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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The connection between female business-owners and female lawyers and its impact on making partner

Messamer, Gina Marie 01 July 2013 (has links)
The success of firm lawyers depends largely upon their ability to develop a clientele. Naturally, access to potential clients and the relationships between lawyers and their clients and potential clients are exceedingly important for client development. Various factors likely play into relationships between lawyers and business leaders, two important factors being homophily and in-group preferences. Both homophily and in-group preferences mechanisms would predict that law firms are more likely to assign clients to associates who bear certain similarities to those clients. Accordingly, associates who are more similar to the business community they serve are more likely to be assigned clients and awarded responsibility. In this way, a lawyers' success depends in part on the composition of the business community in which they operate. In making partnership decisions, law firms value associates' aptitude for client relations, thus incorporating these effects into promotion evaluations. This study asks the question: at the state level, to what extent does the success of female-owned businesses correlate to the success of female lawyers who work at law firms? Using a national survey of lawyers seven years after admission to the bar, logistic regression demonstrates that it is not the percentage of businesses in a state that are female-owned that influences the likelihood of making partner for female associates. Rather, the results show that the percentage of sales generated by female-owned businesses is the influential variable: as women generate a greater percent of a state's economic activity, female lawyers are in turn more likely to achieve the status of partner.


Johnson, Lauren 01 January 2019 (has links)
Using an adaptation of O’Connor and Shumate’s (2018) theoretical propositions, this research examines interorganizational communication through the lens of multidimensional networks. Twitter data was crawled from a selection of emergency management organization accounts to measure affinity, representational, flow, and semantic networks. These data included the organizations’ followed accounts, retweets, replies, and mentions. A thematic analysis of the organizations’ mission statements was also conducted in order to inform the examination of the semantic networks. The results show a significant relationship between the number of accounts an organization follows and the likelihood of having its message shared. This research provides a further theoretical application of a network analysis method of studying interorganizational communication as well as a practical application for organizations seeking to increase their engagement on Twitter.

Guanxi in Inter-firm relationship management in China.

Li, Xiaobei, Organisation & Management, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
The interaction of the personnel boundary in inter-firm relationship management is viewed as particularistic in China instead of universalistic as in many Western cultures. Specifically, guanxi networks, the Chinese system of inter-personal relationship, have strong strategic implications for business interactions. The practices of guanxi and the social norms associated with guanxi are complicated. On the one hand, guanxi practices can be traced back to Confucianism; on the other hand, guanxi???s significance has been changing in line with China???s economic reform. In this research, we have attempted to find what presently constitutes good guanxi in inter-firm relationship management against this dynamic backdrop. Additionally, from the transaction cost economies (TCE) perspective, we provide an analysis that guanxi-based business practices offer transaction cost advantages as an alternative to market-based practices. We argue that such advantages partially result from guanxi???s effect on the reduction of opportunist behaviors. Backed up by 97 questionnaire responses from firms in Shanghai and 15 semi-structured interviews, our study confirms that, in inter-firm relationships management, trust, affection and long-term orientation are features of close guanxi. To enhance guanxi quality, familiarization by self-disclosure and the presence of mutual benefits are also necessary, providing practical implications for business practitioners in China. Our study also indicates that guanxi business partners are expected to be obligational in business and flexible in contingencies. Opportunistic behaviors can be mitigated by adopting guanxi practices, supporting the TCE logic. In an absence of a rationalized legal system, guanxi may fill the gaps in the enforcement of the written contract.N

跨組織資訊系統採用模式的研究--以臺灣製造業為例 / A study of the adoption mode in the interorganizational information system--for the manufacturing industrial in Taiwan

陳大誠, Chen, Da-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
「跨組織資訊系統」(Interorganizational information system; IOS)為不同組織間建立了彼此資料流通的管道,也增強了組織間的合作關係。隨著網際網路(Internet)應用的盛行,使得跨越不同組織界限,甚至穿越國界的資訊交流更加便捷。本研究主要是收集國內外對於跨組織資訊系統採用的相關文獻,建構跨組織資訊系統的採用模式,以臺灣一千大製造業為研究對象,以瞭解現行臺灣製造業在跨組織資訊系統的使用情形,並特別比較不同採用因素(組織、跨組織、環境)對扮演角色(主動促進、被動接受)與採用目的(交易需求、決策支援)的影響及對未採用跨組織資訊系統的原因探討。 經過問卷的設計、預試、修改、發放到回收,總共寄發一千份,回收二百三十一份,回收率23.1%。結果顯示共有42.9%的製造業採用跨組織資訊系統,主要是透過電子資料交換、電子郵件的方式來進行資料交換,其中汽車及零件業的採用比率較高。就採用模式而言,屬於主動促進者與被動接受者的比例相當,而採用目的多為交易需求(63.6%);權力關係較大、組織策略較著重IOS,及高階主管的支持會影響建置跨組織資訊系統時扮演主動促進者的角色,反之則扮演被動接受者的角色;而依存關係較大則會促使組織在建置跨組織資訊系統時,同時兼具交易需求及決策支援的功能。而在未採用跨組織資訊系統的原因,依重要性順序包括工作流程不重要、不著重IOS投資、不影響市場的競爭性、權力關係不足、無公會推動、信任關係不足、無政府推動、無特定依存關係。 / "Interorganizational Information Systems" (IOS) build the channel for information exchange between different organizations. With the wider applications of the Internet , they make the information flows across the border of the organizations or nations more convenient and fast. To begin with the study, the literature review regarding IOS was conducted to build a conceptual research model. Then the questionnaire was developed, pretested, modified and then mailed. It surveys the managers of information departments of the top 1000 manufacturing companies in Taiwan and reports status of IOS. Two hundreds and thirty-one in this study, giving a response rate of 23.1%. There were 42.9% of these companies which adopt IOS for information exchange, using electronic data interchange (EDI) , electronic mail or extranet. The automobile and accessories industry has higher adoption rate. Among this companies, the proactive companies are nearly equal to the reactive ones, and most companies adopt IOS for transaction processing (63.6%). More power ' the organizational stratgey on IOS with emphasis, and the support of top managers can make companies proactive to adopt the IOS; and more dependent relationship would facilitate companies to adopt IOS for both transaction processing and decision support. The factors for not adopting IOS are that the IOS is unimportant to work, it is not scheduled for investment, it don't affect market competitiveness , the company don't have enough power, the unions never promote the IOS, the partners don't have enough trust, the government don't advocate the IOS, and the partners don't have deeper dependency relationship.

Supporting families through collaboration : an analysis of Oregon Even Start partnerships

Brinkman, Dane A. 30 June 1998 (has links)
In recent years interorganizational collaboration has increasingly been emphasized as an important step for addressing inefficiencies in the delivery of human services. Among the many benefits of collaboration described by human service authors are the creation of a more consumer-friendly service system, more efficient use of available resources, and avoiding service duplication. During the Spring and Summer of 1996, six focus groups were conducted in Oregon to assess the quality of collaboration between local social service providers and Even Start, a federally funded family literacy program. The federal Even Start legislation required that all Even Start programs collaborate with social service providers in their local communities to improve services for families and avoid duplication of services. This study examined data from the Even Start focus groups using a three-level hierarchical model to determine the approximate level of collaboration that existed in each of six Even Start communities. Results of the analysis indicated that collaboration in three of the six Even Start communities was at or near coordination, the middle level of the three-level model. Collaboration in the other three communities appeared to be somewhere below the lowest level of the model, cooperation. Although agencies at such a minimal level of collaboration may consider each other partners, they are likely to have limited knowledge about each other's operations and clients. Because three of six Even Start communities fit below the lowest level of the model, the model had limited utility for this analysis. However, for interagency relationships at higher levels, the model was effective in helping to find the approximate intensity of collaboration. Although the primary focus of the model used in this analysis was on collaboration intensity, a comprehensive evaluation of collaboration would include numerous additional variables, especially outcomes related to the purposes of the interagency relationship. Several lessons learned during the course of this study have implications for future research. First, by creating data sets that are amenable to examination from multiple perspectives, qualitative methods offer unique flexibility for data collection in secondary circumstances such as the present study. Second, it is likely that collaboration in occurs in varied patterns, few of which resemble the highest levels of collaboration advocated by authors in the field. Finally, rather than broadly encouraging human service organizations to move toward the highest levels of collaboration, researchers need to provide answers to basic questions about what forms of collaboration are most helpful, in which circumstances, and why. / Graduation date: 1999

Produktutveckling i samarbete : strukturförändring vid införande av nya informationssystem

Nittmar, Henrik January 2000 (has links)
Eftersom komplexa produkter innehåller många och skilda teknologier är det ofta omöjligt för en enskild organisation att utveckla dessa i egen regi. Därför sker produktutveckling i samverkan mellan organisationer – i så kallade interorganisatoriska samarbeten. Efterhand som produkterna i vår omvärld blir alltmer komplexa, ökar förekomsten av denna typ av utvecklingssamarbeten. Integrering av de olika bidragen i produktutvecklingsprojekten kräver att organisationerna kommunicerar med varandra. Genom kommunikation ges förutsättning för ömsesidiga anpassningar av planer, samt av tekniska lösningar och administration. Informationsteknologin öppnar nu nya vägar för kommunikation mellan organisationer, bland annat genom att deras olika datorsystem länkas samman och bildar ’interorganisatoriska informationssystem’. Dessa system ger möjligheter att effektivisera integrationsarbetet mellan parterna. Frågan som ställs i avhandlingen är hur samarbetsformerna mellan olika organisationer kan komma att förändras när interorganisatoriska system används för komplex produktutveckling. I studien identifieras förändring i tre organisationsdimensioner: aktörsstrukturen, aktivitetsstrukturen och kommunikationsstrukturen. Samtidigt som de nya informationssystemen ger möjlighet att dela upp arbetet mellan de inblandade aktörerna på hittills oprövade sätt, medför de också att rikedomen i den interorganisatoriska kommunikationen minskar. Detta ger behov av anpassningar i nätverket. Studien visar på att behovet kan tillgodoses med hjälp en intermediär aktörskategori som agerar översättare och anpassar arbetet till systemintegratörens krav och arbetssätt. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan

Interorganisatoriska Samarbeten i Byggprojekt : En Kontraktsansats / Interorganizational Involvement in Construction Projects : a Contractual Approach

Patring, Michael, Nord, Jörgen January 2002 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskningen kring projekt har under senare år ökat i omfattning. En anledning är att projektorganiseringen utgör ett sätt att samla ett antal specialister för att få dem att samverka mot ett gemensamt mål. Utöver de interna relationer som uppstår i projekt förekommer det även involvering av interorganisatoriska partners i samarbetet vilket är speciellt vanligt i byggprojekt som karaktäriseras av en hög grad av interorganisatorisk specialisering. Problemformuleringar: Den utpräglade specialiseringen inom byggprojekt fordrar som all annan typ av specialisering, samordning och koordinering av resurser med den skillnaden att det här handlar om samordning över de organisatoriska gränserna. Det som denna studie behandlar är därför de relationer byggföretag har till sina underentreprenörer i samband medbyggprojekt. Fokus ligger på hur företag kan samverka vertikalt i förädlingskedjan för att på detta sätt uppnå konkurrensfördelar. Syfte: Syftet med denna magisteruppsats är att utforska styrning och kontraktering av interorganisatoriska relationer för projektbaserad byggverksamhet. Utöver detta är syftet att specificera en optimala relationen mellan byggherre och underentreprenör för de fall som studien omfattar. Avgränsningar: Studien har avgränsats till att endast innefatta relationen mellan byggherre och underentreprenör. Genomförande: Studien har genomförts med grund i kontraktsansatsen genom intervjuer på två byggföretag med olika strategi, storlek och geografisk placering. Resultat: Resultatet visar att en optimal relation mellan byggherre och underentreprenör är avhängigt av i vilken grad samverkan kan ledan till utveckling hos de båda parterna. Alltför omfattande outsourcing av tjänster kan vara negativt precis som alltför täta relationer. Därför är situationen helt avgörande. Ger även stöd åt- samt utvecklar Alvesson&Lindkvists teori om ekonomisk kooperativa klaner. / Background: Business research focusing on different aspects of project work has recently increased. One reason is that project teams can be used as an effec- tive means of getting specialists from different parts of a business to work to- wards a common goal. In addition to the internal project relations that charac- terize project work, some businesses have also shown evidence of involving ex- ternal parties in projects. This is particularly common for construction projects where a large number of firms enter a project in order to achieve a high degree of interorganizational specialisation. Purpose: The high extent of specialization within the construction industry in- creases the need for coordination of resources among participating firms. This thesis relates to this coordination with special regard to the relation between contractor and sub-contractor and the involvement of subcontractorsin the verti-cal dimension of the supply chain. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the procurement phases related to the involvement of subcontractors in con-struction projects. Further, the study aims at specifying the optimal relations between main- and sub contractor for the construction firms researched. D elimitation: This thesis is solely focusing on the relations between main con- tractor and sub-contractor and is not dealing with other parties involved in con-struction projects. Realization: The research material for this thesis has been obtained through in- terviews with employees of two Swedish construction firms that differ in strat- egy, size and geographical location. Conclusion: The concluding remarks of the study indicate that the optimal rela- tion between main- and sub contractor is highly dependent on in what ways the relations may lead to long-term development for the parties. A high extent of outsourcing from the main contractor as well as too extensive partnering rela- tions may lead to substantial disadvantages in development for both firms. Therefore the environment in which the main contractor is operating is of great importance to the decision on how to handle subcontractor relations. The study also gives insights into the clan literature and supports and extends the theory of economic cooperative clans, developed by Mats Alvesson&Lars Lindkvist.

Digital Integration: Understanding the Concept and its Environmental Predictors

Checchi, Ricardo M. 18 August 2008 (has links)
This study investigates the impact of environmental factors on the decision to electronically integrate operations with international customers and/or suppliers. The following research question motivates the study: How does the environmental context affect the level of electronic integration of an organization with its international partners? This study elaborates on the concept of electronic integration. Studies on integration in general and electronic integration in particular adopt a loose definition of integration: they all agree in that integration is the opposite of markets, but they define this opposite in different terms: relationship contracting, long-term contracting, coordination, etc. Finally, the study also responds to Wathne and Heide’s (2004) call for a more comprehensive study of governance mechanisms in B2B, with emphasis on monitoring mechanisms.

Implementing sustainability in large public organizations: impacts of bureaucracy

Keysar, Elizabeth J. 09 April 2013 (has links)
Environmental Planning theory tells us that continued improvement in environmental outcomes will require new approaches that are voluntary; behavior change will come from within organizations, not imposed from outside. The concept of sustainability fits in this new phase of environmental planning and policy. In order for organizations to be successful in achieving sustainability goals, they must create an organizational context that produces innovative ideas (considered a strength of organic or learning organizations), along with an organizational context that effectively manages and implements continuous change (considered a strength of bureaucratic organizations). Effectively striking this balance appears to be a key component of making progress in sustainability for large public organizations. The research completed through this doctoral dissertation addresses gaps in the literature by asking the question: How have large public organizations implemented sustainability programs? A multiple case study design was used that examined three large public organizations that have adopted sustainability goals and established programs for achieving these goals. The data were analyzed based on a conceptual framework that predicts the types of activities and attributes organizations will exhibit to successfully achieve sustainability goals. The results demonstrate that sustainability implementation in these organizations is dependent upon leadership support, cross-functional teams, orientation to the external environment, effective management systems and consistent support over time. Bureaucratic organizations are structured to effectively accomplish the core mission, but if they also want to be more sustainable, they must adopt and promote more organic attributes to enable change, learning and innovation.

Interorganisatoriskt lärande : En studie kring ett lärarlags utvecklingsarbete / Interorganizational learning : A study of a teacher team development

Rosenqvist, Ulf January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Skolor och utbildningsprogram behöver ständigt utvecklas. Ett steg många skolor tar är att organisera lärarna i arbetslag. Det samhälls- och yrkesliv eleverna utbildas för ställer allt högre krav på styrkor i att definiera och lösa problem i ett förändringsarbete, ofta i grupp. Regeringen betonar att entreprenörskap och entreprenöriella kompetenser är viktiga förmågor för framtidens samhällsmedborgare. Traditionellt har lärare utvecklat sin kompetens och undervisning självständigt. Att delta i arbetslag ställer nya krav på ett fungerande utvecklingsarbete. Hur lär och utvecklas lärarna och hela arbetslaget? Denna studie kretsar kring delar från ett arbetslags utveckling av ett entreprenöriellt undervisningssätt. Undersökningen följer forskarens studiebesök på tre skolor och hur besöken implementeras i forskarens arbetslag. Resultaten diskuteras i förhållande till några begrepp inom organisatoriskt lärande.        Nyckelord: Interorganisatoriskt lärande, organisatoriskt lärande, entreprenörskap, entreprenöriellt lärande. / Abstract Schools and educational needs constantly evolving. One step many schools are taking is to organize teachers in teams. The social and professional life students are trained for is making increasing demands on the forces in defining and solving problems in a process of change, often in groups. The government stresses that entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial skills are important skills for future citizens. Traditionally, teachers have developed their skills and teaching independently. Participating in team places new demands on a functioning development. How does teacher and their team learn and development? This study revolves around the elements of a work team's development of an entrepreneurial teaching manner. The investigation follows the researcher's visits to three schools and how the visits applied in the researcher team. The results are discussed in relation to some concepts in organizational learning. Key Words Interorganizational learning, organizational learning, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning.

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