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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acid retardation : recovery and recycling of acid and metal

Bood, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
During the production of steel, an oxide scale is formed on the surface and to achieve anadequate quality of the surface the scale needs to be removed. Acid pickling is a surfacetreatment where the oxide scale is removed by acid. Over time the amount of dissolved metals in the acid solution increases leading to a decrease in the pickling efficiency, hence the acid solution needs to be renewed. The renewing can be performed by an operation process called acid retardation. In this process, the spent pickling solution passes through a column packed with an ion exchange material, resin. The absorption of strong acids is preferred by the resin, hence the movement of the acids in the resin bed will be retarded relative to the movement of the metal ions. Regeneration of the resin occurs when water is passing through the resin bed counter current to the flow of the spent pickling solution. This generates a by-product with low acid and high metal content, and a product containing high acid and low metal. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the acid retardation with regards to separation efficiency and the behaviour of acid and metal in the column. The results can further be used as the groundwork for a deeper understanding of the acid retardation and how to optimize the process. Experiments were performed in lab-scale columns with synthetic spent pickling solutions containing sulfuric, nitric and hydrofluoric acid and iron in different mixtures. During the experimental work, variation of the acid and metal concentration, the type of resin and the height of the column were performed. The results from the experimental work show that a concentration dependence between the concentration of acid and metal exists and the performance of different resin types varies depending on the acid and metal solution tested. The height might also affect the separation, but it is recommended that this is further investigated. Other recommendations for further work with a focus on understanding the acid retardation for optimization include variations of the volume of solution added to the column, variation in flow rate and slurry packing of the resin.

Modelling for the thermal degradation of engine oil in diesel engines / Modellering av termiskt beroende för motorolja i dieselmotorer

SHOJAEE, Maryam January 2015 (has links)
Thermal oil oxidation is an important reason for the engine oil degradation in trucks. Having a comprehensive model that includes all the influential factors while it is feasible for being implemented in the ECUs, was aimed for this work. Therefore, the chemical investigating of the problem leaded to propose a first kinetic model and its thermal analysis caused modelling the oil thermal behaviour. The latter was developed for four compartments: Bearings, turbocharger, piston cooling and oil sump in the oil path through the lubrication system, because the highest oil temperature happens due to friction, combustion of fuels and exhaust gas transportation. Independency from the design parameters of the compartments and simplicity of models for the ECU implementation caused to investigate two various modelling hybrid approach: physical modelling and control theory approach. The first one was done for the bearings and piston cooling, and showed a high level of complexity leading to switch to the second approach. The latter was applied for all compartments while it satisfied requested requirements. To adjust and evaluate the models, an experimental campaign was devoted to acquiring the needed parameters with consideration of the project budget. Also using the previous simulation and experimental efforts at the company provided a possibility to develop flow rate sub-models used in the thermal modelling. The proposed model for all compartments, well predicted the oil thermal behaviour for both stationary and dynamic operating conditions. A comparison between the experimental data for the oil in the oil sump and turbo charger was done to show the reliability of the related models in both stationary and transient statuses. For the bearings, the simulation data for stationary condition were applied as a reference. The modelled oil temperature after piston cooling was compared to a set of experimental data that presented the probable temperature in some conditions close to stationary operating points.

Modellering av åldring av dieseloxidationskatalysatorer / Prediction  of Diesel Oxidation  Catalyst Aging

Gruvnäs, Filip January 2015 (has links)
A conventional exhaust gas after treatment system (EATS) for the Euro VI legislation contains four different catalyst. The first two (particulate filter system) remove particulates and the last two (SCR system) remove nitrogen oxides (NOx). The particulate filter system also optimizes the gas composition with respect to nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2). The performance of the SCR system has a strong dependency on the NO:NO2 ratio as the so called selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reaction is kinetically favored at a NO:NO2 ratio of 1:1. The diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) is placed first in the EATS. Due to this placement, the DOC is subjected to a rough environment, e.g. high temperatures and oil/fuel impurities that with time will affect its performance, i.e. the catalyst ages. In this master thesis, the aging of the DOC has been empirically correlated to thermal load and sulfur exposure. The study shows that it is possible to predict how the NO oxidation performance decays as a function of thermal and sulfur exposure. The empirical relation was fitted against two aging cycles and validated against an additional four. The results show that the loss of catalytic activity can to a large extent be explained by the cycle it has been used on. / Ett konventionellt efterbehandlingssystem för Euro VI-standarden innehåller fyra olika katalysatorer. De första två rensar (partikelfiltersystemet) från partiklar och de två sista (SCR-systemet) tar bort kväveoxider (NOx). Partikelfiltersystemet reglerar även gassammansättningen med avseende på kvävemonoxid (NO) och kvävedioxid (NO2). Prestandan för SCR-systemet har ett starkt beroende på NO:NO2-förhållandet där ett förhållande på 1:1 är kinetiskt gynnat för den så kallade SCR-reaktionen (eng: Selective Catalytic Reduction). Oxidationskatalysatorn (DOC) sitter som ett första steg i efterbehandlingen. Placeringen medför att katalysatorn finns i en tuff miljö där den till exempel utsätts för hög temperatur och olje/bränsleföroreningar som över tiden påverkar dess prestanda. Detta brukar kallas att DOC:n åldras. I detta examensarbete har åldrandet av DOC:n korrelerats empiriskt till termisk belastning och svavelexponering. Studien visar att det är möjligt att förutsäga hur NO-oxidationsprestandan avtar som en funktion av termisk last och svavelexponering. Det empiriska modellen anpassades till två åldringscykler och validerades emot ytterligare fyra cykler. Resultaten visar att den kvarvarande katalytiska aktiviteten i stor utsträckning kan förklaras genom vilken cykel den har körts på.

Kemikalier i Byggmaterial : mot det framtida Stockholm, en stad i världsklass / Chemicals in Building Materials : a strategy for the City of Stockholm

Tierney, Sara January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att fastställa hur Stockholms Stad arbetar för att minimera riskerna med kemikalier i byggmaterial idag. En rekommendation skall även ges för hur staden skall kunna utveckla detta arbete. En litteraturstudie har genomförts liksom intervjuer med berörda aktörer. Det pågår ett aktivt arbete inom Stockholms Stad med att begränsa användandet av kemikalier i byggmaterial. Bland annat ställs krav då staden upplåter eller säljer mark för byggande. I dagsläget hänvisar staden i sina krav till sex olika branschsystems kriterier för kemikalier i byggmaterial. Att referera till alla dessa system medför en viss otydlighet kring vilka krav som gäller, eftersom de alla har olika kriterier. Stadens egna fastighetsbolag använder ett av dessa system; Byggvarubedömningen och deltar aktivt för att utveckla denna databas. Stadens möjlighet att påverka som myndighetsutövare är ännu inte fullt utnyttjad. Ett visst arbete pågår men kan utvecklas. Kunskapen som erhållits vid intervjuer, stadens miljömål och vision, den utveckling som sker i branschen idag samt en genomgång av dagens problematiska kemikalier har legat till grund för de rekommendationer som ges. Rekommendationerna innebär bland annat att staden skall följa upp de krav som ställs, att de skall utöka tillsynsverksamheten för kemikalier i byggmaterial och att de vid samtliga bygglovsärenden ta upp kemikalier i byggmaterial som en prioriterad fråga. Förslag har även givits att staden skall följa kemikalieinspektionens råd om att skydda barnen från kemikalier som har hormonstörande egenskaper. Detta genom att de kommunala fastighetsbolagen gemensamt genomför ett projekt för att minska barnens exponering av dessa ämnen. Staden kan även genom informationsinsatser hjälpa till att sprida information och kunskap. Under intervjuer framkom att många tyckte att hormonstörande ämnen, nanomaterial och kombinationseffekter var områden som var svåra att hantera. Detta är områden där staden kan bistå med vägledning. Det pågår en debatt om att kommuners krav ökar kostnader för byggherrar och att detta motverkar nyproduktionen. Staden bör därför genomföra en kostnadsanalys kring de krav som ställs. Inte bara för att kunna svara på kritiken utan också för att fastställa vilka krav som eventuellt medför stora extrakostnader. På så sätt kan resurser läggas där de gör störst nytta. / The objective of this thesis has been to establish how the City of Stockholm works towards minimising the risks associated with the use of chemicals in building materials. A recommendation is given on how this work can be further developed. A review of existing literature has been done and interviews carried out with pertinent players in this area. There is ongoing work being carried out by Stockholm’s City to limit the use of chemicals in building materials. Among other actions, the City sets demands and restrictions on the use of chemicals in building materials when they sell or lease land for building. The City currently refers to the criteria of sex different industry systems for the selection of building materials. By doing so there is no clear definition of what restrictions the city demands, since these systems have different criteria. The City owned housing and property companies utilise one of these systems, Byggvarubedömningen and actively participates in its development and refinement. The City’s use of regulations and by-laws has not been fully exploited and can be further developed. The recommendations given in this thesis are based on the knowledge gained from interviews, the City’s environmental goals and targets, today’s development in the building industry and a study of today’s specific problem areas. The recommendations include a call for the City to follow up on the requirements that are placed on the use of chemicals in building materials. The City also has an opportunity to expand their regulatory functions. The City is advised to follow the recommendations from the Swedish Chemical Authority (Kemikalieinspektionen) to protect children from endocrine disrupting chemicals. The city-owned building and property companies are called on to carry out a project with the aim of decreasing children’s exposure to these chemicals. The City can also carry out campaigns to spread information and knowledge surrounding the use and effects of chemicals. An important issue brought up in the interviews was the lack of knowledge regarding nano materials, endocrine disrupting chemicals and possible cocktail effects. These are areas where the City can offer guidance. There is much discussion regarding the financial consequences of the Cities requirements when selling land. There is a lack of knowledge regarding what extra costs the City’s restriction of the use of certain chemicals might cause. To be able to have a discussion about extra costs and give an answer to the critique, the City should carry out a cost analysis. This analysis could also increase the understanding of which requirements and restrictions that causes the most extra costs. This enables decision makers to use the resources where they contribute to the most benefits.

Thermochemical behavior of pretreated biomass

Biswas, Amit Kumar January 2011 (has links)
Mankind has to provide a sustainable alternative to its energy related problems. Bioenergy is considered as one of the potential renewable energy resources and as a result bioenergy market is also expected to grow dramatically in future. However, logistic issues are of serious concern while considering biomass as an alternative to fossil fuel. It can be improved by introducing pretreated wood pellet. The main objective of this thesis is to address thermochemical behaviour of steam exploded pretreated biomass. Additionally, process aspects of torrefaction were also considered in this thesis. Steam explosion (SE) was performed in a laboratory scale reactor using Salix wood chips. Afterwards, fuel and thermochemical aspects of SE residue were investigated. It was found that Steam explosion pretreatment improved both fuel and pellet quality. Pyrolysis of SE residue reveals that alerted biomass composition significantly affects its pyrolysis behaviour. Contribution from depolymerized components (hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) of biomass was observed explicitly during pyrolysis. When devolatilization experiment was performed on pellet produced from SE residue, effect of those altered components was observed. In summary, pretreated biomass fuel characteristics is significantly different in comparison with untreated biomass. On the other hand, Process efficiency of torrefaction was found to be governed by the choice of appropriate operating conditions and the type of biomass. / QC 20120110

Modeling and Optimization of a Fuel Cell Hybrid System / Modellering och optimering av en bränslecell hybrid system

Bertini, Lorenzo January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this project was the modeling, optimization and prediction of a hybrid system composed of a fuel cell, a dc-dc converter and a supercapacitor in series. Lab tests were performed for each device to understand their behavior, and then each one was modeled using software (Simulink). The validation of the model was done by comparing its results with measured data; finally the model was used for the optimization and the prediction of the hybrid system

Grön ammoniak i Norra Sverige : Konceptstudie kring förutsättningar för grön ammoniakproduktion i Norra Sverige / Green ammonia in northern Sweden

Hägglund, Fredrik January 2022 (has links)
Europeiska Unionen presenterade den 8 juni 2020 sin vätgasstrategi i syfte för att minska koldioxidutsläppen. Det unionen vill uppnå med sin vätgasstrategi är att uttnytja konceptet Power-to-X där elektricitet omvandlas till energi. Om elektricitetkällan kommer från förnyelsebar energi kommer grön vätgas produceras. Problemet med vätgas idag är lagring, transport och hanteringstrukturen för ämnet men vätgas kan lagras i flertal applikationer. En av de mest lovande lagringsalternativen är ammoniak som bildas när vätgas med kvävgas reagerar med varandra via ammoniaksyntes. Eftersom vätgasproduktionen idag använder fossila bränslen kommer även dess applikation göra det, men med grön vätgas kommer dess applikation även att bli grön. Idag står ammoniakproduktion för 2 % av fossilbränsleanvändning globalt och frigör mer än 400 miljoner ton CO2 årligen. Dessa utsläpp skulle försvinna om produktionen av ammoniak gjordes med Power-to-X konceptet. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka förutsättningarna ur ett ekonomiskt, tekniskt och säkerhetsmässigt hållbart Power-to-X koncept i form av en Grön Ammoniakanläggning i Norra Sverige. Det innebär att processer för en ammoniakproduktion skall analyseras ur ett teknisk synvinkel där fokus på funktion mot grön ammoniak är i fokus. Den ekonomiska synvinkeln innebär vad kapitalkostnaden (CAPEX) blir för anläggningen samt driftkostnaden (OPEX) som processen får. Arbetet innehåller först en analys av de processer som krävs för att kunna producera ammoniak. Därefter en analys över möjliga tekniker för dessa processer, hur väl de fungerar mot grön ammoniak och vilka antaganden som är i detta arbete. Anläggningen skulle vara storskalig vilket innebär en produktion på 500 ton NH3 $/dag. Det är även antaget en kontinuerlig eltillförsel samt att elnät redan är tillgänglig. Detta gav att vätgasproduktionen gjordes med en PEM-elektrolys, där kvävgas fås från kryogen destillation och ammoniak produceras med HB-processen. Resultatet visades att anläggningens CAPEX och OPEX blev 2 820 MSEK respektive 1 272 MSEK/år. Den dominerande faktorn för kapitalkostnaden var för vätgasproduktion som utgjorde 60 % av CAPEX. Den höga kostnaden för PEM-elektrolys är dels för att utvecklingen av processen inte är fullbordad, där utvecklingen för tekniken skulle kunna ge en stor kostnadsreducering. Det elbehov som anläggningen kräver är 1,6 TWh och och utgör en påverkan på OPEX är 55,4 %. Den process som kräver mest energi är vätgasproduktionen vilket omfattar 94 % av hela anläggningens totala elbehov. En stor anledning till de dyra driftkostnaderna är elpriset. I detta arbete valdes elpriset till ett medelvärde för SE1 i Sverige under en 10 års period. I ett verkligt scenario hade vätgasproduktionen kunnat optimeras för uppnå billigare drift.

Improved Usage of Wood Raw Material through Modification of the Kraft Process

Tavast, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
The kraft process is a complex system with many variables, and though the process is fairly well understood, there is still much we do not know.      This thesis examines some aspects of the kraft process that could prove to be of interest for the pulp and paper industry, specifically, the impact of wood chip impregnation and of the chemical structure of xylan on spruce kraft pulp. The intent is to suggest modifications to the kraft process as it is used today.      The effect of wood chip impregnation varies with the prevalent conditions, and increases the effect of the subsequent kraft cook. Longer impregnation at a lower temperature was found to increase screened pulp yield, reduce shives content, make it possible to reach a certain kappa number at a lower H-factor, and make it possible to reach a certain kappa number at a lower total alkali consumption.      Xylan has previously been found to have a strength-enhancing effect on pulp, and the chemical structure of the xylan in question was found to be the main strength-enhancing factor. For spruce xylan, the structure that provides the largest increase in strength is not the same as the structure that increases the yield the most. Removing xylan was determined to have a negative impact on pulp strength.      Xylan extracted from agro waste can be used as an additive to increase pulp strength. This could be viable, especially when combined with the production of green plastics from hemicelluloses extracted from the agro waste.      A suggested configuration of a future pulp mill is presented, incorporating the following modifications to the now standard kraft cooking system: impregnation at a lower temperature for a longer time; extracting xylan-enriched black liquor at an early stage of the impregnation or cook, and adding this liquor at a late stage of the cook; terminating the cook at a higher kappa number; increasing oxygen delignification to compensate for the increased kappa number at the end of the cook, keeping the kappa number constant going into the bleaching plant; and adding agro-waste xylan during oxygen delignification. / <p>QC 20150525</p>

Sol-gel Synthesis and Photocatalytic Characterization of Immobilized TiO2 Films

Liao, Haidong January 2009 (has links)
Contamination of surface and ground water from industrial wastes and anthropogenic activities represents one of the greatest challenges to the sustainable development of human society. Heterogeneous photocatalysis, a kind of advanced oxidation process characterized by the production of highly oxidative hydroxyl radicals, is a relatively novel subject with tremendous potential in water treatment applications.     The purpose of this research was first to develop feasible hydroxyl radical detection methods, which can be used to evaluate efficiency of photocatalytic process, and second to prepare immobilized TiO2 films with high photocatalytic activities by the sol gel method.     The feasibility of Indigo carmine and phthalic hydrazide as OH-radical probes was investigated. The organic dye Indigo carmine absorbs visual light strongly at 610 nm and its destruction can be monitored conveniently in a spectrophotometer. Results showed that both ·OH and HO2· can bleach Indigo carmine, and the bleaching yield of ·OH was pH independent. The photocatalytic dye bleaching in black light UV illuminated Degussa P25 TiO2 aerated suspensions was then investigated. A strong pH dependency of the bleaching yield was found.  This implies that the quantum yield of OH radical at pH 3 is one fourth compared to that at pH 10. The reaction of the OH radical with phthalic hydrazide will form strongly chemiluminescent 3-hydroxyphthalic hydrazide. Using the more specific phthalic hydrazide as OH radical probe, an even stronger pH dependent quantum yield of OH radical was found. At pH 10 the quantum yield reached the same magnitude as that obtained by using Indigo carmine, whereas the quantum yields at acidic pH were close to zero. However it was found that the addition of phosphate and fluoride anions can substantially enhance the OH radical yield at acidic pH by blocking the adsorption of phthalic hydrazide onto the TiO2 surfaces. Hence the adsorption of phthalic hydrazide to TiO2 is an important factor to consider when this method is used.     Photocatalytic TiO2 films coated on metal plates were prepared by a sol gel method using titanium isopropoxide as TiO2 precursor and isopropanol as solvent. The photocatalytic activity of the obtained films was evaluated by bleaching of indigo carmine at pH 9 under black light UV irradiation. The effect of the molar ratio of isopropanol, water and hydrochloric acid to titanium isopropoxide was studied. It was also shown that the activities of TiO2 films are considerably influenced by calcination temperature, coating cycles and the supporting materials. / Förorening av yt- och grundvatten från industrier och humana aktiviteter utgör en av de största utmaningarna för en hållbar utveckling av det mänskliga samhället. Heterogen fotokatalys, en slags avancerad oxidations process som kännetecknas av att starkt oxidativa hydroxylradikaler produceras, är en relativt ny teknik med stor potential för vattenrening.     Ett syfte med detta licentiatarbete var först att utveckla och genomföra olika metoder för att detektera bildningen av hydroxylradikaler såväl i laboratoriet som i tekniska miljöer. Det andra syftet med arbetet var att syntetisera immobiliserade TiO2 filmer med hög fotokatalytisk effektivitet med en sol-gel metod.     Möjligheten att använda indigokarmin och ftalhydrazid som OH-radikalprob undersöktes. Det organiska färgämnet indigokarmin absorberar synligt ljus starkt vid 610 nm vilket gör att dess nedbrytning lätt kan följas i en spektrofotometer. Resultaten av gammaradiolys visade att båda •OH och HO2• kan bleka indigokarmin och att den blekning som härrör från •OH var oberoende av pH. Fotokatalytisk blekning av indigokarmin med blacklight UV bestrålning av  Degussa P25 TiO2 suspensioner undersöktes sedan. Ett starkt pH-beroende av blekningsutbytet erhölls vilket tolkas som att kvantutbytet av OH-radikaler vid pH 3 är en fjärdedel jämfört med det vid pH 10.     När ftalhydrazid reagerar med OH-radikaler bildas starkt kemiluminiscent 3-hydroxy-ftalhydrazid. Med denna  specifika OH-radikalprob, erhölls ett ännu starkare pH beroende. Vid pH 10 var kvantutbytet i paritet med det som erhölls med indigokarmin, medan kvantutbytet vid lågt pH var nära noll. Tillsats av fosfat-  och fluoridjoner visade sig avsevärt öka OH-radikalutbytet vid lågt pH-värde genom att blockera adsorption av ftalhydrazid på TiO2 ytorna. Adsorptionen av ftalhydrazid på TiO2 är således en viktig faktor när denna metod används.     Fotokatalytiskt verksamma TiO2-filmer på metallplattor framställdes med sol-gel metoden med titan-isopropoxide som TiO2-prekursor och isopropanol som lösningsmedel. Den fotokatalytiska aktiviteten av TiO2-belagda plattor utvärderades genom blekning av indigokarmin vid pH 9 under blacklight UV-bestrålning. Effekten av olika proportioner mellan isopropanol, vatten och saltsyra till titan isopropoxide undersöktes. Det visade sig att denfotokatalytiska aktiviteten av TiO2-plattorna i hög grad påverkades av kalcineringstemperatur, beläggningscykler och materialet i plattorna.

Katalytisk omvandling av pyrolysgas i WoodRoll-processen för ökad processtillförlitlighet / Catalytic Conversion of Pyrolysis Gas in the WoodRoll Process for Enhancing Process Reliability

Halvarsson, Alfred January 2015 (has links)
This project was a cooperation between the division of Chemical Technology at KTH, Cortus Energy and Haldor Topsoe A/S. The goal was to build up a totally new setup for converting and deoxygenate pyrolysis bio-oil, in order to increase the performance of Cortus Energy’s WoodRoll process. Therefore an iron based catalyst from Haldor Topsoe was used. The building up of the new setup with all reactors and the control panel was a complicated and time-consuming work. This led to an only short time slot for performing experiments, which means that more work needs to be done to get more valuable results. The most important success of this project was to get all the knowledge about the system and to make everything (the whole experimental setup) running properly. However, the sampling system needs to be improved before making further experiments. The experiments which have been done show promising results and that the iron based catalyst was working well for converting the bio-oil. During the two hour long experiment there were not shown any indications of deactivation, when looking at the gas compositions, but the results from temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) show carbon deposition on the catalyst and the BET surface also shows a slight decrease in surface area.

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