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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Influence of Visual Art in the Brand Communication of Exclusive Streetwear Brands

Soybelli, Tugba 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.


Allen, Nia J. 17 June 2021 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of Non-Profit, Ethical Fashion and the Employment of Artisans

White, Taylor Lauren 25 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Rebranding of luxury fashion brands : A case study of how to communicate rebranding to younger consumers

Lyppert, Emma Mathilda January 2021 (has links)
Abstract Background: The luxury fashion brands need to rebrand themselves towards the younger consumers. In 2025 Millennials and Generation Z will represent approximately 55% of the market for luxury products. The exclusive brands need to adapt to this target group. Rebranding requires considerable investments with different rebranding methods and new marketing channels and there is no guarantee of a successful outcome. It is important to understand what the new desired target group appreciates. According to previous research, the right type of marketing is important for the companies rebranding to reach their desired target group. However, there is a gap in the scientific research between which marketing strategies are most efficient for the luxury companies to reach the younger consumers. Purpose: The purpose with this research is to investigate from a marketer’s perspective how younger consumers perceive rebranding and marketing of luxury fashion brands by looking at the communication of the rebranding towards the consumers. Which rebranding methods and marketing channels are efficient towards the younger consumers? Methodology: A qualitative case study has been made with four case companies. To find out what companies have done in their rebranding, data have been collected from the chosen companies’ websites and from other fashion industry related websites. Semi-structured interviews with younger consumers have also been made in order to find out how they experience the luxury brands rebranding and marketing? Findings: The findings suggest that it is efficient for the luxury fashion brands to hire a new creative director and create a new style in the assortment. They should keep their old, famous, iconic logo and monogram. If it somehow must be changed, they need to create a new unique one and avoiding an already existing font. It is also efficient to created new collections with entry-level products for the brand, such as accessories and ready-to-wear collections. When it comes to marketing of the rebranding, social media, celebrity endorsement, collaborations, traditional stores, TV and TV-series, are efficient communication channels to use. The best way is to show the luxury clothes and accessories on influencers via Instagram. Marketing through fashion magazines is still good but the luxury fashion brands do not need to put as much emphasis on that as they did before. Conclusion: If the luxury brands work with these efficient rebranding methods and marketing channels they will most likely succeed in reaching their new younger target groups. The rebranding methods are: A new creative director and a new style, accessories and ready-to-wear collections, new logo and new monogram. The marketing channels are: social media, celebrity endorsement, collaborations, movies and TV-series, editorial placements and traditional stores.

Analyse des pratiques d'intégration verticale par les entreprises du luxe en France et en Italie. Illustration dans le secteur textile-habillement-cuir / Vertical Integration by luxury firms in France and Italy. Illustration in the textile-clothing-leather sector

Delpal, Franck 28 June 2017 (has links)
Contrairement au mouvement d’externalisation constaté depuis plusieurs décennies dans le secteur textile-habillement-cuir, les entreprises appartenant au segment du luxe affichent un degré d’intégration verticale de plus en plus poussé. Ce travail de thèse s’attache à mettre en lumière les causes et les conséquences de cette stratégie en mobilisant les concepts et les méthodes de l’économie industrielle.Le fonctionnement spécifique de l’industrie du luxe nous amène à privilégier une approche micro-économique basée sur des données qualitatives et quantitatives recueillies sur 21 entreprises, ainsi que des modèles économétriques menées sur 18 d’entre elles.Cette thèse montre que la stratégie d’intégration verticale mise en œuvre par les entreprises répond en premier lieu à une recherche d’efficience productive et de captation de rente. Elle a eu pour effet de renforcer les barrières à l’entrée existantes sur le segment du luxe et contribué à accroître les performances des acteurs installés. / Unlike the outsourcing trend stated during the last decades in the textile-apparel-leather sector, luxury-fashion firms show in increasing degree of vertical integration. This thesis’ aim is to reveal the objectives and effects of this strategic move using the concepts and methods of industrial economics.The specific behavior of the luxury industry lead us to choose a microeconomic approach, based on quantitative and qualitative data gather on 21 luxury companies, and empirical statistical tests carried out on 18 firms.Results show that the main justification for a greater level of integration is the search for efficiency and rent-seeking strategies. This strategy led to higher barriers to entry on the luxury market and increased performances for installed firms.

The Analysis of Factors affect the Female Consumer Behavior in China’s Luxury Goods Market

Wenxi, Lyu, Yi, Gong January 2020 (has links)
China's luxury market plays an increasingly important role on the world stage. And females are termed as the most massive consumers of luxury goods in China. Understanding consumer behavior is the gateway for luxury goods companies to target China's female market. There is a lack of study of Chinese female consumers on the luxury market; the primary purpose of this study is to research what factors affect female consumer behavior on the luxury goods markets in China.   In order to do the research, a qualitative study has been conducted via doing semi-structured interviews with ten Chinese females aged between 35-45 and who own luxury bags. Thematic analysis was applied in this study and connected with the human behavior model closely and deeply.   The study revealed that attitude to behavior is an essential factor for female consumers to purchase luxury goods. The behavioral and control beliefs are consistent with the needs of status, which also influence Chinese female consumers. Therein Chinese culture is an undeniable factor affecting them. However, normative beliefs have little impact in this field. These findings are favorable for Luxury companies to make appropriate female consumer-oriented marketing strategies in China’s luxury goods market.

A importância da interação dos influenciadores digitais na postagem de marcas de luxo em redes sociais digitais : uma análise do mercado brasileiro /

Takamitsu, Helen Tatiana January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: José Alcides Gobbo Junior / Resumo: Com as novas formas de interação e de consumo surgidas com o advento da internet e das redes sociais digitais tem sido importante identificar os atores mais influentes e centrais da rede, dentre estes, os de maior destaque são os influenciadores digitais. Esse profissional fortaleceu a aplicação do marketing de influência, que está atrelado à estratégia de marketing das marcas e à gestão delas nas redes sociais digitais. As marcas de luxo, descobriram o impacto de longo alcance e o potencial de viralização da informação que a aproximação com influenciadores pode promover para seus produtos e assim começaram a investir em ações de marketing e campanhas direcionadas exclusivamente para o Instagram, o grande desafio é mensurar a eficácia e a popularidade das postagens. Tendo em vista o cenário apresentado, busca-se estudar empiricamente se as propriedades estruturais da rede das marcas de luxo e a interação de atores com alto índice de centralidade impactam a popularidade dos posts das marcas de luxo brasileiras no Instagram. Para atingir o objetivo de pesquisa foram analisados os perfis oficiais do Instagram de vinte e seis marcas nacionais desse segmento, com dados coletados por web scraping. Os influenciadores da rede foram identificados com o uso da análise de redes e os dados foram analisados por meio da regressão linear múltipla. A teoria de influência social e a teoria de redes serviram de base para o estudo. Como resultado foi identificado que a presença do influenciador... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: With the new forms of interaction and consumption that emerged with the advent of the internet and digital social networks, it has been important to identify the most influential and central actors in the network, among which the most prominent are the digital influencers. This professional strengthened the application of influence marketing, which is linked to the brands' marketing strategy and their management in digital social networks. Luxury brands have discovered the far-reaching impact and potential for viralization of information that the approach to influencers can promote for their products and thus began to invest in marketing actions and campaigns aimed exclusively at Instagram, the big challenge is how to measure the effectiveness and popularity of posts. Given the scenario presented, we seek to empirically study whether the structural properties of the luxury brand network and the interaction of actors with a high centrality index impact the popularity of Brazilian luxury brand posts on Instagram. To reach the research objective, the official Instagram profiles of twenty-six Brazilian luxury brands were analyzed, with data collected through web scraping. Network influencers were identified using network analysis and the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The theory of social influence and the theory of networks served as the basis for the study. As a result, it was identified that the presence of the influencer with the highest centrality index... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Staying Exclusively Connected : A qualitative study on how the modern luxury consumer experience luxury brands in a social media environment

Pålsson, Josefine, Holtmo, Hannah January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to study how the modern luxury consumer, Generation Z, experiences luxury brands in a social media environment. The theoretical framework presents previous research that has been on the topics of luxury brands, Gen Z, social media and consumer experience. Since the consumer's perspective was of main interest for this study, this thesis was implemented through a qualitative study which was carried through by ten qualitative interviews with Generation Z respondents with the interview based on findings from chosen literature. Previous research stated that the relationship between social media and luxury brands can be beneficial yet very complicated if not done properly and with the right measures. A thematic analysis was chosen as a tool for analyzing the collection of qualitative data along with the previous theoretical framework. The presented theory together with the empirical findings resulted in presenting a relationship between the three topics: Luxury Brands, Gen Z and Social media. A relationship that based on composition affects which type of Consumer Experience consumers will have in today's prevailing online environment. The study led to the conclusion that there is indeed a paradox in terms of the expected experience versus the actual experience for luxury brands online and that Gen Z does experience the relationship between the brand and social media to be contradictory. / Syftet med detta examensarbete var att studera hur den moderna lyxkonsumenten, Generation Z, upplever lyxvarumärken i en sociala medier miljö. Det teoretiska ramverket presenterar tidigare forskning som har behandlat ämnena lyxvarumärken, Gen Z, sociala medier och konsumentupplevelse. Eftersom konsumentens perspektiv var av huvudintresse, genomfördes denna undersökning genom en kvalitativ studie. Denna implementerades genom tio kvalitativa intervjuer med Generation Z respondenter där intervjuguiden var baserad på resultat från vald litteratur. Tidigare forskning har konstaterat att förhållandet mellan sociala medier och lyxmärken kan vara fördelaktigt men ändå mycket komplicerat om det inte görs på rätt sätt och med rätt åtgärder. En tematisk analys valdes som ett verktyg för att analysera insamlingen av kvalitativ data tillsammans med det tidigare teoretiska ramverket. Den presenterade teorin tillsammans med de empiriska resultaten resulterade i att presentera en relation mellan de tre ämnena: Lyxvarumärken, Gen Z och Sociala medier. En relation som beroende på sammansättningen av de olika komponenterna påverkar vilken typ av konsumentupplevelse konsumenter kommer att ha i dagens rådande onlinemiljö. Studien mynnade ut i slutsatsen att det verkligen finns en motsägelse när det gäller den förväntade upplevelsen kontra den faktiska upplevelsen för lyxmärken online och att Gen Z upplever förhållandet mellan varumärket och sociala medier som motsägelsefullt.

Luxemosphere characteristics in luxury fashion e-commerce : Preserving the luxury atmosphere online / Luxemosphere egenskaper i lyxmode e-handel : Bevara den lyxiga atmosfären online

Khayyami, Tiffany, Amin, Amina January 2022 (has links)
In today's society, the consumption of luxury goods online has increased rapidly over the last decade, and most luxury brands are established online. One of the main challenges is to offer a truly luxurious experience that every customer wants to have fulfilled, not only in a physical store but also online. Luxury brands need to know how to create the luxurious environment consumers expect while operating in the luxury online atmosphere. The challenge also involves exploring what elements the luxury atmosphere consists of. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate which elements of luxury fashion e-commerce could provide a sense of luxemosphere. The data analyzed to find the necessary characteristics of the luxemosphere for luxury fashion e-commerce was retrieved by literature review, interviews, and were further explored by prototyping. Primarily the findings suggest that there should be significant differences between conventional and luxury fashion e-commerce. Mainly the study supports that layout, image, and chat are important elements of high relevance for the luxurious atmosphere. In addition, the findings bring forth the advantages that follow the use of an extravagant homepage. Furthermore, the study presents a summary of the core results as preliminary guidelines for achieving luxemosphere. The findings provide researchers, designers, and brand managers guidance for designing luxury fashion e-commerce. Further research is essential on different aspects and for a more conclusive development of the preliminary guidelines of luxemosphere for luxury fashion e-commerce. / I dagens samhälle har konsumtionen av lyxvaror online ökat snabbt under det senaste decenniet och de flesta lyxvarumärken är etablerade online. En huvudutmaning är att kunna erbjuda en lyxig upplevelse som varje kund vill ha uppfylld, inte bara i en fysisk butik utan även online. Lyxvarumärken måste ha kunskap om hur man etablerar den lyxiga miljön som konsumenterna förväntar sig när de verkar i den lyxiga online atmosfären. Utmaningen innebär dessutom behovet av att utforska vilka element lyxatmosfären består av. Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse om vilka element inom lyxmode e-handel som skapar en känsla av ”luxemosphere”. Data som analyserades för att hitta de nödvändiga egenskaperna hos ”luxemosphere” för lyxig mode e-handel hämtades genom litteraturstudie, intervjuer och utforskades ytterligare genom prototypframställning. I första hand tyder resultaten på att det borde finnas betydande skillnader mellan konventionell och lyxig mode-e-handel. Studien stödjer främst att layout, bild och chatt är viktiga delar av hög relevans för den lyxiga atmosfären. Dessutom lyfter resultaten fram de fördelar som följer med användningen av en extravagant startsida. Vidare presenterar studien en utvald sammanfattning av kärnresultaten som preliminära riktlinjer för att uppnå ”luxemosphere”. Resultaten ger forskare, designers och varumärkesansvariga vägledning för att designa lyxig mode e-handel. Ytterligare forskning är väsentlig inom olika aspekter och för en mer övertygande utveckling av de preliminära riktlinjerna för ”luxemosphere” för lyxig e-handel.

To sell or not to sell : An exploratory study about the motivational drivers and barriers of reselling personal luxury goods

Soiniitty, Anu, Sittig, Lisa January 2020 (has links)
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to explore the consumer resale behaviour of Millennial consumers in the context of personal luxury goods in order to identify the motivational drivers and barriers of reselling. Prior discussions about resale behaviour have focused on disposition behaviour, the relation of resale behaviour and purchasing, as well as meanings associated with reselling personal luxury goods. Yet, only few studies have approached consumer resale behaviour from the perspective of possessing, thus neglecting the significance of resale barriers. Consequently, this paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of resale behaviour motivations by exploring the phenomenon from the view of the whole consumption cycle, consisting of purchasing, possessing and disposing. Design/methodology/approach – This research employed a qualitative, exploratory approach, including thematic analysis using empirical data from semi-structured interviews with ten European Millennials. Consumer resale behaviour was examined in the context of personal luxury goods. Findings – Results indicate that personal luxury goods are reluctantly disposed, but chiefly resold when given away. The motivations to resell or not to resell personal luxury items are exhibiting three types of reasoning: utilitarian, hedonic and social motivations. Based on the categorisation of resale drivers and barriers, the authors propose a conceptual model to show the individual motivations. Highly notable is the phase of possession, which has a strong influence on the decision of whether to engage in reselling or not. Originality/value – The paper discusses the relevance of each phase of the consumption cycle when studying consumer resale behaviour motivations. More, it challenges the ‘end of ownership’ approach and suggests luxury brands to consider the weight of possessing if applying such business models.

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