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Kinect – utvecklande till och undersökning av styrenhetenLudvigsson, Mattias, Jennebo, Eric January 2011 (has links)
Den här rapporten innehåller vårt arbete om Kinect, en ny styrenhet lanserad av Microsoft. I den här rapporten så svarar vi på frågor som t ex: hur det är att programmera till Kinect, hur tekniken bakom Kinect fungerar, hur länge man orkar spela med Kinect och om ett klassiskt spel blir roligare att spela med Kinect. För att kunna svara på de här frågorna så har vi utvecklat kontroller till ett PC-spel, vi har även skrivit några frågor som vi sedan lät användare svara på efter dem testat Kinect. Vår slutsats är att programmering till Kinect är relativt enkel och har stor potential. Dessutom kan det vara svårt att anpassa klassiska spel till Kinect för att öka upplevelsen. / This report is about Kinect and our work with it as a new controldevice developed by Microsoft. In this report we answer questions such as: how to program to Kinect, how the technic behind it works, for how long you can play it before you get tired and if Kinect can make a classic game more fun. To answer these questions we have developed controls to a PC-game, we also wrote some questions which we had users answer after they tested Kinect. Our conclusion is that programming for Kinect is easy with the right knowledge and it has great potential. It can however be hard to adjust classic games to Kinects controls to make them more fun.
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Augment HoloLens’ Body Recognition and Tracking Capabilities Using KinectMathi, Krishna Chaithanya January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Atomix pro Microsoft Kinect pro Windows / Atomix for Microsoft Kinect for WindowsMach, Vladimír January 2014 (has links)
Title: Atomix for Microsoft Kinect for Windows Author: Vladimír Mach Department: Department of Software Engineering Supervisor: RNDr. David Hoksza, Ph.D. Supervisor's e-mail address: hokzsa@ksi.mff.cuni.cz Abstract: The aim of this master thesis is to explore the capabilities of the motion sensing device Kinect by Microsoft and then implement Atomix game that will use natural user interface provided by the Kinect sensor. This thesis describes discovered capabilities and limitations of the sensor and proposes suitable gestures for natural user interface of the Atomix game with respect to the capabilities of the sensor. The resulting game is implemented using the XNA Framework library. Aside from the Atomix game is created an application for creating custom levels. Moreover this thesis also implements independent libraries containing classes for managing the connected Kinect sensors and components for XNA Framework that can be used in other application or games. Keywords: atomix, kinect, xna
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Using 3D sensing and projecting technology to improve the mobility of Parkinson's disease patientsAmini, Amin January 2018 (has links)
Parkinson's is a neurological condition in which parts of the brain responsible for movements becomes incapacitated over time due to the abnormal dopamine equilibrium. Freezing of Gait (FOG) is one of the main Parkinson's Disease (PD) symptoms that affects patients not only physically but also psychologically as it prevents them from fulfilling simple tasks such as standing up or walking. Different auditory and visual cues have been proven to be very effective in improving the mobility of People with Parkinson's (PwP). Nonetheless, many of the available methods require user intervention or devices to be worn, charged, etc. to activate the cues. This research suggests a system that can provide an unobtrusive facility to detect FOG and falling in PwP as well as monitoring and improving their mobility using laser-based visual cues casted by an automated laser system. It proposes a new indoor method for casting a set of two parallel laser lines as a dynamic visual cue in front of a subject's feet based on the subject's head direction and 3D location in a room. The proposed system controls the movement of a set of pan/tilt servo motors and laser pointers using a microcontroller based on the real-time skeletal information acquired from a Kinect v2 sensor. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is created that enables users to control and adjust the settings based on the user preferences. The system was tested and trained by 12 healthy participants and reviewed by 15 PwP who suffer from frequent FOG episodes. The results showed the possibility of employing the system as an indoor and on-demand visual cue system for PwP that does not rely on the subject's input or introduce any additional complexities to operate. Despite limitations regarding its outdoor use, feedback was very positive in terms of domestic usability and convenience, where 12/15 PwP showed interest in installing and using the system at their homes.
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Kinect 3D MappingNordmark, Anton January 2012 (has links)
This is a master thesis of the Master of Science degree program in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at Linköping University. The goal of this thesis is to find out how the Microsoft Kinect can be used as a part of a camera rig to create accurate 3D-models of an indoor environment. The Microsoft Kinect is marketed as a touch free game controller for the Microsoft Xbox 360 game console. The Kinect contains a color and a depth camera. The depth camera works by constantly projecting a near infrared dot pattern that is observed with a near infrared camera. In this thesis it is described how to model the near infrared projector pattern to enable external near infrared cameras to be used to improve the measurement precision. The depth data that the Kinect output have been studied to determine what types of errors it contains. The finding was that the Kinect uses an online calibration algorithm that changes the depth data.
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Seguimiento del Paciente en Rehabilitación con Kinect 2.0 / Monitoring of the Patient in Rehabilitation with Kinect 2.0Gutiérrez Pardo, Yanira Soraya, Guerrero Carhuavilca, Andrea Midori 29 November 2019 (has links)
En los últimos años, la tecnología se ha caracterizado por tener grandes avances los cuales pueden ser aplicados a un beneficio conjunto. Los actuales centros de rehabilitación física en el Perú no cuentan con la tecnología suficiente en la cual se puedan apoyar para brindar un seguimiento dar un mejor diagnóstico a los pacientes que están en rehabilitación. La rehabilitación física es el tipo de tratamiento más frecuente en el Perú para personas que presentan cierta discapacidad física (62%). Sin embargo, muchas de ellas no llegan a culminar exitosamente las sesiones de terapia física que tienen programas ya que encuentran los ejercicios repetitivos y poco motivadores. Así mismo, muchas veces durante las sesiones, un único terapeuta es quien está a cargo de un grupo de pacientes, lo cual hace imposible que preste 100% de su atención a cada uno. Es por ello por lo que el presente proyecto tiene como objetivo principal la implementación de una aplicación que permite el uso de la tecnología como apoyo en la terapia física a través del Kinect 2.0 para pacientes con tendinopatía del hombro. / In recent years, technology has been characterized by having great advances which can be applied to a joint benefit. The current physical rehabilitation centers in Peru do not have enough technology that can be supported to provide follow-up to give a better diagnosis to patients who are in rehabilitation. Physical rehabilitation is the most frequent type of treatment in Peru for people with certain physical disabilities (62%). However, many of them fail to successfully complete physical therapy sessions that have programs because they find repetitive and unmotivating exercises. Also, many times during the sessions, a single therapist is in charge of a group of patients, which makes it impossible for him to give 100% of his attention to each one. That is why this project has as its main objective the implementation of an application that allows the use of technology as a support in physical therapy through Kinect 2.0 for patients with shoulder tendinopathy. / Tesis
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Implementation av timingbaserat fightingspel till Kinect i C# och WPF / Implementation of a timing-based fighting game for Kinect in C# and WPFLindström, Alexander, Ringensjö, Emil January 2013 (has links)
Spelutveckling är något som ständigt förändras, möjligheterna vi har idag är väldigt olika de möjligheter vi hade för tio år sedan och de möjligheter som vi kommer att ha om tio år. I denna rapport vill vi utforska några av dessa nya möjligheter och vi vill därför ta reda på hur väl lämpat C# och WPF är för implementationen av ett timingbaserat fightingspel till rörelsesensorn Microsoft Kinect genom att genomföra sagda implementation. Resultatet av detta examensarbete är en tidig version av spelet och en analys av de svårigheter som har uppstått och de begräsningar som vi har upptäckt med C#, WPF och Kinect.
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Návrh a implementace softwarové komponenty pro manipulaci s 3D objektyČapek, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on the design and implementation of software component for manipulating 3D objects. Work includes a general description of hand,hand gestures aspects of distribution, basic image preprocessing methods, detailed description of the classification methods, description of Kinect device and libraries for image processing. The practical part deals with the design and implementation of software component named Tool into ArcScene application, design and implementation of gestures that emulate a 3D mouse functionality. The component is implemented in C# programming language with Kinect SDK library. This gesture recognition system is based on the FSM method with success 80--97%.
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3D Object Reconstruction Using XBOX Kinect V2.0Varanasi, Srikanth, Devu, Vinay Kanth January 2016 (has links)
Three dimensional image processing and analysis, particularly, the imaging and reconstruction of an environment in three dimensions has received significant attention, interest and concern during the recent years. In the light of this background, this research study intends to provide an efficient way to reconstruct an irregular surfaced object, for example "the sole of a shoe", with good precision at a low cost using XBOX Kinect V2.0 sensor. Three dimensional reconstruction can be achieved either by using active or passive methods. Active methods make use of light source such as lasers or infra-red emitters for scanning a given environment and measuring the depth, to create a depth map. In contrast, in passive methods, colour images of the environment in different perspectives are used to create a three dimensional model of the environment. In this study, an active method using a set of depth maps of the object of interest is implemented, where the object of interest is represented by a sole of a shoe. Firstly, a set of depth maps of the object of interest are acquired in different perspectives. The acquired depth maps are first pre-processed for removing any outliers in the data acquired and are then enhanced. Enhanced depth maps are converted into 3D point clouds using the intrinsic parameters of the Kinect sensor. These obtained point clouds are subsequently registered into a single position using the Iterative Closest Point(ICP) algorithm. Aligned point clouds of the object of interest are then merged to form a single dense point cloud of the object of interest. Analysis of the generated single dense point cloud has shown that accurate 3D reconstruction of the real object of the interest has been achieved.
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Natural Interaction Programming with Microsoft KinectMoses, Andrew January 2011 (has links)
This report has the purpose of exploring the area of developing a natural interaction game using Microsoft Kinect. The launch of Kinect for Microsoft Xbox 360 has given us hardware for tracking humans, face recognition, speech recognition and 3D reconstruction for a relatively cheap price. This has created other areas of usage for Kinect than just in the area of games for Xbox. In this report I find out which development tools that are available today for developing applications for the PC platform and what they offer. I also choose one of them and develop a game with it with the purpose of evaluating the tool and also for getting the experience of creating an application with a natural user interface. The report is also part of a pre-study to introduce natural user interface applications into a game course at the university. This raises some requirements on the tools and therefore many of the discussions and results are with those requirements in mind. Those requirements being mainly that the tools should be available on the Windows platform and that they should be easy to use. The results shows that the area of developing natural interaction applications is new and therefore the tools available today are not totally mature yet. There are free tools from open source communities and tools from companies that you have to purchase to use. Both of them are trying to find their own way when it comes to the features and distribution of the tools and therefore which way to take is not obvious. Also developing a natural user interface is not always that straight forward. When there are no buttons available at all, it changes what you can do and how you do things. I will share my experiences and thoughts of both the development tools and the game I created throughout the report.
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