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”MAN VILL SÅ VÄL, MEN DET ÄR SVÅRT ATT KOMMUNICERA” : - Personer i ledande position beskriver upplevelser och erfarenheter av svåra samtalÖjbrant, Linn January 2019 (has links)
Kommunikation är en stor del av chefen och ledarens vardag, både som ett vardagligt inslag men även som ett verktyg för att kunna leda. Kommunikation kan påverkas av flera olika filter både när vi sänder ut ett budskap och när vi tar emot ett budskap. I chefen och ledarens vardag uppstår flera olika typer av samtal i mötet med medarbetarna, det vardagliga och det mer strukturella samtalet men också det svåra samtalet som framförallt påverkas av chefen och ledarens känslor, medarbetaren men även ämnet i sig.Vad i det svåra samtalet som uppfattas som svårt är komplext och individuellt. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera upplevelser och erfarenheter kring svåra samtal hos personer i ledande position. För att på bästa sätt svara på studiens frågeställningar har semistrukturella intervjuer utförts som datainsamling där sju intervjuer gjorts. Resultatet av intervjuerna visar att samtliga intervjuade chefer upplever osäkerhet inför de svåra samtalen och känslor som bubblar upp inom dem själva under samtalet men framför allt en osäkerhet i hanteringen kring de eventuella reaktioner som kan tänkas komma från mottagaren. Flertalet av cheferna upplevde de situationer där de inte riktigt har kontroll som svårare än de situationer de tidigare haft erfarenhet kring. Resultatet visar att rent erfarenhetsmässigt så förbereder sig de flesta chefer inför de svårare samtalen genom att tänka sig in i olika situationer som kan ske och på så sätt mentalt förbereder sig inför olika reaktioner från mottagaren. Samtliga chefer är väldigt måna om sina medarbetare och att det är i denna omtanke som vissa svårigheter kan uppstå. Dock menar de att de upplever att det är viktigt att skapa en relation med sin arbetsgrupp för att på så sätt lära känna varandra. Resultatet har analyserats med inspiration av Charmaz teori och Grounded theory. / Communication is a large part of the managers everyday life, both as an everyday element but also as a tool for being able to lead. Communication can be influenced by several different filters both when we send out communication and when we receive communication. In the managers everyday life, several different types of conversation a rise in the personal meeting with the employees, the everyday and the more structural conversation, but also the difficult conversation that is mainly affected by the managers feelings, the employee’s feelings but also the subject itself. What in the difficult conversation that is perceived as difficult is complex and individual. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze feelings and experiences about difficult conversations with people in a leading position. In order to answer the questions of this study, semi-structural interviews have been carried out as data collection where seven interviews have been conducted. The results of the interviews showed that all interviewed managers experience uncertainty before the difficult conversations and feelings that are bubbling up within themselves during the conversation, but above all an uncertainty in the handling of the possible reactions that may come from the employee. The result shows that purely experiential, most managers are preparing for the more difficult conversations by thinking about different situations that can happen and through that mentally preparing for different reactions from the employee. All managers are very keen on their employees and that it is in this regard that some difficulties may a rise. However, they mean that they feel it is important to create a relationship with their employees in order to get to know each other. The result has been analyzed with inspiration from Charmaz theory and Grounded theory.
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Information, delaktighet och tid : En kvalitativ studie av ledarskapets villkor vid förändring och omställningBergström, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Vårdens specifika förutsättningar medför tre viktiga faktorer som ledarskapet måste hantera; att leda i komplexitet, att leda andra ledare från olika professioner samt att leda i och för förändring och förbättring. Förändring kan leda till oro och motstånd på arbetsplatser därav blir ofta chefens roll att hantera både oro och motstånd som kan komma vid förändringar. Att leda som chef vid förändringsarbete handlar därav mycket om att informera och skapa delaktighet. Många problem som har identifierats inom den offentliga sektorn under de senaste åren har kunnat kopplas ihop med brist på eller bristande ledarskap. Arbetssituationer i obalans, där krav som ställs inte stämmer överens med de resurser som tillhandahålls beskrivs vara en verklighet för många chefer, speciellt inom vårdande verksamheter. Ledarskapets villkor påverkas av ständiga förändringar, som leder till höga krav, som leder till att ledaren behöver hantera både kris, kaos och omställning. Därav har syftet med denna studie varit att undersöka chefers upplevelse av villkor för ledarskap vid vid förändringar och omställningar inom verksamheten. Forskningsfrågorna i denna studie har ämnat undersöka vilket ansvar ledaren upplever vid förändring och omställning, vilka krav ledaren upplever vid förändring och omställning samt vilka möjligheter och hinder ledaren upplever vid förändring och omställning i verksamheten. Uppsatsen har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod då syftet med studien var att komma åt deltagarnas egna upplevelser och erfarenheter av villkor för deras ledarskap vid förändring. Insamling av empiri har utförts genom både semistrukturerade intervjuer av enhetschefer inom vård- och omsorg samt deltagande observation. Krav, stöd- och kontrollmodellen samt teorier om det transformativa ledarskapet har fungerat som inledande inspiration i studien, vidare har dessa tillsammans med teorier om förändringar och ledarskapets villkor använts vid analys och tolkning av empirin. Resultatet visade att de villkor som ledare har för att hantera, leda och genomföra förändringar idag är otillräckliga, då viktiga delar saknas. Dessa är information, delaktighet och tid, vilka är direkt kopplade till ledarens villkor för att kunna genomföra förändringar. I Studien framgick att deltagarna själva skapar ett nätverk med både kunskap, information och erfarenhet som då kan hjälpa dem i omskapandet av deras villkor för att kunna genomföra förändringar. / The specific conditions of health care entail three important factors that leadership must handle; to lead in complexity, lead other leaders from different professions and lead to and for change and improvement. Change can lead to anxiety and resistance in workplaces therefore the manager`s role often results in dealing with both concerns and resistance that may arise in the event of change. Leading as a manager in reform work is therefore largely about informing and creating participation. Many problems that have been identified in the public sector in recent years have been linked to an absence of, or deficient leadership. Work imbalances where demands made are not consistent with the resources provided are described as a reality for many managers, especially in caring activities. Leadership conditions are influenced by constant changes, that lead to high demands, which require the leader to manage both crisis, chaos and conversion. Hence, the purpose of this study has been to investigate managers' experience of conditions for leadership in the event of reform and readjustments in operations. The research questions in this study have been intended to investigate which responsibility the leader experiences in the event of reform and readjustments, which requirements the leader experiences in the event of reform and readjustments, and what opportunities and obstacles the leader experiences in the event of reform and readjustments in the workplace. The essay has been carried out with a qualitative method as the purpose of the study was to access the participants' own experiences of conditions for leadership in the event of reform. The collection of empirical data has been carried out through both semi-structured interviews of unit managers within health care and participatory observation. Requirements, the support and control model as well as theories of the transformative leadership have served as initial inspiration in the study, and these, together with the theories of change and the conditions of leadership, have been used in the analysis and interpretation of the empirical data. The results indicated that the conditions that leaders must manage, lead and implement changes today are insufficient because important aspects are missing. These are information, participation and time, which are directly linked to the leader's conditions for being able to make changes. The study indicated that the participants themselves create a network with both knowledge, information and experience that can then help them in the recreation of conditions for implementing changes.
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The getting of wisdom of a school leaderMcCarthy, Terence Francis January 2008 (has links)
This study is an interpretive narrative that seeks understanding of self as a human being and as a school leader through examining my lived experiences over seventeen years. To interpret my reflections on these experiences, I retell and interrogate my narratives and some writings of contemporary authors on leadership and on the purposes of education. I develop propositions about leadership that provide me with preliminary understandings about leading others. After listening to various professional voices heard as I participated in local, state and national professional activities Australia-wide, I am compelled though to go beyond my propositions and subject them to more intense scrutiny, drawing on the works of philosophers such as Aristotle, Plato and Aquinas, to broaden and deepen my understanding of self as a school leader. I come to a desiring of a virtuous kind of leadership that is deeply moral and ethical. This eros, this passion for understanding, provokes a turning point in my study towards looking for guidance and inspiration from various religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, about possibilities for wisdom and virtue in leadership. Thus, my narrative, the getting of wisdom of a school leader, releases new insights about the role of self-knowledge, love and “the good” in leading education.
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From the change without to the change within : a group dynamic approach to action researchWilliams, Ken, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Agriculture and Rural Development January 1992 (has links)
This thesis details an action research project conducted into the theme of 'improving the functioning of a Faculty of Agriculture'. The Faculty had been changing to an experiential paradigm of learning over a period of ten years when the research began. The initial impetus for the research was a feeling of concern by many members of the Faculty about the impacts of this change. A research team of six members, which met regularly for 12 months, was organised. The research began with the assumption 'that an Action Research team can intervene in the life of an organisation for the benefit of that organisation, to bring about situation improvement'. There was an initial expectation that issues of accountability, responsibility and management within the Faculty, would be the focus of the research team. However, during the course of the research, the personal professional practice of the researchers became the focus. Analysis of the data highlighted a link between the technical, practical and emancipatory modes of Action Research, and the four stages of group development - dependency, conflict, cohesion and interdependency. The role of facilitation in the conduct of Action Research was highlighted, and the nature of the 'client' role was subjected to scrutiny. The wider ramifications of this research are discussed, particularly as they relate to the role of Action Research in improving large organisations, and as a tool to improve farming communities. In both cases, the concept of the 'critical community' was emphasised as an ideal to be aimed for in Action Research teams. To achieve such a group, the belief systems of members need to be brought out, to enable a group to develop in its interactions to a stage where issues can be properly dealt with, rather than only the assumed symptoms of underlying issues. A process of critique and reflection in an immediate and ongoing way has been shown to assist in this process of group development towards a critical community / Master of Science (Hons)
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Betydelsen av medarbetarens kön, kompetens och arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy för ledarens tillitsintentionGenschou, Anna-Karin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Att delegera ansvar till sina medarbetare är närmast självklart i det moderna ledarskapet. Detta har lett till ett ökat behov av tillit mellan ledare och medarbetare. I en väl fungerande ledar-medarbetar-relation har medarbetarens tro på sin förmåga i arbetet – arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy – visat sig vara viktig. I föreliggande studie var syftet att undersöka betydelsen av medarbetarens arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy för ledarens tillitsintention. Avsikten var också att jämföra denna med betydelsen av medarbetarens objektiva kompetens, vilken traditionellt framhållits som viktig i tillitsbedömningar, samt medarbetarens kön. Deltagarna bestod av 44 ledare från ett industriföretag samt 28 ledare från ett vårdföretag. Resultatet visade en stark huvudeffekt av medarbetarens arbetsrelaterade self-efficacy. Detta talar för vikten av att investera i medarbetarnas personliga utveckling.</p>
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Ledarskap i tv-såpans värld : tre hierarkiska nivåer i Rederiet / Leadership in the world of soapoperas : three hierarchical levels in RederietLund, Malin, Lundgren, Åsa January 2003 (has links)
<p>Background: The description of different characters in soapoperas are often exaggerated to catch the viewers interest and to present an exiting content. The phenomenon that takes place in soapoperas can often relates to every-day- life-situations. The viewers should recognise them selves in the content, the imaginary situations and the characters should be normal but at the same time exaggerated and twisted to catch the viewers attention. This means that the characters in Rederiet should have connections to the real world and this makes it interesting to study how the different styels of leadership are descibed.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose is to analyse and compare three choosen characters in the soapopera Rederiet, from existing leadership thoeries. To identify leadership on three hierarchical levels – head of machinery, superintendent and captain – and to analyse how leadership are descibed in the soapopera. </p><p>Realization: The study is based on videotaped episodes of the soapopera Rederiet. </p><p>Conclusion: The mediate illustrations can be compared to the scientific theories. The three managers are different from eachother. Leadership depends on the managers acting, in the soapopera and in real life. The mediate illustrations shows that leadership are different and dependent on personality and hierarchical position. This holds for Rederiet and for real organizations.</p>
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Det tudelade ledarskapet en historisk studie över kommunchefens och kommunstyrelseordförandens arbetsuppgifter / The Dual Leadership : a Historical Study over the Municipal Topleaders and Their DutiesLehtinen, Lotta, Lerjeborn, Ann-Charlotte January 2000 (has links)
<p>Background: Municipalities are organizations facing a turbulent environment characterized by social, economical and political changes. It is the responsibility of the topleaders of the municipality (the municipal manager and the chairman of the local government board) to manage the situation and to make sure that the organization continuously develops. </p><p>Purpose: To explain, from a leadership perspective, how the municipal topleaders'duties have developed during the past 25 years. </p><p>Results: The municipal topleaders have nowadays got more issues to handle. Cooperation, networks and projects have increased, like international issues. The geographical areas, where the topleaders are acting, have also expanded. Hence representations and marketing have become more important in the topleaders'daily duties. Further their duties are today more and more characterized by leadership tasks. The increased and more demanding duties are gradually delegated. Hence can be stated that the chairman of the local government board, before, used to be both a politician and a civil servant. Nowadays shall he/she only concentrate on political issues and civil servant issues are to be handled by the municipal manager.</p>
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How important is an employee structure with mixed genders in an accounting firm? : Comparing two different accounting firms in two different countries.von Wachenfeldt, Therese January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of having an employee structure with mixed genders in an accounting firm. </p><p>This study answers the following questions:</p><p>· How important is an employee structure with mixed genders in an accounting firm?<strong></strong></p><p>· What are the differences in the employee structure of a Gibraltarian and a Swedish accounting firm?<strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p> The roles of the genders in an organisation are becoming more and more important in today’s society. This is why I have studied this subject for my Master thesis and I think it can be interesting for the companies today to become more aware of the importance of mixed gender’s.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Method: </strong>To be able to complete my study I have collected data from questionnaires and interviews in the relevant companies and I have also looked for information in books and on the Internet. After gathering the information I analyzed it according to the theories, which are presented in the theory chapter. This study was presented to an opinion group from Högskolan i Gävle from abroad.<strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Result & </strong><strong>Conclusion: </strong>The importance of mixed genders is to be able to run the company as successfully as possible with the means necessary looking from both a feminine and a masculine perspective in a highly competitive market.</p><p> </p><p> I believe that PwC has succeeded with having a good working environment because they have mixed genders in the company. All the theories prove that mixing genders is important and I believe it is the reason that Sweden has a law about it and also is the reason why PwC have a policy for quota of genders.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Suggestions/</strong><strong>future studies: </strong>For future studies it would be interesting if more accounting companies from a greater selection of countries could be compared. This comparison would be interesting if it was between a country with similar culture or even with the extreme opposites. It would also be interesting to compare the different PwC branches within Sweden to see if the policy for quota of genders varies in different parts of Sweden. Another suggestion to further studies would be to see if there is a link between masculine cultured countries having less female managers than feminine cultured countries.</p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>The studies </strong><strong>contribution: </strong>My study and the suggested future studies can be used to improve the working environment and outcome for company’s which do not already have a quota policy for genders. </p>
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Företags hälsa ur ett ledarperspektiv : - hur, vad, varför?Eiman, Lotta, Bäck, Liselott January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet var att undersöka ledares syn på hälsa och hälsofrämjande arbete samt hur det eventuella hälsofrämjandet arbetet såg ut på deras företag. Vidare undersöktes ur ledarens synvinkel, hur, vad och varför ledaren och företaget arbetar som de gör med hälsa på sin arbetsplats. <strong>Metod: </strong>Författarna har genom intervju frågat ledare vid fyra företag med kontorsverksamhet vad de anser om hälsa och hälsofrämjande arbete och hur företagets hälsoarbete ser ut. <strong>Resultat:</strong> Resultatet visade att ledarnas syn på hälsa och hälsofrämjande arbete påverkar hälsoarbetet på företaget. Resultatet visade även att tre av fyra företag hade ett välutvecklat hälsofrämjande arbete. <strong>Slutsats: </strong>Samtliga ledare visade intresse för hälsa och hälsofrämjande arbete om än i olika grad och ledarnas intresse har en påverkan på det hälsofrämjande arbetet.</p>
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Ledarstilar : en studie om hur ledare påverkas av skiftande förutsättningarEk, Jenny, Sjöberg, Diana January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Syftet med detta arbete är att se om ledare tenderar att ha skiftande ledarstilar i och med att de har skiftande förutsättningar. Vi vill även se hur stor medvetenhet ledare tenderar att ha beträffande sin egen ledarstil.</p><p>Metod: Vi har valt att genomföra en kvalitativ studie, med intervjuer som ett viktigt inslag. Informationen som vi har insamlat ligger till grund för vår analys och slutdiskussion. Vi har utfört en intensiv studie där vi endast har intervjuat några få respondenter och utifrån de erhållna svaren bildat oss en uppfattning. Vi har studerat redan befintliga teorier och ställt dessa mot vårt empiriska material. Vårt mål har inte varit att hitta en absolut sanning, utan vår avsikt har varit att se om vår empiriska undersökning stämmer, eller inte stämmer, överens med tidigare forskning.</p><p>Resultat & slutsats: Det som vi har funnit är att ingen av våra respondenter har en renodlad ledarstil. De leder som de önskar att leda, men vi ser dock att vissa förutsättningar påverkar ledarstilen. Verksamheter med olika inriktningar och skiftande produktion påverkar ledaren, i och med att kraven varierar mellan olika branscher. Det som vi kan konstatera, är att ledarstilen är ett medvetet val i den bemärkelse att samtliga respondenter har valt att leda efter hur de är som personer. Samtliga respondenter är även överens om att de egenskaper de själva har och hur de är som personer, speglar den bild av ledare som de vill vara.</p><p>Förslag till vidare forskning: Ett förslag på vidare forskning, kan vara att undersöka ledarstilar i en viss vald bransch och därmed inrikta sig till på en och samma typ av verksamhet. Det kan vara intressant att se om det finns likheter/olikheter på ledarskapet inom samma verksamhetsgren, och jämföra dessa ledare med varandra.</p><p>Uppsatsens bidrag: Våra förhoppningar är att denna uppsats ska bidra till en ökad förståelse för att ledare och deras stilar inte är en enkel ekvation. Främst ser vi att vårt arbete kan vara till nytta för medarbetare. Vi tror att en ökad medvetenhet hos dem kan leda till en ökad förståelse för varför deras ledare har en viss stil och därmed skapa viss respekt.</p> / <p>Aim: The aim of this work is to see if leaders tend to have varying leadership styles in view of the fact that they have varying conditions. We also want to see how big awareness leaders tend to have regarding there own leadership style.</p><p>Method: We have chosen to carry out a qualitative study, with interviews as an important element. The information we have collected constitute the base for our analysis and conclusions. We have completed an intensive study where we only have interviewed a few persons, and formed an understanding on the basis of the answers. We have studied already existing theories and compared them with our empirical material. Our goal have not been to find an absolute truth, instead our intention have been to see if our empirical investigation correspond or not with earlier research.</p><p>Result & Conclusions: What we have found is that none of our respondents have a pure leadership style. They lead as they wish to lead, but we can see that some conditions do have an effect on the leadership style. Businesses whit different directions and changing productions affect the leader, since the demands vary between branches. What we could state is that the leadership style is an aware choice in the sense that all respondents’ has chosen to lead dependent on the kind of person they are. All respondents also agree that their qualities and how they are as persons, reflects the leader they wish to be.</p><p>Suggestions for future research: A suggestion for future research could be to investigate leadership styles in a chosen branch, and with that set focus on the same type of business. It could be interesting to see if there are similarities or differences in the leadership in the same field of activity, and compare the leaders with each other.</p><p>Contribution of the thesis: Our expectations are that this essay will contribute to an increased understanding for the complex equation between leaders and their styles. Foremost we see that this work can be useful for co-worker. We believe that an increased awareness could lead to an increased understanding in why their leader has a certain style, and with that create some respect.</p><p>Främst ser vi att vårt arbete kan vara till nytta för medarbetare. Vi tror att en ökad medvetenhet hos dem kan leda till en ökad förståelse för varför deras ledare har en viss stil, och därmed skapa viss respekt.</p>
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