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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dynamique de la distribution, sélection de l’habitat et stratégie d’alimentation chez la barge à queue noire limosa limosa à l’échelle des sites d’hivernage français / Distribution, habitat selection and feeding strategies of the black-tailed godwit limosa limosa at the French wintering site scale

Robin, Frédéric 24 February 2011 (has links)
La Barge à queue noire Limosa limosa est un oiseau limicole communément rencontré tout au long de l’année sur le territoire Français. Les individus présents sur la partie ouest de l’Europe sont représentés par deux sous-espèces : la sous-espèce L. l. limosa, dite barge à queue noire « continentale », est principalement observée pendant les phases de migration et en très faibles effectifs reproducteurs sur les marais ouest Atlantique; la sous-espèce L. l. islandica, dite « islandaise », est quant à elle, exclusivement présente en hivernage le long des côtes atlantiques et de la Manche. L’étude menée au cours de ces travaux de thèse porte principalement sur la barge « islandaise » en dehors de la période de reproduction sur les sites d’hivernage le long de la façade atlantique Française. Contrairement à L. l. limosa, la population de L. l. islandica connaît sur l’ensemble de son aire de répartition, une expansion aussi bien en termes d’effectif qu’en nombre de sites fréquentés. La synthèse des effectifs nationaux hivernants montre que la population hivernante en France suit cette même tendance, avec une progression de 1350 à 27000 individus au cours des vingt dernières années. Actuellement, la France accueille environ 30 % de la population sur un nombre de sites grandissant mais néanmoins restreint, principalement représentés par les Réserves Naturelles littorales abritant des vasières intertidales utilisés comme zone d’alimentation. À partir de données biométriques, génétiques ou encore des historiques de vie des oiseaux équipés de bagues couleurs, les périodes de présence des deux populations sur le territoire Français ont pu être mis à jour. De plus, au sein de la sous-espèce islandaise, plusieurs durées d’hivernage en France ont été avancées, pouvant varier de 2 à 8 mois selon les individus. La phénologie des effectifs étudiée sur chacun des sites suggère une utilisation très variée des sites ainsi que de nombreux échanges entre ces sites au cours d’un même hiver. Couramment utilisée dans la compréhension de la distribution des populations d’oiseaux, la disponibilité de la ressource trophique a également été étudiée au regard du régime alimentaire de la Barge queue noire à partir d’échantillonnages de macrofaune, de collecte de fèces mais aussi d’analyses d’isotopes stables. Au cours de l’hiver, à l’échelle des Pertuis Charentais, les barges montrent deux régimes distincts mais néanmoins monospécifiques. Elles s’alimentent de rhizomes de zostères (Zostera noltii) sur les herbiers des vasières de l’Ile de Ré et de bivalves (Macoma balthica) sur les vasières nues. Au cours de l’hiver, il est supposé que la déplétion de ces ressources conduit à une redistribution des effectifs de barges sur de nouvelles zones d’alimentation voire de nouveaux reposoirs. Les deux régimes alimentaires sont majoritairement retrouvés à l’échelle de la distribution nationale des barges. Néanmoins, leurs distributions au sein des sites français dépend des caractéristiques sédimentaires, des interactions intra et interspécifiques, de la disponibilité de reposoirs de marée haute et des dérangements tels que la chasse. Ce travail a permis d’établir de solides connaissances et aboutit à la collecte de données détaillées et complémentaires qui vont permettre de tester les modèles théoriques de distribution spatiale des organismes à l’échelle d’une région de leur aire de distribution. / The Black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa is a shorebird species commonly observed in France throughout the year. Two sub-species are dissociated in West European. The so called “continental” Godwit L. l. limosa is observed in France during migration cycles and some pairs breed in marshes on the Atlantic coast; the so called “Icelandic” Godwit winters exclusively along coast of the Western Europe. This present work mainly investigates the wintering ecology of Icelandic–godwit in coastal mudflats of France. Contrarily to the continental sub-species, the whole Icelandic-godwit L. l. islandica population increased quantitatively as long as the number of sites used. In France, national counts pointed out that wintering population follows this trend and have increased from 1350 to 27000 individuals during the last twenty years. This population represents now around 30% of the whole islandica population but individuals stage in large flocks in a very limited number of sites, mainly included in Nature Reserves. From standard biometrics, molecular analyses and resighting data, phenologies of the both sub-species can then be specified for France. Furthermore, this study allowed to define how long the wintering period lasts in France for Icelandic-Godwits, between 2 and 8 months depending on individuals. Phenology at site scale suggested that godwits used several sites throughout the winter. As currently used for understanding the distribution of bird populations, trophic resource availability was studied in regard to the diet of the Black-tailed godwit from macrofauna sampling, droppings collection and stable isotope analyses. At the Pertuis Charentais scale, two feeding behaviors were clearly distinguished: seagrass grazing (Zostera notlii) or bivalve probing (Macoma balthica). Food depletion along the winter is expected to lead to the decrease of local populations, and to the selection of new feeding area or roost. Considering the distribution of the species at the national level, the diets were recorded depending on the mudflats’ characteristics. Even if food distribution is commonly used to understand at first the bird population distribution, our observations point out that, here at a local level, more parameters may influence the wintering distribution such as sediment characteristics, intra and inter-specific interactions, high tide roosts availability and human disturbances as the hunt. This work allowed to establish a solid knowledge and to collect many complementary data to test the distribution theories on the Black-tailed Godwit population wintering in France.

Habitat selection, nest predation and conservation biology in a Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) population

Johansson, Tomas January 2001 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on a black-tailed godwit (<i>Limosa limosa</i>) population, consisting of 35-40 pairs, that breeds on a grazed shore meadow on SE Gotland, Sweden. The small size of the population makes it more prone to extinction due to chance events, than a larger population.</p><p>The godwits showed microhabitat preferences when choosing nest sites. Godwit nests had higher vegetation over the nest cup, lower surrounding (1-3 m) vegetation and different plant species composition, as compared to random sites. Breeding near conspecifics or other wader species, especially lapwings (<i>Vanellus vanellus</i>) and further away from potential predator perches were the most important factors in decreasing nest predation. A comparison between different shore meadows along the east coast of the island revealed that large, open areas suffered less from nest predation. Thus, shore meadows suitable for breeding godwits should be large and without trees or other predator perches and have a grazing regime that favours variation in vegetation height.</p><p>Over 80% of previously ringed adults returned each year, but very few birds ringed as chicks were recovered. Hatching success was 55-60% for all observed nests. To predict the future of the current population, demographic data were used in an ecological risk analysis. The simulations showed that the Gotlandic population will not survive the coming 40 years without immigration.</p><p>Black-tailed godwits are divided into three subspecies. Genetic analyses (mtDNA) revealed that all subspecies had unique haplotypes and there was a clear geographic structure among subspecies. Within the <i>limosa</i> subspecies, godwits on Gotland and Öland showed a high proportion of rare haplotypes, but no genetic variation was found in Dutch birds. These results imply that black-tailed godwits on Gotland and Öland have high conservation value.</p>

Habitat selection, nest predation and conservation biology in a Black-tailed Godwit (Limosa limosa) population

Johansson, Tomas January 2001 (has links)
This thesis focuses on a black-tailed godwit (Limosa limosa) population, consisting of 35-40 pairs, that breeds on a grazed shore meadow on SE Gotland, Sweden. The small size of the population makes it more prone to extinction due to chance events, than a larger population. The godwits showed microhabitat preferences when choosing nest sites. Godwit nests had higher vegetation over the nest cup, lower surrounding (1-3 m) vegetation and different plant species composition, as compared to random sites. Breeding near conspecifics or other wader species, especially lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) and further away from potential predator perches were the most important factors in decreasing nest predation. A comparison between different shore meadows along the east coast of the island revealed that large, open areas suffered less from nest predation. Thus, shore meadows suitable for breeding godwits should be large and without trees or other predator perches and have a grazing regime that favours variation in vegetation height. Over 80% of previously ringed adults returned each year, but very few birds ringed as chicks were recovered. Hatching success was 55-60% for all observed nests. To predict the future of the current population, demographic data were used in an ecological risk analysis. The simulations showed that the Gotlandic population will not survive the coming 40 years without immigration. Black-tailed godwits are divided into three subspecies. Genetic analyses (mtDNA) revealed that all subspecies had unique haplotypes and there was a clear geographic structure among subspecies. Within the limosa subspecies, godwits on Gotland and Öland showed a high proportion of rare haplotypes, but no genetic variation was found in Dutch birds. These results imply that black-tailed godwits on Gotland and Öland have high conservation value.

Estudio experimental para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de una arena limosa con el PET reciclado en Chorrillos / Experimental study to improve the mechanical properties of a silty sand with recycled PET in Chorrillos

Paredes Gonzales, Sandra Lourdes, Ramirez Aguilar, Jorge Luis 07 September 2020 (has links)
Ante la falta de materiales que cuentan con las propiedades mecánicas necesarias para ser usados como relleno estructural en algunas zonas en donde se realizan proyectos, surge la preocupación de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas del limo arenoso. En investigaciones anteriores adicionaron fibras de acero, fibras naturales y aditivos químicos para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los suelos. Por otro lado, el deterioro ambiental que actualmente viene sufriendo nuestra sociedad a causa del consumo masivo de productos descartables como el plástico, producto que se descompone en una media de 450 años, y que está compuesto principalmente con PET (Tereftalato de polietileno). Este material al ser arrojado al medio ambiente viene afectando a los animales acuáticos y al agua. Sin embargo, están surgiendo emprendimientos para darles un uso alternativo. La presente tesis se centra en la problemática de mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de la arena limosa de las inmediaciones de los Pantanos de Villa, con la inserción del PET reciclado en porcentajes de 1% al5%. Para desarrollar la hipótesis se realizaron ensayos de granulometría del suelo, PET, y en las mezclas de suelo más PET con porcentajes de 1%, al 5%; límite de Atterberg, gravedad especifica al suelo y al PET. También, se realizaron ensayos de proctor estándar y corte directo para todas las mezclas. Finalmente, se realizaron ensayos triaxiales CD de 3.5 mm al suelo puro y al porcentaje de la mezcla que mejor comportamiento mecánico obtuvo. / Due to the lack of materials that has the necessary mechanical properties to be used as a structural filler in some zones where projects are carried out, the concern arises to improve the mechanical properties of sandy silt. In previous investigations they added steel fibers, natural fibers and chemical additives to improve the mechanical properties of soils. On the other hand, the environmental deterioration that our society is currently suffering due to the massive consumption of disposable products such as plastic, a product that decomposes in an average of 450 years, which is mainly composed of PET (polyethylene terephthalate). This material, when released into the environment, has been affecting aquatic animals and water. However, ventures are emerging to give them an alternative use. This thesis focuses on the problem of improving the mechanical properties of the silty sand in the vicinity of the Pantanos de Villa, with the insertion of recycled PET in percentages of 1% to 5%. To carry out the development of the hypothesis, they were made soil granulometry tests, PET, and in the mixtures of soil plus PET with percentages of1% to 5%; Atterberg limit, specific gravity the soil and PET. Also, Proctor Standard and Direct Cut tests will be carried out for all mixtures. Finally, 3.5 mm Triaxial CD tests were performed to the pure soil and to the percentage of the mixture that obtained the best mechanically performance. / Tesis

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