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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The incorporation of World War II experiences in the life stories of alumni from the Vrije University in Amsterdam: an exploration at the crossroads between narrative, identity, and culture

Visser, Roemer Maarten Sander 15 May 2009 (has links)
For this study, twelve life stories of alumni from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, who were enrolled during the Nazi Occupation between 1940 and 1945, were collected and analyzed. Besides exploring the extent to which the interviews were co-constructed jointly by the interviewer and interviewees, this study addresses three questions. First, it acknowledges methodological concerns associated with an overabundance of narrative data, and suggests a new method for arriving at a core narrative based on the distribution of time. This core narrative can then be analyzed further. Second, it is suggested that early memories serve as identity claims; because of their congruency with the remainder of the story, they appear to foreshadow what is to come. As a result, it is argued that childhood memories merit special attention in the analysis of narratives. Third, and finally, the constraints on narratives imposed by cultural conventions, or master narratives, are explored. Narrators use a variety of strategies in order to satisfy sometimes competing demands on their narratives. It is argued that culture makes its influence felt in ways that are not always obvious, particularly if the interviewee and interviewer share the same culture.

Post Divorce Experience Of Higly Educated And Professional Women

Kavas, Serap Turkmen 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT POST-DIVORCE EXPERIENCE OF HIGHLY EDUCATED AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN Kavas, Serap Ph.D., Department of Sociology Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Ayse Gunduz Hosgor July 2010, 327 pages Based on life-story interviews with women this dissertation analyzes post divorce experience of highly-educated and professional women. Economic, social, psychological well-being of divorced women / specifically, how they manage to adapt to their new lives after legal dissolution were examined. As is shown in our research while divorce caused various difficulties including financial, social and parenting problems, it, on ther other hand provided relief, for the participants. The participants developed wide range of survival strategies in the face of difficulties and challenges they experience which attested to their agency during and after the divorce process. To the study, while an urbanite, educated and professional woman&rsquo / s termination of a failing relationship itself can be considered as liberation on her part, it will be an overstatement to say that women are enjoying their independence and start anew, just as men do. In this connection, this study searched for insights into the question: How does act of divorce affect these women with respect to their empowerment? Feminist theory is used over the duration of this study. The study scrutinized on the emergent themes such as societal attitudes, single parenting, remarriage, intergenerational and intra-family transmission of divorce, financial consequence, and women&rsquo / s varying coping strategies as well as many other common themes emerged. Studying post-divorce experience of women, which is an unexplored area in Turkish context, employing qualitative method and dwelling on grounded theory approach as an inductive way of data analysis, this study intends to be a considerable contribution to the literature.

Aspects de la vie spirituelle d’aînés hémodialysés en situation de perte

Lefebvre, Serge 09 1900 (has links)
Notre projet de mémoire consistait à valider auprès de personnes qui vieillissent et qui ont subi des pertes l’hypothèse de recherche suivante : « Comment l’intégration de grandes théories sur la vie spirituelle à l’outil du bilan de vie (à son questionnaire) aide l’aîné qui subit des pertes à trouver un sens à sa vie? » Notre projet de mémoire consistait à valider auprès de personnes qui vieillissent et qui ont subi des pertes l’hypothèse de recherche suivante : « Comment l’intégration de grandes théories sur la vie spirituelle à l’outil du bilan de vie (à son questionnaire) aide l’aîné qui subit des pertes à trouver un sens à sa vie? » Dans ce mémoire, nous nous intéressons à la problématique du vieillissement, notamment dans le cadre québécois, à ce vieillissement plus spécifique des aînés hémodialysés en situation de pertes. Cela dit, dans l’introduction, nous esquisserons le contexte général derrière le projet. Le mémoire est présenté selon les quatre étapes prévues par la méthode de la praxéologie pastorale, à savoir l’observation, l’interprétation, l’intervention et la prospective. Dans la première étape, nous introduirons les paramètres de notre observation en milieu pastoral. Nous chercherons ainsi à clarifier le problème rencontré, à partir des questions convenues en praxéologie pastorale: le qui, le quoi, le où, le quand, le comment et le pourquoi. Dans la seconde étape, nous tenterons de faire rencontrer des interprétations théoriques en vue de trouver une compréhension nouvelle du drame qui se joue. Ainsi, nous soulignerons que nous sommes redevables à quatre grandes théories sur la vie spirituelle quant au cadre de référence de notre recherche, à savoir Oser, Gmünder et Ridez; Vasse; Breton et Liébanas. La troisième étape se voudra une sorte d’évaluation des changements à apporter à la pratique, leurs impacts, les stratégies pour les mettre en place et les résistances qui ne manqueront pas de se manifester à leur égard. Dans la dernière étape, nous nous interrogerons sur les visions inconscientes du monde et de l’être humain véhiculées par l’intervention dans le but de se réajuster. Dans ce mémoire, nous avons identifié, à l’aide de l’outil du bilan de vie, six aspects de la vie spirituelle d’un aîné hémodialysé en situation de pertes, soit les représentations ou les images de Dieu, le sens du péché commis, les signes de l’existence du péché, l’antériorité de l’amour de Dieu par rapport au péché, les voies d’entrées à la vie spirituelle, les indications pour cheminer spirituellement et les effets de vie et de mort. / Our thesis project is to validate with aging people who have suffered loss, the following research hypothesis: « How the integration of major theories on the spiritual life to the life story tool (in the questionnaire) for the seniors who suffers loss help on the sens which people make of their life?» In this study, we are interested in the problems of ageing, in particular within the Québec framework, specifically regarding the ageing of elders within hemodialysis process in situation of a loss. In the introduction, we will outline the general context behind the project. The report is presented according to the four stages laid down by the method of pastoral praxeology, namely the observation, interpretation, the intervention and the prospective. Firstly, we will introduce the parameters of our observation in our pastoral milieu. We will thus seek to clarify the encountered problem, starting from the questions agreed in pastoral praxeology: the which, the what, the where, the when, the how and the why. Secondly, we will try to meet theoretical interpretations in order to find a new understanding of the drama which is played. Thus, we will stress out that we are indebted to four great theories on the spiritual life as for the framework of reference of our research, namely Oser, Gmünder and Ridez; Vasse; Breton and Liébanas. The third step will be a sort of evaluation of changes to implement in real life, their impacts, the strategies to implement them and the unavoidable resistances generated by them. Lastly, we will wonder about the unconscious visions of the world and human being conveyed by the intervention with an aim of being refit. In this study, we have identified, using the tool of the life story, six aspects of the spiritual life of an elder in a hemodialysis process in situation of a loss, which are the representations or the images of God, the meaning of sin, the signs of the existence of the sin, the anteriority of the love of God compared to the sin, the ways of entry to the spiritual life as well as the indications to grow spiritually and the effects of life and death.


MAIRA PEIXOTO TIMBO 17 January 2019 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da pesquisa apresentada neste trabalho é buscar entender as trajetórias identitárias de duas professoras de inglês através da análise das narrativas nas quais elas (re)constroem suas histórias de vida profissional. Esta pesquisa está alinhada à Linguística Aplicada e à Linguística Aplicada Crítica que, através de posicionamentos críticos e reflexivos, buscam a reinvenção da vida social e novas formas de produção de conhecimento. Com base na metodologia qualitativa e interpretativista de pesquisa, os dados foram gerados a partir de conversas participativas de pesquisa entre a pesquisadora e as duas professoras. As professoras escolheram os recortes dos dados que consideraram mais relevantes para serem incluídos e analisados na pesquisa, o que fomentou uma prática reflexiva, investigativa e crítica em busca de momentos de aprofundamento de entendimentos. Conduziu-se uma microanálise das narrativas das professoras a partir dos estudos de Labov e dos princípios de coerência e causalidade, especificamente no sistema do senso comum, visando delinear a socioconstrução das escolhas profissionais das participantes. A discussão aponta para o entendimento de que as trajetórias pelas quais construímos nossas histórias de vida não são necessariamente lineares e indica que a principal contribuição desta pesquisa está em propor formas solidárias, inovadoras, híbridas e colaborativas de trabalho entre os participantes da pesquisa. / [en] The objective of the present research is to understand the identity construction of two English teachers as they (re)construct their professional life stories. Within the theoretical framework of Applied Linguistics and Critical Applied Linguistics, this study aims at searching, critically and reflectively, for a reinvention of social life and of forms of knowledge production. Based on a qualitative and interpretive research methodology, the data were generated during participatory research conversations that involved the researcher and the two teachers. The teachers themselves selected the parts of the data that they considered more relevant to be to be included and analyzed in this research, thus fostering a reflexive, investigative, and critical practice that pursued moments of deeper understandings. A micro-analysis of the narratives, based on Labov s studies and on Linde s coherence and causality principles, more precisely on this author s common sense system, yielded understandings on how professional choice is socially constructed. The discussion points towards the understanding that the trajectories through which we build our life stories are not necessarily linear and suggests that the main contribution of the present research lies in the proposal of a more innovative, cooperative and hybrid form of work among research participants.

Tillgång till både och : Kvinnliga chefers berättelser om livsval och yrkesval

Runemar, Ulrica January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att genom kvinnliga chefers/ egna företagares livsberättelser skildra hur kvinnor skapar mening i sitt yrkes- och familjeliv. Studiens teoretiska delar avsåg att belysa villkor för kvinnor i dagens yrkesliv samt skapa en förståelse för kvinnors val i samband med familjebildning avseende fördelning av föräldraledighet och ansvar för familj. Studien var en kvalitativ studie med livsberättelse som metod, fem kvinnor som är yrkesverksamma som chefer eller egna företagare har medverkat i studien. Studiens teoretiska ansats var socialkonstruktionistisk och förförståelsen av livsberättelser var att de skapas mellan den som berättar, den som intervjuar och den samtida kontexten. I livsberättelserna lyftes de meningsskapande sambanden för kvinnor verksamma som chefer eller egna företagare. Studiens resultat visade att kvinnors yrkesliv starkt påverkades av familjen och behovet av att vara nära sina barn påverkar kvinnornas karriärmöjligheter. Kvinnorna i studien tog i  samband med familjebildningen ansvar för barnens omvårdnad. Barnens utflytt skapade nya möjligheter till karriär för kvinnorna men skapade även existentiella frågor. Frågor om meningen i tillvaron och vad vardagen ska fyllas med för att upplevas meningsfull. Att få tillgång till både familj och yrkesliv var avgörande för kvinnorna i studien.


ALEXANDRA COELHO PENA 11 March 2016 (has links)
[pt] A tese toma como objeto de estudo as narrativas de dez educadoras de três escolas comunitárias de educação infantil - professoras, coordenadoras, cozinheiras e auxiliares de serviços gerais - e tem como objetivo conhecer quem são as profissionais responsáveis pelo atendimento de crianças entre zero e cinco anos de idade das creches e pré-escolas em um município da Baixada Fluminense do Rio de Janeiro. Conhecer, nessa pesquisa, significou chegar às pessoas, escutá-las e compreendê-las em sua inteireza, em sua humanidade e em suas relações. A relevância do trabalho das instituições comunitárias se deve ao fato de que ocupam um lugar fundamental no atendimento educacional do município pesquisado, pois assumem uma demanda que as redes públicas municipais não conseguem abarcar. A estratégia metodológica, sustentada no diálogo com Martin Buber, Mikhail Bakhtin e Paulo Freire, foi de recontar as histórias de vida das profissionais das escolas comunitárias de educação infantil. Em um movimento de rememoração do passado, o primeiro capítulo aborda os temas da narrativa, da memória e da formação, reconstrói o histórico das creches comunitárias no Brasil e, mais especificamente, das creches comunitárias da Baixada Fluminense. E, para ampliar esse movimento de volta ao passado, discute-se a escolha das histórias de vida como metodologia dessa pesquisa. O capítulo 2 enfoca a filosofia do diálogo, como proposta de ampliação para compreensão e análise das histórias de vida, trazendo os principais conceitos de Martin Buber, Mikhail Bakhtin e Paulo Freire. No terceiro capítulo, a pesquisa reconta as histórias de vida das entrevistadas. Os capítulos 4 e 5 trazem as análises das histórias de vida das profissionais das creches comunitárias de um município da Baixada Fluminense, divididas em dois eixos: histórias de infância e de formação (capítulo 4) e histórias de práticas com crianças, adultos, instituições, com a cultura e a religião (capítulo 5). O capítulo final, partindo do que é possível aprender com as histórias, traz recomendações para a formação de professores de educação infantil. / [en] The thesis analizes the narratives of ten educators - teachers, coordinators, cooks and general helpers – of three community preschools. Its main goal is to know who are these professionals, responsible for the assistance and care of children between zero and five years old of three community preschools in the region of Baixada Fluminense in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In the context of this research, to analize the narratives meant: approach those professionals, listen to them, try to understand them in their integrity, humanity and relations. These community institutions are very important because they occupy a very important role in the educational services of the studied region, which are not able to meet the educational needs of the population. The methodological strategy, sustained in dialogue with Martin Buber, Mikhail Bakhtin and Paulo Freire, was to retell the stories of life of the professionals that work in the community preschools. The first chapter mentions the themes of the narratives, memory, training and education, reconstructs the history of the community preschools in Brazil, specifically in the Baixada Fluminense region. It also discusses the choice of life stories as a methodology for this research. The second chapter focuses on the dialogue philosophy as a proposal to enlarge the analysis and understanding of the stories of life bringing the main concepts of Martin Buber, Mikhail Bakhtin and Paulo Freire. The third chapter retells the stories of life of the interviewed and the fourth and fifth chapters analizes the stories of life of the professionals that work in the community preschools in Baixada Fluminense, divided in two axial parts: childhood stories and training/education (chapter 4) and stories of professional/educational practices with children, adults and institutions with the culture and religion (chapter5). The last chapter brings reflections and suggestions, based on what is possible to learn with the life stories, for the training/education of preschool teachers.

Práce se životními příběhy bezdomovců / Work with life story of homeless people

KAŠPAROVÁ, Eliška January 2015 (has links)
Diploma work deal with problems of work with life stories of homeless. The aim of the research is analysis of life stories of homeless and analysis of changes in homeless lifes after some time. The data collection was obtained by individual interview and the respondents were searching in the shelters. From the analysis was found some life periods of homelesses lifes and their attitudes and opinions on their situation. Then was found the changes, which came in thein lifes after five months. Then was analyse the question of responsibility of homeless.

Professores de educação infantil: ludicidade, história de vida e formação incial

Bacelar, Vera Lúcia da Encarnação January 2012 (has links)
209 f. / Submitted by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-08-23T19:38:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia da E. Bacelar.pdf: 1297070 bytes, checksum: a6eba1aa3edf3778571f5895969ecf40 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes(silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-09-17T16:03:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia da E. Bacelar.pdf: 1297070 bytes, checksum: a6eba1aa3edf3778571f5895969ecf40 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-09-17T16:03:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vera Lucia da E. Bacelar.pdf: 1297070 bytes, checksum: a6eba1aa3edf3778571f5895969ecf40 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / A pesquisa tem por objeto de estudo a formação de professor de Educação Infantil, considerando as relações entre ludicidade, história de vida e formação profissional no curso de Pedagogia. Teve uma abordagem qualitativa e o método autobiográfico. As técnicas utilizadas foram a de análise documental, entrevista semiestruturada e memorial. Os sujeitos da pesquisa tiveram sua formação na Universidade Federal da Bahia e exercem a docência como professores na Educação Infantil. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é compreender como se fez presente (ou não) a dimensão lúdica na história de vida de professores da Educação Infantil, incluindo a sua formação inicial no curso de Pedagogia, e suas implicações sobre o processo de sua profissionalidade. Os objetivos específicos visam: identificar como o egresso de Pedagogia avalia os conhecimentos construídos ao longo da sua formação para atuar na EI; analisar que dificuldades experimentaram ao assumir a sala de aula como docentes da EI; identificar nas suas histórias de vida fatos /experiências/ acontecimentos/ sentimentos que expressem a presença da dimensão lúdica e suas contribuições para a ação enquanto professora de EI. Os resultados apontaram que a ludicidade está presente história de vida das professoras de Educação Infantil que participaram dessa pesquisa e que no seu curso de formação inicial, esteve presente de forma limitada. Isso teve repercussões no início da carreira que possivelmente seriam evitadas se tal vivência, advinda inclusive das práticas dos estágios, acontecessem desde o início do curso. / Salvador

Os saberes e as práticas de trabalho : um estudo do processo de aprendizagem dos profissionais cinegrafistas em uma emissora de televisão de Porto Alegre

Ferrazza, Dayane Scopel January 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo é compreender os saberes desenvolvidos nas práticas de trabalho e nas trajetórias de vida de um grupo de cinegrafistas, de uma emissora de televisão. A compreensão dos saberes desenvolvidos nas práticas do grupo pesquisado segue a perspectiva da aprendizagem baseada em prática à luz do knowing in practice. Para atingir o objetivo, se fez necessária, além da análise dos saberes e das práticas predominantes no cotidiano desses profissionais, a identificação de como, no desenvolvimento dessas práticas, os processos de aprendizagem estão relacionados. O estudo foi desenvolvido através da metodologia de histórias de vida, com a utilização de vídeos de matérias trazidos pelos próprios entrevistados, para que eles pudessem contar sobre suas experiências a partir de uma situação real e visível. As entrevistas foram realizadas, entre os meses de julho e agosto de 2014, com cinco cinegrafistas da mesma emissora de televisão, com tempos de profissão distintos, para possibilitar a análise de diferentes percepções. Seus relatos possibilitaram constituir o percurso profissional de cada entrevistado, identificando os saberes relacionados. A descrição do cotidiano de trabalho dos cinegrafistas entrevistados permitiu entender a relação entre os saberes constituídos, durante a história de vida de cada um, e a (re)produção das práticas e seus processos de aprendizagem. Evidenciou-se que práticas, saberes e aprendizagem aparecem simultaneamente, durante as rotinas de trabalho, quer através de subsídio verbal dos colegas mais experientes, quer através da observação e da vivência em diferentes situações, durante as gravações. A pesquisa sinalizou não somente a complexidade dos saberes envolvidos, por estarem vinculados a uma série de práticas heterogêneas, mas também peculiaridades da profissão foram desvendadas durante as conversas. Para desempenhar suas tarefas, os cinegrafistas adaptam seus corpos e consideram os equipamentos de gravação como uma extensão deles. Adaptam também a mente, pois as gravações exigem grande esforço cognitivo, relacionado à capacidade de improviso, ao controle das emoções e ao julgamento do que é esperado pelo telespectador. O estudo mostrou a possibilidade de articulações teóricas entre os conceitos do knowing in practice e a realidade vivenciada pelos cinegrafistas. Indicou também que os saberes são complexos e estão vinculados a uma rede de práticas; são aprendidos e desenvolvidos por meio das relações e das experiências e impulsionados pelas necessidades de cada imagem a ser capturada. / The aim of this study is to understand the knowledge developed in working practices and life trajectories of a cameramen group of a television station. The understanding of the knowledge gained in the activities of the group observed is based on the learning perspective of practice-based in the light of knowing in practice. In order to achieve the goal, it was necessary to analyze the prevailing knowledge and practices in the daily life of these professionals. It was also necessary to identify how the learning processes are related in the development of these practices. The study was conducted by using the methodology of life stories, by using videos of materials brought by the interviewees so that they could narrate their experiences from a real and visible situation. The interviews were carried out between the months of july and august 2014, with five cameramen from the same television station with different career time to enable the analysis of different perspectives. Based on the reports, it was possible to structure the career path that each interviewee came from, identifying the related knowledge. The description of the daily work of the cameramen allowed the understanding of the relationship between the knowledge acquired during the life story of each one and the (re) production practices and their learning processes. It was possible to prove that practices, knowledge and learning appear simultaneously during their work routines, be it with the verbal assistance of more experienced colleagues or through the observation and experience in different situations during the recording. Not only did the research indicate the complexity of the knowledge involved, which is linked to a number of heterogeneous practices, but also showed the industry peculiarities which have been elucidated during the conversations undertaken. In order to perform their tasks, the filmmakers adapt their bodies, already considering the recording equipment as an extension of them, and also adapt their minds, because the recordings required a great cognitive effort, related to the ability to improvise, to control emotions and to judge what is expected by the viewer. The study indicated the possibility of theoretical links between the concepts of knowing in practice and the reality experienced by the cameramen. It also indicated that knowledge is complex and linked to a network of practices; it is also learned and developed through relationships and experiences, which are driven by the needs of each image to be captured.

Mulheres cuidando de mulheres: uma relação entre sujeitos / Women caring for women: a relationship between subjects

Jane Baptista Quitete 07 December 2007 (has links)
Estudo decorrente da inquietação profissional da autora, frente à incoerência de algumas profissionais de saúde diante de uma proposta de assistência humanizada à população feminina. O discurso direciona-se para o protagonismo da mulher. Mas, no cotidiano, continuam a controlar e manipular as condutas. Sendo assim, defini como questão de pesquisa: o papel que a Enfermeira assume no encontro de cuidar-cuidado com a mulher/usuária dos serviços de saúde, em face aos novos/renovados paradigmas da assistência em saúde, no campo da saúde da mulher. Os objetivos são: descrever o papel assumido pela Enfermeira na relação de cuidar; identificar como a Enfermeira se compreende nessa relação de cuidado; e discutir como as práticas de cuidado da Enfermeira evidenciam o papel que assume na relação de cuidar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa utilizando o método história de vida, mais precisamente a life story. As sujeitas da pesquisa foram 12(doze) Enfermeiras Obstétricas que vivenciam diretamente o cuidado da população feminina. A técnica utilizada foi a entrevista aberta aplicada por meio da pergunta: Fale-me o que você considera importante a respeito de sua vida como mulher e que tenha relação com o cuidar de mulheres. Para análise dos dados obtidos, utilizou-se a análise temática dos discursos. Foi utilizado multi-referencial teórico, que incluiu Daniel Bertaux, Robby Davis-Floyd, Marie Françoise Collière, Milton Mayeroff, entre outros. A análise dos dados permitiu a identificação de três categorias: as mulheres que eu vejo em mim quando me encontro com a mulher que cuido; a mulher cuidando de outra mulher o eu com a outra; o poder (in)visível na vida das mulheres. A interpretação das categorias evidencia que as mulheres enfermeiras estão descobrindo-se mulheres a cada novo encontro de cuidado, vivenciam uma crise paradigmática no cotidiano do cuidado, assumem o protagonismo no cuidado por não reconhecerem as mulheres/usuárias como sujeito e por submetê-las às regras institucionais e/ou valores individuais, que estão em busca de empoderamento de si e das mulheres que cuidam. Vivenciando a relação humana por meio da troca de experiências, podemos aprender e crescer como seres humanos, como mulheres e como cidadãs. Portanto, é preciso que ocorra uma mudança de mentalidade na mulher Enfermeira para que seu cuidado não reflita preconceito, mas uma ação de respeito, de crescimento e de troca. / This is a study resulting from the authors professional worry while facing the incoherence of some health professionals considering a humanized aid proposal to the feminine populations. The speech points out the woman's principal role, but daily they continue to control and to manipulate the conducts. From this perspective the research question was: what role the Nurse takes in the caring relationship with the health service woman/user, considering the new/renewed paradigms of the aid in woman's health area. The objectives are: to describe the role taken by the Nurse in the relationship of caring; to identify how the nurse is understood in this caring relationship; and to discuss how the nurses practices evidence the role that they take in this relationship of caring. This is a descriptive study with qualitative approach using the life story method. The research subjects were 12 (twelve) Obstetric Nurse that works caring to the feminine population caring. The used technique was an open-ended interview starting through question: "Tell me what you consider important regarding your life as woman and its relationship with taking care of women". For data analysis obtained the thematic speech analysis was used. Theoretical multi-referencial to analysis was used, including Daniel Bertaux, Robby Davis-Floyd, Marie Françoise Collière, Milton Mayeroff, among others. Data analysis has allowed the identification of three categories: the women that I see inside myself when I am with the woman whom I take care; the women taking care of another woman - me with the other; the (in)visible power in the women's life. The interpretation of these categories points to: nurses are discovering themselves as women at each new caring meeting; they experience a paradigmatic crisis in the daily of caring, they take the principal role in caring because they do not recognize women/users as subject and they use to submit them to the institutional rules and/or individual values; nurses are in search of their own empowerment and also for the women that care about. We believed that living the human relationship through the experience exchange we can learn and grow as human beings, women and citizens. Therefore, it is necessary that nurses change their minds in order to not show prejudice in their attitude, but a respect action, development and interchange.

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