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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reelin-immunreaktive Zellen im prälimbischen Kortex männlicher Ratten: Einfluss von Stress / Reelin-immunoreactive cells in the prelimbic cortex of male rats: influence of stress

Koldehoff, Andreas Michael 27 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The fall and rise of antimatter: probing leptogenesis and dark matter models

Vertongen, Gilles 25 September 2009 (has links)
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), together with the analyses of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies, confirm what our day to day experience of life attests :antimatter is far less present than matter in the Universe. In addition, these observables also permit to evaluate that there exists about one proton for every 10^{10} photons present in the Universe. This is in contradiction with expectations coming from the standard hot big bang, where no distinction between matter and antimatter is made, and where subsequent annihilations would lead to equal matter and antimatter contents, at a level 10^{−10} smaller than the observed one. The Standard Model of fundamental interactions fails to explain this result, leading us to search for ‘Beyond the Standard Model’ physics.<p><p>Among the possible mechanism which could be responsible for the creation of such a matter asymmetry, leptogenesis is particularly attractive because it only relies on the same ingredients previously introduced to generate neutrino masses. Unfortunatelly, this elegant proposal suffers from a major difficulty :it resists to any tentative of being probed by our low energy observables. In this thesis, we tackle the problem the other way around and propose a way to falsify this mechanism. Considering the type-I leptogenesis mechanism, i.e. a mechanism based on the asymmetric decay of right-handed neutrinos, in a left-right symmetric framework, we show that the observation of a right-handed gauge boson W_R at future colliders would rule out any possibility for such mechanism to be responsible of the matter asymmetry present in our Universe.<p><p>Another intriguing question that analyses of the anisotropies of the CMB confirmed is the presence of a non-baryonic component of matter in our Universe, i.e. the dark matter. As hinted by observations of galactic rotation curves, it should copiously be present in our galactic halo, but is notoriously difficult to detect directly. We can take advantage on the fact that antimatter almost disappeared from our surroundings to detect the contamination of cosmic rays from standard sources the annihilation products of dark matter would produce.<p><p>The second subject tackled in this work is the study of the imprints the Inert Doublet Modem (IDM) could leave in (charged) cosmic rays, namely positrons, antprotons and antideuterons. This model, first proposed to allow the Bout-Englert-Higgs particle to evade the Electroweak Precision Test (EWPT) measurements, introduces an additional scalar doublet which is inert in the sense that it does not couple directly to fermions. This latter property brings an additional virtue to this additional doublet :since it interacts weakly with particles, it can play the role of dark matter. This study will be done in the light of the data recently released by the PAMELA, ATIC and Fermi-GLAST collaborations, which reported e^± excesses in two different energy ranges. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Restauration de la symétrie de parité intrinsèque dans les noyaux atomiques à partir d'approches de type champ moyen plus corrélations

Tran, Viet Nhan Hao 07 April 2010 (has links)
Nous nous sommes intéressés à la restauration de la symétrie de réflexion droite-gauche brisée dans certains calculs effectués en utilisant l'approche HTDA (Higher Tamm-Dancoff Approximation). Cette approche a été proposée par le groupe de Bordeaux pour traiter de façon microscopique les corrélations en conservant explicitement les nombres de nucléons. La projection sur la parité par la méthode PAV (projection après variation) utilisant une généralisation du théorème de Wick de type Löwdin s'est avérée être très bien adaptée dans le cadre d'un modèle simplifié pour ce type de calcul et a permis de tourner certaines difficultés propres aux calculs qui utilisent la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité déduite par exemple de l'interaction de Skyrme. Les résultats obtenus pour des noyaux lourds manifestant une déformation octupôlaire ou à tout le moins une grande déformabilité pour ce mode, sont en gros tout à fait cohérents avec les calculs antérieurs effectués dans une approche HFB ou HF+BCS. D'autre part nos résultats montrent qu'on peut abaisser par projection sur la parité positive la hauteur de la seconde barrière de fission par une quantité de l'ordre de 1 MeV. / This thesis has been concerned with the restoration of the left-right symmetry broken in some instances. This has been achieved in the framework of the Higher Tamm-Dancoff Approximation (HTDA) proposed by the Bordeaux group to treat correlations in an explicitly particle-number conserving microscopic approach. The parity-projected calculations performed within a PAV (projection after variation) method using a generalized Wick's theorem due to Löwdin has appeared to be a very well-suited frame. It has been implemented within a simple model approach. This has been proposed to clear out some difficulties appearing when one uses an Energy Density Functional approach with an energy density functional issued from an underlying Skyrme interaction. As a result we obtain a fairly good global agreement of our results with previous ones issuing from an HFB approach or its HF+BCS limit, for some heavy nuclei exhibiting a stable octupole deformation or at least a remarkable smoothness for this collective mode. As another result, we have shown that the projection on a positive parity solution is able to reduce the second fission barrier height by about 1 MeV.

Zur Rolle der Chorda dorsalis und der Funktion der Dyneine bei der molekularen Rechts-Links-Differenzierung des Säugers / The role of the notochord and the function of dyneins in the molecular left-right-differentiation of mammals

Schröder, Silke Sabina 27 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Phénoménologie de modèles à symétrie droite-gauche dans le secteur des quarks / Phenomenology of Left-Right Models in the quark sector

Vale Silva, Luiz Henrique 20 September 2016 (has links)
Bien qu'ayant beaucoup de succès pour décrire la grande variété de phénomènes de la physique des particules, le Modèle Standard (MS) laisse certaines propriétés de la nature sans explication. Ici, nous allons mettre l'accent sur le traitement différent des chiralités de type gauche et droite dans le cadre du MS. Une façon naturelle d'expliquer cela est de plonger le MS dans un modèle plus fondamental, capable de traiter les chiralités d'une manière symétrique. Cette classe de modèles, connue sous le nom de "modèles à symétrie droite-gauche" (LR models, en anglais), introduit une nouvelle interaction qui couple préférentiellement aux champs "droitiers". Puis, à une haute échelle d'énergie, la symétrie reliant droite et gauche est brisée spontanément donnant naissance au MS et aux phénomènes de violation de symétrie de parité. La manière spécifique par laquelle le mécanisme Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) se produit dans les modèles LR peut être sondée par des observables électrofaibles de précision, ce qui sert de premier test de l'extension du MS dans le secteur électrofaible. Comme conséquence du mécanisme BEH dans les modèles LR, de nouveaux bosons de jauge sont présents. Ce sont W’ et Z’, censés être beaucoup plus lourds que les bosons de jauge W et Z afin d'expliquer pourquoi ils n'ont jamais été vus jusqu'à présent. Ces nouvelles particules sont accompagnées d'une riche phénoménologie, comme de nouvelles sources de violation de CP au-delà de celle du MS. En outre, un nouveau secteur scalaire neutre introduit des courants qui changent la saveur (FCNC, en anglais) au niveau des arbres, un processus fortement restreint dans le MS, où il arrive seulement à l'ordre des boucles. L'existence de FCNCs fournit des contraintes extrêmement puissantes sur les modèles LR, et mérite donc une attention spéciale, en particulier lors du calcul des corrections venant de la QCD. Nous calculons donc les corrections au Next-to-Leading Order des effets à de courtes distances venant de la QCD aux contributions du modèle LR aux observables liées au mélange de mésons neutres et sensibles donc aux FCNC.Ensuite, nous considérons l'étude phénoménologique des modèles LR afin de tester leur viabilité et leur structure. Plus particulièrement, nous considérons le cas où des doublets scalaires sont responsables de la brisure du groupe de jauge des modèles LR. A cet effet, nous menons une étude combinée des observables de précision électrofaible, des bornes directes sur la masse des nouveaux bosons de jauge et des observables qui dérivent de l'oscillation des mésons neutres, dans le cas plus simple où la matrice de mixing dans le secteur droit est égal à la matrice CKM. Ces observables sont combinées dans le cadre du paquet CKMfitter d'analyse statistique. La combinaison de différentes classes d'observables doit prendre en compte la particularité des incertitudes théoriques, qui ne sont pas de nature statistique comme d'autres sources d'incertitude. A ce propos, nous considérons aussi la comparaison de différentes modèles d'incertitude théorique, afin de trouver des méthodes bien adaptées à la situation actuelle de notre connaissance des incertitudes théoriques impliquées dans un fit global en physique de la saveur. / Though very successful in explaining a wide variety of particle physics phenomena, the Standard Model (SM) leaves unexplained some properties of nature. Here we focus on the different behaviours of left- and right-handed chiralities, or in other words the violation of parity symmetry. A possible and somewhat natural avenue to explain this feature is to embed the SM into a more symmetric framework, which treats the chiralities on equal footing. This class of models, the Left-Right (LR) Models, introduces new gauge interactions that couple preferentially to right-handed fields. Then, at an energy scale high enough, LR symmetry is spontaneously broken through the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) mechanism, thus giving origin to the SM and to parity violating phenomena. The specific way in which the BEH mechanism operates in LR Models can be probed by EW Precision Observables, consisting of quantities that have been very accurately measured, serving as a first test of consistency for extensions of the SM in the EW sector. We revisit a simple realization of LR Models containing doublet scalars, and consider the phenomenological study of this doublet scenario in order to test the viability and structure of the LR Models. In particular, there is a rich phenomenology associated to the new gauge bosons W’ et Z’ introduced by LR Models, such as new sources of CP violation beyond the one of the SM. Moreover, the extended neutral scalar sector introduces Flavour Changing Neutral Couplings (FCNC) at tree level, which are strongly suppressed in the SM where they arrive first at one loop. FCNCs typically lead to extremely powerful constraints since they contribute to meson-mixing processes, and therefore deserve close attention. For this reason, we consider the calculation of short-distance QCD effects correcting the LR Model contributions to meson-mixing observables up to the Next-to-Leading Order (NLO), a precision required to set solid lower bounds on the LR Model scales. Finally, we combine in a global fit electroweak precision observables, direct searches for the new gauge bosons and meson oscillation observables in the simple case where the right-handed analogous of the CKM mixing-matrix is equal to the CKM matrix itself (a scenario called CKMfitter symmetry). The full set of the observables is combined by using the CKMfitter statistical framework, based on a frequentist analysis and a particular scheme for modeling theoretical uncertainties. We also discuss other possible modelings of theoretical uncertainties in a prospective study for future global flavour fits made by the CKMfitter Collaboration.

Nonlinear dynamics of the voice

Neubauer, Jürgen 17 October 2005 (has links)
Die Physik der Lauterzeugung (Phonation) wurde mit Hilfe der Theorie der Nichtlinearen Dynamik untersucht. Digitale Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnamen von Schwingungen in menschlichen und nichtmenschlichen Kehlkoepfen, digitale Bildanalyse, Signalanalyse und Modenanalyse wurden zur quantitativen Beschreibung nichtlinearer Phaenomene eingesetzt. Es wurden nichtlineare Phaenomene bei stimmkranker (pathologischer) menschlicher Lauterzeugung untersucht, wie auch in stimmgesunden Singstimmen und in Kehlkoepfen von nichtmenschlichen Saeugetieren mit Stimmlippen-Membranen. Durch Bifurkationsanalyse eines einfachen mathematischen Modells fuer Stimmlippen mit Membranen konnten beobachtete Lautmuster nichtmenschlicher Saeugetiere qualitativ "nichtlinear gefittet" werden. Die Schwerpunkte dieser Arbeit waren: 1. die Klassifikation von Lautmustern in zeitgenoessischer Vokalmusik, um Erzeugungsmechanismen fuer komplexe Stimmklaenge zu erklaeren, die im kuenstlerischen Kontext vorkommen. Im besonderen war die Rolle der Quelle-Trakt-Kopplung von Interesse; 2. Instabilitaeten in Stimmpatienten, die durch Asymmetrien in einzelnen Stimmlippen wie auch zwischen den Stimmlippen verursacht wurden; 3. dynamische Effekte von duennen, leichten und schwingenden Stimmlippen-Membranen, vertikalen Fortsaetzen der Stimmlippen bei Saeugetieren. Stimmlippen-Membrane finden sich in Kehlkoepfen von Fledermaeusen und Primaten, wo sie einerseits zur Ultraschallerzeugung verwendet werden und andererseits fuer eine grosse Lautvielfalt sorgen. Ein Stimmlippen-Membran-Modell wurde entwickelt, um dieses diverse Lautrepertoire zu reproduzieren. Dieses Modell zeigte zwei Stimmregister. Ueber die Geometry der Stimmlippen-Membrane konnte der subglottale Einsatzdruck minimiert werden und der Druckbereich fuer Phonationen vergroessert werden. Numerische Simulationen demonstrierten, dass das phaenomenologische Stimm-Membran-Modell das Lautrepertoire von Fledermaeusen und Primaten qualitativ reproduzieren konnte. / In this thesis, the physics of phonation was discussed using the theory of nonlinear dynamics. Digital high speed recordings of human and nonhuman laryneal oscillations, image processing, signal analysis, and modal analysis have been used to quantitatively describe nonlinear phenomena in pathological human phonation, healthy voices in singing, and nonhuman mammalian larynges with vocal membranes. Bifurcation analysis of a simple mathematical model for vocal folds with vocal membranes allowed a qualitative ''nonlinear fit'' of observed vocalization patterns in nonhuman mammals. The main focus of the present work was on: 1. the classification of vocalizations of contemporary vocal music to provide insight to production mechanisms of complex sonorities in artistic contexts, especially to nonlinear source-tract coupling; 2. pathological voice instabilities induced by asymmetries within single vocal folds and between vocal folds; 3. the dynamic effects of thin, lightweight, and vibrating vocal membranes as upward extensions of vocal folds in nonhuman mammals. In nonhuman mammals, vocal membranes are one widespread morphological variation of vocal folds. In bats they are responsible to produce ultrasonic echolocation calls. In nonhuman primates they facilitate the production of highly diverse vocalizations. A vocal membrane model was developed to understand the production of these complex calls. Two voice registers were found in the vocal membrane model. The vocal membrane geometry could minimize phonation onset pressure and enlarge the phonatory pressure range of the model. Numerical simulations of the model revealed instabilities that qualitatively resembled observed vocalization patterns in bats and primates.

Les deux côtés du visage : dissymétrie et construction du portrait à la Renaissance / The two sides of the face : Asymmetry and the construction of portrait in the Renaissance

Rakovsky, Daniel 16 December 2014 (has links)
Tout visage est structuré selon un ordre symétrique. La thèse explore les conséquences de cette spécificité formelle du visage sur la construction du portrait dans le contexte spécifique de la Renaissance. Elle débute par une remise en cause de l’approche neuropsychologique qui fait de la dissymétrie et de la partition du visage dans le portrait la simple expression d’un donné physionomique. À travers une réflexion autour de la symétrie et de la dissymétrie dans l’ordre de la représentation, notre recherche rend compte de l’intérêt de ces catégories esthétiques pour la compréhension des enjeux formels et philosophiques propres à la construction du portrait. Elle révèle également la richesse et la complexité des significations allouées à la symétrie et à la dissymétrie dans le cosmos culturel de la Renaissance, celles-ci allant parfois à contre-courant de nos représentations contemporaines. Une dernière partie de cette recherche est consacrée au symbolisme théologique séculaire distinguant entre le côté droit et le côté gauche du visage, un côté tourné vers le céleste, l’autre vers le terrestre, et à son influence sur l’art du portrait. La démonstration est rythmée par diverses études de cas, parmi lesquelles des analyses approfondies de portrait peints par Jan Van Eyck, Giovanni Bellini, Raphaël et Albrecht Dürer. / Every face is structured in a symmetrical order. This research paper explores the consequences of this formal specificity on the construction of the portrait in the particular context of the European Renaissance. It starts with a critique of the neuropsychological approach that makes the asymmetry and the distinction between the two sides of the face in the portrait the mere expression of a particular physiognomy. Through a reflection on the aesthetic categories of symmetry and asymmetry in the order of representation, the research demonstrates the interest of these concepts for the understanding of the formal and philosophical issues specific to the construction of portraits. It also reveals the richness and complexity of meanings assigned to symmetry and asymmetry in the cultural cosmos of the Renaissance, these ones sometimes going against the grain of contemporary representations. The final section is devoted to the secular theological symbolism distinguishing between the right side and the left side of the face, one side turned to the heavenly, the other to the earthly, and the resulting influence on the art of portraiture. The demonstration is punctuated by various case studies, including an in-depth analysis of portraits painted by Jan Van Eyck, Giovanni Bellini, Raphael and Albrecht Dürer.

Dynamics of Cilia and Flagella / Bewegung von Zilien und Geißeln

Hilfinger, Andreas 14 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Cilia and flagella are hair-like appendages of eukaryotic cells. They are actively bending structures that exhibit regular beat patterns and thereby play an important role in many different circumstances where motion on a cellular level is required. Most dramatic is the effect of nodal cilia whose vortical motion leads to a fluid flow that is directly responsible for establishing the left-right axis during embryological development in many vertebrate species, but examples range from the propulsion of single cells, such as the swimming of sperm, to the transport of mucus along epithelial cells, e.g. in the ciliated trachea. Cilia and flagella contain an evolutionary highly conserved structure called the axoneme, whose characteristic architecture is based on a cylindrical arrangement of elastic filaments (microtubules). In the presence of a chemical fuel (ATP), molecular motors (dynein) exert shear forces between neighbouring microtubules, leading to a bending of the axoneme through structural constraints. We address the following two questions: How can these organelles generate regular oscillatory beat patterns in the absence of a biochemical signal regulating the activity of the force generating elements? And how can the beat patterns be so different for apparently very similar structures? We present a theoretical description of the axonemal structure as an actively bending elastic cylinder, and show that in such a system bending waves emerge from a non-oscillatory state via a dynamic instability. The corresponding beat patterns are solutions to a set of coupled partial differential equations presented herein.

Dynamics of Cilia and Flagella

Hilfinger, Andreas 07 February 2006 (has links)
Cilia and flagella are hair-like appendages of eukaryotic cells. They are actively bending structures that exhibit regular beat patterns and thereby play an important role in many different circumstances where motion on a cellular level is required. Most dramatic is the effect of nodal cilia whose vortical motion leads to a fluid flow that is directly responsible for establishing the left-right axis during embryological development in many vertebrate species, but examples range from the propulsion of single cells, such as the swimming of sperm, to the transport of mucus along epithelial cells, e.g. in the ciliated trachea. Cilia and flagella contain an evolutionary highly conserved structure called the axoneme, whose characteristic architecture is based on a cylindrical arrangement of elastic filaments (microtubules). In the presence of a chemical fuel (ATP), molecular motors (dynein) exert shear forces between neighbouring microtubules, leading to a bending of the axoneme through structural constraints. We address the following two questions: How can these organelles generate regular oscillatory beat patterns in the absence of a biochemical signal regulating the activity of the force generating elements? And how can the beat patterns be so different for apparently very similar structures? We present a theoretical description of the axonemal structure as an actively bending elastic cylinder, and show that in such a system bending waves emerge from a non-oscillatory state via a dynamic instability. The corresponding beat patterns are solutions to a set of coupled partial differential equations presented herein.

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