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Sport and Canadian anti-apartheid policy : a political and diplomatic history c.1968-c.1980Griffin, Danielle January 2012 (has links)
In the 1970s the Canadian government took a strong stand against apartheid sport policies. Despite Canada’s limited sporting links with South Africa, Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his Liberal government took on a leading Commonwealth position in promoting the isolation of South African sport. The catalyst for this leadership was Canada as host of two ‘mega’ sporting events during the 1970s - the 1976 Montréal Olympics and the 1978 Edmonton Commonwealth Games. This thesis focuses on the progression and adoption of new policies and initiatives which looked to strengthen Canada’s foreign policies dealing with apartheid sport while promoting these initiatives within the Commonwealth. Canada, a senior member of the association, had proved itself to be a key ally of newly independent Commonwealth nations throughout the 1960s and into the 1970s. These nations looked to Canada for guidance. Along with taking on a stronger Commonwealth position during the Trudeau era, Canada also looked to increase its international presence by focusing less on its traditional ties with the United States and more on forging relationships with a variety of newer nations. As Canada looked outside its borders to assert itself, within the country regionalism was on the rise with the advent of Québec separatism. All these factors played a major role in the development of Canadian foreign policy during the 1970s. This thesis focuses on the balance between internal and external pressures for change and how changes unfolded in light of Canada holding two mega sporting events in quick progression. From 1968 to 1980, Trudeau dominated Canadian politics. An engaging figure, he came to power promoting his notion of a ‘Just Society’ and looking to expand Canada’s international prestige. Newly opened archives of the External Affairs Department at the Library and Archives Canada show that Trudeau played a key role in the development of Canada’s new policies, especially during the period of 1975 to 1978. The wide range of primary sources consulted, many recently opened through Access to Information and Privacy requests, alongside a variety of sources from voluntary associations, analysed in this thesis provide a fulsome, chronological narrative of how Canada moved to the forefront of the Commonwealth and the association’s movement to isolate South African apartheid sport.
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LegacyAlmuiña, Susana 27 April 2009 (has links)
I am interested in family secrets and the rules and mores that may constrain family behavior or adversely affect a member’s destiny. I make work that looks askance at the efforts to hide from the world those events or secrets that reflect badly on a family. I look at the places where I have discovered some of them: family furniture and objects around the house, which can shed, metaphorically, the secrets and stories that are part of family tradition. I focus light on the lives of my uncelebrated ancestors and bring them, however briefly, into the collective consciousness.
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Trash Like Me: Stories & EssaysChesshire, Taryn C 01 January 2015 (has links)
These stories, essays, and beginnings of a novel draft examine the complex, many-faceted nature of legacy; propelled by the question of how we become who we eventually become, these works seek to showcase how where we come from, and who we come from, shape us as individuals. From a variety of perspectives, my characters try to discover how they can create their own safe spaces, their own lives, while still maintaining some genuine connection to their familial roots--they try to strike a balance between how to forget, and how to remember. The prose here focuses largely on the women in the places, and from these families; how does a society that favors maleness shape a female's view of her ideas and her intellect, of her body and her control over it? The characters seek answers to these questions largely in the impoverished southwest, where the characters are always trying to do the right thing, but hardly ever in the right ways.
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Hors champ, suivi de Aquin demeureCharland, Thara 08 1900 (has links)
Hors champ (Offscreen) is a collection of short stories and poems that offers rewrites of striking works of contemporary Quebec literature from 1960 to the present. In this collection, the literary legacy is problematized by the bursting of the source of hypotexts. Thus, the rewriting is done by recovering certain formal characteristics of source texts, while putting forward new thematic content. The texts relate to many affiliations, offering not a static and overwhelming posterity, but rather an active heritage, fragmented and drawing from several sources — as Quebec literary heritage does. The stories in the collection do not clearly announce their hypotext but rather begin with an epigraph, as a way to play with the readers’ expectations. The architecture of the collection does not respect the chronological order of hypotexts, and short stories from the same source are not grouped together.
Aquin demeure (Aquin remains) compares two contemporary Quebec novels : Ça va aller by Catherine Mavrikakis and Pourquoi Bologne, by Alain Farah. Starting from the observation that the figure of Hubert Aquin exerts a spectral presence on Quebec literature and has bequeathed a problematic and paradoxical legacy to posterity, the project aims to see what readings of this aquinien heritage the works of Mavrikakis and Farah offer. The analysis of Ça va aller begins with a comparative study of the two authorial figures whom are being presented : Hubert Aquin and Robert Laflamme, an avatar of Réjean Ducharme. The study seeks to show how Aquin’s literary legacy is unattainable for the narrator while the analysis of Pourquoi Bologne focuses on the rewrite of Prochain épisode. With Genette’s notions of intertextuality and hypertextuality, the study attempts to determine whether it is possible to consider Pourquoi Bologne a text in the second degree. / Hors champ est un recueil composé de courtes nouvelles et de poèmes proposant des réécritures d’œuvres marquantes de la littérature québécoise contemporaine de 1960 à nos jours. L’héritage littéraire est problématisé dans ce recueil par l’éclatement de la provenance des hypotextes. Ainsi, la réécriture s’effectue par la reprise de certaines caractéristiques formelles des textes sources tout en proposant de nouveaux contenus thématiques. C’est donc à plusieurs filiations que le texte se rattache, proposant du même coup non pas une postérité statique et écrasante, mais plutôt un héritage en acte, morcelé, fragmentaire et puisant à plusieurs sources — à l’instar de l’héritage littéraire québécois. Les nouvelles du recueil n’annoncent pas clairement leur hypotexte, mais proposent plutôt, dans le désir de jouer avec le lecteur, un exergue en début de texte. L’architecture du recueil ne respecte pas l’ordre chronologique des hypotextes et les nouvelles provenant du même texte source ne sont pas regroupées.
Aquin demeure compare deux romans québécois contemporains soit Ça va aller de Catherine Mavrikakis et Pourquoi Bologne d’Alain Farah. À partir du constat selon lequel la figure d’Hubert Aquin exercerait une présence spectrale sur la littérature québécoise et aurait légué un héritage problématique et paradoxal à la postérité, le projet a pour but de voir quelles lectures de cet héritage aquinien proposent les œuvres de Mavrikakis et de Farah. L’analyse de Ça va aller débute par une étude comparative des deux figures auctoriales qui y sont présentées soit Hubert Aquin et Robert Laflamme, un avatar de Réjean Ducharme. Alors que Laflamme / Ducharme aurait contaminé toute la littérature avec ses voltiges langagières, Aquin aurait quant à lui abandonné la nation québécoise le jour de son suicide. L’analyse de Pourquoi Bologne, quant à elle s’intéresse à la reprise et au détournement de Prochain épisode. À partir des notions d’intertextualité et d’hypertextualité développées par Genette, l’étude tente de déterminer s’il est possible de penser Pourquoi Bologne comme un texte au second degré.
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The Impact of Refactoring LegacySystems on Code Quality MetricsJonsson, Alan January 2017 (has links)
Maintaining legacy code can be difficult, it can also be hard to know whether what you are doing tomaintain the code is actually beneficial or not. This paper examines the impact of refactoring on codequality by systematically applying proven refactoring techniques and measuring its effect on codequality through code metrics.As an application at Xylem was being modified the application was simultaneously refactored. Beforeany refactoring was done the code quality was measured by maintainability index, cyclomaticcomplexity, depth of inheritance, class coupling and lines of code. Some parts of the application werere-written, others were refactored. By measuring the same metrics after the application wasrefactored it was found that the metrics had improved, indicating that the code quality hadincreased.
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Darování pro případ smrti / Donation mortis causaDrachovský, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Donation mortis causa Abstract Inheritance law, in its broader concept donation mortis causa falls, is being referred to as the hearth of civil law since it interconnects both proprietary (contractual) and personal (family) aspects. Czech civil law recodification meant significant change of inheritance law legislation, including renaissance of wide range of legal institutions including donation mortis causa. This thesis aims to comprehensively and critically assess legal regulation of donation mortis causa in the Czech Civil Code. The emphasis is primarily put on problematic aspects of this regulation. The submitted thesis endeavours to find answer to the question of practical usability of the donation mortis causa. Its author attempts to provide a reasonable interpretation of provisions of lex lata concerning the subject matter of this thesis. The solution of the most serious legislative problems is proposed within the summary of the submitted text. As for the structure, this diploma thesis is divided into six parts, with each part being split in chapters and sub-chapters. The first part depicts the genesis and further evolution of the legal institution of donation mortis causa. The second part defines the terms fundamental for the thesis. This part also includes the answer to the ancient question, how to...
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Les toiles d'Armentières. Entreprises et entrepreneurs du lin (XIXe-XXIe siècles) / The city of linen ». Entrepreneurs and company of Armentières (Nineteenth-twenty-first century)Smaghue, Nicolas 25 September 2015 (has links)
Longtemps appelée la « cité de la toile », Armentières a vu sa prospérité reposer, un siècle durant, sur la fabrication et la commercialisation des tissus majoritairement en lin. Pourtant, si cette ville manufacturière a largement contribué à la renommée textile de la région lilloise, elle est restée en retrait par rapport à Lille, Roubaix et Tourcoing. C’est si vrai qu’aujourd’hui encore, on peine à retrouver les traces du riche patrimoine industriel dont elle disposait il y a trois ou quatre décennies. Contrairement à ses prestigieuses voisines, faute de réhabilitation et de reconversion de son bâti usinier, elle a tourné le dos à son passé comme si celui-ci ne valait pas la peine que l’on s’y attarde. Aussi, entre requalification des friches et absence de volonté pour valoriser ce qui reste du patrimoine industriel, on oublierait presque qu’Armentières a été de temps immémoriaux un centre manufacturier non pas secondaire mais second. Grâce aux nouvelles techniques numériques et aux ressources désormais mises à la disposition du chercheur, il est malgré tout possible de reconstituer l’empreinte que l’industrie a laissée dans le tissu urbain. Emprise foncière des bâtiments dévolus à la fabrication ou à la commercialisation des toiles, procédés constructifs et matériaux, organisation des lieux productifs : il a fallu exhumer et agencer toute la documentation disponible pour faire ressurgir un passé en quasi-totalité disparu. Pourtant, quand il s’est agi, dès le milieu du XIXe siècle, de répondre aux défis des marchés, les entrepreneurs locaux ont réussi à développer la convoitise de la clientèle pour le linge de maison et de table. Ils ont également répondu avec succès aux demandes toujours plus exigeantes de l’armée et des administrations. Bref, en valorisant la tradition tout en répondant aux exigences de produits « techniques », les industriels d’Armentières sont parvenus, autour du travail du lin, à imposer la localité comme une véritable marque de fabrique pour mieux soutenir la comparaison avec leurs puissants voisins. Mais cette conquête des marchés n’aurait pas eu lieu sans une indéniable capacité à maîtriser le travail d’une fibre longtemps rétive à la mécanisation. Aussi, pénétrer dans les usines, recenser les matériels et retrouver les gestes du fileur et du tisseur étaient indispensable pour comprendre comment, par delà les vicissitudes de la conjoncture, les défis techniques ont été relevés afin de conjuguer production de masse, qualité de la marchandise et coûts de fabrication. Histoire des lieux de la production, des marchandises et de la fabrication des toiles, ce travail entend également revenir sur le milieu des patrons armentiérois déjà étudié, non sans complaisance envers son milieu d’origine, par Lambert-Dansette. Les sources de l’Enregistrement et les actes notariés, entre autres, ont permis de revenir sur les origines géographiques et sociales des entrepreneurs puis de s’interroger sur les montages juridiques, les financements et les modes de gestion qui ont rendu possible cette aventure industrielle. C’était là l’occasion de mesurer la spécificité du monde des liniers au sein du patronat régional et, plus encore, de comprendre leur étonnante capacité à repousser, à partir des années 1930, les échéances d’une mort annoncée. Soucieux de souscrire à la « main invisible du marché » et de sanctifier tous les dogmes libéraux, les patrons d’Armentières ne s’arrangent-ils pour bénéficier de l’aide de l’État dont ils attendent à la fois une relative souplesse à leur égard et, singulièrement une protection infaillible ? En définitive, le choix délibéré de faire l’histoire en longue durée des entreprises et des entrepreneurs du lin à une échelle locale permet de réinterroger les modes de coordinations et les combinaisons multiples qui, en mariant le local et le global, autorisent à saisir d’un seul tenant tous les déterminants spatiaux du capitalisme. / Armentières was called “the city of linen” for a long time, and it prospered for a century thanks to the manufacture and trade of fabric, mainly linen. But even if this manufacturing town greatly contributed to making the Lille area famous for its textiles, it always remained in the background compared to Lille, Roubaix and Tourcoing. This is so true that today it is still difficult to find memories of the rich industrial heritage that Armentières had three or four decades ago. Unlike its prestigious neighbours, Armentières turned its back on its past as if it was not worth any attention, and this was reflected notably in a lack of renovation and renewal of its industrial buildings. Entire industrial wastelands are being reshaped and no one seems willing to make what is left of the town’s industrial heritage more attractive, which could make us forget that since ancient times Armentières was a major manufacturing centre. However, thanks to the new digital technologies and the resources that are available available to researchers, it is now possible to recreate the imprint that the industry has left on the urban network. Whether it was about the impact on property of buildings devoted to fabric manufacturing and trade, about building processes and materials, or about the organization of manufacturing facilities, it was necessary to find and organize the whole range of documents available in order to bring back to life a past that had almost completely disappeared. Local entrepreneurs managed to stimulate customer desire for household and table linen when they had to face the challenges of the market in the middle of the 19th Century. They also responded successfully to the increasingly demanding requests from the army and administration. Putting tradition forward while also providing technically demanding products, the manufacturers from Armentières focused on linen and managed to turn the area into a label that guaranteed authenticity and quality, ensuring that Armentières was fully able to compete with its powerful neighbours. But they would never have conquered the market if they had not mastered the ability to work with a type of fabric that was hard to manufacture industrially. Thus, taking a close look at the factories, listing the machines and tools that were used, and studying precisely how the spinner and the weaver worked were necessary steps to face up tothe the technical challenges in a difficult economic context, so as to handle mass production, product quality and manufacturing costs at the same time. This dissertation proposes to study the history of the manufacturing facilities, the manufacture of goods and fabrics but also to deal with the social class of Armentières’ factory owners, which was already studied by Lambert-Dansette, not without some self-indulgence towards the social class he came from. Various sources have allowed me to take a close look at the geographical and social origins of these entrepreneurs and then to look into the various legal, financial and management condidtions which made this industrial adventure possible. This allowed me to confront the experience of the linen makers with that of the other industrialists in the region, and to understand their amazing ability to push back and delay the inevitable death of their industry from the 1930s onwards. Willing to obey “the invisible hand of the market” and to follow all liberal theories wholeheartedly, can we not say that the industrialists of Armentières did everything they could to benefit from state assistance? Not only did they expect to receive state support, they also sought to have their sector benefit from considerable state protection.
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Fatores críticos de sucesso para integração com sistemas legados: um estudo de caso no SERPRO / Critical success factors for integration with legacy systems: A SERPRO case studyAnastácio, Wellington Montefusco 18 March 2014 (has links)
Para o cidadão solicitar serviços de governo através de um portal que centralize o atendimento e não requeira conhecimento prévio da estrutura administrativa que organiza esses serviços, é necessário que o governo se atente a uma questão desafiadora: Quais são as poucas áreas na integração com sistemas legados cujo tratamento inadequado implicará necessariamente no fracasso na implementação do portal? Uma vez que sistemas de informação estão fortemente ligados aos processos de negócio da organização que atendem, a resposta dessa pergunta não tem natureza unicamente tecnológica. Buscou-se, nesse trabalho, a identificação das poucas áreas críticas para o sucesso na integração com sistemas legados no governo e explicações que ajudassem a entender por que elas assim são. Conhecer e entender os resultados obtidos contribui para a superação de barreiras que residem no desafio de implantar o portal centralizador que facilitará o autoatendimento dos cidadãos e contribuirá para o avanço do governo eletrônico. A estratégia utilizada para atingir os objetivos foi a de estudo de caso da organização pública Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (SERPRO). Este estudo teve uma natureza exploratória e descritiva e a organização é relevante porque atende demandas de sistemas de informação para o governo nas esferas municipal, federal e estadual há quase cinco décadas. O estudo de caso se desenvolveu em duas fases: (1) survey para identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso, incluindo análise fatorial para identificar as dimensões críticas que resumem os fatores encontrados e; (2) entrevistas semiestruturadas aplicadas a dez profissionais escolhidos pelo critério de representarem percepções extremas e opostas em relação à percepção média sobre cada dimensões crítica encontrada. Todas as entrevistas foram transcritas e categorizadas por análise temática. Foram obtidos 106 respondentes do survey e mais de 12 horas de conteúdo transcrito para as análises. Os resultados obtidos foram que o sucesso da integração de sistemas de informação com sistemas legados no governo está fortemente ligado a quatro dimensões: (1) efetividade dos recursos tecnológicos e humanos, porque a complexidade do sistema legado foi identificada como a causa de fracasso mais relevante em projetos dessa natureza; (2) processo minimizador de incertezas, porque as distorções na comunicação e os imprevistos que surgem ao longo do projeto requisitam altíssima qualidade de comunicação; (3) poder de prioridade, porque conflitos de interesse são frequentes e é crítico que se tenha poder e recursos para resolver questões como falta de prioridade de uma equipe externa; e (4) clareza da necessidade do negócio, porque essa clareza dá à equipe de desenvolvimento a segurança necessária sobre a consistência da solução de integração de sistemas. / For the citizen requesting government services through a centralized portal service which does not require prior knowledge of the government administrative structure organizing these services, it is necessary that the government pay attention to a challenging question: What are the few areas in integration with legacy systems in which inadequate treatment results necessarily in failure to the portal implementation? Since information systems have a strong link to the business processes, the question has not only a technological nature answer. In this work, we sought to identify the few critical areas for successful integration with legacy systems in government environment. We also pursued to find possible explanations that help to understand the reason why they are critical. To know and to understand the results obtained in this work contributes to overcoming barriers that reside on the challenge of promoting centralized interface that will facilitate self-service for citizens and will promote the electronic government. The strategy used for the achievement of the objectives was a case study of the public organization Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados (SERPRO). This study was of exploratory and descriptive nature and this organization is important because it meets the demands of information systems for the government at the municipal, state and federal levels to nearly five decades. This case study had two phases. First, we identified critical success factors with a survey and found dimensions that summarize the identified factors with a factor analyses. Second, we conducted a sequence of ten semi-structured interviews applied to experienced professionals. The criterion used to select these professionals were their perceived perception about the importance of the critical dimensions that we found. The selected perception should be extreme and opposite in relation to the average perception of the dimension. We transcribed and categorized all the interviews with a thematic analysis. As results, we got 106 survey respondents and 12 hours of transcribed interviews. We found four critical dimensions to the successful integration of information systems with legacy systems in government. The first is the effectiveness of technological and human resources because we identified that the complexity of legacy system in projects of system integration as the most important cause of failures. The second is to minimize process uncertainty because of the risk of distortions in communication and the need of contingencies that may arise during the project. The third is critical dimension is the priority force because conflicts of interest are common and it is critical to have the power and the necessary resources to solve them. The last dimension is the clarity of the business need, because this clearly gives the development team the necessary security about the consistency of the solution of systems integration.
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Apports des architectures à composants pour le déploiement d'applications à la juste taille / Contribution of component architectures for deploying applications to the right size.Bouzonnet, Loris 16 September 2011 (has links)
L'informatique dans les nuages propose une alternative économique et performante au déploiement traditionnel sur site. Une utilisation efficace des nuages passe par une diminution des ressources consommées et une adaptation du déploiement à l'environnement cible. Nous proposons, dans cette thèse, une solution pour le déploiement de logiciels à la juste taille, c'est-à-dire en ne déployant que les dépendances nécessaires sur un environnement cible. Nous suivons une définition du déploiement basée sur les architectures à composants. Le contenu et les dépendances d'un logiciel sont capturés grâce au modèle à composants Fractal SoftwareUnit. Ce modèle offre une fine granularité de la représentation, le support de l'hétérogénéité des logiciels et des environnement cibles, ainsi qu'un contrôle distribué des logiciels. Nous proposons une mise en œuvre du modèle au travers du canevas SU Framework. Enfin, nous décrivons comment résoudre deux problèmes issus de besoins industriels, à l'aide de ce canevas : la définition de profils pour le serveur d'applications JOnAS et le déploiement d'applications hétérogènes sur cibles hétérogènes. / Cloud computing offers an economical and efficient alternative to traditional deployment on site. Effective use of cloud computing goes through a reduction of resource consumption and deployment tailored to the target environment. We propose, in this thesis, a solution for deploying softwares at fair size, by considering only the necessary dependencies to a target environment. We follow a definition of deployment based on component architecture. The content and dependencies of softwares are captured through the Fractal SoftwareUnit component model. This model offers a fine granularity of representation, the support of software heterogeneity and environmental targets, just as a distributed control of software. SU Framework is an implementation of this model. Finally, we describe how to solve two problems arising from industrial needs, by using the proposed framework : définition of profiles for the JOnAS application server and deployment of heterogeneous applications on heterogeneous targets.
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O fio das travessias: a perspectiva histórica em Os tambores de São Luís, de Josué Montello e A gloriosa família - o tempo dos flamengos, de Pepetela / The river of croddings: the historical perspective in Os tambores de São Luís, by Josué Montello and A gloriosa família - o tempo dos flamengos, by PepetelaRabecchi, Ana Lucia Gomes da Silva 20 August 2009 (has links)
Os romances Os tambores de São Luís (1975), do brasileiro Josué Montello, e A gloriosa família do angolano Pepetela, mantêm um diálogo com a história maranhense e angolana respectivamente, estreitando as fronteiras entre Literatura e História. Mais que estreitar fronteiras, eles investigam um lugar narrativo em que a forma e o conteúdo interagem fora de suas margens de origem: literatura e história são desvirtuadas/deslocadas em busca de outras verdades que, separadas, nem uma nem outra poderiam conceber. É certo, no entanto, que a perspectiva histórica de cada romance os diferencia significativamente, tendendo à função sacralizadora em Montello e dessacralizadora em Pepetela. Enquanto a história faz parte do pano de fundo da narrativa montelliana, ela é parte orgânica da narrativa pepeteliana, através de uma projeção temporal contrária: em Montello se dá no sentido retrospectivo e em Pepetela, no sentido prospectivo, o que de saída singulariza qualitativamente os romances. A partir da visão peculiar que preside a organização de cada narrativa, a experiência histórica compartilhada pela trágica herança colonial e escravista toma um viés diferente, onde se vislumbra, já de começo, como cada romancista relê a sua própria história. Assim, longe de se alinharem plenamente pela perspectiva histórica, os romances são diferenciados a partir dela e este trabalho comparativo se ocupa justamente em demonstrar como isso acontece. / The novels called Os tambores de São Luís (1975) by the brazilian Josué Montello, and A gloriosa família - o tempo dos flamengos (1997), by the angolan Pepetela, maintain a dialogue with the Angolan history and the Maranhão history respectively, closing the borders between literature and history. More than to narrow borders, they investigate a narrative place where the form and content interact outside their margins of origin: literature and history are displaced looking for other truths that once separated, neither one of them could conceive. Certainly, however, that the historical perspective of each novel make them seem different tending to the sacramental function in Montello and to the desacramental one in Pepetela. While the story is part of the background of the montellian narrative, it is an organic part of the pepetelian narrative through a temporal contrary projection: in Montello there is a retrospective meaning and in Pepetela a prospective one that comes out the unique quality of the novels. From the peculiar vision that governs the organization of each narrative, the historical experience shared by the tragic colonial legacy and slavery takes a different bias where since the beginning it is possible to wonder how each novelist re-read his own history. Thus, far from having a fully alignment by the historical perspective, the novels are differentiated from it and this comparative work is concerned to demonstrate precisely how this happens.
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