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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The State of St Petersburg’s Municipalities : Conditions for Local Governance in Russia

Westman, Philip January 2004 (has links)
<p>The study’s focus is put on the lowest level of Russian local politics, empirically represented by two municipalities in St Petersburg. It aims at identifying factors that influence the work of municipal councils. Municipal organs are since their establishment in 1998 officially self-governing and responsible for a wide array of activities within their territories. They are perceived as administrative domains in this paper, parts of a hierarchic domain-structure. The municipal domains are both fiscally and politically restricted by upper political levels – mainly the regional authorities – that heavily reduce the capabilities of the municipal councils’ activities. Besides being dependent on resources from the regional and federal level, the municipal councils’ budgets are reliant on taxing of commercial retailing within its boundaries. Joint with the basic social and demographic circumstances of a municipality, this factor is likely to shape the extent of the council’s activity. The field study conducted specifies that while a geographically central municipality is engaged in infrastructure-maintenance and cultural activities, a peripheral ditto is mainly concerned with social help. Deputies in both districts perceive the current prospects of local government as being limited by outer influence, most of the people involved in the councils are unpaid and the resources needed to communicate with the inhabitants do not exist. The general and actual weakness of local governments is mirrored in the public attitudes, influenced by state-controlled media and revealed in participatory election turnouts. The election in December 2004 produced turnouts exceeding the legitimate limit of 20 % in almost all municipalities. However, the figures are to some extent the results of administrative pressure and liberals claim that plain frauds determined many outcomes. Tendencies point towards a politicization of municipal organs, whereas presently many perceive them as simply administrative. The municipal domain is characterized merely by responsibility instead of actual authority, ownership and substantial spatial impact. It is reliant on higher-level domains while competing for resources with neighboring domains.</p>

The State of St Petersburg’s Municipalities : Conditions for Local Governance in Russia

Westman, Philip January 2004 (has links)
The study’s focus is put on the lowest level of Russian local politics, empirically represented by two municipalities in St Petersburg. It aims at identifying factors that influence the work of municipal councils. Municipal organs are since their establishment in 1998 officially self-governing and responsible for a wide array of activities within their territories. They are perceived as administrative domains in this paper, parts of a hierarchic domain-structure. The municipal domains are both fiscally and politically restricted by upper political levels – mainly the regional authorities – that heavily reduce the capabilities of the municipal councils’ activities. Besides being dependent on resources from the regional and federal level, the municipal councils’ budgets are reliant on taxing of commercial retailing within its boundaries. Joint with the basic social and demographic circumstances of a municipality, this factor is likely to shape the extent of the council’s activity. The field study conducted specifies that while a geographically central municipality is engaged in infrastructure-maintenance and cultural activities, a peripheral ditto is mainly concerned with social help. Deputies in both districts perceive the current prospects of local government as being limited by outer influence, most of the people involved in the councils are unpaid and the resources needed to communicate with the inhabitants do not exist. The general and actual weakness of local governments is mirrored in the public attitudes, influenced by state-controlled media and revealed in participatory election turnouts. The election in December 2004 produced turnouts exceeding the legitimate limit of 20 % in almost all municipalities. However, the figures are to some extent the results of administrative pressure and liberals claim that plain frauds determined many outcomes. Tendencies point towards a politicization of municipal organs, whereas presently many perceive them as simply administrative. The municipal domain is characterized merely by responsibility instead of actual authority, ownership and substantial spatial impact. It is reliant on higher-level domains while competing for resources with neighboring domains.

11 kap. 5 § ÄB - vad gäller vid testators bortgång då en fastighet pantsatts för att finansiera uppförandet av en byggnad på ofri grund? : De lege lata och de lege ferenda / Chapter 11. 5 § in the Swedish Inheritance Code – What are the terms for when a deviser has taken a mortgage on a property in order to finance the construction of a building on leasehold? : De lege lata and de lege ferenda

Samuelsson, Oscar, Svensson, Pontus January 2013 (has links)
Presumtionsreglerna i 11 kap. ÄB får anses vara ett hjälpmedel vid tolkning av testamenten som i sig inte ger tillräcklig ledning för vad testatorn avsett ska hända med sin kvarlåtenskap. Dessa presumtionsregler är tänkta att ge uttryck för vad testatorer i allmänhet vill ska hända med sitt arv efter sin bortgång i specifika situationer. Att reglerna ska ge uttryck för vad den ”genomsnittlige” testatorn vill innebär att reglernas utformning måste vara av generell karaktär. I denna uppsats utreder vi presumtionsregeln i 11 kap. 5 § ÄB som behandlar panträttsbelastade saklegat. Arbetet är avgränsat till att enbart behandla det fall då en fastighet har pantsatts och belånats för att finansiera uppförandet av en byggnad på ofri grund. Uppsatsen framställer en kritisk syn på utformningen av nu nämnda presumtionsregel enligt gällande rätt. För att utreda och peka på brister i gällande rätt används en deskriptiv metod, vilket är en förutsättning för den kommande analysen som undersöker möjligheten till en förändring av presumtionsregeln i fråga. Rättsläget analyseras sedermera med hjälp av en analytisk och problemorienterad metod. I denna del av uppsatsen inventeras argument för och emot de framlagda förslagen till förändring, varefter argumenten vägs mot varandra. På grundval av argumentationen tar författarna ställning till huruvida varje enskilt förslag är möjligt att genomföra. Resultatet av analysen är att införandet av ett andra stycke till presumtionsregeln i 11 kap. 5 § ÄB är det mest lämpliga alternativet för att lösa den problematik som behandlas. Ett sådant stycke skulle tydligt stadga vem som ska bära panträttsbelastningen vid testatorns bortgång för det fall att testatorn har pantsatt en fastighet för att finansiera uppförandet av en byggnad på ofri grund. / The rules of presumption in chapter 11 of the Swedish Inheritance Code are to be considered as an aid in the interpretation of wills, if the will itself does not provide sufficient guidance for what the deviser intended to happen with his legacy. These rules of presumption are meant to express what a deceased person in general would want to happen with his legacy in specific situations. The rules of presumption have to be of a general nature in order to represent the average deceased persons intentions. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the rule of presumption given in chapter 11. 5 § of the Swedish Inheritance Code concerning estate with an attached mortgage lien which the deviser in his will has left to a specific legatee. This thesis is limited to only treat the case where a mortgage lien on property is deposited as security for a loan in order to finance the construction of a building on leasehold. The thesis presents a critical view of the design of the aforementioned rule of presumption according to current legislation. In order to investigate and identify shortcomings in current law, a descriptive method is used, which is a prerequisite for future analysis that examines the possibility of a change of the rule of presumption in question.The legal position is analyzed with an analytical approach. In this part of the thesis, arguments for and against the proposals of change are being evaluated. On the basis of these arguments, the authors consider whether each proposal is possible to implement or not. The result of the analysis is that the introduction of a subparagraph to the rule of presumption in chapter 11. 5 § of the Swedish Inheritance Code is the most suitable option to solve the issues being treated in the thesis. Such a subparagraph would clearly state which one of the legatees who is obligated to carry the burden of the mortgage lien attached to the property that has been deposited in order to finance the construction of a building on leasehold.

Heidegger's theft of faith : a campaign to suspend radical theology

Weidler, Markus Mikula 05 May 2015 (has links)
In this inquiry I pursue two tasks. First, I locate the roots of Heidegger's philosophical project historically within a specific theological discourse bent on redefining the relation between religion and politics. Heidegger's main, if covert, intent was to combat the egalitarian, pluralistic impulses carried by a tradition of critical Christology, which leads from F.W.J. Schelling's (1775-1854) Philosophy of Revelation to the work of the radical theologian-philosopher Paul Tillich (1886-1965). These egalitarian impulses spring from a broadened understanding of religious community as a material communication community unified through the use of shared symbols into a community of understanding, knowledge, and interests. The theoretical expansion and deepening of such a communication model, I detect in the writings of the renegade Neogrammarian, Hermann Paul, here considered in light of the "neo-Idealist" initiative of one of Paul's most prominent critics, the Romanist Karl Vossler. Prior to the advanced theological exposition of symbolically mediated communication, in works such as Tillich's book Dynamics of Faith (2001; Engl. orig.1957), the Neogrammarian movement in language studies, I argue, holds the key to accessing the cloaked Christological subtext of Heidegger's thought. Second, after thus locating Heidegger's philosophical agenda within its intellectual-historical context, I expose how Heidegger manipulates philosophical rhetoric to achieve the suspension of Schelling's theological legacy. My analysis of Heidegger's rhetorical behavior is focused on his Letter on Humanism (written 1946, published 1949), a text very overt in both its philosophical biases and its politics. The Humanismusbrief comes the closest to revealing Heidegger's own self-positioning within his generation. The work's conclusion provides a brief look ahead, or Ausblick, to indicate the main features of how these findings about the Letter can be brought to bear on Heidegger's masterpiece fragment, Being and Time. Through this approach, Heidegger's inherently political philosophy gains a much clearer profile in the context of its formative phase in the waning days of the Weimar Republic and opens a new perspective on later attempts by its author to "re-apply" his philosophical program to the cultural situation of postwar Germany, as well as to the ethical-epistemological problems remaining after twelve years of German isolationism. / text

Εφαρμογή τεχνικών υπολογιστικής νοημοσύνης για υποστήριξη συστημάτων ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης βασισμένη σε αρχιτεκτονική ευφυών πρακτόρων / Integrating e-learning environments with computational intelligence assessment

Θερμογιάννη, Ελένη 26 September 2007 (has links)
Οι τεχνικές Υπολογιστικής Νοημοσύνης βρίσκουν σε μεγάλο βαθμό εφαρμογή σε Ηλεκτρονικά Συστήματα Μάθησης. Στην εργασία αυτή υιοθετείται η τεχνική των Bayesian δικτύων. Αναλυτικότερα υλοποιείται ένα έξυπνο σύστημα το οποίο αναλαμβάνει τη διαχείριση των ερωτηματολογίων ενός Ηλεκτρονικού Συστήματος Μάθησης. Σκοπός της των Bayesian δικτύων είναι η «έξυπνη» διαχείριση των ερωτηματολογίων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, πραγματοποιείται γραφική απεικόνιση των ερωτηματολογίων σε Bayesian γράφημα όπου κάθε ερώτηση αντιστοιχεί σε ένα κόμβο του γραφήματος. Στο γράφημα αυτό εφαρμόζονται οι εξισώσεις του Bayes σε κάθε κόμβο του γραφήματος ώστε να υπολογιστούν οι πιθανότητες επιτυχούς απάντησης μιας ερώτησης. Στη συνέχεια οι πιθανότητες συγκρίνονται με κατώφλια τα οποία ορίζει ο διαχειριστής του συστήματος ώστε να αποφευχθούν ερωτήσεις στις οποίες ο χρήστης έχει μεγάλη πιθανότητα να απαντήσει επιτυχώς. Επίτευγμα αυτής της υλοποίησης είναι η εξοικονόμηση ερωτήσεων και χρόνου εκ μέρους του χρήστη. Το δεύτερο μέρος της εργασίας αφορά στην επέκταση του παραπάνω συστήματος χρησιμοποιώντας την αρχιτεκτονική ευφυών πρακτόρων. Βασικός σκοπός της επέκτασης αυτής είναι η δυνατότητα διαχείρισης ενός μεγάλου αριθμού χρηστών και ερωτηματολογίων από απομακρυσμένα συστήματα. / In this contribution an innovative platform is being presented that integrates intelligent agents in legacy e-learning environments. It introduces the design and development of a scalable and interoperable integration platform supporting various assessment agents for e-learning environments. The agents are implemented in order to provide intelligent assessment services to computational intelligent techniques such as Bayesian Networks and Genetic Algorithms. The utilization of new and emerging technologies like web services allows integrating the provided services to any web based legacy e-learning environment.

Utilising human capital as an organisational asset / C.E. Human

Human, Christine Elsje January 2005 (has links)
The objectives of this study are to determine the awareness level of knowledge sharing amongst the employees of Sasol, to determine how Sasol utilises human capital in the company and to identify and analyse the methods of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. The literature review distinguishes between explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge leads a company to codify while tacit knowledge leads to connecting people. The literature study also covers the utilisation of human capital and identifies methods of knowledge sharing and -transfer, namely legacy pages, expert location systems, buddy systems, post-retirement agreements, identification of successors, After Action Reviews, interviews, observation, protocol analysis, teach backs, story writing and storytelling, and process mapping. The literature study forms the foundation for the formulation and designing of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed amongst the employees of two of Sasol's divisions in order to obtain data about the utilisation of human capital in Sasol and to identify and analyse the current and preferred methods to capture and share tacit knowledge and skills. The data obtained from the questionnaires was processed, analysed and interpreted. Conclusions were drawn, linking the literature review and the results obtained from the empirical study. Based on these conclusions, recommendations were made. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Utilising human capital as an organisational asset / C.E. Human

Human, Christine Elsje January 2005 (has links)
The objectives of this study are to determine the awareness level of knowledge sharing amongst the employees of Sasol, to determine how Sasol utilises human capital in the company and to identify and analyse the methods of knowledge sharing and knowledge transfer. The literature review distinguishes between explicit and tacit knowledge. Explicit knowledge leads a company to codify while tacit knowledge leads to connecting people. The literature study also covers the utilisation of human capital and identifies methods of knowledge sharing and -transfer, namely legacy pages, expert location systems, buddy systems, post-retirement agreements, identification of successors, After Action Reviews, interviews, observation, protocol analysis, teach backs, story writing and storytelling, and process mapping. The literature study forms the foundation for the formulation and designing of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed amongst the employees of two of Sasol's divisions in order to obtain data about the utilisation of human capital in Sasol and to identify and analyse the current and preferred methods to capture and share tacit knowledge and skills. The data obtained from the questionnaires was processed, analysed and interpreted. Conclusions were drawn, linking the literature review and the results obtained from the empirical study. Based on these conclusions, recommendations were made. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Bernhard Schmidts kvarlåtenskap och det globala kulturarvet

Rosen, Kristina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis is about the Estonian-Swedish astro-optician Bernhard Schmidt (1879-1935) and his legacy. He was born on the island of Nargö outside Tallinn in Estonia. In 1930 he invented a special optical system for telescopes called the Schmidt telescope or Schmidt camera. At that time Bernhard Schmidt was working as a freelance at the Bergedorf observatory outside Hamburg in Germany. His invention contributed to astronomical research which changed our view of the sky and of the universe. The time he was living in was politically turbulent and science was flourishing. The written sources about Bernhard Schmidt and his telescope are mainly published in German, Russian, Estonian and English. Almost nothing is published in Swedish. The sources to his personal history and the archive material concerning him are partly scattered and it is difficult to assemble a complete picture. The purpose is to find and to map out what kind of archive material is preserved about him. The aim is also to find out who is in charge of it and how accessible it is. Is there global access to the material? Observatories, museums and archives in Sweden, Germany and Estonia were visited to map his legacy. The theories of James Cuno (2008) and the triad or three principles of management: preservation, knowledge and access were used in the analysis of the findings. Most material is kept and preserved at the Hamburg Bergedorf observatory, University of Hamburg. This is also the place where Bernhard Schmidt spent the last years of his life and it is here we can find his burial site. At the Hamburg Bergedorf observatory today there is a Bernhard Schmidt archive, a Schmidt museum with the first prototype of his telescope and an archive of photographic plates with photographic pictures of the stars and other astronomical objects. The two archives are in a digitalizing process and when completed they will be globally accessible and a part of our global heritage.

Critical Success Factors for Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning System

Kafi, Kambiz January 2018 (has links)
Title: Critical Success Factors for Integration of Enterprise Resource Planning System   Level: Student thesis, final assignment for Master Degree (one year) in Business Administration   Author: Kambiz Kafi   Supervisor: Dr. Maria Fregidou-Malama   Examiner: Dr. Ehsanul Huda Chowdhury   Date: 2018-11-26   Aim: This study examines the Critical Success Factor (CSF) model and its implementation in a case study where ERP Systems are integrated. The model includes Legacy System as a CSF.   Method: Deductive reasoning and case study were applied to support the research theory. Primary and secondary data were collected. Interviews with managers and staffs were performed.   Result &amp; Conclusions: The study shows the factors that are critical in successful implementation of ERP project and how a successful implementation and integration of ERP projects is executed when two companies are being merged. It also shows how the ERP integration project can be implemented. This work studied an implementation of Holland and Light’s theoretical CSF model empirically and validated that the model is general and robust for successful ERP implementation and managing changes.   Contribution of the research: This study of integration of few Legacy Systems when companies are being merged is a contribution to the theory of CSF. The central role that Legacy Systems plays in ERP project implementation is shown empirically. This study presents Software Alignment (Software Configuration) based on two company’s business processes empirically and found it to be essential in success of ERP projects. The research shows how CSF model manages changes, assisting managers in merging two companies successfully. The research presents a modified Holland and Light CSF model to meet the merging situations.      Suggestions for future research: To gain more knowledge about CSFs for integration of ERPs, this study suggests further cross- industrial empirical studies in wholesale and retail industries with varied sizes. Research about identifying CFSs in extended ERP using e_CRM is recommended.

Policy based network management of legacy network elements in next generation networks for voice services

Naidoo, Vaughn January 2002 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / Telecommunication companies, service providers and large companies are now adapting converged multi-service Next Generation Networks (NGNs). Network management is shifting from managing Network Elements (NE) to managing services. This paradigm shift coincides with the rapid development of Quality of Service (QoS) protocols for IP networks. NEs and services are managed with Policy Based Network Management (PBNM) which is most concerned with managing services that require QoS using the Common Open Policy Service (COPS) Protocol. These services include Voice over IP (VoIP), video conferencing and video streaming. It follows that legacy NEs without support for QoS need to be replaced and/or excluded from the network. However, since most of these services run over IP, and legacy NEs easily supports IP, it may be unnecessary to throw away legacy NEs if it can be made to fit within a PBNM approach. Our approach enables an existing PBNM system to include legacy NEs in its management paradigm. The Proxy-Policy Enforcement Point (P-PEP) and Queuing Policy Enforcement Point (Q-PEP) can enforce some degree of traffic shaping on a gateway to the legacy portion of the network. The P-PEP utilises firewall techniques using the common legacy and contemporary NE management protocol Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) while the Q-PEP uses queuing techniques in the form Class Based Queuing (CBQ) and Random Early Discard (RED) for traffic control. / South Africa

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