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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies towards Developing Diastereoselective SN1 Reactions of α-Keto Carbocations

Dubland, Joshua 06 April 2010 (has links)
Although α-keto carbocations have been demonstrated to be viable intermediates in solvolysis reactions, their applications in synthesis are scarce. These species can be considered to be equivalent to “reversed polarity” enolates and, as such, could be useful for the asymmetric formation of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. In principle, facial selectivity in additions to α-keto carbocations may be induced using easily removed ester, amide, or imide chiral auxiliaries. Efforts to achieve such diastereoselective SN1 reactions of α-keto carbocations are described herein.

Studies towards Developing Diastereoselective SN1 Reactions of α-Keto Carbocations

Dubland, Joshua 06 April 2010 (has links)
Although α-keto carbocations have been demonstrated to be viable intermediates in solvolysis reactions, their applications in synthesis are scarce. These species can be considered to be equivalent to “reversed polarity” enolates and, as such, could be useful for the asymmetric formation of carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom bonds. In principle, facial selectivity in additions to α-keto carbocations may be induced using easily removed ester, amide, or imide chiral auxiliaries. Efforts to achieve such diastereoselective SN1 reactions of α-keto carbocations are described herein.

立委減半與非自願性失業國會助理之生涯規劃暨工作滿意 / The Study of Career Planning and Job Satisfaction of Unvolunteer Unemplomental Congressional Assistantsafter Cutting Half of the Congressional Seats

詹嘉玲 Unknown Date (has links)
自第七屆起立法委員減半為113席次,任期由3年改為4年,立法院已真正成為我國「單一國會」。隨之立法院的功能也就跟著大幅提升,所選出來的立法委員除了更具民意基礎之外,也得以充分反映民意和選民利益,同時隨著立法委員全面改選和席次增加後,除了依法編制的公務單位及行政人員襄助立法委員行使職權外,立法委員個人所聘用的公費助理人數較過去大幅提升,其能發揮的功能性,直接影響每一位委員的問政表現。 由於國會助理的聘期為一年一聘制,與立法委員同進退,因此,在非自願性離職的情況下,立法委員未連任或不再參選而離職的國會助理不在少數,另外也有因政治理念不合,或另覓更好的工作環境條件而自願離職的也佔大多數。然而第七屆立委減半後,直接衝擊最大的是近兩千名國會助理,面臨非自願性離職的失業潮,因此立法委員是否繼續連任,更是主要攸關助理們去留的命運。 本研究的主要動機,乃在於探討離職後的國會助理,在失去政治權力的環境下,應如何未雨綢繆做好生涯規劃?進而從非自願性失業的現象,深入探究國會助理制度的缺失。離職後的國會助理,從事哪方面的行業較容易得心應手?以及曾擔任國會助理工作的資歷,對轉業到底有多少的助益?將加以深入探討。 本研究目的主要是探討國會助理面對非自願性失業後,未來生涯規劃之情況;以及分析在失去國會權力光環的政治環境下,國會助理轉業後對目前的工作滿意;爾後根據研究結果,提供國會助理轉換跑道時之建議和參考。 本研究採質化研究之深度訪談法,總計訪談12位因委員未能順利連任當選第七屆立法委員,以致於非自願性失業的國會助理。經本研究結果發現如下: 一、雖有流動、不出委員範疇:第四屆至第六屆立委席次擴增為225席後,國會助理們會因為立委席次的增加,有多方面選擇委員辦公室的就業機會,因此助理流動率雖高,卻仍然始終在委員與委員辦公室之間流竄。 二、不適應者、回歸助理者眾:甚至有部分助理轉換至其他產業界後,在不能適應外界工作環境下,重返立法院繼續擔任國會助理工作的不在其數。 三、缺乏配套、助理權益難保:如今第七屆立委減半後,委員辦公室的選擇性減少,且由於委員辦公室助理流動率低,再加上立法院遲遲未能針對國會助理制度,訂定一套完整的配套措施,來保障國會助理應有的權益。 四、優勢蛻減、選擇不再戀棧:反觀之,在產官學界的工作條件(如:薪資、升遷、福利、教育訓練)優於國會助理的情況下,即使立委減半後,在僧多粥少的環境下,對於未來國會助理的評價與發展,仍抱持著悲觀的態度,助理們紛紛選擇不再戀棧立法院。 本研究根據研究發現,提出以下五點建議: 一、由於大多數國會助理認為此份工作並非長治久安,對於未來的生涯規劃,仍是需要按部就班的計畫。 二、卸任的立委諸公們,通常在自身難保的情況下,未能有計畫安排助理的出路,助理們只能自求多福,積極尋找適合何自己的下一個伯樂。 三、國會助理的行業雖不具有保障性,但在無形中所創造出自我的附加價值,將使其資歷在轉換其他行業時成為很大的助益。 四、國會助理所負責的工作內容複雜且繁瑣,可藉由工作接觸累積人脈,建立個人的人際關係。 五、未來可朝向「國會助理專業證照制度」發展,爾後再制定國會助理法治化之相關法令,來保障國會助理的權益,以提升立法委員問政。 / Legislative seats for the 7th Legislative Yuan were halved to 113 and the term was extended from original 3 to 4 years. The Legislative Yuan has ever since been the “Unicameralism”. As the congress is empowered in functions, the members of the Legislative Yuan will fully reflect the public’s opinions and voters’ interests. After the re-election and the increase in seats, aside from receiving help from the public service units and staff, the legislators also receive assistance from the increased numbers of publicly funded assistants. The function of those assistants will directly impact on the performance of the legislators. The term of assistants lasts one-year, and they lose their jobs if the legislators lose the re-election. The assistants who leave also include those whose legislators did not get re-elected or they themselves no longer are candidates of legislators, this leads to the fact that many assistants involuntarily leave their jobs. Those leave voluntarily might be because of the different political ideas or they seek for a better working environment. But the tremendous impact came from the unemployment of those nearly 2000 assistants who lost their jobs non-voluntarily after the 7th Legislative Yuan. The main motive of this study was to explore how those assistants plan for their lives after leaving current job. And from the phenomenon of involuntary unemployment, the study focused on the shortcoming of the congressional assistant system. It explored which industry was easier for assistants who left their jobs to enter, and how their career as an assistant can be useful for their next job. The main purpose of this study was to explore how the assistants plan for their lives after leaving the job involuntarily. It also analyzed the job satisfaction of the ex-assistants after leaving the congress. The research provided some suggestions and advices for the assistants who change track in their career. This study adopted the qualitative, in-depth interviews, in total 12 assistants were interviewed, who left their job involuntarily. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The increase in seats to 225 provided more job opportunities for the assistants, though the turnover rate was high, the assistant still worked in one of the offices in the congress. 2. There are many ex-assistants who could not adapt to the external environment returned to the congress. 3. The reduction of members of congress and the low turnover rate in the office after the 7th Legislative Yuan requires a supporting measure to protect the rights of assistants. 4. The external working conditions were better than the environments in congress. There were many assistants who chose not to stay in the Legislative Yuan. For example, in joining the academic, governmental or industrial community, the salary, benefits, promotion and training are better than what is offered in Legislative Yuan. Based on the research finding, the following five recommendations were proposed: 1. Since most assistants consider their current job is not a long-term career, they should plan their life in a more careful, step by step manner. 2. The non-incumbent legislators usually do not have a plan for the assistants while their own jobs are at risk. And assistants need to search for the next job by themselves. 3. The intangible added value of being assistants while they worked in the congress will help ex-assistants to adapt their next job. 4. The assistants’ job description includes being responsible for complex and tedious works, which will help them to develop personal relationships and connections. 5. In the future, the “Assistant Professional Certification” should be established. Relevant laws concerning the assistants should be passed to protect the rights of the assistants and to enhance quality of policy decisions made by the legislators.

Redes interorganizacionais: uma análise das razões de saída das empresas parceiras

Lima, Patricia Ennes da Silva 06 July 2007 (has links)
The development of interorganisational cooperation networks is increasingly exalted as a growing alternative. Its importance is strongly visible regarding the small and medium size enterprises that, because of the great competitiveness existent, can t act separately, so, they become ruled by the market. The fact is that the networks only get great advantages if several conditions are fulfilled, which makes the process a little more complex. Anyway, most studies, with some exceptions, asserts that this is an excellent opportunity of stableness and even of increasing in the market where the enterprises are inserted. Even though from the empirical view-point, one can observe an expressive number of enterprises which leave the cooperative process.This exploratory study of qualitative character objective to find out the reasons that lead the enterprise decision to leave the network, because it can be an alternative for minimizing the problems that emerge during the associative process and that make impossible the extent of the stipulated objectives. Therefore, there were interviews with: 1) five enterprises of pharmacy branch which had participated in a specific network; 2) the interorganisational network and; 3) a new format of interorganisational network to which most of enterprises migrated, all of them located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. From these interviews it could compare and confront different situations and perceptions of enterprise and network, arriving the pertinent analyses regarding the network problems, the associate enterprise profile, the selective process practiced in the associativist movement and the reasons that lead the enterprises to leave the networks. In response to this study problematic the results evidenced some variants, to cite: the size of the participant enterprises, information asymmetry, distrust relationship, managing process developed by networks, and the costbenefit relation that results from that movement. Another conclusion resulting from the research evidences that the network format and verifies that its survival is related to the managing features which are many times argued by associated enterprises: rigid rules and minimal share of purchasing by associate, this guarantee the bargain power which so many enterprises look for in the associativist process. All these variables, according to the evidences from these analyses, influence in the enterprise decisions for staying or not in the network. And they can support the networks which look for the success in their cooperations. This way, the reason diagnosis that lead an enterprise to leave the network to which it belonged, contributes to all stages that constitute the network development. This involves since the creation of its statute, formalization of its contracts and choice of its associates. It has even the possibility to accomplish the withdrawal of some enterprise for dissastisfaction or other motive, in a less disturbed and traumatic way for both parts. / Cada vez mais, o desenvolvimento de redes de cooperação interorganizacional é exaltado como alternativa de crescimento. Sua importância é fortemente visível no que diz respeito às empresas de pequeno e médio porte, que, devido à grande competitividade existente, não conseguem agir isoladamente, e tornam-se dominadas pelo mercado. O fato é que as redes somente conseguem grandes vantagens se várias condições forem preenchidas, o que torna o processo um pouco mais complexo. De qualquer maneira, a maioria dos estudos, com algumas ressalvas, afirmam ser esta uma excelente oportunidade de permanência, e, até mesmo, de crescimento no mercado onde as empresas estão inseridas, mesmo que, do ponto de vista empírico, observe-se um número expressivo de empresas que saem do processo cooperativo. Descobrir os motivos que levam à decisão da empresa de sair da rede, além de ser o objetivo deste estudo exploratório, de caráter basicamente qualitativo, pode ser uma alternativa de minimizar os problemas que surgem no decorrer do processo associativo e impossibilitam o alcance dos objetivos estipulados. Para tanto, foram entrevistadas: 1) cinco empresas do ramo de farmácias, que sairam de uma rede específica; 2) a rede propriamente dita e; 3) um novo formato de rede interorganizacional para a qual a maioria das empresas migrou, todas localizadas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. A partir dessas entrevistas, pôdese comparar e confrontar diferentes situações e percepções, de empresas e de redes, chegando a análises pertinentes a respeito dos problemas das redes, do perfil das empresas associadas, do processo seletivo praticado no movimento associativista e das razões que levam as empresas a saírem das redes. Em resposta à problemática deste estudo, os resultados evidenciaram algumas variáveis, a citar: tamanho das empresas participantes, assimetria de informações, relações de desconfiança, processo de gestão desenvolvido pelas redes, e a relação custo benefício resultante desse movimento. Outra conclusão resultante deste estudo, evidencia o formato das redes pesquisadas e constata que sua sobrevivência está relacionada a características de gestão muitas vezes questionadas pelas empresas associadas: regras rígidas e quota mínima de compra por associado, o que vem a garantir o poder de barganha que tantas empresas buscam no processo associativista. Todas essas variáveis, segundo constatações dessas análises, influenciam nas decisões das empresas de permanecer ou não na rede, e podem auxiliar as redes que buscam o sucesso em suas cooperações. Dessa forma, o diagnóstico das razões que levam uma empresa a sair da rede a que pertencia contribui em todas as etapas que constituem o desenvolvimento das redes, o que envolve, desde a criação de seu estatuto, formalização de seus contratos e seleção de seus associados, chegando até mesmo na possibilidade de se efetuar a retirada de alguma empresa, por insatisfação ou outro motivo, de maneira menos conturbada e traumática para ambas as partes.

Hodnota vzdělání v kontextu hodnot studentů SOŠ a SOU Písek / Education Value in the Context of Other Values

VÍTKOVÁ, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topics of value orientation, value of education and reasons for early-quits schools both generally and particularly focused on SOŠ and SOU Písek. The theoretical part defines basic terms such as value, and value orientation of adolescents and determinants which influence the youth´s values. Furthermore, the thesis describes the system of higher secondary education in the Czech Republic and selected EU countries. It introduces the strategy of education policy to year 2020 and depicts the present situation at SOŠ and SOU Písek. The matter of concentration is occurrence of early-quits schools in the Czech Republic in comparison with selected EU countries. Moreover, the thesis presents findings of some Czech as well as international researches. The practical part goes into the empiric research which is focused on values of education and practical reasons of early-quits school at SOŠ and SOU Písek. The research particularly investigates the fact whether these students find education important and what the practical reasons of early-quits are at this school.

Führt Studium ohne Abitur zu geringerem Studienerfolg?: Befunde einer quantitativen Fallstudie

Brändle, Tobias, Lengfeld, Holger January 2015 (has links)
Im Jahr 2009 sind die deutschen Hochschulen für beruflich qualifizierte Bewerber ohne schulische Hochschulzugangsberechtigung geöffnet worden. Der Beitrag fragt, inwiefern sich diese nicht-traditionellen Studierenden hinsichtlich des Studienerfolgs von traditionellen Studierenden mit Abitur unterscheiden. Auf der Basis von Überlegungen zu Kompetenzunterschieden aufgrund unterschiedlicher Bildungsverläufe und der kulturellen Schließung des akademischen Feldes für Personen mit niedrigerer sozialer Herkunft bilden wir Hypothesen zu Leistungsunterschieden. Diese überprüfen wir anhand von Studien- und Prüfungsleistungsdaten von 4.224 B.A.-Studierenden eines Fachbereichs einer deutschen Universität. Die Analysen zeigen, dass nicht-traditionelle Studierende im Vergleich zu Personen mit Abitur im ersten Studienjahr 7,4 Prozent weniger Lehrveranstaltungen bestehen, eine um ein Fünftel geringere Wahrscheinlichkeit aufweisen, das Studium innerhalb eines Zeitraums von mindestens neun Semestern zu beenden und das Studium mit einem durchschnittlich um 0,15 Notenpunkte schlechteren Endergebnis abschließen. Aufgrund der spezifischen Bedingungen des analysierten Fachbereichs schlussfolgern wir, dass diese Leistungsunterschiede in der Breite der deutschen Hochschullandschaft stärker ausgeprägt sein müssten als in dem untersuchten spezifischen Fall.

Analytické hodnocení písemných projevů žáků gymnázií / Analytical assessment of grammar school pupil's ESL writings

Šiprová, Hedvika January 2020 (has links)
The theoretical part of this diploma thesis provides a broader academic context for the research presented in the theoretical part and is concerned with the specifics of the writing assessment. It proposes reasons why writing should be assessed, describes methods of assessment and scoring, and also examines writing tests. At the end of the theoretical part, the presumed controlling idea, called the washback effect, which significantly influenced the course of the research in the practical part of the thesis, is presented. The practical part is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the types of scoring ESL grammar school teachers employ for assessing grammar school pupils. The aim was to discover how many of them use analytical and/or multiple-trait scoring. It was revealed that analytical scoring the most used means of assessment. Holistic scoring was next, followed by multiple-trait and lastly primary-trait scoring. Other scoring procedures are rarely employed. The second part is a case study of assessment criteria of selected teachers which compares these criteria against those used in Cambridge English: Preliminary examination and the Czech state secondary school-leaving exam. The author of the thesis tried to identify criteria or descriptors which appear across these systems and could,...

"Jag kände mig stolt över att ha brutit mig loss, mot alla odds" : En kvalitativ studie utifrån åtta självbiografier om kvinnors uppbrottsprocess från mäns våld i nära relationer / "I felt proud of myself for leaving, against all odds" : A qualitative study based on eight autobiographies about the process of women leaving violent men

Khoshaba, Sandra, Mindic, Monika January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyze how eight women, through autobiographies, describe their experiences of leaving a relationship with a violent male partner. Furthermore, the purpose was also to illustrate factors that kept women from leaving the relationship and factors that encouraged them to leave. The study is mainly based on a gender perspective. In order to create a deeper understanding for the process of women leaving violent men,we included two theories in the study. The two theories are Eva Lundgren’s (2004) theory of The Normalization Process of Violence and Holmberg och Enander’s (2010) theory of the Process of Leaving Violent Men. The result shows that mens violence against women in intimate partner relationships. The result shows that women from the autobiographies tended to get used to the violence coming from their men and considered it to be a part of the relationship. Furthermore, result shows that men’s control and power over women go hand in hand, which leads to women adapting to the violent relation.

Hur ser ungas övergång från familjehemsplacering till vuxenlivet ut och hur hanteras den? - ur ett professionellt perspektiv. / How does the transition of young people from foster care to adult life look like and how is it handled? - from a professional perspective.

Magnusson, Ilja January 2020 (has links)
In research, the transition from foster care to adult life has been pointed out as a significant and problematic period in young people´s lives. However, we know less about how this transition is handled professionally. Through qualitative interviews, this study examines social worker´s views and experiences of this transition process. The research questions focus on what needs social workers see in young people´s transition, how they describe their own work, and what strategies and tools that may promote the transition. The results are analyzed using the following theoretical concepts – discretion, emotional support, informative support,instrumental support and evaluative support. The study shows that young people need long-term relationships, certain practical skills and each type of support. Work with the transition is based on these needs. Here, social workers have an exploratory and coordination role thatconsists of many tasks. While they describe some specific strategies and tools, the results show that there are difficulties within this work. The roles of foster carers and social workers in young people´s transition to adulthood are discussed.

Vzdělávání geografií v období kurikulární reformy českého školství: reflexe změn na vybraných pražských gymnáziích / Education through the Geography in Curricular Reformation Period of Czech Education System: Reflection of the Changes at Selected Prague's Grammar Schools

Jáchym, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis, as the title suggests, focuses on education of Geography and analysis of Geography as a subject at Prague grammar schools. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the impact of curricular changes on teaching Geography. Furthermore, the thesis is to analyze the ideas of the Geography teachers on teaching methods and content taught to students in their lessons. The work also evaluates the variety of opinions of the pedagogues concerning this topic. It also discusses their different views on a new form of the state leaving exam. Moreover, it looks for the answer whether the new exam might change the methodology of Geography. This work is mainly based on a critical evaluation of expert materials as far as the school reform is concerned. The empirical part itself consists of the survey results and the assessment of directed interviews with 11 respondents, who are the Geography teachers at nine Prague grammar schools.

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