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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exposants de Lyapunov d’opérateurs de Schrödinger ergodiques / Lyapunov exponents of ergodic Schrödinger operators

Metzger, Florian 08 June 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de traiter de deux aspects différents de la théorie de l'exposant de Lyapunov de cocycles de Schrödinger définis par une dynamique ergodique. Dans la première partie, on s'intéresse aux estimées de grandes déviations de type Bourgain & Goldstein pour des cocycles quasi-périodiques, puis pour ceux définis par le doublement de l'angle. Après avoir montré que seule une estimée par dessus sur une bande complexe est nécessaire pour avoir la minoration, on redémontre cette inégalité pour une dynamique quasi-périodique en utilisant des techniques de mouvement brownien en lien avec des fonctions sous-harmoniques. Ensuite on adapte la méthode au cas du doublement de l'angle pour lequel on prouve des estimées de grandes déviations sur les branches inverses de cette dynamique. Dans la deuxième partie sont étudiés des cocycles de Schrödinger dont la dynamique est une somme de dynamiques quasi-périodique et aléatoire. On démontre que, dans le régime perturbatif, les développements asymptotiques de l'exposant de Lyapunov attaché à ces cocycles sont similaires à ceux déjà démontrés dans le cas aléatoire par Figotin & Pastur ou Sadel & Schulz-Baldes. L'analyse se fait en fonction du caractère diophantien ou résonant de l'énergie par rapport à la fréquence diophantienne de la partie quasi-périodique du potentiel. / In this thesis we are interested in the Lyapunov exponent of ergodic Schrödinger cocycles. These cocycles occur in the analysis of solutions to the Schrödinger equation where the potential is defined with ergodic dynamics. We study two distinct aspects related to the the Lyapunov exponent for different kinds of dynamics. First we focus on a large deviation theorem for quasi-periodic cocycles and then for potentials defined by the doubling map. We prove that estimates of Bourgain & Goldstein type are granted if an upper estimate involved in the theorem is true on a strip of the complex plane. Then we establish a new technique to prove this upper bound in the quasi-periodic setting, based on subharmonic arguments suggested by Avila, Jitomirskaya & Sadel. We adapt afterwards the method to the doubling map and prove a large deviation theorem for the inverse branches of this dynamics. In the second part, we establish an asymptotic development similar to the results of Figotin & Pastur and Sadel & Schulz-Baldes for the Lyapunov exponent of Schrödinger cocycles at small coupling when the potential is a mixture of quasi-periodic and random. The analysis distinguishes the cases when the energy is either diophantine or resonant with respect to the frequency of the quasi-periodic part of the potential.

Contraction de cônes complexes multidimensionnels / Contraction of complex multidimensional cones

Novel, Maxence 30 November 2018 (has links)
L'objet de cette thèse est l'introduction, l'étude et l'utilisation des cônes complexes multidimensionnels. Dans un premier temps, nous étudions la grassmannienne des espaces de Banach. Nous définissons une notion de bonne décomposition pour les espaces de dimension p et nous démontronsl'équivalence entre la distance de Hausdorff sur la grassmannienne et la distance fournie par une norme sur l'algèbre extérieure.Dans un deuxième temps, nous définissons les cônes complexes p-dimensionnels ainsi qu'une jauge sur les sous-espaces de dimension p de ces cônes. Nous montrons alors un principe de contraction pour cette jauge. Cela nous permet de prouver, pour un opérateur contractant un tel cône, l'existence d'un trou spectral séparant les p valeurs propres dominantes du reste du spectre. Nous utilisons cette théorie pourdémontrer un théorème de régularité analytique pour les exposants de Lyapunov d'un produit aléatoire d'opérateurs contractant un même cône.Nous donnons également une comparaison entre la distance de Hausdorff entre espaces vectoriels et notre jauge.Enfin, nous introduisons une notion de cône dual pour les cônes p-dimensionnels. Dans ce cadre, nous prouvons que les propriétéstopologiques d'un cône se traduisent en propriétés topologiques sur son dual, et réciproquement. Nous complétons le théorème de régularitéprécédent en démontrant l'existence et la régularité d'une décomposition de l'espace en "espace lent" et "espace rapide". / The subject of this thesis is the introduction, the study and the applications of multidimensional complex cones. First, we study the grassmannian of Banach space. We define a notion of right decomposition for p-dimensional spaces and we prove the equivalence between theHausdorff distance on the grassmannian and the distance given by a norm on the exterior algebra.Then, we define p-dimensional complex cones and a gauge on the subspaces of dimension p of these cones. We show a contraction principle for thisgauge. This allows us to prove, for an operator contracting such a cone, the existence of a spectral gap which isolate the p leading eigenvaluesfrom the rest of the spectrum. We use this theory to prove a theorem of analytic regularity for Lyapunov exponents of a random product ofoperators contracting a cone. We also give a comparison between the Hausdorff distance for vector spaces and our gauge.Finally, we introduce a notion of dual cone for p-dimensional cones. In this setting, we prove that the topological properties of a cone translateinto topological properties for its dual and conversely. We complete the previous regularity theorem by proving the existence and the regularity ofa dominated splitting of the space into a "fast space" and a "slow space".

Inertial Gradient-Descent algorithms for convex minimization / Algorithmes de descente de gradient inertiels pour la minimisation convexe.

Apidopoulos, Vasileios 11 October 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’étude des méthodes inertielles pour résoudre les problèmes de minimisation convexe structurés. Depuis les premiers travaux de Polyak et Nesterov, ces méthodes sont devenues très populaires, grâce à leurs effets d’accélération. Dans ce travail, on étudie une famille d’algorithmes de gradient proximal inertiel de type Nesterov avec un choix spécifique de suites de sur-relaxation. Les différentes propriétés de convergence de cette famille d’algorithmes sont présentées d’une manière unifiée, en fonction du paramètre de sur-relaxation. En outre, on étudie ces propriétés, dans le cas des fonctions lisses vérifiant des hypothèses géométriques supplémentaires, comme la condition de croissance (ou condition de Łojasiewicz). On montre qu’en combinant cette condition de croissance avec une condition de planéité (flatness) sur la géométrie de la fonction minimisante, on obtient de nouveaux taux de convergence. La stratégie adoptée ici, utilise des analogies du continu vers le discret, en passant des systèmes dynamiques continus en temps à des schémas discrets. En particulier, la famille d’algorithmes inertiels qui nous intéresse, peut être identifiée comme un schéma aux différences finies d’une équation/inclusion différentielle. Cette approche donne les grandes lignes d’une façon de transposer les différents résultats et leurs démonstrations du continu au discret. Cela ouvre la voie à de nouveaux schémas inertiels possibles, issus du même système dynamique. / This Thesis focuses on the study of inertial methods for solving composite convex minimization problems. Since the early works of Polyak and Nesterov, inertial methods become very popular, thanks to their acceleration effects. Here, we study a family of Nesterov-type inertial proximalgradient algorithms with a particular over-relaxation sequence. We give a unified presentation about the different convergence properties of this family of algorithms, depending on the over-relaxation parameter. In addition we addressing this issue, in the case of a smooth function with additional geometrical structure, such as the growth (or Łojasiewicz) condition. We show that by combining growth condition and a flatness-type condition on the geometry of the minimizing function, we are able to obtain some new convergence rates. Our analysis follows a continuous-to-discrete trail, passing from continuous-on time-dynamical systems to discrete schemes. In particular the family of inertial algorithms that interest us, can be identified as a finite difference scheme of a differential equation/inclusion. This approach provides a useful guideline, which permits to transpose the different results and their proofs from the continuous system to the discrete one. This opens the way for new possible inertial schemes, derived by the same dynamical system.

Radio resource management in device-to-device and vehicle-to-vehicle communication in 5G networks and beyond

Ashraf, M. I. (Muhammad Ikram) 29 November 2019 (has links)
Abstract Future cellular networks need to support the ever-increasing demand of bandwidth-intensive applications and interconnection of people, devices, and vehicles. Small cell network (SCN)-based communication together with proximity- and social-aware connectivity is conceived as a vital component of these networks to enhancing spectral efficiency, system capacity, and quality-of-experience (QoE). To cope with diverse application needs for the heterogeneous ecosystem, radio resource management (RRM) is one of the key research areas for the fifth-generation (5G) network. The key goals of this thesis are to develop novel, self-organizing, and low-complexity resource management algorithms for emerging device-to-device (D2D) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) wireless systems while explicitly modeling and factoring network contextual information to satisfy the increasingly stringent requirements. Towards achieving this goal, this dissertation makes a number of key contributions. First, the thesis focuses on interference management techniques for D2D-enabled macro network and D2D-enabled SCNs in the downlink, while leveraging users’ social-ties, dynamic clustering, and user association mechanisms for network capacity maximization. A flexible social-aware user association technique is proposed to maximize network capacity. The second contribution focuses on ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) in vehicular networks in which interference management and resource allocation techniques are investigated, taking into account traffic and network dynamics. A joint power control and resource allocation mechanism is proposed to minimize the total transmission power while satisfying URLLC constraints. To overcome these challenges, novel algorithms are developed by combining several methodologies from graph theory, matching theory and Lyapunov optimization. Extensive simulations validate the performance of the proposed approaches, outperforming state-of-the-art solutions. Notably, the results yield significant performance gains in terms of capacity, delay reductions, and improved reliability as compared with conventional approaches. / Tiivistelmä Tulevaisuuden solukkoverkkojen pitää pystyä tukemaan yhä suurempaa kaistanleveyttä vaativia sovelluksia sekä yhteyksiä ihmisten, laitteiden ja ajoneuvojen välillä. Piensoluverkkoihin (SCN) pohjautuvaa tietoliikennettä yhdistettynä paikka- ja sosiaalisen tietoisuuden huomioiviin verkkoratkaisuihin pidetään yhtenä elintärkeänä osana tulevaisuuden solukkoverkkoja, joilla pyritään tehostamaan spektrinkäytön tehokkuutta, järjestelmän kapasiteettia sekä kokemuksen laatua (QoE). Radioresurssien hallinta (RRM) on eräs keskeisistä viidennen sukupolven (5G) verkkoihin liittyvistä tutkimusalueista, joilla pyritään hallitsemaan heterogeenisen ekosysteemin vaihtelevia sovellustarpeita. Tämän väitöstyön keskeisinä tavoitteina on kehittää uudenlaisia itseorganisoituvia ja vähäisen kompleksisuuden resurssienhallinta-algoritmeja laitteesta-laitteeseen (D2D) ja ajoneuvosta-ajoneuvoon (V2V) toimiville uusille langattomille järjestelmille, sekä samalla mallintaa ja tuottaa verkon kontekstikohtaista tietoa vastaamaan koko ajan tiukentuviin vaatimuksiin. Tämä väitöskirja edistää näiden tavoitteiden saavuttamista usealla keskeisellä tuloksella. Aluksi väitöstyössä keskitytään häiriönhallinnan tekniikoihin D2D:tä tukevissa makroverkoissa ja laskevan siirtotien piensoluverkoissa. Käyttäjän sosiaalisia yhteyksiä, dynaamisia ryhmiä sekä osallistamismekanismeja hyödynnetään verkon kapasiteetin maksimointiin. Verkon kapasiteettia voidaan kasvattaa käyttämällä joustavaa sosiaaliseen tietoisuuteen perustuvaa osallistamista. Toinen merkittävä tulos keskittyy huippuluotettavaan lyhyen viiveen kommunikaatioon (URLLC) ajoneuvojen verkoissa, joissa tehtävää resurssien allokointia ja häiriönhallintaa tutkitaan liikenteen ja verkon dynamiikka huomioiden. Yhteistä tehonsäädön ja resurssien allokoinnin mekanismia ehdotetaan kokonaislähetystehon minimoimiseksi samalla, kun URLLC rajoitteita noudatetaan. Jotta esitettyihin haasteisiin voidaan vastata, väitöstyössä on kehitetty uudenlaisia algoritmeja yhdistämällä graafi- ja sovitusteorioiden sekä Lyapunovin optimoinnin menetelmiä. Laajat tietokonesimuloinnit vahvistavat ehdotettujen lähestymistapojen suorituskyvyn, joka on parempi kuin uusimmilla nykyisillä ratkaisuilla. Tulokset tuovat merkittäviä suorituskyvyn parannuksia erityisesti kapasiteetin lisäämisen, viiveiden vähentämisen ja parantuneen luotettavuuden suhteen verrattuna perinteisiin lähestymistapoihin.

Parameter-Dependent Lyapunov Functions and Stability Analysis of Linear Parameter-Dependent Dynamical Systems

Zhang, Xiping 27 October 2003 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop new stability conditions for several linear dynamic systems, including linear parameter-varying (LPV), time-delay systems (LPVTD), slow LPV systems, and parameter-dependent linear time invariant (LTI) systems. These stability conditions are less conservative and/or computationally easier to apply than existing ones. This dissertation is composed of four parts. In the first part of this thesis, the complete stability domain for LTI parameter-dependent (LTIPD) systems is synthesized by extending existing results in the literature. This domain is calculated through a guardian map which involves the determinant of the Kronecker sum of a matrix with itself. The stability domain is synthesized for both single- and multi-parameter dependent LTI systems. The single-parameter case is easily computable, whereas the multi-parameter case is more involved. The determinant of the bialternate sum of a matrix with itself is also exploited to reduce the computational complexity. In the second part of the thesis, a class of parameter-dependent Lyapunov functions is proposed, which can be used to assess the stability properties of single-parameter LTIPD systems in a non-conservative manner. It is shown that stability of LTIPD systems is equivalent to the existence of a Lyapunov function of a polynomial type (in terms of the parameter) of known, bounded degree satisfying two matrix inequalities. The bound of polynomial degree of the Lyapunov functions is then reduced by taking advantage of the fact that the Lyapunov matrices are symmetric. If the matrix multiplying the parameter is not full rank, the polynomial order can be reduced even further. It is also shown that checking the feasibility of these matrix inequalities over a compact set can be cast as a convex optimization problem. Such Lyapunov functions and stability conditions for affine single-parameter LTIPD systems are then generalized to single-parameter polynomially-dependent LTIPD systems and affine multi-parameter LTIPD systems. The third part of the thesis provides one of the first attempts to derive computationally tractable criteria for analyzing the stability of LPV time-delayed systems. It presents both delay-independent and delay-dependent stability conditions, which are derived using appropriately selected Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals. According to the system parameter dependence, these functionals can be selected to obtain increasingly non-conservative results. Gridding techniques may be used to cast these tests as Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMI's). In cases when the system matrices depend affinely or quadratically on the parameter, gridding may be avoided. These LMI's can be solved efficiently using available software. A numerical example of a time-delayed system motivated by a metal removal process is used to demonstrate the theoretical results. In the last part of the thesis, topics for future investigation are proposed. Among the most interesting avenues for research in this context, it is proposed to extend the existing stability analysis results to controller synthesis, which will be based on the same Lyapunov functions used to derive the nonconservative stability conditions. While designing the dynamic ontroller for linear and parameter-dependent systems, it is desired to take the advantage of the rank deficiency of the system matrix multiplying the parameter such that the controller is of lower dimension, or rank deficient without sacrificing the performance of closed-loop systems.

Supressão robusta de ressonância de solo em helicóptero considerando incertezas estruturais, falha de atuador e não-linearidades concentradas /

Silva, José Augusto Ignácio da. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Gustavo Luiz Chagas Manhães de Abreu / Resumo: O presente trabalho propõe uma nova estratégia para supressão ativa robusta do fenômeno Ground Resonance (GR) em Helicópteros. O modelo clássico de análise deste fenômeno é desenvolvido para um rotor isotrópico e a análise de estabilidade é feita no domínio de Coleman, para encontrar as fronteiras de instabilidade. Também é proposta uma nova estratégia para lidar com essas fronteiras de instabilidade e suprimir o GR usando controladores com formulação descrita por conjuntos politópicos convexos. Controladores são projetados via desigualdades lineares matriciais (LMIs, Linear Matrix Inequalities), formulados de acordo com a Teoria de Estabilidade de Lyapunov. Adicionalmente, incertezas paramétricas na frequência de lead-lag das pás e a apresentação de uma falha estrutural nos atuadores são consideradas e, assim, novos controladores robustos são projetados a fim de expandir o envelope operacional da aeronave. Ainda, são considerados diferentes tipos de não-linearidades estruturais na rigidez e amortecimento do trem de pouso do helicóptero e a caracterização da estabilidade não-linear do sistema exibe oscilações em ciclo limite (LCO, Limit Cycle Oscillation), que são determinadas a partir da construção de Diagramas de Bifurcação. Utiliza-se a modelagem Fuzzy-TS do sistema para cada caso de estudo e, com base nas fronteiras de estabilidade não-linear do GR, definidas a partir dos Diagramas de Bifurcação, têm-se o projeto de controladores para supressão das LCOs do sistema. Os res... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present work proposes a new strategy for robust active suppression of Ground Resonance (GR) phenomenon in Helicopters. The classical model to analysis of this phenomenon is developed for an isotropic rotor and stability analysis is done in Coleman domain, to nd the boundaries of instability. It is also proposed a new strategy for dealing with these boundaries of instability and suppressing GR using controllers with polytopic convex hulls formulation. Controllers are designed via Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs), formulated according to the Lyapunov Stability Theory. Additionally, parametric uncertainties in the lead-lag frequency of the blades and actuators faults are considered and thus new robust controllers are designed to expand the aircraft operating envelope. Also, di erent types of structural nonlinearities in the landing gear sti ness and damping of the helicopter are considered, and the characterization of the nonlinear stability of the system exhibits Limit Cycle Oscillation (LCO), which are determined from the construction of Bifurcation Diagrams. Fuzzy-TS modeling is used for each case study and, based on the nonlinear stability boundaries of the GR, de ned from the Bifurcation Diagrams, the controllers to suppress the LCO are designed. The results of numerical simulations, discussions and conclusions are presented and show that the control strategy proposed is an attractive solution to suppress the linear and nonlinear GR problem, being able to expand the o... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Dinâmica relativística de partículas em torno de objetos ultracompactos / Relativistic dynamics of particles around ultracompact objects

Klën, Wayner de Souza 29 July 2019 (has links)
Nesta dissertação de mestrado o problema da estabilidade de geodésicas do tipo luz e do tipo tempo é estudado sobre o ponto de vista do formalismo de sistemas dinâmicos. Uma breve revisão bibliográfica sobre aspectos importantes de sistemas dinâmicos contínuos no tempo é realizada, bem como uma sucinta revisão de tópicos de interesse em relatividade geral. As equações de movimento para as geodésicas são deduzidas para geometrias com simetria esférica, e o caso Schwarzschild é inicialmente analisado. Em seguida, analisamos o caso das geometrias proposta por Casadio, Fabbri e Mazzacurati e um caso de buraco de minhoca assintoticamente de Sitter. A caracterização dos pontos fixos dos sistemas de interesse é feita, e a sua estabilidade é analisada sob a ótica dos métodos de Lyapunov e Jacobi, assim como bifurcações foram mapeadas. A fotosfera é caracterizada como um ciclo limite, sendo um ponto fixo estritamente instável no espaço de estados de buracos negros. A análise dos buracos de minhoca revelam a existência de uma fotosfera estável em determinadas regiões do espaço de parâmetros do sistema / In this dissertation, the problem associated with the stability of timelike and null geodesics is studied from the dynamical system point of view. A succinct bibliographical review covering important aspects of time-continuous dynamical systems is made, and a short review about some topics of interest of general relativity is also presented. The geodesic equations of motion are shown for geometries with spherical symmetry, and the Schwarzschild case is first analyzed. In the following, we analyze the geometries proposed by Casadio, Fabbri, and Mazzacurati and an asymptotically de Sitter wormhole case. The characterization of the fixed points of the system is performed, and their stability is studied from the perspective of the Lyapunov and Jacobi methods, as well as the bifurcation analysis. The photon sphere is characterized as a limit cycle, being a strictly unstable fixed point in the state space of the system. The wormhole analysis reveals the existence of a stable photon sphere in certain regions of the parameter space of the system

Contribution à la détection et à l'estimation des défauts pour des systèmes linéaires à commutations / Contribution to fault detection and estimation for switched linear systems

Laboudi, Khaled 09 November 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse traite de la problématique d’estimation des défauts et de l’étathybride pour une classe de systèmes linéaires à commutations. L’objectif est de développerune méthode afin de synthétiser un observateur et un estimateur dédiésrespectivement à l’estimation de l’état hybride et des défauts. Après la présentationd’un état de l’art sur les techniques d’estimation, de stabilité et de diagnosticpour les systèmes linéaires à commutations, la thèse est scindée en deux parties.La première partie propose une méthode d’estimation de l’état continu et desdéfauts dans le cas où l’état discret du système est connu. En se basant sur unetransformation de coordonnées qui découple un sous-ensemble de l’état du systèmedes défauts, nous avons synthétisé dans un premier temps un observateur hybridepour estimer l’état continu du système, et dans un second temps, un estimateurpermettant la reconstruction des défauts. L’estimateur de défauts proposé dépendde la dérivée de la sortie du système. Pour cette raison, un différenciateur robusteet exact basé sur des techniques des modes glissants est utilisé. Dans la secondepartie de ce mémoire, l’état discret du système est supposé inconnu. Une approchebasée sur des méthodes algébriques est proposée afin d’estimer les instants decommutation entre les différents sous-systèmes. Par la suite, l’estimation de l’étathybride (état continu et état discret) et des défauts est considérée dans le cas oùl’état discret du système est inconnu. Ce dernier est reconstruit en se basant surles instant de commutation estimé et sur une séquence de commutation connue.L’état continu du système est estimé en se basant sur une méthode de placementde pôles permettant d’améliorer les performances de la phase transitoire. Enfin, enexploitant des résultats trouvés dans la première partie, l’estimation des défautsest considérée en estimant la sortie du système avec un différenciateur algébrique.Ce différenciateur donne des résultats plus intéressants vis-à-vis du bruit par rapportau différenciateur basé sur les techniques des modes glissants utilisé dans lapremière partie. / This work deals with the problem of estimation of fault and hybrid state for a classof switched linear systems. The objective is to develop a method to synthesize anobserver and an estimator dedicated respectively to the estimation of the hybridstate and the faults. After presenting a state of the art for estimation, stabilityand diagnostic techniques for switched linear systems, the report is divided intotwo parts. The first part proposes a method for estimating the continuous stateand the faults in the case where the discrete state of the system is known. Basedon a coordinate transformation which decouples a subset of the state of the systemof faults, we first synthesized a hybrid observer to estimate the continuous stateof the system and, in a second step, an estimator allowing the reconstructionof faults. The proposed fault estimator depends on the derivative of the systemoutput. For this reason, a robust and accurate differentiator based on sliding modetechniques is used. In the second part of this paper, the discrete state of the systemis assumed unknown. An algebraic approach is proposed to estimate the switchingtimes between the different subsystems. Thereafter, the estimation of the hybridstate (continuous and discrete state) and of the faults is considered in the casewhere the discrete state of the system is unknown. The latter is reconstructedfrom the estimated switching times and on a known switching sequence. Thecontinuous state of the system is estimated using a pole placement method allowingimprove the performances of the transient phase. Finally, by exploiting the resultsfound in the first part, the estimation of the faults is considered by estimatingthe output of the system with an algebraic differentiator. This differentiator givesmore interesting results at the noise compared to the differentiator based on thesliding mode techniques used in the first part.

Avanços em dinâmica parcialmente hiperbólica e entropia para sistema iterado de funções / Advances in partially hyperbolic dynamics and entropy for iterated function systems

Micena, Fernando Pereira 15 February 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos relações entre expoente de Lyapunov e continuidade absoluta da folheação central para difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos conservativos de \'T POT. 3\'. Sobre tal tema, provamos que tipicamente (\'C POT. 1\' aberto e \'C POT. 2\' denso) os difeomorfismos parcialmente hiperbólicos, conservativos de classe \'C POT. 2\' , do toro \'T POT. 3\', apresentam folheação central não absolutamente contínua. Desta maneira, respondemos positivamente uma pergunta proposta em [20]. Também neste trabalho, estudamos entropia topológica para Sistema Iterado de Funções. Neste contexto, damos uma nova demonstração para uma conjectura proposta em [14] e provada primeiramente em [15]. Apresentamos um método geométrico que nos permite calcular entropia para transformações de \'S POT. 1\', como em [15]. Além de disso o método apresentado se verifica para casos mais gerais, como por exemplo: transformações não comutativas / In this work we study relations between Lyapunov exponents, absolute continuity of center foliation for conservative partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of \'T POT. 3\'. About this theme, (on a \'C POT. 1\' open and \'C POT. 2\'dense set) of conservative partially hyperbolic \'C POT. 2\' diffeomorphisms of the 3-torus presents non absolutely continuous center foliation. So, we answer positively a question proposed in [20]. Also in this work, we study topological entropy for Iterated Functions Systems. In this setting, we give a proof for a conjecture proposed in [14] and firstly proved in [15]. We present a geometrical method that allows us to calcule the entropy for transformations of \'S POT. 1\', like in [15]. Furthermore this method holds for more general cases, for example: non commutative transformations

Invariant curves on differential systems defined in Rn, n ≥ 2 / Curvas invariantes em sistemas diferenciais definidos em Rn, n ≥ 2

Lima, Camila Aparecida Benedito Rodrigues de 17 January 2019 (has links)
Differential systems appear modelling many natural phenomena in different branches of sciences, in biological and physical applications among other areas. Differential systems usually have invariant curves and we can obtain a better description of the qualitative behaviour of their solutions using them. Such invariant curves may be algebraic or not and in the case where they are closed, isolated in the set of periodic orbits and without singular points, they are called limit cycles. There is a very famous problem, proposed by David Hilbert in 1900 what ask about the maximum number of limit cycle that all polynomial differential systems of a given degree could present. In this work we investigate the existence of some invariant curves in quadratic polynomial differential systems and in discontinuous piecewise differential systems (they are known as Filippovs systems). Even after hundreds of studies on the phase portraits of real planar quadratic vector fields the complete characterization of their phase portraits is a quite complex task, they depend on twelve parameters, after affine transformations and time rescaling, we have families with five parameters, which is still a large number. So many subclasses have been considered instead of the complete system. In this work we investigate conditions under the parameters of the system for a planar quadratic differential system present invariant algebraic curve of degree 3 (a cubic curve) and a Darboux invariant and obtain all the topological non-equivalent phase portraits of these systems. The increasing interest in the theory of nonsmooth vector fields has been mainly motivated by their strong relation with physics, engineering, biology, economy, and other branches of sciences. In the study of the Filippovs systems, we investigate the number of periodic orbits that they can present. In this study we apply the averaging theory. Such theory is used to study some classical models and we also present generalization of such technique for a class of nonsmooth systems. In addition, we also show how the LyapunovSchmidt reduction method can be used to consider cases where the averaging theory is not sufficient to study periodic solutions. / Sistemas diferenciais aparecem na modelagem de muitos fenômenos naturais em diferentes ramos da ciência, em aplicações biológicas e físicas, entre outras áreas. Sistemas diferenciais geralmente possuem curvas invariantes e podemos obter uma melhor descrição do comportamento qualitativo de suas soluções utilizando-as. Tais curvas invariantes podem ser algébricas ou não e, no caso de serem fechadas, isoladas no conjunto de órbitas periódicas e sem pontos singulares, são chamadas de ciclos limites. Há um problema muito famoso, proposto por David Hilbert em 1900, que questiona o número máximo de ciclos limites que os sistemas diferenciais polinomiais de um determinado grau poderiam apresentar. Neste trabalho investigamos a existência de algumas curvas invariantes em sistemas diferenciais polinomiais quadráticos e em sistemas diferenciais contínuos por partes (eles são conhecidos como sistemas de Filippov). Mesmo após centenas de estudos sobre os retratos de fase dos campos vetoriais reais planares e quadráticos, a caracterização completa de seus retratos de fase é uma tarefa bastante complexa. Eles dependem de doze parâmetros e após transformações afins e reescalonamento de tempo, temos famílias com cinco parâmetros, o que ainda é um grande número. Assim muitas subclasses tem sido consideradas em vez do sistema completo. Neste trabalho investigamos condições sob os parâmetros do sistema para que um sistema diferencial planar quadrático apresente uma curva algébrica invariante de grau 3 (curva cúbica) e um invariante de Darboux e obtemos todos os retratos de fase não equivalentes destes sistemas. O crescente interesse na teoria dos campos de vetores suaves por partes tem sido motivado, principalmente, por sua forte relação com a física, engenharia, biologia, economia e outros ramos das ciências. No estudo dos sistemas de Filippov, investigamos o número de órbitas periódicas que eles podem apresentar. Para este estudo, aplicamos a teoria do averaging. Tal teoria é usada para estudar alguns modelos clássicos e também apresentamos a generalização de tal técnica para uma classe de sistemas suaves por partes. Além disso, mostramos também como o método de redução de Lyapunov Schmidt pode ser usado para considerar casos em que a teoria do averaging sozinha não é suficiente para estudar soluções periódicas.

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