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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj statusa vitamina D na metaboličku aktivnost kosti i koštanu masu kod bolesnika sa alkoholnom cirozom jetre / Effects of vitamin D status on bone metabolism and bone mass in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Savić Željka 27 October 2014 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Hepatička osteodistrofija je termin koji obuhvata metaboličke bolesti kosti udružene sa hroničnim bolestima jetre. U alkoholnoj cirozi (AC) jetre postoji visoka zastupljenost deficijencije vitamina D proporcionalna stepenu disfunkcije jetre, ali njena uloga u patogenezi hepatičke osteodistrofije nije dovoljno obja&scaron;njena. Nivo 25(OH)D odražava status vitamina D. Kod AC jetre izmenjena je metabolička aktivnost kosti i suprimirano je formiranje kosti &scaron;to dovodi do smanjenja ko&scaron;tane mase. U centru interesovanja je postizanje optimalnog statusa vitamina D. Stavovi o suplementaciji vitaminom D kod AC jetre nisu jasno definisani. Cilj rada: Utvrditi nivo vitamina D, ispitati metaboličku aktivnost kosti i mineralnu gustinu kosti kod bolesnika sa AC jetre. Utvrditi efekte suplementacije sa 1000 IU vitamina D3 na dan tokom godinu dana u odnosu na metaboličku aktivnost kosti i mineralnu gustinu kosti kod ispitivanih bolesnika. Bolesnici i metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za gastroenterologiju i hepatologiju Kliničkog centra Vojvodine u Novom Sadu kao prospektivna intervencijska studija sa primenom suplementacije sa 1000 IU vitamina D3 na dan kod bolesnika sa AC jetre. Grupu bolesnika koja je uključena u istraživanje (1) činilo je 70 bolesnika mu&scaron;kog pola sa dijagnozom AC jetre. Bolesnici su imali četiri pregleda (P), odnosno tačke studije: P1-uključivanje bolesnika i započinjanje suplementacije vitaminom D; P2, P3 i P4 posle tri, &scaron;est i dvanaest meseci suplementacije vitaminom D, redom. Prilikom svakog pregleda rađene su analize funkcije jetre, metabolizma kosti i statusa vitamina D. Na početku (P1) i na kraju istraživanja (P4) vr&scaron;eno je merenje mineralne gustine kosti (BMD) DXA metodom. Gubitak bolesnika od P1 do P4 bio je dvadeset, na različitim tačkama studije. Prvi deo istraživanja odnosi se na Grupu bolesnika koja je uključena u istraživanje (1) i zavr&scaron;ila prvi pregled (P1). Pedeset bolesnika je zavr&scaron;ilo kompletno istraživanje po predviđenom protokolu i oni se zbog realizacije svih pregleda i ponovljenih merenja posmatraju kao: Grupa bolesnika koja je zavr&scaron;ila istraživanje (2). Rezultati: (1): Kod bolesnika sa AC jetre utvrđena je deficijencija vitamina D, snižen nivo osteokalcina, normalni nivoi CrossLapsa, PTH, ukupnog i jonizovanog kalcijuma, fosfora i magnezijuma. Osteopeniju je imalo 42,65% a osteoporozu 14,71% ispitanika. Kod svih ispitanika najniži BMD izmeren je na vratu femura. (2): Suplementacija vitaminom D dovela je do značajnog porasta 25(OH)D. U odnosu na osteokalcin konstatovana je pozitivna razlika vrednosti P1/P4, iako je nivo ostao ispod donje granice normale. Kod nivoa CrossLapsa i PTH razlika P1/P4 je negativna, ali su nivoi u sva četiri merenja u okviru referentnih vrednosti. Na lumbalnoj kičmi do&scaron;lo je do pobolj&scaron;anja BMD za 0.87%, a pogor&scaron;anja su na vratu femura -1.87 % i kuku -1.65%. Konstatovano je i pobolj&scaron;anje funkcije jetre. Zaključci: Kod bolesnika sa AC jetre pobolj&scaron;anje statusa vitamina D dovodi do povećanja formiranja kosti i pobolj&scaron;anja ko&scaron;tane mase na lumbalnoj kičmi. Neophodno je određivanje statusa vitamina D kod svih bolesnika sa AC jetre i uvođenje suplementacije vitaminom D kod bolesnika koji imaju nivo 25(OH)D &lt; 80 nmol/l, uz tromesečne kontrole efekta. Kod postavljanja dijagnoze AC jetre potrebno je inicijalno određivanje BMD. Kod suplementacije vitaminom D nakon inicijalnog DXA pregleda sledeći se preporučuje nakon jedne do dve godine.</p> / <p>Introduction: The term Hepatic osteodystrophy defines a group of metabolic bone diseases associated with underlying chronic liver disease. Alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC) is characterized by high incidence of vitamin D deficiency that is proportional to the level of liver failure; however, its role in the pathogenesis of hepatic osteodystrophy has not yet been fully elucidated. The level of 25(OH)D best reflects the vitamin D status. ALC is characterized by changed bone metabolic activity and suppressed bone formation, resulting in the decrease in bone mass. The key topic of interest is the achievement of optimal vitamin D status. The attitude of health professionals towards vitamin D supplementation in alcoholic liver cirrhosis has not yet been clearly defined. The aim of the research: Determining of vitamin D levels, investigating the metabolic activity of the bone and bone mass in patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC); Determining the effects of vitamin D3 supplementation at the dose 1000 IU/day during a one-year period in relation to metabolic activity of the bone and bone mineral density (BMD) in the investigated patient population. Patients and methods: The research was conducted at the Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Clinical Centre of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. The research was designed as a prospective interventional study implicating vitamin D3 supplementation at the dose 1000 IU/day to patients with ALC. The investigated patient population (1) encompassed 70 male patients diagnosed with ALC. The patients underwent four examinations (P), that is, research phases: P1 &ndash; inclusion of the patient into the study and introduction of vitamin D supplementation; P2, P3 and P4 after 3, 6 and 12 months of vitamin D supplementation treatment, respectively. Each examination included the analysis of liver function, bone metabolism and vitamin D status. At the beginning (P1) and at the end (P4) of the investigation period, bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by means of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) method. Twenty patients dropped out from the research at different stages throughout the investigation period (P1 to P4). The first part of the investigation pertains to the Group of patients who were included into the study (1) and completed the first examination (P1). Fifty patients have completed the entire research according to the foreseen protocol encompassing all examinations and repeated measurements. These patients are considered a Group of patients who completed the research (2) Results: (1): In ALC patients, vitamin D deficiency and decreased osteocalcin levels were established, as well as normal levels of CrossLaps, PTH, total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Osteopenia and osteoporosis were established in 42.65% and 14.71% of patients, respectively. The lowest BMD was measured in the femoral neck in all patients. (2): Vitamin D supplementation resulted in significant increase in 25(OH)D. Analysis of osteocalcin level revealed positive P1/P4 difference, even though the level remained below the lower normal limit. The levels of CrossLaps and PTH revealed negative P1/P4 difference; however, the levels determined at all four measurements were within the reference values. An improvement of BMD for 0.87% was established in lumbar spine, whereas a decrease was noticed in femoral neck (1.87%) and hip (1.65%). Furthermore, an improvement of liver function was established. Conclusions: Improvement of vitamin D status in ALC patients results in an increase of bone formation and improvement of body mass in lumbar spine. Determining the vitamin D status in all patients with ALC is of outmost importance, as well as the vitamin D supplementation of patients with levels of 25(OH)D &lt; 80 nmol/l along with the monitoring of treatment outcome at three-month intervals. Establishment of the diagnosis of alcoholic liver cirrhosis should encompass initial measurement of BMD. In case of vitamin D supplementation treatment, the initial DXA examination should be repeated after the period of one to two years.</p>

Praćenje vrednosti insulinu sličnog faktora rasta tip 1 u serumu i brzine rasta tokom terapije hormonom rasta kod dece / Monitoring the levels of insulin-like growth factor type 1 in serum and the rate of growth velocity during growth hormone therapy in children

Vorgučin Ivana 18 December 2015 (has links)
<p>Hormon rasta ima ključnu ulogu u mnogim fiziolo&scaron;kim procesima, anabolički efekti, stimulisanje rasta dugih kostiju, regulacija transkripcije gena u ciljnim ćelijama su uglavnom posredovani preko mitogenog polipeptida, insulinu sličan faktor rasta tip 1 (insulin like growth factor 1-IGF-1). Hormon rasta indukuje proizvodnju IGF-1 u jetri, koji reaguje sa receptorima ciljnih organa indukujući rast, odnosno IGF-1 posreduje svim stimulativnim dejstvima hormona rasta na kost, hrskavicu, rast mi&scaron;ić a i na metabolizam masti i ugljenih hidrata. U proceni redovnosti, bezbednosti i efikasnosti terapije hormonom rasta koristi se merenje koncentracije IGF-1 u serumu. Istraživanje je urađeno kao retrospektivno-prospektivna studija, a obuhvatilo je 80 pacijenata na terapiji hormonom rasta koja se kontroli&scaron;u i leče na Odeljenju za endokrinologiju, dijabetes i bolesti metabolizma Instituta za zdravstvenu za&scaron;titu dece i omladine Vojvodine u Novom Sadu. Istraživani uzorak je obuhvatio 80 pacijenata, od kojih 35 dece sa nedostatkom hormona rasta, 24 dece rođene male za gestacionu dob i 21 devojčicu sa Tarnerovim sindromom. Svi ispitanici su praćeni od početka primene hormona rasta i tokom prve dve godine terapije hormonom rasta. U ovom istraživanju su praćeni auksolo&scaron;ki i laboratorijski parametri u cilju ispitivanja odgovora na terapiju hormonom rasta. Praćene su bazalne vrednosti IGF-1 i promene nivoa IGF-1 u serumu tokom terapije hormonom rasta i kori&scaron;ćene da bi se ispitao odgovor na terapiju hormonom rasta, praćenjem brzine rasta, promena skora standardnih devijacija - SSD za telesnu visinu i ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja. Ciljevi istraživanja su bili da se utvrdi povezanost vrednosti insulinu sličnog faktora rasta tip 1, brzine rasta i ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja tokom terapije hormonom rasta. Takođe je poređena brzina rasta dece sa deficitom hormona rasta, devojčica sa T arnerovim sindromom i dece rođene male za gestaciono doba na terapiji hormonom rasta. U istraživanom uzorku, dvogodi&scaron;njim praćenjem terapije hormonom rasta je postignut dobar odgovor na terapiju, među decom sa nedostatkom hormona rasta je 71,5% postiglo normalnu telesnu visinu (&plusmn;2 SSDTV) posle dve godine terapije hormonom rasta, 79,2% dece rođene male za gestacionu dob i 42,9% devojčica sa Tarnerovim sindromom. Značajna zastupljenost dece prepubertetskog uzrasta na početku terapije hormonom rasta, među decom sa nedostatkom hormona rasta 77,2%, među decom rođenom malom za gestacionu dob 79,1% i među devojčicama sa Tarnerovim sindromom 90,5% &scaron;to je značajno uticalo na uspe&scaron;nost terapije. Tokom terapije hormonom rasta je utvrđeno povećanje brzine rasta i SSD TV kod sve tri grupe ispitanika. U sve tri grupe ispitanika je tokom terapije hormonom rasta utvrđen porast nivoa IGF-1 seruma i SSDIGF-1 i ubrzanje ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja tokom terapije hormonom rasta. Za prvih &scaron;est meseci terapije nema statistički značajnih razlika među grupama u brzini rasta (p&gt;0,05), dok je za period prve i druge godine terapije hormonom rasta utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna razlika među grupama (p&lt;0,05), da je brzina rasta kod devojčica za Tarnerovim sindromom statistički značajno manja i od brzine rasta kod dece sa nedostatkom hormona rasta (p &lt;0,05), i od brzine rasta kod dece rođene male za gestacionu dob (p&lt;0,05). Među decom sa nedostatkom hormona rasta i dece rođene male za gestacionu dob nema statistički značajne razlike u brzini rasta (p&gt;0,5). U ovom istraživanju je praćenjem auskolo&scaron;kih i laboratrijskih parametara tokom dvogodi&scaron;nje primene hormona rasta, konstruisano vi&scaron;e matematičkih modela za predviđanje odgovora na terapiju hormona rasta koji su statistički veoma značajani sa visokim koeficijentom vi&scaron;estruke linearne korelacije. U ovom istraživanju nije dobijena statistički značajna korelacija izmedju nivoa promene IGF-1 i brzine rasta za ceo uzorak, kao ni za decu sa nedostatkom hormona rasta, decu rođenu malu za gestacionu dob i devojčice za Tarnerovim sindromom. Nije dobijena statistički značajna korelacija izmedju nivoa promene IGF-1 i ubrzanja ko&scaron;tanog sazrevanja za ceo uzorak i za tri grupe pacijenata.</p> / <p>Growth hormone plays a key role in many physiological processes. The anabolic effects, the stimulation of growth of the long bones and the regulation of gene transcription in the target cells are mediated mainly via mitogenic polypeptide and insulin-like growth factor type 1 (insulin like growth factor 1-IGF-1). Growth hormone induces the production of IGF-1 in the liver, which interacts with receptors of the target organs inducing growth, that is, IGF-1 mediates all the stimulating effects of growth hormone on bone, cartilage, muscle growth and the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. In assessing the regularity, safety and efficacy of growth hormone therapy, measuring the concentration of IGF-1 in serum is used. The survey was conducted as a retrospective-prospective study and involved 80 patients treated with growth hormone, monitored and treated at the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, at the Institute for Health Protection of Children and Youth of Vojvodina in Novi Sad. Investigated sample included 80 patients, of whom 35 children have growth hormone deficiency, 24 children were born small for gestational age and 21 girls with Turner syndrome. All the patients were monitored from the beginning of the administration of growth hormone and during the first two years of growth hormone therapy. In this study, auxological and laboratory parameters were monitored for the purpose of examining the response to treatment of growth hormone. The basal values of IGF-1 and changes in IGF-1 levels in serum, along with monitoring the rate of growth velocity and recent changes in standard deviation - SSD for body height and bone maturation, were monitored during growth hormone therapy and used for the evaluation of the response to growth hormone therapy. The objectives of the study were to determine the correlation of insulin-like growth factor type 1 values, the growth velocity and maturation of bone during growth hormone therapy. Also, the growth velocity in children with growth hormone deficiency was compared with the growth velocity in girls with Turner syndrome and in children born small for gestational age while treated with growth hormone. Two-year monitoring of growth hormone therapy in the study sample has show n good response to therapy. 71.5% of children with growth hormone deficiency, 79.2% of children born small for gestational age, and 42.9% of girls with Turner syndrome achieved normal body height (&plusmn; 2 SSDTV) after two years of growth hormone therapy. There was a significant share of children at prepubertal age at the beginning of growth hormone therapy: 77.2% of children with growth hormone deficiency, 79.1% of children born small for gestational age and 90.5% of girls with Turner syndrome, which significantly influenced the success of the therapy. During the growth hormone therapy there was an increase of growth velocity and SSD TV in all three groups of children. An increase in levels of IGF-1 serum and SSDIGF-1 and acceleration of bone maturation were determined in all three groups of patients during growth hormone therapy. For the first six months of therapy there was no statistically significant difference between groups in growth velocity (p&gt; 0.05), while the period of the first and second year of growth hormone therapy showed a statistically significant difference between groups (p &lt;0.05). The growth velocity in girls with Turner syndrome was significantly lower than the growth velocity in children with growth hormone deficiency (p &lt;0.05) and in children born small for gestational age (p &lt;0.05). Between children with growth hormone deficiency and children born small for gestational age there was no statistically significant difference in growth velocity (p&gt; 0.5). By monitoring auxological and laboratory parameters during the two years of application of growth hormone, several highly statistically significant mathematical models for predicting the response to treatment of growth hormone were constructed in this study with a high coefficient of multiple linear correlation. In this study, there was no statistically significant correlation between the level of change in IGF-1 and growth velocity for the entire sample, as well as for children with growth hormone deficiency, children born small for gestational age and girls for Turner syndrome. There was no statistically significant correlation between the level of change in IGF-1 and acceleration of bone maturation for the entire sample and for the three groups of patients.</p>

Rana prognoza kvaliteta života politraumatizovanih bolesnika sa prelomima dugih kostiju / Early estimate of quality of life in polytrauma patients with multiple fractures of the long bones

Gvozdenović Nemanja 06 April 2016 (has links)
<p>Pod pojmom politraume se podrazumeva te&scaron;ka istovremena povreda najmanje dve regije tela sa anatomskom težinom povrede AIS koja je jednaka ili veća od tri kao i ukupna izračunata anatomska težina povreda izražena ISS zbirom mora da bude veća od 15. Cilj istraživanja je da se primenom upitnika (SF36, PTSD&ndash;testa i Glazgov skale ishoda) proceni kvalitet života između politraumatizovanih pacijenata sa prelomomima dugih kostiju i politraumatizovanih bez preloma duge kosti kao i da se uoče rani pokazatelji lo&scaron;e prognoze kvaliteta života nakon zavr&scaron;etka lečenja. Istraživanje je prospektivnog karaktera i obuhvatilo je 202 politraumatizovana pacijenta koji su bili povređeni u periodu 2010-2014 godine i bili lečeni u Urgentnom Centu Kliničkog Centra Vojvodine. Od 202 politraumatizovana pacijenta na kontrolne preglede se odazvalo ukupno 72 pacijenta, 37 sa prelomima dugih kostiju - ispitivana grupa i 35 politraumatizovanih pacijenata bez preloma duge kosti koji su činili kontrolnu gupu. Godinu dana nakon zavr&scaron;etka hospitalizacije svaki ispitanik je popunjavao upitnik( SF36, PTSD test i Glazgov skala ishoda ), načinjen je klinički pregled i standardna radiografija predela preloma duge kosti. Rezultati ukazuju da ukupni kvalitet života nakon zavr&scaron;etka lečenja se ne razlikuje značajno između ispitivanih grupa, iako politraumatizovani sa prelomima dugih kostiju imaju niži kvalitet života, odnosno značajno lo&scaron;ije fizički funkcioni&scaron;u i imaju značajno če&scaron;će psihičke poremećaje (postraumatski stresni poremećaj, depresija) u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Tip preloma duge kosti nije uticao na krajnji kvalitet života politraumatizovanih, dok su oni sa dva i vi&scaron;e preloma imali značajno lo&scaron;iji kvalitet života. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata konstatovali smo da veću &scaron;ansu za bolji kvalitet života imaju pacijenti mlađi od 44 godine, ukoliko su inicjalno imali vrednost ISS skora manji od 30,5 bodova, vrednosti sistolnog i dijastolnog arterijskog pritiska u referentnim vrednostima, kao i broja eritrocita i trombocita, i ukoliko su primili manje od 4 jedinica transfuzije krvi u prva 24 časa.</p> / <p>The term of polytrauma means, a patient with multiple severe injuries in at least two regions of the body with anatomical severity of trauma AIS equal or greater than three and the total calculated weight anatomical injuries expressed by ISS score must be greater than 15. The aim of our study is early estimate of quality of life in polytrauma patients with multiple fractures of the long bones and polytrauma patients without fractures of long bones as well as to detect early indicators of poor prognosis of quality of life after treatment, using questionnaires (SF 36, PTSD test and Glasgow Outcome Scale). This was prospective study and included 202 polytrauma patients who were injured during the period 2010-2014 and were treated in the Emergency Center of Clinical Center of Vojvodina. From 202 polytrauma patients, on control examinations responded 72 patients, 37 with fractures of long bones - study group and 35 polytrauma patients without fractures of long bones and they were control group. One year after the end of hospitalization each patient filled out a questionnaire (SF36, PTSD test and Glasgow Outcome Scale), made a clinical examination and standard X-rays of long bone fractures. Our results indicate that the overall quality of life after treatment is not significantly different between the groups, although polytraumatized patients with fractures have a lower quality of life and significantly worse physical functioning and have significantly more mental disorders (post-traumatic stress disorder, depression) compared to the control group. Type of long bone fractures did not affect on the final quality of life, while those patients with two or more fractures had a significantly poorer quality of life. Based on these results we concluded that greater chance for a better quality of life have patients younger than 44 years, unless they had initially ISS score less than 30.5 points, systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the reference values as well as the number of red blood cells and platelets, and if they received less than 4 units of blood transfusions in the first 24 hours.</p>

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