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Blicken på barnet - blicken på pedagogen : En essäistisk undersökning av blickars betydelse i förskolanTeern, Anna January 2023 (has links)
I denna essä undersöker jag blickarnas betydelse i förskolan i relation till de yngsta barnen. För att få en kontrast som förtydligar och tillför mer komplexitet får mitt umgänge med hästar och ridning vara med. I min undersökning av blickarna utgår jag från en glidande skala mellan en varm mjuk blick och en kall hård blick. En klok erfaren pedagog vet vilken blick som passar när och kan snabbt läsa av olika situationer. Metoden för undersökandet blir egna erfarenheter, reflektioner över deltagande observationer där också barns teckningar blir ett medel för att få fatt på deras blickar på pedagogerna samt essäskrivandet. Essäskrivandet blir en undersökande metod som låter de egna reflektionerna, de deltagande observationerna och teorin bilda en väv av reflektioner och skapar nya tankar. Det finns inte mycket forskning om blickens betydelse i förskolan, mer om hur vi använder blicken i olika sammanhang, både barn och pedagoger. Det finns studier om hur barn med funktionsnedsättningar som berör ögonkontakt agerar och om hur man använder blicken i olika situationer. Inom den praktiska kunskapens teori finns det forskning om blickar inom sjukvården som kan kallas kliniska men där de kombinerar faktakunskap med erfarenhet för att fatta kloka beslut. De teoretiska perspektiv som jag använder i min analys är filosofen Hannah Arendt och då främst hennes tankar om politiskt handlande och hur vi binds samman av en väv av relationer samt filosofen Maurice Merleau-Ponty och hans tankar om att jaget/subjektet och kroppen inte kan skiljas åt, vi är en kropp och vi har en kropp. Att kategorisera blickar är svårt och redan idén om den mjuka och den kalla blicken färgar tankarna. Med utgångspunkt i mitt material har jag valt ut några olika typer av blickar som man kan resonera runt, som också blir olika beroende på vilken som tar initiativet, barnet eller pedagogen. Jag låter blickarna speglas i omständigheter och mina valda filosofiska perspektiv samt mina erfarenheter med barnen men ibland också med hästar. Blickar har betydelse både som de är direkt öga mot öga och som metaforer för ett sätt att förhålla sig till världen. Den här essän hoppas att kunna lyfta betydelsen av att diskutera hur vi använder våra blickar. / In this essay I examine the importance of the eyes in preschool in relation to the youngest children. To get a contrast that clarifies and adds more complexity, my interaction with horses and riding is included. In my examination of the gazes, I start from a sliding scale between a warm soft gaze and a cold hard gaze. A wise, experienced educator knows which gaze is suitable when and can quickly read different situations. The method of investigation becomes own experiences, reflections on participatory observations where children's drawings also become a means of catching their eyes on the educators and essay writing. Essay writing becomes an investigative method that allows one's own reflections, participatory observations and theory to form a web of reflections and create new thoughts. There is not much research on the importance of the gaze in preschool, more on how we use the gaze in different contexts, both children and educators. There are studies on how children with disabilities that concern eye contact act and on how to use the gaze in different situations. Within the theory of practical knowledge, there is research on gazes in healthcare that can be called clinical but where they combine factual knowledge with experience to make wise decisions. The theoretical perspectives that I use in my analysis are the philosopher Hannah Arendt and then mainly her thoughts on political action and how we are bound together by a web of relationships and the philosopher Maurice Merleau-Ponty and his thoughts that the self/subject and the body cannot be separated, we are a body, and we have a body. Categorizing glances is difficult and the very idea of the soft and the cold gaze colors the thoughts. Based on my material, I have selected a few different types of glances that you can reason around, which also become different depending on who takes the initiative, the child, or the educator. I let my eyes be reflected in circumstances and my chosen philosophical perspectives as well as my experiences with the children but sometimes also with horses. Glances are important both as they are directly face to face and as metaphors for a way of relating to the world. This essay hopes to highlight the importance of discussing how we use our gazes.
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Organet lever! : Kropp, ting och performativitet i Erik Beckmans roman Inlandsbanan (1967) / The liver is alive! : Body, thing and performativity in the novel Inlandsbanan (1967) by Erik BeckmanNyström, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The works of Erik Beckman (1935-1995) are quite unique within the Swedish literary scene. His texts convert the experimental language of the concretists of the sixties into a new form of fabulation that undermines our understanding of what literature can be, ranging from novels and poetry to theatre pieces and radio theatre. His literary style has been discussed by critics, but the depths of it are yet to be fully explored. There is a lot to gain from combining contemporary theories of materiality and corporeality with his self-proclaimed materialistic poetics. The novel Inlandsbanan (1967) is a fragmentary account of an inland train going through Sweden, with characters coming and going in a frustrating tempo. The text is filled with word games, narrative constructs and a language that brings forth the material aspects of communication that push the boundaries of literary interpretation. This thesis examines Beckman’s novel through the lens of theoretical concepts of thingliness and corporeality developed by the likes of Judith Butler, Karen Barad, and Andrew Pickering in order to elaborate an analysis that goes beyond the surface of its experimental and materialistic use of literary language. Using bodily themes, I analyze specific passages in the novel in order to find a new understanding of its semantic functions. By doing this through the concept of performativity, not only can I identify a thematized corporeality, but beyond that a literary form and a language that problematizes the very notion of the written text as a body and highlights a material agency in literature. This method enables an interpretation of the novel that can illuminates important aspects at play that previously have not been explored.
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Abject and Liminal Bodies : The Dead Body in <em>CSI: Miami</em> and <em>Six Feet Under</em>Stenström, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study researches fictional representations of dead bodies in two television series in which representations of dead bodies are prominent features. The study introduces a brief history of the human body as a societal metaphor. The narrower theme of the study, the dead body as a cultural surface and carrier of meaning and ritual potential, is discussed through specific popular cultural television productions.</p><p>The two television series discussed in this study, <em>CSI: Miami </em>and <em>Six Feet Under</em>, are researched both through film analyses and focus group discussions. The film analyses have aimed<em> </em>to show to what use dead bodies are put in the narratives of the programs. The focus group discussions have sought to shed light on the audiences understanding of the meaning of the dead body, and also how this feature of the programs influence the audience and their experience of the programs.</p><p>The study shows that both series introduce and underline dead bodies as floating in-between subject and object status. A dead person is often introduced as a subject and then stripped of his or her cultural identity and reintroduced as an object or as having an uncertain cultural status which lies somewhere between object and subject. This borderline status of the body serves as a threat in the series, and the subject status of the body is reinstated in every case possible. Order is a central concept for the study and both series strive to reassert and maintain order, either in relationships or on a societal level. The reinstatement of order is reflected on the physical body as a metaphor and narrative device in both series. The reestablishment of the subject status of a dead body is part of this strive for order. The audience research concludes that all focus group members agree that the representations of dead bodies in the programs are important for their experience of the programs. Some find them unpleasant while others think they are interesting. The audience also listed several other themes of the programs which they found important. The representations of dead bodies strike the audience members both as “real” and material, and as metaphors.</p>
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”e du me på webbsex?” : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer. / ”wanna have web sex?” : A study of sex/gender and sexuality on an Internet community for girls.Funkeson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
<p>The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity". But the biological sex remains important since the community implies an explicit discussion about biological sex when targeting girls who should feel secure when practicing their sexuality. The result is that the sex/gender structures within the community often keep to a binary and essential segregation of the sexes. Sylvia becomes a free zone of solidarity in between women. This opens up for sexual experimentation beyond the heterosexual erotification of the female body. The user profiles also contain subversive gender expressions which are questioning the hetero norm. Even though there is a possibility of choosing from a variety of alternative sex/genders, the majority of the users keeps defining themselves as "girls" and "boys" . The study shows that Sylvia remains to relate to the world "outside" and this leads to an increase of Internet's possibility of deconstruction of identities online.</p> / <p>Uppsatsen undersöker hur kön/genus och sexualitet representeras i text och bild på Internet-communityt Sylvia, vars primära målgrupp är tjejer. Studien ger en överblick över den kulturella kontext som Sylvia utgör genom att undersöka den estetik, de regler och de valmöjligheter som sätter ramen för användarna. Med detta som bakgrund studeras de tio användarprofiler som vid tiden för studien var mest besökta. Profilerna undersöks utifrån en konstruktivistisk syn på kön/genus och analyseras utifrån såväl feministiska som queerteoretiska perspektiv samt i ljuset av feministiska debatter om sexualitet och erotik. Utifrån studien går det bland annat att se hur Internet som forum och den icke-heterosexuella kontexten Sylvia öppnar upp för en konstruktivistisk syn på kön och ett ifrågasättande av "manlighet" och "kvinnlighet". Men det biologiska könet bibehåller sin status eftersom sidan explicit för en diskussion om biologiskt kön i samband med att den riktar sig till tjejer som ska kunna känna sig trygga i utövandet av sin sexualitet. Därför faller kön/genusstrukturerna på communityt ofta tillbaka i en binär och essentialistisk könsuppdelning. Sylvia blir något av en frizon av kvinnlig gemenskap som öppnar upp för ett experimenterande med sexualitet som sträcker sig bortom den heterosexuella erotiseringen av kvinnokroppen. I användarprofilerna återfinns även subversiva genusuttryck som ifrågasätter heteronormen. Trots att det är möjligt att välja mellan ett flertal alternativa kön/genus fortsätter majoriteten av användarna att definiera sig själva som "tjejer" och "killar". Studien visar på att Sylvia hela tiden förhåller sig till världen "utanför" och härmed minskar Internets möjliga dekonstruerande effekt på identiteter online.</p>
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Abject and Liminal Bodies : The Dead Body in CSI: Miami and Six Feet UnderStenström, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
This study researches fictional representations of dead bodies in two television series in which representations of dead bodies are prominent features. The study introduces a brief history of the human body as a societal metaphor. The narrower theme of the study, the dead body as a cultural surface and carrier of meaning and ritual potential, is discussed through specific popular cultural television productions. The two television series discussed in this study, CSI: Miami and Six Feet Under, are researched both through film analyses and focus group discussions. The film analyses have aimed to show to what use dead bodies are put in the narratives of the programs. The focus group discussions have sought to shed light on the audiences understanding of the meaning of the dead body, and also how this feature of the programs influence the audience and their experience of the programs. The study shows that both series introduce and underline dead bodies as floating in-between subject and object status. A dead person is often introduced as a subject and then stripped of his or her cultural identity and reintroduced as an object or as having an uncertain cultural status which lies somewhere between object and subject. This borderline status of the body serves as a threat in the series, and the subject status of the body is reinstated in every case possible. Order is a central concept for the study and both series strive to reassert and maintain order, either in relationships or on a societal level. The reinstatement of order is reflected on the physical body as a metaphor and narrative device in both series. The reestablishment of the subject status of a dead body is part of this strive for order. The audience research concludes that all focus group members agree that the representations of dead bodies in the programs are important for their experience of the programs. Some find them unpleasant while others think they are interesting. The audience also listed several other themes of the programs which they found important. The representations of dead bodies strike the audience members both as “real” and material, and as metaphors.
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”e du me på webbsex?” : En studie av kön/genus och sexualitet på ett Internet-community riktat till tjejer. / ”wanna have web sex?” : A study of sex/gender and sexuality on an Internet community for girls.Funkeson, Kristina January 2007 (has links)
The thesis examines how sex/gender and sexuality are represented through text and images within the Internet community Sylvia whose primary target group is girls. Through an examination of the aesthetics, the member rules and the choices that constitute the framework for the site, the study observes Sylvia as a cultural context. In relation to this setting, the ten most visited member profiles at the time for the study are more closely examined. These profiles are studied from a constructivist view of sex/gender and are analysed from the perspective of feminist and quee r theory as well as in the light of feministic debates concerning sexuality and erotica. The thesis shows how Internet as a forum and the non-heterosexual context Sylvia open up for a constructivist understanding of sex/gender and also leads to a questioning of "masculinity" and "femininity". But the biological sex remains important since the community implies an explicit discussion about biological sex when targeting girls who should feel secure when practicing their sexuality. The result is that the sex/gender structures within the community often keep to a binary and essential segregation of the sexes. Sylvia becomes a free zone of solidarity in between women. This opens up for sexual experimentation beyond the heterosexual erotification of the female body. The user profiles also contain subversive gender expressions which are questioning the hetero norm. Even though there is a possibility of choosing from a variety of alternative sex/genders, the majority of the users keeps defining themselves as "girls" and "boys" . The study shows that Sylvia remains to relate to the world "outside" and this leads to an increase of Internet's possibility of deconstruction of identities online. / Uppsatsen undersöker hur kön/genus och sexualitet representeras i text och bild på Internet-communityt Sylvia, vars primära målgrupp är tjejer. Studien ger en överblick över den kulturella kontext som Sylvia utgör genom att undersöka den estetik, de regler och de valmöjligheter som sätter ramen för användarna. Med detta som bakgrund studeras de tio användarprofiler som vid tiden för studien var mest besökta. Profilerna undersöks utifrån en konstruktivistisk syn på kön/genus och analyseras utifrån såväl feministiska som queerteoretiska perspektiv samt i ljuset av feministiska debatter om sexualitet och erotik. Utifrån studien går det bland annat att se hur Internet som forum och den icke-heterosexuella kontexten Sylvia öppnar upp för en konstruktivistisk syn på kön och ett ifrågasättande av "manlighet" och "kvinnlighet". Men det biologiska könet bibehåller sin status eftersom sidan explicit för en diskussion om biologiskt kön i samband med att den riktar sig till tjejer som ska kunna känna sig trygga i utövandet av sin sexualitet. Därför faller kön/genusstrukturerna på communityt ofta tillbaka i en binär och essentialistisk könsuppdelning. Sylvia blir något av en frizon av kvinnlig gemenskap som öppnar upp för ett experimenterande med sexualitet som sträcker sig bortom den heterosexuella erotiseringen av kvinnokroppen. I användarprofilerna återfinns även subversiva genusuttryck som ifrågasätter heteronormen. Trots att det är möjligt att välja mellan ett flertal alternativa kön/genus fortsätter majoriteten av användarna att definiera sig själva som "tjejer" och "killar". Studien visar på att Sylvia hela tiden förhåller sig till världen "utanför" och härmed minskar Internets möjliga dekonstruerande effekt på identiteter online.
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Different Voices - Different Stories : Communication, identity and meaning among people with acquired brain damage / Olika Röster - Olika Berättelser : Kommunikation, identitet och mening bland människor med förvärvad hjärnskadaAntelius, Eleonor January 2009 (has links)
The main purpose of the dissertation is to understand meaning-making practices used by people suffering from acquired brain damage with severe physical and communicative disabilities, in order to create and sustain their identity and personhood in relation to other people. The study emanates from the idea that identity and personhood, also in relation to disability, are created/sustained in ongoing interaction between people in everyday situations, and that the ability to narrate is central to such a creation of identity. Therefore, it is of particular interest to try to understand what communicative and storytelling abilities/possibilities people with severe acquired brain damage have in presenting their identity. The study is ethnographic and based upon a year-long field study of participant observations at a day centre for people with acquired brain damage. Gathered data consist of written field notes, informal interviews conducted with both participants and personnel and approximately 70 hours of video data. The study shows how an identity as ‘severely disabled’ is created in the co-created storytelling between participants and personnel and that this identity seems to mean that one is dependent upon others to get along in everyday life at least if one listens only to spoken stories. Yet the study also shows that there exist different opinions about what this identity as ‘severely disabled’ could mean that there is a wish among the participants to be able to present a desirable identity as “normal”, and that such an identity comes to mean to be independent and self-determined. Normality, however, must be understood in relation to surrounding society (and the grand cultural narratives that surround us). Thus the study shows that normality in relation to severe disabilities is almost impossible to achieve because normality in relation to illness/disease/body contains the hope of a cure or an improvement. The participants in this study, however, have all been labelled as incurable – there is no hope of such a cure or improvement. That, on the other hand, does not mean that the participants do not try to tell such stories anyway in their quest to achieve this desirable identity. However, in order to hear this story we need to listen to stories that usually remain untold. A palpable hierarchy between different modes of language use was identified, where verbal/spoken language is supreme, resulting in the disabled participants not being perceived as competent interactors/communicators due to their difficulties in using verbal communication. Hence their ways of creating/telling stories, through embodiment and enactment, are not recognised as valid ways to create/tell stories; this is discussed in relation to both practical implications for health care settings as well as for further narrative research. / Avhandlingens huvudsyfte är att förstå meningsskapande praktiker som personer som drabbats av förvärvad hjärnskada med grava såväl fysiska som kommunikativa funktionshinder använder för att skapa och upprätthålla sin identitet och sitt personskap i relation till andra människor. Studien utgår ifrån att identitet och personskap, också i relation till funktionshinder, är något som skapas och upprätthålls i det pågående samspelet mellan människor i vardagliga situationer och att förmågan att berätta är central för detta identitetsskapande. Därför är det av särskilt intresse att försöka förstå vilka möjligheter personer med grava förvärvade hjärnskador har när det gäller att kommunicera och använda berättandet som ett sätt att presentera sin identitet. Studien är etnografisk och baseras på ett årslångt fältarbete bestående av deltagande observationer på ett dagcenter för människor med förvärvade hjärnskador. Insamlade data består av fältanteckningar, informella intervjuer med både deltagare och personal och ca 70 timmar videomaterial. Studien visar hur en identitet som ’gravt funktionshindrad’ skapas i det gemensamma berättandet mellan deltagare och personal och att denna identitet verkar innebära att man är beroende av andra för att klara sitt vardagliga liv, åtminstone om man enbart lyssnar till talade berättelser. Likväl visar studien även att det kan råda delade meningar om vad denna identitet som ’gravt funktionshindrad’ kan innebära och att det bland deltagarna finns en strävan att kunna presentera en önskvärd identitet som ”normal” och att en sådan identitet innebär att vara oberoende och självbestämmande. Normalitet måste dock förstås i relation till omgivande samhälle (och de stora, kulturella berättelser som omger oss) och studien visar att normalitet i samband med grava funktionshinder är i det närmaste omöjligt att uppnå då normalitet i relation till sjukdom/kropp innefattar ett hopp om att bli frisk, eller åtminstone bättre. Deltagarna i denna studie har emellertid diagnostiserats som obotliga – det finns inget hopp om förbättring. Detta innebär inte desto mindre att deltagarna ändå försöker berätta sådana berättelser i strävan efter att uppnå en önskvärd identitet. Dock; för att höra denna berättelse krävs ett lyssnande på berättelser som vanligtvis förblir oberättade. En tydlig hierarki mellan olika former av språkanvändning identifieras, där det talade ordet och den talade berättelsen ses som överlägsen. Detta får till konsekvens att de funktionshindrade inte ses som kompetenta aktörer/kommunikatörer pga. av sina svårigheter att kommunicera verbalt och att deras sätt att skapa berättelser, genom förkroppsligande framställningar, inte erkänns som legitima sätt att berätta. Detta diskuteras både i relation till olika praktiska implikationer för vårdinstitutioner och för vidare narrativ forskning.
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Förtvivlade läsningar : Litteratur som motstånd och läsning som etikHjort, Elisabeth January 2015 (has links)
This study has two aims and addresses two areas of investigation. The first aim is to examine, in four novels and their textual worlds, what role is played by collective self-images and essentialist identities in maintaining power structures in regard to gender, class, norms for mental functions, and ethnicity. Whether, and if so, how, the novel’s deconstruction of language and images can function as resistance to hegemonic oppression? What does the encounter between the privileged collective and the marginalized look like in the novel, and what happens in this encounter? The project’s second aim is to probe what criticism of, and what strategies for resistance to, various power structures reading can provide. To what extent is it possible to speak of responsibility for, and in, the reading of fictional works? What role is played by the (un)expected and the conditionality in the poetical novel’s ethical demands on the reader? What might reading as an ethical practice mean and entail? The dual aim situates this dissertation in an interdisciplinary field between ethics, literary studies and aesthetics. In this study despair is the fundament on which the ethical reader stands to approach literature. Rather than discovering meanings, finding examples, or experiencing empathy, it is being engaged in the conditions determined by suffering and injustice that constitutes ethical reading. The novels Drömfakulteten (The Dream Faculty) by Sara Stridsberg, Hevonen häst (Hevonen Horse) by Annika Korpi, Montecore by Jonas Hassen Khemiri, and Personliga pronomen (Personal Pronouns) by Daniel Sjölin comprise the material for the study. They are analysed in terms of deconstructive hermeneutics. Theories brought to bear are primarily Gayatri Spivak’s post-colonial and Emmanuel Levinas’ phenomenological thinking about ethics, together with ideas from, among others, Derek Attridge, Judith Butler, and Sara Ahmed. The readings of the novels are done via four points of entry: identity, the body, the human, and the post-political, as part of the project’s work process, with each reading leading to new questions and critical interventions. The analysis points to a responsibility in relation to identity, a practice where oneself is shifted and transformed. This responsibility also encompasses accountability for the normative orders that need to be changed. Literary projects per se cannot achieve this, but they can be read as a stab at resistance, material for the reader to elaborate upon. This responsibility is an ethical practice that is not completed, that has uncertainty inscribed in its very essence, and that is reinvigorated with each new reading.
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Close to the edge : discursive, gendered and embodied stress in modern youth / Nära gränsen : diskursiv, könad och förkroppsligad stress hos dagens ungdomarWiklund, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Background Adolescent subjective health and mental problems have become a public health concern not only in Sweden but worldwide. The overall aim of this thesis is to deepen and widen the understanding of young peoples’ subjective health, psychosomatic and stress-related problems. A special focus is put on experienced stress among adolescent girls and young women. The study setting is one youth health centre, and three upper secondary schools in Umeå, a university town in northern Sweden. The research design combines qualitative and quantitative methods with the main focus on qualitative methods. An interdisciplinary theoretical synthesis is utilised, primarily based on bio-psycho-social, phenomenological, and social constructionist approaches. The three qualitative papers (I-III) are based on the same sample of 40 young women who had sought help at the youth health centre because of their stress-related problems. Paper I explores the stressors experienced by the young women, whereas Paper II explores the lived experiences of stress. Paper III examines the young women’s experiences of living in a violent partner relationship as young teenagers, and how this has affected their lives and health over time. Paper IV investigates perceived stress and subjective health complaints among older adolescents in upper secondary school. Methods Data was derived from: a) a qualitative interview study with 40 adolescent girls and young women, aged between 16–25 years, who had sought help at the youth health centre for stress problems. Qualitative content analysis was used in combination with discourse-orientated analysis (Paper I); a phenomenological approach (Paper II), and narrative method (Paper III); b) a school-based survey with a sample of 16–18-year-old boys and girls (n=1027), in upper secondary school, grades 1 and 2, from different educational programs at three schools. Perceived stress, self-rated health, subjective health complaints, anxiety, and depression, were measured with a questionnaire including a set of instruments. Statistical analyses were descriptive and analytical. Results Paper I identified multiple stressors of modernity, gender orders and youth. Contextual factors, including social constructions and practices of gender, played an important role for the stress experienced by these young women. The results revealed that multiple and intersecting stressors and demands connected to essential life spheres, contributed not only to experiences of distress but also to feelings of constraint. Moreover, the roles of excessive taking of responsibility and failing adult support were revealed. Paper II illuminated multidimensional lived and embodied experiences of distress. ‘Living close to the edge’ emerged as the common theme running through all of the interviews and captured the young women’s sometimes unbearable situations. The theme contains dimensions of physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and existential distress, as well as dimensions of distrust and disempowerment. Paper III examined two Swedish adolescent girls’ experiences of living in a violent relationship as teenagers, and how this has affected their lives and health over time. The analysis revealed violation, stress, trauma, coping, and agency during adolescence and the transition into adulthood. Paper IV showed a high level of perceived stress, and subjective health and stress complaints among boys and girls. High pressure and excessive demands from school were experienced by a majority of boys and girls. Perceived stress was correlated with subjective health and stress complaints and anxiety. There was a clear gender difference: two to three times as many girls than boys reported subjective health complaints, e.g. headaches, tiredness and sleeping difficulties, musculoskeletal pain, sadness and anxiety. Conclusion Several issues of relevance to public health were raised throughout the thesis. According to the interview results, the young women face multiple and intersecting stressors of modernity, gender orders and being young, which correspond to their multidimensional experiences of ‘living close to the edge’. Their experiences of stress are multidimensional, and include physical, emotional, cognitive, social and existential dimensions. Findings from the qualitative study were also mirrored in the findings from the larger group of adolescents in the school survey, where a high proportion of older adolescents, particularly girls, reported perceptions of stress. Moreover, perceived stress correlated to a variety of subjective health complaints and anxiety. The results can be understood and explained from a variety of perspectives. The experience of ‘managing alone’ indicated perceptions of inadequate social support. The overall results indicated a risk of more negative health development, particularly among adolescent girls and young women. Stressors of modernity, gender orders and youth were prominent. The continuation and normalisation of oppression and violence are also discussed as a severe gendered stressor in young women’s lives. This calls for a broad contextualised and gender-sensitive approach to young people’s stress and health problems. In conclusion, the age and gender gap in adolescent health needs to be further explored, and processes of distress, distrust and disempowerment have to be taken more seriously. / Under det senaste decenniet har medier och flertalet nationella forskningsrapporter informerat om ökande psykisk ohälsa och stress bland barn och unga i Sverige. Denna avhandlings syfte är att med hjälp av en utforskande och tvärvetenskaplig ansats fördjupa förståelsen av subjektiva ohälsoproblem och upplevd stress bland unga i Sverige, med speciellt fokus på flickors och unga kvinnors upplevda stressproblem. Avhandlingen har en explorativ och flexibel studiedesign som kombinerar kvalitativa och kvantitativa forskningsmetoder med särskild tyngdpunkt på de kvalitativa metoderna. Datainsamling har genomförts med a) kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med en grupp flickor och unga kvinnor (16–25 år) som sökt hjälp för stressrelaterade problem på en ungdomshälsomottagning i Umeå, och b) en skolbaserad enkätunder-sökning med totalt 1027 pojkar och flickor, 16–18 år, i åk 1–2 på tre kommunala gymnasieskolor i Umeå. Forskningsintervjuerna har huvudsakligen analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Innehållsanalysen har i de olika delarbetena sedan kombinerats med diskursorienterad analys (Artikel I), med fenomenologisk ansats (Artikel II) och med narrativ metod (Artikel III). Skolenkäten har analyserats med deskriptiva och analytiska statistiska metoder (Artikel IV). Resultaten från den kvalitativa intervjuundersökningen med unga kvinnor belyser a) multipla stressorer som kan hänföras till flera parallella områden i livet – men även till samhälleliga diskurser: modernitetens stressorer, genusordningarnas stressorer och ungdoms-årens stressorer, b) multidimensionella, levda och förkroppsligade erfarenheter av stress och ”att leva på gränsen” som innefattar fysiska, emotionella, kognitiva, sociala och existentiella dimensioner och c) erfarenheter av våld och kontroll i partnerrelationer samt deras konsekvenser. Resultaten från enkätundersökningen med gymnasielever visar att en stor andel av ungdomarna rapporterar subjektiva hälso- och stressbesvär av olika slag inklusive oro och ångest. Jämfört med pojkarna så är det två till tre gånger fler flickor som rapporterar besvär och denna skillnad är signifikant. En majoritet av ungdomarna håller ett högt tempo och upplever sig också pressade av krav från skolan samt av egna inre krav. Upplevelserna av stress i form av högt tempo och höga krav korrelerar med de subjektiva hälso- och stressbesvären samt med ångest. Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen att ungas stressrelaterade och subjektiva hälsobesvär bör förstås i ett vidare socialt sammanhang som inkluderar ett genusperspektiv. Kontext- och genusspecifika interventionsmodeller behöver utvecklas för att möta dessa hälsoproblem, men stress bland unga behöver också diskuteras och studeras vidare i relation till hur samhällsutvecklingen och dess värdegrunder påverkar unga av idag.
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Konst i omlopp : mening, medier och marknad i Stockholm under 1700-talets senare hälft / Art in Circulation : Meaning, Media, and Market in Eighteenth-Century StockholmPetersson, Sonya January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to explore how art was mediated and given meaning in the environment of an urban media culture in Stockholm during the second part of the 18th century. It comprises studies of how art was distributed on the market, how it was discussed in the press and how it was exhibited in public. It also includes an analytical orientation toward mixing of concepts and values, rather than purifying them into categories such as elite and popular. Art is approached as an open concept of investigation. The thesis presents three studies. The first discusses art as concepts and subject matter in papers, pamphlets and encyclopaedias, with a critical stand against the historiography emphasizing the establishment of the 'fine arts'. The second situates art in two parallel practises of showing art in public, exhibitions arranged by the Academy of Arts and the Auction Chamber's public sales. The third deals with prints on the market, a medium equally recognized as one of the fine arts and as a visual mass medium. All studies also consider notions of interaction, public, and social class. Two overarching arguments are developed. The first concerns media cultural functions as mechanisms of cultural transgression. This argument points to the mixing of international and local, regarding both themes in the press and prints on the market. It also stresses the mixing of art, commerce, and entertainment, in the dual character of both the academy's exhibitions and the auction's sales. The second argument consists in pointing to alternative cuts, by which I suggest discursive relations between art, luxury, entertainment, and knowledge. These are areas that, since the 18th century, have often been kept apart, but were nonetheless deeply interwoven. One overarchig pattern studied throughout the thesis is the 18th-century linking of the fine arts as well as luxury, entertainment, and knowledge to a perceptually defined subject.
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