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Automated Pulmonary Nodule Detection on Computed Tomography Images with 3D Deep Convolutional Neural NetworkBroyelle, Antoine January 2018 (has links)
Object detection on natural images has become a single-stage end-to-end process thanks to recent breakthroughs on deep neural networks. By contrast, automated pulmonary nodule detection is usually a three steps method: lung segmentation, generation of nodule candidates and false positive reduction. This project tackles the nodule detection problem with a single stage modelusing a deep neural network. Pulmonary nodules have unique shapes and characteristics which are not present outside of the lungs. We expect the model to capture these characteristics and to only focus on elements inside the lungs when working on raw CT scans (without the segmentation). Nodules are small, distributed and infrequent. We show that a well trained deep neural network can spot relevantfeatures and keep a low number of region proposals without any extra preprocessing or post-processing. Due to the visual nature of the task, we designed a three-dimensional convolutional neural network with residual connections. It was inspired by the region proposal network of the Faster R-CNN detection framework. The evaluation is performed on the LUNA16 dataset. The final score is 0.826 which is the average sensitivity at 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 false positives per scan. It can be considered as an average score compared to other submissions to the challenge. However, the solution described here was trained end-to-end and has fewer trainable parameters. / Objektdetektering i naturliga bilder har reducerates till en enstegs process tack vare genombrott i djupa neurala nätverk. Automatisk detektering av pulmonella nodulärer är vanligtvis ett trestegsproblem: segmentering av lunga, generering av nodulärkandidater och reducering av falska positiva utfall. Det här projektet tar sig an nodulärdetektering med en enstegsmodell med hjälp av ett djupt neuralt nätverk. Pulmonella nodulärer har unika karaktärsdrag som inte finns utanför lungorna. Modellen förväntas fånga dessa drag och enbart fokusera på element inuti lungorna när den arbetar med datortomografibilder. Nodulärer är små och glest föredelade. Vi visar att ett vältränat nätverk kan finna relevanta särdrag samt föreslå ett lågt antal intresseregioner utan extra för- eller efter- behandling. På grund av den visuella karaktären av det här problemet så designade vi ett tredimensionellt s.k. convolutional neural network med residualkopplingar. Projektet inspirerades av Faster R-CNN, ett nätverk som utmärker sig i sin förmåga att detektera intresseregioner. Nätverket utvärderades på ett dataset vid namn LUNA16. Det slutgiltiga nätverket testade 0.826, vilket är genomsnittlig sensitivitet vid 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, och 8 falska positiva per utvärdering. Detta kan anses vara genomsnittligt jämfört med andra deltagande i tävlingen, men lösningen som föreslås här är en enstegslösning som utför detektering från början till slut och har färre träningsbara parametrar. / La détection d’objets sur les images naturelles est devenue au fil du temps un processus réalisé de bout en bout en une seule étape grâce aux évolutions récentes des architectures de neurones artificiels profonds. En revanche, la détection automatique de nodules pulmonaires est généralement un processus en trois étapes : la segmentation des poumons (pré-traitement), la génération de zones d’intérêt (modèle) et la réduction des faux positifs (post-traitement). Ce projet s’attaque à la détection des nodules pulmonaires en une seule étape avec un réseau profond de neurones artificiels. Les nodules pulmonaires ont des formes et des structures uniques qui ne sont pas présentes en dehors de cet organe. Nous nous attendons à ce qu’un modèle soit capable de capturer ces caractéristiques et de se focaliser uniquement sur les éléments à l’intérieur des poumons alors même qu’il reçoit des images brutes (sans segmentation des poumons). Les nodules sont petits, peu fréquents et répartis aléatoirement. Nous montrons qu’un modèle correctement entraîné peut repérer les éléments caractéristiques des nodules et générer peu de localisations sans pré-traitement ni post-traitement. Du fait de la nature visuelle de la tâche, nous avons développé un réseau neuronal convolutif tridimensionnel. L’architecture utilisée est inspirée du méta-algorithme de détection Faster R-CNN. L’évaluation est réalisée avec le jeu de données du challenge LUNA16. Le score final est de 0.826 qui représente la sensibilité moyenne pour les valeurs de 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 et 8 faux positifs par scanner. Il peut être considéré comme un score moyen comparé aux autres contributions du challenge. Cependant, la solution décrite montre la faisabilité d’un modèle en une seule étape, entraîné de bout en bout. Le réseau comporte moins de paramètres que la majorité des solutions.
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Assessment of lung damages from CT images using machine learning methods. / Bedömning av lungskador från CT-bilder med maskininlärningsmetoder.Chometon, Quentin January 2018 (has links)
Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world and its finding is mainly incidental. New technologies and more specifically artificial intelligence has lately acquired big interest in the medical field as it can automate or bring new information to the medical staff. Many research have been done on the detection or classification of lung cancer. These works are done on local region of interest but only a few of them have been done looking at a full CT-scan. The aim of this thesis was to assess lung damages from CT images using new machine learning methods. First, single predictors had been learned by a 3D resnet architecture: cancer, emphysema, and opacities. Emphysema was learned by the network reaching an AUC of 0.79 whereas cancer and opacity predictions were not really better than chance AUC = 0.61 and AUC = 0.61. Secondly, a multi-task network was used to predict the factors altogether. A training with no prior knowledge and a transfer learning approach using self-supervision were compared. The transfer learning approach showed similar results in the multi-task approach for emphysema with AUC=0.78 vs 0.60 without pre-training and opacities with an AUC=0.61. Moreover using the pre-training approach enabled the network to reach the same performance as each of single factor predictor but with only one multi-task network which saves a lot of computational time. Finally a risk score can be derived from the training to use this information in a clinical context.
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