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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ustanovení neměnného chování potkanů v nové úloze asociativního učení na jeden pokus (OTTAT) / The establishment of invariable behaviour of rats in novel one-trial trace association task (OTTAT)

Alexová, Daniela January 2019 (has links)
Animal episodic-like memory tasks represent important component of episodic memory research. However, currently available episodic-like memory tasks are not based on episodic-like memory or encompass important caveats. In our laboratory, we recently devised a novel one-trial trace association task (OTTAT) to examine one-time associations of temporally discontinuous stimuli. This thesis deals with the improvement of OTTAT protocol by rat strain and compartment divider ('doors') selection which optimally promote the establishment of invariable behaviour of rats in OTTAT. Moreover, the accuracy of one-trial associations is also assessed by determining specificity of "rapid escape" response to conditioned stimulus of given sound characteristics. In Experiment 1, rats (Sprague-Dawley (SD), n = 36; Wistar (WI), n = 17; Long-Evans (LE), n = 8) were habituated 15 min daily for 3 days with standard doors (9 x 11 cm opening) to modified light and dark apparatus. The number of transfers between compartments and values of time spent in dark compartment obtained from 3rd habituation session were evaluated as indicators of invariable behaviour of rats. We found WI rats spend significantly more time in dark compartment than LE (p = 0.002) and SD rats (p = 0.001) and have significantly fewer transfers than LE rats...

Spolupráce dobrovolníka, klienta a o.s. Lata - Programy pro ohroženou mládež / Cooperation between the volunteer, the client and o.s. Lata - Programy pro ohroženou mládež

Kniha, Michal January 2012 (has links)
Cooperation between the volunteer, the client and o. s. Lata - Programy pro ohroženou mládež Abstract: The thesis deals with issues of a voluntary work on field of programmes focused on working with threatened children, adolescents and young adults by form one to one. It's focused on a mentors project running by the citizens' association LATA - Programmes for Threatened Adolescents. It pays attention especially to factors, which can influence the relationship between a volunteer, a client and an organization. It follows up mainly involved volunteers, it puts an aim to description of ways, how the volunteers percieve their work with clients and their organization. Research part of the thesis is focused on analysis of volunteers' statements and has an ambition to catch and reveal important factors, which affect their activities in the organization. This thesis conducts a survey, what motivation and aim the volunteers have, how they percieve their relationships with clients, what helps them to maintain a mentoring role and how they percieve at all the organization they work in

Nové směry v oblasti využití digitálních technologií / New Trends in the Field of Digital Technology Usage

Mašek, Jaroslav January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching the digital technology within the ISCED 2 education. The theoretical part monitors the current state of teaching these technologies in the Czech Republic and two European Union states, Ireland and the United Kingdom. The practical part includes a conception of digital technology teaching, including a methodical manual for teachers and a working environment for students, verification of this conception in practice and drawing conclusions.

Dokumentární film v globálním a rozvojovém vzdělávání na středních školách / Documentary film in the global development of education in high schools

Doležalová, Alžběta January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis Documentary film in the global development education in high schools deals with the issue of the global development education in conditions of Czech high schools. The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce possibilities of utilisation of the documentary film as a method of global development education. The theoretical part elaborates on the global development education in the school curriculum and one of it's educational instruments - documentary film. The empirical part is focused on preparedness of the future high school teachers for use of documentary film in the global development education and it is also concerned with their attitudes and knowledges of the theme.

Téma komunizmu ve vzdělávacím programu současné školy / The theme of communism in the current school education program

JUKLOVÁ, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis - The theme of communism in the current school education program - is dealing partly with defining the basic concepts such as ideology, totalitarianism, socialism, communism or nazism. The individual terms are characterized on the basis of specialized literature and basic information about them is provided. It also concentrates on the theme of the Russian Revolution and its impact on the development of communism in Europe. Furthermore, the work provides evidence of how insufficient is the theme of communism in civic education lessons in primary schools currently discussed. Although there are also modern civic education textbooks published in recent years, the topic of communism appears there only occasionally. As for the websites that can be used for processing of this topic, pages of General educational program or program One World in Schools can be used. These, however, provide materials only, and it is up to the teachers to decide how to use them in lessons of civic education when discussing this topic. The practical part consists of the actual learning program that is broken down by lessons. The conclusion is accompanied by all the necessary attachments. Based on the application of the program in practice it was found that students in the program understood the basic information and also appreciated working with modern technology in the teaching. It is also shown that the program was successfully implemented in practice.

Globální přesah české dokumentární tvorby prezentované v rámci festivalu Jeden svět (2008-2018) / Global Overlap of Czech documentary film presented within International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival One World Festival (2008-2018)

Fenclová, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
The following thesis offers an insight into a collection of documentary movies, which were screened in the category Czech Competition (Česká sekce) presented by the film festival One World (Jeden svět), as well as the nomination process behind it. The first section of the Body of this Thesis (Practical Part) is focused on the nomination process. In particular its objective is to describe principal changes in the nomination process and at the same time outline its future developments. This is achieved by means of exclusive interviews with five Program Section members in charge of the nomination process (both former and contemporary). Heightened attention is being dedicated to the films nominated for the Czech Competition section with regards to its specifics. The other part of the thesis body is based on thorough analysis of the films selected for the Czech competition between the years 2010-2019. By means of original interviews and content analysis the thesis attempts to establish an idea of which features are significant for the films representing the Czech Republic at this documentary film festival and what conclusions can be drawn from this about the Czech documentary film scene in general. The theoretical part of the thesis offers sourcing this approach in expert literature.

Předpoklady dobrovolníků pro práci s ohroženou mládeží v projektu Lata / Volunteer's Assumptions for Work with Youth At Risk at Project Lata

Joklová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
Title: Volunteer's Assumptions for Work with Youth At Risk at Project Lata. Abstract: The thesis is focused on one-to-one peer volunteering in programs for children, youth and young adults at risk, with a focus on Project Lata. It is dedicated especially to aspects which may influence the client-volunteer relationship, with a particular focus on helping volunteers and discovering the conditions of volunteers working with target groups. The research part examines the volunteers' characteristics, personality attributes, abilities, skills and experience beyond the current entry criteria, to identify qualities which facilitate or impede the creation of a functioning relationship with the client in Project Lata. Key words: volunteering, volunteer, mentoring, youth at risk, professional relationship, Project Lata, "one-to-one" project, volunteer's assumptions

Občanství, občanská společnost a národní stát. Potomci vietnamských imigrantů v ČR mezi aktivním a pasivním občanstvím / Citizenship, civil society and nation state. Children of Vienamese Immigrants in the CR Amidst Active and Passive Citizenship.

Dvořáková, Martina January 2011 (has links)
This paper analyzes the relationship between citizenship, civil society and nation state. It argues that citizenship is often viewed only in relation to the state and its active potential - arising from public activities mediated through communication media and civil society institutions - is neglected. As a result increasing number of permanent resident immigrants is in a long run denied full political rights which in turn endangers representative potential of liberal democracies. In the Czech Republic this situation concerns Vietnamese immigrant children who, though fully integrated into the Czech society and able to actively participate in public space, i.e. able to use the active citizenship element, usually do not enjoy Czech citizenship status (passive citizenship) and therefore they are not represented in public administration bodies. Current system of granting of Czech citizenship endangers representative character of our democracy and at the same time does not utilize the potential of young active people living in our territory for a long time.


Křikavová, Iva January 2010 (has links)
B+B Barcelona/master’s thesis/Iva Křikavová/studio of Ivan Koleček/2010 Urban Plan of Poble Nou district of Barcelona in the past was strongly defined, factory halls fully built the block, streets and squares had a clear structure. Industry terminated operations and adjacent diagonals became attractive for various companies, hotels and developers, who started to build. Thirty-storey houses with undefined environment, the structure is lost, chaos prevails. To preserve the character of the plan, the old and the newly formed buildings, became a clear definition of the school block. Definition of block one hundred years ago lay in the absolute middle of the courtyard, but how to behave now in 2010? The answer is to define a block with three houses, each of then has its function - school, sports, library and dining room. Among them are moving teachers and students, experiencing the way, change the focus away leaving behind the school building and coming to do sports, eat or read a book. Actual volumes, however, could not become the answers, they could not become to be an integrated bloc. The space between them must band them together to give a complete character, followed by the part-built and connect everything to each other, gain mobility system common to all three. The solution became a principle belts - belt bound outdoors, belt inner freedom (hall, path to the target classroom, a room) and the target belt in the form of classrooms, gym and multipurpose halls. Cerda Plan for unique compared to other rectangular nets are the squares that are created with cutting off corner of the block. Project in such an urban network should respond to this. What is the city block and cut off the corner? In a project for me is not a barrier to good regular layout, but instead of entering the city and its principles into the project and school responses to these special places. In all four corners is resulting in an open hall houses all over the floor, becoming an indoor view schools in cities and towns for school. The system is one exception, it is an existing church, which has not an ambitions to become something special and unusual, but is part of the whole. Each object has its own ledge. This has become a symbol of an element that turns the house imide to the courtyard and other buildings. It connects the building and the downstream area, it gives him character building, sport connects with an outdoor playground, building a library with a place for rest and home school with a place with trees. All three ledges are the same height, thus uniting the whole school, the whole block. Facades are open underneath, glazed, thus having a different character than the rest.

Jaunuolių su nežymiai sutrikusiu intelektu integracijos į darbo rinką situacija Lietuvoje / The integration of the youth with slight metal handicap into the work market in Lithuania / Zusammen fassung der magisterarbeit

Jakuta, Vadimas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Lietuvoje, kaip ir kitose ES valstybėse, kiekvienam jaunuoliui, nepaisant jo negalios, turi būti garantuojama teisę į mokslą. Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymai deklaruoja proto negalios asmenų teisę į ugdymą, profesinį rengimą bei įdarbinimą, tačiau neįgalieji šių savo teisių pilnai realizuoti negali. Nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto jaunuoliai, baigę bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiąsias mokyklas, neįstengia konkuruoti su kitais moksleiviais, stodami į profesinio rengimo mokyklas, nes bendrojo lavinimo ar specialiosiose mokyklose mokosi pagal adaptuotas ir modifikuotas programas. Dar viena iškilusi problema tai įstatyminė bazė. Profesinio mokymo įstatymas bei jį lydintis teisės aktai jau nebeatitinka šiuolaikinio gyvenimo realijų. Šie dokumentai negarantuoja specialiųjų poreikių vaikams, ugdytiems adaptuojant bendro lavinimo mokyklos dalykų programas, teisės mokytis antroje profesinio mokymo programų pakopoje. Šiuo metu asmenų su negalia profesinis mokymas, permokymas ir perkvalifikavimas vykdomas per darbo rinkos mokymo tarnybas, specialius mokymo centrus, profesinio mokymo mokyklas ir yra prieinamas asmenims su nežymiai sutrikusio intelekto. Nepakankamas, sunkiai prieinamas, mažai pritaikytas ir su vietos darbo rinkos poreikiais nesusietas profesinis mokymas, perkvalifikavimas tampa viena iš asmenų su negalia nedarbo priežasčių. Nėra profesinių įgūdžių (išlikusių, įgytų) įvertinimo metodikų, pagal kurias būtų galima spręsti apie profesinės reabilitacijos galimybę ir veiksmingumą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In Lithuania, like in the others EU countries, the right to education should be guaranteed to every young person despite his or her disability. The laws of Lithuanian Republic declare the right to education for people with mental disabilities, as well as their vocational training and job placement; however, the disabled people cannot realize those rights in full. After finishing adapted and modified programs in secondary and special schools, young people with light mental disorder are not able to compete with the rest of students for the place in vocational training schools. Another issue that has been raised is the legal base. The law of vocational training and associated documents do not match the realities of contemporary life. Those documents do not guarantee the right to study at the second level vocational training schools to children who were educated according to adopted secondary school programs. Currently the vocational training, re-training and re-skilling for people with disabilities is being done through the employment agencies, special training centers, vocational schools and is available only for those with light mental disorders. Vocational training and re-training, which is insufficient, difficult to access and poorly adapted to the demands in the job market, becomes one of the reasons for unemployment of disabled people. There is no methodology of evaluating the acquired vocational skills, according to which it is possible to estimate the possibility for... [to full text] / In Litauen, wie in anderen Staaten EU muß man jeden Jugendlichen mit einer Behinderung die Möglichkeit zur Ausbildung garantirten. Die litauischen Gesetze bestätigen den geistig behindrten Menschen, daß die eine Möglichkeit zum Lernen, Berufschulen zu absolvieren und in den Berufsmarkt zu integrieren haben, sondern die geistig Behinderte könen aus diesen Mögleichkeiten voll nicht benutzen. Die leicht behinderte Jugendliche, die Mittelchulen und speziellen Schschuelen absolviert haben, haben keine Chancen mit Anderen in den Berufschulen zu konkurieren, wiel sie in den Schulen ein adaptiertes Lernprogramm hatten. Noch ein wichtiges Problem - das Gesetzeswerk. Das Berufsbilgungsgesetz und anderen Begleitakten entsprechen heute keine Lebensrealität. Diese Gesetze geben keine Garantie für die leicht beginderten Jugendlichen, die nach dem adaptirten Programm lernten, weiter mit den anderen Kindern in der zeiten Berufsstufe studieren. Zur Zeit organiesirt man die berufliche Schulung und Umschulung mit Hilfe der Umschulungsorganiration des Arbeitsmarktes, der speciellen Berufschulen, in dennen nur die leicht behinderte Jugendlichen lernen können. Die Berufsprogramme sind zu dem Arbeitsmarkt nicht angepasst. Berufsrehabilitationssystem ist sehr schwach entwickelt und das macht diese Situation noch schlechter. Das Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufssystem ist nur für die gesunde Menschen, die zu dem Arbeitsmarkt leicht anzupassen können. Den behinderten Menschen... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

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