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Monitores de LCD : caracterização dos materiais e processamento mecânico das placas de circuito impressoJuchneski, Nichele de Freitas January 2013 (has links)
Dentre os setores mais promissores da indústria está o setor de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos. Parte destes equipamentos eletroeletrônicos apresentam componentes tóxicos podendo causar danos ao meio ambiente e a população e apresentam também materiais nobres e raros que, caso não reciclados correm o risco de desaparecer nas próximas gerações. Alguns desses equipamentos já possuem rotas de reciclagem definidas, no entanto novas tecnologias como a tela de cristal líquido (LCD) estão começando a sofrer os primeiros descartes. Os monitores de LCD são compostos por uma tela de LCD, partes poliméricas e placas de circuito impresso (PCI) que são componentes de composição muito heterogênea, sendo 70% da sua massa composta de frações não metálicas e 30% correspondem a metais como cobre, chumbo, ferro, níquel, ouro e prata. Neste trabalho, monitores e telas de LCD danificados foram coletados em assistências técnicas. Estes foram desmontados e caracterizados quanto a sua estrutura, composição e periculosidade. As placas de circuito impresso foram cominuídas a granulometrias específicas e caracterizadas quanto a quantidades de metais presentes. Posteriormente, estas placas foram submetidas a ensaios de separação gravimétrica com líquidos densos e com um concentrador Mozley. Os monitores têm suas partes poliméricas compostas principalmente por termoplásticos como PC, PET, ABS e acrílico exceto nas placas de circuito impresso, onde a fração polimérica é composta por resina epóxi. A tela de vidro, fração cerâmica, foi caracterizada por FRX e MEV/EDS, sendo observada a presença de metais como índio, estanho, cobre e alumínio, todos na forma de óxido. As PCI após serem cominuídas e classificadas foram submetidas a ensaio em meio denso a fim de determinar qual granulometria apresenta melhor grau de liberação, sendo escolhido o tamanho de partícula -1,0+0,25mm. As frações afundado e flutuado foram caracterizadas através de lixiviação com água régia e posterior análise por FAAS e ICP-AES. Nos ensaios realizados com o concentrador Mozley, variando parâmetros como inclinação da bandeja, vazão de água e tempo, os resultados obtidos mostram que é possível concentrar metais nobres como ouro (92%), prata (94%) e cobre (88%) em uma fração com um baixo teor de não metais. / Among the most promising sectors of the industry is that of electronic equipment. Part of these electronic equipments has toxic components, which can cause damage to the environment and population and also have rare and precious materials which, if not recycled they are at risk of disappearing in the next generations. Some of these devices already have recycling routes defined; however, new technologies such as liquid crystal display (LCD) are starting to suffer the first discart. The LCD monitors are composed of an LCD screen, polymeric parts and printed circuit boards (PCB) which are components with a very heterogeneous composition, being 70% of its mass consisting of non-metallic fractions and 30% are metals such as copper, lead, iron, nickel, gold and silver. In this work, LCD monitors and screens were collected in technical assistance. These were dismantled and characterized for their structure, composition and dangerousness. The printed circuit boards were comminuted to specific particle sizes and characterized for their amounts of metals present. Later, these boards were analyzed by gravimetric separation with dense liquids and Mozley concentrator. The monitors have their polymeric parts mainly composed of thermoplastics such as PC, PET, ABS and acrylic except for printed circuit boards, where the polymeric fraction is composed of epoxy resin. The screen glass, ceramic fraction, was characterized by XRF and SEM / EDS, showing the presence of metals such as indium, tin, copper and aluminum, all in oxide form. The PCI after being comminuted and classified were realized assays in dense medium to determine which granulometry provides a better degree of particle release, being chosen particle size -1.0 +0.25 mm. The sunk and floated fractions were characterized by leaching with aqua regia and subsequent analysis by FAAS and ICP-AES. For assays realized with the concentrator Mozley, varying parameters such as tilt tray, water flow and time, the results show that it is possible to concentrate noble metals like gold (92%), silver (94%) and copper (88%) in a fraction with a low content of non-metals.
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Utveckling av ett grafiskt användargränssnitt för en RISC mikrodatorHellström, Stefan January 2007 (has links)
Detta examensarbete var en del i ett större projekt på ProElec AB i Söderhamn. Företaget ville ta fram en ny produkt i form av en displayenhet som ska kunna kommunicera med ett annat system via en operatör och ett CAN-protokoll. Användargränssnittet (GUI) i produkten understödjer växelverkan mellan en operatör och exempelvis ett hydrauliskt system på en grävskopa. Syftet med detta arbete var därför att hitta en bra metod som kan användas för att utveckla ett applikationsinterface (API) som sedan används för att implementera detta GUI på displayenheten. Enheten består av en mikrodator och en LCD-skärm och är ett system som har begränsat med minne och resurser. Därför så fanns det krav på att applikationen som använder detta API får snabba svarstider och bra prestanda, men även att den blir användarvänlig. För att kontrollera om resultatet blev bra så gjordes också en test för att se om alla krav uppfylldes. Här visade testet att resultatet blev väldigt bra och att inga kvarstående problem fanns kvar att rätta till i det API som togs fram för displayenheten.
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Styrning av grafisk färgdisplay / Control of graphical colour - LCDMarcus, Lina, Sotiriadis, Epaminondas January 2005 (has links)
This master thesis is a result of the work carried out for Research Electronics at Siljansnäs. The company develops customized electronical systems. Because of the rapidly increasing interest in colour displays there has been a desire within the company to represent information from sensors and electrical systems in a more advanced way. Due to the mentioned reason above we were given the assignment to solve how a colour display using the STN technique works. The technique is used by small displays, the size of QVGA. Our ambition of this diploma work is to develop a fully functionally test prototype to evaluate the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) and the LCD controller. The most important results from this study is the documentation of how a LCD controller works and how the pixels are addressed. We succeded in showing all the pixels we were able to address at the right place on the LCD wich indicates that there is a compatibility between the LCD and the LCD controller . A replacement of the LCD is recommended because of the difficulties working with it. Precisely wich LCD it should be replaced with is not mentioned in this report because of the extent of the work. One of the aims was to evaluate the function of the LCD, not to find an alternative LCD.When studiyng the LPC2129 and MC68K it emerged that both suits well as controlling units for this application, but an implemention with LPC2129 involves greater diffculties because of the absence of external system bus. Our aim is that this work will function as a starting point to further development leading to a controlling unit in working order, and that it will be implemented in other products the company develops. / Föreliggande rapport behandlar vårt magisterarbete på 20 poäng. Arbetet är gjort åt Research Electronics i Siljansnäs som utvecklar skräddarsydda elektroniksystem. På grund av den ökade efterfrågan av färgdisplayer från marknaden har det länge funnits ett behov av att presentera information från givare och mätinstrument på ett mer avancerat sätt. Av ovan nämnda skäl fick vi i uppdrag att undersöka hur en färgdisplay av typen STN (Super Twist Nematic) fungerar. Det är oftast små displayer som använder den här tekniken. Målet från början var att utveckla en fungerande testprototyp för att testa grafikcontrollern och displayen. De viktigaste resultat som framkommit efter arbetet är en dokumentation på hur en grafikcontroller fungerar och hur adressering av pixlar sker. Vi har visat att det är möjligt att använda den givna grafikcontrollern tillsammans med den display som köpts in då alla pixlar som gick att adressera visats på önskad plats på skärmen. Det finns också en rekommendation av byte till en annan display som är enklare att arbeta med. Exakt vilken anges inte i rapporten eftersom det inte har ingått i arbetet att ta hitta en alternativ display utan att undersöka den befintliga. Studien av mikrocontrollern LPC2129 från Philips och processorn MC68K från Freescale visar att båda är bra för applikationen. LPC2129 blir svårare att arbeta med till följd av att det saknas extern systembuss. Våra förhoppningar är att examensarbetet ska bli en god grund för fortsatt arbete som leder till en färdig produkt, och att den används i övriga tillämpningar i företaget.
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Zařízení pro monitorování teploty a vlhkosti s bezdrátovým přenosem dat / Temperature and humidity monitoring devices with wirelless communicationHorváth, Michal January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis is about designing device which monitors temperature and humidity. In the first part of thesis are explained basic terms, importance of key variables and on market offered products are described. After that the thesis describes device concept design with schematic designs. From designed schematics are described printed circuit board designs. Next part is about device commissioning and correction of errors caused by incorrect design. Last part is about program designing and device testing.
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Ovládání periférií webovým rozhraním systému s 8 bit. mikroprocesorem / The controlling of peripherals by the web interface of 8-bit microprpcessor systemMajerčík, Miloš January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with description and subsequent implementation of web interface and control device for selected periphery devices through the use of processor module RabbitCore RCM3700 which is based on microprocessor Rabbit 3000. The importance of web interface based control is currently raised because of higher customers’ claims. Interactivity of these devices contains wide range of services, from simple event communication by text messages to complex driving systems for home which create the base of intelligent house. The customer can choose either the complete and more expensive solution or self-created one. There are two possible ways of creation. The first way is through the use of personal computer. The second one, more complex but also more effective, is by single-chip microprocessor. In this thesis the second one way is used. The module with processor with build-in web interface was used. Description and the way of control are given for this module and also for selected periphery devices, the LCD and digital temperature sensors. At the end the hardware and software part of control device is designed on the basis of gained information. The thesis contains also its brief description.
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Řídicí a signalizační jednotka pro sportovní utkání / Control and signalling unit for sport matchBohutínský, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this study is a design of a control and signalling unit for sport meetings controlled by a microcontroller. The unit should display the time, the state of the match, eventually another data important for a course of the match. It should be fitted by an audible alarm of the end of the match. A touch control panel with a liquid crystal display serves as input of control data. The unit operates in a countdown mode, it is possible anytime to start or to stop the time by pressing the button. The equipment is mains-operated and backed up by an external battery. In the case of a power failure, it is switched over to the battery. A representation of the time, the state of the match and other data is done by LED displays. The unit allows a connection to PC.
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Elektronický monitorovací systém pro motorová vozidla / Electronic monitoring system for motor vehiclesPospíšil, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is about construction of a monitoring unit for motor vehicles. The unit is equipped with microcontroller, graphical LCD for displaying all measured values, GPS module and SD card slot. For measuremet of motor RPM, various methods of connecting to the motor are supported. Temperature is measured with few DS18B20 sensors, picking up engine temp, outsider and inside temp. GPS module is for measuring speed and height above MSL. All measured values can be recorded on SD card for future analysis on PC.
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Univerzální logický analyzátor / Generic logic analyzerTajč, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the project is to design a generic logic analyzer based on an FPGA. The analyzer should be able to analyze protocols such as I2C, SPI, RS232, RS485 and GPIO. The captured data can be observed using an embedded graphical display or using a PC. The PC can be used to control the analyzer and to save the captured data. The thesis is divided into several parts. First, the basic structure of the analyzer is described including detailed description of its particular components. Later on, the most common protocols that can be decoded using the analyzer are described. Finally, the FPGA subsystem and microcontroller application are presented together with corresponding source codes.
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Analyzátor sběrnice s hradlovým polem Spartan 3 / Bus analyzer with Spartan 3Galia, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing and realisation of a bus analyzer. The analyzer is programmed into Spartan-3AN XC3S50AN programmable logic device. The design includes a SRAM parallel memory and a graphical LCD display. Data output is realized through USB, microSD memory card and VGA. The thesis also describes the use of a software microprocessor PicoBlaze for the control of the LCD display and user interface. The last part deals with a test application using an 8-bit microcontroller connected to an alphanumeric display and a discussion over the results.
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Malý CNC stroj / Small CNC machineMoštěk, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and construction of a three-axis CNC machine primarily designed for PCB drilling and production of front panels for various electronic devices. All three axes are driven by stepper motors NEMA 23 which are connected to stepper motor drivers L6470. Processor STM32F407 is used to control the whole machine. The wiring is completed by a LCD display with touchscreen which is used to communicate with user. Data for drilling can be entering manually or via USB inerface. Part of this thesis is the selection of a suitable construction and components, assembling equipment, wiring design of electronic circuits and writing the code to control the machine. Finally, the parameters of the designed device have been measured.
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