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Změny v množství a složení kravského mléka v průběhu ranního a večerního dojeníKomzáková, Irena January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Využití silážované drtě kukuřičných palic s listeny ve výživě dojnic prvních sto dní laktaceVaculík, Josef January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv stádia laktace na mléčnou užitkovost a technologické vlastnosti mléka dojnic po stejném býkoviOndrová, Tereza January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv složení mléka, pořadí a stádia laktace na bod mrznutí mléka u dojnic českého strakatého skotuPalík, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Změny kompozice těla v průběhu laktace u kojících žen / Body composition changes during lactation in breastfeeding womenFlanderová, Dana January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the work was to evaluate significant changes in body composition in Czech breastfeeding women during lactation and to confront them with the already available results of other similar studies. For this purpose, 10 female participants of the longitudinal study were selected. Body composition was determined by bioimpedance spectroscopy with a Fresenius Body Composition Monitor. Furthermore, anthropometric methods were used to evaluate the basic body parameters and compare their dependent loss with the values measured by BCM. The measurement was repeated in four periods - 3 weeks, 3 months, 6, and 9 months after delivery. During the observed period, an overall decrease in median weight of 4,2 kg was observed in lactating women. The median weight 9 months postpartum was still 1,2 kg greater than the median weight before pregnancy. No statistically significant differences in body composition were found during lactation. Human milk volume correlated positively with age of women (p = 0,0404; r = 0,3386), negatively with calf circumference (p = 0,0313; r = -0,3545), chin skinfold (p = 0,0198; r = -0,3816), triceps skinfold (p = 0,0905; r = -0,3302), LTI (p = 0,0216; r = -0,3767) and Cm (p = 0,0490; r = -0,3260). Correlations were also found between milk volume and some values needed to calculate...
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Vliv parametrů mléčné užitkovosti na obsah somatických buněk v mléce u dojnic holštýnského skotuStřítežská, Andrea January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work was to determine the effect of milk performance parameters that affect the number of somatic cells in milk in dairy cos holstein cattle. The work was carried out in the Czech Republic on a dairy farm in 2017 from January to December. Parameters included performance, phase lactation, the order of lactation, milk fat content, milk protein content, number of somatic cells. The information was obtained with performance monitoring and self-measuring of ingredients in milk from dairy cows over 305 days of lactation. In total, data from 3 061 dairy cows were processed. The following can be observed for the effect of milk performance parameters on the number of somatic cells. The order of lactation had a highly potent effect (p < 0.01), the younger cows (on the first lactation) had a lower number of somatic cells, with an increasing number of lactating somatic cell counts increasing. The lactation phase had a prominent effect on the number of somatic cells (p < 0.05), the trend showing an increasing tendency with increasing days in lactation. The fertility had a highly potent effect (p < 0.01), when the lower number of somatic cells had dairy cows with higher milk yields, while the higher number of somatic cells was at lower milk yield. The fat and protein content was statistically inconclusive (p > 0.05).
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Vyhodnocení úrovně zabřezávání skotu na farmě využívající řízené reprodukce stádaStřecha, Filip January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the level of mating on the farm using controlled herd reproduction. The evaluation of the level of pregnancy was carried out in dependence on the individual month of observation, the monitored parameters of milk from the performance control of individual lactations and the lines of fathers of cows. Performance data for January 2017 - April 2018 were used for the assessment. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the seasonal percentage is affected by the season. It has been shown that the percentage of pregnancy has decreased in the summer month. The significant decrease in the rate of mating was occurred with the increasing age of cows. The percentage of lactation, regardless of the order of lactation and the line of bulls, is negatively influenced by the milk yield and by the positive effect of the number of lactation days when embedded. To confirm the negative effect of milking yield on the breeding, the NEB breeders showed the highest milk yield and the lowest percentage of pregnancy. Significant fluctuation were occurred in value when evaluating individual indicator depending on the reference month. In the middle of the reporting period, the amount of urea in the milk had a positive effect on pregnancy. A similar result was obtained for the T / B ratio.
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Selen ve výživě dojnic v ekologickém chovuŠnajdr, Vladimír January 2017 (has links)
Šnajdr Vladimir: Selenium in the diet of dairy cows in organic farming, Final thesis, Mendelu Brno, 50 pages. Selenium is one of a number of trace elements that are indispensable for the life of all species. Exceeding limits of the daily dose of selenium in the diet can cause toxicity of tthe organism. However, selenium deficiency can lead to diseases, particularly for species with high susceptibility to various kinds of diseases. The aim of the thesis was to investigate the influence of dietary selenium on qualitative and quantitative parameters of dairy cows in organic farming. The experiment itself was made on an organic dairy farm. The experiment involved 20 pieces of Holstein breed cows. They were divided into two balanced groups being at same stage of lactation. All the cows were fed a basic ration in the form of TMR with the addition of mineral premix Detamin GA Spezial designed for organic farms. The experimental and control group of cows took of 20.5 kg dry matter of feed/head/day. The basal diet contained 0.17 mg selenium /kg. Animals had ad libitum access to water. Selenium was added to the diet at the dose of 0.3 mg/kg (as selenomethionine) in the first group of cows (n=10). The second group of cows (n=10) served as a control without addition of selenium (control group of animals received only selenium from native sources). At the end of the experiment was after administration of selenium in the diet after 15 days in the group of cows examined detectable amount of selenium, which was constant throughout the duration of the experiment. The experimental group with selenium level ranged from 15 to 45 days in the interval from 0.13 to 0.15 mg/ml. In the control group, the amount of selenium throughout the entire duration of the experiment under the detection limit. The quantity of somatic cells was significantly reduced in the test group cows 128 thous./ml (P <0.05). Reducing the number of somatic cells was also observed even in the control group (about 49 tis./ml). The urea concentration significantly decreased in the experimental and control groups of 14.3 mg/100 ml (P <0.05) respectively about 13.7 mg/100 ml (P<0.05). The addition of selenium can improve animal health and to ensure the production of so-called functional foods Formula clause:Prohlašuji, že jsem práci: Selen ve výživě dojnic v ekologickém chovu vypracoval samostatně a veškeré použité prameny a informace uvádím v seznamu použité literatury. Souhlasím, aby moje práce byla zveřejněna v souladu s § 47b zákona č. 111/1998 Sb., o vysokých školách ve znění pozdějších předpisů a v souladu s platnou Směrnicí o zveřejňování vysokoškolských závěrečných prací. Jsem si vědom, že se na moji práci vztahuje zákon č. 121/2000 Sb., autorský zákon, a že Mendelova univerzita v Brně má právo na uzavření licenční smlouvy a užití této práce jako školního díla podle § 60 odst. 1 autorského zákona. Dále se zavazuji, že před sepsáním licenční smlouvy o využití díla jinou osobou (subjektem) si vyžádám písemné stanovisko univerzity, že předmětná licenční smlouva není v rozporu s oprávněnými zájmy univerzity, a zavazuji se uhradit případný příspěvek na úhradu nákladů spojených se vznikem díla, a to až do jejich skutečné výše.
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Hodnocení výživy a metabolismu dojnic na základě výsledků vyšetření bazénových a individuálních vzorků mlékaDubová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
The thesis objective was to evaluate the results of bulk milk samples and individual milk samples taken during the performance control of dairy cows over one year, correlation analysis of mutual relationships between milk examined parameters and correlation analysis of milk composition and the temperature values. Next objective was to compare results of performance control between first-calvers and the dairy cows on the second and higher lactation and also use of results of milk samples to determine dairy cow health problems. The evaluation of nutrition and metabolism from bulk milk samples and the individual milk samples for the period from 4/2016 to 3/2017 was conducted in the ZD Dušejov. There are 480 dairy cows of Holstein at present. Comparison of bulk and individual milk samples results revealed the most important difference in the number of somatic cells (12 %) and urea (18 %). The differences are minimal for the other parameters. Based on the statistical comparison of individual samples, the first-calvers lower milk yield (17.2 %), than the cows on the second and higher lactation (P < 0.001), was found. In the early stages of lactation of first-calvers, there were recorded lower milk fat and higher lactose concentrations. The fact that the first-calvers have a healthier mammary gland shows the difference (P < 0.001) in the number of somatic cells. From the correlation of components of individual milk samples the closest relationship between the fat and the lactose/fat ratio (r = 0.95) and the relationship of citric acid to acetone (r = 0.76) was found. The most significant negative correlation was found between the milk yield and the day of lactation (r = -0.65) and milk fat (r = -0.57). Monitoring showed that the temperature affected the fat, protein (r = -0.88) and lactose concentration (r = -0.80). By the temperature rises, the risk of ketoses increases. This is confirmed by the results of relationship between the temperature and acetone and bethahydroxybutyrate concentrations (r = 0.87 and 0.85). Based on the use of fat/protein ratio as a suitable indicator of the effect of nutrition on the metabolism, it has been found that nearly half of the herd is threatened by the rumen acidosis. The rising risk of acidosis increases the number of mastitis treatments (r = 0.72; P < 0,01) and the incidence of inflamation the hoof (r = 0.45), which isn 't conclusive for low number of variables. Ketosis, according to the results of individual samples, is risk for average of 5 % of the herd. The positive correlation between the occurrence of placental retention and ketosis (r = 0.82; P < 0.01), was found.
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Vliv ročního období na projevy chování a parametry mléčné užitkovosti u dojnic holštýnského skotu ve vybraném chovuMartinková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
In this diploma thesis, the effect of the season on behavioral and milk yield parameters was monitored. The living manifestation included the number of standing and lying cows. Laterality was measured during lying (left and right side preferences). For all dairy cows, the milk yield parameters were also determined: daily milk yield (kg milk), lactation order (n) and lactation phase (days). The observation took place at Farm Hvozdná near Zlín. The subject of the observation was the production stable, where Holstein cattle were housed. The total number of dairy cows surveyed was 2,741 cases. Based on the results, the largest part of standing cows was in Spring (335 cases) and the largest part of lying cows in Autumn (290 cases). The highest average milk yield was found in the summer season (30.2 kg), the smallest in autumn (27.9 kg). This difference in milk yield was statistically significant (p <0.05). The highest milk yield was achieved by cows, which were lying (28.78 kg). The influence of behavior on the order and phase of lactation was statistically significant (p <0.05) in standing cows. It was found that all groups of cows, whether they were divided by season, milk yield, order or phase of lactation, preferred more left side when they were lying. This preference was highly statistically significant (p <0.01).
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