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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generating Datasets Through the Introduction of an Attack Agent in a SCADA Testbed : A methodology of creating datasets for intrusion detection research in a SCADA system using IEC-60870-5-104

Fundin, August January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Comparing Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection Approaches Under Practical Aspects

Helmrich, Daniel 07 July 2021 (has links)
While many of the currently used network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) employ signature-based approaches, there is an increasing research interest in the examination of anomaly-based detection methods, which seem to be more suited for recognizing zero-day attacks. Nevertheless, requirements for their practical deployment, as well as objective and reproducible evaluation methods, are hereby often neglected. The following thesis defines aspects that are crucial for a practical evaluation of anomaly-based NIDS, such as the focus on modern attack types, the restriction to one-class classification methods, the exclusion of known attacks from the training phase, a low false detection rate, and consideration of the runtime efficiency. Based on those principles, a framework dedicated to developing, testing and evaluating models for the detection of network anomalies is proposed. It is applied to two datasets featuring modern traffic, namely the UNSW-NB15 and the CIC-IDS-2017 datasets, in order to compare and evaluate commonly-used network intrusion detection methods. The implemented approaches include, among others, a highly configurable network flow generator, a payload analyser, a one-hot encoder, a one-class support vector machine, and an autoencoder. The results show a significant difference between the two chosen datasets: While for the UNSW-NB15 dataset several reasonably well performing model combinations for both the autoencoder and the one-class SVM can be found, most of them yield unsatisfying results when the CIC-IDS-2017 dataset is used. / Obwohl viele der derzeit genutzten Systeme zur Erkennung von Netzwerkangriffen (engl. NIDS) signaturbasierte Ansätze verwenden, gibt es ein wachsendes Forschungsinteresse an der Untersuchung von anomaliebasierten Erkennungsmethoden, welche zur Identifikation von Zero-Day-Angriffen geeigneter erscheinen. Gleichwohl werden hierbei Bedingungen für deren praktischen Einsatz oft vernachlässigt, ebenso wie objektive und reproduzierbare Evaluationsmethoden. Die folgende Arbeit definiert Aspekte, die für eine praxisorientierte Evaluation unabdingbar sind. Dazu zählen ein Schwerpunkt auf modernen Angriffstypen, die Beschränkung auf One-Class Classification Methoden, der Ausschluss von bereits bekannten Angriffen aus dem Trainingsdatensatz, niedrige Falscherkennungsraten sowie die Berücksichtigung der Laufzeiteffizienz. Basierend auf diesen Prinzipien wird ein Rahmenkonzept vorgeschlagen, das für das Entwickeln, Testen und Evaluieren von Modellen zur Erkennung von Netzwerkanomalien bestimmt ist. Dieses wird auf zwei Datensätze mit modernem Netzwerkverkehr, namentlich auf den UNSW-NB15 und den CIC-IDS- 2017 Datensatz, angewendet, um häufig genutzte NIDS-Methoden zu vergleichen und zu evaluieren. Die für diese Arbeit implementierten Ansätze beinhalten, neben anderen, einen weit konfigurierbaren Netzwerkflussgenerator, einen Nutzdatenanalysierer, einen One-Hot-Encoder, eine One-Class Support Vector Machine sowie einen Autoencoder. Die Resultate zeigen einen großen Unterschied zwischen den beiden ausgewählten Datensätzen: Während für den UNSW-NB15 Datensatz verschiedene angemessen gut funktionierende Modellkombinationen, sowohl für den Autoencoder als auch für die One-Class SVM, gefunden werden können, bringen diese für den CIC-IDS-2017 Datensatz meist unbefriedigende Ergebnisse.

Extraction automatique de caractéristiques malveillantes et méthode de détection de malware dans un environnement réel / Automatic extraction of malicious features and method for detecting malware in a real environment

Angoustures, Mark 14 December 2018 (has links)
Pour faire face au volume considérable de logiciels malveillants, les chercheurs en sécurité ont développé des outils dynamiques automatiques d’analyse de malware comme la Sandbox Cuckoo. Ces types d’analyse sont partiellement automatiques et nécessite l’intervention d’un expert humain en sécurité pour détecter et extraire les comportements suspicieux. Afin d’éviter ce travail fastidieux, nous proposons une méthodologie pour extraire automatiquement des comportements dangereux données par les Sandbox. Tout d’abord, nous générons des rapports d’activités provenant des malware depuis la Sandbox Cuckoo. Puis, nous regroupons les malware faisant partie d’une même famille grâce à l’algorithme Avclass. Cet algorithme agrège les labels de malware donnés par VirusTotal. Nous pondérons alors par la méthode TF-IDF les comportements les plus singuliers de chaque famille de malware obtenue précédemment. Enfin, nous agrégeons les familles de malware ayant des comportements similaires par la méthode LSA.De plus, nous détaillons une méthode pour détecter des malware à partir du même type de comportements trouvés précédemment. Comme cette détection est réalisée en environnement réel, nous avons développé des sondes capables de générer des traces de comportements de programmes en exécution de façon continue. A partir de ces traces obtenues, nous construisons un graphe qui représente l’arbre des programmes en exécution avec leurs comportements. Ce graphe est mis à jour de manière incrémentale du fait de la génération de nouvelles traces. Pour mesurer la dangerosité des programmes, nous exécutons l’algorithme PageRank thématique sur ce graphe dès que celui-ci est mis à jour. L’algorithme donne un classement de dangerosité des processus en fonction de leurs comportements suspicieux. Ces scores sont ensuite reportés sur une série temporelle pour visualiser l’évolution de ce score de dangerosité pour chaque programme. Pour finir, nous avons développé plusieurs indicateurs d’alertes de programmes dangereux en exécution sur le système. / To cope with the large volume of malware, researchers have developed automatic dynamic tools for the analysis of malware like the Cuckoo sandbox. This analysis is partially automatic because it requires the intervention of a human expert in security to detect and extract suspicious behaviour. In order to avoid this tedious work, we propose a methodology to automatically extract dangerous behaviors. First of all, we generate activity reports from malware from the sandbox Cuckoo. Then, we group malware that are part of the same family using the Avclass algorithm. We then weight the the most singular behaviors of each malware family obtained previously. Finally, we aggregate malware families with similar behaviors by the LSA method.In addition, we detail a method to detect malware from the same type of behaviors found previously. Since this detection isperformed in real environment, we have developed probes capable of generating traces of program behaviours in continuous execution. From these traces obtained, we let’s build a graph that represents the tree of programs in execution with their behaviors. This graph is updated incrementally because the generation of new traces. To measure the dangerousness of programs, we execute the personalized PageRank algorithm on this graph as soon as it is updated. The algorithm gives a dangerousness ranking processes according to their suspicious behaviour. These scores are then reported on a time series to visualize the evolution of this dangerousness score for each program. Finally, we have developed several alert indicators of dangerous programs in execution on the system.

Intrusion Detection systems : A comparison in configuration and implementation between OSSEC and Snort

Stegeby, Peter January 2023 (has links)
Hackare fortsätter att bli bättre på att få otillåten tillgång till våra datorer och kan undvika de mest grundläggande intrångsskyddade system och brandväggar på en standarddator. Då numren av intrång växer varje år och kostar företag miljoner av dollar, så verkar gapet mellan attackerare och försvarare att bli större. Frågan som då kan uppstå är, hur kan vi skydda oss själva? Kunskapen som blivit insamlad i detta arbete pekar tydligt på att det finns saker vi kan göra vilket svarar på frågan, hur kan vi upptäcka intrång? Studien visar att mer avancerade Intrusion Detection System (IDS) kan bli implementerad på hemdatorer (och i företag). Det finns många alternativ att välja mellan, men de valda IDSer – OSSEC och Snort – kan upptäcka säkerhetsbrister på enskilda host-maskiner (eller på nätverket) i realtid tack vare avancerad loggningshanterings och övervakning. Svårighetsgraden av att använda och implementera dessa IDSer var utmanande men tillfredställande och konfigurationen var flexibel vilket tillåter IDSerna att bli installerade på en ensam host-dator eller i ett nätverk. Om ett enkelt-att-följa grafiskt översikt av felmeddelanden är vad man önskar så har OSSEC IDS, tillsammans med att skicka e-mail över felmeddelandet, den funktionaliteten. Snort, på andra sidan, har en enkel konfiguration och flexibilitet i att skriva regler. Det borde framgå tydligt att implementera en IDS på ert system inte gör det ogenomträngligt, inte heller löser det alla säkerhetsrelaterade problem, men det som kommer att hända är att vi får en bättre förståelse av de hot som uppstår i våra system. / Hackers keeps getting better at gaining unauthorized access to our computers and can avoid some of the most basic intrusion detection systems and firewalls on a standard computer. The gap between attackers and defenders seem to grow as intrusions increase in numbers every year, costing companies millions of dollars, so the question is posed, how can we protect ourselves? The research done in this work clearly points to that there are things that can be done which answers the question, how can we detect intrusions? The study has shown that a more advanced intrusion detection system (IDS) can be implemented on home computers (and in businesses). There are many options to choose from but the chosen IDSs – OSSEC and Snort – can detect security issues on the host computer (or on the network) in real-time by advanced logging management and monitoring. The implementation and usage difficulties of these IDSs are challenging but satisfying and the configurations are flexible allowing the IDSs to be installed on a single host or in a larger network. If an easy-to-follow graphical overview of the alerts on your system is what you are looking for then that, and sending e-mails of the alert, is found in the OSSEC IDS. Snort, on the other hand, has easy configurations and flexible rule-writing and the options of sniffing packets on the network. It should be clear that implementing an IDS on your system does not make it impenetrable nor solve all the security issues but what it will do is to give you a better understanding of the threats on your system.

A Study on Behaviors of Machine Learning-Powered Intrusion Detection Systems under Normal and Adversarial Settings

Pujari, Medha Rani 15 June 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Model-Based Autonomic Security Management of Networked Distributed Systems

Chen, Qian 13 December 2014 (has links)
This research focuses on the development and validation of an autonomic security management (ASM) framework to proactively protect distributed systems (DSs) from a wide range of cyber assaults with little or no human intervention. Multi-dimensional cyber attack taxonomy was developed to characterize cyber attack methods and tactics against both a Web application (Web-app) and an industrial control system (ICS) by accounting for their impacts on a set of system, network, and security features. Based on this taxonomy, a normal region of system performance is constructed, refined, and used to predict and identify abnormal system behavior with the help of forecasting modules and intrusion detection systems (IDS). Protection mechanisms are evaluated and implemented by a multi-criteria analysis controller (MAC) for their efficiency in eliminating and/or mitigating attacks, maintaining normal services, and minimizing operational costs and impacts. Causes and impacts of unknown attacks are first investigated by an ASM framework learning module. Attack signatures are then captured to update IDS detection algorithms and MAC protection mechanisms in near real-time. The ASM approach was validated within Web-app and ICS testbeds demonstrating the effectiveness of the self-protection capability. Experiments were conducted using realworld cyber attack tools and profiles. Experimental results show that DS security behavior is predicted, detected, and eliminated thus validating our original hypothesis concerning the self-protection core capability. One important benefit from the self-protection feature is the cost-effective elimination of malicious requests before they impede, intrude or compromise victim systems. The ASM framework can also be used as a decision support system. This feature is important especially when unknown attack signatures are ambiguous or when responses selected automatically are not efficient or are too risky to mitigate attacks. In this scenario, man-in-the-loop decisions are necessary to provide manual countermeasures and recovery operations. The ASM framework is resilient because its main modules are installed on a master controller virtual machine (MC-VM). This MC-VM is simple to use and configure for various platforms. The MC-VM is protected; thus, even if the internal network is compromised, the MC-VM can still maintain “normal” self-protection services thereby defending the host system from cyber attack on-thely.

Performance evaluation of security mechanisms in Cloud Networks

Kannan, Anand January 2012 (has links)
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud service provisioning model which largely focuses on data centre provisioning of computing and storage facilities. The networking aspects of IaaS beyond the data centre are a limiting factor preventing communication services that are sensitive to network characteristics from adopting this approach. Cloud networking is a new technology which integrates network provisioning with the existing cloud service provisioning models thereby completing the cloud computing picture by addressing the networking aspects. In cloud networking, shared network resources are virtualized, and provisioned to customers and end-users on-demand in an elastic fashion. This technology allows various kinds of optimization, e.g., reducing latency and network load. Further, this allows service providers to provision network performance guarantees as a part of their service offering. However, this new approach introduces new security challenges. Many of these security challenges are addressed in the CloNe security architecture. This thesis presents a set of potential techniques for securing different resource in a cloud network environment which are not addressed in the existing CloNe security architecture. The thesis begins with a holistic view of the Cloud networking, as described in the Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions (SAIL) project, along with its proposed architecture and security goals. This is followed by an overview of the problems that need to be solved and some of the different methods that can be applied to solve parts of the overall problem, specifically a comprehensive, tightly integrated, and multi-level security architecture, a key management algorithm to support the access control mechanism, and an intrusion detection mechanism. For each method or set of methods, the respective state of the art is presented. Additionally, experiments to understand the performance of these mechanisms are evaluated on a simple cloud network test bed. The proposed key management scheme uses a hierarchical key management approach that provides fast and secure key update when member join and member leave operations are carried out. Experiments show that the proposed key management scheme enhances the security and increases the availability and integrity. A newly proposed genetic algorithm based feature selection technique has been employed for effective feature selection. Fuzzy SVM has been used on the data set for effective classification. Experiments have shown that the proposed genetic based feature selection algorithm reduces the number of features and hence decreases the classification time, while improving detection accuracy of the fuzzy SVM classifier by minimizing the conflicting rules that may confuse the classifier. The main advantages of this intrusion detection system are the reduction in false positives and increased security. / Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) är en Cloudtjänstmodell som huvudsakligen är inriktat på att tillhandahålla ett datacenter för behandling och lagring av data. Nätverksaspekterna av en cloudbaserad infrastruktur som en tjänst utanför datacentret utgör en begränsande faktor som förhindrar känsliga kommunikationstjänster från att anamma denna teknik. Cloudnätverk är en ny teknik som integrerar nätverkstillgång med befintliga cloudtjänstmodeller och därmed fullbordar föreställningen av cloud data genom att ta itu med nätverkaspekten.  I cloudnätverk virtualiseras delade nätverksresurser, de avsätts till kunder och slutanvändare vid efterfrågan på ett flexibelt sätt. Denna teknik tillåter olika typer av möjligheter, t.ex. att minska latens och belastningen på nätet. Vidare ger detta tjänsteleverantörer ett sätt att tillhandahålla garantier för nätverksprestandan som en del av deras tjänsteutbud. Men denna nya strategi introducerar nya säkerhetsutmaningar, exempelvis VM migration genom offentligt nätverk. Många av dessa säkerhetsutmaningar behandlas i CloNe’s Security Architecture. Denna rapport presenterar en rad av potentiella tekniker för att säkra olika resurser i en cloudbaserad nätverksmiljö som inte behandlas i den redan existerande CloNe Security Architecture. Rapporten inleds med en helhetssyn på cloudbaserad nätverk som beskrivs i Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions (SAIL)-projektet, tillsammans med dess föreslagna arkitektur och säkerhetsmål. Detta följs av en översikt över de problem som måste lösas och några av de olika metoder som kan tillämpas för att lösa delar av det övergripande problemet. Speciellt behandlas en omfattande och tätt integrerad multi-säkerhetsarkitektur, en nyckelhanteringsalgoritm som stödjer mekanismens åtkomstkontroll och en mekanism för intrångsdetektering. För varje metod eller för varje uppsättning av metoder, presenteras ståndpunkten för respektive teknik. Dessutom har experimenten för att förstå prestandan av dessa mekanismer utvärderats på testbädd av ett enkelt cloudnätverk. Den föreslagna nyckelhantering system använder en hierarkisk nyckelhantering strategi som ger snabb och säker viktig uppdatering när medlemmar ansluta sig till och medlemmarna lämnar utförs. Försöksresultat visar att den föreslagna nyckelhantering system ökar säkerheten och ökar tillgänglighet och integritet. En nyligen föreslagna genetisk algoritm baserad funktion valet teknik har använts för effektiv funktion val. Fuzzy SVM har använts på de uppgifter som för effektiv klassificering. Försök har visat att den föreslagna genetiska baserad funktion selekteringsalgoritmen minskar antalet funktioner och därmed minskar klassificering tiden, och samtidigt förbättra upptäckt noggrannhet fuzzy SVM klassificeraren genom att minimera de motstående regler som kan förvirra klassificeraren. De främsta fördelarna med detta intrångsdetekteringssystem är den minskning av falska positiva och ökad säkerhet.

Användning av artificiella neurala nätverk (ANNs) för att upptäcka cyberattacker: En systematisk litteraturgenomgång av hur ANN kan användas för att identifiera cyberattacker

Wongkam, Nathalie, Shameel, Ahmed Abdulkareem Shameel January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker användningen av maskininlärning (ML), särskilt artificiella neurala nätverk (ANN), inom nätverksdetektering för att upptäcka och förebygga cyberattacker. Genom en systematisk litteraturgenomgång sammanställs och analyseras relevant forskning för att erbjuda insikter och vägledning för framtida studier. Forskningsfrågorna utforskar tillämpningen av maskininlärningsalgoritmer för att effektivt identifiera och förhindra nätverksattacker samt de utmaningar som uppstår vid användningen av ANN. Metoden innefattar en strukturerad sökning, urval och granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultaten visar att maskininlärningsalgoritmer kan effektivt användas för att bekämpa cyberattacker. Dock framkommer utmaningar kopplade till ANNs känslighet för störningar i nätverkstrafiken och det ökade behovet av stor datamängd och beräkningskraft. Studien ger vägledning för utveckling av tillförlitliga och kostnadseffektiva ANN-baserade lösningar inom nätverksdetektering. Genom att sammanställa och analysera befintlig forskning ger studien en djupare förståelse för tillämpningen av ML-algoritmer, särskilt ANN, inom cybersäkerhet. Detta bidrar till kunskapsutveckling och tillför en grund för framtida forskning inom området. Studiens betydelse ligger i att främja utvecklingen av effektiva lösningar för att upptäcka och förebygga nätverksattacker. / This research study investigates the application of machine learning (ML), specifically artificial neural networks (ANN), in network intrusion detection to identify and prevent cyber-attacks. The study employs a systematic literature review to compile and analyse relevant research, aiming to offer insights and guidance for future studies. The research questions explore the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in detecting and mitigating network attacks, as well as the challenges associated with using ANN. The methodology involves conducting a structured search, selection, and review of scientific articles. The findings demonstrate the effective utilization of machine learning algorithms, particularly ANN, in combating cyber-attacks. The study also highlights challenges related to ANN's sensitivity to network traffic disturbances and the increased requirements for substantial data and computational power. The study provides valuable guidance for developing reliable and cost-effective solutions based on ANN for network intrusion detection. By synthesizing and analysing existing research, the study contributes to a deeper understanding of the practical application of machine learning algorithms, specifically ANN, in the realm of cybersecurity. This contributes to knowledge development and provides a foundation for future research in the field. The significance of the study lies in promoting the development of effective solutions for detecting and preventing network attacks.


Khaled Serag Alsharif (8384187) 25 July 2023 (has links)
<p>The progressive integration of microcontrollers into various domains has transformed traditional mechanical systems into modern cyber-physical systems. However, the beginning of this transformation predated the era of hyper-interconnectedness that characterizes our contemporary world. As such, the principles and visions guiding the design choices of this transformation had not accounted for many of today's security challenges. Many designers had envisioned their systems to operate in an air-gapped-like fashion where few security threats loom. However, with the hyper-connectivity of today's world, many CPS find themselves in uncharted territory for which they are unprepared.</p> <p><br></p> <p>An example of this evolution is the Controller Area Network (CAN). CAN emerged during the transformation of many mechanical systems into cyber-physical systems as a pivotal communication standard, reducing vehicle wiring and enabling efficient data exchange. CAN's features, including noise resistance, decentralization, error handling, and fault confinement mechanisms, made it a widely adopted communication medium not only in transportation but also in diverse applications such as factories, elevators, medical equipment, avionic systems, and naval applications.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The increasing connectivity of modern vehicles through CD players, USB sticks, Bluetooth, and WiFi access has exposed CAN systems to unprecedented security challenges and highlighted the need to bolster their security posture. This dissertation addresses the urgent need to enhance the security of modern cyber-physical systems in the face of emerging threats by proposing a proactive vulnerability identification and defense construction approach and applying it to CAN as a lucid case study. By adopting this proactive approach, vulnerabilities can be systematically identified, and robust defense mechanisms can be constructed to safeguard the resilience of CAN systems.</p> <p><br></p> <p>We focus on developing vulnerability scanning techniques and innovative defense system designs tailored for CAN systems. By systematically identifying vulnerabilities before they are discovered and exploited by external actors, we minimize the risks associated with cyber-attacks, ensuring the longevity and reliability of CAN systems. Furthermore, the defense mechanisms proposed in this research overcome the limitations of existing solutions, providing holistic protection against CAN threats while considering its performance requirements and operational conditions.</p> <p><br></p> <p>It is important to emphasize that while this dissertation focuses on CAN, the techniques and rationale used here could be replicated to secure other cyber-physical systems. Specifically, due to CAN's presence in many cyber-physical systems, it shares many performance and security challenges with those systems, which makes most of the techniques and approaches used here easily transferrable to them. By accentuating the importance of proactive security, this research endeavors to establish a foundational approach to cyber-physical systems security and resiliency. It recognizes the evolving nature of cyber-physical systems and the specific security challenges facing each system in today's hyper-connected world and hence focuses on a single case study. </p>

An Interactive Distributed Simulation Framework With Application To Wireless Networks And Intrusion Detection

Kachirski, Oleg 01 January 2005 (has links)
In this dissertation, we describe the portable, open-source distributed simulation framework (WINDS) targeting simulations of wireless network infrastructures that we have developed. We present the simulation framework which uses modular architecture and apply the framework to studies of mobility pattern effects, routing and intrusion detection mechanisms in simulations of large-scale wireless ad hoc, infrastructure, and totally mobile networks. The distributed simulations within the framework execute seamlessly and transparently to the user on a symmetric multiprocessor cluster computer or a network of computers with no modifications to the code or user objects. A visual graphical interface precisely depicts simulation object states and interactions throughout the simulation execution, giving the user full control over the simulation in real time. The network configuration is detected by the framework, and communication latency is taken into consideration when dynamically adjusting the simulation clock, allowing the simulation to run on a heterogeneous computing system. The simulation framework is easily extensible to multi-cluster systems and computing grids. An entire simulation system can be constructed in a short time, utilizing user-created and supplied simulation components, including mobile nodes, base stations, routing algorithms, traffic patterns and other objects. These objects are automatically compiled and loaded by the simulation system, and are available for dynamic simulation injection at runtime. Using our distributed simulation framework, we have studied modern intrusion detection systems (IDS) and assessed applicability of existing intrusion detection techniques to wireless networks. We have developed a mobile agent-based IDS targeting mobile wireless networks, and introduced load-balancing optimizations aimed at limited-resource systems to improve intrusion detection performance. Packet-based monitoring agents of our IDS employ a CASE-based reasoner engine that performs fast lookups of network packets in the existing SNORT-based intrusion rule-set. Experiments were performed using the intrusion data from MIT Lincoln Laboratories studies, and executed on a cluster computer utilizing our distributed simulation system.

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