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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lokomoční identifikace osob / Person Identification Based on Locomotion

Pražák, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
This paper deals with study of human movement and using that in identification. In the first part of my work are explained characteristics of human movement and factors which take effect on these characteristics. Practical part is dealing with design of program which is solving mentioned problems. The input of program is created by video sequence with lateral movement of human. The program is finding coordinates of lower limbs joints. From this coordinates are created locomotion characteristics used for human identification. Matching of time behaviors is based on correlation.

Řízení poslechových testů pro subjektivní hodnocení kvality audio signálu / Evaluation of listening tests for subjective assessment of audio quality

Kovařík, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The point of this thesis was to perform listening tests. Appropriate methods of performance were selected for these tests, tests were carried out and the data were analyzed using statistical analysis. Then was compiled the resulting interval scale from results of the first test and in the second listening test were determined average values SNR for background noises.

Multimodální registrace retinálních snímků z fundus kamery a OCT / Multimodal Registration of Fundus Camera and OCT Retinal Images

Běťák, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá multimodální registrací snímků sítnice z různých skenovacích zařízení. Multimodální registrace umožňuje zvýraznit prvky na snímcích sítnice, které jsou důležité pro detekci různých typů onemocnění oka (jako je glaukom, degradace nervových vláken, degradace cév, atd.). Teoretická část tvoří zhruba první půlku práce a je následována praktickou částí, která popisuje postupy při různých typech registrací snímků z fundus kamery, SLO a OCT. Registrace fundus a SLO snímků je provedena pomocí prostorové transformace. Tato práce popisuje tři různé metody registrace SLO snímků se snímky z fundus kamery. První a zároveň nejjednodušší je manuální registrace. Druhou je automatická registrace založená na metodě korelace. Výsledky, včetně porovnání obou metod, jsou uvedeny v závěru. Třetím typem je poloautomatická registrace, která využívá výhod obou předchozích metod a tím pádem je kompromisem mezi rychlostí a přesností registrace. Registrace fundus snímků a B-scanů z OCT je realizována dvěma různými metodami. První je opět založená na korelaci a druhá na prostorové transformaci. Všechny tyto registrační metody jsou realizovány také prakticky v programovém prostředí Matlab.

Systém pro optické měření / Optical measurement system

Opravil, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation and testing of optical measurement system. There are basic parts of computer vision. Some ways of image preprocessing and templates matching are discussed. Everything is directed to a particular practical task. Selected methods for templates matching are the Correlation Method, the Classical and Hybrid Hausdorff Distance, Radial and Circular Sampling Space. These methods are programmed in C++ and they are compared with function for searching templates from specific library.

Algortimy pro sestavování puzzle / Algorithms for composing a puzzle

Šarda, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with constructing of algorithms of consisting a puzzle and suggesting of the workplace for its imaging. There are studied two methods of forming a puzlle. First method is forming of the puzzle with a known pattern. For this method is used the Harris operator and the correlation. In the second method is the puzzle formed without a pattern. Fot this method is used the correlation. In the last part there is a mutual evaluation of these two methods.

Dokumentace historických artefaktů s využitím blízké fotogrammetrie / Use of Close Range Photogrammetry for Documentation of Historical Artefacts.

Naništa, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of appropriate procedure photogrammetry processing of technical documentation of selected historical artifacts gauges. During processing was calibrated camera, historical gauges were photographed and metrological documented and model viualization was created.

Porovnání deformací stanovených metodou konečných prvků a optickým měřícím zařízením / Comparison of strains determined by finite element method and by optical measurement system

Zajíček, Vít January 2011 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the comparison of numerical simulation and optical measurement of deformation of the turbinehousing made by Honeywell company. The numerical calculation performed by finite element method to simulate transient thermal load on the measured entity. Numerical result of the strain state of the body caused by temperature gradients. To verify the simulation is used an experimental digital correlation method VIC-3D. The thesis also mentioned the theoretical foundations of digital correlation methods and thermal analysis.

Fluorescenční zobrazovací techniky v multimodálním holografickém mikroskopu / Fluorescence imaging techniques in multimodal holographic microscope

Vašíček, David January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the registration of images taken with the multimodal holographic microscope (MHM). The summary covers the fluorescent and holographic microscopy, and the multimodal holographic microscope combining both these microscopy types. Every pair of the images needs to be aligned in order to gain new information by combining both image types. The thesis contains an algorithm that registers images by phase correlation as well as a process created in MATLAB in accordance with the algorithm. The most important procedure parameters’ influence on the registration success is described and the results are annotated.

Optimalizace chlazení synchronního stroje / Optimization of Cooling Synchronous Machine

Makki, Zbyněk January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of doctoral thesis is optimization cooling of the synchronous machine. Problem is solved based on the finite element method with use of ANSYS software. Work is built up from theoretical part where is comparison of base equations for heat transfer and simulations for several models. Next part shows us two methods how simulate free and force convection. Depends on the better method from the previous two methods is used for next calculations with several algorithm which are used for find of best parameters for synchronous machine. Our control parameter is mass flow rate.

Uplatnění statistických metod při zpracování dat / The Use of Statistical Methods for Data Processing

Čupr, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on problem of orders of ingredients in McDonald's. It's an analysis of usage changes depending on outside temperature. Thesis includes theoretical background for correct analysis of the problem and possibilities to figuring it out. There is also an algorithmus for more efficient solution of problem with needs or excess of ingredients. There is also a program written in VBA language, that makes more simple usage of this algorithm on restaurants.

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