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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuzzy klasifikace DNA sekvencí / Fuzzy classification of DNA sequences

Těthal, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the fuzzy classification of DNA sequences. In the first part the theory summarized information about Fuzzy logic and methods of its use in the classification of biological sequence data. The second part is practically deal with the classification algorithm for assessing the similarity of sequences. Specifically, the dividing of coding and non-coding parts of the sequence and the use of fuzzy classification in DNA barcoding.

Characterizing RNA Structure and synthesis by Raman Microscopy

Chen, Yuanyuan January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

An experimental and genomic approach to the regulation of alternative pre-mRNA splicing in Drosophila rnp-4f

Fetherson, Rebecca A. 30 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.


Manivannan, Sathiya Narayanan 04 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Molecular Studies on Head Development of the Amphipod Crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis / Molekulare Untersuchungen zur Kopfentwicklung des amphipoden Krustazeen Parhyale hawaiensis

Schmid, Bernhard 05 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Heterologous expression of circular RNAs in Escherichia coli for analyzing the ligation process of chloroplastic viroids and producing double-stranded RNAs with insecticidal activity

Ortolá Navarro, Beltrán 27 March 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los viroides, genomas mínimos de RNA circular no codificante, monocatenarios y muy estructurados, parasitan factores celulares de las plantas para replicarse autónomamente, establecer infecciones sistémicas y usualmente causar enfermedades. Los de la familia Avsunviroidae se replican y acumulan en cloroplastos por un mecanismo de círculo rodante simétrico. Una RNA polimerasa cloroplástica produce concatémeros lineales de polaridad complementaria que son reducidos a monómeros por las ribozimas de cabeza de martillo (HHR) del concatémero. Producen extremos 5'-hidroxilo y 2',3'-fosfodiéster cíclico, que la isoforma cloroplástica de la tRNA ligasa convierte en enlaces 5',3'-fosfodiéster intramoleculares, generando viroides circulares de polaridad complementaria que pueden entrar en otra ronda de transcripción, simétrica a ésta. En esta Tesis se han analizado las secuencias y estructuras viroidales esenciales para su circularización, usando como modelo el viroide latente de berenjena (ELVd), que induce infecciones asintomáticas en berenjena. Expresamos en Escherichia coli precursores del ELVd(+) lineales flanqueados por dos copias de su HHR. Su procesamiento genera monómeros con los extremos adecuados para la ligación por la tRNA ligasa de la berenjena, que es coexpresada. Mutaciones puntuales y deleciones en el sitio nativo de ligación sugieren que solo el dominio HHR es esencial para la circularización. La conservación de la secuencia y estructura de la HHR con las del sustrato natural del enzima (los tRNAs) nos hacen proponer que la HHR del ELVd secuestra la ligasa mimetizando las características generales del bucle anticodón de los tRNAs. Este sistema de expresión permite también producir RNAs recombinantes, insertándolos en una posición particular del RNA del ELVd. Las quimeras son procesadas por las HHRs flanqueantes y sus extremos ligados por la tRNA ligasa. El andamiaje viroidal circular, compacto y posiblemente asociado a la ligasa, permite aumentar la vida media del RNA de interés y su acumulación en la bacteria. En esta Tesis adaptamos el sistema para producir RNAs de doble cadena (dsRNAs) que desencadenen interferencia por RNA (RNAi), un mecanismo de defensa y regulación génica eucariota basado en la complementariedad de bases entre RNAs. dsRNAs complementarios a genes endógenos reducen los niveles de sus transcritos y generan fenotipos de pérdida de función. Los insectos pueden tomar dsRNAs del ambiente, internalizarlos en sus células y distribuirlos sistémicamente, haciendo al RNAi una estrategia prometedora para el control de plagas. Para producir dsRNAs, separamos las repeticiones invertidas del gen diana que genera la horquilla con el cDNA de un intrón autocatalítico del grupo I de Tetrahymena thermophila, aumentando la estabilidad de los plásmidos de expresión. El intrón es eliminado tras la transcripción, resultando en una molécula viroidal de la que protruye el dsRNA de interés. Flanquear las repeticiones invertidas con una copia adicional permutada del intrón permite separar el ELVd del producto final, un dsRNA circular cerrado en ambos lados por pequeños bucles. Ambas moléculas poseen actividad reguladora: las quimeras viroide-dsRNA con homología al gen de la unión septada suave 1 del gusano de la raíz del maíz (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) exhiben actividad insecticida oral contra las larvas similar a la de horquillas sintetizadas in vitro, y los dsRNAs circulares sin andamiaje viroidal homólogos al gen de la ATPasa vacuolar (subunidad A) y la proteína ribosomal S13 silencian eficientemente estos genes en adultos de la mosca del Mediterráneo (Ceratitis capitata); este caso es de especial relevancia al ser la primera demostración del RNAi para el control de esta plaga. En conclusión, a pesar de su limitada relevancia agrícola, el ELVd es útil para investigar la biología molecular de la familia Avsunviroidae y una poderosa herramienta biotecnológica en combinación con el sistema de expresión en E. coli. / [CA] Els viroides, genomes mínims d'RNA circular no codificant, monocatenaris i molt estructurats, parasiten factors cel·lulars de les plantes per a replicar-se autònomament, establir infeccions sistèmiques i usualment causar malalties. Els de la família Avsunviroidae es repliquen i acumulen en cloroplasts per un mecanisme de cercle rodant simètric. Una RNA polimerasa cloroplàstica produeix concatèmers lineals de polaritat complementària que són reduïts a monòmers per els ribozims de cap de martell (HHR) del concatèmer. Produeixen extrems 5'-hidroxil i 2',3'-fosfodièster cíclic, que la isoforma cloroplàstica de la tRNA lligasa converteix en enllaços 5',3'-fosfodièster intramoleculars, generant viroides circulars de polaritat complementària que poden entrar en una nova ronda de transcripció, simètrica a la primera. En aquesta Tesi s'han analitzat les seqüències i estructures viroidals essencials per a la seua circularització, emprant com a model el viroide latent d'albergínia (ELVd), que indueix infeccions asimptomàtiques en albergínia. Expressem en Escherichia coli precursors de l'ELVd(+) lineals flanquejats per dos còpies del seu HHR. El seu processament produeix monòmers amb els extrems apropiats per a la lligació mediada per la tRNA ligasa de l'albergínia, que és coexpressada. Mutacions puntuals i delecions en el lloc nadiu de lligació suggereixen que només el domini HHR és essencial per a la circularització. La conservació de la seqüència i estructura del HHR amb les del substrat natural de l'enzim (els tRNAs) ens fan proposar que el HHR de l'ELVd segresta la lligasa mimetitzant les característiques generals del bucle anticodó dels tRNAs. Aquest sistema d'expressió també permet produir RNAs recombinants, inserint-los en una posició particular de l'RNA de l'ELVd. Les quimeres són processades pels HHR flanquejants i els seus extrems lligats per la tRNA lligasa. L'RNA viroïdal circular, compacte i possiblement associat a la lligasa, permet augmentar la vida mitjana de l'RNA d'interés i la seua acumulació en els bacteris. En aquesta Tesi adaptem el sistema per a produir RNAs de doble cadena (dsRNAs) que desencadenen interferència per RNA (RNAi), un mecanisme de defensa i regulació gènica eucariota basat en la complementarietat de bases entre RNAs. dsRNAs complementaris a gens endògens redueixen els nivells dels seus transcrits i generen fenotips de pèrdua de funció. Els insectes poden prendre dsRNAs de l'ambient, internalitzar-los en les seues cèl·lules i distribuir-los sistèmicament, fent a l'RNAi una estratègia prometedora en el control de plagues. Per a produir dsRNAs, separem les repeticions invertides del gen diana que genera la forqueta amb el cDNA d'un intró autocatalític del grup I de Tetrahymena thermophila, augmentant l'estabilitat dels plasmidis d'expressió. L'intró és eliminat després de la transcripció, resultant en una molècula viroïdal de la qual protrueix el dsRNA d'interés. Flanquejar les repeticions invertides amb una còpia addicional permutada de l'intró permet separar l'ELVd del producte final, un dsRNA circular tancat als dos costats per xicotets bucles. Els dos tipus de molècules posseeixen activitat reguladora: les quimeres viroide-dsRNA amb homologia al gen de la unió septada suau 1 del cuc de l'arrel de la dacsa (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) exhibeixen activitat insecticida oral contra les larves similar a la de forquetes sintetitzades in vitro, i els dsRNAs circulars sense l'RNA viroïdal homòlegs al gen de la ATPasa vacuolar (subunitat A) i la proteïna ribosomal S13 silencien eficientment aquests gens en adults de la mosca del Mediterrani (Ceratitis capitata); aquest cas és d'especial rellevància perquè és la primera demostració de l'RNAi per al control d'aquesta plaga. En conclusió, malgrat la seua limitada rellevància agrícola l'ELVd és útil per a investigar la biologia molecular de la família Avsunviroidae i una poderosa ferramenta biotecnològica en combinació amb el sistema d'expressió en E. coli. / [EN] Viroids, minimal genomes of non-coding circular RNA, single-stranded and highly structured, parasitize plant cellular factors to replicate autonomously, establish systemic infections, and typically cause disease. Those of the family Avsunviroidae replicate and accumulate in chloroplasts by a symmetrical rolling circle mechanism. A chloroplast RNA polymerase produces linear concatemers of complementary polarity that are reduced to monomers by the hammerhead ribozymes (HHR) of the concatemer. They produce 5'-hydroxyl and 2',3'-cyclic phosphodiester ends, which the chloroplastic isoform of tRNA ligase converts to intramolecular 5',3'-phosphodiester bonds, generating circular viroids of complementary polarity that can enter another round of transcription, symmetric to the first one. In this Thesis, the viroid sequences and structures essential for its circularization have been analyzed, using as a model the eggplant latent viroid (ELVd), which induces asymptomatic infections in eggplant. We expressed in Escherichia coli linear ELVd(+) precursors flanked by two copies of its HHR. Its processing generates monomers with suitable ends for ligation by the eggplant tRNA ligase, which is co-expressed. Point mutations and deletions at the wild-type ligation site suggest that only the HHR domain is essential for circularization. The conservation of the sequence and structure of the HHR with those of the natural substrate of the enzyme (the tRNAs) lead us to propose that the HHR of the ELVd hijacks the ligase, mimicking the general characteristics of the anticodon loop of the tRNAs. This expression system also allows the production of recombinant RNAs, inserting them into a particular position of the ELVd RNA. Chimeras are processed by flanking HHRs and their ends ligated by the tRNA ligase. The compact, circular viroidal scaffold, possibly associated with the ligase, allows increasing the half-life of the RNA of interest and its accumulation in the bacteria. In this Thesis we adapt the system to produce double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) that trigger RNA interference (RNAi), a eukaryotic gene regulation and defense mechanism based on base complementarity between RNAs. dsRNAs complementary to endogenous genes reduce the levels of their transcripts and generate loss-of-function phenotypes. Insects can take dsRNAs from the environment, internalize them into cells, and distribute them systemically, making RNAi a promising pest control strategy. To produce dsRNAs, we separated the inverted repeats of the target gene that generates the hairpin with the cDNA of a group-I autocatalytic intron from Tetrahymena thermophila, increasing the stability of the expression plasmids. The intron is removed after transcription, resulting in a viroidal molecule from which the dsRNA of interest protrudes. Flanking the inverted repeats with an additional copy of the intron in a permuted form allows the ELVd molecule to be separated from the final product, a circular dsRNA molecule capped on both sides by small loops. Both molecules have regulatory activity: the viroid-dsRNA chimeras with homology to the smooth septate junction 1 gene of the corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera) exhibit oral insecticidal activity against larvae similar to that of in vitro synthesized hairpins, and the circular dsRNAs without the viroid scaffold homologous to the vacuolar ATPase (subunit A) and ribosomal protein S13 genes efficiently silence those genes in adult Medfly (Ceratitis capitata); this case is of special relevance as it is the first demonstration of RNAi for the control of this pest. In conclusion, despite its limited agricultural relevance, the ELVd is useful for investigating the molecular biology of the Avsunviroidae family and a powerful biotechnological tool in combination with the E. coli expression system. / This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain; co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund) [BIO2017-83184-R] and [BIO2017‐ 91865‐EXP]; Universitat Politècnica de València [PAID-01-17]. We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI). / Ortolá Navarro, B. (2023). Heterologous expression of circular RNAs in Escherichia coli for analyzing the ligation process of chloroplastic viroids and producing double-stranded RNAs with insecticidal activity [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192635

Is the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene a susceptibility gene for coronary artery disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes among North Indian populations?

Fitt, Jacqueline S. January 2011 (has links)
Coronary artery disease (CAD), Hypertension (Ht) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) are all global health problems. This is particularly evident amongst South Asian population groups. The conventional risk factors do not fully explain the higher prevalence of these diseases among South Asians. The endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase (eNOS) gene is responsible for the production of Nitric Oxide (NO), which may contribute to the physiology of all three disease states. Endothelial dysfunction (which is characterised by a reduction in basal NO) has been shown to be present in, or prior to all three diseases. Numerous variations exist within the eNOS gene, of these variations three have been shown to have a possible functional effect. The first is the Glu298Asp polymorphism within the exon region of the gene, resulting in an amino acid substitution of Glutamate (Glu) to Aspartate (Asp). The second, known as the T-786C polymorphism, is a thymine to cytosine mutation at position -786 in the promoter region. Finally a VNTR polymorphism in Intron 4 causes either a 4 27bp repeat or a 5 27bp repeat. It is hypothesised that these variations could have an effect on the ability of eNOS to produce NO and thus may increase the risk or contribute to the development of the diseases. Previous studies on these variants have shown conflicting results and further studies are warranted to understand and confirm the role of eNOS gene polymorphisms in cardio-metabolic diseases. There is very limited research into the distributions of these genetic variants and their interaction in diseases processes in North Indian populations. Objectives: 1. To analyse through a case control study three different polymorphisms of the eNOS gene for possible association with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Hypertension (Ht) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in North Indian population groups. 2. To statistically evaluate descriptive statistics including; age, gender, smoking, dietary behaviours and lipid parameters for possible influence on disease and potential interaction with genetic polymorphisms. 3. To evaluate linkage disequilibrium between the three eNOS variants and carryout haplotype analysis to work out haplotype risk in different diseases. 4. To analyse through a case control study the deletion variant of the Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene for possible association with Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Hypertension (Ht) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in North Indian population groups. 5. To determine a possible interactive effect of the eNOS polymorphisms with the ACE polymorphism. Subjects and Methods: The Glu298Asp and Intron 4 variants were genotyped using a PCR-RFLP technique, the T-786C variant was genotyped using a real time-PCR technique. The ACE deletion variant was also genotyped using a standard PCR technique. The genotyping was undertaken in a total of 457 CAD patients and 220 matched controls from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh in North India, 319 T2DM patients and 307 matched controls from Punjab, North India and 210 Ht and 162 matched controls, also from Punjab, North India. Results: CAD: The Glu298Asp was significantly associated with CAD among smokers (TT+GT vs. GG OR=2.84 (CI: 1.61-5.0), p<0.001). The Intron 4 variant was also significantly associated with CAD in a smoking dependent manner (4aa+4ab vs. 4bb OR=0.56 (CI: 0.33-0.96). The T-786C variant showed no overall influence on CAD risk. There was also evidence for both synergistic and haplotypic effects of the eNOS gene on CAD status (haplotype G-C-4b OR=4.76 (CI: 1.43-15.78), p<0.001). The ACE genetic variant was confirmed to be a strong independent risk factor for CAD under a dominant model (OR=2.18 (CI: 1.46-3.25), p<0.001). There was no evidence for an interactive effect between the ACE deletion and any of the three eNOS variants incorporated in the current study. Ht: The Glu298Asp variant was not shown to increase Ht risk, with a reduced risk association found under a recessive model (OR=0.316 (CI:0.089-1.116)), p=0.061). The T-786C variant s role in disease remained unclear with the findings showing a non significant increased risk. The Intron 4 variant was also shown to increase Ht risk, in a non significant manner. Sufficiently powered studies would be required to clarify these possible associations. The combined analysis, using logistic regression and haplotype analysis revealed no significant associations, but there was a possible protective effect of the T-C-4b haplotype (OR=0.46 (CI: 0.21-1.01), p=0.054). The ACE gene variant was confirmed to be a strong independent risk factor for Ht under a recessive model (OR=1.81 (CI: 1.20-2.74), p=0.01). Again there was no evidence for an interactive effect between the ACE deletion and any of the three eNOS variants in hypertension. T2DM: The Glu298Asp variant was found to be associated with T2DM under a dominant model, the protective effect remained significant following adjustment for conventional risk factors and other gene variants (OR=0.407 (CI: 0.231-0.717), p=0.002). The T-786C variant showed no overall influence on T2DM risk. The Intron 4 variant also found no overall influence. Haplotype analysis found the T-T-4b was found to be significantly protective for T2DM (OR=0.41 (CI: 0.26-0.65), p=0.0002). Finally the ACE gene variant was confirmed to be a risk factor for T2DM under a dominant model (OR=2.62 (CI: 1.51-4.54), p=0.001). Overall Conclusions: To conclude, this study successfully identified the frequency of three eNOS gene variants and the ACE deletion variant in three complex diseases within north Indian populations. There is a clear role of the eNOS gene in all three diseases and consequently the genetic variants have susceptible/protective associations. The association with disease was found to be present at an individual level, in association with risk factors and at a haplotypic level. These findings warrant further studies to confirm and untangle the genetics of complex diseases and genetic risk profiles calculations which will contribute to the field of medical genomics/personalised medicare and interventions among North Indian populations.

Robuste Datenauswertung und Anwendungen von Oligonukleotid-Arrays in der Genexpressionsanalyse

Röpcke, Stefan 30 September 2003 (has links)
Die Technologie der Oligonukleotid-Arrays erlaubt es, tausende von Genen parallel auf ihre Expression hin zu untersuchen. Die Firma metaGen, bei der diese Doktorarbeit entstand, setzt die Genexpressionsanalyse zur Identifikation von Targetmolekülen für die Therapie solider Tumoren ein. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit gelang die Entwicklung eines robusten Verfahrens zur Datenanalyse für Oligonukleotid-Arrays. Gerade für die Untersuchung humaner Proben ist die Robustheit von großem Interesse, da das Gewebematerial oft nur in sehr begrenzten Mengen und mit Qualitätsschwankungen behaftet vorliegt. Anhand eines eingeschränkten Sets an Kontrollversuchen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die vorgeschlagene Methode besser die Erwartungen an das System erfüllt als herkömmliche Verfahren. Ein weiterer Teil der Arbeit bestand im Aufbau einer relationalen Datenbank und in der schrittweisen Automatisierung der Auswertung. Stellvertretend für andere Krebserkrankungen wurde eine detaillierte Analyse zweier publizierter Expressionsdatensätze zum Bronchialkarzinom vorgenommen. Es konnten zwar in beiden Datensätzen zwischen Tumor- und Normalgewebe differenziell exprimierte Gene identifiziert werden, aber die Gegenüberstellung der Ergebnisse zeigte auch einen deutlichen Einfluss der unterschiedlichen Array-Technologien auf die gemessenen Intensitäten. Der spezielle Aufbau des verwendeten Oligonukleotid-Arrays gestattete die Entdeckung putativer Antisense-Transkripte. Die Koexpression einiger Sense- und Antisense-Sonden ließen sich durch Northern-Blot-Experimente bestätigen. Das unterstreicht das Anwendungspotenzial dieser Technologie für die Genomannotation. In einer Untersuchung der Transkriptome der Bäckerhefe und der Fruchtfliege konnte darüber hinaus ein Zusammenhang zwischen den Längen von Introns und Exons und der mittleren Expression von Genen hergestellt werden. Die Vielfalt der Anwendungen und die Ausbaumöglichkeiten verdeutlichen die Bedeutung und das Potenzial der Array-Technologie für die Genexpressionsanalyse. Eine wichtige Aufgabe bleibt deshalb die weitere Verbesserung der Qualitätskontrolle der Experimente und der Datenanalyse. / Oligonucleotide arrays represent a modern technology for the investigation of the expression of thounsands of genes in parallel. The theses were worked out at the company metaGen that uses gene expression analysis for the identification of target molecules for the therapy of solid tumors. One major achievement was the developement of a robust method for oligonucleotide array data analysis. It turned out that for the investigation of human tissue samples the robustness is crutial because the material is often very limited and of variing quality. Using a restricted set of control experiments the superiority of the method over standard procedures could be demonstrated. A further important part of the work was the construction of a relational database and the automation of the analysis process. To demonstrate the applicability of the methods in cancer research two publicly available lung cancer data sets were analysed. A list of differentially expressed genes was identified. But the comparison also revealed that the expression signals are strongly distorted by technical factors. The special array used at metaGen allowed the discorvery of putative antisense transcripts. Three of the candidates had been validated by Northern-blot analysis. This clearly shows the applicability of the array technology to genome annotations. An analysis of the transcriptoms of the bakers yeast and the fruit fly revealed a relationship between the average gene expression and the lengths of introns and exons. The manifold applications and extentions illustrate the inportance and the potential of the array technology. So that the improvement of the technology and of the data analysis will remain a major concern.

Mechanism of regulation of the RPL30 pre-mRNA splicing in yeast

Macías Ribela, Sara 13 June 2008 (has links)
The mechanisms of pre-mRNA splicing regulation are poorly understood. Here we dissect how the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ribosomal L30 protein blocks splicing of its pre-mRNA upon binding a kink-turn structure including the 5' splice site. We show that L30 binds the nascent RPL30 transcript without preventing recognition of the 5' splice site by U1 snRNP but blocking U2 snRNP association with the branch site. Interaction of the factors BBP and Mud2p with the intron, relevant for U2 snRNP recruitment, is not affected by L30. Furthermore, the functions of neither the DEAD-box protein Sub2p in the incipient spliceosome, nor of the U2 snRNP factor Cus2p on branch site recognition, are required for L30 inhibition. These findings contrast with the effects caused by binding a heterologous protein to the same region, completely blocking intron recognition. Collectively, our data suggest that L30 represses a spliceosomal rearrangement required for U2 snRNP association with the nascent RPL30 transcript.

Promoter-driven splicing regulation in fission yeast

Moldón Vara, Alberto 17 October 2008 (has links)
The meiotic cell cycle is modified from the mitotic cell cycle by having a premeiotic S phase which leads to high levels of recombination, two rounds of nuclear division with no intervening DNA synthesis, and a reductional pattern of chromosome segregation. Rem1 is a cyclin that is expressed only during meiosis in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Cells in which rem1 has been deleted show a decreased intragenic meiotic recombination and a delay at the onset of meiosis I. When ectopically expressed in mitotically growing cells, Rem1 induces a G1 arrest followed by severe mitotic catastrophes. Here we show that rem1 expression is regulated at the level of both transcription and splicing, encoding for two proteins with different function depending on the intron retention. We have determined that the regulation of rem1 splicing is not dependent on any transcribed region of the gene. Furthermore, when the rem1 promoter is fused to other intron-containing genes, the chimeras show a meiotic-specific regulation of splicing, exactly as endogenous rem1. This regulation is dependent on two transcription factors of the forkhead family, Mei4 and Fkh2. While Mei4 induces both transcription and splicing of rem1, Fkh2 is responsible for the intron retention of the transcript during vegetative growth and pre-meiotic S phase. / El ciclo meiótico se diferencia del ciclo mitótico por tener una fase S pre-meiótica caracterizada por altos niveles de recombinación, dos rondas de división nuclear sin síntesis de DNA entre las dos y una segregación cromosómica reduccional. Rem1 es una ciclina que sólo se expresa en meiosis en la levadura de fisión Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Celulas con rem1 deleccionado presentan una tasa de recombinación intragénica disminuida y un retraso en el inicio de meiosis I. Cuando se expresa ectópicamente en células creciendo vegetativamente, Rem1 induce un arresto en G1 seguido de catástrofe mitótica. Este trabajo describe que la expresión de rem1 está regulada a nivel de la trascripción y el procesamiento, codificando para dos proteínas con funciones diferentes dependiendo de la retención intrónica.. Hemos determinado que la regulación del splicing de rem1 no depende de ninguna región transcrita del gen. Además, cuando el promotor se fusiona a otros genes que contienen intrones, las quimeras presentan una regulación específica de meiosis como el rem1 endógeno. Esta regulación depende de dos factores de transcripción de la familia Forkhead, Mei4 y Fkh2. Mientras Mei4 induce la transcripción y el splicing de rem1, Fkh2 es responsable de la retención intrónica del tránscrito durante crecimiento vegetativo y fase S pre-meiótica.

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