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Marketingová komunikace Fyziofitness Černošice / Marketing communication of Fyziofitness ČernošiceDohnalová, Barbora January 2017 (has links)
Title: Marketing Communication of Fyziofitness Cernosice Objectives: : Aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate current marketing communication of Fyziofitness Cernosice from both the standpoint of its customers as well as its management. Based on gathered information, detailed concept of marketing communication is then presented, using mainly methods and tools of communication mix. Methods: To evaluate current marketing commmunications, both quantitave and qualitative methods of research were used. Clients of the fitness centre were asked to fill a questionaire and an interview with the owner of Fyziofitness Cernosice was conducted in order to better understand the current state of things. Results: The output of this thesis is an outline of marketing communication for the period starting June 2017, up until June 2018. This outline will then be presented to the management of the fitness centre and it will be used for this period of time. Keywords: marketing communication, communication mix, online communication, marketing research, developmental kinesiology in fitness
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Kineziologická analýza vybrané techniky tachi-waza v judo / Kinesiological analysis of tachi-waza technique in judoZavadil, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Title: Kinesiological analysis of tachi-waza technique in judo Objectives: The aim of this work is to measure activity of selected back muscles and oblique abdominal muscle using surface EMG. At the same time, determine the load with comparison with the maximum free contraction for musculus erector spinae with selected judo techniques tai otoshi, o goshi and uchi mata. Then perform intra- individual comparisons between different techniques and comparisons between measured probands. Methods: To determine the muscle chain in a motion cycle in techniques tai otoshi, o goshi and uchi mata by surface EMG method and kinetic analysis. Six probands with several years of experience in judo were selected to measure. The measurements were four muscles on both sides: musculus trapezius, musculus erector spinae, musculus latissimus dorsi a musculus obliquus externus abdominis. Results: There was some similarity for intra-individual comparison. Three probands between the technique tai otoshi and o goshi, two between tai otoshi and uchi mata. Can be assumed, that techniques tai otoshi is basic technique with which the probants began in their youth. In the inter-individual comparison, the results showed, that the technique is very individual. Most muscles involved 80% of the average motion cycle. Most often at the...
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Vliv mobilizace kotníku a chodidla na zlepšení stability analyzované počítačovou dynamikou posturografií / Effect of Ankle and Foot joints mobilization on balance improvement, analyzed by Computerized Dynamic PosturographyBaqhoum, Salem January 2020 (has links)
Effect of Ankle and Foot joints mobilization on Stability improvement, analyzed by Computerized Dynamic Posturography. The aim of the study was to observe if joint mobilization of ankle and foot joints would improve the stability using the by Computerized Dynamic Posturography (neurocom) as a measurement tool. The methods that are used from the research are based on the knowledge which was obtained during the study of physiotherapy program at FTVS UK. All the participants are between the ages of 20 to 30 years, with no specific diagnose. All the 40 participants were being randomly divide into 2 groups. The control group and the experimental group, each group will have their Stability tested twice on the CPD (NeuroCom). The control group will be measured first, and after 20 minutes they will be measured again without any examination or therapeutic intervention. The experimental group was measured twice, first before the examination of joint play and the therapy, then the examination of joint play was done and any restricted joints were noted and treated, later, the participants were measured again for possible improvement. Joint play examination and therapy take about 20 minutes. Stability analyses take about 20 minutes too. The project doesn't include subjects with severe lower extremity injuries (eg,...
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Problematika funkčního plochonoží / Problems of the functional flatfootMichalec, Radim January 2011 (has links)
Title: Problems of the functional flatfoot Objective: The aim of this diploma thesis is problems of the functional flatfoot. Main goal is to describe relation between change of structure, disorder of foot function and development of flatfoot. The thesis tries to describe the behavior of foot and arch in standing and walking. Another goal is to summarize the diagnostic possibilities of flatfoot. Methods: The diploma thesis has descriptive-analytical character. It's written in form of literature review. Results: This thesis demonstrates the problem of disunity nomenclature concerning the problem of flatfoot. Specifically, it concerns the interpretation of the words of functional flatfoot, movement components in foot and laboratory diagnostic methods. There is offered an explanation of the concept of functional flatfoot. Further work indicated that the acquired flatfoot is a question of a functional disorder that may progress to structural changes. The static and dynamic loadings were confirmed by the role of small muscles of the foot in the role of dynamic stabilization and influence of femoral rotation on the foot arch. There were summarized methods used for the diagnosis of flatfoot including dynamic plantography. Keywords: flat foot, foot arch, kinesiology, diagnostics
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Diskrepance záklonových poloh užívaných ve fyzioterapii / Discrepancy of extension positions used in physiotherapyKrátká, Gabriela January 2017 (has links)
Title: Discrepancy of extention positions used in physiotherapy Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to describe in detail selected extinction position (bhudžangásána, úrdhvamukhašvanásána, McKenzie extension, extension from developmental kinesiology) and then using surface electromyography to verify the similarity and difference of selected muscle involvement in these positions. From these detection then conclude whether this practice often confused position brings the same or different therapeutic effect. Methods: It is the type of quantitative research to theoretical and empirical character. The research method is observing (intra experiment). Using surface electromyography was sensed electrical activity m. trapezius (superior et inferior), m. erector spinae, mm. oblique, m. gluteus maximus and m. semitendinosus in 7 subjects in the implementation of extension positions. Results: It was confirmed that for each of these positions was dominant differnt of the measured muscles. It was confirmed that the position bhudžangásána and úrdhvamukhašvanásána are described in the literature differently than is shown practical experiment. Other positions didn't confirm this statement. It was confirmed that each of mentioned positions has a different therapeutic effect. Keywords: extention position,...
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Stimulace zón používaných při reflexní lokomoci pomocí proudu TENS / Stimulation of the zones used during reflex locomotion by TENSVodňanská, Markéta January 2011 (has links)
Thesis title: Stimulation of the zones used during reflex lokomotion by the TENS Name: Markéta Vodňanská The aim of the thesis: The aim of this thesis is to determine, whether is activated the appropriate locomotor pattern during Vojta reflex locomotion - reflexive crawling, when TENS is used for a stimulation of trigger zones, as it is during manual stimulation of trigger zones for reflexive crawling. Method: The essence of this study is the stimulation of trigger zones used in the reflex locomotion manually and by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) at a frequency of 30 Hz and 182 Hz. Six probands participated in this experiment. During the manual and TENS stimulation was scanned electrical activity in selected muscles by surface electromyography. First, it was evaluated the order of activation of selected muscles, using "standard timing" analysis by MyoResearch XP Master program. Second, it was evaluated the crawling reflex locomotion pattern visually. Results: It was confirmed, that the crawling reflex locomotion pattern, which is provoked by manual stimulation of trigger zones, is provoked by TENS stimulation as well, using the same trigger zones. It follows that the vector of direction and pressure during manual stimulation of trigger zones is not necessary for recall of the...
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Využití elektroléčebných proudů v reflexní lokomoci / The use of therapeutic currents in reflex locomotionRotterová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
Thesis title: The use of therapeutic currents in reflex locomotion Name: Jitka Rotterová The aim of the thesis: The aim of this thesis is to determine, whether the appropriate locomotor pattern is activated during Vojta reflex locomotion - reflexive crawling, when Russian stimulation is used for a stimulation of trigger zones, as it is during manual stimulation of these trigger zones, and if the electrical potential will spread to the distant locations of the body. Method: Pilot study of experimentally descriptive character. The essence of this study is the stimulation, of heel zone and zone on medial epicondyle of the femur used in the reflex locomotion manually and by electrical current. Four probands participated in this experiment. During the manual and electrical stimulation activity in selected muscles was scanned by surface electromyography. First, order of activation of selected muscles was evaluated using "standard timing" analysis by MyoResearch XP Master program. Second, the frequency spectrum was evaluated in the same program. Results: The experiment shows that the stimulation of trigger zones of Vojta reflex locomotion by stimulating with Russian current can evoke motor response that corresponds to the locomotor pattern of reflexive crawling. Timing of activity of the muscles monitored...
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Vliv gymnastického cvičení na držení těla u dívek mladšího školního věku / The influence of gymnastic exercises to correct posture for girls of primary school age.ŠMOLÍKOVÁ, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
This work is adicted to observation of younger school age girls posture. Respondents are divided anto two groups. One group consists of girls who are practising sport´s gymnastic and the other group are girls practising different or any sports. Disparity of these two groups is examined by means of a questionnaire In the theoretical part there are all information and continuity which are important for this subject, questions concerning gymnastic exercises respectively sports gymnastics. Such as physiological aspects burden for girls of younger school age, the function of the locomotive system, and the area kinesiology, such as muscle imbalance, muscle balance and upright body position. With respect to the topic, in this thesis also mentions of ontogenetic development of girls and also health education, especially lifestyle.Further the work aspires of the keywords clarificationof the whole research. In the practocal part there are evaluated the before mentioned, further the discussion and the overal results of the research. Where he was found positive influence of gymnastic exercise on posture in girls of younger school age.
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Využití metody Therasuit u jedinců s mozkovou obrnou / The Use of Therasuit method on individual with cerebral palsyFatková, Aneta January 2021 (has links)
Title: The Use of Therasuit method on individuals with cerebral palsy Objectives: The main objective of the work is to observe a 4-week rehabilitation program according to the Therasuit method. Determine whether there will be changes in the area of gross motor skills and primitive reflexes, and to describe the individual course of the rehabilitation process in individual probands. Another objective is an evaluation of the therapeutic effect on the child's physical activities from the parents point of view. Methods: It is a mixed research method which contains an empirical-theoretical form of case sudies of 3 probands.The study included 2 boys and 1 girl aged 3, 4 and 7 years with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy, while in the first proband it occurs in the form of spastic diparesis, in the second one in the form of spastic hemiparesis, and in the third one in the form of spastic triparesis. The data collection methods used include input and output kinesiological analysis, qualitative observation of the rehabilitation process and a qualitative interview with a legal representative focused on the child's physical activities prior to and after rehabilitation. Results: We found that after 4-week rehabilitation according to the Therasuit method, all 3 probands improved their gross motor skills. In all 3...
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Primitivní reflexologie a její souvislost s lokomočním vývojem / Primitive reflexology and its relation to the evolution of locomotionPejcharová, Martina January 2014 (has links)
In the theoretical part, the thesis "Primitive reflexology and its relation to the evolution of locomotion" summarizes the knowledge of movement management and postural control. The main part is focused on individual components which are tested according to developmental kinesiology as spontaneous motor activity, primitive reflexology, postural reactibility. End of the main part addresses the issue of exit examinations. The practical part is focused on finding connections of the components according to the developmental kinesiology test as a screening method. In the second mentioned part of the study were found significantly important connections between the palmar grasp reflex and the Collis horizontal reaction. Other relationships which we verified weren't statistically proven. This concerns the relation of plantar grasp reflex and Collis horizontal reaction, Galant reflex and Landau reaction, suprapubic reflex and traction response and at the end the extension crossed reflex and traction response.
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