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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of Skeletal Muscle Mass Index, Intramuscular Adipose Tissue Content, and Visceral to Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Area Ratio on Early Mortality of Living Donor Liver Transplantation / 生体肝移植における骨格筋量、筋肉内脂肪および内臓脂肪肥満の意義

Hamaguchi, Yuhei 24 July 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第20620号 / 医博第4269号 / 新制||医||1023(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 坂井 義治, 教授 小西 靖彦, 教授 川口 義弥 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Use of Diverse Cattle Breeds to Understand Marbling Development and Growth for the Production of High-Quality Beef

Jaborek, Jerad R. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Faktorer som påverkar barnet i samband med intramuskulära injektioner : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Factors that affect children in the context of intramuscular injections : A systematic literature review

Bohman, Mikaela, Grimbeck, Ann January 2022 (has links)
Att lindra smärta är en basal mänsklig rättighet. Barn är extra utsatta i vården, de kan ha svårt att uttrycka egen vilja och får till skillnad från vuxna inte fatta egna beslut. Specialistsjuksköterskan måste därför värna om barnets autonomi och integritet. Rätt bemötande och förberedelse ökar tillit och trygghet liksom möjlighet att genomföra en nålprocedur på ett bra sätt. De underlag som finns tillgängliga idag upplevs dock inte ge tillräcklig vägledning för att säkerställa barnets rätt till adekvat stödjande metoder. Syftet var därför att kartlägga vad som påverkar barnets smärta och rädsla i samband med intramuskulära injektioner mellan noll och sex års ålder. En systematisk litteraturöversikt genomfördes. Resultatartiklarna söktes fram via databaserna Cinahl, Medline och PsycINFO och kvalitetsgranskades utifrån granskningsmallar Critical Appraisal Skill Programme [CASP]. Resultatet baseras på tolv kvantitativa studier och indikerar att föräldrars beteende påverkar barnet samt att information till föräldrar och barn, distraktion samt farmakologiska metoder påverkar barnet positivt. Det visar också på att tidigare smärtfylld upplevelse i samband med intramuskulära injektioner kan påverka barnet senare i livet. Endast genom att det finns risk för långsiktig påverkan måste barnets rättigheter och skyddsbehov bevakas. Slutsatsen är att barn och föräldrar bör erbjudas adekvat information och individuell stöttning. Barnets perspektiv måste synliggöras för att skapa en acceptabel situation för barnet. Som kliniska implikationer föreslås att distraktion och oral glukoslösning bör erbjudas frikostigt. Topikal anestesi bör erbjudas efter individuell bedömning. Huruvida två samtidiga injektioner bör användas kräver ytterligare studier. / Children are particularly vulnerable in the context of healthcare. Nurses must therefore protect the child's autonomy and integrity. Proper preparation and treatment increase trust as well as the ability to carry out the needle procedure, but available guidelines are not perceived to provide sufficient guidance to ensure the child’s right to adequate supportive methods. The aim of this study was therefore to identify what affects children's pain and distress in the context of intramuscular injections up to six years of age. A systematic literature review was conducted where scientific articles were searched via the databases Cinahl, Medline and PsycINFO and were quality-checked based on quality review template Critical Appraisal Skill Program [CASP]. The results, based on twelve quantitative studies, indicates that parents' behaviour affects the child and that information to parents and child, distraction, and pharmacological methods may lead to positive effects. Moreover, a previously painful experience in context of an intramuscular injection may affect the child later in life. Only by the risk of long-term impact the child's rights and need for protection should be safeguarded. Thus, children and parents should be offered adequate information and individual support. The child’s perspective must be made visible to create an acceptable situation for the child. As clinical implications, it is suggested that distraction and oral glucose solution should be offered generously. Topical anesthesia should be offered after individual assessment. Whether two simultaneous injections should be used requires further studies.

Développement de résistances bactériennes suite à l'administration d'enrofloxacine par voie orale, intramusculaire et locale chez un modèle porcin

Béraud, Romain January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Avaliação da arquitetura óssea, da adiposidade da medula óssea e dos lipídeos intramusculares no diabetes melito tipo 2 / Evaluation of bone architecture, bone marrow adipose tissue and intramuscular lipids in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Araujo, Iana Mizumukai de 13 March 2019 (has links)
O diabetes melito tipo 2 é uma doença com alta prevalência e suas consequências vão além das doenças cardiovasculares. A fragilidade óssea foi recentemente incorporada à lista de suas complicações. Paradoxalmente, a massa óssea do DM2 é normal ou elevada quando comparada à da população normoglicêmica. Assim, torna-se necessário explorar outras ferramentas capazes de inferir parâmetros de qualidade óssea bem como de outros mecanismos que levam a fragilidade óssea no DM2. O objetivo do trabalho é caracterizar o fenótipo ósseo trabecular em pacientes com DM2 e avaliar a influência do tecido adiposo da medula óssea, do acúmulo de gordura muscular e da resistência à insulina sobre o tecido ósseo. Foram realizados exames de espectroscopia por ressonância magnética de coluna lombar, espectroscopia do músculo sóleo e imagem 3D por ressonância magnética na região proximal da tíbia para avaliação de osso trabecular. Exames de densitometria óssea foram realizados para quantificar a massa óssea e também a composição corporal dos indivíduos estudados. O escore trabecular ósseo (TBS) foi analisado na coluna lombar. Foram realizados exames bioquímicos para identificar alterações em potenciais moduladores da remodelação óssea originados em tecidos mesenquimais não mineralizados. Foram avaliados 3 grupos: controle, obeso e diabético tipo 2. Os resultados mostram que os indivíduos diabéticos não possuem prejuízo de massa óssea, nem alterações no trabeculado ósseo da tíbia proximal. Não foi observada alteração no tecido adiposo da medula óssea e não houve relação deste sítio de armazenamento de gordura com a massa óssea. Os resultados mostraram que a massa gorda e os lipídeos intramusculares tiveram relação negativa com o TBS e a massa magra mostrou relação positiva com a densidade mineral óssea. Possivelmente, este é o primeiro estudo na literatura em que se avaliou a estrutura óssea no diabetes melito tipo 2 por meio de ressonância magnética. Os dados reafirmam não haver alterações quantitativas estruturais óssea nesta condição, indicando que a fragilidade óssea observada em estudos populacionais no DM2 se deve provavelmente a prejuízo na qualidade óssea. Este trabalho reforça que a resistência à insulina não tem efeitonegativo sobre a massa óssea. O CTX, a osteocalcina e a adiponectina parecem ter importante papel na determinação dos parâmetros do trabeculado ósseo / Type 2 diabetes is a high prevalence disease and its complications go beyond the cardiovascular diseases. Bone fragility was recently added to the list of the type 2 diabetes complications. Paradoxically, in type 2 diabetes, the bone mass is normal or elevated in comparison to the normoglycemic subjects. Thus, it is necessary to explore other tools to improve the bone evaluation in type 2 diabetes. The aim of this study was to characterize the trabecular bone phenotype in patients with type 2 diabetes and to evaluate the influence of bone marrow adipose tissue, accumulation of muscle fat and insulin resistance in bone mass. Lumbar spine and proximal tibia magnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to quantify bone marrow adipose tissue, 3D imaging by Magnetic Resonance of proximal tibia was used to quantify the trabeculae. Bone densitometry was performed to quantify the bone mineral density and also the body composition. Trabecular bone score (TBS) was measure in lumbar spine. Biochemical tests were carried out to evaluate the potential modulators of bone metabolism. Three groups were evaluated: control, obese and type 2 diabetic. The results show that diabetic individuals have no bone mass impairment and no alterations in the proximal tibia trabeculae. No alteration was observed in the the bone marrow adipose tissue of and there was no relationship of this site of fat storage with the mass. The results showed that fat mass and intramuscular lipids had a negative correlation with TBS, and lean mass showed a positive correlation with bone mineral density. As well as we know, this is the first study in the literature in which the bone structure in type 2 diabetes mellitus was evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging. These data reaffirm that there are no quantitative structural changes in bone in this condition, indicating that the bone fragility observed in DM2 populational studies is probably due to impairment in bone quality. CTX, osteocalcin and adiponectin seems to have an important role in determining in the trabeculae

Fleischleistung und Fleischqualität bei Weidenkälbern unter Berücksichtigung des mit Videobildanalyse bestimmten Fettanteils im M. longissimus dorsi

Sanaa, Djamel 14 February 2010 (has links)
Um Leistungsniveau, systematische Effekte und phänotypische Korrelationen zu schätzen, wurden bei 276 Weidekälbern verschiedener Genotypen aus der Mutterkuhhaltung (Material I) Merkmale der Fleischleistung und der Fleisch¬qualität erfasst und ausgewertet. Neben den Identitäts- und Lebensdaten der Tiere wurden die folgenden Merkmale der Fleischleistung einbezogen: Alter beim Schlachten, Lebendgewicht, Lebenstagszunahme, Schlachtkörper¬gewicht, Nettozunahme sowie die Komponenten der Handelsklasse, also Fleischigkeitsklasse und Fettgewebeklasse. / In order to estimate performance level, systematic effects and phenotypic correlations, characteristics of meat performance and meat quality were recorded and analysed in 276 weaning calves of different genotypes from cow-calf operations (material I). In addition to identity and basic life data, the following characteristics of meat performance were included: age at slaughter, live weight, daily gain, carcass weight, net gain as well as the components of the carcass grade, grade for meatiness and grade for fat¬ness. The following characteristics of meat quality were measured on the meat probes 48 hours and 14 days resp. after slaughter: pH-value (pH1, pH2), meat colour with lightness L* (L*1, L*2) redness a* (a*1, a*2) and yellowness b* (b*1, b*2), Warner-Bratzler shearforce raw (WBS1, WBS2) and cooked (WBS3) as well as intramuscular fat content (IMF).

Développement de résistances bactériennes suite à l'administration d'enrofloxacine par voie orale, intramusculaire et locale chez un modèle porcin

Béraud, Romain January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Etude biomécanique in vivo de la fonction veineuse et lymphatique normale et pathologique / In vivo biomechanical evaluation of normal and pathological venous and lymphatic function in human

Mestre, Sandrine 20 September 2017 (has links)
La prise en charge de l’insuffisance veineuse chronique (IVC) et du lymphœdème repose, traditionnellement, sur des méthodes de compression fondées sur des concepts généralement admis mais insuffisamment éprouvés. Le Projet « Phlébosthène », initié en 2010, comporte le développement et l’application d’outils d’étude biomécanique quantitative de l’œdème et des troubles fonctionnels veineux. Les études n°1 et 2 reposaient sur la volumétrie par mesures étagées de circonférence du membre supérieur chez des patientes présentant un lymphœdème. Elles ont montré la valeur prédictive des variations de volume obtenues par la phase intensive du traitement décongestif quant à l’évolution du lymphœdème à moyen terme et au risque de phénomène de rebond. L’étude n°3 a validé la volumétrie de membre par caméra laser 3D chez des sujets sains et des patients souffrant d’insuffisance veineuse chronique du membre inférieur, en comparaison à la volumétrie par déplacement d’eau, méthode de référence, avec l’avantage majeur de quantifier le volume du pied et de la main. L’étude n°4 comportait, au membre inférieur, la mesure des pressions d’interface, intraveineuse, et intramusculaire sans et avec orthèse de compression dégressive de force 2 et 3, et avec orthèse de compression progressive, au repos, lors d’une manœuvre de flexion-extension du pied en position allongée, et lors d’une manœuvre de haussement sur la pointe des pieds en position debout. L’échographie avec mesure de la force d’appui sur la sonde et analyse automatique d’image calculant l’aire veineuse permettait de déterminer la courbe force / aire d’une veine superficielle et d’une veine profonde du mollet en position allongée et debout. Nous avons inclus 57 patients souffrant d’IVC (21 au stade C1s, 18 au stade C3, et 18 au stade C5 selon la classification CEAP), et 54 sujets sains témoins (18 sédentaires, 18 actifs, 18 sportifs) appariés. Les mesures de pression intraveineuse et intramusculaire ont été réalisées chez un tiers des patients et sujets sains. Le traitement des données échographiques (1776 séquences) étant en cours, nous ne pouvons présenter que des résultats préliminaires et partiels. Les pressions d’interface évoluaient conformément aux attentes, atteignant des valeurs plus élevées sous compression de force 2 que sans compression, sous compression de force 3 que de force 2, et sous compression progressive que sous compression de force 2 ou 3. La compression progressive ne se distinguait nettement des compressions dégressives qu’au niveau du mollet et non de la cheville. Les pressions d’interface étaient généralement plus élevées, sous compression, chez les témoins et les patients au stade C5, et, à un moindre degré, au stade C3, que chez les patients au stade C1s. La pression intraveineuse variait en fonction de la posture et du mouvement et était corrélée à la taille du sujet et sa longueur de jambe en orthostatisme ainsi qu’avec le stade clinique d’IVC. La pression intramusculaire évoluait parallèlement à la compression. Les boucles force / aire veineuse montraient une hystérésis caractéristique, décrivant donc la viscoélasticité des veines examinées. L’analyse complète des résultats permettra de comparer les différentes orthèses de compression et leur effet sur la biomécanique veineuse des sujets sains et pathologiques, avec des données quantitatives sur les caractéristiques viscoélastiques des veines. Nous pourrons évaluer l’effet de l’activité physique en comparant les sujets sédentaires, actifs, et sportifs. L’objectif est, à terme, de produire un modèle mathématique permettant, à partir d’un ensemble limité de données obtenues de façon non-vulnérante, de prédire l’effet des différentes modalités de compression sur la biomécanique veineuse de façon à pouvoir déterminer, grâce à la description géométrique tridimensionnelle du membre, les paramètres individuels optimaux de compression. / The conventional treatment of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) and lymphedema is based upon mechanical compression, relying on generally admitted but insufficiently proven concepts. The " Phlebosthene " project, initiated in 2010, involves the development and implementation of innovative tools for the quantitative biomechanical evaluation of edema and venous disorders. Studies #1 and #2 were based on the calculation of the upper limb volume by serial circumference measurements in patients with lymphedema. They demonstrated the predictive value of volume variations during the intensive phase of decongestive therapy as for the medium-term outcome and the risk of rebound phenomenon. Study #3 validated segmental limb volumetry by 3D laser scanning in healthy subjects and in patients with lower limb CVI, in comparison with water displacement (reference method), with the major advantage of quantifying the volume of the foot and toes. Study #4 included the measurement, at the lower limb, of interface, intravenous, and intramuscular pressure without and with compression stockings, comparing force 2 and force 3 graduated stockings with so-called progressive compression. Measurements were performed at rest, during flexion-extension movements of the foot while the subject was lying supine, and during a tip-toe test in the standing position. Synchronously recorded B-mode sonography with automatic image analysis allowed calculating the venous area and provided force / area curves of superficial and deep calf veins in the supine and in the standing position. We included 57 patients with CVI (21 at the C1s, 18 at the C3 and 18 at the C5 stage of CVI according to the CEAP classification), and 54 matched healthy controls (18 sedentary, 18 active, 18 sportive). Intravenous and intramuscular pressure measurements were performed in one third of patients. As the processing of the 1776 B-mode sonographic sequences is still underway, we can only offer here partial and preliminary results. Interface pressures evolved as expected, reaching higher values under graduated force 2 compression stockings than without compression, under graduated force 3 than force 2 compression, and under progressive than under graduated compression. Progressive compression clearly distinguished itself from graduated compression only at the calf but not at the ankle level. Interface pressures were generally higher, under compression, in controls and in patients with IVC at the C5 stage, and, to a lesser degree, at the C3 stage, than in patients at the C1s stage. Intravenous pressure varied with posture and movement and correlated with the subject’s size and leg length in orthostatic position, and with the CVI stage. The force / area curves of superficial and deep calf veins exhibited a characteristic hysteresis, yielding viscoelasticity information. When the database will be complete and consolidated, we will be able to compare different compression stockings and their effect on the venous biomechanics of healthy and pathological subjects, providing quantitative data on the viscoelastic characteristics of superficial and deep veins. We will also be able to assess the effect of physical activity on venous biomechanics by comparing sedentary, active, and sportive subjects. The confrontation of interface, intravenous, and intramuscular pressures with these biomechanical data will provide a mathematical model using a limited set of data obtained by simple and non-invasive measurements to predict the effect of compression stockings on the biomechanics of superficial and deep veins, in order to determine, with the help of 3D laser scanning, the optimal individual compression settings.

Comparação dos estratos anatômicos das regiões ventroglútea e vasto lateral da coxa em recém-nascidos: análise da enfermagem para a prática de injeções. / Comparison of the anatomical strata of the ventrogluteal and vastus lateral regions of the thigh in newborns: nursing analysis for the practice of injections.

Lima, Beatriz Santana de Souza 17 March 2014 (has links)
The understanding of the needs of the child becomes a significant element to enhance protective measures of the development of the newborn (NB). In order to provide a nursing care with quality, one should require a change in thinking and attitudes, which is only possible with the basis of scientific knowledge. It was observed a gap in national and international literature in relation to the best place for intramuscular injections in newborns. Accordingly, the objective was to comparatively analyze the anatomical strata (skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle) of ventrogluteal and vastus lateralis regions of thigh in full- term neonates regarding the effectiveness for intramuscular injections in relation to the 20x5,5mm needle. This is an evaluative, exploratory and quantitative research, developed in the sectors of Maternity and of Radiology and Images, situated in the Outpatient Unit of the University Hospital Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA), in Maceió/AL. The sample was composed of 100 full-term neonates, with collection period from the day of January 30th, 2013, to January 15th, 2014. Ethical aspects were respected (REC). For statistical analysis, tables containing descriptive statistics for each variable were elaborated. Quantitative variables were represented by average, standard deviation, median, minimum and maximum values. Nominal variables were represented by frequency and percentage. In order to investigate the correlation of quantitative variables, the Pearson’s coefficient was calculated. The comparison between groups was performed by means of ANOVA. A significance level of 5% was used. The analyses were processed through the use of the softwares R, version 3, and KNIME, version 2.8. As results, it was obtained a similar distribution between the genders in the sample, 50%. As for color, most are mixed (56%) and the lowest percentage corresponds to blacks (10%). Research subjects have an average of three days of life. The average and median weight found was 9.8219oz and the height was 18.9 inches. When the comparison of ventrogluteal (V) and vastus lateralis (L) regions in relation to the gender of NBs was separately evaluated, no significant differences were found, which indicates no difference between these measurements of regions and gender of the newborn. This was verified for all anatomical strata investigated in the study, with P-value> 0.35. The Strata of Muscle (L) and of Subcutaneous Skin (L) had a negative coefficient, but these and the other variables showed no correlation with age. With the exception of the stratum of Muscle (V) of the stratum of Subcutaneous Skin (V), which showed a weak correlation with BMI, the other variables did not indicated such correlation. Thus, it was found that both the ventrogluteal region and the vastus lateralis of thigh contain safe anatomical strata, regardless of gender and color, for the use of the 20x5,5mm needle in intramuscular injections in NB. Nevertheless, the vastus lateralis region showed a relatively higher stratum, with lowest stratum of subcutaneous tissue in comparison with the ventrogluteal region. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / O entendimento sobre as necessidades da criança torna-se um elemento significativo para incrementar medidas protetoras do desenvolvimento do recém-nascido (RN). Para que ocorra a qualidade do cuidado de enfermagem, exige-se mudança de pensamento e atitudes, possível apenas com base em conhecimentos científicos. Observou-se uma lacuna na literatura internacional e nacional sobre o melhor local para injeções intramusculares em recém- nascido. Dessa forma objetivou-se analisar comparativamente os estratos anatômicos (pele, tecido subcutâneo e músculo) das regiões de ventroglútea e vasto lateral da coxa em recém- nascidos a termo, quanto a eficácia para injeções intramuscular em relação à agulha 20x5,5mm. Pesquisa de avaliação, exploratória e quantitativa, desenvolvida no setor da Maternidade e Radiologia e Imagens e ambulatório do Hospital Universitário Professor Alberto Antunes (HUPAA), em Maceió/AL. A amostra foi composta por 100 neonatos nascidos a termo, com período de coleta 30 de janeiro de 2013 a 15 de janeiro de 2014. Os aspectos éticos foram respeitados (CEP). Para a análise estatística foram construídas tabelas contendo estatísticas descritivas de cada variável. As variáveis quantitativas foram representadas por Média, Desvio Padrão, Mediana, valores mínimos e máximos. As variáveis nominais foram representadas por frequência e porcentual. Para investigar a correlação de variáveis quantitativas foi calculado o coeficiente de Pearson. A comparação entre os grupos foi realizada por meio da ANOVA. Utilizou-se nível de significância de 5%. As análises foram processadas utilizando o software R, versão 3, e o KNIME, versão 2.8. Como resultados obteve-se distribuição entre os sexos semelhante na amostra, 50%. Quanto à cor, a maioria é parda (56%) e o menor percentual de negros (10%). Os sujeitos da pesquisa possuem em média 3 dias de vida, o peso médio e mediano encontrado foi de 3 Kg e a altura de 48 cm. Quando avaliada a comparação separadamente das regiões ventroglútea (V) e o vasto lateral (L) em relação ao sexo do RNs, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas, indicando não haver diferença entre estas medições das regiões e o sexo do recém-nascido. Isso foi constatado para todos os extratos anatômicos investigados no estudo, com P-valor > 0,35. O Estrato do Músculo (L) e Pele Subcutânea (L) apresentaram um coeficiente negativo, no entanto, estas e as demais variáveis não indicaram correlação com a idade. Com exceção do Estrato do Músculo (V) e do estrato da Pele Subcutâneo Músculo (V) que apresentaram uma fraca correlação com o IMC as demais variáveis não indicaram tal correlação. Assim, constata-se que tanto a região ventroglutea como o vasto lateral da coxa contém estratos anatômicos seguros, independente do sexo e cor, para a utilização da agulha 20x5,5mm em injeções intramusculares em RN. Contudo a região do vasto lateral apresenta estrato relativamente maior, com estrato de tecido subcutâneo menor em comparação com a região ventroglútea.

Persistência de anticorpos protetores após sete anos de imunização contra hepatite b em lactentes em Goiânia – GO / Persistence of protective antibodies after seven years of immunization against hepatitis B in infants in Goiania - GO

Oliveira, Laura Ferreira 13 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2016-04-04T20:19:20Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Laura Ferreira Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 1240339 bytes, checksum: 93a5f81eb7e7be949c0fb3fbffedb6c9 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-04-05T11:08:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Laura Ferreira Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 1240339 bytes, checksum: 93a5f81eb7e7be949c0fb3fbffedb6c9 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-05T11:08:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Laura Ferreira Oliveira - 2015.pdf: 1240339 bytes, checksum: 93a5f81eb7e7be949c0fb3fbffedb6c9 (MD5) license_rdf: 19874 bytes, checksum: 38cb62ef53e6f513db2fb7e337df6485 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-13 / To assess the persistence of anti-HBs protective titers after seven years of primary immunization in children who received the first dose of the Brazilian vaccine against Hepatitis B within the first 12 hours of life and who achieved protective titers after 30-45 days of vaccination (GMT = 491.78 mIU / mL), blood samples were collected between 2014 and 2015 in 147 children. Concurrently held evaluating the persistence of protective titers correlate the application site of VLC vaccine (vastu lateral thigh) or VG (ventrogluteal). Was found that 66,2% of these had no protective titers of anti-HBs, presenting GMT = 6.75 mIU / mL. A positive correlation was found between high levels of anti-HBs after primary vaccination and after seven years (rho Spearman = 0.446, p = <0.0001). None of the participants was positive for anti-HBc marker. When compared to the presence of protective titers between the two vaccine sites of application, there wasn't difference between the two groups (p = 0.756). Keywords: hepatitis B; Anti-hepatitis B antibodies; Immunization; Intramuscular injections. / Para evaluar la persistencia de títulos protectores después de siete años de la inmunización primaria en niños que recibieron la primera dosis de vacuna en las primeras 12 horas de vida y que lograron títulos protectores (GMT = 491,78 mUI / mL). Fueron reclutados en 2014-2015, 147 niños para evaluar la persistencia de títulos protectores de anticuerpos contra HBs después de siete años y correlacionar el sitio de aplicación de la vacuna VLC o VG. Se encontró que 65,3% de éstos no tenían títulos de anti-HBs protectores, presentando GMT 6,75 mUI / mL. Se encontraron una correlación positiva entre los altos niveles de anti-HBs después de la vacunación primaria y después de siete años (rho de Spearman = 0,446, p = <0,0001). Ninguno de los participantes fue positivo para el marcador anti-Hbc. Cuando se compara la presencia de títulos protectores entre los dos sitios de aplicación de la vacuna, se encontró que no había diferencia entre los dos grupos (p = 0,756). Palabras / Para avaliar a persistência de títulos protetores de anti-HBs após sete anos da imunização primaria em crianças que receberam a primeira dose da vacina brasileira contra hepatite b nas primeiras 12 horas de vida e que alcançaram títulos protetores após 30 – 45 dias da vacinação (GMT = 491,78 mUI/mL), foram coletadas amostras de sangue, entre 2014 e 2015, de 147 crianças. Concomitantemente realizou-se a avaliação da persistência de títulos protetores correlacionando o local de aplicação da vacina VLC (vasto lateral da coxa) ou VG (ventroglútea). Constatou-se que 66,2% destes não possuíam títulos de anti-HBs protetores, apresentando GMT de 6,75 mUI/mL. Uma correlação positiva foi verificada entre títulos elevados de anti-HBs pós vacinação primaria e após sete anos (rho de Spearman = 0,446; p = < 0,0001). Nenhum dos participantes apresentou positividade para o marcador anti-HBc. Quando comparada a presença de títulos protetores entre os dois locais de aplicação da vacina, verificou-se que não houve diferença entre os dois grupos, (p = 0,756). Palavras-chave: hepatite B; Anticorpos anti-hepatite B; Imunização; Injeções Intramusculares.

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