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A Contrast between Montesquieu¡¦s and Quesnay¡¦s Thoughts of China Despotism ¡X A Methodological ReflectionLai, Chi-Lu 17 August 2010 (has links)
This dissertation aims to contrast the differences between Montesquieu¡¦s and Quesnay¡¦s thoughts of China Despotism theory, to analyze the methodology and epistemology used by the two scholars to demonstrate and observe traditional China despotism, and, to expound and examine the description of traditional China despotism in Montesquieu¡¦s and Quesnay¡¦s thoughts. Montesquieu was a rare one among Enlightenment philosophers who profoundly discussed China Despotism in the eighteenth century. In the elaboration of Montesquieu¡¦s China Despotism, there were lots of contradictions in De L'espirt Des Lois. Traditional China government was depreciated by him. From the empirical induce methodology, positivism epistemology and ontology¡¦s point of view, this dissertation tries to deeply analyze and research Montesquieu¡¥s China Despotism. At the time, there were also some Enlightenment Philosophers who have a different view of China Despotism. The representative was a Physiocrat ¡V Francois Quesnay. In his Le Despotisme De La Chine, he marked traditional China government positively. Quesnay, who developed his view based on the same empirical facts about traditional China according to the eighteenth century¡¦s Jesuits, travelers and businessmen and with the same natural science methodology, had totally different views and thoughts about China Despotism from Montesquieu. This dissertation has a detailed study and review on these differences.
Questions will be explored in this dissertation are as below. Did the natural science methodology and epistemology of Montesquieu¡¦s and Quesnay¡¦s China Despotism strengthen the judgment of how they valued traditional China government? Were there pre-judgments in their so-called neutral and objective denouncement about the way they researched China Despotism in the empirical induce methodology and epistemology? Were Montesquieu¡¦s and Quesnay¡¦s judgments about China Depotism enhanced by the natural science methodology and epistemology a kind of western centralism? Did they, in the name of neutral and objective empirical induce methodology and epistemology that could not reason non-western value, refuse and devaluate other non-western value? This dissertation has a deeply reflection on these from the ¡§paradigm¡¨ and ¡§incommensurable¡¨ methodological concepts of Thomas S. Kuhn¡¦s.
If Montesquieu¡¦s China Despotism was the main point of western culture, was the way Quesnay observed traditional China government presenting a different value in the west culture and there were still some admiring this kind of value? Was this kind of evaluation neglected by recent Chinese intellects? This is a serious problem worthy of reconsideration and reflection.
Keywords: Montesquieu, François Quesnay, Physiocracy, Despotism, enlightened despotism, China Despotism, natural science methodology, theory laden, Thomas S. Kuhn, paradigm, incommensurable
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Euler-Lagrange Modeling of Vortex Interaction with a Particle-Laden Turbulent Boundary LayerJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Rotorcraft operation in austere environments can result in difficult operating conditions, particularly in the vicinity of sandy areas. The uplift of sediment by rotorcraft downwash, a phenomenon known as brownout, hinders pilot visual cues and may result in a potentially dangerous situation. Brownout is a complex multiphase flow problem that is not unique and depends on both the characteristics of the rotorcraft and the sediment. The lack of fundamental understanding constrains models and limits development of technologies that could mitigate the adverse effects of brownout. This provides the over-arching motivation of the current work focusing on models of particle-laden sediment beds. The particular focus of the current investigations is numerical modeling of near-surface fluid-particle interactions in turbulent boundary layers with and without coherent vortices superimposed on the background flow, that model rotorcraft downwash. The simulations are performed with two groups of particles having different densities both of which display strong vortex-particle interaction close to the source location. The simulations include cases with inter-particle collisions and gravitational settling. Particle effects on the fluid are ignored. The numerical simulations are performed using an Euler- Lagrange method in which a fractional-step approach is used for the fluid and with the particulate phase advanced using Discrete Particle Simulation. The objectives are to gain insight into the fluid-particle dynamics that influence transport near the bed by analyzing the competing effects of the vortices, inter-particle collisions, and gravity. Following the introduction of coherent vortices into the domain, the structures convect downstream, dissipate, and then recover to an equilibrium state with the boundary layer. The particle phase displays an analogous return to an equilibrium state as the vortices dissipate and the boundary layer recovers, though this recovery is slower than for the fluid and is sensitive to the particle response time. The effects of inter-particle collisions are relatively strong and apparent throughout the flow, being most effective in the boundary layer. Gravitational settling increases the particle concentration near the wall and consequently increase inter-particle collisions. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Aerospace Engineering 2011
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Gravity currents from non-axisymmetric releases / Dynamique des courants de gravite non-axisymetriquesZgheib, Nadim 13 March 2015 (has links)
Les courants de gravité, écoulements issus de la présence d’un contraste de densité dans un fluide ou de la présence de fluides de densités différentes, sont rencontrés dans de nombreuses situations naturelles ou industrielles. Quelques exemples de courants de gravité sont les avalanches, les marées noires et les courants de turbidité. Certains courants de gravité peuvent représenter un danger pour l’homme ou l’environnement, il est donc nécessaire de comprendre et de prédire leur dynamique. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’étudier l’évolution de courants de gravité de masse fixée, et notamment l’influence d’une forme initiale non-axisymétrique sur la dynamique, effet jusque-là peu abordé dans la littérature. Pour cela, une large gamme de paramètres est couverte, incluant le rapport de masse volumique entre le fluide ambiant et le fluide dans le courant, le rapport de forme initiale, la forme de la section horizontale de la colonne de fluide (circulaire, rectangulaire ou en forme de croix), le nombre de Reynolds (couvrant jusqu’à 4 ordres de grandeur) et la nature du fluide lourd (salin ou chargé en particules). Deux campagnes d’expériences ont été menées et complétées par des simulations numériques hautement résolues. Le résultat majeur est que la propagation du courant et le dépôt de particules (lorsque particules il y a) sont fortement influencés par la forme initiale de la colonne de fluide. Dans le cas de la colonne initialement rectangulaire le courant se propage plus vite et dépose plus de particules dans la direction initialement de plus courte dimension. Ce comportement non-axisymétrique est observé dans une large gamme des paramètres étudiés ici. Pourtant les modèles analytiques existants et notamment le modèle dit de boîte (box model) qui prédit avec succès le comportement des courants de gravité/turbidité dans les cas plan et axisymétrique ne sont pas capables de reproduire ce phénomène. C’est pourquoi une extension du box model a été développée ici, et est en mesure de décrire la dynamique de courants de gravité de masse fixée dont la forme initiale est arbitraire. Le cas plus général d'un courant de gravité évoluant sur un plan incliné a été abordé et une dynamique intéressante a été observée. / Gravity currents are buoyancy driven flows that appear in a variety of situations in nature as well as industrial applications. Typical examples include avalanches, oil spills, and turbidity currents. Most naturally occurring gravity currents are catastrophic in nature, and therefore there is a need to understand how these currents advance, the speeds they can attain, and the range they might cover. This dissertation will focus on the short and long term evolution of gravity currents initiated from a finite release. In particular, we will focus attention to hitherto unaddressed effect of the initial shape on the dynamics of gravity currents. A range of parameters is considered, which include the density ratio between the current and the ambient (heavy, light, and Boussinesq currents), the initial height aspect ratio (height/radius), different initial cross-sectional geometries (circular, rectangular, plus-shaped), a wide range of Reynolds numbers covering 4 orders of magnitude, as well as conservative scalar and non-conservative (particle-driven) currents. A large number of experiments have been conducted with the abovementioned parameters, some of these experiments were complemented with highly-resolved direct numerical simulations. The major outcome is that the shape of the spreading current, the speed of propagation, and the final deposition profile (for particle-driven currents) are significantly influenced by the initial geometry, displaying substantial azimuthal variation. Especially for the rectangular cases, the current propagates farther and deposits more particles along the initial minor axis of the rectangular cross section. This behavior pertaining to non-axisymmetric release is robust, in the sense that it is observed for the aforementioned range of parameters, but nonetheless cannot be predicted by current theoretical models such as the box model, which has been proven to work in the context of planar and axisymmetric releases. To that end, we put forth a simple analytical model (an extension to the classical box model), well suited for accurately capturing the evolution of finite volume gravity current releases with arbitrary initial shapes. We further investigate the dynamics of a gravity current resulting from a finite volume release on a sloping boundary where we observe some surprising features.
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Predikátová analýza a analýza metafor v poselstvích Usámy bin Ládina týkajících se USA a evropských spojenců po invazi do Iráku v roce 2003 / Predicate Analysis and Analysis of Metaphors Used in Messages Attributed to Osama bin Laden Regarding the United States of America and Their European Allies Following the 2003 Invasion of IraqSchneiderová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
MA thesis project Klára Schneiderová PREDICATE ANALYSIS AND ANALYSIS OF METAPHORS USED IN MESSAGES ATTRIBUTED TO OSAMA BIN LADEN REGARDING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAAND THEIR EUROPEAN ALLIES FOLLOWING THE 2003 INVASION OF IRAQ INTRODUCTION - War on terror = war on Islam? (analysis of fundamentalist logic and stream of thought) For this Master thesis project, I chose to analyze the terrorist discourse of Osama bin Laden, the leader of the global Jihadist network, al-Qaeda, particularly his messages regarding the United States of America and its European allies following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, as they were gathered in various relevant sources of record up to the near present.1 I chose this topic due to my long-term interest in the Middle East, particularly the relationship and links between religious ideology and politics in the region. The methodology chosen for this work is closely related to media image analysis which I became familiar with during my previous studies and which I applied in my Bachelor's thesis. In the world today, I believe it has become increasingly important to reflect, observe and closely examine the roots and foundations of fundamentalist argumentation and logic, which in this case serve as the key motors of the global Jihadist movement. Following the 9-11-01 terrorist attacks...
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An Investigation of Electric Fields in SandstormsRahman, Mustafa M. 12 1900 (has links)
Sandstorms are frequently accompanied by intense electric fields and lightning. In a very narrow region close to the ground, sand particles undergo a charge exchange during which larger-sized sand grains become positively charged and smaller-sized sand grains become negatively charged and then all particles become suspended by the turbulent fluid motion. Although the association of intense electric fields with sandstorms has long been observed, the mechanism that causes these intense electric fields has not yet been described. Here, we hypothesize that differently sized sand particles are differentially transported by turbulence in the flow, resulting in a large-scale charge separation and a consequential large-scale electric field. To confirm our hypothesis, we combined a large-eddy simulation framework comprising a turbulent atmospheric boundary layer and movement of sand particles with an electrostatic Gauss law to investigate the physics of the electric fields in sandstorms. We varied the strength of the sandstorm from weak to strong as parametrized by the number density of the entrained sand particles. Our simulations reproduced observational measurements of both mean and root mean squared fluctuation values of the electric field. Our results allowed us to propose a law in which the electric field scales to two-thirds of the power of the concentration of the sand particles in weak-to-medium strength sandstorms.
The underlying approach to simulate the solid particle-laden flow is Eulerian-Eulerian in which the particles are characterized by statistical descriptors. To explore the essential physics of the electric field generation in a sandstorm, we model the high-Reynolds-number atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) using two different canonical turbulent flows: one model is that of a turbulent boundary-layer (TBL), and the second one is that of a turbulent half-channel flow. For the particle phase, the direct quadrature method of moments (DQMOM) is chosen in which the abscissas and weights of the quadrature method are tracked directly. The utilization of this framework is proposed to examine the transport of sand in sandstorms. Furthermore, the physical mechanisms necessary for production and sustenance of large-scale electric fields in sandstorms is investigated.
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Akzeptanz von E-Autos als Energiespeicher im Smart Grid – eine Stated Choice Befragung zu variablen Vergütungen für Besitzer von E-AutosGranse, Richard 28 March 2022 (has links)
Diese Masterarbeit untersucht die Fragestellung, ob die Einwohner Deutschlands zukünftig E-Autos als Energiespeicher im Smart Grid akzeptieren und inwiefern variable Preise zur Vergütung der Fahrzeugbesitzer geeignet sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Stated Choice Befragung durchgeführt. Der ermittelte Datensatz wurde anhand drei verschiedener Conjoint-Analysen ausgewertet. Dazu wurde jeweils ein Teilwert-Modell als Nutzenmodell und ein multinomiales Logit-Choice-Modell formuliert. Der Top-Down-Ansatz wurde genutzt, um reduzierte Modelle zu bilden, welche ausschließlich signifikante Schätzer enthalten. Zur Überprüfung der Modelle wurden globale Gütemaße herangezogen. Bei der Auswertung der Modelle ergab sich, dass die Probanden ihre Wahl hauptsächlich von der Alternative selbst – Fixpreis oder variabler Preis – abhängig machen und weniger von der Ausgestaltung der Preise.
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Kundenfreundliches Laden – Fokus öffentliche Ladeinfrastruktur: Arbeitsgruppe 5 : Verknüpfung der Verkehrs- und Energienetze, Sektorkopplung: Themenpapier April 2020Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur 24 May 2023 (has links)
Das öffentliche und private Laden von Elektroautos stellt für die Nutzerinnen und Nutzer eine neue Erfahrung dar, die nicht mit den derzeitigen Tankvorgängen vergleichbar ist. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird der Begriff „kundenfreundliches Laden“ in der aktuellen Diskussion häufig angeführt, allerdings ohne bisher eine einheitliche Definition zu verwenden. Das Ziel dieses Themenpapiers ist eine Definition zu kundenfreundlichem Laden zu geben, Transparenz zum Stand der kundenfreundlichen Nutzung von Ladeinfrastruktur zu schaffen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Marktteilnehmer sowie politische Entscheidungsträgerinnen und Entscheidungsträger abzuleiten. Die Arbeitsgruppe (AG) 5 der Nationalen Plattform Zukunft der Mobilität (NPM) definiert kundenfreundliches Laden anhand der vier Merkmale, dass es a) einfach, b) immer und überall möglich, c) transparent und d) sicher ist. Hinzu kommt als fünftes Merkmal, dass das Laden e) auch komfortabel sein sollte. Dieses Merkmal wird aber nicht der engeren Definition von „kundenfreundlichem Laden“ zugerechnet, da Komfort in der Regel ein Instrument des Wettbewerbs ist und Zusatzkosten verursacht. Auf Basis dieser Definition werden in diesem Papier aktuelle Themen in eine „Themenlandkarte“ eingeordnet und diskutiert. Dieses Arbeitspaket wurde bewusst als Themenpapier erstellt, da die NPM AG 5 der Auffassung ist, dass nutzerorientierte Lösungen grundsätzlich von den Marktteilnehmern im Wettbewerb entwickelt werden sollten, um zu den besten, kundenorientiertesten Lösungen zu gelangen. Entsprechend richtet sich dieser Bericht in erster Linie an die Marktteilnehmer und Branchenorganisationen in Gestalt der Hersteller von Ladeinfrastruktur, der Ladesäulenbetreiber (CPO) und E-Mobility Provider (EMP) sowie
der Automobilhersteller. Vertreter der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer wurden für die vertiefte Diskussion der Themen und Erstellung von Lösungsvorschlägen mit einbezogen. Da die gegenwärtige Gesetzgebung mit der Ladesäulenverordnung (LSV) bereits einen guten Rahmen für den Ausbau kundenfreundlicher Ladeinfrastruktur geschaffen hat, beschränkt sich derzeit die Empfehlung der NPM AG 5 gegenüber dem Gesetzgeber darauf, den Wettbewerb weiterhin zu ermöglichen und entsprechende Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten zuzulassen. Hierzu zählt eine einheitliche Rahmengesetzgebung im Sinne des Wettbewerbs (namentlich: die Vereinheitlichung von Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFID) und LSV bezüglich des angeschlagenen Kabels) sicherzustellen. Ferner wird empfohlen, bestimmte Aspekte bei der Förderung und Finanzierung (Parkraumsensorik, Überdachung) stärker zu berücksichtigen sowie bestehende Maßnahmen konsequent umzusetzen (Sanktionierung von Falschparkenden).:I Ausgangslage und Zielsetzung
II Definition des kundenfreundlichen Ladens
III Aktuelle Themenfelder
1. Einfach Laden
1.1 Standardisierung und rechtliche Vorgaben
1.2 Verfügbarkeit der Ladesäule
1.3 Auffindbarkeit vor Ort
1.4 Bedienbarkeit vor Ort
1.5 Entwicklung der Bezahlsysteme
2. Immer und überall Laden
2.1 Sicherstellung der technischen Interoperabilität
2.2 Wahlfreiheit der Nutzerinnen und Nutzer
2.3 Verfügbarkeit von Hilfeservices
3. Transparent Laden
3.1 Informationen vor dem Ladevorgang
3.2 Information zur erforderlichen Ladedauer/Restladedauer
3.3 Bewertung der Servicequalität
4. Sicher Laden
4.1 Fehlerbehebung
4.2 Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
5. Komfortabel Laden
5.1 Reservierungsfunktion
5.2 Verwendung von Grünstrom(-zertifikaten) für den Ladevorgang
5.3 Wetter- und Witterungsschutz
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A Polydispersed Gaussian-Moment Model for Polythermal, Evaporating, and Turbulent Multiphase Flow ApplicationsAllard, Benoit 06 April 2023 (has links)
A novel higher-order moment-closure method is applied for the Eulerian treatment of gas-particle multiphase flows characterized by a dilute polydisperse and polythermal particle phase. Based upon the polydisperse Gaussian-moment model (PGM) framework, the proposed model is derived by applying an entropy-maximization moment-closure formulation to the transport equation of the particle-number density function, which is equivalent to the Williams-Boltzmann equation for droplet sprays. The resulting set of first-order robustly-hyperbolic balance laws include a direct treatment for local higher-order statistics such as co-variances between particle distinguishable properties (i.e., diameter and temperature) and particle velocity. Leveraging the additional distinguishing variables, classical hydrodynamic droplet evaporation theory is considered to describe unsteady droplet vaporization. Further, studying turbulent multiphase flow theory, a first-order hyperbolicity maintaining approximation to turbulent flow diffusion-inertia effects is proposed. Investigations into the predictive capabilities of the model are evaluated relative to Lagrangian-based solutions for a range of flows, including
aerosol dispersion and fuel-sprays. Further, the model is implemented in a massively parallel discontinuous-Galerkin framework. Validation of the proposed turbulence coupling model is subsequently performed against experimental data,
and a qualitative analysis of the model is given for a qualitative liquid fuel-spray problem.
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Normatiewe aspekte van die vertolking van 'n akte van menseregteHefer, Josephus Johannes Francois 06 1900 (has links)
Wetgewing wat onbestaanbaar is met die bepalings van
Wet 200 van 1993 as die hoogste reg is nietig tensy
geoorloof volgens die maatstawwe van art 33 (1) 1 en die
Konstitusionele Hof en die provinsiale en plaaslike
afdelings van die Hooggeregshof is bevoeg om dit ongeldig
te verklaar. Die beoordeling van die geldigheid van
wetgewing waardeur inbreuk gemaak word op 'n Fundamentele
Reg of Vryheid in Hoofstuk 3 verleen 1 vereis in eerste
instansie die vertolking van die betrokke bepaling van die
Hoofstuk. In die lig van die besondere karakter van 'n
grondwet en die gebrek aan omlyning van die verleende regte
en vryhede 1 moet die vertolking nie volgens geykte metodes
geskied nie I maar wel doelgerig aan die hand van die
waardes onderliggend tot die Handves as geheel. Waardes wat
nie herleibaar is tot die grondwet self nie en die
persoonlike filosofiee van die regters behoort die howe
egter nie te beinvloed nie. / Legislation inconsistent with the provisions of Act 200 of
1993 as the supreme law is of no force and effect and the
Constitutional Court and the provincial and local divisions
of the Supreme Court may declare it invalid, unless it
complies with the criteria of a permissible limitation
under sec 33(1). Before the validity of legislation
impinging upon a Fundamental Right or Freedom conferred in
Chapter 3 can be considered, the relevant provision of the
Chapter must first be interpreted. In view of the special
nature of a constitution and the generality of the
conferred rights and freedoms, the ordinary methods of
interpretation should not be applied. Chapter 3 must be
interpreted purposively taking into account the values
underlying the Bill of Rights as a whole. Values not
founded in the Constitution and the personal philosophies
of the judges ought not to influence the courts. / Private Law / LL.M.
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Rethinking secular and sacred : on the role of secular thought in religious conflictsMcFarland, Michael E. January 2005 (has links)
In early 2001, as I began exploring the role of religion in conflict, I came across a declaration by a then little-known leader, Osama bin Laden, and his fellows. That declaration was of the World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders. Many analysts now see it as one of the founding documents of al Qaeda, the amorphous terrorist umbrella group. The purpose of the declaration was to issue a fatwa that, because United States troops were stationed in the holy Arabian peninsula and threatened Muslims, particularly in Iraq, it was every Muslim's duty 'to kill the Americans and their allies - civilians and military - ... in any country in which it is possible to do it'. Of course, the first thing that struck me, as an American, was that here was a group that wished to kill me solely because of my birthplace. They did not seem to care that I might not support specific actions of my government, even if I supported that government generally. Nor was there any discussion of whether methods other than violence might be more useful in persuading my fellow citizens as to the justice of their cause. I wondered, as a student of peace studies, what I could do in the face of such seemingly implacable hatred. The second thing that struck me about the declaration was its language. I noticed, in particular, a certain flourish that one does not often find in political analysis. The image that 'nations are attacking Muslims like people fighting over a plate of food' has always stayed in my mind because the simple image has such rhetorical power. I also noticed, in accordance with my research interests, the use of religious teachings as a justification for violence. Yet poetic rhetoric and religious dogma were not the only contents of that declaration. Bin Laden and his fellows made coherent political points. They cited as examples of the harm caused by the United States: the post-Gulf War presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, 'dictating to its rulers [and] humiliating its people;' the continued bombing of Iraq 'even though all [Saudi] rulers are against their territories being used to that end;' and, finally, the way that these actions contributed to the security of Israel by weakening Arab nations. Thus, beneath its religious expression the declaration contained political points with which I could engage. Now, as I categorically oppose the use of violence, I unreservedly reject the conclusion of the fatwa. Moreover, I do not assume that a single statement is evidence of this group's true intent. It may very well be the case, as analysts more versed in their politics than I have argued, that al Qaeda's real goal is the establishment of an Islamic caliphate. Its affiliation with Afghanistan's Taliban certainly supports this argument. In spite of these things, though, their use of political arguments meant they were trying to reach an audience that cared about such things. I could address that audience as well, and try to propose different courses of action that would address the same concerns. Thus, I could step outside of my original framework, in which I envisioned implacable hatred, and argue for nonviolent ways of addressing the issues. Yet the religious idiom of the declaration was also an important factor. Given that the declaration addressed Muslims as Muslims, by only trying to argue political points with them I might alienate people for whom the religious language meant a great deal. Already in my research I had come to the conclusion, drawing on R. Scott Appleby's The Ambivalence of the Sacred, that the people best placed to show the peaceful potential of a religion are believers in that religion. I am not, however, religious. Thus, this conclusion left me with no recourse in the face of the religious aspects of conflict. I began to wonder what role a nonreligious - or, as I came to think of myself, a secular - person could play in peacemaking when religion is an element of a conflict. Moreover, I saw that different seculars would have different reactions to bin Laden's arguments. Some would reject the message because of the religious medium. Some, like I first did, would perceive the sociopolitical elements but continue to ignore the religious language. Others, as I also briefly did, might consider the religious element but leave out the issue of their own secular nature. Yet no perspective provided a good model for what I, as a secular, might do. Thus, the goal of my thesis became to analyze the various models of secularity, find the most beneficial principles, and construct from these a model for secular best practice. That Osama bin Laden's words should catalyze this thesis brings me to two important points. First, this is not a thesis about Islam. If a disproportionate number of the examples that I use throughout the thesis focus on Islam, this should not indicate that Islam deserves special attention concerning conflict and violence. Rather, the focus here is always on secularity and secular responses to religion in situations of conflict. However, particularly after September 11th, the largely secular policy and scholarly establishments of Europe and North America have produced a great deal of material concerning Islam. Thus, while I sought out more diverse sources dealing with secularity, I often used the religion most commented on by secular sources as an exemplar. That leads to the second point, which is that this is not a thesis about terrorism. Given its scope and the place of religion in it, most obvious case study to use in this thesis is the 'war on terror' - which I call such for ease of use, as that is what the Western media generally call it, not because I think it is an adequate designation. I will cover this topic in the final chapter, but because the thesis is about peace and violence in conflict, and not about specific forms of violence, it will not figure elsewhere. Because this thesis is concerned with violence and, specifically, with the promotion of peace, it has an overt prescriptive element. This stems in large part from my Peace Studies background. Peace Studies entails a normative commitment to pursue peaceful situations through nonviolent means. Thus, at several points I actively enjoin readers to take or not take certain types of action because, by my analysis, that is the best way to promote peaceful relationships. More generally, by the title of this thesis, I ask readers to 'rethink secular and sacred' - both what these terms mean, and more importantly how they relate to one another. In particular, this goal leads me to avoid discussing the concept of tolerance. Tolerance is often held to be a virtue by those who seek to promote nonconfrontational religious interaction. However, as many other writers have pointed out, the word 'tolerance' itself stems from physiological and biological studies, where it means the ability to withstand negative factors, such as poisons or drugs. Thus I find that its social meaning is essentially negative, denoting forbearance of what one finds repugnant. While in a very limited sense I feel that tolerance is necessary, it is only as a first step to actively engaging with what one might at first find off-putting.
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