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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A magyar irodalom kialakulása és története a Bácska és a Bánság területén / (The Development and History of Hungarian Literature on the Territory of Bácska and Bánság)

Mak Ferenc 09 June 2013 (has links)
<p>Pola veka nakon ukidanja apsolutizma je u mađarskoj književnosti bio period preporoda, razvoja građanstva, kada su &scaron;irom Mađarske osnivane nove institucije književnosti i naučnog života. U gimnazijama Bačke i Banata su posle 1867. godine omladinu poučavali visokoobrazovani profesori klasične filologije i književnosti, njihove studije sa tematikom iz istorije književnosti i kritičke recenzije dela su redovito objavljivane u &scaron;kolskim biltenima, a njihovi udžbenici i radovi namenjeni &scaron;iroj publici su bili dostupni i brojnijoj čitalačkoj publici. Pažnja nekolicine učenih profesora somborske i pančevačke gimnazije se tada okrenula prema srpskoj književnosti, nastao je ceo niz prevoda srpskih junačkih pesama i srpske romantične poezije, a pojavili su se i prvi tomovi mađarsko&ndash;srpskih rečnika. Prvi roman na mađarskom jeziku je objavljen 1868-e godine u Somboru, da bi se nakon toga do 1918-e razvijao i obogaćivao u sve čistijoj estetskoj formi. U lirici se 1880-ih godina javljaju atmosfera, doživljaj života i predela u Bačkoj i Banatu, dok autori istovremeno i naučnih i beletrističkih putopisa otkrivaju lepote i kulturnu ba&scaron;tinu zavičaja, pa i &scaron;ire: donjeg toka Dunava, Slavonije i Bosne. Mađarska književnost na&scaron;ih krajeva je u prvih pet decenija&nbsp;postojanja od početnih uspeha stigla do generacije Dežea Kostolanjija (Kosztol&aacute;nyi Dezső), čiji su članovi stvorili najveća dela mađarske književnosti XX veka.</p> / <p>The half century following the eradication of absolutism witnessed the renaissance of literature, the era of embourgeoisement, the time when the new literary and scientific institutions were established throughout Hungary. After 1867 young people in gymnasiums were taught by teachers erudite in classical philology and literature; their papers in literary history and analyses were regularly published in the school reports, and their school textbooks and studies written for the general public reached a wide circle of readers. It was at this time that the interest of a number of teachers in the gymnasiums in Zombor and Pancsova was aroused in Serbian literature; consequently, works of Serbian romantic poetry and heroic songs appeared in Hungarian translation one after the other, and the first Hungarian &ndash; Serbian dictionaries were compiled. The first Hungarian novel was published in Zombor in 1868, and was followed by several in aesthetically more and more purified form until 1918. Lyric poetry became imbued with the atmosphere, sensation of life and experience of the landscape of B&aacute;cska and B&aacute;n&aacute;t, while travelogues, scientific and literary at the same time, revealed the beauties and the cultural history of the homeland and beyond it of the Lower Danube Region, Slavonia and Bosnia. Within the span of fifty years Hungarian literature of our region developed from its initial successes as far as Dezső Kosztol&aacute;ny&rsquo;s generation whose members created works worthy of being ranked among the&nbsp;best works of 20th century Hungarian literature</p>
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