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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Účinky vybraných flavonoidů na izolovaných aortálních kroužcích potkana / Effects of some flavonoids in isolated rat aortic rings

Pešková, Hana January 2017 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Hana Pešková Supervisor: PharmDr. Marie Vopršalová, CSc. Title of diploma thesis: Effects of some flavonoids in isolated rat aortic rings Flavonoids with their wide range of effects are known for having positive influence on human health. It mainly concerns significant antioxidant and anti- inflammatory characteristics and cardiovascular diseases incidence reducing effects. The aim of this study was examination of vasorelaxant effects of selected flavonoids from isoflavonoid group: formononetin, isoformononetin, prunetin and ononin, occuring especially in Fabaceae family. The vasorelaxation potential of tested substances was examinated in in vitro conditions on isolated aortic rings of rat. The effect of increasing doses of individual flavonoids on preparation, with intact endothelium after previous precontraction with norepinefrine, was monitored (10-5 M). From measured values, there were DRC curves, EC50 values created and an evaluation was made. According to analysis of the results, the most significat activity has fromononetin (EC50 2,081 . 10-5 M) and isoformononetin (EC50 2,081, 10-5 M). Ononin showed almost no vasodilatory effect.

Analýza arytmií v experimentálních záznamech EKG / Analysis of arrhythmias in experimental ECG recordings

Olšanská, Eva January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of electrograms recorded from isolated rat hearts. In theoretical part, basic principles of electrocardiography and differences between rat and human EG records are described. Types of arrhythmias and methods for classification and quantification of arrhythmias are also described. Examples of pathologies found during the manual classification and results of the analysis of the QTc interval duration are presented. An occurrence of premature beats is then compared between experimental groups. Finally, the method used for the automatic analysis of electrograms including the graphical user interface is described and the results of its evaluation using real data are presented

Optimalizace procesu práškového lakování s výsledkem snížení pracnosti konečné úpravy komponent plynem izolovaných rozvoden - GIS / Optimization of powder-coating process resulting in a reduction of labor intensity of finishing components in gas insulated substation - GIS

Svoboda, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the optimization of powder-coating process resulting in a reduction of labor intensity during finishing components in gas insulated switchgear (GIS). The thesis is divided into five main chapters that describe characteristic and function of gas insulated switchgear (GIS), the theory of powder-coating, including mechanical and chemical pretreatment of surfaces, the studies of contemporary quality of coating process in the company ABB s.r.o. with classification of components of GIS according to their function. This chapter also contains detailed analysis of section of coating process during the processing of selected parts (housing and conductor). The thesis also contains detailed studies of masking of surfaces at coating parts, specifies the most common defects and determines the main cause presented in a well-arranged chart, design, description and realization of optimization solutions with selection and evaluation of final version. An economic comparison of contemporary condition of powder-coating process with designed optimization solution is stated at the end of the thesis.

Genetická struktura izolovaných populací hýla rudého (Caprodacus erythrinus) / Gentic structure of isolated populations of the Scarlet rosefinch (Caprodacus erythrinus)

Šašková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá původem a demografickými charakteristikami geograficky izolovaných, nedávno vzniklých populací hýla rudého (Carpodacus erythrinus) na západním okraji areálu druhu. Práce je zalo.ena na nově získaných sekvencích dvou úseků mitochondriální DNA (410 páru bazí dlouhá sekvence kontrolní oblasti a 1029 dlouhá sekvence genu ND2) zji.těných u 82 jedinců ze 13 lokalit a jejich srovnáním s publikovanými sekvencemi z kontinuálního areálu. Zjistila jsem, .e geograficky izolované populace ze střední a severní Evropy nejsou významně geneticky izolované od populací kontinuálního areálu. Nově vzniklé populace také vykazují překvapivě vysokou diverzitu srovnatelnou s asijskými populacemi. Tato zji.tění nasvědčují intenzivnímu toku genů mezi populacemi zprostředkovanému pravděpodobně převá.ně disperzí mladých ptáků před prvním zahnízděním. Navzdory intenzivnímu toku genů mezi kontinuálním areálem a středo- a severoevropskými izolovanými populacemi hýli z Kavkazu, Bulharska a Turecka utvořili jasně oddělenou skupinu, která byla podpořena na základě několika typů analýz. Zdá se tedy, .e jedinci z těchto oblastí mohou mít vlastní oddělené zimovi.tě, komunikují jen minimálně se zbytkem areálu a díky tomu jsme zde zřejmě svědky počínající speciace. Klíčová slova: Hýl rudý (Carpodacus...

Twistorová rovnice na izolovaných horizontech / Twistor equation on isolated horizons

Matejov, Dávid January 2018 (has links)
In the present work we investigate the solution of the univalent twistor equation on an isolated horizon that serves for the definition of the so-called Penrose mass. We start our discussion with the construction of adapted co- ordinates to the isolated horizon and summarizing the main results in this field that are needed for our work. We include a chapter devoted to the extre- mal isolated horizons and prove an important result concerning uniqueness of geometry therein. It is a generalization of the paper by Lewandowski and Pawlowski (Class. Quantum Grav. 31 (17), 2014), which states that the ex- tremal isolated horizons are necessarily isometric to the intrinsic geometry of the Kerr-Newmann black hole. Further we proceed to investigation of the twistor equation on the isolated horizon. We analyze conditions of integra- bility and derive the time dependent solution. Consequently we solve the 2-surface twistor equation and briefly discuss the general approach to the problem of defining the Penrose charge. 1

Mechanizmus účinku katecholaminů v termogenezi izolovaných lidských leukocytů / The Mode of Catecholamine Adrenergic Action in Human Peripheral Mononuclear Blood Cells

MIKULKA, Aleš January 2007 (has links)
Effects of {$\alpha$}1, {$\alpha$}2, {$\beta$}3 adrenergic agonists on resting oxygen consumption and effects of {$\alpha$} and {$\beta$}2 adrenergic antagonists on noradrenaline stimulated oxygen consumption of the human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were studied using the Clark oxygen electrode. It was found that, the {$\alpha$}2 agonist increases slightly the resting oxygen consumption in the PBMC while, the {$\beta$}2 and the {$\alpha$} antagonists inhibit the noradrenaline stimulated oxygen consumption considerably. The {$\alpha$}1 and {$\beta$}3 agonists have no effect on the resting oxygen consumption. The NA termogenesis in the PBMC is mediated by {$\beta$}1 (25%), {$\beta$}2 (8%) and {$\alpha$}2 (12%) adrenergic receptors and not by {$\beta$}3 adrenoreceptors. The NA thermogenesis in the PBMC is mediated by different adrenoreceptors than the NA thermogenesis in the brown adipose tissue. The NA thermogenesis of PBMC is independent on the presence of organic substrates in the cultivation medium. Administration of external substrates (glucose, glutamine, methionine) to the medium has no effect on resting and NA stimulated oxygen consumption of PBMC, while administration of cysteine increases NA stimulated oxygen consumption considerably, indicating that acetyl-CoA could be an important substrate for NA thermogenesis in PBMC.

Regresní analýza EKG pro odhad polohy srdce vůči měřicím elektrodám / Regression analysis in estimation of heart position in recording system of electrodes

Mackových, Marek January 2014 (has links)
This work focuses on the regression analysis of morphological parameters calculated from the ECG for estimating the position of the heart to the measuring electrodes. It consists of a theoretical analysis of the problems of ECG recording and description of the data obtained from experiments on isolated animal hearts. On the theoretical part is followed by a description of the calculation parameters suitable for regression analysis and their application in the training and testing of the following regression models to estimate the position of the heart to the measuring electrode.

Izolované nominální tvary ve staré řečtině / Isolated nominal forms in Ancient Greek

Masliš, Martin January 2019 (has links)
MASLIŠ, Martin. Isolated nominal forms in Ancient Greek. Prague, 2019. Master's thesis. Charles University. Faculty of Arts. Institute of Greek and Latin Studies. Supervisor Ján BAKYTA. The submitted thesis is a study of isolated nominal forms in Ancient Greek undergoing semantic change. Synchronically isolated lexemes are defined as forms which cannot be classed with their respective cognates by the speakers due to formal disparities. This leads to increased opacity which in turn hampers the mapping of meaning onto the forms during the acquisition phase. Accordingly, a hypothesis that isolated forms are susceptible to semantic change is tested. An argumentation is developed based on the assumed information structure in the mental lexicon of speakers and the mechanism of word meaning acquisition. This process allows for reanalysis on the part of speakers which results in semantic change from the diachronic point of view. Lexemes which have been selected according to the proposed research method are organized in a dataset and their occurrences textually analysed. A synthesis aims to describe the mechanism of semantic change for the transparent as well as isolated forms. Keywords: mental lexicon, derivational family, isolated forms, semantic change, deetymologization

Geometrie izolovaných horizontů / Geometry of isolated horizons

Flandera, Aleš January 2016 (has links)
While the formalism of isolated horizons is known for some time, only quite recently the near horizon solution of Einstein's equations has been found in the Bondi-like coordinates by Krishnan in 2012. In this framework, the space-time is regarded as the characteristic initial value problem with the initial data given on the horizon and another null hypersurface. It is not clear, however, what ini- tial data reproduce the simplest physically relevant black hole solution, namely that of Kerr-Newman which describes stationary, axisymmetric black hole with charge. Moreover, Krishnan's construction employs the non-twisting null geodesic congruence and the tetrad which is parallelly propagated along this congruence. While the existence of such tetrad can be easily established in general, its explicit form can be very difficult to find and, in fact it has not been provided for the Kerr-Newman metric. The goal of this thesis was to fill this gap and provide a full description of the Kerr-Newman metric in the framework of isolated horizons. In the theoretical part of the thesis we review the spinor and Newman-Penrose formalism, basic geometry of isolated horizons and then present our results. Thesis is complemented by several appendices.

Fylogeografie a populační struktura dvou druhů mřenkovitých ryb (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) z jihovýchodní Asie / Phylogeography and population structure of two loach species (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) in Southeast Asia

Dvořák, Tomáš January 2018 (has links)
The freshwater fish species Schistura robertsi and Paracanthocobitis zonalternans belong to the family Nemacheilidae, which is distributed across whole Eurasia and with one species in northeast Africa. P. zonalternans occurs in lowland habitats through western Southeast Asia from Central Myanmar until northern Malaysia. The distribution area is of biogeographic interest, because it crosses several known biogeographic barriers, namely the border between Indian and Indochinese freshwater fauna along the Salween River, the Isthmus of Kra, the Krabi - Surat Thani line and the Kangar - Pattani line. In the present study, around 250 specimens of P. zonalternans from 62 localities across the whole distribution area were investigated using genetic (nuclear and mitochondrial sequences), morphologic and geologic data. The genetic data reveal the existence of seven major clades within the analysed material, each of them with a distinct geographic distribution area and only few cases of overlap, but with occurrence of some cases of secondary contact. Divergence time estimations suggested that P. zonalternans is about 18 my old, and a biogeographic analysis located the region of origin in the Tenasserim region (nowadays southern Myanmar). The global sea level fluctuations seem to have had a strong impact on the...

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