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Ochrana ozónové vrstvy Země z pohledu práva / Protection of the Earth ozone layer from the legal point of viewBergerová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Resumé: Protection of the ozone layer of the Earth from the perspective of law This thesis is dealing with protection of the ozone layer. I chose this topic because I consider ozone layer as a very important folder of the environment and its weakening is of global nature and for its protection it was necessary to involve as many countries as possible. This work is focused mainly on the development of ozone layer protection at the international level and on current legislativ. It also includes the European Union's approach to this problem. In the beginning of my thesis I'm trying to explain what is ozone, which substances deplete the ozone layer and which principles and tools are used for its protection. Chapter two is dedicated to the development of ozone layer protection. It includes the beginnings of the international cooperation which began to take shape in the middle of the 70s when was published the first scientific work, which pointed to damage of ozone layer by halogenated hydrocarbons. International cooperation resulted to the adoption of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and later to its implementation protocol - Montreal protocol, in September of 1987. The Montreal Protocol was considered an exceptional success of diplomacy in the sphere of environmental protection but in...
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Posouzení informačního systému ve firmě a návrhy na jeho zlepšení / Assessing the Information System of a Company and Proposing its ImprovementKrejčíř, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
Information system, methodology B2EPUS, questionnaire, analysis HOS8, analysis SWOT
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Manipulační zařízení pro kontejnery / Container handling equipmentKomárek, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with handling equipment for handling containers 20 "and 40". Design of suspension frame with one telescopic beam is elaborated. In this work an analysis of the load on the device and the design calculation of the structure is elaborated. The suspension frame design with sliding, tilting and rotary positioning is designed to provide hydraulic elements. In the diploma thesis, the strength calculation of the selected construction node is processed and the necessary drawing documentation is created.
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Nakladový controling jako způsob řízení ve vybraném podniku / Cost Controlling: A Method of Management in the Selected CompanySmolík, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Controlling, costs, planning, budgeting, calculation, cover contribution of fixed costs and profit generation, analysis of deviations.
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Kombinované paroplynové zařízení se spalovacími motory / Combined steam-gas plant with internal combustion enginesPřidal, Milan January 2021 (has links)
combustion engine, steam turbine, combustion boiler, cogeneration
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Expanze vybrané firmy na nový trh / Expansion of the Selected Company into a New MarketBartošová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
Expanze, Nový trh, Rozvoj trhu, Situační analýza, Marketingový mix, Internetový marketing
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Katedrála / CathedralKliment, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
The statue called The Cathedral is a natural extension of my work, which deals with organic morphology of the landscape, both the details and grand compositions, which in the countryside vyskytují.Stejně like most authors is my creative work reflection of my surroundings, both personal so near in geographical terms. Integrating these aspects arise impetus to creation. In the case of sculptures entitled The Cathedral is a rendering of the very strong impression of verticality, which dominates the landscape. Regularly clashing with seemingly ordinary natural objects such as trees, soil, hills or reliefs and reliefs such as landscapes, I got into an imaginary dialogue, which I decided to answer this statue and also portray already mentioned impressed. This feeling is for me identically comparable to a situation where the viewer stands in front of the high Gothic building and trying to accommodate the shape of a giant who stands before him. Its peak, it seems so distant, as if no end, and the broad base is a kind of sign of confidence in the form of stability. Parallels between these seemingly different topics I could not miss, so I decided to call the statue Cathedral. In this work, as in previous ones, I try to get into organic sculptures character with the help of the deformation of materials, or basically draping. Compacting elastic materials to try to create the statues of the tension that fascinates me in nature and creates the impression of growth, which is in the countryside of one of the strongest motives. Shape diversity, which is in the landscape, in my inexhaustible source of inspiration and has become lately a space that fills me. When I release the perception of various aspects of your imagination and build imaginary composition, which would then be identical expression perceived impressions.
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Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro nemovitost typu byt v lokalitě Pardubice a Prosetín. / Comparison of selected valuation methods for apartment-type property in Pardubice and ProsetínJanoušková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
Real property, accommodation unit, flat, valuation, price, standard price, yield method, direkt comparison, Pardubice, Prosetín
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Město ve městě/ „Blok Trnitá“ / City within the City / "Trnitá City Block"Pastorková, Eva Unknown Date (has links)
PASTORKOVÁ, Eva. City within the city / "Trnitá city block". Brno, 2020. Also available from: https://www.vutbr.cz/studenti/zav-prace/detail/125534. Master´s thesis. Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Design. Supervisor Vítězslav Nový. The subject of the master's thesis - City within the city / "Trnitá city block" is a design for a multi-functional building in a block of urban structure (territorial study of the also called "Southern area - Trnitá" - KAM Brno 2019). The project supplements the pre-master´s thesis elaborated within the course Studio III M3. The introductory part of the work is focused on familiarization with the issue of the area. The urban study "South Quarter - Trnitá" is also verified at the theoretical level, where it follows the main aspects of housing in the city, examining the city factor - multi-functional houses from history to the present. It seeks to create a place that not only enhances people's quality of life, but also the space itself. The proposed building, which is part of the newly designed block, includes a conceptual and material solution, which is linked to the layout, operational and technical design of the building. The building creates a functioning system in accordance with human, at the level of the city block and in the context of the entire city.
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Rizika v oblasti řízení marketingových nástrojů / Risks Related to Marketing Communication ManagementTupý, Maroš January 2018 (has links)
Marketing, franchising, franchisor, franchisee, marketing tools, risk
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