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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Högkapacitetstransporter : En utvärdering av två alternativa transportlösningar med avseende på effektivitet och miljöpåverkan / High capacity transport : An evaluation of two transport solutions focusing on efficiency and environmental impact

Karlsson, Anna, Malyk, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Godstransporter ökar i takt med att utrikeshandeln växer, vilket bidrar till utsläpp av växthusgaser. Hållbar utveckling och miljö är viktiga faktorer i dagens samhälle vilket gör att det ställs krav på nya och innovativa transportlösningar. Ett alternativ att bemöta dessa krav är genom högkapacitetstranporter, som i dagsläget testas, utförs och forskas kring frekvent i Sverige. Högkapacitetstransport avser lastbilsfordon som är längre och/eller tyngre än dagens konventionella lastbil som har fått dispens att trafikera vissa zoner på det svenska vägnätet. Denna studie baseras på att utvärdera två intermodala transportlösningar för transport av gods på sträckan mellan Göteborgs hamn och Viared, Borås. Den ena transportlösningen baseras på högkapacitetstransport och den andra baseras på en järnvägsbaserad transportlösning. De alternativa transportlösningarna utvärderas med avseende på effektivitet omfattande transportkostnad, flexibilitet och tid samt miljöpåverkan omfattande koldioxidutsläpp genom en fallstudie.Slutsatserna har resulterat i att högkapacitetstransport genererar en högre transporteffektivitet jämfört med dagens dragbil som trafikerar den utpekade vägsträckan i fallstudien. I brist på material har inga konkreta kostnader kunnat beräknats för de olika transportlösningarna. Däremot kunde en slutsats dras kring att de alternativa transportlösningarna ej bör uppgå till en högre kostnad än vad dagens transportlösning genererar. Ur miljösynpunkt har koldioxidutsläpp för de olika transportlösningarna beräknats. Implementeras hela vägsträckan med högkapacitetstransport har resultatet gällande koldioxidutsläpp genererat i en minskning med 30,6 procent jämfört med dagens dragbil. Däremot visade studien att järnvägstransporten vinner miljömässiga fördelar då den jämfört med dragbilen som trafikerar vägsträckan idag reducerar utsläppen med 80,4 procent. Dock visar koldioxidutsläppet i den intermodala järnvägslösningen att vägtransporterna bidrar med 98 procent av utsläppen.Denna studie väger för- och nackdelar gentemot varandra för en implementering av högkapacitetstransport. Högkapacitetstransporten jämförs även gentemot järnvägens för- och nackdelar vid transport av containergods. Studien bidrar dessutom till att stärka och reflektera över tidigare publicerade studier som finns inom ämnet. / Freight transport increases as foreign trade grows, which contributes to greenhouse gas emission. Sustainable development and the environment are important factors in today's society, which imposes demands on new and innovative transport solutions. One way of meeting these demands is through high capacity transports, which are currently being tested, performed and researched frequently in Sweden. High capacity transport refers to truck vehicles that are longer and/or heavier than today's conventional truck that has been given the dispensation to traffic certain areas on the Swedish road network. This study is based on evaluating two intermodal transport solutions for the carriage of goods on the route between Port of Gothenburg and Viared, Borås. One transport solution is based on high capacity transport and the other is based on a rail-based transport solution. Through a case study, the alternative transport solutions are evaluated based on efficiency, including transportation costs, flexibility and time, and the environmental impact including CO2 emissions.The conclusions have resulted in high capacity transport generating a higher transport efficiency compared with today's truck that operates the designated road distance in the case study. In lack of material, no concrete costs have been calculated for the various transport solutions. On the other hand, a conclusion could be drawn that alternative transport solutions should not be at a higher cost than today's transport solution results in. From an environmental point of view, CO2 emissions for the various transport solutions have been calculated. Implementing the entire road haulage with high capacity transport has resulted in a reduction of CO2 emissions by 30,6 percent compared to the current truck. On the other hand, the study showed that rail transport wins environmental benefits, as compared to the truck that carries the route today, emissions reduce by 80,4 percent. However, CO2 emissions in the intermodal railroad solution show that road transport contributes 98 percent of emissions.This study weighs strengths and weaknesses towards each other for the implementation of high capacity transport on the designated route. High capacity transport is also set against the railroad with pros and cons of transporting container goods. The study also contributes to strengthening and reflecting the theory from previously published studies within the subject.

Railway Mobility Hubs: A feature-based investment return analysis

Hidalgo González, Guillermo, Queirós, António January 2019 (has links)
While there has been considerable research regarding the role of Mobility Hubs in cities and transport networks, significant investment is required to develop these facilities. It is the correlation between investment, new users’ attraction and revenue generation that is the key for a sustainable development of Mobility Hubs and this investment must, therefore, be correctly assessed and targeted. This study aims to develop a methodology to determine the viability of investing in Mobility Hub features, weighing the investment on different Hub features and services against expected potential benefits and revenue generation, addressing the question: Can investment in Mobility Hub features be justified and, if so, which features maximize its expected positive impact? Based on a review of literature and definition of possible Hub features as variables, secondary research data was compiled to enable the analysis of expected impacts of each variable/feature in terms of new user’s attraction and revenue generation, which was then used to develop individual Net Present Value analysis of each feature. The result of these analysis demonstrates and concludes that different Hub features have the potential to generate substantially different investment outcomes, and that each feature should be analyzed individually prior to investment decision. It was also concluded by this research that the proposed assessment methodology can be used for future research on other listed Hub features, albeit with the constraint that primary data will be required when secondary research data is not available.

Les parcs relais, outils clés de politiques intermodales de déplacement urbain

Margail, Fabienne 11 October 1996 (has links) (PDF)
La métropolisation, fruit des mouvements de concentration et d'étalement des populations et des activités qui depuis une vingtaine d'années affectent les grandes villes françaises, s'est accompagnée de bouleversements des modes de vie ainsi que de modifications structurelles des besoins de déplacement quotidien des personnes. Individualisation des comportements, éclatement des structures relationnelles, désynchronisation spatiale et temporelle des rythmes... ont débouché sur un éparpillement des flux de mobilité dans de vastes bassins de vie qui tendent à être investis de façon globale en recourant à plusieurs réseaux de transport collectif ou plus souvent à l'automobile. Ces évolutions ont conduit à l'aggravation des difficultés de circulation et de stationnement dans et vers les secteurs les plus denses où sont déployés les réseaux de transport en commun les plus performants. C'est dans ce contexte socio-organisationnel que des stratégies de parcs relais, visant à organiser la complémentarité des moyens de transport collectif et individuel, ont été mises en oeuvre dans les agglomérations et régions françaises. Ils peuvent concrétiser trois principaux types d'enjeux pour leurs différents promoteurs potentiels entre lesquels un compromis de réalisation et gestion doit être trouvé : optimisation de la rentabilité de l'offre de transport sur laquelle sont rabattus les flux diffus, organisation de l'intermodalité et de transferts modaux pour améliorer la desserte territoriale, orientation du développement urbain par réaffectation d'espaces ou territorialisation en des noeuds de réseaux. Ils fonctionnent dans les faits en instruments de maintien de noyaux urbains concentrés dont ils facilitent l'accessibilité ; mais plus largement, à l'échelle fonctionnelle des régions urbaines, ils instaurent un modèle d'organisation hiérarchisée des réseaux dans lequel un déplacement peut être réalisé en utilisant successivement transport collectif et automobile, chacun dans leur domaine géographique d'efficacité socio-économique maximum. La confrontation des échecs ou succès mitigés, finalement obtenus en France, avec les expériences en la matière de pays tant planificateurs (Allemagne, Suisse) que libéraux (Etats-Unis, Royaume Uni), nous montre que des innovations techniques, organisationnelles et institutionnelles doivent être introduites aux étapes de localisation, conception et exploitation de ces pivots de chaînes modales, également interfaces avec le territoire. Elles devront assurer dans le même temps leur intégration dans des politiques locales de déplacement à resituer au sein de réflexions globales sur le fonctionnement et le devenir des aires urbaines.

Rapid Exchange Solution (RES) : En mekanisk omlastningslösning för horisontell överföring av containrar mellan olika transportmedel / Rapid Exchange Solution (RES) : A mechanical solution for horizontal transferring of containers between different means of transportation

Bovin, Jimmy January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete genomfördes våren 2013 på Karlstads universitet där TD Rail & Industry i Västerås stod som uppdragsgivare. Projektet innefattade att kartlägga nuvarande omlastningslösningar av enhetslaster mellan järnvägstransporter och vägtransporter, och utarbeta en konceptuell omlastningslösning med fokus på att öka järnvägstransporternas flexibilitet gentemot vägtransporterna. Där vikten lades på att utarbeta ett välarbetat helhetskoncept. Projektet genomfördes med designprocessen som grund och innehöll bland annat momenten; förstudie, kravspecificering, idégenerering, konceptval m.m. Resultatet blev en vidareutveckling av det redan befintliga systemet CCT som bygger på horisontell överföringsteknik och möjliggör därför omlastning av enhetslaster direkt under kontaktledning. Skillnaden mellan RES och CCT är att man tagit bort ombyggnationen av tågvagn och lastbilschassi, som var en av CCTs stora svagheter, genom två hydrauliska ”teknikplattor”. Tack vare detta tillsammans med sin låga investeringskostnad/driftkostnad öppnar RES nya möjligheter för omlastning på fler strategiska punkter direkt utmed järnvägsnätet och därmed ökar järnvägstransporternas flexibilitet. Som vidareutveckling av RES föreslås ett samarbete med CCT där man initialt utför mer detaljerade beräkningar på teknikplattorna. / This Bachelor of Science thesis was carried out in spring 2013 at Karlstad University for a company called TD Rail and Industry placed in Västerås, Sweden. The project included mapping of current transferring solutions of unit loads between railway and road transports, and the development of a conceptual transferring solution with the focus to increase the flexibility of the railway transport. The importance was to develop a well-made overall concept rather than small detailed parts of it. The project followed the design process methodology and included parts like: pre-study, requirements specification, idea generation, concept selection etc.The result was a further development of an already existing system called CCT based on horizontal transferring technology and therefore allow transferring of units directly under the overhead contact line. Thanks to this, together with its low investment / operating costs RES opens new opportunities for additional strategic transferring places along the railway, thereby increasing the flexibility of rail transports. The difference between RES and CCT is that you no longer need to rebuild the railway cars or the truckchassis , which was one of CCTs major weaknesses, instead the lifting mechanism is replaced by two hydraulic "technique plates". As a further development of the RES a partnership with CCT is proposed.

Plasticité intermodale chez le hamster énucléé à la naissance : Études de la distribution des interneurones CaBPir dans les cortex visuel et auditif primaires.

Desgent, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
La période postnatale et l’expérience sensorielle sont critiques pour le développement du système visuel. Les interneurones inhibiteurs exprimant l’acide γ-aminobutyrique (GABA) jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle de l’activité neuronale, le raffinement et le traitement de l’information sensorielle qui parvient au cortex cérébral. Durant le développement, lorsque le cortex cérébral est très susceptible aux influences extrinsèques, le GABA agit dans la formation des périodes critiques de sensibilité ainsi que dans la plasticité dépendante de l’expérience. Ainsi, ce système inhibiteur servirait à ajuster le fonctionnement des aires sensorielles primaires selon les conditions spécifiques d’activité en provenance du milieu, des afférences corticales (thalamiques et autres) et de l’expérience sensorielle. Certaines études montrent que des différences dans la densité et la distribution de ces neurones inhibiteurs corticaux reflètent les caractéristiques fonctionnelles distinctes entre les différentes aires corticales. La Parvalbumine (PV), la Calretinine (CR) et la Calbindine (CB) sont des protéines chélatrices du calcium (calcium binding proteins ou CaBPs) localisées dans différentes sous-populations d’interneurones GABAergiques corticaux. Ces protéines tamponnent le calcium intracellulaire de sorte qu’elles peuvent moduler différemment plusieurs fonctions neuronales, notamment l’aspect temporel des potentiels d’action, la transmission synaptique et la potentialisation à long terme. Plusieurs études récentes montrent que les interneurones immunoréactifs (ir) aux CaBPs sont également très sensibles à l’expérience et à l’activité sensorielle durant le développement et chez l’adulte. Ainsi, ces neurones pourraient avoir un rôle crucial à jouer dans le phénomène de compensation ou de plasticité intermodale entre les cortex sensoriels primaires. Chez le hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), l’énucléation à la naissance fait en sorte que le cortex visuel primaire peut être recruté par les autres modalités sensorielles, telles que le toucher et l’audition. Suite à cette privation oculaire, il y a établissement de projections ectopiques permanentes entre les collicules inférieurs (CI) et le corps genouillé latéral (CGL). Ceci a pour effet d’acheminer l’information auditive vers le cortex visuel primaire (V1) durant le développement postnatal. À l’aide de ce modèle, l’objectif général de ce projet de thèse est d’étudier l’influence et le rôle de l’activité sensorielle sur la distribution et l’organisation des interneurones corticaux immunoréactifs aux CaBPs dans les aires sensorielles visuelle et auditive primaires du hamster adulte. Les changements dans l’expression des CaBPs ont été déterminés d’une manière quantitative en évaluant les profils de distribution laminaire de ces neurones révélés par immunohistochimie. Dans une première expérience, nous avons étudié la distribution laminaire des CaBPs dans les aires visuelle (V1) et auditive (A1) primaires chez le hamster normal adulte. Les neurones immunoréactifs à la PV et la CB, mais non à la CR, sont distribués différemment dans ces deux cortex primaires dédiés à une modalité sensorielle différente. Dans une deuxième étude, une comparaison a été effectuée entre des animaux contrôles et des hamsters énucléés à la naissance. Cette étude montre que le cortex visuel primaire de ces animaux adopte une chimioarchitecture en PV similaire à celle du cortex auditif. Nos recherches montrent donc qu’une suppression de l’activité visuelle à la naissance peut influencer l’expression des CaBPs dans l’aire V1 du hamster adulte. Ceci suggère également que le type d’activité des afférences en provenance d’autres modalités sensorielles peut moduler, en partie, une circuiterie corticale en CaBPs qui lui est propre dans le cortex hôte ou recruté. Ainsi, nos travaux appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle il serait possible que certaines de ces sous-populations d’interneurones GABAergiques jouent un rôle crucial dans le phénomène de la plasticité intermodale. / The postnatal period and sensory experience are critical for the development of the visual system. The inhibitory interneurons expressing the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) play an important role in the control of neural activity, refinement and treatment of sensory information which reaches the cerebral cortex. During development, when the cerebral cortex is very likely to be influenced by extrinsic factors, GABA acts in the formation of critical period of receptivity as well as in experience dependent plasticity. Thus, this inhibitory system adjusts the functioning of the primary sensory areas according to the specific conditions of activity from the environment, cortical afferents (e.g. of thalamic origin), and sensory experience. Several studies show that differences in the distribution and density of these inhibitory interneurons tend to reflect functional discrepancies between the different neocortical areas. Parvalbumin (PV), Calretinin (CR) and Calbindin (CB) are calcium-binding proteins (CaBPs) found in different sub-populations of GABAergic cortical interneurons. These proteins buffer intracellular calcium levels, which can in turn modulate several neural functions, notably the temporal aspect of action potentials, synaptic transmission and long-term potentiation. Several recent studies are showing that CaBPs immunoreactive (ir) interneurons are also very sensitive to experience and sensory activity during development and adulthood. Therefore, these neurons may have a critical role in intermodal plasticity or compensatory processes between primary sensory cortices. In the hamster (Mesocricetus auratus), after enucleation at birth, the primary visual cortex can be recruited by other sensory modalities such as touch and audition. After this type of visual deprivation, there is establishment of permanent ectopic projections between the inferior colliculus (IC) and the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN). This phenomenon leads to the rerouting of auditory information to the primary visual cortex (V1) during postnatal development. By using this animal model, the general objective of this thesis is to study the influence and the role of sensory activity on the distribution and organization of cortical interneurons that display immunoreactivity for CaBPs in the primary visual and auditory sensory areas in adult hamsters. Changes in the expression of CaBPs were quantitatively determined by assessing the laminar distribution profiles of cell bodies revealed by immunohistochemistry. In the first experiment, we studied laminar distribution of CaBPs in the primary visual (V1) and auditory (A1) cortices of normal hamsters. PVir and CBir, but not CRir neurons, are distributed in a dissimilar fashion between the two primary cortices devoted to each sensory modality. In the second study, a comparison was performed between control animals and hamsters which were enucleated at birth. The results of this study show that the primary visual cortex of these animals adopts a PVir chemoarchitecture similar to that of the auditory cortex. Our research shows that the abolition of visual activity at birth can influence the expression of CaBPs in V1 of the adult hamster. The present results also suggest that the type of activity in afferents from other sensory modalities can at least in part modulate the cortical circuitry of CaBPs in the host or recruited cortex. Thus, our work supports the hypothesis that sub-populations of GABAergic interneurons may play a critical role in the intermodal cortical plasticity.

Plasticité intermodale chez le hamster énucléé à la naissance : Études de la distribution des interneurones CaBPir dans les cortex visuel et auditif primaires

Desgent, Sébastien 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

The load planning problem for double-stack intermodal trains

Mantovani, Serena 04 1900 (has links)
Les trains qui transportent des conteneurs empilés (en deux niveaux) sont un élément important du reseau de transport nord-americain. Le probleme de chargement des wagons correspond un probleme operationnel d'utilisation rencontre dans les terminaux ferroviaires. Elle consiste optimiser l’affectation des conteneurs des emplacements spécifiques sur les wagons. Ce mémoire est centré sur un article scientifique traitant le chargement optimal publié dans le Journal Européen de Recherche Opérationnelle (Volume 267, Numéro 1, Pages 107-119, 2018). Nous avons formule un modele lineaire en nombres entiers (ILP) et apporte un certain nombre de contributions. Premierement, nous avons proposé une méthodologie générale qui peut traiter des wagons double ou simple empilement avec des «patrons» de chargement arbitraires. Les les patrons tiennent un compte des dépendances de chargement entre les plateformes sur un wagon donne. Deuxiemement, nous avons modéliser les restrictions du centre de gravité (COG), les regles d’empilement et un nombre de restrictions techniques de chargement associees certains types de conteneurs et / ou de marchandises. Les resultats montrent que nous pouvons resoudre des instances de taille realiste dans un d´elai raisonnable en utilisant un solveur ILP commercial et nous illustrons que le fait de ne pas tenir compte de la correspondance conteneurs-wagons ainsi que des restrictions COG peut conduire une surestimation de la capacité disponible. / Double-stack trains are an important component of the railroad transport network for containerized cargo in specific markets such as North America. The load planning problem embodies an operational problem commonly faced in rail terminals by operators. It consists in optimizing the assignment of containers to specific locations on the train. The work in this thesis is centered around a scientific paper on the optimization on load planning problem for double stack-trains, published in the European Journal of Operation Research (Volume 267, Issue 1, Pages 1-398) on 16 May 2018. In the paper, we formulated an ILP model and made a number of contributions. First, we proposed a general methodology that can deal with double- or single-stack railcars with arbitrary loading patterns. The patterns account for loading dependencies between the platforms on a given railcar. Second, we modeled Center of gravity (COG) restrictions, stacking rules and a number of technical loading restrictions associated with certain types of containers and/or goods. Results show that we can solve realistic size instances in reasonable time using a commercial ILP solver and we illustrate that failing to account for containers-to-cars matching as well as COG restrictions may lead to an overestimation of the available train capacity.

An investigation into the efficiency of the port / rail interface at the Port of Durban

Foolchand, Paris 30 June 2006 (has links)
Trade liberalization and resultantly globalization has led to the relative free flow of goods, services, capital and people. The transport system in South Africa must be highly reliable and rapid to contribute to economic development. The focus of this research study is on the Port/Rail Interface in the Port of Durban which critically assesses the transfer of goods particularly from rail transport to and from vessels within the port precinct. Some of the major constraints identified in the study related to poor infrastructure, operations and levels of services; lack of maintenance, availability of rolling stock, locomotives and cargo stacking space. Transnet's role is pivotal in providing efficient port and rail operations and is currently upgrading infrastructure, operations and capacity of the port and rail services. One of the main objectives of the study is to present recommendations to Transnet management that arise out of the shortcomings identified during the course of the research study. / Transport Economics / M. Comm.

L'aménagement des centres-villes : la mobilité, vecteur et acteur de la centralité urbaine / Core-city planning : mobility as vector and actor in urban centrality / L'acondicionamiento de los centros de las ciudades : la mobilidad, vector y actor de la centralidad urbana

Macario, Mélanie 20 January 2012 (has links)
L'aménagement des centres-villes est ici rapproché des mutations politiques, économiques, sociales et religieuses qui ont marqué l'évolution de notre société et ont progressivement transformé la structure et les usages de la ville. Alors que celle-ci s'organisait auparavant autour d'un centre unique, puissant, fédérateur et symbolique, elle s'articule aujourd'hui, sous l'effet de la métropolisation, autour de plusieurs lieux de centralité obéissant chacun à des logiques et à des finalités propres. Face à ces changements structurels, le centre-ville fait l'objet de nouvelles formes d'appropriation qui tendent à remettre en cause son rôle dans le système urbain. Moteur de la cité, le centre ne fonctionne pas en autarcie : bien au contraire, il est dans un rapport constant avec ce qui l'entoure et doit être appréhendé dans sa globalité. Aménager le centre-ville suppose de comprendre la relation unissant ce lieu, reflet d'une certaine fixité du fait de fortes densités urbaines, avec le reste de la ville, caractérisé à l'inverse par une mobilité généralisée. A l'appui d'une analyse rétrospective, cette approche systémique s'inscrit à contre courant de la vision sectorielle du droit de l'urbanisme et vise à démontrer la relation entre l'échec des politiques d'aménagement des centres-villes et celui des politiques d'urbanisation de la périphérie. Parallèlement, le retour à la ville « compacte » préconisé par les pouvoirs publics en vue de limiter l'étalement urbain et les déplacements automobiles soulève une problématique récurrente de l'aménagement des centres : celle de concilier leurs densités et leur accessibilité / In this study, core-city planning is compared with the major political, economic, social and religious mutations that have marked the evolution of our society and have gradually transformed the structure and uses of the city. While it was previously organized around a single powerful, unifying and symbolic centre, today as a result of metropolisation the city is structured around several poles of centrality each in accordance with a specific logic and purpose. Faced with these structural changes, the core-city is subject to new forms of appropriation, which challenge its role in the urban system. As the driving force of the city, the core-city does not exist in isolation: on the contrary, it is in constant interaction with its surroundings and so must be apprehended in its globality. Urban planning and development requires understanding the link between this core, which reflects a certain stability due to high urban density, and the rest of the city, characterized on the contrary by generalized mobility. Based on a retrospective analysis, this systemic approach goes counter to the sectoral vision of urban planning laws and is intended to demonstrate the relationship between the failure of both the core-city planning policies and the planning policies of the periphery. At the same time, a government-advocated return to the "compact city" in order to limit urban sprawl and automobile traffic raises a recurring problem in core-city planning: how to reconcile their density with their accessibility

Urbanismo e mobilidade na metropóle paulistana : estudo de caso : o Parque Dom Pedro II / Urbanism and mobility in the São Paulo metropolis. Case study: Parque Dom Pedro II

Silva, Tomas André Rebollo Figueiredo da 01 June 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca as diretrizes de reinserção urbana da área do Parque Dom Pedro II em São Paulo, partindo da constatação de seu papel atual de polo de mobilidade metropolitano e apoiando-se em exemplos internacionais de projetos de renovação urbana de áreas associadas à reforma ou construção de grandes estações intermodais. Este percurso se organiza em três eixos investigativos, correspondentes aos três capítulos da dissertação. Inicialmente a área do Parque Dom Pedro II é abordada empregando-se um método de análise urbanística que busca, em sua trajetória histórica e em suas características físicas e funcionais atuais, as pautas para planejamento e projeto para sua reinserção na cidade. Em seguida, no segundo capítulo, são abordadas as teorias urbanísticas mais recentes que tratam das metrópoles contemporâneas, com ênfase para o papel que as redes de mobilidade e os pontos de interface com a cidade, os polos de mobilidade metropolitanos, cumprem na organização e na estruturação destes vastos territórios urbanizados. Este capítulo pretende facilitar a compreensão do papel que a área de estudo pode vir a cumprir dentro da atual lógica de funcionamento da metrópole paulistana, atualizando o significado dos elementos analisados no primeiro capítulo. Finalmente, no terceiro capítulo, as características tipológicas e morfológicas dos polos de mobilidade metropolitanos, enquanto trechos específicos da cidade - como peças urbanas - e de seus principais elementos constituintes, as grandes estações intermodais, são analisadas através de um breve histórico da relação entre mobilidade, urbanismo e arquitetura, desde as propostas das megaestruturas imaginadas por arquitetos nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 até os exemplos contemporâneos de projetos urbanos associados a cinco estações europeias, reformadas ou construídas recentemente: Euralille em Lille, King\'s Cross e Saint Pancras em Londres, HauptBahnhof em Berlim, La Sagrera em Barcelona e Porta Susa em Turim. Fechando o terceiro capítulo um pequeno histórico das experiências de desenho urbano associadas à construção do metrô paulistano pretende aproximar as questões levantadas à realidade de São Paulo. Em vez de uma conclusão definitiva sobre uma solução projetual acabada para o Parque Dom Pedro II, um epílogo relaciona as questões abordadas nos três capítulos precedentes com o intuito de oferecer parâmetros para um plano e para a ação projetual para a área / This study seeks the guidelines for the urban reintegration of the Parque Dom Pedro II area in Sao Paulo, based on the finding of its current role as a metropolitan mobility hub and relying on international examples of urban renewal projects in areas associated with the renovation or construction of major intermodal stations. This path is organized into three investigative axes corresponding to the three chapters of the study. Initially the area of Parque Dom Pedro II is addressed by employing a method of urban analysis which seeks, through its historical trajectory and its current physical and functional characteristics, the guidelines for planning and design for its reintegration in the city. Then, in the second chapter, the most recent urban theories that address the contemporary metropolis are discussed, with emphasis on the role that mobility networks and its interface points with the city, the metropolitan mobility hubs, perform in the organization and structuring of these vast urbanized territories. This chapter is intended to facilitate the understanding of the role that the study area is likely to meet within the logics of operation in place in the Sao Paulo metropolis, updating the meaning of the urban elements analyzed in the first chapter. Finally, in the third chapter, the typological and morphological characteristics of the metropolitan mobility hubs, considered as specific areas of the city - as urban parts - and its main constituents, the major intermodal stations, are analyzed through a brief history of the relationship between mobility, urbanism and architecture, from the proposals of megastructures imagined by architects in the 1950s and 1960s to the contemporary examples of urban projects associated with five renovated or newly designed European stations: Euralille in Lille, King\'s Cross and Sait Pancras in London, HauptBahnhof in Berlin, La Sagrera in Barcelona and Porta Susa in Turin. Closing the third chapter a brief history of the experiences of urban design associated with the construction of the Sao Paulo subway system and stations aims to bring the issues raised closer to the reality of Sao Paulo. Instead of a definitive conclusion about a finished design solution to the area of Parque Dom Pedro II, an epilogue relates the issues addressed in the three previous chapters in order to provide parameters for planning and design in the area.

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