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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento e avaliação comparativa de column switching e LC-MS em escalas convencional e miniaturizada para determinação de contaminantes emergentes em água / Development and comparative evaluation of conventional and miniaturized column switching and LC-MS for the determination of emerging contaminants in water

Schwerz, Leticia 08 March 2019 (has links)
O interesse por técnicas analíticas que ofereçam a sensibilidade adequada, que sejam econômicas, ambientalmente corretas e capazes de processar rapidamente um grande número de amostras de diferentes complexidades é cada vez maior. Nesse aspecto, a utilização da LC no modo multidimensional é alternativa promissora, especialmente quando estratégias de extração e pré-concentração em fase sólida acopladas de forma on-line com a separação são exploradas, tanto em escala convencional quanto em escala miniaturizada. A ocorrência ambiental de contaminantes emergentes (EDCs) e seus impactos nas formas de vida aquática e terrestre têm sido motivo de preocupação. A quantificação desses analitos no ambiente exige métodos com limites de detecção (LDs) muito baixos, fazendo das estratégias column switching, com a inerente pré-concentração on-line, pertinentes para satisfazer as exigências na determinação desses compostos. Nesse cenário, o desenvolvimento e avaliação de estratégias column switching para determinação de contaminantes emergentes em amostras de interesse ambiental como aplicação modelo no estudo comparativo entre as escalas convencional e miniaturizada se faz impactante. Várias estratégias abrangendo column switching capilar e convencional foram investigadas. Colunas extratoras preenchidas com fases comerciais foram avaliadas, e tiveram seu desempenho testado no acoplamento com diversas colunas analíticas. Métodos em column switching capilar e convencional foram desenvolvidos e validados, tendo sido avaliadas as principais figuras de mérito. Os LQs atingidos em CS-UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS variaram de 0,001 ng mL-1 (BP e BzP) a 0,1 ng mL-1 (E3, E2 e EE2); para o método CS-cLC-ESI-MS/MS, os LQs foram maiores, variando entre 0,008 ng mL-1 (BP e BzP) a 0,8 ng mL-1 (E3, E2 e EE2). A linearidade dos métodos foi atestada avaliando-se os gráficos de resíduos, coeficiente de determinação e aplicando-se ponderações quando pertinente. A exatidão e a precisão foram investigadas, apresentando valores dentro dos critérios de aceitação. Por fim, os métodos foram aplicados em amostras ambientais aquosas coletadas em São Carlos - SP, mostrando que os métodos são adequados ao fim a que se destinam. / The interest in analytical techniques that offer adequate sensitivity, that are economical, environmentally friendly and capable of rapidly processing many samples of different complexities is increasing. In this regard, the use of LC in the multidimensional mode is a promising alternative, especially when solid phase extraction and preconcentration strategies coupled online with the separation are explored, both on a conventional scale and on a miniaturized scale. The environmental occurrence of emerging pollutants (EDCs) and their impacts on aquatic and terrestrial life forms have been of concern. Quantification of these analytes in the environment requires methods with very low detection limits (LDs), making column switching strategies with the inherent preconcentration online relevant to satisfy the requirements in determining these compounds. In this scenario, the development and evaluation of column switching strategies for the determination of emerging contaminants in samples of environmental interest as an application model in the comparative study between conventional and miniaturized scales is striking. Several strategies covering capillary and conventional column switching were investigated. Extraction columns filled with commercial phases were evaluated, and their performance was tested in the coupling with several analytical columns. Methods in capillary and conventional column switching modes were developed and validated, and the main figures of merit were evaluated. The LQs reached in CS-UHPLC-ESI-MS / MS ranged from 0.001 ng mL-1 (BP and BzP) to 0.1 ng mL-1 (E3, E2 and EE2); for the CS-cLC-ESI-MS / MS method, the LQs were higher, ranging from 0.008 ng mL-1 (BP and BzP) to 0.8 ng mL-1 (E3, E2 and EE2). The linearity of the methods was attested by evaluating the residual plots, coefficient of determination and applying weighted calibration when needed. Accuracy and precision were investigated, presenting values within the acceptance criteria. Finally, the methods were applied in samples collected in São Carlos - SP, showing that the methods are suitable for the purpose.

Polymer-Shell Bonded Phase for Improving Online LC-MS Analysis of Intact Proteins, mAbs, and ADCs

Tse-Hong Chen (7013258) 13 August 2019 (has links)
<p>LC-MS of protein drugs requires new ideas in bonded phase design rather than adapting bonded phases from the realm of small-molecule drugs. The polymer-shell bonded phase is designed to interact with larger molecules and to shield proteins from the silica substrate. The particles consist of a core of solid silica and a shell of dense polymer brush. The polymer layer is thick enough to protect the protein from interactions with silanols to reduce peak tailing. The polymer contains multiple functional groups that introduce more selectivity. This design gives unprecedented LC resolution and MS sensitivity. Our group has developed polymer shell bonded phases for hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC-MS) of antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC-MS) of glycoproteins, and reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC-MS) of monoclonal antibodies. Since HIC is not in-line compatible with MS due to the high salt levels, it is laborious to identify the constituents of HIC peaks. An MS-compatible alternative to HIC is reported here: native reversed phase liquid chromatography (nRPLC). This employs a mobile phase 50 mM ammonium acetate for high sensitivity in MS, and elution with a gradient of water/isopropanol. The nRPLC-MS data show that all ADC species, ranging from drug-to-antibody ratios of 1 to 8, remained intact and native on the column. As we adapt this concept to intact proteins, we find that lysozyme and α-chymotrypsinogen A are both eluted in their native conformations. We also use the polymer-shell concept to resolve IgG1 free thiol variants by RPLC-MS with 0.5% formic acid. Since there are always other variants besides the intended ones, the need for high MS sensitivity is desired to distinguish subtle mass change between disulfide bond and free thiols. Overall, MS sensitivity increases 10X relative while all of the thiol variants are well resolved by the polymethylmethacrylate bonded phase.</p>

Historic dye analysis : method development and new applications in cultural heritage

Troalen, Lore Gertrud January 2013 (has links)
A review of the main natural dyes (particularly yellow flavonoids and red anthraquinones) and proteinaceous substrates used in Historical Tapestries and North American porcupine quill work was undertaken, and is summarised in Chapter 1. The analysis of natural dyes which have been used on museum artefacts other than textiles has received little systematic study, particularly those of non-European origin. In this research, the use of Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) for study of natural dyes found on historical textiles and ethnographical objects decorated with porcupine quill work is explored; this required a transfer of existing analytical protocols and methodology. The advantages of using Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) was evaluated through a method development based on the separation and quantification of ten flavonoid and anthraquinone dyes as described in Chapter 2. These methods were then applied to the characterisation of the dye sources found on a group of sixteenth century historical tapestries which form an important part of the Burrell Collection in Glasgow and are believed to have been manufactured in an English workshop (Chapter 3) and also to the analysis of some late nineteenth century North American porcupine quill work from a collection owned by National Museums Scotland (Chapter 5); allowing exciting conclusions to be drawn in each case about the range of dyestuffs used in their manufacture. The second aim of this research was the development of methodology for the non-invasive quantification of metal ion residues on porcupine quill substrates. This was achieved through a comparative study of reference porcupine quills prepared in-house with dyebaths containing a range of metal ion concentrations (copper and tin). The concentration of metal ions sorbed by the porcupine quills was then quantified with Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) coupled to Optical Emission Spectrometry (OES) and non-invasive Particle Induced X-Ray Emission analysis (PIXE) coupled with Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) as described in Chapter 4. The responses provided by the different methods were compared and they were then applied to the study of micro-samples collected from mid-nineteenth century Northern Athapaskan porcupine quill work. Unexpectedly, the use of UPLC analysis and RBS-PIXE analysis allowed the characterisation of traded European natural dyes used with metallic mordants (copper and tin) on these samples, highlighting how European contact impacted on traditional Athapaskan porcupine quill work in the late nineteenth century (Chapter 5).

Isocyanates, Amines and Alkanolamines : Sampling, Chromatography and Detection

Riddar, Jakob B. January 2013 (has links)
Isocyanates, aromatic-, aliphatic- and alkanolamines are commonly used in the industry today. Millions of workers in Europe are exposed. The most frequent health symptoms are respiratory and dermal disorder. Due to the health risk most of the compounds in this thesis are regulated by authorities and have occupational exposure limits (OELs). Consequently, reliable and robust air sampling methods are urgently needed. In this thesis dry samplers for isocyanates, aliphatic- and alkanolamines have been developed and evaluated. The isocyanate sampler is now a commercial product (ASSET EZ4-NCP Dry Sampler, Supelco). The samplers were based on a denuder with a filter in series. The denuder and filter were impregnated with di-n-butylamine for the isocyanate sampler and with sulphuric acid for the aliphatic- and alkanolamine sampler. The robustness of the dry samplers was extensively evaluated. This was performed in a climate chamber containing a controlled atmosphere of the studied compounds. New methods based on hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (MSMS) were developed for determination of aromatic-, aliphatic- and alkanolamines in aqueous solutions. Isocyanates were determined by reversed-phase liquid chromatography MSMS. HILIC in combination with MS is a most powerful system, and highly sensitive determinations, several orders of magnitude below the OELs, of polar compounds present in the work environment can be accomplished. The selected samplers enable sampling during short sampling times and for whole work shifts. The samplers can be stored for months before and after sampling. The performance of the samplers was unaffected by variation in temperature, humidity, flow-rate and pre- and post-sampling of ambient air. Sampling for the compounds studied is now greatly simplified, and assessment of the work environment is facilitated. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Epub ahead of print; Papers 3-5: Manuscripts</p>

Citalopram : desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos, perfil de dissolução, separação enantiomérica e estudo preliminar de fotoestabilidade para a forma farmacêutica comprimido / Citalopram : development and validation of analytical methods, dissolution profile, enantiomeric separation and preliminary photostability study to the pharmaceutical dosage form

Menegola, Júlia January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos ensaios para a análise qualitativa do citalopram utilizando espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta, cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia líquida (CL); caracterização da SQR do citalopram por espectrometria na região do infravermelho, espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta e determinação do ponto de fusão. Foram validados métodos para determinação quantitativa do citalopram em comprimidos por espectrofotometria no UV e CL. No método espectrofotométrico o fármaco foi dissolvido em ácido clorídrico 0,1 M e sua concentração foi avaliada em 239 nm. O sistema por CL foi conduzido isocraticamente com coluna com fase reversa C18 (250 x 4,6 mm), usando fase móvel composta de solução de trietilamina 0,3%:acetonitrila (55:45, v/v), pH 6,60, com fluxo de 1,0 ml/min e detecção em 239 nm. Não houve diferença significativa entre os métodos. Desenvolveu-se e validou-se, também, teste de dissolução do fármaco em comprimido, utilizando como meio de dissolução 900 ml de ácido clorídrico 0,1 M a 37 ± 0,5 °C, aparato 1, rotação de 50 rpm e quantificação por CL. Os métodos apresentaram especificidade, linearidade, exatidão, precisão e robustez adequadas. A comparação dos perfis de dissolução com algumas formulações disponíveis no mercado evidenciaram que os produtos não apresentam perfis de dissolução semelhante ao medicamento de referência. Desenvolveu-se método de separação enantiomérica para o citalopram utilizando-se a coluna Chiral - AGPTM® e fase móvel contendo tampão acetato de amônio 100 mM:trietilamina 4 mM, pH 5,47, fluxo de 0,8 ml/min e detecção em 239 nm. Este sistema permitiu a separação dos enantiômeros com seletividade e especificidade. A cinética de fotodegradação, utilizando a lâmpada de UV em 254 nm, para os comprimidos de citalopram em solução aquosa pH 1,85, pode ser descrita como uma reação de ordem zero. / In this work were developed analitycal methods for qualitative analysis of citalopram by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography and liquid chromatography (LC). Citalopram reference standard was characterized by infrared spectrophotometry, determination of melting point and ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Quantitative Methodologies for determination of citalopram in tablets were validated by: ultraviolet spectrophotometry and LC. In the spectrophotometry method the drug was extracted in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid and its concentration was measured at 239 nm. The LC system was operated isocratically in reverse phase C18 (250 x 4.6 mm), using a mobile phase composed of triethylamine solution 0.3%:acetonitrile (55:45, v/v), pH 6.60, at a flow rate of 1.0 ml.min-1 and detection at 239 nm. No significant difference between the results obtained by the two methods. Moreover, a method for the dissolution test of citalopram in tablets was developed and validated. Dissolution studies were conducted by basket method at 37 ± 0.5 °C in 900 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid at 50 rpm and the quantification was achieved by LC. These three methods showed good specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness. The dissolution profile comparison with some available commercial formulations evidenced that the profiles were not similar to the reference product. The enantiomeric separation of citalopram was developed using a Chiral - AGPTM® column and a mobile phase composed of 100 mM ammonium acetate buffer and 4 mM triethylamine, pH 5.47, at a flow rate of 0.8 ml.min-1 and detection at 239 nm. This system showed good enantiomeric separation with selectivity and specificity. The kinetics of photodegradation under UV light at 254 nm to citalopram in water pH 1.85 solution, can be described by zero-order kinetics.

Development and application of dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction for the determination of tetracyclines in meat by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

Mookantsa, Sandy Oshi Squizer 02 1900 (has links)
An environmentally friendly, rapid and cost effective analytical procedure based on dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction was developed for the determination of six tetracyclines (TCs) in meat destined for human consumption. Meat extracts were analyzed for TCs using a sensitive and selective analytical technique, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Various influencing factors on the extraction, separation and determination of TCs such as pH of mobile phases, type and volume of disperser solvent, type and volume of extraction solvent and sample pH were optimized. Validation parameters such as calibration function, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), detection capability (CCα), decision limit (CCβ), accuracy and precision were established according to EU commission decision 2002/657/EC. Linearity in the range of 25-200 μg kg-1 was obtained with regression coefficients ranging from 0.9991 to 0.9998. Recoveries of spiked blank muscle samples at three levels (i.e. 50, 100 and 150 μg kg-1) ranged from 80 to 101% and reproducibility was between 2 and 7%. The LODs and LOQs ranged from 2.22 to 3.59 μg kg-1 and from 7.38 to 11.49 μg kg-1 respectively. The CCα ranged from 105 to 111 μg kg-1 while CCβ ranged from 107 to 122 μg kg-1. The proposed method compared well with the dispersive solid phase extraction method and was successfully applied to the determination of TCs in meat samples. Some of the thirty bovine muscle samples obtained from local abattoirs and butcheries were found to contain two tetracycline antibiotics residues (chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline) with oxytetracycline being the most commonly detected. The concentration levels of the TC residues detected in the eleven bovine muscle samples were between 12.4 and 68.9 μg kg-1, levels that are lower than the European Union set maximum residue level (MRL) of 100 μg kg-1 hence the meat was fit for human consumption. / Chemistry / M. Sc. (Chemistry)

Citalopram : desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos, perfil de dissolução, separação enantiomérica e estudo preliminar de fotoestabilidade para a forma farmacêutica comprimido / Citalopram : development and validation of analytical methods, dissolution profile, enantiomeric separation and preliminary photostability study to the pharmaceutical dosage form

Menegola, Júlia January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos ensaios para a análise qualitativa do citalopram utilizando espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta, cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia líquida (CL); caracterização da SQR do citalopram por espectrometria na região do infravermelho, espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta e determinação do ponto de fusão. Foram validados métodos para determinação quantitativa do citalopram em comprimidos por espectrofotometria no UV e CL. No método espectrofotométrico o fármaco foi dissolvido em ácido clorídrico 0,1 M e sua concentração foi avaliada em 239 nm. O sistema por CL foi conduzido isocraticamente com coluna com fase reversa C18 (250 x 4,6 mm), usando fase móvel composta de solução de trietilamina 0,3%:acetonitrila (55:45, v/v), pH 6,60, com fluxo de 1,0 ml/min e detecção em 239 nm. Não houve diferença significativa entre os métodos. Desenvolveu-se e validou-se, também, teste de dissolução do fármaco em comprimido, utilizando como meio de dissolução 900 ml de ácido clorídrico 0,1 M a 37 ± 0,5 °C, aparato 1, rotação de 50 rpm e quantificação por CL. Os métodos apresentaram especificidade, linearidade, exatidão, precisão e robustez adequadas. A comparação dos perfis de dissolução com algumas formulações disponíveis no mercado evidenciaram que os produtos não apresentam perfis de dissolução semelhante ao medicamento de referência. Desenvolveu-se método de separação enantiomérica para o citalopram utilizando-se a coluna Chiral - AGPTM® e fase móvel contendo tampão acetato de amônio 100 mM:trietilamina 4 mM, pH 5,47, fluxo de 0,8 ml/min e detecção em 239 nm. Este sistema permitiu a separação dos enantiômeros com seletividade e especificidade. A cinética de fotodegradação, utilizando a lâmpada de UV em 254 nm, para os comprimidos de citalopram em solução aquosa pH 1,85, pode ser descrita como uma reação de ordem zero. / In this work were developed analitycal methods for qualitative analysis of citalopram by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography and liquid chromatography (LC). Citalopram reference standard was characterized by infrared spectrophotometry, determination of melting point and ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Quantitative Methodologies for determination of citalopram in tablets were validated by: ultraviolet spectrophotometry and LC. In the spectrophotometry method the drug was extracted in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid and its concentration was measured at 239 nm. The LC system was operated isocratically in reverse phase C18 (250 x 4.6 mm), using a mobile phase composed of triethylamine solution 0.3%:acetonitrile (55:45, v/v), pH 6.60, at a flow rate of 1.0 ml.min-1 and detection at 239 nm. No significant difference between the results obtained by the two methods. Moreover, a method for the dissolution test of citalopram in tablets was developed and validated. Dissolution studies were conducted by basket method at 37 ± 0.5 °C in 900 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid at 50 rpm and the quantification was achieved by LC. These three methods showed good specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness. The dissolution profile comparison with some available commercial formulations evidenced that the profiles were not similar to the reference product. The enantiomeric separation of citalopram was developed using a Chiral - AGPTM® column and a mobile phase composed of 100 mM ammonium acetate buffer and 4 mM triethylamine, pH 5.47, at a flow rate of 0.8 ml.min-1 and detection at 239 nm. This system showed good enantiomeric separation with selectivity and specificity. The kinetics of photodegradation under UV light at 254 nm to citalopram in water pH 1.85 solution, can be described by zero-order kinetics.

Citalopram : desenvolvimento e validação de métodos analíticos, perfil de dissolução, separação enantiomérica e estudo preliminar de fotoestabilidade para a forma farmacêutica comprimido / Citalopram : development and validation of analytical methods, dissolution profile, enantiomeric separation and preliminary photostability study to the pharmaceutical dosage form

Menegola, Júlia January 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram desenvolvidos ensaios para a análise qualitativa do citalopram utilizando espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta, cromatografia em camada delgada e cromatografia líquida (CL); caracterização da SQR do citalopram por espectrometria na região do infravermelho, espectrofotometria na região do ultravioleta e determinação do ponto de fusão. Foram validados métodos para determinação quantitativa do citalopram em comprimidos por espectrofotometria no UV e CL. No método espectrofotométrico o fármaco foi dissolvido em ácido clorídrico 0,1 M e sua concentração foi avaliada em 239 nm. O sistema por CL foi conduzido isocraticamente com coluna com fase reversa C18 (250 x 4,6 mm), usando fase móvel composta de solução de trietilamina 0,3%:acetonitrila (55:45, v/v), pH 6,60, com fluxo de 1,0 ml/min e detecção em 239 nm. Não houve diferença significativa entre os métodos. Desenvolveu-se e validou-se, também, teste de dissolução do fármaco em comprimido, utilizando como meio de dissolução 900 ml de ácido clorídrico 0,1 M a 37 ± 0,5 °C, aparato 1, rotação de 50 rpm e quantificação por CL. Os métodos apresentaram especificidade, linearidade, exatidão, precisão e robustez adequadas. A comparação dos perfis de dissolução com algumas formulações disponíveis no mercado evidenciaram que os produtos não apresentam perfis de dissolução semelhante ao medicamento de referência. Desenvolveu-se método de separação enantiomérica para o citalopram utilizando-se a coluna Chiral - AGPTM® e fase móvel contendo tampão acetato de amônio 100 mM:trietilamina 4 mM, pH 5,47, fluxo de 0,8 ml/min e detecção em 239 nm. Este sistema permitiu a separação dos enantiômeros com seletividade e especificidade. A cinética de fotodegradação, utilizando a lâmpada de UV em 254 nm, para os comprimidos de citalopram em solução aquosa pH 1,85, pode ser descrita como uma reação de ordem zero. / In this work were developed analitycal methods for qualitative analysis of citalopram by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, thin layer chromatography and liquid chromatography (LC). Citalopram reference standard was characterized by infrared spectrophotometry, determination of melting point and ultraviolet spectrophotometry. Quantitative Methodologies for determination of citalopram in tablets were validated by: ultraviolet spectrophotometry and LC. In the spectrophotometry method the drug was extracted in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid and its concentration was measured at 239 nm. The LC system was operated isocratically in reverse phase C18 (250 x 4.6 mm), using a mobile phase composed of triethylamine solution 0.3%:acetonitrile (55:45, v/v), pH 6.60, at a flow rate of 1.0 ml.min-1 and detection at 239 nm. No significant difference between the results obtained by the two methods. Moreover, a method for the dissolution test of citalopram in tablets was developed and validated. Dissolution studies were conducted by basket method at 37 ± 0.5 °C in 900 ml of 0.1 M hydrochloric acid at 50 rpm and the quantification was achieved by LC. These three methods showed good specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness. The dissolution profile comparison with some available commercial formulations evidenced that the profiles were not similar to the reference product. The enantiomeric separation of citalopram was developed using a Chiral - AGPTM® column and a mobile phase composed of 100 mM ammonium acetate buffer and 4 mM triethylamine, pH 5.47, at a flow rate of 0.8 ml.min-1 and detection at 239 nm. This system showed good enantiomeric separation with selectivity and specificity. The kinetics of photodegradation under UV light at 254 nm to citalopram in water pH 1.85 solution, can be described by zero-order kinetics.

Incorporacao e liberacao de resveratrol em hidrogeis polimericos / Resveratrol immobilization and release in polymeric hydrogels

MOMESSO, ROBERTA G.R.A.P. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:27:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:04:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Resveratrol (3, 4, 5-trihidroxiestilbeno) é um polifenol produzido por uma grande variedade de plantas em resposta ao estresse e encontrado predominantemente em cascas de uvas. Este princípio ativo apresenta vários benefícios à saúde, como a capacidade antioxidante, relacionada à prevenção de diversos tipos de câncer e do envelhecimento precoce da pele. No entanto, apresenta baixa biodisponibilidade quando administrado por via oral, o que torna interessante sua aplicação tópica. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi a incorporação de resveratrol em hidrogéis poliméricos para obtenção de um sistema de liberação utilizado topicamente contra o desenvolvimento de desordens cutâneas, como o envelhecimento cutâneo e o câncer de pele. As matrizes poliméricas compostas por poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona) (PVP), poli(etileno glicol) (PEG) e ágar ou PVP e propano-1,2,3-triol (glicerina) e irradiadas a 20 kGy foram caracterizadas pelos ensaios de fração gel e intumescimento; sua biocompatibilidade preliminar foi avaliada in vitro por meio do ensaio de citotoxicidade utilizando o método de incorporação do vermelho neutro. Devido à baixa solubilidade do resveratrol em água, verificou-se o efeito da adição de 2% de etanol às matrizes. Todas as matrizes estudadas, contendo ou não álcool, apresentaram alto grau de reticulação, capacidade de intumescimento e não apresentaram toxicidade em ensaio preliminar de biocompatibilidade. Os dispositivos foram obtidos pela incorporação de resveratrol nas matrizes poliméricas, realizada de forma direta e indireta, ou seja, antes e após irradiação, respectivamente. Os dispositivos obtidos pelo método direto foram submetidos aos ensaios de fração gel, intumescimento e citotoxicidade e apresentaram-se semelhantes às respectivas matrizes. Os dispositivos contendo 0,05% de resveratrol obtidos pelo método direto e os dispositivos contendo 0,1% de resveratrol obtidos pelo método indireto foram submetidos ao ensaio de cinética de liberação durante 24 h. A quantificação do resveratrol liberado foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC). Apenas os dispositivos obtidos pelo método indireto apresentaram capacidade de liberar o resveratrol incorporado, que apresentou capacidade antioxidante após liberação. / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Desenvolvimento, validação e aplicação de metodologia para determinação de edulcorantes por HPLC / Development, validation and application of methodology for determination of sweeteners by HPLC

Pane, Daniela de Queiroz, 1977- 19 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Teixeira Godoy / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia de Alimentos / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T15:35:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pane_DanieladeQueiroz_D.pdf: 2989651 bytes, checksum: 1f92009c2aa35df54d0c45737049c170 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Foi desenvolvido um novo método, eficiente e econômico, para a análise simultânea de cinco edulcorantes em alimentos (acessulfame-k, sacarina, ciclamato, aspartame e neotame) pela técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC). O método foi validado e aplicado em diferentes produtos da categoria &quot;light¿, &quot;diet¿ e &quot;zero¿, sendo esses refrigerantes, néctares, pós para preparo de refresco, pudins, cappuccinos, achocolatados, geléias, gelatina, molho tipo &quot;barbecue¿, catchup e adoçantes de mesa. Para tanto, utilizou-se uma coluna C18, fase móvel composta por fase aquosa (5 mM de tampão fosfato de sódio monobásico; pH 7) e fase orgânica (acetonitrila), eluição por gradiente, vazão de 0,4 mL.min-1 e temperatura de 56ºC. Os edulcorante apresentaram adequada linearidade na faixa de trabalho. A repetitividade, a precisão intermediária e os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram adequados para os cinco edulcorantes. As taxas de recuperação variaram entre 85,2% e 101,4%, para as diferentes matrizes avaliadas. O método apresentou uma limitação para as amostras contendo cacau, onde não foi possível determinar o ciclamato em virtude da presença de um interferente. Até três edulcorantes utilizados em combinação foram encontrados nas amostras, sendo acessulfame-k e aspartame os mais comumente empregados. As amostras de pudim sabor chocolate, molho tipo &quot;catchup¿ e molho tipo &quot;barbecue¿ apresentaram concentrações de edulcorantes acima do permitido pela legislação brasileira. As amostras de refrigerante sabor limão, sabor guaraná, tipo cola e de refresco em pó, embora estivessem atendendo a legislação, apresentaram teor de edulcorantes acima do declarado no rótulo. O método desenvolvido por HPLC foi comparado a uma metodologia por cromatografia líquida de ultra eficiência (UPLC) e apresentou maior robustez e menor custo em comparação ao desenvolvimento para UPLC. Já o método por UPLC demonstrou baixo consumo de solventes, tempo curto de análise, menores limites de detecção e de quantificação, no entanto, maior custo devido ao preparo das amostras e à coluna, solventes, reagentes e filtros envolvidos nas análises / Abstract: We developed a new method, efficient and economical, for the simultaneous analysis of five sweeteners in foods (acesulfame K, saccharin, cyclamate, aspartame and neotame) technique for high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The method was validated and applied to different products in the "light", "diet" and "zero", and these soft drinks, nectars, powders for preparation of soft drinks, puddings, cappuccino, chocolate, jams, jelly, sauce type "barbecue" , ketchup and tabletop sweeteners. To both, we used a C18 column, mobile phase consisting of aqueous phase (5 mM sodium phosphate buffer monobasic; pH 7) and organic phase (acetonitrile), gradient elution, flow of 0.4 mL.min-1 and temperature of 56 º C. The sweetener showed acceptable linearity in the range of work. The repeatability, intermediate precision and limits of detection and quantification were adequate for the five sweeteners. Recovery rates ranged between 85.2% and 101.4% for the different matrices evaluated. The method has a limitation for samples containing cocoa, which was not possible to determine cyclamate because of the presence of an interferer. Up to three sweeteners used in combination were found in the samples, with aspartame and acesulfame-k the most commonly employed.Samples of chocolate pudding flavored sauce like "ketchup" sauce like "barbecue" sweeteners showed concentrations above those permitted by Brazilian law. Samples of lemon-flavored soda, flavored guarana, cola and powdered drink mixes, although they were given the rules presented above sweeteners content declared on the label. The method developed HPLC method was compared to an ultra performance liquid chromatographic efficiency (UPLC) and showed greater robustness and lower cost compared to developing for UPLC. Have the method by UPLC demonstrated low consumption of solvents, short time of analysis, lower limits of detection and quantification, however, higher cost due to preparation of samples and the column, solvents, reagents and filters involved in the analyzes / Doutorado / Ciência de Alimentos / Doutor em Ciência de Alimentos

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