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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jugando Ando

Agüero Hermoza, Carola Cintia, Alvarado Cueva, Luis Miguel, García Cabrera, Ana Hilda, Peña Herrera, Kenggit Jacqueline, Soberón Asanza, Carmen Marola Amelia 06 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto empresarial consiste en la comercialización de kits educativos para niños en edad inicial, inicialmente ubicados en Lima metropolitana. Estos Kits constan de juguetes didácticos y clases por medio de nuestra plataforma virtual llamada Jugando Ando. El motivo por el cual estamos llevando este proyecto a cabo es porque hemos detectado que en este último siglo la tecnología se ha vuelto un eje importante para nuestras vidas, sobre todo para los niños que forman parte de la nueva generación Alpha. Generación compuesta por nativos digitales que ven en la tecnología como una manera de ver el mundo. Por este motivo, si bien los medios tecnológicos dentro del núcleo familiar son considerados como un distractor para ellos, podrían ser de gran importancia como medio de enseñanza para su desarrollo. Por ese motivo, deseamos contribuir al brindar contenido educativo de calidad a través de internet y así con ello poder generar mayor demanda en el mercado. En este sentido, para llevar a cabo este cometido e iniciar nuestro negocio contamos con capital propio, sin embargo, requeriremos de un accionista inversor que cubra el 16.67% del total de las acciones con un monto de 19,367 soles. Tal monto estará destinado como inyector de capital para los próximos periodos según el incremento de ventas. Creemos que nuestro proyecto tendrá el éxito deseado porque según nuestros análisis, este es atractivamente rentable para los accionistas. De igual manera, porque Jugando Ando se mantendrá en constante innovación con nuestros servicios y lanzamientos de nuevos productos. / This business project consists of the commercialization of educational kits for children of the initial age, initially located in metropolitan Lima. These Kits consist of educational toys and classes through our virtual platform called Jugando Ando. The reason why we are carrying out this project is because we have found that in the last century technology has become an important axis in our lives, especially for children who are part of the new Alpha generation. Generation is made up of digital natives who see technology as a way of seeing the world. For this reason, although technological means within the family nucleus are considered a distraction for them, they could be of great importance as a means of teaching for their development. For this reason, we want to contribute by providing quality educational content through the internet and thus be able to generate greater demand in the market. In this sense, to carry out this task and start our business we have our own capital, however we will require an investor shareholder that covers 16.67% of the total shares with an amount of s/ 19,367 soles. This amount will be used as a capital injector for the next period according to the sales grow. We believe that our project will be successful because according to our analysis, it is attractively profitable for shareholders. And, because Jugando Ando will keep in constant innovation with our services and new product launches. / Trabajo de investigación

La « Ludo-simulation » : étude de la simulation comme matière créative dans la construction d’un jeu de survie

Ravenelle, Christopher 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à étudier les jeux de survie par l’entremise du prisme de la simulation. La plupart des jeux vidéo publiés aujourd’hui présentent des structures « atypique » de jeu qui libère le joueur de toute contrainte prescriptive au profit d’un joué plus expressif. Minecraft (Mojang 2010) est un exemple notoire ne proposant pas formellement ses modalités de jeu au joueur, ce qui confronte les formes ludiques plus traditionnelles telles que le jeu ou le sport dont les objectifs sont d’ordinaire plus commodes à déterminer. Cette tendance des jeux d’aujourd’hui à imposer un pouvoir-faire complexe sans nécessairement prescrire un devoir-faire associé est à la base de plusieurs questionnements encore en suspens. S’imposer une perspective simulationnelle au profit des études du jeu permet de répondre à plusieurs de ces interrogations en focalisant l’attention de recherche autour des modalités du faire présentes dans la structure plutôt que sur les prescriptions d’usages qui tendent de plus en plus à s’effacer. Le motif de ce travail est de réfléchir aux apports de la simulation dans un corpus de six jeux de survie pour étudier l’hybridation faite entre le jeu et la simulation afin de comprendre comment une approche ludique augmente la créativité de la simulation qui, à son tour, multiplie la complexité praticable du jeu. Pour ce faire, nous construisons d’abord des bases théoriques pour aborder la question de la simulation. Ensuite, un exposé de la survie en jeu vidéo est offert au chapitre deux visant à bien saisir comment le sujet est modélisé dans le médium. Notre présentation méthodologique au chapitre trois explique comment nous avons recueilli nos données que nous analysons selon le paradigme interprétatif au chapitre quatre. L’objectif est de proposer deux nouveaux concepts pour les études du jeu : la Ludo-simulation en tant que posture de recherche et le Survivaliste vidéoludique comme posture de joueur. Ces deux concepts sont définis plus en détail au chapitre un et deux respectivement et discutés au chapitre quatre. / This master thesis aims to study the survival game genre through the prism of the simulation. Most of the computer games published today present atypical game structures with a tendency to liberate the player from any prescribed constraint for the benefit of a more expressive play. Minecraft (Mojang, 2010) is a prime example not explicitly offering “modalities of play” to the player, confronting most of the more traditional ludic forms, like game or sport, in which objectives are usually more convenient to determine. This tendency of games to develop complex agencies without necessarily prescribing an associated “must do” is the basis of several ongoing questions. Imposing a simulation perspective for the benefit of game studies makes possible to answer several of these questions by focusing research attention on the broader “modalities of doing” rather than on the prescriptions of uses which tend more and more to disappear. The objective of this work is to reflect on the contributions of simulation in a corpus of six survival games in order to study the crossing between game and simulation to understand how a game perspective increases the creativity of a simulation which, in turn, increases the practicable complexity of the game. In order to achieve this, we first develop the necessary theoretical foundation to tackle the question of simulation. Then, an exposition of survival in games is offered in chapter 2 in order to fully understand how the subject is modelled inside the medium. Our methodological presentation in chapter 3 aims to develop a descriptive introduction of the results and an interpretative analysis of the survival of the corpus in chapter 4. The objective of this work is to advance two new concepts for video game studies: Ludic-simulation as a research posture and the Videogame survivalist as a player posture. These two concepts are further defined in chapters 1 and 2 and questioned in chapter 4.

Actividades lúdicas para el trabajo de equidad de género con adolescentes

Arizola Baca, María Lucía, Ganoza Luna, Camila del Carmen 25 November 2021 (has links)
Este estudio tuvo como finalidad diseñar y evaluar un conjunto de actividades lúdicas para trabajar la equidad de género con adolescentes. Para ello se utilizó la metodología de la investigación-acción, en la cual fue integrada la reflexión y el análisis de las experiencias que se realizaron en el ámbito educativo. Para ello, se aplicó un programa de intervención a un grupo de adolescentes entre los 14 y 15 años. En éste se trabajó los conocimientos sobre equidad de género, roles de género y brechas de género, a través de actividades lúdicas. Los principales hallazgos evidencian que los juegos lúdicos son herramientas que proveen muchos beneficios y coadyuvan en el proceso de comunicación, permiten una adecuada mejora del aprendizaje e incrementan un mayor interés en los estudiantes sobre diversos temas. / The purpose of this study was to design and evaluate a set of recreational activities to work on gender equality with adolescents. For this, the action-research methodology was used, in which the reflection and analysis of those carried out in the educational field was integrated. Therefore, an intervention program was applied to a group of adolescents between 14 and 15 years of age. In this, knowledge about gender equity, gender roles and gender gaps was worked through, through recreational activities. The main findings show that playful games are tools that provide many benefits as an aid in the communication process, allow an adequate improvement of learning and increase a greater interest in students on various topics. / Tess

Superheroes and Shamanism: Magic and Participation in the Comics of Grant Morrison

Bavlnka, Timothy 08 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Phantom Physicalizations Reinterpreting Dreams Through Physical Representation

Olislagers, Vincent January 2012 (has links)
This thesis begins with a philosophical question: What if we could amplify our waking experience with the aesthetic qualitiesof dreams? Through a discourse on experiential dream related aspects in philosophy, design and daily life it examines what itmeans, and has meant, to dream, and how these qualities already permeate the physical world. I hypothesize that objects capable of representing dream related physiological data as physical output have the potential to amplify our waking experience. To formulate a set of considerations for the design of such objects, an ethnographic study of dream experience, comprising a survey, a cultural probe study and interviews, has been conducted. The text concludes by exploring how dream elements like ambiguity, synesthetic sensibility, and affective self-exploration may benefit interaction design, raising questions about how digital media can facilitate personal, meaningful experiences.

Histoire formelle du jeu d’aventure sur ordinateur (le cas de l’Amérique du Nord de 1976-1999)

Lessard, Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’évolution formelle du jeu d’aventure de 1976 à 1999. Elle se propose de mieux comprendre les facteurs historiques contribuant à l’apparition du genre, son institution et ses transformations. La recherche est fondée sur l’analyse du discours de la presse spécialisée en jeux d’ordinateur et d’un corpus étendu d’œuvres. L’une des thèses proposées est que l’identité générique du jeu d’aventure est fondée sur une expérience vidéoludique demeurant relativement constante malgré des variations importantes de formes. Cette expérience est assurée par la reproduction des principaux éléments d’une architecture générale de design de jeu inaugurée par Adventure en 1977. Les variations formelles ponctuelles résultent d’une négociation entre la volonté de s’adapter aux changements de contexte de l’écologie du jeu d’ordinateur et la résistance d’une architecture ludique établie. La pertinence d’une histoire d’un genre vidéoludique est justifiée au premier chapitre en fonction de l’état actuel des connaissances sur l’histoire du jeu vidéo et du jeu d’aventure. On y précise également le cadre théorique, la méthodologie et les sources étudiées. Le deuxième chapitre s’intéresse à la genèse d’Adventure de Crowther et Woods (1976; 1977) en fonction des diverses pratiques culturelles dans lesquelles l’œuvre s’inscrit. Cette analyse permet d’en dégager l’architecture ludique. Le troisième chapitre porte sur le « tournant narratif » du jeu d’aventure ayant lieu au début des années 1980. On y décrit différents facteurs historiques poussant le genre vers l’enchâssement d’histoires pré-écrites afin d’en faire un véhicule narratif. Le quatrième chapitre décrit le contexte du « tournant graphique », passage du jeu d’aventure d’une représentation textuelle à un régime visuel, ainsi que ses conséquences expérientielles. Le « tournant ergonomique » décrit au cinquième chapitre traite de l’apparition du modèle « pointer et cliquer » en fonction des avancées des connaissances concernant les interactions humain-machine ainsi que de la maturation du design de jeu comme pratique autonome. Le dernier chapitre relate l’apogée du jeu d’aventure au début de la révolution multimédia sous ses formes de film interactif et « Myst-like » puis du ralentissement – voire de l’arrêt – de son évolution formelle. / This dissertation examines the formal evolution of adventure games from 1976 to 1999. It aims at understanding the genre’s emergence, its institution and transformations. The research is based on the parallel analysis of computer game magazine discourse and a large corpus of games. One of its main theses is that adventure games’ generic identity is founded on a relatively stable gameplay experience despite important formal variations. This experience is maintained by the reproduction of a general game design architecture initiated by Adventure in 1977. Specific historical models of the adventure game are the product of a negociation between developers’ efforts to adapt to changes in computer game ecology and the resistance of an established ludic architecture. In the first chapter, the research project is justified considering the current state of knowledge pertaining to digital game history in general and adventure games in particular. The theoretical framework, methodology and source materials are also detailed. The second chapter offers a fresh look at Crowther and Woods’Adventure (1976; 1977) in terms of the network of cultural practices in which it was developed. This analysis helps mapping the outlines of the game’s videoludic architecture. The third chapter describes the genre’s « narrative turn » taking place in the early 1980s. It describes the various historical factors pushing the genre as a narrative vehicle by embedding structured pre-written stories. The context of adventure games’ transition from a textual to a visual representation – and its experiential consequences – is the subject of the fourth chapter on the genre’s « graphical turn ». The « ergonomical turn » described in the fifth chapter relates the institution of the « point & click » model to contemporary advances in human-computer interaction as well as to the maturation of video game design as an autonomous practice. The last chapter gives an account of adventure games’ heyday on the onset of the multimedia revolution through the interactive film and “Myst-like” forms, followed by the slowdown – or even standstill – of its formal evolution.

Língua portuguesa e ludicidade: ensinar brincando não é brincar de ensinar

Almeida, Paulo Nunes de 24 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T19:34:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Paulo Nunes de Almeida.pdf: 611903 bytes, checksum: d59dc45aec42350969d17c119b193c88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-24 / This study presents a panorama of the use of ludic activities in the Portuguese language teaching and learning and emphasizes the use of games and plays at school in order to improve children s knowledge about their mother tongue and their roles in society. In order to achieve its goals, it presents the origins of the word ludic, its historical aspects and the Process of Cognitive Development formulated by Piaget. It also presents some ludic activities to be used at school to facilitate the Portuguese language teaching in a way children effectively learn school subjects and feel comfortable and motivated to learn. As a theoretical feature, this study is based on de Brougère (2002), Brunner (1974, 1977, 1986 and 2001), Chateau (1987), Freire (1977, 1983 and 1989), Piaget (1973 and 1990), Piaget & Inhelder (1974 and 1968), Snyders (1974, 1988 and 1993), Vygotsky (1987, 2000 and 2001) / O presente trabalho apresenta um panorama do uso de atividades lúdicas no ensino e aprendizagem de Língua Portuguesa e enfatiza o uso de jogos e brincadeiras na escola, com o intuito de aumentar o conhecimento das crianças acerca de sua língua-mãe e de seus papéis no seio da sociedade em que vivem. Para tanto, apresenta as origens da palavra lúdico e seu uso na educação e, em seguida, fornece informações acerca das fases de desenvolvimento das crianças, segundo a teoria piagetiana. Apresenta, também, algumas atividades lúdicas que podem ser utilizadas na escola para facilitar o ensino de Língua Portuguesa, de forma que a criança apreenda os conteúdos escolares relativos à aprendizagem da língua português e se sintam motivadas durante o processo de aprendizagem. Como ferramenta teórica, abarca, sobretudo, os estudos de Brougère (2002), Brunner (1974, 1977, 1986 e 2001), Chateau (1987), Freire (1977, 1983 e 1989), Piaget (1973 e 1990), Piaget & Inhelder (1974 e 1968), Snyders (1974, 1988 e 1993), Vygotsky (1987, 2000 e 2001)


Landó, Sônia Luci Zimmermann 20 March 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:54:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sonia Luci Zimmermann Lando.pdf: 3057659 bytes, checksum: 44eaf1d6102f10a89865884b13924a92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-20 / The study aimed to investigate practices of teaching with play activities in early childhood education in nursery school and their role in mental and emotional development of children. Such activities were understood as part of those knowledge, skills and attitudes to be internalized by children at this age, in schools. The research was an application of a teaching experiment which content was to carry out ludics activities aimed at changing students' mental actions in relation to expected levels of mental and emotional development. The research was based on theoretical historicalcultural theory and the theory of developmental teaching of V. Davidov. The accomplishment of the experiment and its analysis allowed to proving the effectiveness of the professor in the progress of the mental processes of children requiring, however, firm and determined actions of the teacher, a minimal structure of class organization to carry on teaching activities and students and unrestricted respect for social, cultural and psychological of children needs. / O estudo teve por objetivo investigar práticas de ensino com atividades lúdicas na Educação Infantil em creche e seu papel no desenvolvimento mental e afetivo das crianças. Tais atividades foram entendidas como parte integrante daqueles conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes a serem internalizadas por crianças dessa faixa etária, em escolas. A pesquisa consistiu da aplicação de um experimento didáticoformativo, cujo conteúdo foi a realização de atividades lúdicas visando mudanças nas ações mentais dos alunos em relação a níveis esperados de desenvolvimento mental e afetivo. A investigação teve como base teórica a teoria histórico-cultural e a teoria do ensino desenvolvimental de V. Davidov. A realização do experimento e sua análise permitiram comprovar a eficácia do trabalho da professora no progresso dos processos mentais das crianças exigindo-se, no entanto, atuação firme e determinada da professora, uma estrutura mínima de organização da classe para levar em frente as atividades docentes e discentes e respeito irrestrito às características sociais, culturais e psicológicas das crianças.

Histoire formelle du jeu d’aventure sur ordinateur (le cas de l’Amérique du Nord de 1976-1999)

Lessard, Jonathan 06 1900 (has links)
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’évolution formelle du jeu d’aventure de 1976 à 1999. Elle se propose de mieux comprendre les facteurs historiques contribuant à l’apparition du genre, son institution et ses transformations. La recherche est fondée sur l’analyse du discours de la presse spécialisée en jeux d’ordinateur et d’un corpus étendu d’œuvres. L’une des thèses proposées est que l’identité générique du jeu d’aventure est fondée sur une expérience vidéoludique demeurant relativement constante malgré des variations importantes de formes. Cette expérience est assurée par la reproduction des principaux éléments d’une architecture générale de design de jeu inaugurée par Adventure en 1977. Les variations formelles ponctuelles résultent d’une négociation entre la volonté de s’adapter aux changements de contexte de l’écologie du jeu d’ordinateur et la résistance d’une architecture ludique établie. La pertinence d’une histoire d’un genre vidéoludique est justifiée au premier chapitre en fonction de l’état actuel des connaissances sur l’histoire du jeu vidéo et du jeu d’aventure. On y précise également le cadre théorique, la méthodologie et les sources étudiées. Le deuxième chapitre s’intéresse à la genèse d’Adventure de Crowther et Woods (1976; 1977) en fonction des diverses pratiques culturelles dans lesquelles l’œuvre s’inscrit. Cette analyse permet d’en dégager l’architecture ludique. Le troisième chapitre porte sur le « tournant narratif » du jeu d’aventure ayant lieu au début des années 1980. On y décrit différents facteurs historiques poussant le genre vers l’enchâssement d’histoires pré-écrites afin d’en faire un véhicule narratif. Le quatrième chapitre décrit le contexte du « tournant graphique », passage du jeu d’aventure d’une représentation textuelle à un régime visuel, ainsi que ses conséquences expérientielles. Le « tournant ergonomique » décrit au cinquième chapitre traite de l’apparition du modèle « pointer et cliquer » en fonction des avancées des connaissances concernant les interactions humain-machine ainsi que de la maturation du design de jeu comme pratique autonome. Le dernier chapitre relate l’apogée du jeu d’aventure au début de la révolution multimédia sous ses formes de film interactif et « Myst-like » puis du ralentissement – voire de l’arrêt – de son évolution formelle. / This dissertation examines the formal evolution of adventure games from 1976 to 1999. It aims at understanding the genre’s emergence, its institution and transformations. The research is based on the parallel analysis of computer game magazine discourse and a large corpus of games. One of its main theses is that adventure games’ generic identity is founded on a relatively stable gameplay experience despite important formal variations. This experience is maintained by the reproduction of a general game design architecture initiated by Adventure in 1977. Specific historical models of the adventure game are the product of a negociation between developers’ efforts to adapt to changes in computer game ecology and the resistance of an established ludic architecture. In the first chapter, the research project is justified considering the current state of knowledge pertaining to digital game history in general and adventure games in particular. The theoretical framework, methodology and source materials are also detailed. The second chapter offers a fresh look at Crowther and Woods’Adventure (1976; 1977) in terms of the network of cultural practices in which it was developed. This analysis helps mapping the outlines of the game’s videoludic architecture. The third chapter describes the genre’s « narrative turn » taking place in the early 1980s. It describes the various historical factors pushing the genre as a narrative vehicle by embedding structured pre-written stories. The context of adventure games’ transition from a textual to a visual representation – and its experiential consequences – is the subject of the fourth chapter on the genre’s « graphical turn ». The « ergonomical turn » described in the fifth chapter relates the institution of the « point & click » model to contemporary advances in human-computer interaction as well as to the maturation of video game design as an autonomous practice. The last chapter gives an account of adventure games’ heyday on the onset of the multimedia revolution through the interactive film and “Myst-like” forms, followed by the slowdown – or even standstill – of its formal evolution.

Comportamento lúdico de crianças pré-termo e seu desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor

Rombe, Patrícia Gonçalves 17 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:44:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4166.pdf: 640336 bytes, checksum: 80394a2355787e24b01541f7afc91b93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-17 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The birth of a child preterm and with low birth weight is considered one of the main risk factors that can lead to changes and delays in neuro-psychomotor development. Among these changes are the difficulties in motor, learning, and visual-motor integration areas, as well as sensory and perceptive problems that alone or in combination, ultimately will impact the child's social participation, especially in carrying out activities of daily living, school and play. Considering playing as the main activity for children, this study aimed to investigate possible correlations between the performance of the ludic behavior of children with a history of preterm birth and their neuro-psychomotor development. We tried to understand this phenomenon in the pre-school period, in order to produce knowledge in a preventive perspective in relation to schooling. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Universidad Federal de São Carlos. It is a descriptive and correlational study involving 52 children divided into three groups: Study group GI (consisting of 12 children with a history of prematurity and low birth weight at risk of developmental delay detected), Study group GII (consisting for 14 children with a history of prematurity and low birth weight without developmental delay detected) and the comparison group GIII (without the mentioned history and with 26 children from the same socioeconomic class according to the classification made by the Criteria Questionnaire Brazil). Three methods were used to perform the evaluations: TSDD-II (Screening Test Denver II), the EPP-DP (teacher s perception scale on student s performance and participation in the school environment), and ELPK-rb (Knox s Pre-school Ludic Scale - Revised). The first test was used to compose samples, the second to raise the awareness of teachers of the development of children, and the latter to the specific assessment of ludic behavior. The data were analyzed quantitatively in order to verify the presence of significant differences in ludic behavior in the three groups. To verify the significance of possible associations between groups of preterm and term infants, with the results obtained from the TSDD-II, we chose Fisher s Exact Test. After verifying the association between the variables of interest, we used the Kruskal-Wallis Test in order to ascertain whether or not differences exist between the scores obtained by the classes of variables in the ELPK-rb participation fields. The results of this study revealed that from a detailed analysis of the play behavior of children, that is, the way the play you can identify the presence of changes in global development, as well as in more specific areas of human development. Regarding the performance of children with a history of prematurity ande risk for developmental delay 8% had unsatisfactory results and 17% were assessed as having a partially satisfactory performance, something that was not repeted in the other groups analyzed, which had in most cases very satisfactory performances. A similar picture was observed when analyzing the performance of children in fine motor activities, where children with a history of prematurity had inferior performances to those of children born at term, principally when comparing the results obtained from children of group GI with those obtained from children in group GIII. Regarding the results obtained in evaluating the ELPK-rb participation field, lmost all children from groups GI, GII and GIII presented co-operative play behavior, or would rather play only with other children. Another factor that draws our attention when observing the results of participation fields, was the presence of a greater difficulty for children with a history of prematurity and risk for developmental delay in playing games with simple rules (being that 17% did not show the expected behavior and 25% played tentatively). Still with respect to the participation field, when analyzing the results related to the language area it was observed, again, a lower performance among children with a history of prematurity, especially among children in group GI, when compared to children born at term. Regarding the children s performance in the ELPK-rb field of make believe/symbolic games, it was noted that children of the group GI obtained results lower tah those of children from GII and GIII, especially in sub-items interprets more complex emotions and demonstrates function in the games for or with others . By establishing the association between the results obtained by the groups in ELPK-rb, with those presented in TSDD-II, it was observed that there are changes in play behavior of children with a history of prematurity, due to possible delays in neuro-psychomotor development, once working with all comparisons involved, the results presented by children in strata 1 (with a history of prematurity and risk for developmental delay) differed from the children in strata 4 (born at term and with the presence of caution ). However, we cannot say that the presence of risk for developmental delay detected by TSDD-II, as well as changes in play behavior of children are unique conseqyuences of prematurity, but that they results from multiple factors that add up and influence, concomitantly, the development of motor, cognitive, psychological, and social skills of children. It is confirmed then, that pratical education, health, and social skills of children. It is confirmed then, that pratical education, health, and the promoting of development occur in conjunction, contributing to the detection of risk factors and promoting the quality of interactions and the environment in which children are placed. In this sense, it is necessary to invest in the training of educators/caregivers/pages, since they can provide protective factors in children s development, minimizing/offsetting the negative effects arising from the presence of social and biological risk factors through play, as this constitutes one of the main activities performed by children in preschool, and whose primary essence is the promotion of cognitive and bio-psychomotor development in the subjects. To give children opportunities to play is to give them much more than the act itself, because it provides to each of them a better perspective of life and natural and healthy development. / O nascimento da criança pré-termo é considerado um dos principais fatores de risco que pode levar às alterações e atrasos no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Dentre estas alterações estão as dificuldades nas áreas motoras, de aprendizagem, da integração visomotora, problemas sensoriais e perceptivos que isolados ou de forma combinada, acabam por repercutir na participação social da criança, especialmente na realização das atividades da vida diária, escolar e no brincar. Considerando-se o brincar como uma das principais atividades infantis, o presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar possíveis associações entre o desempenho do comportamento lúdico de crianças com histórico de prematuridade ao nascimento e seu desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Buscou-se compreender este fenômeno na etapa pré-escolar, ou seja, no momento exato em que antecede a escolaridade formal (ingresso no ensino fundamental) a fim de se produzir conhecimentos numa perspectiva preventiva em relação à escolarização. A presente pesquisa fora aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Trata-se de um estudo analítico, observacional, e de coorte retrospectivo, composto por 52 crianças distribuídas em três grupos: Grupo de estudo GI (constituído por 12 crianças com histórico de prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascimento com risco para atraso no desenvolvimento detectado); Grupo de estudo GII (constituído por 14 crianças com histórico de prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascimento sem atraso no desenvolvimento detectado) e o Grupo Comparado-GIII (sem o referido histórico) composto por 26 crianças pertencentes a mesma classe socioeconômica de acordo com a classificação realizada por meio do Questionário Critério Brasil). Para realização das avaliações foram utilizados três instrumentos: TSDD-II (Teste de Triagem Denver II), a EPPDP (Escala de percepção dos professores sobre o desempenho e participação do aluno no ambiente escolar), e a ELPK-rb (Escala Lúdica Pré-escolar de Knox-Revisada). O primeiro instrumento foi utilizado para definir a composição das amostras, o segundo com o objetivo de aferir a percepção dos professores frente ao desenvolvimento das crianças, e o último para realizar a avaliação específica do comportamento lúdico. Os dados coletados foram analisados de forma quantitativa, no intuito de se verificar a presença de diferenças significativas no comportamento lúdico em relação aos três grupos. Para verificar a significância de possíveis associações entre os grupos de prematuros e crianças nascidas a termo, com os resultados obtidos a partir do TSDD-II, optou-se pelo Teste Exato de Fisher. Depois de verificada a associação entre as variáveis de interesse, foi empregado o teste de Kruskal-Wallis no intuito de verificar a existência, ou não, de diferenças entre os escores obtidos pelas classes de variáveis analisadas, nos domínios da ELPK-rb. Os resultados deste estudo revelaram que a partir de uma análise detalhada do comportamento lúdico das crianças, ou seja da maneira como elas brincam, é possível identificar a presença de alterações no desenvolvimento global, como também em áreas mais específicas do desenvolvimento humano. Em relação ao desempenho das crianças nas atividades que envolvem a coordenação motora global, observou-se que entre as crianças com histórico de prematuridade e risco para atraso no desenvolvimento 8% obtiveram resultados insatisfatórios e 17% foram avaliadas como tendo um desempenho parcialmente satisfatório, o que não se repetiu nos demais grupos analisados, os quais obtiveram na maioria dos casos rendimento muito satisfatórios. Um quadro semelhante foi observado ao se analisar o desempenho das crianças nas atividades motoras finas, onde as crianças com histórico de prematuridade apresentaram um desempenho inferior aos das crianças nascidas a termo, principalmente ao se comparar os resultados obtidos pelas crianças do grupo GI com os obtidos pelas crianças do grupo GIII. Em relação aos resultados obtidos na avaliação do domínio da participação da ELPK-rb, a quase totalidade das crianças dos grupos GI, GII e GIII apresentaram um brincar cooperativo, ou seja, preferiam brincar com outras crianças do que só. Outro fator que nos chama a atenção ao observar os resultados referentes ao domínio da participação, foi a presença de uma maior dificuldade das crianças com histórico de prematuridade e risco para atraso no desenvolvimento em participar de jogos com regras simples (uma vez que 17% não apresentaram o comportamento esperado e 25% o realizaram de forma hesitante). Ainda com relação ao domínio da participação, ao se analisar os resultados referentes à área da linguagem observou-se, novamente, um desempenho inferior entre as crianças com histórico de prematuridade, principalmente entre as crianças do grupo GI, quando comparadas às crianças nascidas a termo. Sobre o desempenho das crianças no domínio do faz-de-conta/jogo simbólico da ELPK-rb, notou-se que as crianças do grupo GI obtiveram resultados inferiores aos das crianças dos grupos GII e GIII, principalmente nos subitens interpreta emoções mais complexas e desempenha função nas brincadeiras para/ou com os outros . Ao realizar a associação entre os resultados obtidos pelos grupos na ELPK-rb, com os apresentados no TSDD-II, observou-se que há alterações no comportamento lúdico das crianças com histórico de prematuridade, decorrentes de possíveis atrasos no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor, uma vez em todas as comparações realizadas, os resultados apresentados pelas crianças do estrato 1 (com histórico de prematuridade e risco para atraso no desenvolvimento) diferiram das crianças do estrato 4 (nascidas a termo e com presença de cautelas ). No entanto, não é possível afirmar que a presença de risco para atraso no desenvolvimento detectado pelo TSDD-II, bem como as alterações no comportamento lúdico das crianças sejam conseqüências exclusivas da prematuridade, mas sim que são decorrentes de múltiplos fatores que se somam e influenciam, concomitantemente, no processo de desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras, cognitivas, psicológicas, e sociais das crianças. Confirma-se, então, a necessidade das práticas de educação, saúde e promoção do desenvolvimento ocorrer em conjunto, contribuindo para a detecção de fatores de risco e para a promoção da qualidade das interações e do ambiente em que as crianças encontram-se inseridas. Neste sentindo, é necessário realizar investimentos na capacitação de educadores/cuidadores/pajens, uma vez que estes podem constituir-se em fatores protetivos ao desenvolvimento das crianças, minimizando/anulando os efeitos negativos advindos da presença de fatores de riscos sociais e biológicos mediante a estimulação das habilidades que englobam o desenvolvimento infantil, principalmente através do brincar, já que este se constitui como uma das principais atividades realizadas pelas crianças em idade pré-escolar, e cuja essência primordial é a promoção do desenvolvimento biopsicomotor e cognitivo dos sujeitos. Ao oferecer às crianças a possibilidades de brincar, dá-se a estas muito mais que o ato em si mesmo, pois proporciona-se a cada uma delas uma perspectiva melhor de vida e um desenvolver de forma natural e saudável.

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