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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Pettit, Erica S. 12 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Analys av solelinstallationer på olika fastighetstyper : En studie om möjligheter och hinder

Nilsson, Sanna January 2016 (has links)
Generering av el med hjälp av solen står idag för en väldigt liten andel av Sveriges totala genereringav el. För att komma upp till en högre nivå krävs inte enorma solcellsparker över hela Sverige, utan tvärtom skulle det kunna gå att använda redan befintliga tak. Det förhållandet är bara ett av flera som påvisar behovet av större kunskapsspridning om dagens energisystem och solcellsteknik. Det finns också ett behov av ökad kunskap om karaktäristiska svenska hus- och taktyper och om vad som är möjligt att göra med varierande slag av solcellsteknik, för att konvertera de olika hustypernas tak till en liten energikälla. Ren solenergi kan inte ensam konkurrera ut fossila bränslen, men det finns god potential för en mycket högre andel av den än vad som är installerat idag. Wallenstam AB är ett energimedvetet fastighetsbolag som bland annat är verksamma i Göteborg. Deras intresse av förnybar energi och av att ersätta fossilt bränsle med mer miljövänlig teknik gav upphov till ett samarbete mellan författaren och Wallenstam AB. Arbetets första del syftar till att inbringa mer och fördjupad kunskap inom ämnet solceller och solcellsanläggningar. Syftet med arbetets andra del är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och hinder det finns med solcellsinstallationer på några olika typiska svenska fastighetstyper. En projektering genomförs på tre olika fastighetstyper i Göteborgsområdet; en industri/kontorslokal, ett modernt flerbostadshus och en fastighet i centrala Göteborg med både bostäder och kommersiell verksamhet. Målet är att utifrån varje fastighets förutsättningar finna den eller de mest lämpade solcellspanelerna för respektive fastighet med avseende på ekonomisk fördelaktighet, estetik samt i vad som är tekniskt möjligt utifrån exempelvis tidigare installerade energisystem. Rapporten och dess resultat är skapat utifrån litteraturstudier, platsbesök på fastigheter, mätningar på ritningar och satellitkartor, beräkningar för hand, samt modellering i PVsyst. Fortlöpande diskussion med personer inom solenergibranschen har också hållits. För att beräkna respektive anläggnings elproduktionskostnad samt för känslighetsanalyser används en webbaserad beräkningsapplikation, tillhörande rapporten El från nya och framtida anläggningar 2014. Huvudresultat är att endast två av de tekniskt möjliga anläggningarna har en elproduktionskostnad som är i närheten av det jämförande elpriset på 0,75 kr/kWh. Det är de polykristallina solcellsanläggningarna på Kvillebäcken 3:1 och Mölnlycke 1:1. Beräkningarna visar på att anläggningarna med polykristallina solcellspaneler på Kvillebäcken 3:1 och Mölnlycke Fabriker 1:1 är riktigt konkurrenskraftiga om kalkylräntan sänks från 4 % till 2 %, eller om investeringskostnaderna minskar med 15 %. På fastigheten Inom Vallgraven 26:8 ligger samtliga elproduktionskostnader över en krona per kilowattimme, men installation av solcellsteknik på en sådan central byggnad skulle kunna ha ett marknadsföringsvärde. / Generation of electricity by use of solar irradiation is today a very small part of the total electricity generation in Sweden. It is not necessary to build a great amount of solar parks all over Sweden to reach a higher level, it could instead be possible by using already existing rooftops. That is one of the situations that indicates the need of a greater knowledge dissemination, about today’s energysystem and the technology of photovoltaics. It also exists a demand of knowledge about characteristic Swedish houses and rooftops. To convert the different kinds of rooftops to small powersources, there is also a demand of knowledge about installations that is possible to do with different kinds of photovoltaics. Although, solar power alone cannot compete with fossil fuels, but it should have a good possibility to reach a much higher level than what exists today. Wallenstam AB is anenergy-conscious company within the real estate business in Gothenburg. Their interests in renewable energy and their ambition to replace fossil fuel with more environment-friendly technology facilitated this cooperation.The first part of the report aims to get more and deeper knowledge about the subject photovoltaics and solar plants. The second part of the report aims to investigate what possibilities and impediments there is with photovoltaic installations at different kinds of typical Swedish houses. A planning work is made at three different types of buildings in the area of Gothenburg. One at an industry/office space, one at a modern apartment block and one at a central building in Gothenburg that has both apartments and commercialized activity. The goal is to find the most suitable photovoltaic installation to each of the three buildings, based on economic advantageousness, appearance and esthetic, and the possibilities with the technology of earlier installed energy systems.The report and the result are formed on the basis of literature studies, site visits at the buildings, measurements at drawings and satellite maps, calculations by hand and modelling in the software PVsyst. Many discussions with people in the solar energy industry were also held. To calculate the Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE) and to perform the sensitivity analysis, a web-based calculator was used. The web-based calculator belongs to the report El från nya och framtida anläggningar 2014. The main result shows that only two of the possible photovoltaic installations gets a LCOE that is competitive relative the comparative electricity price at 0,75 SEK/kWh. Installations with polycrystalline solar panels at Kvillebäcken 3:1 and Mölnlycke 1:1. The result also shows that the two installations with polycrystalline solar panels at Kvillebäcken 3:1 and Mölnlycke Fabriker is really competitive if the capital interest rate is reduced from 4 % to 2 %, or if the investment cost isreduced by 15 %. At the property Inom Vallgraven 26:8, the LCOE for all possible installations are over one Swedish krona per kilowatt hour, but an installation with solar panels at a central building like that could have a marketing value. It would also show Wallenstams standpoint for renewable energy, new technology and a sustainable energy system.

Economic and regulatory analysis of natural gas in Brazil: electricity generation, infrastructure, and energy integration. / Análise econômica e regulatória do gás natural no Brasil: geração elétrica, infraestrutura e integração energética.

Leal, Fernando Inti 08 November 2018 (has links)
Brazil\'s discoveries of large gas reservoirs in the offshore ultra-deep waters of the presalt fields show a promising scenario, along with strategic investment and adequate policy, for the development of natural gas infrastructure and a sustainable transition in the Brazilian electricity mix. Such transition should occur through the use of transnational natural gas pipelines connected to large industrial facilities and power stations, as part of strategic planning to expand industrial usage, and avoid the shortage of electricity supply, with economic and environmental advantages. Since the most important debates of the new millennium are focused on globalization and sustainable development for nations, transnational energy integration in Latin America has been receiving increasingly attention from researchers and policy makers. In this overall context, the purpose of the present research was to develop a model to study, in a comparative manner, the thermoelectric generation, as well as to analyze the effect of legal frameworks and governmental policies on the development of infrastructure and natural gas market in Brazil, with a detailed study of the most relevant market and regulatory mechanisms. A comparison was performed in terms of the most relevant regulatory legislation in Brazil and other relevant Member States of the South American economic block. The study also evaluates the sanctions imposed by ANEEL Resolution n. 583 of 2013 on suppliers, due to the lack of NG supply for thermoelectric utilities, proposing an alternative formula, thought to mitigate the influence of averages and other electricity market parameters, therefore decreasing the sanction value for the NG supplier, without compromising the contract neutrality. Different factors were analyzed in order to determine which technology would be the most efficient in terms of levelized costs. Results indicated that natural gas-fired generators are very competitive and efficient, when compared to other thermoelectric sources in both economic and environmental aspects, even when externalities were included. Also, that further strategic investment and adequate regulatory policy changes are required from the market agents, in order to foster the development of pipeline infrastructure and the expansion of natural gas use in Brazil. The study also demonstrates that the environmental impact of the CH4 leakage equals that of CO2 release from combustion at about 4.2% leakage on a mass basis, when methane leakage rises to a level in which natural gas becomes as greenhouse gas intensive as biomass. / As descobertas de substanciais reservatórios de gás natural no Brasil, localizados em águas ultra profundas após a camada Pré-Sal, demonstram um cenário promissor, aliado a investimentos estratégicos e a políticas públicas adequadas, para o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de gás natural e uma transição sustentável na matriz elétrica brasileira. Tal transição deveria ocorrer por intermédio do uso de tubulação transnacional de gás natural, conectada a grandes instalações industriais e a usinas termelétricas, como parte de um planejamento estratégico voltado à expansão do uso de gás natural na indústria e a evitar a escassez no suprimento de energia elétrica, com vantagens econômicas e ambientais. Considerando que os debates mais relevantes do novo milênio estão focados na globalização e no desenvolvimento sustentável das nações, a integração transnacional na América Latina tem recebido crescente atenção por parte de pesquisadores e de elaboradores das políticas públicas. Nesse contexto geral, a proposta da presente pesquisa foi a de desenvolver um modelo para estudar, de uma forma comparativa, a geração termelétrica, bem como analisar o impacto do arcabouço jurídico-regulatório e das políticas governamentais no desenvolvimento da infraestrutura e do mercado do gás natural no Brasil, com um estudo detalhado dos mais relevantes mecanismos regulatórios e de mercado. Foi realizado, ainda, um comparativo da legislação regulatória do gás natural no Brasil com outros Estados-Membros relevantes do Mercosul. O estudo também avalia as sanções impostas pela Resolução ANEEL n. 583 de 2013 nos fornecedores, devido a corte no suprimento de gás natural para empreendimentos de geração termelétrica, propondo um cálculo alternativo visando a mitigar a influência das médias e outros parâmetros intrínsecos ao mercado de energia, dessa maneira reduzindo as sanções contratuais para o fornecedor de gás natural, sem prejudicar a neutralidade contratual. Diferentes fatores foram analisados de forma a determinar qual tecnologia seria a mais eficiente em termos de custos nivelados de eletricidade. Os resultados indicaram que as termelétricas a gás natural são muito competitivas e eficientes, quando comparadas com outros tipos de combustível, tanto pelo aspecto ambiental quanto pelo econômico, mesmo quando externalidades são incluídas. Ainda, que são necessárias mudanças nas políticas regulatórias e no investimento estratégico por parte dos agentes do mercado, de forma a incentivar o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura e a expansão do uso do gás natural no Brasil. O estudo também evidencia que o impacto ambiental do vazamento de CH4 se iguala àquele do CO2 liberado pela combustão em cerca de 4.2% em base mássica, quando o vazamento de metano atinge um nível em que seu impacto como gás do efeito estufa fica equivalente à biomassa.

Economic and regulatory analysis of natural gas in Brazil: electricity generation, infrastructure, and energy integration. / Análise econômica e regulatória do gás natural no Brasil: geração elétrica, infraestrutura e integração energética.

Fernando Inti Leal 08 November 2018 (has links)
Brazil\'s discoveries of large gas reservoirs in the offshore ultra-deep waters of the presalt fields show a promising scenario, along with strategic investment and adequate policy, for the development of natural gas infrastructure and a sustainable transition in the Brazilian electricity mix. Such transition should occur through the use of transnational natural gas pipelines connected to large industrial facilities and power stations, as part of strategic planning to expand industrial usage, and avoid the shortage of electricity supply, with economic and environmental advantages. Since the most important debates of the new millennium are focused on globalization and sustainable development for nations, transnational energy integration in Latin America has been receiving increasingly attention from researchers and policy makers. In this overall context, the purpose of the present research was to develop a model to study, in a comparative manner, the thermoelectric generation, as well as to analyze the effect of legal frameworks and governmental policies on the development of infrastructure and natural gas market in Brazil, with a detailed study of the most relevant market and regulatory mechanisms. A comparison was performed in terms of the most relevant regulatory legislation in Brazil and other relevant Member States of the South American economic block. The study also evaluates the sanctions imposed by ANEEL Resolution n. 583 of 2013 on suppliers, due to the lack of NG supply for thermoelectric utilities, proposing an alternative formula, thought to mitigate the influence of averages and other electricity market parameters, therefore decreasing the sanction value for the NG supplier, without compromising the contract neutrality. Different factors were analyzed in order to determine which technology would be the most efficient in terms of levelized costs. Results indicated that natural gas-fired generators are very competitive and efficient, when compared to other thermoelectric sources in both economic and environmental aspects, even when externalities were included. Also, that further strategic investment and adequate regulatory policy changes are required from the market agents, in order to foster the development of pipeline infrastructure and the expansion of natural gas use in Brazil. The study also demonstrates that the environmental impact of the CH4 leakage equals that of CO2 release from combustion at about 4.2% leakage on a mass basis, when methane leakage rises to a level in which natural gas becomes as greenhouse gas intensive as biomass. / As descobertas de substanciais reservatórios de gás natural no Brasil, localizados em águas ultra profundas após a camada Pré-Sal, demonstram um cenário promissor, aliado a investimentos estratégicos e a políticas públicas adequadas, para o desenvolvimento da infraestrutura de gás natural e uma transição sustentável na matriz elétrica brasileira. Tal transição deveria ocorrer por intermédio do uso de tubulação transnacional de gás natural, conectada a grandes instalações industriais e a usinas termelétricas, como parte de um planejamento estratégico voltado à expansão do uso de gás natural na indústria e a evitar a escassez no suprimento de energia elétrica, com vantagens econômicas e ambientais. Considerando que os debates mais relevantes do novo milênio estão focados na globalização e no desenvolvimento sustentável das nações, a integração transnacional na América Latina tem recebido crescente atenção por parte de pesquisadores e de elaboradores das políticas públicas. Nesse contexto geral, a proposta da presente pesquisa foi a de desenvolver um modelo para estudar, de uma forma comparativa, a geração termelétrica, bem como analisar o impacto do arcabouço jurídico-regulatório e das políticas governamentais no desenvolvimento da infraestrutura e do mercado do gás natural no Brasil, com um estudo detalhado dos mais relevantes mecanismos regulatórios e de mercado. Foi realizado, ainda, um comparativo da legislação regulatória do gás natural no Brasil com outros Estados-Membros relevantes do Mercosul. O estudo também avalia as sanções impostas pela Resolução ANEEL n. 583 de 2013 nos fornecedores, devido a corte no suprimento de gás natural para empreendimentos de geração termelétrica, propondo um cálculo alternativo visando a mitigar a influência das médias e outros parâmetros intrínsecos ao mercado de energia, dessa maneira reduzindo as sanções contratuais para o fornecedor de gás natural, sem prejudicar a neutralidade contratual. Diferentes fatores foram analisados de forma a determinar qual tecnologia seria a mais eficiente em termos de custos nivelados de eletricidade. Os resultados indicaram que as termelétricas a gás natural são muito competitivas e eficientes, quando comparadas com outros tipos de combustível, tanto pelo aspecto ambiental quanto pelo econômico, mesmo quando externalidades são incluídas. Ainda, que são necessárias mudanças nas políticas regulatórias e no investimento estratégico por parte dos agentes do mercado, de forma a incentivar o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura e a expansão do uso do gás natural no Brasil. O estudo também evidencia que o impacto ambiental do vazamento de CH4 se iguala àquele do CO2 liberado pela combustão em cerca de 4.2% em base mássica, quando o vazamento de metano atinge um nível em que seu impacto como gás do efeito estufa fica equivalente à biomassa.

Economic analysis of wind and solar energy sources of Turkey

Erturk, Mehmet 13 July 2011 (has links)
Renewable energy sources have become very popular in the last years in electricity generation thanks to the technological developments, the increase in the price of fossil fuels and the environmental concerns. These factors have also prompted Turkey to utilize her very rich renewable energy sources to meet the demand increasing around 7% annually. In this study, solar and wind energy potential of Turkey is analyzed in terms of its economics to find out whether these sources are real alternatives to fossil fuels in electricity generation. Before this analysis, wind and solar energy technologies and costs and wind and solar energy potential of Turkey are discussed. Then, models are set up for five technologies which are onshore wind, offshore wind, solar PV, solar trough and solar tower technologies models to calculate cash flows which are used to calculate payback, NPV, IRR, LCE and shut-down price to conduct economic analysis. In addition to base case scenario, uncertainty analysis is done for the most promising technologies which are onshore wind and solar tower technologies by evaluating NPV and LCE under uncertain environment. The main finding of these analyses is that only onshore wind projects are attractive in Turkey; none of other technologies is attractive. However, with a minor increase in the regulated price for solar thermal electricity, tower plant projects will also be attractive. / text

Evaluating opportunities for sustainable rural water provision using solar PV in sub-Saharan Africa : a case study of Malawi

Phiri, Esther January 2017 (has links)
Globally, approximately 663 million people lack access to safe drinking water sources and nearly half of these people live in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where only 68% of the population has access to improved drinking water sources. Globally, it is estimated that 79% of the people using unimproved sources and 93% of people using surface water live in rural areas. In terms of water for agriculture, most of the countries in Sub-Saharan Africa rely on rain-fed agriculture, which is threatened by the effects of climate change thereby worsening food insecurity. Adequate provision of drinking and irrigation water is believed to enhance development in areas such as health, education, food security and women empowerment. This interdisciplinary study used a mixed methods approach to develop a financing and decision support model for planning and analysing of sustainable rural water provision using solar photovoltaics (PV) in SSA, with Malawi as a case study country. The research methods included household surveys, stakeholder interviews, field visits and techno-economic analysis. Findings from the household surveys show that the current water sources are inadequate; the majority of the households used boreholes as their main source of water and they faced challenges, which included queuing, low yield, non-functionality, disparity in number of water points, theft and vandalism. For irrigation, households still rely on traditional methods of irrigation namely; watering cans with very few having treadle pumps, which are all labour intensive. From the stakeholders point of view, challenges included lack of finances, failure of current community management system, lack of coordination and lack of enabling policies. In the techno-economic analysis, a solar PV system was designed to supply approximately 200 households with drinking water. The design cost was calculated to be US$18,600 and the levelized cost of water was US$0.34/m3. The levelized cost was found to be almost six times what the households are currently paying and three times what they are willing to pay. To address this issue, the study developed a cross-subsidy model for the cost of water with that of basic energy services, particularly rechargeable lantern lighting and mobile phone charging. Using this model, the levelized cost of water was reduced by over half but is still two and a half times what they are currently paying for water. Further innovations were found to reduce the breakeven cost to only US$0.06 more of what they are currently paying. The novelty of the research is that no work in SSA, particularly in Malawi has developed such an all-inclusive integrated needs-driven approach that helps identify solar PV powered water provision solutions. These results provide baseline data for researchers, policymakers, planners, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders with interest in providing water and energy to the rural areas. This thesis recommends that with proper finance and management policies, enforcement of product and installation standards and training of households, solar PV can be used to improve access for drinking and irrigation water and at the same time provide basic energy services to the people living in the rural areas of SSA.

Proposta de regulamentação para usinas eólicas através da sua energia firme

Zuniga, Gustavo Camilo Rosero January 2015 (has links)
Dentro das fontes renováveis de energia, a energia eólica é uma das mais estudadas e que tem uma importante participação na capacidade instalada no mundo. Porém, é uma alternativa que está concentrada em poucos países como uma verdadeira opção para cobrir a demanda de energia elétrica. As principais razões dessa concentração estão ligadas a questões climáticas, econômicas e de regulamentação. Em relação à questão econômica a principal limitação é o custo da energia em comparação com fontes tradicionais; na questão de regulamentação o limitante é a carência de métodos de cálculo e regras que incentivem a instalação de usinas. Para vencer essas limitações é proposta uma regulamentação do tipo econômica baseada na energia firme das usinas eólicas. A influência desse incentivo pode ser medida no comportamento de uma usina eólica hipotética atuando sem regulamentação no mercado elétrico e em um cenário com a regulamentação proposta. A energia firme é um conceito que existe para fontes hidráulicas e térmicas. Usando esse conceito com as características da energia eólica, é possível desenvolver uma metodologia de cálculo que incentiva a implementação de projetos em países com escassa tradição eólica. O resultado permite calcular um fator característico de energia firme para cada tipo de aerogerador e uma forma de remuneração que atua no valor presente líquido do projeto. / Among renewable energy sources, wind energy is one of the most studied and has an important stake in installed capacity in the world. However, it is an alternative concentrated in a few countries as a real option to cover the energy demand. The main reasons for this concentration are linked to climate, economic and regulatory issues. Regarding the economic issue the main limitation is the cost of energy production in comparison to other sources; the limitation of the regulatory issue is the lack of calculation methods and rules that encourage the installation of wind power plants. To overcome these limitations, it is proposed an economic regulation based on firm energy of wind farms. The influence of this incentive can be measured in the behavior of a hypothetical wind farm operating in an electricity market without regulation and in a scenario with the proposed regulation. The firm energy is a concept that exists for hydraulic and thermal sources. Using this concept with the characteristics of wind power, it is possible to develop a methodology for calculation that encourages the implementation of projects in countries with small wind power installed capacity. The result allows calculating a characteristic factor of firm energy for each type of wind turbine and a method of remuneration, which operates on the net present value of a project.

Feasibility Study of Use of Renewable Energy to Power Greenfield Eco-Industrial Park

January 2014 (has links)
abstract: An eco-industrial park (EIP) is an industrial ecosystem in which a group of co-located firms are involved in collective resource optimization with each other and with the local community through physical exchanges of energy, water, materials, byproducts and services - referenced in the industrial ecology literature as "industrial symbiosis". EIPs, when compared with standard industrial resource sharing networks, prove to be of greater public advantage as they offer improved environmental and economic benefits, and higher operational efficiencies both upstream and downstream in their supply chain. Although there have been many attempts to adapt EIP methodology to existing industrial sharing networks, most of them have failed for various factors: geographic restrictions by governmental organizations on use of technology, cost of technology, the inability of industries to effectively communicate their upstream and downstream resource usage, and to diminishing natural resources such as water, land and non-renewable energy (NRE) sources for energy production. This paper presents a feasibility study conducted to evaluate the comparative environmental, economic, and geographic impacts arising from the use of renewable energy (RE) and NRE to power EIPs. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology, which is used in a variety of sectors to evaluate the environmental merits and demerits of different kinds of products and processes, was employed for comparison between these two energy production methods based on factors such as greenhouse gas emission, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, human toxicity potential, fresh water usage and land usage. To complement the environmental LCA analysis, levelized cost of electricity was used to evaluate the economic impact. This model was analyzed for two different geographic locations; United States and Europe, for 12 different energy production technologies. The outcome of this study points out the environmental, economic and geographic superiority of one energy source over the other, including the total carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, which can then be related to the total number of carbon credits that can be earned or used to mitigate the overall carbon emission and move closer towards a net zero carbon footprint goal thus making the EIPs truly sustainable. / Dissertation/Thesis / LCOE calculation charts / Gabi Life-cycle analysis / Masters Thesis Mechanical Engineering 2014

Proposta de regulamentação para usinas eólicas através da sua energia firme

Zuniga, Gustavo Camilo Rosero January 2015 (has links)
Dentro das fontes renováveis de energia, a energia eólica é uma das mais estudadas e que tem uma importante participação na capacidade instalada no mundo. Porém, é uma alternativa que está concentrada em poucos países como uma verdadeira opção para cobrir a demanda de energia elétrica. As principais razões dessa concentração estão ligadas a questões climáticas, econômicas e de regulamentação. Em relação à questão econômica a principal limitação é o custo da energia em comparação com fontes tradicionais; na questão de regulamentação o limitante é a carência de métodos de cálculo e regras que incentivem a instalação de usinas. Para vencer essas limitações é proposta uma regulamentação do tipo econômica baseada na energia firme das usinas eólicas. A influência desse incentivo pode ser medida no comportamento de uma usina eólica hipotética atuando sem regulamentação no mercado elétrico e em um cenário com a regulamentação proposta. A energia firme é um conceito que existe para fontes hidráulicas e térmicas. Usando esse conceito com as características da energia eólica, é possível desenvolver uma metodologia de cálculo que incentiva a implementação de projetos em países com escassa tradição eólica. O resultado permite calcular um fator característico de energia firme para cada tipo de aerogerador e uma forma de remuneração que atua no valor presente líquido do projeto. / Among renewable energy sources, wind energy is one of the most studied and has an important stake in installed capacity in the world. However, it is an alternative concentrated in a few countries as a real option to cover the energy demand. The main reasons for this concentration are linked to climate, economic and regulatory issues. Regarding the economic issue the main limitation is the cost of energy production in comparison to other sources; the limitation of the regulatory issue is the lack of calculation methods and rules that encourage the installation of wind power plants. To overcome these limitations, it is proposed an economic regulation based on firm energy of wind farms. The influence of this incentive can be measured in the behavior of a hypothetical wind farm operating in an electricity market without regulation and in a scenario with the proposed regulation. The firm energy is a concept that exists for hydraulic and thermal sources. Using this concept with the characteristics of wind power, it is possible to develop a methodology for calculation that encourages the implementation of projects in countries with small wind power installed capacity. The result allows calculating a characteristic factor of firm energy for each type of wind turbine and a method of remuneration, which operates on the net present value of a project.

Proposta de regulamentação para usinas eólicas através da sua energia firme

Zuniga, Gustavo Camilo Rosero January 2015 (has links)
Dentro das fontes renováveis de energia, a energia eólica é uma das mais estudadas e que tem uma importante participação na capacidade instalada no mundo. Porém, é uma alternativa que está concentrada em poucos países como uma verdadeira opção para cobrir a demanda de energia elétrica. As principais razões dessa concentração estão ligadas a questões climáticas, econômicas e de regulamentação. Em relação à questão econômica a principal limitação é o custo da energia em comparação com fontes tradicionais; na questão de regulamentação o limitante é a carência de métodos de cálculo e regras que incentivem a instalação de usinas. Para vencer essas limitações é proposta uma regulamentação do tipo econômica baseada na energia firme das usinas eólicas. A influência desse incentivo pode ser medida no comportamento de uma usina eólica hipotética atuando sem regulamentação no mercado elétrico e em um cenário com a regulamentação proposta. A energia firme é um conceito que existe para fontes hidráulicas e térmicas. Usando esse conceito com as características da energia eólica, é possível desenvolver uma metodologia de cálculo que incentiva a implementação de projetos em países com escassa tradição eólica. O resultado permite calcular um fator característico de energia firme para cada tipo de aerogerador e uma forma de remuneração que atua no valor presente líquido do projeto. / Among renewable energy sources, wind energy is one of the most studied and has an important stake in installed capacity in the world. However, it is an alternative concentrated in a few countries as a real option to cover the energy demand. The main reasons for this concentration are linked to climate, economic and regulatory issues. Regarding the economic issue the main limitation is the cost of energy production in comparison to other sources; the limitation of the regulatory issue is the lack of calculation methods and rules that encourage the installation of wind power plants. To overcome these limitations, it is proposed an economic regulation based on firm energy of wind farms. The influence of this incentive can be measured in the behavior of a hypothetical wind farm operating in an electricity market without regulation and in a scenario with the proposed regulation. The firm energy is a concept that exists for hydraulic and thermal sources. Using this concept with the characteristics of wind power, it is possible to develop a methodology for calculation that encourages the implementation of projects in countries with small wind power installed capacity. The result allows calculating a characteristic factor of firm energy for each type of wind turbine and a method of remuneration, which operates on the net present value of a project.

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