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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Izolace a stanovení laktoferinu z lidských slin pomocí kapalinové chromatografie

Skaličková, Sylvie January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Využití uhlíkových materiálů pro studium iontů kovů, kvantových teček a kov-vázajícího laktoferinu

Fialová, Dana January 2014 (has links)
In the present thesis entitled "Utilization of carbon materials for the study of metal ions, quantum dots and lactoferrin binding metal", different forms of carbon for a specific application were used. Nanoforms of carbon, such as carbon nanotubes, reduced graphene oxide and expanded carbon were used for the isolation of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. These materials are characterized by high surface area and ability to bind the heavy metal ions on its surface by either physical or chemical adsorption. The influence of the interaction time and the efficiency of adsorption and concentration capacity were studied for various sorbents. This work has been also focused on the electrochemical detection of quantum dots for labelling the influenza virus, and also to detection the presence of a metal-binding protein lactoferrin. Electrochemical detection of quantum dots and lactoferrin was performed using a glassy carbon electrode. Detection of silver ions on different carbon paste electrodes was another aim of this work and the obtained results were used to study the antimicrobial effect of encapsulated silver ions to the bacterial culture Staphylococcus aureus.

Klinički i ultrazvučni pregled vimena krava nakon primenelaktoferina u periodu involucije

Galfi Annamaria 27 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Kontrola zdravlja vimena krava je bitan element u procesu proizvodnje zdravstveno<br />bezbednog mleka, te se na farmama visokomlečnih krava, kroz program kontrole mastitisa,<br />redovno sprovode mere otkrivanja i prevencije bolesti vimena. Klinički pregled vimena<br />predstavlja osnovni metod koji pruţa korisne informacije o zdravstvenom statusu vimena<br />krava, ali nailazi na pote&scaron;koće u otkrivanju patolo&scaron;kih promena unutar parenhima i papile<br />vimena. U cilju otkrivanja promena u parenhimu vimena moţe se primeniti ultrazvučni<br />pregled koji omogućava vizualizaciju strukturnih promena vimena nastalih kao posledica<br />upalnih procesa i tako olak&scaron;ava dijagnostiku oboljenja.<br />Tokom poslednjih godina, javio se problem povećanja rezistencije bakterija na<br />antimikrobne lekove, &scaron;to oteţava lečenje bolesti, ali i ugroţava zdravlje ţivotinja i ljudi.<br />Najče&scaron;ći uzroci toga su nepravilna upotreba i eventualna zloupotreba antimikrobnih lekova.<br />Mnoga istraţivanja vr&scaron;ena su u in vitro i in vivo uslovima na primeni laktoferina samog ili u<br />kombinaciji sa antibioticima u terapiji i prevenciji mastitisa krava. Laktoferin, gvoţĎe<br />vezujući antimikrobni glikoprotein koji se nalazi u mleku i drugim sekretima, predstavlja<br />bitan deo sistema odbrane mlečne ţlezde.<br />Cilj istraţivanja u okviru ove disertacije je procena dijagnostičke mogućnosti<br />ultrazvučnog pregleda u detekciji subkliničkog mastitisa i poremećene sekrecije vimena,<br />kao i razmatranje opravdanosti primene laktoferina u prevenciji i lečenju mastitisa.<br />Kliničkim pregledom izvr&scaron;ena je procena op&scaron;teg zdravstvenog stanja krava, kao i<br />ispitivanje mlečne ţlezde adspekcijom i palpacijom. Za otkrivanje poremećene sekrecije<br />vimena i subkliničkih mastitisa kori&scaron;ćeni su brzi testovi, Kalifornija mastitis test i<br />Draminski test, kao i ultrazvučni pregled mlečne ţlezde krava. OdreĎivanje broja somatskih<br />ćelija u uzorcima mleka uraĎeno je metodom protočne citometrije. Za identifikaciju<br />uzročnika mastitisa kori&scaron;ćene su klasične mikrobiolo&scaron;ke metode. Krave sa pozitivnim<br />bakteriolo&scaron;kim nalazom podeljene su u dve ogledne grupe. Krave ogledne grupe I su<br />tretirane intramamarnom aplikacijom antibiotika, dok je kravama ogledne grupe II<br />aplikovana kombinacija antibiotika i laktoferina. OdreĎivanje koncentracije imunoglobulina<br />G u mlečnom serumu krava vr&scaron;eno je metodom radioimunodifuzije, a odreĎivanje<br />koncentracije laktoferina u mleku krava ELISA testom.<br />U istraţivanjima u okviru ove disertacije, najče&scaron;će izolovani major mastitis patogeni<br />bile su bakterije Staphylococcus aureus i Streptococcus agalactiae, a najče&scaron;će izolovani<br />minor mastitis patogeni Corynebacterium spp. i koagulaza negativne stafilokoke.<br />Ultrasonografija mlečne ţlezde krava pokazala se kao efikasna metoda u dijagnostici<br />poremećaja sekrecije vimena. Veće vrednosti koncentracije imunoglobulina G u mlečnom<br />serumu krava uočene su tokom perioda predzasu&scaron;enja i zasu&scaron;enja, u odnosu na period rane<br />laktacije. Najveći uticaj na porast koncentracije laktoferina u mleku krava su imali<br />bakterijski uzročnici mastitisa. Efikasnost antibiotske terapije primenjene tokom perioda<br />zasu&scaron;enja kod krava ogledne grupe I iznosila je 52,7%, dok je efikasnost primenjene terapije<br />sa goveĎim laktoferinom i antibiotikom kod krava ogledne grupe II iznosila 60%. Aplikacija<br />laktoferina tokom perioda zasu&scaron;enja doprinela je efikasnosti terapije intramamarnih<br />infekcija, ali nije imala uticaj na koncentraciju laktoferina u mleku tokom perioda rane<br />laktacije.<br />Dalja istraţivanja su neophodna kako bi se u potpunosti potvrdila efikasnost<br />intramamarne terapije sa goveĎim laktoferinom i antibiotikom u cilju eliminacije uzročnika<br />mastitisa i da se precizno odredi terapijska koncentracija laktoferina.</p> / <p>Control of udder health is an essential element in the process of safe milk<br />production, thus, through the mastitis control program, dairy farms regularly conduct<br />measures of detection and prevention of udder diseases. Clinical examination of the udder<br />is a basic method that provides useful information about the health status of cow udders,<br />but this method is limited in its ability to detect pathological changes in the udder<br />parenchyma and teat. In order to detect changes in the parenchyma of the udder, an<br />ultrasound can be applied which allows visualization of udder structural changes incurred<br />as a result of inflammatory processes, thus facilitating diagnosis of diseases.<br />Over the last few years, the problem of increasing resistance to antimicrobial drugs<br />has appeared, making it difficult to treat disease and also threaten the health of animals and<br />humans. The incorrect and widespread use of antimicrobial drugs are the most common<br />cause of this. Many studies were conducted in vitro and in vivo conditions on the use of<br />lactoferrin alone or in combination with antibiotics in the treatment and prevention of<br />mastitis. Lactoferrin, an iron-binding antimicrobial glycoprotein which is found in milk<br />and other secretions, represents an important part of the mammary gland defense system.<br />The aim of the research within this thesis was to evaluate the diagnostic<br />possibilities of udder ultrasonography in the detection of subclinical mastitis and udder<br />secretion disorders, as well as considering the feasibility of lactoferrin application in the<br />prevention and treatment of mastitis.<br />The general condition of the animals was evaluated by clinical examination, as<br />well as udder examination by adspection and palpation. The California mastitis test,<br />Draminski test and ultrasound examination of the cow&#39;s mammary glands were used for<br />detection of udder secretion disorders and subclinical mastitis. Somatic cell count in milk<br />samples was determined by flow cytometry method. Classical microbiological methods<br />were used for the isolation and identification of mastitis causative agents. Cows with<br />positive bacteriological findings were divided into two experimental groups. Cows in<br />experimental group I were treated with intramammary applications of antibiotics, while the<br />cows in experimental group II were treated with a combination of antibiotics and<br />lactoferrin. Immunoglobulin G concentration in bovine milk serum was determined by the<br />immunodiffusion method, while lactoferrin concentration in bovine milk was determined<br />using the ELISA test.<br />In this study, the most common isolated major mastitis pathogens were<br />Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae, while Corynebacterium spp. and<br />coagulase-negatice staphilococci were the most commonly detected minor mastitis<br />pathogens. Ultrasonography of the bovine mammary gland proved to be an effective<br />method in the diagnosis of udder secretion disorders. Higher immunoglobulin G<br />concentrations were observed in milk serum from cows during pre-dry and dry period,<br />relative to early lactation period. The biggest influence on the increase in the concentration<br />of lactoferrin in the bovine milk had mastitis pathogens. The efficacy of antibiotic therapy<br />during the dry period in cows of experimental group I was 52.7%, while the efficacy of the<br />applied therapy with lactoferrina and antibiotics in cows of experimental group II was<br />60%. Application of lactoferrin during the dry period contributed to the effectiveness of<br />the treatment of intramammary infections, but had no influence on lactoferrin<br />concentration in the milk during the early lactation period.<br />Further studies are necessary to in order to fully confirm the efficacy of<br />intramammary therapy with bovine lactoferrin and antibiotic to eliminate the mastitis<br />pathogens and to determine the therapeutic concentration of lactoferrin.</p>

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