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Funkční stav cytoplazmy prasečích oocytů s odlišnou meiotickou kompetencíJurčíková, Lucie January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza kompetencí projektového manažera dle standardu IPMA z hlediska jejich praktického využíváníVichtová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on technical, behavioural and contextual competences of project managers defined by IPMA ICB 3 and its use by projcet managers in practice. Theoretical part describes project management, standards a methodics in the area of project management and competences of project managers defined by IPMA. The empirical part deals with analysis of the survey results. This analysis is focused on evaluating the use and necessity of competencies of project managers in practice.
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Vzdělávání zaměstnanců v organizaci / Analysis of employee educationTučková, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The thesis analysis of employee education, the theory focuses on describing the basic knowledge about the process of learning and competency approach. The practical part is being aimed at the analysis of employee education of business partners of Opel Southeast Europe, LLC, provided by Raytheon Training International GmbH. Based on the analysis have been identified absences and proposed improvements.
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Švédské kulturní standardyŠolc, Vlastimil January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je identifikovat švédské kulturní standardy z českého pohledu. Tyto standardy pak mohou být užitečnou součástí interkulturních tréninků připravovaných pro české manažery, podnikatele a pracovníky, kteří se budou připravovat na konfrontaci a komunikaci se Švédy nebo na delší pobyt ve Švédsku. Vytvořené švédské kulturní standardy také obsahují rady a doporučení pro efektivnější a účinnější komunikaci se Švédy, které je možné aplikovat jak v pracovním tak i osobním styku. Teoretická část se věnuje procesům sociální interakce a interkulturní komunikace a dále konceptům kulturních dimenzí a kulturních standardů.
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Možnosti využití kompetencí sestry pro komunitní péči v oblasti péče o zdraví v ČR / Possible utilize of nurse's competenicies in community health care in Czech RepublicLUPÍŠKOVÁ, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
The philosophy of community care is deeply rooted in an opinion that states that one of the main missions in a cultivated society is helping the people who, due to their disease, are not able to to meet their own demands and their needs vitally necessary for life. Community care means providing an intervention and support at the right level and in the right form for clients, so that they can reach the highest possible level of self-sufficiency and control over their own lives. Recently, there have been many changes in the health care system. The goal of community care is to provide thourough care in clients' home environments and thus enable them to stay with their community as long as possible. The major task is providing phychical, psychological, paliatic and spiritual services. Families are the vital part of the care and a fundamental root of the whole team cooperation within the system of community care. The community teams consist of health care and social workers, community volunteers, the sick or the disabled. Nurses are important members of multidisciplinary teams. They take an active part in community assessment and they also help ensure a complex care for citizens. The research survey combined a quantitave and a qualitative survey. Firstly, a set of questionnaires for nurses and non-professional public were worked out. Next, an interview was prepared for nurses. The research sample group was made of 153 non-professional respondents and 121 nurses working in different medical facilities all over the Czech Republic. Nine nurses were interviewed. In my thesis two goals were set up. The first goal was to find out where in the community care nurses could implement their competences within the legislative frames. The second goal was to find out what opinion on community nurses non-professional public have. I worke out four hypotheses on the grounds of my goals. The first hypothesis is worded as: The non-professional public is interested in having nurses working for the community care. The second hypothesis is worded as: Nurses between 36-45 of age are willing to work as community care nurses. The third hypothesis is worded as: Nurses' interest in working for the communty care depends on their finished education. The fourth hypothesis is worded as: Nurses working 21-30 years in the health care system are interested in being active as community nurses in home care agencies. On the grounds of the qualitative research survey and five research questions it is possible to set up two hypotheses. The first hypothesis is worded as: Nurses do not know who a community nurse is. The second hypothesis is worded as: Nurses are not interested in working as community nurses. Community care has had a long history. The foundations of community care have been laid in Great Britain. In the Czech Republic community care has not been a novelty. However, we can claim that so far, no community care system has been created.
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Kompetenční model a návrh jeho zavedení / Competency model, creation and implementationFUKA, Jindřich January 2015 (has links)
The work deals with competencies, competency model and with developing a project for the creation and implementation in selected company.
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Význam behaviorálních kompetencí pro práci projektového manažeraSchönová, Vanda January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is elaborated on the theme The importance of behavioural competencies for the work of project manager, which is done through a questionnaire survey on a sample of project managers. The first part is literature search, which includes information on selected issues. This information includes project management and its history, detailed specification of the concept of the project and related concepts. It is focused on the theoretical basis of different approaches to project management, differentiates standards and certification in project management and analyzes in detail the various elements of behavioral competences by IPMA. The practical part first introduces the most important organization for project managers in the Czech Republic, followed by analysis of the survey that a sample of project managers explored their level of behavioral competence and use in everyday project management.
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Manažerské dovednosti / Managerial skillsŠebek, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis addresses the development methods of operations management with
a focus on technical division of T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. The prologue of the thesis describes the daily work of operations managers and all their activities.
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first part includes literary research, which is used as an introduction into the theme and describes the basic areas of management and the management of the organization.
The research is focused on the development of soft and hard skills of the operations managers in telecommunications companies on the Czech market. The basic requirements and the direction and growth of operation managers are described at the beginning. Structured interviews were held with managers, and based on their results some changes of the direction of growth were suggested.
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Návrh na zefektivnění procesu získávání pracovníkůKiselová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Stáncová, Denisa January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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