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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vysoce náročné aplikace na svazku karet Intel Xeon Phi / High Performance Applications on Intel Xeon Phi Cluster

Kačurik, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is the implementation and subsequent optimization of high performance applications on a cluster of Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. Using two approaches to solve the N-Body problem, the possibilities of the program execution on a cluster of processors, coprocessors or both device types have been demonstrated. Two particular versions of the N-Body problem have been chosen - the naive and Barnes-hut. Both problems have been implemented and optimized. For better comparison of the achieved results, we only considered achieved acceleration against single node runs using processors only. In the case of the naive version a 15-fold increase has been achieved when using combination of processors and coprocessors on 8 computational nodes. The performance in this case was 9 TFLOP/s. Based on the obtained results we concluded the advantages and disadvantages of the program execution in the distributed environments using processors, coprocessors or both.

Model procene uticaja raspodele katjona toksičnih metala u heterogenom sistemu tečno/čvrsto na kvalitet površinskih voda / Impact assessment model of toxic metal cations partitioning in heterogeneous system liquid/solid sistem for surface water quality

Čavić Aleksandra 11 September 2018 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji evaluirani su interkorelacioni rezultati odnosa ključnih fizičko-hemijskih parametara i katjona metala u površinskoj vodi Dunava, Tise (na po tri selektovana reprezentativna lokaliteta) i kanala Dunav-Tisa-Dunav (na dva lokaliteta). U<br />Kanalu Dunav-Tisa-Dunav praćene su i rezidualne katjonske koncentracije metala u sedimentu. Na osnovu podataka prisutnosti katjona metala u heterogenom sistemu tečno/čvrsto izračunate su po prvi put konstante podeonih procesa za ispitivane katjone metala. Primenom multivarijantnih statističkih metoda analizirani su korelacioni odnosi između ključnih fizičko-hemijskih parametara i koncentracionih nivoa rezidula katjona teških, lakih i semimetala. Faktorskom analizom (PCA) i klaster analizom sa dendogramima tumačeni, analizirani i diskutovani su dobijeni rezultati. Za optimalnog uočavanja korelacionih odnosa primenjeno je unapređeno rangiranje određenih skupova podataka (interkorelacije ključnih fizičko-hemijskih parametara i rezidua katjona metala) i grafički prikazanih Haseovih dijagrama primenom DART softvera (Decision Analysis by Ranking Techniques) za definisani model procene uticaja raspodele katjona toksičnih metala u heterogenom sistemu tečno/čvrsto na kvalitet površinskih voda.</p> / <p>In the doctoral thesis are evaluated inter correlational results of key physicochemical parameters and metal cations in surface water of Danube, Tisa (on three selected representative sampling points) and canal Danube-Tisa-Danube (on two sampling sites). In the canal Danube-Tisa-Danube are also followed residual metal cations concentrations in sediment. Based on metal cations presence data in heterogeneous system liquid/solid for the first time partitioning processes constants are calculated for<br />selected metal cations. Appling multivariate statistical methods correlations between key physicochemical parameters and concentration levels of residual heavy, light and semimetals cations are analysed. Using factorial analyse (PCA) and cluster analyse with dendograms obtained results were interpreted, analysed and discussed. For optimal comprehension of correlations, advanced method ranking of finite order sets is applied (inter correlations key physicochemical parameters and residual metal cations) and graphically shown Hasse diagrams obtained by DART software (Decision Analysis by Ranking Techniques) for defined impact assessment model of toxic metal cations partitioning in heterogeneous system liquid/solid for surface water quality.</p>

"Konstrukcija i analiza klaster algoritma sa primenom u definisanju bihejvioralnih faktora rizika u populaciji odraslog stanovništva Srbije" / "Construction and analysis of cluster algorithmwith application in defining behavioural riskfactors in Serbian adult population"

Dragnić Nataša 23 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Klaster analiza ima dugu istoriju i mada se<br />primenjuje u mnogim oblastima i dalje ostaju<br />značajni izazovi. U disertaciji je prikazan uvod<br />u neglatki optimizacioni pristup u<br />klasterovanju, sa osvrtom na problem<br />klasterovanja velikih skupova podataka.<br />Međutim, ovi optimizacioni algoritmi bolje<br />funkcioni&scaron;u u radu sa neprekidnim podacima.<br />Jedan od glavnih izazova u klaster analizi je<br />rad sa velikim skupovima podataka sa<br />kategorijalnim i kombinovanim (numerički i<br />kategorijalni) tipovima promenljivih. Rad sa<br />velikim brojem instanci (objekata) i velikim<br />brojem dimenzija (promenljivih), može<br />predstavljati problem u klaster analizi, zbog<br />vremenske složenosti. Jedan od načina<br />re&scaron;avanja ovog problema je redukovanje broja<br />instanci, bez gubitka informacija.<br />Prvi cilj disertacije je bio upoređivanje<br />rezultata klasterovanja na celom skupu i<br />prostim slučajnim uzorcima sa kategorijalnim i<br />kombinovanim podacima, za različite veličine<br />uzorka i različit broj klastera. Nije utvrđena<br />značajna razlika (p&gt;0.05) u rezultatima<br />klasterovanja na uzorcima obima<br />0.03m,0.05m,0.1m,0.3m (gde je m obim<br />posmatranog skupa) i celom skupu.<br />Drugi cilj disertacije je bio konstrukcija<br />efikasnog postupka klasterovanja velikih<br />skupova podataka sa kategorijalnim i<br />kombinovanim tipovima promenljivih.<br />Predloženi postupak se sastoji iz sledećih<br />koraka: 1. klasterovanje na prostim slučajnim<br />uzorcima određene kardinalnosti; 2.<br />određivanje najboljeg klasterskog re&scaron;enja na<br />uzorku, primenom odgovarajućeg kriterijuma<br />validnosti; 3. dobijeni centri klastera iz ovog<br />uzorka služe za klasterovanje ostatka skupa.<br />Treći cilj disertacije predstavlja primenu<br />klaster analize u definisanju klastera<br />bihejvioralnih faktora rizika u populaciji<br />odraslog stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije, kao i analizu<br />sociodemografskih karakteristika dobijenih<br />klastera. Klaster analiza je primenjena na<br />velikom reprezentativnom uzorku odraslog<br />stanovni&scaron;tva Srbije, starosti 20 i vi&scaron;e godina.<br />Izdvojeno je pet jasno odvojenih klastera sa<br />karakterističnim kombinacijama bihejvioralnih<br />faktora rizika: Bez rizičnih faktora, &Scaron;tetna<br />upotreba alkohola i druge rizične navike,<br />Nepravilna ishrana i druge rizične navike,<br />Nedovoljna fizička aktivnost, Pu&scaron;enje. Rezultati<br />multinomnog logističkog regresionog modela<br />ukazuju da ispitanici koji nisu u braku, lo&scaron;ijeg<br />su materijalnog stanja, nižeg obrazovanja i žive<br />u Vojvodini imaju veću &scaron;ansu za prisustvo<br />vi&scaron;estrukih bihejvioralnih faktora rizika.</p> / <p>The cluster analysis has a long history and a<br />large number of clustering techniques have<br />been developed in many areas, however,<br />significant challenges still remain. In this<br />thesis we have provided a introduction to<br />nonsmooth optimization approach to clustering<br />with reference to clustering large datasets.<br />Nevertheless, these optimization clustering<br />algorithms work much better when a dataset<br />contains only vectors with continuous features.<br />One of the main challenges is clustering of large<br />datasets with categorical and mixed (numerical<br />and categorical) data. Clustering deals with a<br />large number of instances (objects) and a large<br />number of dimensions (variables) can be<br />problematic because of time complexity. One of<br />the ways to solve this problem is by reducing<br />the number of instances, without the loss of<br />information.<br />The first aim of this thesis was to compare<br />the results of cluster algorithms on the whole<br />dataset and on simple random samples with<br />categorical and mixed data, in terms of validity,<br />for different number of clusters and for<br />different sample sizes. There were no<br />significant differences (p&gt;0.05) between the<br />obtained results on the samples of the size of<br />0.03m,0.05m,0.1m,0.3m (where m is the size of<br />the dataset) and the whole dataset.<br />The second aim of this thesis was to<br />develop an efficient clustering procedure for<br />large datasets with categorical and mixed<br />(numeric and categorical) values. The proposed<br />procedure consists of the following steps: 1.<br />clustering on simple random samples of a given<br />cardinality; 2. finding the best cluster solution<br />on a sample (by appropriate validity measure);<br />3. using cluster centers from this sample for<br />clustering of the remaining data.<br />The third aim of this thesis was to<br />examine clustering of four lifestyle risk factors<br />and to examine the variation across different<br />socio-demographic groups in a Serbian adult<br />population. Cluster analysis was carried out on<br />a large representative sample of Serbian adults<br />aged 20 and over. We identified five<br />homogenous health behaviour clusters with<br />specific combination of risk factors: &#39;No Risk<br />Behaviours&#39;, &#39;Drinkers with Risk Behaviours&#39;,<br />&#39;Unhealthy diet with Risk Behaviours&#39;,<br />&#39;Smoking&#39;. Results of multinomial logistic<br />regression indicated that single adults, less<br />educated, with low socio-economic status and<br />living in the region of Vojvodina are most likely<br />to be a part of the clusters with a high-risk<br />profile.</p>

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