, in term infants born in the \"Hospital Universitário\" from the University of São Paulo. METHODS: 773 mother-infant binomials were identified (773 children born from 558 mothers) with information on both the baby\'s and the mother\'s birth weight recorded. The information referring to maternal antecedents, pre-natal, parturition and birth anthropometric measures of the infant and the mother were obtained through the registrations of their medical recordes. 83.8% of the mothers were born in the \"Hospital Universitário\". Group studies were constituted, dividing the sample according to birth weight [< 2.500 grams (g) and >= 3.500 grams (g)]. The length at birth was also studied in children <= 47,5cm (lower quartile). Chi-squared test or Fisher\'s exact test, Spearman\'s Rho and Odds-Ratio were performed in order to investigate the relation between the children\'s weight and length at birth and the mothers\' and children\'s variables. RESULTS: The girls (born between 1999 and 2014) were heavier at birth than their mothers (born between 1972 and 1998), with an average increase at birth weight between the generations of 79 grams. The child\'s birth weight < 2.500 grams did not show any correlation with maternal birth weight < 2.500 grams (Fisher 0.264*; Spearman\'s Rho 0.048; OR 2.1 and OR lower 0.7) nor with maternal stature below the lower quartile (< 157cm) (Chi2 sig 0.323; with Spearman\'s Rho 0.036; OR 1.5 and OR lower 0.7). The child\'s low birth weight (< 2.500g) was lightly correlated with drug use by the mother during pregnancy (Fisher 0.083*; Spearman\'s Rho 0.080; OR 4.9 and OR lower 1.0). The child\'s birth weight < 2.500g showed increased correlation with gestational age lower than 38 weeks and 3 days (Chi2 sig 0.002; Spearman\'s Rho 0.113; OR 3.2 and OR lower 1.5). The child\'s weight at birth >= 3.500g showed strong correlation with maternal weight at birth >= 3.500g (Chi2 sig 0; Spearman\'s Rho +0.142; OR 0.5** and OR upper 0.7). It was also revealed that the higher the maternal pre-pregnancy BMI, the stronger the correlation with child\'s birth weight >= 3.500g was [(maternal pre-pregnancy BMI >= 25,0 kg/m2 with Chi2 sig 0.013; Spearman\'s Rho 0.09; OR 1.54 and OR upper 2.17) and (maternal pre-pregnancy BMI >= 30,0 kg/m2 with Chi2 sig 0; Spearman\'s Rho 0.137; OR 2.58 and OR upper 4.26)]. The child\'s weight at birth >= 3.500g was also correlated with Caesarean section (Chi2 sig 0; Spearman\'s Rho +0.132; OR 0.5** and OR upper 0.8). Child\'s length at birth in the lower quartile (<= 47,5cm) was significant in mothers who were born with weight < 3.500g (Chi2 sig 0; Spearman\'s Rho -0.154; OR 3.2** and OR lower 1.8). The child\'s length at birth <= 47,5cm showed strong correlation with drug use by the mother during pregnancy (Chi2 sig 0.004; Spearman\'s Rho 0.105; OR 4.3 and OR lower 1.5). The child\'s length at birth <= 47,5cm showed tenuous correlation with maternal stature in the lower quartile (< 157cm) and with gestational smoking, demonstrated by Chi2 sig 0.012; Spearman\'s Rho 0.091; OR 1.6 and OR lower 1.1 and Chi2 sig 0.012; Spearman\'s Rho 0.091; OR 1.7 and OR lower 1.1, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The mother\'s weight at birth >= 3.500g and the prenatal overweight or obesity were correlated with the child\'s weight at birth >= 3.500g and increased length at birth of the newborn, coupled with the tendency of increasing birth weight between generations of mothers and daughters. Also, descendants with smaller length at birth are the children of women with the lowest statures. The coexistence of the intergenerational vicious cycle of obesity and of \"growth failure\" was found on the studied population

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